s-11mm“\mmmummnummnmnmmmnmum“mm“ummumnummmmmummmmmm\mmmnunmmmnmmmnmmmmmmmummm\mmumuumummumummmImam“unmumlmmummimmmnuummmmummuu111111qum11mm“u\111111mmmummmuuuummmmmuunnumumuunum“mum1muu\m\\mmummummmunummuuuumm.2: __ _ _ _â€"v ._ c '1’ QA A “conflict of interest" charge was hurled at King Township Deputy-reeve Ken Mactag‘gart February 16 in the wake of an explosive coun- cil debate over a proposed 12 acre bus site in the township. Hurling the charge was chairman of the suddenly-em- battled township's committee of adjustment. Alf Lemasurier. .I. ouunu nnnnnn , .. V. .__V MI. Lemasurier fired what Favoring the move are Coun- amounted to a parting-salvo clllors Lorne Goodfellow. Gor- nt council as he angrily re- don Rowe, Reeve Gordon Cook signed from the committee and Deputy-reeve Ken Mactag- along with an equally upset gart. Opposed is Councillor member Kenneth Holychuk. Margaret Britnell. , urn Il-_A_~â€"nâ€"Lln Aï¬ uncluucl ncuucmu u Both men denounced what they termed “political interfer- ence†from council in regard to attempts by Langdon Coach Lines Co., Ltd. to purchase 12 acres for a new bus terminal near the Concession 5 and Aurora Sideroad. Reeve Gordon Cook was tak- en abach ‘by the sudden resig- nations but recovered to flatly refuse to accept them. He in- dicated that a “cooling-off" per- iod was required. But the battle-lines in the bus-ling debate have been drawn. The committee of adjustment earlier rejected an application by the owner of the land. Wil- liam Cutting. to sever the 12 acres for the purpose of selling to Langdon's because it felt such an operation would not be compatible with the area. Mr. Cutting has appealed the committee's decision to the Ontario Municipal Board which will hold a hearing. Result: Members of the committee VA.) yum... It was Mr. Mactaggart's es-‘ pousal of the Langdon propos- al that brought Mr. Lemasur- ier jumping to his feet. He accused the deputy-reeve of a "conflict of interest“ in the matter because Mr. Mactag-l gart is an employee of the Langdon Coach Lines. “You have no right to participate in any voting for or against the bus line.†he said. “Take a look at the Municipal Act. You work for Langdon‘s and therefore you have a con- flict of interest and are obviouva not eligible to participate in any decis- ions." Deputy-reeve Mactaggart re- futed the charge stating he couldn’t “see any conflict of interest." pointing out that he only drove bus for Langdon‘s in Vaughan Township. “I continue to challenge your right to vote on any res- olution pertaining to this mat- ter," pursued the flushed Mr. Lemasurier. “Read your King Hassle Explodes Over Terminal Site 2 Comm. Of Adjustment Members Resign “Mgvflemasï¬rier fired what amounted to a parting-salvo at council as he angrily re- signed from the gpmmitteel Both men denounced what1 they termed “political interfer- ence†from council in regard to attempts by Langdon Coach Lines Co., Ltd.. to purchase 12 acres for a new bus terminal near the Concession 5 and} Aurora Sideroad. E Reeve V,Gordon Cook was tak- en aback by the sudden resig- nations but reoovered to flatly refuse to accept them. He in- dicated that a “cooling-off" per- iod was required. Mr. Rumble said that. if it is included in the health unit. Ontario County will al- so be eligible for the 75 per- cent grant. It now receives only 50 percent from the province. Queen’s Park makes a higher grant to re- gional health units. d‘lullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'tltill“lllllllllllllllltl“lllllllllllllltltllllllltitllllllllllllll“lllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\ll\\lllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll In his report. Dr. Slinger- land stated that the Depart- ment of Health feels that to provide efficient services to a community. a district should include 150,000 to 200,000 people as a mini- mum for a public health district. The population of ‘costs would be he declared. Asked if York County would be affected financially or in services provided. Mr. Rumble said services and about the same. The county. he said. should be "good neighbors" and let Ontario come in. form immunization proceu- ures. vision and hearing tests. Asked what the effect would be if there was no Victorian Order of Nurses in the county (the VON had al- so asked for grants from the county) Nursing Director care. i it t * Richmond Hill Reeve Don, ald Plaxton questioned “brush-in“ program spon- sored by the unit. "I have heard of love-ins. and sit-ins. but not brush- ins", he commented. (H's CUIIIIHUHLCU lllaL lucuu gets only 2 percent of its budget from the pron'nce. He said that. if Metro boun- daries are extended north to include part of York Coun- ty "It will put the province on the spot, as they would get only 25 percent." lll“\llllllllllllllllllll“l“\llltltllllllllllllllllllllllIt“:lllllllllllllll\llll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllll\llllilllIllllltlllllllllmlllllllllllllllltllllll“lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllill“lllllllllllllllllllllllml“ill“tlllllllllllllllllllllllll“lltllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllll-l' l . The resolution to accept Ontario County's application for participation was present- ed by Markham Township Reeve Stewart Rumble when the health unit brought in its annual report for 1969 and estimated budget for 1970. A proposal that Ontario County be incorporated in the York- Oshawa District Health Unit met with little enthusiasm at a meeting of York County Council earlier this month. The budget. estimated at $1‘318.499.83 for 1970, was presented by Medical Officer of Health Dr. Owen Slinger- land, but 75 percent will be taken care of through grants from the Department of Health. Of the remainder, York County’s share is 63.24 percent â€"â€" $206,896.48â€"and Oshawa's share is 36.76 per- cent â€" $120,264.31. Ontario County Wants In On York-Oshawa Health Unit Half load - Notice 0n and after March 2, 1970, the half load restrictions will be enforced without exception on all roads in the Town of Richmond Hill. \ Restriction Period March 2 to May 1, 1970 D. G. Plaxton Works Committee 103 YONGE ST. NORTH, A&P PLAZA The Shoe Shelf is a clearance store for discontinued lines of quality footwear from England and Italy. All shoes are priced at . . . WHAT IS “The Shoe Shelf"? 20% TO 35% BELOW REG. RETAIL $8.00 to $28.95 ALL SIZES Regularly $20.00 to $45.00 YOU SAVE $12. TO $15. A PAIR Available in widths A, B, C, D. E. Sizes 6 to 13. All Certified Im- ported Quality Brand Names. Notice To Trucks Half Loading Restrictions 1970 LADIES! If you wear sizes 5. 51.2 and 6B, ask to see the range of Italian samples. MEN! If you wear size 8D you will find a large selection to choose from. MEN'S SHOES 103 YONGE ST. NORTH COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED “The Shoe Shelf†(from England) IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS A & P Shopping Plaza Mr. Lemasurier‘s ire was particularly roused Monday night when four of the five councillors re-iterated their in- tentions of backing the Lang- don efforts to locate in the township. your right to vote on any res- olution pertaining to this mat- ter." pursued the f1u§hed Mr. Dr. Slingerland said it would also reduce expenses, as less specialized personnel would be required to oper- ate the larger unit. Deputy-reeve Wallace Don- nell of North Gwillimbury pointed out that there was no reason Ontario County should not come in. except that it had had the same op- portunity as Oshawa to come into the unit when it was set up in 1968. He asked what the advantages would be to York County if there was a larger unit. Reeve Sam Nasello of Sut- ton. chairman of the county council finance committee replied thgre' would be no advantages and no disadvan- tages to York County in his opinion, but there may be advantages to Ontario Coun- ty in that it will receive higher grants for health ser- vices. O. S. Whalen Works Commissioner WOMEN'S SHOES & SANDALS (from Italy) $3.95 to $16.95 ALL SIZES Regularly $6.95 to $32.00 YOU SAVE $3. TO 515. A PAIR Available in widths 3A - 2A - B Sizes 5 to 12. All certified ’ Imported Brand Names. RICHMOND HILL WWW-VETS an“ 1 “9,1†5'“: ‘1†Birthday greetings are ex- confllct 9f Interest ' tended to Shelley Wort, and Area residents are opposed to Michael O’Donnell. both Feb- the bus terminal‘s proposed 19- ruary 27. Jane Hall, February cation due to a pOSSIble trafflc 23‘ David McPhee‘ March 1' hazard because 0f the necessuy Mark Weyman. March 2 and to to upgrade 3- Wino“ 0f con' Jamie Clements an March 4. cession 5 and dayhght the com' The regular monthly meet- er where it meets the Aurora mg of the community club has Sideroad- been nostnoned until early A question of who would pay the cost of the daylighting is also involved. But Mr. Lemasurier was not through yet. He flogged Deputy-reeve Mactaggart for “wearing two hats†pointing to the fact that both Mr. Mactaggart and Reeve Cook were members of the township‘s planning board responsible for approving the Official Plan “which designates the area in question as resiâ€" dential and not commercial which the Langdon proposal would result in it becoming." Mr. Lemasurier is himself a me_mber of the planning board‘ as well as the committee of adjustment. Mr. Mactaggart. he said. favâ€" ored leaving the land residen- tial in planning board but then appeared before the com- ‘mittee of adjustment “attempt- [ing to influence our committee to change the very designation that planning board has put on it from residential to commer- cial." , York County is about 150,- 000, the City of Oshawa a- bout 90,000 and Ontario County about 100.000 for a total of 340,000. which is considered ideal by the pro- Vince. Deputy-reeve Mactaggart ob- jected to Mr. Lemasurier’s ac- cusation ‘pointing out that the Official Plan has not “been of- fically accepted yet.