/ SQUIRRELS SAVE NUTS PEOPLE SAVE MONEY Emilia l Eirlhn MESLEY. Rev. William Frank HILL »- Allan â€" Passed away at his home tnee Mooreyt announced the in Richmond Hill. February. birth of their daughter Jen- 14, 1970, in his 74th year. wll nifer Anne. on February 12. Frank Mesley. beloved hus-i 1970. at Revelstnke Bf; ' band of Selena Dobin. Loving 1“34 father of Victor of Kemptg . V ville; William of Barrie; TeenghUKOVlTS_~ (Mrs. Don Chalkl of King: ‘nee LeWISI _ City: June IMrs. Jack Len-i announce the alTlVfll ##1## Joe and Lynda. are pleased to of and Patricia; 3 in Alliston. third daughter on February.’ LIBERAL WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 ANYTIME Marriage Mr. and MIs. Lionel Gilbefl. 39 Banting Drive Alliston. an- nounce the marriage of their daughter. Linda Ann to Mr. Rodger Ball. son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Cyril Ball of Thornhill. on lSaturday. February 7. St. Andrews Anglican Church cl \v34 1970. all Eelice Accident Report iDrivers Charged ___’_SCI100II)OY Hit Walking On Street 1 I Charges were laid against‘ lthrce drivers after accidents in. Richmond Hill last week. Most of the week's accidents} on local streets and roads werel in Richmond Hill itself. A‘ 9-year-old boy p e d e s t r i a n! was injured on the way home. from school. i Theresa Lacaille of 265 Zelda; Crescent faces a charge of care- .less driving after a $550 acci- dent February 15 at 7:33 pm. TYKES Allenconrt 1. Northwest 1 ‘ The Allencourt Pill Rollers Kerswell Drives. he w a s tykes journeyed to the Habitant knocked down by a car driven Arena in Downsview Sunday by Gertrude Dean of 276 lite-’mornlnfl and WP"? DOSlPd by “19 Convey Drive. She was going Northwest. Boys‘ Club. The final south on Neal Drive and some score was a lâ€"all tie. school children were walking. Scoring forthe Hill was Dean along the side of the streeUCopotosto who was helped by DOIICP Sï¬ld- lPeter Halliday. William Oaklf‘l'. 40. nt’ 30‘ This wasahard-hitting game. BEdIOI‘d Park Avenue. tan2l8d with lots of muscle, elbows and with an eastbound tractoristicks. trailer at 1:10 pm February 12 The pin on Centre Street East at the within five rollers' goal came minutes of the THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Feb. 19. 1.070 :Berseth and Centre Robinson. ladded another after Faustina .BANTAMS had scored one. Hugh Cutler‘ . Cedar Hm 4_ Chane“ 3 assisted. Faustina came right‘ The B a n t a m North End baCk ‘0 make "- 3-2- Cleaners took on Cedar Hill Graydon then took the bull‘ February 11 and open the scorâ€"iby the horns and put one in for [ing at 5103 as Tom Sanlon got insurance. assisted by Woloski loose with Bruce Hipkiss and and Cutler. Then Manley found scored. Hipkiss getting the as- the net and Cutler earned an sist. 'assist. 1 While the Cleaners were one. In the third Tom Sanlon got ‘man short in the second period his reward as Hipkiss and Paul Cedar Hill scored to tie it up Bailie moved the puck to him.‘ ‘and went ahead less than a Graydon added another as the minute later and kept up the rout was evident. Dave Dunkley ipressure in the third to make‘and Graham assisting. Woloskil n I h... c.........,Force 4th Game In Orillia Series O’Brien with only 14 seconds remaining. In the third the North Enders made it final at 7:28 Graham scored assisted by Dunkley and at 12:41. Sanlon from Mabley and Rice. At 14:53 Hipkiss let; a hard one go. the rebound rolling in. The assist was nwar ded to Cutler. Finally to make it 9â€"3 fur the North Enders. Graham we his second assisted by Tun-kl. x.