6 word thereafter. words for .90e and .8c COMING EVENT NOTICE 1 BOX NUMBERS an extra CARDS 0F THANKS. sertion Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .Be per Minimum charge $1.00. and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 10 IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- ns at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. / Second per word thereafter. 0c per word; min. charge 51.50 charge per insertion of 50c $1.50 enclose payment or telephone FOR SALE (Continued) 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 26, 1970 Squirrels Save Nuts â€" Peeple Save Money ESPECIALLY LIBERAL ADVERTISERS WHO USE LOW-COST “PHONEf 884-1105-6 f HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED cook for Pop‘s lTavern. 884-2752. tfc34J lRELIABLE f a r m e r possibly" lsemi-retired to work small farm .close to Maple. Write Box 26‘ The. Liberal tfc22l ‘I NEED 2 ladies and 2 men. 10 hours weekly. to deliver Fuller catalogues aild pick up orders. lAverage earnings $3.71 per hour. 'Telephone Mr, G. McKay. 889- 0187 after 6 pm. c2w34i i CLERK STENOGRAPHER â€" ' LIBRARY ASSISTANT 'Grade 10 minimum, shorthand, 2 years related experience. Government job. Transportation lprovided from Richmond Hill ANYTIME HELP WANTED Lisa) CARS 1 Continued) ‘1 . , , . , ,_-..._Ii904hiluif’goodZondiimoiâ€"8'32- AVON CALLING 1244. c2-w34 “I10 ‘5 AN {‘3‘ Q}. I CLEAN FAMILY CAR I , REPRESER'AIR I“ , .1962 Ford Galaxie sedan, as is. Someone like you who likeslv-B~ auto radio good tl~ans_i people. has some spare time andiponmjon ' $1777 ' N39712, ‘likes to earn money. Be an‘839_8330_' 83431347 (-1“~3si A ' . ~ - ' v _. - _ _. H _ nd\\(‘)Y-RW'1A'§:4€2§;U\8 Cdn‘lQS-t Chev. Biscayne $350.00.. *. _. . - W.. . . Lg.“'â€i1962 Chev. lmpala 348 with 3 PRACTICAL "HF-595 [01‘ day andispeed Hurst floor shift. $250.00.“ evening shift. and llOtlSEkCCpinngBS Allgood Ave, or phone 884-1 help for day shift. Transporta-l5885. *1w35 tion to Yonge St. available. The â€" A . * :“"" ' â€" Villa Nursing Home. Bathurstl HOMESICK ETGLISHMAN _ 1963 Consul. 4 door deluxe se- St., Mrs. Stewart, 889-1904, ‘dam bucket seam 4 Speed, “2“'734:i‘adio. rust-free and very econ- iomical transportation. Raven “iBlack with rich red leather up- CARRIERS for ‘\\ heel. radio. extra transmission USED CARS . (Continued) 1 _. . A . _ i 1968 TRIUMPH GT6. excellent: condition, radial tires, Cibi, headlights. stoneguarils, addi-1 tional gauges. radio. $1.875. 884-1018. c1w35, 1966 ’I‘R4 IRS‘Sl‘iTsoWiha’i‘s, not bad'. Radials. stebro. \voodâ€"' \\ itll overdrive. shop manual] boot cover. S.V. and \Vehers.‘ 884-5759. c1w35 MISCELLANEOUS: CLEANING WINDOWS. WALLS AND FLOORS MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types} of concrete work. i 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc311 EXCAVATING - TRENCHING FOOTINGS - IIAULAGE 884-1638 J. L. EXCAVATING c4w35, SEPTIC TANKS PUMPE Sewers cleaned C. Stundcn Phone 884-1245 D tfc2‘l SHAMPOOING LIBERAL WANT ADS GARDEN centre for re n t. with or without 4 bedroom house. including greenhouse. 