‘ ' Mr. Lemasurier ended his harnngue accusing the council of “political inter- ference" in the committee of adjustment which he said was meant to operate independent of council. Councillors denied this stat- ing that they had a right to their opinion on a given mat: ‘ter. They also pointed out that gthe Langdon application was “the first time council had opâ€" posed a committee of adjust- ‘ment decision. In September. 1969, the firm of Stevenson and Kel- logg. management consult- ants. were engaged to rec- ommend streamlining of the administration of the York- Oshawa District Unit. and its recommendations are under consideration. The county now has three medical officers of health, and Oshawa has one. but un- der the recommended re-or- ganization two would be en- ough to serve the entire un- it. “We are going ahead with our own planning. If On- tario comes in it will take several months to integrate". he declared. Asked if York County would be affected financially or in services provided. Mr. Rumble said services and costs would be about the same. The county. he said. should be “good neighbors†and let Ontario come in. vuu.u,.uu. ing that they had a right ml The annual parade to mark their opinion on a given matr‘Scout-Guide Week was held at ter. They also pointed out that St. John‘s Anglican Church on the Langdon application waSESunday and was attended by lst the first time council had opâ€"‘Jefl‘erson Scouts and Cubs, posed a committee of adjust-iGuides and Brownies and by ment decision. lst Lake Wilcox Guides and‘ Reeve Cook ended the mat- Brownies. ‘ ter temporarily when he noted‘ Rev. Earl Gerber conducted the upcoming Municipal Board‘the service and the lessons hearing would be the properlwere read by Guide Captain Place to “do the talking". iDorothy Wilton and Scoutmast- ‘er Stewart Bell. The choir [sang the anthem “Seek Ye The I.‘ lllliiillillllllllillllllliilllllililllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllillillilllilllilll’l The regular monthly meet- ing of the community club has been postponed until early March because of the Guide and Brownie bake sale which was held Tuesday. A firm date will be announced next week. Neighborhood Notes A meeting of the mothers' solt auxiliary to lst Jefferson the Scouts. Cubs. Guides and the Brownies will be held at the par home of Mrs. Don Workman. was Gamble Avenue. on March 2 at ry 8.30 pm. the The bake sale and hobby Debbie Stiverflanq Heather Ger- show was held on Tuesday andlber. Scout flag bearers were details of this event will appear Gary Feeney and Bob Beavan. in next Week's column. The service on Sunday at 11 An all color movie show has been arranged by the commun- ity club in aid of the Jamaica trip for the grade 6 Jefferson School students, to be held March 6 and 7 at St. John's Anglican Parish Hall. The Friday program will commence at 8 pm and the Saturday show- ing at 2 pm. Six films have been booked and a different set will bel shown at each performance â€"‘ “Pitcairn and Its People". the‘ story of the South Pacific‘ island and the descendants of‘ the “Mutiny on the Bounty";1 “Test Flight", the story of‘ testing high speed aircraft; "Power to Fly", the history of aviation: “Moving Spirit", which traces the story of the automobile from the 1880‘s to the present day: "Explore Expo". at travelogue on the 1967 World Fair: and finally “‘They Chase the Seaâ€. the tale of an oil tanker crew on their journey from Scotland to Ku- iwait (Persian Gulf) and back. Oshawa Council had ag- reed to accept Ontario Counâ€" ty’s application if York County agreed, but when put to a vote the county turned down the application. There should be more dir- ection from the Department of Municipal Affairs. declar- ed Mr. Donnell. “We need a background of knowledge of where we are going." Since costs for equipment. Since costs for equipment. furniture and other items in the 1969 budget for setting up the unit will offset in- creased costs in other areas in 1970. the York County share of costs for 1970 is the same as that for 1969â€" a total of $206,896.48. It was reported that com- munity health nurses work as advisors and educators in programs relating to dental and mental health and asâ€" sist family physicians. The school nursing teams per- form immunization proced- ures. vision and hearing tests. Sympathy is extended to Gra- ham and Bethy Carson of Yonge Street and Maple Ave- nue, in the death of Mrs. Helen Carson last Thursday evening. Funeral service was held Mon- day afternoon with interment at Glendale Memorial Ceme- tery. Church News Asked what the effect would be if there was no Victorian Order of Nurses in the county (the VON had a1- so asked for grants from the county) Nursing Director mmmmmmuuummmmmmmmmmmm‘m King City Township Police have added a new addition to their force. Bernard Harris. 