- and Ranicri. Lost To Barrie The North End Cleaner: hardt) of Bur essville; George . _ , . _ . . of Brantfordgand Gordon of 15‘ 1970 at York Central: lin fiont of 45 Crosby Avcnkuczi. gen: nearlthe CNtLIacks. Mid. opening whistle. and the local it 3_1. 1“de things Off before the could not produce the necessary . . Hospital. “W34. 'She hit a car that was par e a ey “as wcs oun an lads held Northwestern up to _ I ‘ ‘ ' brand of hockev against Baffle. Montreal. Paul of Richmond 1 _ .f .n east It belonged to Snowmnkg on each Slde had ‘ . ‘ ‘ Realizing they were tnk Iend as the Cleaners sweptl .‘ * * * * ‘ The family of Mrs. Forrest‘ 8“ g ' ‘ thelasl 10 minutes 0f “‘15 hald' in; a beating_ the Cleaners iFaustina 3â€"2. peter Raniepifand were eliminated from the Hill: Robert of Burlington;. Anne (Mrs. Gerald Taylor) of’ Montreal. Loving brother of O'HARA â€" Gordon and JeannelOliver are holding open houseiPerry Ash 0f 31 Kenton Drive' are proud to announce the‘to honor her 80th birthdayï¬wmowdale' . .. birth of their daughter’l Charged With failing to stop made the road narrow. He hadlfougm haule- $300v damage to the left- front Coming Up. Saturday Aneml 0f hls Ca'i' were was no darn'lcourt will be travelling to Dixiel land Dunkley earned assists on 01118110 plal’downi Barrie I! {the last goal. lexpected to take the crown very mustered their skills and at 7:20 of the third Mike Grnydon counted aided by easily. Mabel Jones of Toronto. two . ISaturday February 21 from 2:30: brothers and one sister in Sharon 'Ieamne‘ 8 lbs' 112} â€" 5 and in the evening at the - ., February 9. 1970 at‘home of Mr. and Mr I E E I nd. L randfather 025 on . . s. .. . Mugs: gran‘xï¬igldfem and 3 York Central Hospital. lKellam, Nashville. No gifts great-grandchildren. Rested Cl“34.919359- clw34 at the Pethick Funeral Home.l 'T‘ 127 Bayfield St. Barrie. Ser-l E vice and committal was heldl in the chapel Tuesday. Inter- ment Minesing Union Ceme-ï¬ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts tery. clw34‘of 249 Elka Drive are happy tol CARD 0F THANKS My sincere thanks to the doc- tors. nurses and staff of York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. to the clergy for their visits and t * * ‘ announced the engagement of‘p,.ayers_ to mv many friends. NUGENT. Bernard {Bennl'l â€"‘thelr daughter Elaine Louise neighbors. ana relatives for Suddenly, at York Central Watts to Mr. Eugene Mason. your floral gins. cards, letters. Hospital, on Sunday. FED- son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason'Your many kindnesses were ruary I5, 1970. Benny Nugent. of Oak Ridges. Ontario. clw34 much appreciated and will beloved husband of Lois â€"-*â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"‘ always be remembered. Holmes; dear father of Pat. , Sincerely, Frances. Larry and Andrew. J m Ada ks. Mr. Nugent rested at the B. n D00 c1w34 E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 HAYES _1n 10mg memory of * * * * Yonge St. (at Hwy 78). Thornhill.. Requiem Mass was a dear Dad. Edward. who passed away February 20, CARD 0!“ THANKS Many thanks once again to at a stop sign is Paul Framp- ton. 16. of 66 Fairvlew Avenue. iOak Ridges. He was in an accident at Crosby Avenue andi .Newklrk Road February 13 at 8 pm while travelling west on; Crosby There was damage es-l timaled at 51.250 in the acct-1. dent. police said. The otherl driver. Tom Kernohan. l7. oft 261 Elka Drive. was northboundl on Newkirk. Also charged with failing toI stop is Harry Brown, 60. ofl 293 Cells Road. He was in a $225 collision at 5:05 pm Feb- ruary 15 at Bayview Avenue and North Taylor Mills Drive. The other driver was Edward Palinik. 