889-5344, tfc32 OFFICEisipacerVforr‘renthJge. St. S. Richmond Hill. 889-9880" or 889-6075. iic3ii 3 BEDROOMâ€"liâ€"oiiisefliving and! .dining room. kitchen. full base- l'lnent. Asking $200 month. Now available 884-2558. Ask for. Robert Colucci. c3w333 QUIET pleasant room, furnish- ed. private bathroom and eli- trance. parking and pool. 389- 6516 after 6 pm. c1w34. liBEDROOlVI apartmentâ€"right 777 TRAVEL TOURS, cruises, rail a nd bus tickets, reservations and individ- ual travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfcfl & PERSONAL Doâ€"yon‘hévc ï¬ï¬Fï¬rTg‘ï¬o’h? lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call EM.6-8684. tfcl'? Summer Properties LOT for sale in Baysville area; Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- - - ' ' . . .. - . Day or night . ‘ - HAND made ceiling lamps, . L--. -w A- v-n- . GLOBE and MAIL lholstery. Lic. R31439. 889â€". WINTER SPECIAL busmess couple. 884-2273. tfc34 . . . . _ . .t D tme t of Lands and .- -2 e - . --__ .._H__-, _* _.._ 5143. tfc34 ScandinaVlan style. fabric cov- PORK. 63c 111- halvfis “‘2‘! Foo,.esf§a§ose;ch Station Tele_i BOYS or GIRLS £8830. 884â€"8134. clw-ia 7 .. 1385.493 . . .tMEI-RLGS and cliestcrfields. Day or GARAGE to mm, 520 mommy â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€". ered, made to order. 889-8936. whole, wrapped and cmed- :339- phone 832722617 ext. 2487 Hwy Required immediately for the 1963 Coma} dam, midwpwal OFIICE cleaning contract “ah-might. 884-2433. 11123 52 Hunt, Ave. 884-3202. c2w34 GET THE DROP 2N SPF‘NG ‘33“"33 1276 EV'eEEPés: ,, _ t â€" â€"-- -Â¥v - e rm - following areas. Richmond Hill. automatic best offer 884.2512 ied- 334-6047- “(32‘ “iv 5 m ‘5': -' r ._ â€" h. - "’“sTHOï¬Nï¬'â€" â€"» r--~ â€"-ï¬ 15'; come "‘ 38’ Chow“ TREE-“X07597 ;~vAcaï¬lsm; In â€"Y0RK ALUMINUM OLD Sglï¬SHED oak Ridg“ and Mama Ca†“1"†y ' t‘1“35'Al-II hoesâ€or“‘canicm Oil'o'k‘EaTiPEIPi-LEREE 3nTag1niiniiiiiiii‘ii: TOWI‘NIH‘UUSESEN ï¬le" 1:00 llggigagi'T‘OIiIOtT‘oTnf 21 7 . , , - - v -_ . . I 7.7 _., ,.. l_ _ _..._.L Li ;., . .' ., . w 7. .- . A i 'es c . . ‘ ree Heatalatois â€" Melt“ Chém?‘?;lii$ee \fï¬g‘gitses. atlflsmngï¬lnii‘gsg BUSINESS 889 6‘88; , V IDEAL FOR 7'IIIE MRS. lggf‘i-Zgllee esumales' (h Sgllégifrult trees. E. C. Doak, 832- Conveniently located on east brochures and information, call -'_.E1°cm° mm.“ a" d -11 1’5 la 5 35d screén re amt...“ Opening in you, am, [0,1 FRUSTRATED? 1966 Sunbeam Minx. 1725 cc. 4.;1:ng__ , v†_‘7_‘7‘7'7718985. tfc21 Side of Yonge St. Opposite-[Oak Ridges 773-4352 or To- units -â€"_ Glass scleens an a a >0 g 5 4558 f t 7 832113“; FULL TIME Cost of living rismg faster thanldoor sedan, economical. bucket MR. ODD JOB ""‘ RWK ‘, “ ’ ""‘ _ Thornhill G01f 8: Country Club. ronto 751-5716. c3w33 accessories. Show Room â€" 46 phone 334- ac 013’ ' -7 i your income? Write your own,seats, radio. priced for quick small movin , Gal-a e and cei-‘ A Ens BACKHOE Each suite equip ed with 4 a - ' l W II d 18 Ma le tfc28 ADVERTISING . . g g EXCAVATINF . p p Steeles Ate. W65. 1 0W 9 P - 7 i SPECIALTY pay cheque by selling real es- sale. LIC. 213937. 