40. who has been sewing as police chief of Penetang. will join the force as a first class constable at a salary of $3.200. Mr. Han-ls s e r v e d 13 years on the Woodstock. Ontario, police force and has been police chief at Penetang for two years. He was also employed with the Simcoe Emergency Mea- sures Organization as police deputy co-ordlnator He is married and has grade 13 education. The addition of Mr. Har- ris brings the King Town- ship Force up to 17 men in- cluding Chief Les Pengelly. It was also announced that the force will purchase three 1970 police cruisers. The low tender of Don Coffey Motors, Schomberg. was accepted by members of the King Township Council. Price of the three new cars including a trade- in of the three present 1969 cruisers will be $6,426.74 including sales tax. A second tender by Les- lie Motors of King City for the same deal totalled $7.980. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON New Constable Three Cruisers CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 Lord†with Brenda Ash as soloist. The ’service included the blessing of new flags for the Guide company. The color party for the Canadian flag was Cindy Wilton, Dagmar Pet- ry and Caroline Lamas and for the Guide flag. Karen Fullman. Debbie Stiver and Heather Ger- '9 ...;-, :s'ATIs'FAéTIoN;’GUARKNj The service on Sunday at 11 am will be the Litany. There will also be a fireside at 7.30 pm at St. Mark‘s Chapel, Oak Ridges. Gertrude Tucker replied that if there was no VON, the health unit would have to supply the service. The VON. she said. give bedside care, whereas the function of the public health nurse is chiefly in the area of pre- ventive medicine and educa- tion. The report stated there are 25 licensed nursing homes with about 850 beds in York County. and five more. to supply another 176 beds. are propOsed or under construction. In Oshawa two nursing homes are proposed to supply 137 beds. Dr. Slingerland pointed out that the VON cares‘for many chronically ill people. as county hospitals do not have room for these patients. If it were not for the VON. he said. “The community would be 100 percent liable for bedside home nursing care." Richmond Hill Reeve Donâ€" ald Plaxton questioned “brush-in†program spon- sored by the unit. "I have heard of love-ins. and sit-ins. but not brush- ins". he commented. Ioz. BALLS i' ' DOUBLEKNITIING * 2 NYLON YARN. 3, . Reg. Kresge Price37¢ Ba}! PLAsTIGWARE A'l' All EXCEPTIONALLY I-OW PRICE Kresge Price Cutie Tra s, Pails, ishy Pans, Waste Baskets, Tubs, Laundry Baskets. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE (We will not knowingly b; undersold) 10 oz. IIIDY PATRICIA 4M?†\; “its HAIR SPRAY In!!! Dr. Slingerland explained that children in schools are supplied with a tooth brush. flouride dentifrice and in- structions on how to brush. The program. he said. is lim- ited to a group of about 35 students at a time. “This is a workable group." The report referred to the co-operation it is getting from the Addiction Research Foundation in working with community health nurses and supplying services to al- coholics and young people with drug problems. The unit is also studying feasibility of a home care program. a family planning clinic and a family counsel- ling clinic. After the meeting Coun- cillor Garfield Wright of East Gwillimbury. a former warden and chairman of the health unit board of direct- ors commented that Metro gets only 2 percent of its budget from the province. He said that. if Metro boun- daries are. extended north to include part of York Coun- ty “It will put the province on the spot, as they would get only 25 percent.†CARDS BOXED EVERYDAY GREETING Kresge Price Kresge Price BOX PAK Open Daily TN 6 pm. The following daytime courses vn'll be offered at Seneca College's Shep- pard Campus: ‘ COURSES FOR AULTS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Financial Assistance: You may qualify for a training allowance under the “Occupational Training for Adults" program sponsored by the Department of Manpower and Immigration. See your Canada Manpower Centre for details. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Feb. 26, 197 Round necklines. Elbow length sleeves. Lace trims. Many colors and sizes. BRUSHED NYlON HI'I'E GOWNS l.87 Courses Commencing March 9. 1970 Courses Commencing March 16, 1970 Kresge Price FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ASSOCIATE REGISTRAR, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DIVISION, FEED? OR Clerk-Typist Commercial Stenographic Commercial Clerical Drafting WITH EXTRA SUPER REFILL Reg. Kresge Price 879' Each SPECIAL 'BIG JOHN' PEN DAY PROGRAM AVAILABLE ONLY W. T. Newnham. President. SENECA COLLEGE SHIRTS THURS. FRI. SAT. Polyester/Cotton. Long sleeves Popular shades. Sizes 10-18 TELEPHONE 223-9661 WOMEN'S RAYON BRIEFS OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 1.. RAYON mm ‘_ EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! ' Kresge Price MISSES' SAFARI STYLE 2.77 SAVE 1.00 Reg. Kresge Price 3.77 SPECIAL THURS. FRI. SAT. SPECIAL 43 Sheppard Avenue East, Thursday and Friday 'Til 9 p. W illowdale, Ontario Weeks l". W. Minkler. Chairman of the Board MEN’S GREY WORK HOSE Kresge Price $ 72.00 $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 Fee