36. of 137 Browning Avenue. Toronto. Brown was east; bound. turning south on to Bayview. Palinik was south- age to the truck driven by Col-lfor an exhibition . . . game and m Harrlson‘ 40' of 108 HarcoultSunday will host Brampton at Avenue' Tommo' ‘5:30 pm in the old arena. y it! A it NOVICES Vaughan Township Police are _ V looking for a hit-and-run driver. For“ F‘mru‘ Pia-V0†('amle' As reported last week Orillia after $280 damage was done‘ . February 15 to a car parked on took the first. game of the North Scotti Drive. The parked carerk League Champl‘mSI‘Ip belonged to Berkley News of best two-of-three rounds on 29 Mackay Drive. Richvale. February 14. CFGM Novices texts! Cleaners 9. All Stars 3 I Two hours later. having been. transported. the Cleaners faced a team chosen from the Rich- i Dave Dunkley. The Clean- 1 er! made it. a tie at 14:12 to make it a new game. Greg WOIMI‘I "Ptled the WWII lmond Hill Bantam House Leaâ€"l aided by Dunkley Md 'gue. The contest was a full ‘ Graydon. three 20-minute periods with a Cedar Hill look the advantage 10 minute rest between the ‘as the Hill goalie played it too second and third, soft and allowed one in at 14:59 The Cleaners will have to satisfy themselves with the- out- come of the Trenton. George- town and Golden Horseshoe Tournaments coming up and ‘will proved a credit to Rich- ‘mond Hill. MINOR MIDGETS Oakville Tournament A truckload of milk was spilled February 16 at about 7 am on County Road 14. just. east of Concession 5. when a Greenbank Cartage Co. truck overturned. Sbouffville. firemen were called to flush away the mix- ture after spilled gasoline from the trucks fuel tank mixed with the milk. Then the York ftook the second game in Rich-l ‘mond Hill on Friday by the. ‘same score. CFGM jumped into an early‘ lead which lasted until well into the third period. Mark Girdleri scored from Chris DeGeer and scored again from David Baker. Late in the game David Forbes got a counter assisted by De- Geer. Sunday I l in Orillia, the In the first the All Stars ~ - ’ 4 B Off Maintenan to make the ï¬nal some 3' opened the scoring as Stevel & . me No Ice . , .came home f1 om last weeken i Gordon pm h's leam m fromilournament in Oakville with Friday night the local arena ifailed to produce ice and the aided by David Wetton at 7:16.l trophy. At 10.28 the Cleaners evened‘ They Inst the ï¬rst game “‘9 kSCON" iffy.) “‘09 “‘9 Barrie 3â€"0 which put them .mar sman ai e .y Ranieri. - - to return home With a game‘ 'The picked crew went aheadAthinctzï¬glzigzds‘gaiï¬e thev .. Rummage sale iagam 3“ 1811' Tnm TaylorIfeated Peterboi‘o 2â€"1 withiRick Saturday the bantamsi “mini! “‘9 8081 “535Ԡby Bolin broke and Steve Brown mothers got busy and presented Larry Lallonde. leach ggemng a counter agt‘t'li‘yeiiugcong“ rummage sale The second period came upl To win the B Trophy they de< - and the North End gems werelfeatcd Toronto Queensway 3â€"2 Clefll‘lel‘s 8. Faustlna 1 under pressure. trailing 2â€"1. with Wes Berseth the scoring Cleaners were forced to rcouest their opposition from Brampton County Roads Department was! bound on Bayview. police said. third game of the series - celebrated in St. Luke's R0- 1966 friends and mi . g . . . - . vghbois and asso- a k I. * called 10 clean 11p_ - _ l unday to make up for lost Tom sanlon m n m f u .