889-8830-.lar cleanouts etc. 884-6463 any. . ‘ ' . Dllancesy drapes. fintShed re- m â€"â€" 889-731â€"33777__ 7_7_7_7c4l\32 FREE 1 SALESMAN tate. Our Richmond Hill office 884-8134. Ci\"35;time. c2w34;Tâ€'?ch’"g' Sew" ‘5‘ “t†“"“ï¬'ï¬reation 1'oom & powder room. FARM COTTAGE MODELS Convert to natural gas home m. salesman requiring additionallnow has openings {(7,1- saies 1964AD3dge 7mm. '6- Gym-den. Ema“, ELEETRIC {ï¬ttings-7 339-3604- 7_ ifC_Z|Cali 399-7913 or 481-4233. Man- FOR SALE heating now and get a free salesman people due to expansmn. Ex- auto†radio, $95. Not certiï¬ed; PLUMBING 3.; HEATING agement by A- E- LePage Limit- 8 only left. 2 to 4 bedroom de- signs. Big discounts. LettY- built Construction Co., 7316 Yongo Street. Thornhill, 889- 0507. c4w32i WATER SOFTENERS Fully automatic. Miracle Water Softeners from $235; also power humidifiers. rentals, and salt service. Call your local Sovereign Dealer. Gerald Morlock Sales after 4 pm. 884-4016. tfc31, ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 TYPEWRITERS 7ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to-students. L. H. SIMS v 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tch -SAND and Salt mixed to D.H.O. specifications $12.50 ton or 2 tons $20.00 delivered. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Center, 51 Keele Street North, Maple. tfc24 WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears. belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs and parts for motors. Math’s TV, 49 Industrial Road. 884-7903. tfc2 BABY shoes bronzed. Free pic];- llp and delivery. 221-9188. 5022' 7___ Cl“'35_ Looking for someone who de- tfc49'HAND made Spanish c1assica1sires long term employment igijéï¬ï¬afafsï¬ snï¬nï¬b‘ife’g guitar, reasonable. 889-6516 With a VieW7 to ail-817117013 hile “ageing fast __ better reserve after 6 pm. c1w35 degree of respon51bility. Call yours now! Endean Nurseries LARGE crib: hvhite $20, dark Mr‘ BlaCkbum' 884'1167' _ ' 542 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill.lg1‘eel‘i chesterfield $10. 884-4514.' 1-. _ _L.. __.._.1 .1.-_E1:"3_°I tie-16 c1w35'DRESSMAKER, experienced CARPETS dyed. shampooed, re- 1967*SR1 DOOâ€"aIiIi'SPereo {châ€"c“? bouuque north 0f Toronto- paii-ed. installed. Indoor-out-deck, must sell. 884-5559. (“Per 6 Pm ca“ MI‘S- 0159’“ door plush pile carpet. $6.77 sq. cl\v35;222'2126‘ “1“35 yd., Ozlte with rubber back, $5.95 sq. yd., runners and door _ mats, assorted sizes, priced to clear. Rubber underpad, $1.19 sq. yd. Visit our showroom, Koenig Fine Carpets, 221-9959. tfc18 CLEARANCE, shag remnants deep pile indoor-outdoor etc., mats and runners. No reason- able offer refused. Koenig Fine eggs-__2,21-9959-_»_tr91§ rsradianâ€"hammers SEASONED hardwood for fire- match, corner table. coffee: places. also kindling. Picked-up table. 884-4291. c1w35; or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave†W. or call 225-2781. 7 registers, typewriters, adding machines, etc. 222-2940. ' tfc20 MUST sell â€"â€"- household con- tents can be seen between 11 am and 1 pin Thursday, Feb 26 at; 552 Steeles Ave. W.. Wil- lowdale. c1w35 WALL to wall drapes, 12‘, lined, rose pattern with green. Even- ings, 884-7216. c1w35 FIREWOOD for sale. Dry red oak. 833-5570. c1w35 LATHE Myford - back geared screw cutting. 6" swing, coni- plete with 2 chucks, quick change collet and milling at- tachments. 884-5547. CONTENTS of home. including drapes, rugs, lamps, very reas- onable. 889-6789. c1w35 SUMP pump, occur; I 1 owip'. tfc19i c2w35 8 power humidifier, completely installed. Call Carter Bros. Ltd. 8139:6431 tchO BROADLOOM, offered at cost plus 15% to start us in this business, Brice's Furniture Barn, Don Mills Road, Queens- ville. 