Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1970, p. 17

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Feb. 26. 1970 1" Victoria Square Happenings Gormey Neighborhood Notes O CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE. R-R. 2. Gormley -â€" Telephone 887-5421 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 5 Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber3 pm. Rev. Walter Beecham'Neighborhood Notes moved into Allan Hoover'si Weekend \isimrs with Mr Music Festival Toronto on S-it- : The community extends spe- Jr. and family of Guelph spent and Mrs, Beecham, just return-I The community welcome :Vlr. apartment. ianad Mrs. Clifford \Vincer were ill‘(l.'l\' Brenda who hadusfi (rial birthday greetings to Wil- Sunday with his parents hereyled from Korea will be the‘and Mrs. Allan Quinn who have Mr. and Mrs. Clifford \Vinger‘Mr, and Mrs. John Gilmore and marks lost otit ‘bv one mark t( liam Muirhead. who will cele-IMr. and Mrs. Harry Barbed speakers. Following the serv-‘ are home after a holiday mil-mm“. of Wmnflom and ML 1m. “mum. “1m '89 O T V ,. . brate his 88th birthday on1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl'Empring-Iice a poor man's luncheon will Florida land Mm Gm... ngm. of gum Church News " 0“. 11 0f hiChnlOlId FGbrual‘y 28. lham. Barbara arid MargaFEt-Ibe sel‘Ved- Misses Freda and Blanche‘bur)‘. There will be no service in Birthday greetings to Donna‘and James Woodward had Sunâ€" WA . Beatty, February 26 and to‘day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. The February meeting of the Teddy Morison. March 1. lAlIan Orr and family at Brad- WA was held in the Sunday Sunday dinner guests of Missford. Ischool Wednesday evening of Mabel Sanderson were Mr. and A speedy recovery is wishedllast week. . Mrs. Rolph Boynton, Mrs. Rolphifor Mrs. Percy Bennett. a for- Mrs. Haro‘vi Hill. Mrs. John‘ Henderson are spending two". _ A miscellaneous shower will the Missionary Church Sundav weeks in Nassau with ‘ Miss be held Friday evening in the evening because of the special Clara Leedham. fellowship hall of the Mission- services focussed on the home Congratulations to Mr. ancl‘ar)‘ Church in honor of Aliss and family to be held in Dick- Mrs. Allan Nichols on the birth‘T-lelen Ann Ta)ior and Harold son's Hill School Sundav, Mon» The Richmond Hill Parks & Recreation Board will accept applications for the following positions for their 1970 Summer Playgrounds: RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens l. Playground Director - - - - - 130 May Avenue of their baby daughter. ‘Tait. d.” rrueqd, , d w ' ‘ ' . ~ 0 Victoria iv , . I , ' a . - d,\ an ednesda) . £22kIRESgngvhr?;dM%/Â¥t:onfilr§ffsrigfiare1:33:13” of fStroud who kifiggfui-eargd izlrzhayggngf‘lffie Phone 884-4333 Pupils in most of the schools Mr. and Mrs, “arren Roaman nights with Rev, John Moran 0f 2‘ semor Leaders Doris Pickering and M‘ervyn‘lhas beén very in ‘ worship service 1 (Evenings) in Markham Township enjoyed of Thornhill were Sunday din- Toronto as guest speaker. 3. Assistant Leaders . . ‘ . . ' - .' ‘ ' . ' V : i v â€"â€" ~ â€" ‘ ‘ ~ v i . ‘ Pmkermg i Rlchard Frlsby met mth an A colored mm. “The Longweighborhood Notes a holiday ti ednesrclhy ’ prof-es inei guests OLAIIS. Beulah Jones. Rev_ Charles Rife, pastor m 4. Leaders in Trainin _ SlOl‘lal developme t day lllCll‘ Mis. CI.ailes Conner is a the g Chambersburg. Pennsyl- vania Brethren in Christ Church “9 50ml is the special speaker each night this week at Heise Hill . I Mrs. Fred Doust is a patient Church. The Bridlewood Quar- .Maior Fred Lems arid MFS~ at York County Hospital also. tette will sing in the closing Mr. and Mrs. Harr Barberlunfortunate accident last weeklRoad“ was shown. showin the' . . , ._ .. . . , haVe returned after yspendinglwhen his pony bit him in thegmdians at Norway House, glam]. tMI- 5mg fM'5-1'J012I‘KfiC‘l‘lhe‘ we used to know as teachers patient in \ork County Hespi- Lhe Past two weeks in Florida. iface. requiring three stitches to‘toba. isvone 2"" _ am' 3 ° ‘ Ellen‘s; conventioni. ‘ tal. Ncwmarket and John Kauffman of Hopetonficlose the wound. world Dav of Prayer 9:19“? Ree'l‘gjlld gUGSleOf"? {afink George Lewis of Edmonton. her best wishes. Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Jimi The Gormley-Headford-Vic- The anhual women’s World °~l 35”“ ° 9 “c Alberta is “Siting his Pal‘entS. ward and family or OShawaiwria square Bram“ 0f YCHAiDay of Praver service will be‘ Mr's Ada Dav f‘weaf rd is . , “ere dinner 31195“ Of Mr- and cordially “Win? an interested‘held in Victoria Square United .- it‘ ' 1 b 0. A d 0- t I._;Le“"5- .and it would be a thoughtful service Sundav eveni'na Even. Mrs. Clarence Stecklcy Onipai‘ents, grandparents. friends‘Marci1 6 at 2 pm Ladies ofillsl “lg Vi“ I: 1;?“ 3'51 515: I There are several new casestgesture to have a card Show“ one is cordial'lv invite; - Sunday evening. and neighbors to attend a very Brown‘s comers and Headfordigngna‘Riaiv[Ailerilue r°' leve 1" of ChiCken Flox 1" tile commun'lfor her. The men of the Mi'ssionan. ' ‘ ‘ ' “y at the present “me and “'0‘ Congratulations to Miss Brenda Church congregation presented important meem‘g in the c°.m‘iUiiited Churches will meet with - . . - ~ . . , munity hall, TUGSday eveningithe ladies of Victoria square; Birthda“ gleetmgs to Bl“ W15“ 3“ “cums a Speedy recov‘iAsh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. an interesting program Sundav Salaries will be based on qualifications. send applications by March 31st, 1970 to Please Alan White Parks & Recreation Administrator 56 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario. ' ' tat 8-30- GueSt Speaker Wm beland assist with th 'vi ‘wehrens' May AVenue‘ on 0”" Meredith Ash h ' *- v ' - Ont. Hospltal Patients‘Edward Milligan of the drugi e sel 09' MarCh 3- A number of Gorinley resizin the solo 015;:aiiilgefifffgflggfamg mSlead 0‘ “‘9 usual, addiction office. i Third Richvale Guide and dents attended the all-night _ .-_ _ , ‘ Ce: _ _ Euchre Series Brownie Mothers’ Auxiliai-yising Friday and Saturday even- 7 ’ ’ â€"_~ Bowl Every Thursday' Through the generosity of' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price of ABC Bowl and Billiards. patâ€" ients at the Ontario Hospital, Aurora, how] every Thursday in Richmond Hill, the hospital care committee reported to the general monthly meeting of the York Central Association for the» Mentally Retarded. The meeting was held February 17 at ARC Industries. 321 Enford Road. Due to lack of funds this ac- tivity was available only every other week during part of 1969. The hospital care’ committee also gives a party, evening of entertainment or other social event for these patients every third Friday of the month. Guest speaker was Adminis- trator Bob McKenzie of the hospital. He stated the residents appreciate the efforts of the hospital care committee. whose program reaches all at some time or other. Mr. McKenzie described some of the daily programs which be- ga'n at the first of the year. In addition he described many changes which have occurred since he‘became administrator and others planned for the future. He also described some fea- tures of the new Ontario Hos- pital, Aurora. The next meeting of YCAMR will be held March 17 at Thorn- haven School, 317 Centre Street East. Richmond Hill. at 8 pm. Please note time and change of There were 19 tables of f euchre players at the commun-, ‘ ity hall Friday evening last! i, Prizewinnel‘s were, ladies: Mrs.i Correspondent: Hazel Giles, Miss Gladys Kef-i Mrs. Frances Purves fer and Mrs. Win Embury; men: 526 Cari-ville Road A. Wood, Keith Carson and Phone 884-2552 Norman Genoe. The lucky draw for a box of groceries was Nei§hborh°°d N0?“ won by Mrs. Jesse Dewsbury. Birthday greetings to Laura Another euchre party will be Greenfield who was five years held in the community hall old February 24. Friday evening. March 6 at 8, Dr. and Mrs. Brock Walker of‘ which the public is invited to Toronto, former longtime Carr- attend. ville residents, visited at the: Lions Club home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack February 17 was education 311511911 0“ saw-“183’- _ . and ladies‘ night at the Lions Albert Emprmgham vmited Club when approximately 60 at the home of Stan Wood on people. members, wives and Sunday spomng a tan he ac- visitors enjoyed a buffet supâ€" quired during two weeks in per catered by the WI. Florida. Guest speaker was Miss Edna Get well wishes are extended Izzard, well known former to John Bailey who is recover-l teacher at Richmond Hill High ing from an- accident suffered School. Accompanying her talk. two weeks ago. Miss Izzard showed colored Senior Citizens Slides 0? her trip .to the Far The seniors of