- . - m C h 1 I _ . . . . . was a real cliffhanger. end . . . P or le‘ace with two goals. Bolingbroke hialn T‘igsgai‘c ICnhtglr‘Ic‘hen'i‘hgglv 0ft and oft my thoughts do citations for their kindness andi Kelvin Nakamichi' 9‘ of 343 Truck driver Gard Appleton in: in a ï¬e after 10 minutes time Friday night the bantams Cleaners assisted by Hipkiss “flicked rm. a singleton. H Cm-s. Cemét-ery CNS-4‘ wander help. for flowers. Cards and let- North Taylor Mills Road. sufâ€" of 392 Stouffer Street. Stouff- 0f overtime, traVeHEd t“ the I Lakeihore 42 Seconds and 3' 3347 Dunne-VI League Games ' To the grave “M far awa-V' ters' spec‘s] thanks in Doctors fered lacerations to his face and ville. was relcaSed from York CFGM again 100k an earlyï¬rena to play Faustina again at,got. going aided by Woloski and Thursda‘. Februar; 12 {he Are You Interested In A Better Job? We have one or two openings for first class TOOL & DIE MEN Capable of building automo- tive tooling with a minimum of supervision. We offer excellent. wages and outstanding opportunity for advancement. Call Klaus Bytzek or Herman Gentemann 889-6227 EXPERIENCE A Fond memories linger i‘SaIesmen Required Where I laid my dear father ,Just. four years ago today. : Sadly missed by daughter lEvelyn and son-in-law Ernest. new: ‘LEECH. Herbert â€" In loving memory of a dear father. god grandfather who passed away February 13. 1969. Nothing can ever take away The love. a heart holds dear: every day. Remembrance keeps him near. â€" Always remembered by the family. *1w34 PREFERRED But not necessarily in motor car sales WE OFFER: 1. Highest Commissions & Bonus 2. Weekly Draw CIW34I Langstaff. Blakely and Wynne and the wonderful nurses on the 4th floor of York Central Hospital. Sally Taylor c1w34 t t It i! CARD 0F THANKS I wish to thank friends and neighbors for their acts of kind- ness and floral tributes during my recent bereavement. Also Dr. D. T. Evans. Thornhill Presâ€" .byterian Church and B. E. Ring Funeral Home. Mrs. R. McArthur and family. c1w34 t at: t Ir CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to nurses and staff on the second floor of York Cen- tral Hospital. as well as the doc- tors and surgeon who gave me their very best attention. My {was taken to York Central Hos-l pital for treatment Februaryl -2â€"Brush Few LeIt At Three or four wolves . . . a rarity in Vaughan Township . . have been creating some ex- citement lately in the Langstaff area. But there are only one or two left. One ran into a car February 15 and was clubbed to death by a motorist ‘wielding a hockey stick. This was on Langstaff Road. Another fell victim to a far- mer‘s 12-gauge shotgun Febru- ary 14 in fields behind the Villa 13. At 12:15 pm at Neal andlrasions. Central Hospital after treat- ment of multiple cuts and ab- WolveSDead, LangstaII? wolves may be. breeding in the swamps that run south from be- hind the Honey Pot Ski Lodge to Carrville Road. They are really a rarity in this area and are hard to find until winter. There were no tracks and they didn‘t show up in the summer. Now they show against the snow and their tracks are evi- dent. He saw three wolves Februâ€" ary 7 and shot one about 100 yards from the same spot a ilead when Forbes was set up by ‘Forster and DeGeer. With lonly 50 seconds left in the. lgame Orillia tied it up and the. game went into overtime. l Orillia got another early Im the 10 minute overtime period‘ and with less than a minute reâ€"i maining David Baker. with the help of Forbes tied it up, forc- ing a fourth game. i This contest. was played in the‘ local arena Wednesday night. starting at 7:30 pm. Next Saturday CFGM will be 10:30 am. The boys. trying tojGraydon. regain their momentum. opened‘ Th 1 . . - ‘ the scoring early as Churck e C eane's scmed again at 14:15 of the second Rice’s Lunau sank one assisted by' u -' i Alan Graham. second goal with Dennis Acomb. .and Lunau in on the