478-4175. tfc33 CUSTOM-MADE full 1e n g t_h lined drapes from $9.00 per width, drop in and see our selection of patternsâ€"Modems plains and traditionals to ‘suit every taste. Ron Woods ALUMINUM PRODS. 884-1514 c1w35 DINING room suite, 7 piece. modern, walnut. 884-2551. tfc35 SET of 39" bunk beds without mattresses. $15. 884-2380. c1w35 SMALL piano organ, like brand new. must be sold. Call 727- 8965 after 6 pm. c1w35 SINGER sewing machine, port- able, like new. Best offer. 884- 24" 4 BURNERTGiIrneyjiectrib stove. 833-5749. c1w35 WIN a wig by being hostess to a wig party. For information call 832-1113. c1w35 RECREATION room furniture, bars, also portables, bar stools, floor lamps‘. ,stereo cabinets, clocks, etc. Call 884-4866 even- ings. c1w35 BABY carrige, excellent coili- dition. 884-7615. c1w35 APT. size fridge, aDt: size range. Good condition. 884- 8920. c1w35 ,FREEZER, reasonable. 889- 19577. c1w35 'HALTERS â€" Speedway, strong |russet leather, brass plated hardware. $5.25 ea. Maple Feed iMill 832-1241. ‘ c4w34 WRINGER washing machine good condition $35, 13le elec- tric motor. $10. 887-5442 after 6 pm. c1w35 NEW sofa, matching chair and lcoffee table in Danish teak, Icomplete or separately. 884- 312. c1w35 iHAY. 4 ton. second cut, alfalfa. ino rain. 884-2557. c1w35 PETS FOR SALE WYN7D0T LADIES SHOP For appointment call: 75 Bayview Plaza. Richmond iiilll “1°“ggfggi‘150n 884-2214 ' “ c2w34 C1W35 LOT man wanted. Phone Used Car Manager, Don Little Ford. . 889-1105. c1w35 W 5' . m __ -___.h. LEAD hand for medium sizedL SNOWMOBILES sheet-metal fabricating plant. Clearance sale on all used and‘Apply in Person 169D Centre demonstrators. St. East. c1w35 lines, or part time working on regular job, or reâ€"i tired man looking for additional income. HIGH COMMISSION, BONUS 19 Part Sales Course. KEDCO PRODUCTS LTD.. Box 340, Brockville. Ont. c1w35 PLUS 1 l The A1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 52 Yonge Street South Invites Accountants and Book-E keepers to list for permanent placement. BAKER, experienced in cake and bread li'ne. Good salary of? tiered. Ask for Mr. Jemetz, 895â€" 3783. 241 Main St., Newmarket. ' c1w35 EXPERIENCED banquet wait-I resses needed. Call after 3.30 pm. 638-2855. c1w35 CLEANING lady, 1 day week, Oak Ridges area. Own transpor- tation not necessary. 773-4418. c1w35 TYPIST, high school graduate, proficient in typing. willing to be trained as a legal secretary. l ITEMAIJE‘PAYROLL CLERK To prepare payroll for submisâ€" sion to computer service bur- eau, monthly posting summary, benefits etc. Payroll experience necessary. Will also help with accounts payable, some typing. Modern plant. Good wages, all benefits plus profit sharing. Woodbine and Steeles. Own transportation. Mr. Laine, 293- 8278 days. 291-5251 evgs. ASSOCIATED TUBE INDUSTRIES LTD. c1w35 COOK \vaiited ’roii'hï¬i‘n‘ni‘snn: home. 884-7646. c1w35 1* KEYPUNCH ( 884-1273. c1w35 * DICTA TYPISTS 1 OWNERTECONOMY .7 MINDED? "‘ CLERK TYPISTS ‘1966 Volkswagen 1300 deluxe. . radio. whitewalls, absolutely tensive training programs of- 884-3772. fered. Age or education no bar- c1w35 1962 PontiacwagonfautOmatic, He" can Mr' Whlte 01 Mr‘ 1 owner, only 36.000 miles. ex-' Cuff. 889â€"6241. L '1 ., t 832 2364 NORM BLACK REALTY 'a ‘ “'1’ pr†9' ' 1' «at LIMITED _ - . , 1, , ,1, 9 “"f1 “(.23 ONLY 1 OWNER WAGON â€"‘*-"~-*~ - -~ 1964 Rambler 660 Crosscountry LADIES; _ IF YOU ARE wagon. 