EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. 889-5651 - 884-237 7 Centrany located in Rich- mond Hill. Good clientele. Must be sold. Open to of- fers. Call Mrs. M. Car- michael. Members of York County. Ontario & Canadian Assoc- iation of Real Estate Boards. DELIGHTFUL! 3 bedroom detached bunga- low on quiet street. Large treed lot. Early possession. Carries for $92 monthLy with 7% morgage. Call Mrs. Jac- obsen. THREE BEDROOM TWO STOREY Lovely 2 storey solid brick home. Low down payment to existing mortgage. Car- ries like rent. To view. call Wally Gustar. WEST SIDE BEAUTY SOLID BRICK SPLXT Beautiful four bedroom home. Features 2 full baths. attached garage. finished rec..room. A must to see. 612% mortgage. Contact Garth Palmer. COUNTRY LIVING 113 acre homesite m'th 3 bedroom ranch bungalow. Swimming pool and trout pond.- To view, call Ben Thompson. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK There's No Place like Home Your Own Home THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 19, 1970 BEAUTY SALON 773-4391 Immediate possession. 528.- 500.00 full. We will try your down payment. 3 bedroom sol- id brick bungalow, L-shaped living and dining room. nice kit- chen. rec room bar. lot large for garden. Call now. RICHMOND HILL $26,900.00 full. Owner has bought. First time offered de- tached 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow. full basement. rec. room, family size kitchen. well treed lot. paved drive. Call to see anytime. RICHMOND HILL $24,500.00 full. $2.600 down. 3 bedroom solid brick bunga- low. big kitchen. living and dining room. full basement, good lot, private drive. 5 acres. 513.700.00 full. 51.; acres. 315.900.00 full. 15 acres, $9,900.00 full. 25 acres, $26,500.00 full. 30 acres. $18,900.00 full. 67 acres. $39,900.00 full. 100 acres, $2,200.00 per at] 5,000.00 full price. Right on the water, good cottage and lot. Owner would like fast sale. 100 acres. $5500.00 full. 50 acres, 83.800.00 full. \ 10 acres. $1,900.00 cash KING TOWNSHIP AREA HUNTSVILLE AREA RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTIMATES No Obligation Let us sell yours Call Now BRACEBRIDGE $2,200.00 per acre 884-8820 884-8149 884-5201 223-7893 CARLISLE Close to Yonge‘ Large 2 stor- ey brick‘ equipped for 3 doc- tors' offices plus upstairs apartment. Only $15,000. down. 1 mtge. for balance. Mr. McVey. YONGE ST. FRONTAGE $48,900. 3 bedroom bunga- low, attached garage. separ- ate living and dining room. open fireplace. modern kit- chen. stove and fridge. pan- elled rec. room with open fireplace. suitable for pro fessional man or antiques. Mrs. Sutherland. 4 BEDROOMS $30300. Aurora beauty. 1 year new. sparkling brick sidesplit, 2 baths, gracious living room. full basement, near schools and shopping. Mrs. Workman. Good building lot with 9'7 ft frontage. Terrific invest- ment, adjoining proposed de‘ velopment. Mr. Manuel. THORNHILL - 1/2 ACRE Cosy 5 room bungalow on beautiful treed lot. garage. on paved road, close to Yonge Street. Mrs. Bridges. 2 FAMILY HOME $39300. 6 year new. 2 storey brick and stone, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths. double garage, fire- place, close to Yonge, schools and shopping. Mr. Sunter. PRICE REDUCED Maple. 4 bedroom brick, arge living room, separate dining room, kitchen, fin ished rec. room, double gar- age, excellent treed lot 103x150 ft. Vendor will take back lst mortgage for bal- ance. immediate possession. Mr. Dawson. $35,900. Attractive 2 storey older home on large treed lot, all rooms large and; bright, open fireplace. zoned for apartments. Mrs. Arm- strong, CENTRAL LOCATION $39300. 6 room 11': storey home and garage on Benso Ave. close to Yonge on lot 78x150 ft. Zoned for mul- tiple dwellings, owner wil hold 1 mortgage at 9%. Mr. Carlisle. $25‘000. Attractive 3 bed room split level on large lot, ideal for VLA. walkout base- ment, carport. Mr. Crow ther. 28 Yonge St. S. 889-7381 713 GARAGE FOR SALE $33,000. Lovely brick garage. paved floor. attached to two storey red brick home with self contained apartment. GARAGE FOR SALE $26,900. Good one car gar- age attached to nice 2 bed- room home with hot water heating. Rec. room, mature district. $44,900. Immaculate two car garage. double doors. with attached broadloomed bun- galow. fireplace. rec. room. 7 bedrooms, preferred dis- trict. Call us now to see these fine one and two car garages. W. R. CASE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 96 Yonge St. 8., Aurora Toronto Aurora 889-8654 721-4288 DOCTORS! DENTISTS! Members of the Toronto, York County and District Real Estate Boards 1/? ACRE BARGAIN GARAGE FOR SALE STEPS TO YONGE REALTOR LTD. PHOTO M.L.S. THORNHILL 884-7751 l.