play. An- Dave Dunkley added another ' other counter was added at to put. his team well ahead. He 15:56 when Bill Stephenson} was assisted by Greg Woloskilscored from the point unassis-' and Mike Graydon. his wingersited. The best. ones from the In the second period Kimlleague got another. Gordon‘sl Mabley returned to form andsecond. He was helped by Terry Investigations Underway playing in the Little NHL Tour- nament at Penetanguishene. ATOMS Weyerhaeusers 6, Maple 2 The first of two exhibition games played last week by the Weyerhaeusor boys was Feb- ruary 12. It proved to be a scoring spree over Maple. end- ing with the local lads on the‘ big end of a 6â€"2 count. A series of three barn fires in fire. the flames were reported Southern York County in the first by a passerby whose iden- past two weeks has raised the tity cannot be determined. suspicions of local fire officials. Fire Chief Stong said the But no definite evidence of value of the barn was estimated arson has been found. at $10,000 and the horses at: 1 local minor midgets tied Orillia 2â€"2 in a league fixture. Goal- getters were Doug Lounsbury and Steve Brown. Sunday night they lost to Oakville 4â€"0. Exhibition Game. In an exhibition game the Hillers tied Leaside 1â€"1 with Brown getting the local scoring honors. until the afternoon. It was a very sad group of horse lovers that gathered that day at the ranch. Manager Rennie said one gi‘tl: had purchesed her horse only 1 22 Horses, Donkey Dead Alter Fires ' Investigator Ken pipher nfl$6.000. Firemen walked to the The locals' goals were nettedï¬he Ontario Fire Marshall's of-lfi"e from Bayview Avenue by Doug Hodgson assisted by.fice says he found nothing c0n_jshortly after being called at lgrateful thanks to my manyl .friends who sent. flowers. cards land good wishes for my recov- four days before. and had rid- den it only once. Then she had 3. New Car Demonstrator 4. Training Program week later. Two got away. Hospital. Bathurst Street. ' The marksman was Ray Win- 5. All Company Benefits :ery. Thanks to all. get: a life-long resident. Both Furnace 0" Danny Jones. Jones unassisted.'clusive at the scene of The33r30 aim. The whole buildinle beiilgifdhe disaStir' _ Ca" qales Manager HerbSandersonjhe and Ill“ falls}? “3“ bnf‘w‘ - Putnam aided by Hodgson and $16,000 Bayview fire that killed was then enveloped In flames: " ‘ , *lw34lseen “10"?an e are†90'?“ Sinfield. BedWell unassistedUZZ riding horses and a donkey and there was no hope of res- NEED 1 "IN HILLS MERCUR‘ _ 8844441 ‘ "' * "' Mr‘ ngers farm home '5 (m contract Goes James helped by Goalkeepcrlin the early hours of Friday cuing the neighing and kicking FULL 889-5651 884- Emerald Isle R l O For 2nd shift 4 p.m. - experience necessary. steady Job with us. Excellent. working condi SALES REPRESENTATIVE Must be HONEST, AMBITIOUS and WILLING to WORK. Sales Experience Helpful, but not Essential. First Class Training Program. For CONFIDENTIAL Appointment Call the \ BROKER REALTOR n“‘g“!‘!““‘ We will train you for a TIME 2377 773-4391 eal Estate Ltd. TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS : REQUIRES I FEMALE ' I ASSEMBLERS I 11:30 pm. No previous ‘ tions with a wide range of company benefits. including medical insurance, lcann or THANKS 1 We wish to express our sin- lcere. appreciation to our many. lrelatives. friends and neighbors for their prayers. kind assistâ€"l ance, expressions of sympathy and for gifts of flowers and cards at the sudden passing of a beloved husband, father and grandfather. We are grateful and happy in the thought that our loss will always be associ- ated with the recollection of so many deeds of devotion and condolence. Rosie Winger and family. clw34 LICENSED 1 Wanted 1 1 Immediately l 0 Company Benefits . l 0 5 Day Week . 