2232 six. auto. radio, luggage rack. Emerald Green? SEEKING PERMANENT OK with matching interior, ideal‘ “for cotta e months. Lic.‘ TEMPORARY OFFICE I’OSI-lxss203. 889-8830. 884-8134. ' c1w35, 1962 Pontiac-{running condition, good motor. not: certified. $70.; TIONS. * STENos Tsupcrb throughout. Lic. 490902.i ‘889-8830. 884-8134. c1w35 ‘1965 Pontiac Parisienne. 6 cyl-l iinder, automatic, private. 223- 2333. c1w35 11969 Toyota Corona, in lovely condition. Must sell, private. 884-1952 after 5 pm. c1w35 REGISTER WITH: HI-CORI’S PERSONN EL 18 YONGE ST. N. ’ '1’?“ RICHMOND HILL SHOWROOM SPECIAL 1967 Datsun 4 door, 1300 de- luxe sedan, fully synchronized 4 speed, bucket seats, white- walls, discs. Ermine White with red interior. Can be seen in our showroom. Lie. 42292N. 889-8830, 884-8134. c1w35 1964 Dodge sedan, 4 door. auto, private. 889-6607. c1w35 HONDA Shapes the world of wheels MOTORCYCLES 5 From Mini Trail, . . . to CB. 750‘ York Import Automobiles Ltd. 884-6782 DAYS 832-2335 EVGS c1w35 WOMAN to care for 2 year old. 2 days week and occasional evenings and weekends. Bay- view and Steeles. 889-2034. c1w35 FOUNDRY HELPER WITH CIIAUFFEUR’S LICENCE Steady job. good wages and fringe benefits. Apply in person, Gamma Foundry Co. Ltd.. 313 Enford Rd. Richmond Hill. I C1W35 16 Industrial Road at 7 DOWN’SVIEW ‘Yonge St. 889-8830, 884-8134 Experienced Purchase Order‘ c2w35 Clerk-Typist. Own transporta- â€"fï¬s"Ԥï¬iï¬rsҤl,i‘CIALS_ “°â€' StflinT'mw i1962 Mercedes 190, Lic. No. Fast accurate typist to learn( inventory control. Own' trans- portation. Salary $804.. Call 884-6944 A1 Employment Agency tPermanent Placement) 52 Yonge St. South c1w35 EXPERIENCED waitress, Gal- axie Restaurant, 884-6531. c1w35 pur- 554289. $695. 1963 Pontiac Parisienne. No. 349689. $395. 1964 Buick Electra 225. Lic. No.3 394827. $895. 1966 Plymouth Belvederc. Lie.- No. 211089. $895. 1966 Rover 2000. 9837. $1295. 1966 Olds. Cutlass. Lic. No. 346- 022. $1495. PINECREST MOTORS Highway 7, next to Speedway Lic. Lic. No. CLERK-typist to assist WOMAN, live in, 3 teenagers, 12â€"3 weeks, drivers license, istarting March 5, Richvale, 889-7 71790. c1w35 .WOMAN to work in kitchen 5â€"10 pm. 2 or 3 evenings pert .weck no cooking. The Villa‘ Nursing Home, Mrs. Stewart. 889-7904. c2w35 TWO drivers required for city and local delivery and working: in shipping department. Write Box 62, “The Liberal". c1w35 CLEANING lady. once every two weeks. 889â€"6618. c1w35 WOMAN for light houseng , hours daily. March 9â€"21, mornings. 884-4776. 1 t I GOOD GIRL â€" WOMAN Wanted 3â€"4 clays, S2 hourly, - motor. complete. new condition]. liqlfeï¬eepggg Sigh Apply?) 321'.“ 35 Private BA 1-8532 ‘Tâ€"â€"‘.“â€"â€"â€"- 939 3'-.. -11- L . “‘1‘?†s ' ' ' “NEW ouner Betty Forsyth. Dog B - . , , , ciw3a. _ . . 77 UILD a business of you1 own- _.-._.__.-._.. .1“ -lgioommg â€" poodles a $966181 mm, Beau. C n m 1. To TAPE recorder. Holiday. bat-ity. .iill Goddard. 889-3606. : . . 13884 ° - 1 3‘3?I lery and electric. Best: offer. tIcIs-?