the area en- ERSt “mien the “plaice found joyed a delightful luncheon and unusual and illuminating. entertainment February 18 A Cheque {or $500 was pie" when they met with guests to sented to Union Villa by Lion celebrate valetine,s Day. gghnl Mfcalgie 3:3 Bihageiag Forty-two members and visitors e oca c u ' - were present and President Kennedy accepted the donation. Ben” Johnson Opened thel Church News meeting with the singing of “O Vis1tors at the church serv1ce Canada.._ Mrs. Elsie Jordan in_ at Vicmria square Unit“ Sun" voked the blessing and everyone day morning were Mrs. Hazel liked the “en balanced I pot luck Thomson, Toronto, Ernest Hol- luncheon which followed lin shead, Kin City, Miss An- nieg McBride ind Alfred Mc- Mrs' F10, “b0”, May Avenue Bride, King city and H. Rason was the Winner of a contest to of Richmond Hm guess the number of pennies in On Saturday from 2 to 4 pm, a Jar, With the exact amount, St. Matthew's United, Rich- 550- mond Hill is holding a Mission Mrs- Evelyn Cooper Wo'n the place. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. York County School Board Education Briefs Extras? Harries. Don Head Secondary School on Vaughan Road. Richmond Hill. next to York Central Hos- pital. is having its official opening at 8.15 pm next Wed- nesday and the public is in- vited. The students moved into the school, the first vocational school in the county, on Jan- uary 5 after spending the fall term on a shift program at Richmond Hill High School. Officials of York County Board of Education will be on hand for the ceremonies. Guest speaker will be Norman Sisco. director of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology for the Department of Education. Since all of the shops are not yet fully equipped, they will not be operating but visitors will have a chance to tour the school and will be invited to stay for refreshments prepared by stu- dents in the food services course at Don Head. it it it It York County Board of Edu- cation, anticipating regional government for the county, sent two delegates with members of the Central Ontario Regional Development Corporation to a recent study session in Ottawa. King Township Trustee David Bachly and Superintendent of Planning and Development Ste- phen Bacsalmasi reported back to the board on their impres- sions of the relationship be- tween the O t t a w a - Carleton Regional Government and its Board of Education. They found there was little or no contact and no co-ordina- tion of planning and develop- ment between the two bodies. “It was clearly apparent that the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Festival. This will continue Chair Prize for women and Mrs. on Sunday also, from 11 am to Emily Moore for the men. since she was on a man’s chair Bill Roobes was the winner of the spot prize for men and guest Fran Purves for the women. Elizabeth White and Agnes Chennery sang two duet ers. Vida Williamson presented concerning the PI‘OblemS Of The a dance and singsong dressed in school boards _in .bOPI‘OWlQE appropriate costume. These art- caigital for financing their ists with their talent and vitality bUIldmg Programsn" they “‘3' would put any young person to Ported- shame. The visit, the delegates stat- The president read a prayer ed, had convinced them that written by member Mrs. Vida the large civic government did Williamson and the poem re- not produce dramatic changes cently published in “The Lib« or shifts in the distribution of epal” by this very talented lady “basic interests” and boards of was also read and enjoyed. education Should rely on “(Elf The Chinese auction was most“ own ability to Dl‘OtECt the 11}- successful and guest Mrs. Helen terests of education in their Davis, a former spruce Avenue‘ own 81‘935- resident visiting from Minden, a- s s t . . . decided to tak th‘ d School boards have lost their to her group Sher: 1 ea baCk preferred Status in capital bor' The senior citizens will hold mwmg' their next meeting March 4 at In a letter presented to the.the L. _ . . ions Hall, 31 Spruce Ave- board at us meetmg on Fab- nue at 1:30 pm, and any inter-| - ' l t i Educat‘on . . Euaagfia?’ ggriggation inldL ested persons are inVited to at- . tend cated that capital funds for the ' i - ~ Church News i h 01 b ildin ro am _ count) SC 0 u g p gr OarrVille United Church will be slower in coming and . . will be at a higher rate o{0110113 under the leadership of interest than formerly. Mrs. Irene Bowes and Rev. Har- Wliile the corporation ap- 01d Kemp are pracusmg every. proved the purchase of $657,000 Tim-“day evemng from 7130 to worth of debentures by the 8'?’0_ at the, _Ch“1'9h- Anyonfi board, it stated that rather than “5111113 to 10m “115 group 15 at the preferred rate formerly asked to call 332-1114. Members available to school boards. these “11 be ‘1 hme 1819 returning. debentures will be “at the effec- hm“? ThUI‘Sday (tonight) as a tive rate of interest that is 5990131 Surprise has been Plan- actually in effect at the date of'ned- purchase“. 3_â€" It also stated that the pur-‘ chase of debentures will be de-‘ layed until the projects are sub- stantially completed “or when, budgeted funds are available to‘ held its regular meeting at the ings at Massey Hail. Toronto. home of Mrs. Madeline Cummerl Ken and Kevin Brillinger had; recently. Twelve members were‘Sunday dinner with their grandâ€"I present and following the busi-Iparents. Mr. and Mrs Roy Bril- ness portion an auction of bak-‘lingei‘. ing and white elephants was Mrs. Geraldine Brillinger is held. Plans Were discussed for convalescing at St. John‘s Con- the annual banquet and the date valescent Hospital. Willowdale of a cookie blitz will be an-‘followi'ng knee surgery at T0- nounced later. ronto General Hospital. Wash 'n' Wear S-t-r-e -t-c-I1. , BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE GET ONE FREE! Choice of any color Hair Stylists 51 Yonge Street North -‘ Richmond Hill Phone 884-3354 Legion Court ' 29.00 Reg. Price BONELESS VEAL CUTLETS 99¢ lb. MAPLE LEAF Buttermate Christie’s Sausage BREAD lb. 5|oaves$l. Red or Blue Brand ' Freezer Specials B E E F HINDS 79c lb. BAYVIEW MEATS BAYVIEW SHOPPING PLAZA - 884-7691 the corporation, whichever is? ‘the later." The debentures are for ant $84,000 project in Markham Township: two in Aurora â€"'. one for $105,000. the other for $93,000: a $350,000 complex in the BAIF Subdivision in Vaughâ€"1 lio'I‘TIIIIIIIS (FREE estimates in Government. at least at the an and $25,000 for Markham‘ . g present time. shows no interest District High School. I 'I‘I“““I‘I““‘Ilf Let the Wall to Wall Experts . . . I ‘ Snug as a bug?! Harding * B.M.K. - We have a good select . Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. I 6313 Yonge St.. Willowdale â€"â€" I (Across from Sayvette‘s) Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow And All Kodel Carpets A I LOOK I Probably not yet, if 0F youve Just moved ‘ in. your home without obligation) ‘ Perhaps your Wel- ' come Wagon hostess . . can h I t Celanese * hraus confugignf ease the Burlington * Peerless ' Coll her today! ion 0f Room Size Rugs ' ' Mrs. Owen Trunk I Richmond Hill - 334-4590 I 226-0941 ‘ I Qlit/(02726 tort. - 9 p.m. â€" Sat. til 6 pm. I LTD. . OVEN A Neighbour of Mr. Donut â€" RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE -â€" Announces FAST HOME DELIVERY “On The Pizza With The Difference” â€"884-4153 â€" 4:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 4:30 pm. to 2:00 a.m. â€" Friday & Saturday â€"â€" Menu â€"- PEPPERONI PEPPERS MUSHROOMS ONIONS ANCHOVIES TOMATOES BACON OLIVES BASIC PIZZA Tomato Sauce and Mozzarella Cheese SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 1.00 1.50 2.00 BASIC WITH ONE ITEM MEDIUM LARGE 2.50 SMALL 1.25 BAsIo WITH Twohims SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 1.50 2.30 BASIC WITH THREE ITEMS SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 1.75 2.70 3.50 BASIC WITH FOUR OR MORE SMALL MEDIUM LARGE . 2.00 3.00 4.00 I - Introductory Special - FREE DONUTS With Every Delivery Compliments of Mr. Donut havng a grand re - opening affair this Friday in Richmond Hill For your shopping convenience we have remodelled and up dated our. store. Everything is all new from tip to TOC. Come in and take advantage of our special re-0pening day savings. OPENING DAY ONLY ii ’ [MERIT , ON ALL MERCHANDISE FROM 10 AM. T O 1 PM. DISCOUNT 1 PM. TO CLOSING [FREE [E HE Roses for the ladies...cigars for the men...balloons and candies for the kids. ..and many other FREE gifts for the entire family. Join in our re-opening celebration and have a fashion affair at the new BATA. flata RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE

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