‘ 5. SMITH 884-4425 713-4335 . 5. SMITH REALTOR 2 OFFICES ‘We Wish To Be Of Service To You‘ LIST NOW . . . 884-4425 Owner says “Sell Nowâ€, so you can move in before the snow melts. Beautifully planned with 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths and spacious living room. $32,900. This attractive home has 4 large bedrooms, living room, panelled recreation room, full basement, excellent storage areas. New carpeting, deluxe swimming pool. $39,900. 2 bedroom solid brick home on extra large (150’x 160’) lot. Professionally landscaped, good financ- ing, immediate possession. GET READY FOR SPRING! You’ll find two great advantages in deciding on your new home now â€"â€" any reasonable offer will be considered, and you’ll be ready for Spring when warm weather comes. Get in touch with us today! Call Harry Pridham, Richmond Hill, 889-3891, res. 832-1064, (both direct Toronto lines). GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED Es; SMITH 884-1 I; '5. SMITH 884â€"4425 JUST LISTED AT REALISTIC PRICES! RICHMOND HILL 38 SALES AGENTS MAPLE Realtor OVER 2,000 PROPERTIES Owners have purchased an out of town business and the children are moving. Do you have re- placements for this spotless. electrically heated Thornhill home. $39,900. with 634% mortgage. Mrs. Murphy. Where nice people like to live. A lovely 3 bedâ€" room home on a lovely lot, this home is immacu- late in ever detail. Give me a call. Asking $57,000. Mr. Murray. Cement block building 80’x40’. Situated on com- mercial property, 1% acres, fronting on Highway 27, town of Newton Robinson. Mr. Sinclair. GARDEN CENTRE If you desire to be your own boss. enjoy a high income, combined with a good investment in speculative property, do not miss this oppor- tunity. Spacious 7 room home, 3 greenhouses, 'sales office, and storage garage. Excellent bus- iness with potential for expansion. Located on a busy highway amidst quality homes 2 miles north of Metro. For further information please HAVE YOU TRIED Calling Mrs. Hobson, 889-7771. When the car quits running, you're lost and that new home you want seems to be in never, never land. Why not! We have a split entrance, 3 bedroom, 2'car garage, home. Asking $27,900. Reasonable down pay- ment. Mrs. Hobson. This 4 bedroom home must be sold. Owner has moved. Large treed lot 55x210. Garage. work- shop plus many extras. Asking price $23,500. Mrs. Crecelius. call Mr'. White Serving Willowdale, Thomhill- and Richmond Hill Members of York County and Toronto Real Estate Board Keith Limited, 8242 Yonge Street, 'I‘hornhjll, Ontario UPLANDS GARDENS ~34 ACRE NEWTON ROBINSON “ESTATE SALE†RICHMOND HILL On a nice crescent close to all conveniences, a 3 bedroom brick bungalow. vanity tiled bath. ex- tra washroom in divided base- ment. paved drive and garage. private sale. 884-2760. c1w34 11.2 BLOCKS from Yonge St. Charming 2 storey. solid brick detached, '7 room family home. Large living room with open fireplace. spacious dining room. family room on main floor with doors leading out to sun deck. Asking 336.900. Call Mrs. Doug- las 487-3361. Peters Wiles Ltd. Realtor. (Res. 742-9387) Owning your own home gives you security, stability, 3. growing equity and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today’s Liberal Real Estate Page. The day you purchase your own home is a. day you will never forget. WW 1? GRA AVE 2 “‘ Realty Limited. Realtor I’.1}; 889-3111 - 773-4332 «xx HOUSE for sale. private, large 3 bedroom bungalow. 1 year old, double attached garage. solid masonry construction. Lot 60‘ N--- x 11 5281‘ CASH MONEY For a 6 room bungalow. Client requires possession April or May. Call Mrs. Critchley 223- 5040. evenings 884-4525. ZZI Lgunwn AVE. W. Toronto 12 485-9331 j RICHMOND HILL 1 Acre Located,in centre of town -â€"â€" this gracious family home has been planned for the family wanting a country setting with town conveniences. 5 bedrooms, main floor washroom, charming living area with over-sized kit- chen. Property has been extensively planned with fruit trees and evergreens giving privacy and charm hard to dup- licate. One of a kind property for the discriminating buyer. 326.500. FULL PRICE Immaculate 3 bedroom fully de- tached brick bungalow on 70 ft. lot, features finished recrea- tion room, broadloom, fire- place, car port and much more. Carries for $114.00 monthly in- cluding the taxes. Call Joyce Cleland. “Honesty and Service is our Motto" 884-4446 889-8303 uni-0-01.0.0.--†HOUSE for sale. 9 rooms plus 4 kitchens, 3 bathrooms. See to iPlease call Mrs. Wright at 485- .9331 or 884-7915. nnnrpoiatp, Consider all offers THORNHILL New Exclusive Listing $53,900. - Private setting for in- door and outdoor living. Cus- tom designed 4 bedroom. 