1 Apply 1 . TWIN HILLS MERCURY ‘ I Mr. Wilkinson ‘ 9 884-4441. . l l l l l. .__ . Get your bills ‘Bathurst Street. lplanned Lot 12. Conâ€" cession 2. Discovery of the wolves prob- ably has solved the mystery of. 10 or 12 missing sheep last fall. and removed suspicion from the local dog population. Mr. Winger says a neighbor. John Baker had trouble with sheep being killed in the past- ures last fall. ‘The wolf shot was described by Mr. Winger as a 40-pound brush wolf about one year old and about the size of an average German Shep- herd dog. He has applied for The Shell Oil Company ten- der for the. supply and deliv- ery of furnace oil for the Town of Richmond Hill buildings for the 1970~71 heating season was accepted at Monday night‘s council meeting; The successful tender at 14.5c per gallon was the lowest of four received. Second lowest tender was submitted by BP Oil Limited at 15.2c per gallon. The tender of Ramer Fuels of Richmond Hill was 15.5c per a $25 York County bounty. A bylaw will be prepared to extend municipal voting priv- ileges to all residents of Rich- mond Hill who are 21 years of age. and over and Canadian cit- izens. as provided for in the Municipal Franchise Extension Act. following an affirmative vote on a motion by Councillors Lois Hancey and David Schiller at Monday night's council meeting. The proposed extension must be approved by a vote of the present eligible voters and it is to place it on the the next municipal slated for December that. time it is ex- ballot at election. 1971. 18y ‘pected that some sort of reg-.living an awful lot of work for thelsecond gallon and of Gulf Oil Canada Farmer Winger thinks the‘Ltd. 16.4c per gallon. Extension Of Franchise Needs. MECHANIC Approval Of The Existing Votersi Councillor Eric. George pointed out. that not. all property owners or tenants over 21 years of no in Richmond Hill have the franchise. “One must also be I citizen," he stated. “I believe the present method is quite. satisfactory. and that. only ratepayers should vote on municipal busi- ness." His statement was echoed by Reeve. Donald Plaxton. who said. “I don’t see ex- tending the franchise to somebody who doesn’t. sup- port the town's revenues." “These young people who are with their parents do 1Mabley and Ham on a solo ef- ’fort. Weyerhaeusers 4. Markham 4 = The second game of this series was played February 15‘ with Markham Peewees as guests. proved to be an exciting. closely fought match, despite the fact the Hill boys were ser- iously handicapped by absen- teeism and were able to bench only 10 players. Everyone. however. went home happy. as the game ended in a 4-all tie. Weyerhaeusers' goals were scored by Mike Ham in» another of his patented end-to-l end rushes; Hodgson helped by‘ .animals inside. on February 14 a, 7:45 pm. Most of the'ranchlnhabitants a vacant ham burned on 8th were awaydolng Janitorial work: Avenue South, near Wood-Tat. the Rlchmmld H1“ Public bridge. in what Vaughan Town- lerary 3" the ilme of the fire". ship Fire Chief James David- It “’35 a 1°".g “me more “9' son described as a suspicious men could find the ranch man- ï¬re. ager, although he happened to. Two weeks ago another va_ be next door to the fire hall. 1 Mrs. Monica Lynar and soul cant; ba . . I 1mm“? near Maple Hugh were the only people at “V95 $3 0" PlPhe!‘ said he the ranch. They were asleep in. doubted If anything concluswe an upstairs apartment when‘ would be 'found in the ashes ofï¬remen arrived. the BayView Avenue barn ofl . . . l Half Mile Ranch. because of the.‘ Fm? ChAei Stong 831d therei amount Of ï¬re damage. Thefwas no difficulty in providing barn stood at the end of a lanelfor the safety 0f the house" about. one-third of a mile froml February 13. Dann-y Jones and Ross Simpson. Kyle Chatfield on one of his. hard slap shots from the point? and Jones who was set up by Bob Putnam. 3 Coming Up: Next Thursday: Weyerhaeusers hope to host ‘East York. Saturday they go to‘ Unionville to get warmed up for the final game of the regu- lar season when they play Chingacousy Sunday afternoon, .at 1:15 pm in Richmond Hill. TPEEWEES Scarboro 4. Lions 3 l Sunday. February 15. the‘ Peewee Lions went to St. Michael's Arena. Toronto. to .meet the Scarboro Lions at '10 am. Scai‘boro scored early in the first stanza but. the Lions came ‘on strong with three goals. The .first was by Arnold Van der .Weyde on a pass from Jeff Mil-i 1ler and .lohn Oakley. The‘ was by Brian Kellettl ‘since it was about 200 feet from Bayvte-w. opposite Our ‘the barn Lady and the root" was Help of Christians Separate covered with snow. The fire School. The fire was at a safe ‘men sent one truck back to the dis‘anm’ from thp ranch tack_ station almost Immedlately. and room and living quarters which were at the scene for about. 1‘2 . hours. A snow plough started to :geuslgcated 1" the farmer farrm‘clear the lane in the morning. Th? “a†Mile Ranch pl_n_ib_ut was unable to open the road perty owner is Myer Revitz ofl Washington. DC. It. could notl immediately be determined if} the barn was insured. The pro- perty was leased to Eric Saun- ders of 463 Centre Street East.l a former operator of the ranch' business. Mr. Saunders had sub- let to Bruce Rennie. resident manager. The only insurance the ranch operator had was $1.000 on the' contents of the barn. There was no insurance on the horses; Most of the saddles and'equip-l ment were in the tackroom all SEASONED FIREWOOD FROM I HOLLAND PARK GARDEN CENTRE 51 Keele St. N., Maple Phone 332-2455 781-3812 INCOME TAX ' RETURNS COMPLETED? Contact III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-6782 SHIPPING MOVING BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Call WORLDWIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 the house. ; An antique Toronto breadl life insurance and profit sharing. APPLY 280 CENTRE STREET EAST RICHMOND HILL lional government for this area. will have. been introduced and the municipality of Richmond Hill may well not exist as such. town. particularly in recrea-iwas set up by Mike Gallaughel‘lwagon -was deï¬myec‘ m a gar-l - .. . l - » lage adjacent to the barn. Rich-- tlon. Deputy-reeve Ivan Mans-.and Tony Robinson. Then Van; . . . . mond Hill firemen arrived in bridge contended, "and shouldlder Weyde scored again. helped» . . . lflby Oakley and Miller. .tlme to pull an automobile to IT‘S OUR I However. it could be expectedlhave a vote and some say. . 889-7373 'that with a bylaw in existence'there was a war they would In the second period scarbormsafety- ‘ _ ‘ Flrst One of this year a worst ““-“-““‘-“ be called UP in no time flat-"‘came back with two counters toi ith new 0 ri bod would . e 3 ve nng y ‘blizzards had ended the dayl N. ‘- Birthday INQUIRE TODAY - n- h. 7 d 5 ing WILLOWDALE. THORNHILL & RICHMOND .ted inthe second period, having :riNyziaTe, day or 'g i av HILL' been set up by Ferguson and‘. and Terms I If inexperienced but possessmg a genume desire to sucâ€" lKeith Swindlehurst. and Tony “ , ,, R.J. (BOBI JOHNSON. A.I.I.C. reed. we will provide full training and managerial {Robinson got the third goal un-l CALL MR- BARROTT In THE MALL lAVLlSHï¬Aï¬DNER INSURANCE aozwcv L u can INSL‘ANZE ‘5-A\N ‘ INCLUDING Credit. Card Forgery Counterfeit Money Richmond Hill RES. 884 - 7114 TORONTO ' BUS. ass - R394 ‘ -_-> ‘ 1 .. . CALL ME PERSONALLY, JAMES CLIMANS 363-8271 I will cut your monthly pay- ments in half or less with a low cost mortgage loan. Fast, . courteous, confidential serv vice. Amounts from $2,000 to $25,000. You can call me nuaIICIIitf'sEmrIEEsITTI. . 