2 storey home. Delightful living room overlooking garden. Mas- ter bedroom ensuite, den. Rec- reation room. 2 car garage and circular driveway. To see or for further details please call George W. Smith at 485-9331 or 485-0803. $36,960. 18,000 sq. foot ranch bungalow in a prestige area. Separate dining and living rooms. Ultra modern kitchen. Main floor panelled family room, large lot and 2 car gar- age. About $10.000 down pay- ment to one mortgage. Call Mrs, Wright: at 485-9331 or 884- 7915. COMPANY 227 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto 12 485-9331 ROYAL .TRUST A.E. Snow Real Estate In the answer lies a basic reason that a competepb fRealtor‘s counsel is often vital to a wise property decxs- mon. Where a property is located often dominates all other considerations as to its present and future value and at the very least is a major factor â€" along With type. price and condition in determining its value. REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER To render expert counsel on location a Realtor must in fact become an expert on the area involved. He should also have first hand knowledge of developments from other regions that may affect it and he should be thor- oughly familiar with present and upcoming zoning reg- ulations and the path an area's growth is likely to take. For instance, if an area is zoned for high rise apart- ments. it could be vitally important for a potential home buyer to know how and why this legislation could affect the property he is considering buying. If highway planning could affect his property. this information may be vital to him. Each situation is In rendering the reliable service to his clients. a knowleadgeable Realtor studies the areas in which he operates through maps. personal contact and continuous inspection. His extensive knowledge of location in his stock in trade. unique THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, REALTOR near Aurora. Call 727- c1w34 NEWMARKET New Listing See you next week Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd How Important Is Location? car c1w34 8 family size rooms. ideally lo- cated on a quiet culâ€"de-sac. ‘Close to Richmond Hill Country lClub. Extras include open fire- place. 2 car garage and more. Call Bruce Rainey. $32,900. FULL PRICE ‘Sparkling 6 room fully de- tached bungalow well located in Thornhill area on beautifully treed lot. Only steps to Yonge. Features many extras. Call lFeatures many extras. Call ‘Doug. Bennett. $27,500. FULL PRICE 4 bedroom. 2 bathroom brick home. your choice of tile and decorating colors. Only 25 min- utes from Metro. Your down payment considered. Call Finn ‘ Samuelsen. ll TRY $2.500. DOWN $14,900. Full price. 5 room 'lsolid built bungalow on large llot. close to shopping and down- ltown bus. Commuter bargain. 'Call John Cryer. $19,500. FULL PRICE ‘Sparkling 2 bedroom solid built ‘bungalow on 90 ft. lot, features ’built in garage and much more. Your down payment considered. only minutes to Richmond Hill. lean Mel Atkins. v 6 room solid brick home with full basement on large lot. Close to schools. shopping and downtown bus. Your down pay- ment considered. Bargain hun- ters call Mrs. Connie Ladkin. EXECUTIVE STYLED U8 rooms. well built dwelling and I store, ideal investment prop- ;‘erty could easily be rented or a‘has great possibilities. Call Mrs. HDelma Woodcock. NEW BACK SPLIT «2,200 square feet of living area “with 2 baths and walkout fam- lily room and open fireplace. [Ideally located in King Town- ‘ship on treed lot. Only $39,500. full price. Call Mrs. Cassell Crawford. 120 ACRES $18,500. Full Price. Ideal cor- ner property with well and pond, 60 acres of bush and within commuting distance. Call Larry Sanders. $22,900. FULL PRICE 3 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL HOUSE for sale. 9 rooms plus 4 kitchens, 3 bathrooms. See to appreciate. Consider all offers and low down payment. After 5.30 or weekends, 773-4385. nu\mumuuumumnnnmuummnmnum“mumuummmmm R. Cholkan & Co. Ltd. M.L.s. REALTOR NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL Lovely home, 11/2 acres, 3 bed- rooms. full basement, excel- lent terms. Anne Marie Kraeh- ling 887-5238 or 884-5207. NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL 4 bedroom house. 1/2 acre lot. all fenced. Ideal for small children. excellent terms. Anne Marie Kraehling, 887-5238 or 884-5207. lllllllllIll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllull“llllllllllllllllllllllllll FAMILY BUSINESS? -.<>.n“-~.o.oc Harry Sadler, F.R.l. c2w34