80,.‘RIcHMOND STREET WEST SUITE' TORONTO} MONT.“ Rig By one of Toronto's assistance that will increase your income. TOP COMMISSION & BONL‘S Call Alex Miller or Sean Flood ~ 889-9330 YOUNG 8: BIGGI E ESTATE SALES ASSOCIATES most progressive real companies for a modern new office in Thornhill. serv- ht On Your Doorstep! REQUIRED estate N no. Realtor *j Weston boys ‘though they were outshot 21-11.; 1 These. two goalies were excel- lent. to one goal. al- Tlv defence pairs of Richard Campbell and Steve Morrison 'and Dave Berseth and Mike Gallaugher were also excellent. ' i L'p front the scoring was done i by Brian Kellett helped by Grant Ferguson in the. first period.j :Defencemen Gallaugher court-l lassisted. l I In the. third period Weston got 1 'its only goal on a nice passing '.’ play. Gordie Forbes got the forth local goal on a nice pass- ing play by Defenceman Dave jgive it consideration) Mayor William Lazenby con-Tue the score_ Scarbom scored. ' ‘ 1 Mrs. Hancey described the curred as he spoke of inter-Iagain in the third to win 1heibefore the fire. The ranch lane-l ‘present eligibility require-wiewing contestants for the game 4_3_ 1way was plugg‘Bd With .W‘th‘ Lments of property ownership oriWinter Carnival Snow Qu:en.: Lions 4. Weston 1 lsnowbanks andhparked Vehlï¬les.‘ tenancey as a carryover ofï¬â€˜All wished they could ave; 1 th T'l‘here was no ope o reac Ing ° ' medieval thinking. "Municipallsome say in how things are run." DOES hzsaligir‘ggrnziljlogg'rggi the barn with fire trucks. Thank You 0 - - RIChmond funds no longer come from He pointed out there are many the loca‘ arena. The“, wobn this. Richmond Hm Fin, Chief A†0m, year “an thiï¬ month Seafood Comm. nppnpd for property (.ml‘v' Everyone cnn' case“ “he.†“lung aduns amione 4â€"1. ‘ iStong said the building was business in Bayview Plaza. Since That time you. our tributes "1 50m? W3." and living \I'Ilh 311d SUDPW‘IIHR Goalie. Gem... Ti pom and doomed berm-e the fire was rpâ€" faithful patrons have made it posSIble for us to expand ShOl‘ld have some 5333†She Cnn' Palm‘s bl" don‘t ha“ th" C. r Ri- h .d' l d ported A. in the mew-Du; ham our business to our present location in “The Mall", tended. rith to vote. "mg. 1C a’ $0" 9 aye mn' L._.-; ‘J .. .- . i A Richmond Heights Centre. - â€"â€"r " .. . standing games to hold theu ._._-,_.-_._._ml During the past year the improved considerably. faster. At the outset our s by transport. sometimes ta half weeks from the time it Now. thanks to .let Air F‘re First Mortgage . a i l Loans Residential Property Don‘t forget we are your for Lent. with the largest of Metro. sea Prime Rates RICHMOND HE 884- Guaranty Trust Co. ‘ of Canada RSI-4415 Richmond Hill m-r-mo. I-D'DNQUQ". "Fish is our simply store only two days after leaving the seaport. and to top it off everything in our store is guaranteed 100%. business quality of our seafood has by getting it to you cafood was delivered to us king as long as one and a was landed at. the seaport. ighl your seafood is in our one stop fish headquatters selection of seafood north CORNER IGHTS CENTRE 7733 not a sideline" . “O.