°£“‘.ԤS{‘?I‘., ' ' .LLII 884-1387 after 5.30 pm. c1w35 "_‘*_‘â€""â€"â€"“‘ PART TIME help, female, even-‘ i | GAS dryer $50, stove $25. 889- 9458. c1w35 PIANO, good condition. sold for BEAGLE puppies, 6 weeks old, storage charges. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. c1w35 PREE‘ivIGs You can earn a free wig by GERMAN Shepherd, 7 months I *1w35 [for sale. 884-1072. c1w35 PUPPIES for sale. Playful, en- ergetic, $3 each. 884-5259. *lw35 ,LLASA ApEo" puppies â€"â€" pure- beins hostess ‘0 a “12 Pam’- bred 9 weeks old. 640-3956. Also private showings. 889-. c 1 w 35 5255. C1w35 â€"- ~ â€" - POOL table: cues†andâ€"b-alls‘.‘ best offer. Call after 6 pm. 884-5769. *1w35, REFRIGERATOR. Moifiit. goodl condition. 884-6219. *1w35' FREE to good home. part spaniel. part beagle. 11 months old. had all shots. 889-8624 after 5 pm. c1w35 l old. papers, needles. 884-4602. [ tings. Average 54. per hour as- ,sisti'ng on carrier routes. Phone lJ. Kennedy, 884-4409. c1w35 !.ARE YOU interested in a career; with a large Canadian Finance} {company Call Mr. Campbell: 3884-8156. tfc35- WOMAN to help in snack b full time. 5 day week. Know- ledge of short order cooking. D & H Drive-in Restaurant. No. 7 and Dilftel'in. 889-1065. c1w35 ar, LOST ‘ Ltd. 884-1147. Printing Ltd. 8847-2470. car is a necessity and appli-tsedan, best. offer. 884-4972. cants should be prepared to‘ c1w35 work overtime as required. MBï¬iifï¬b'js‘Y'SPEEi AL Salary is open to negotiation. ‘ ‘ l 1964 Fairlalie wagon, big 6 cle auto. radio, white walls and snows, metallic saddle finish with matching interior. Priced to clear. Lic. 51197X. 889-8830, 884-8134. c1w35 - -- - . 1967 F0 D al xie 500 2 door MATURE man to help in ship- hardtop Rpose: Steering. and ping and general warehouse brakes ’ Yew 600d cohditionu work. Otto Pick and Sons Seedsmas 1‘970 iiceï¬se plates and 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 971m†safety inspection certificate. VARITYPER operator. pal'tiPhone Richmond Hill Com- for this position but will start at $6,500 plus medical bene-l fits and insurance plan. C011- solidated Dynamics Ltd., 8048 Woodbine Ave, Buttonville. Phone 297-2002. c1w35 time. Excellent position for munity Credit Lnion Ltd. 884â€" someone experienced in paste-18781 10 am â€"- 5 pm daily. ,up and layout. Porter Fine c1w35 c1w35! DAY CARE â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€",-â€"-~lSPORTS CAR or THE WEEK RELIABLE d3." care 3"allable'1967 Honda F600 fastback. com- in my home! 03k Ridgest 773' plete I'e-built engine, immacu- late throughout. fast, econom- 5596. tfc32 DAY CARE available in my ical touring car. Pro-summer, Lic. 245611. 889-8830.‘ home, North Taylor )lills 884-lpl‘ic‘ed. c1w35. c;g\i,~341884-8134. CHRYSLERPgOod condi L best offer. 884â€"6240. ; 371i 1966Beaumontconvel'tible‘327, 4 speed, 51400. 884-1078. c1w35 l i â€"1-.â€"7 I WILL do child care in xiii-1963 .1 home. 820 weekly. 884-2196, 55 tion, Richmond St. Richmond Hill. c2w351965 RELIABLE day care in German 835 Chi. \’.\\'. 1500. ’iow' mileage. healer. must sell. 'and indoor painting. Fully in-1 ilnterior - Exterior. Free esti- leaving home. References given. Yonge and Levendale. 884-8302. ’ LADIES glasses in Rice's Flow- home, Rockport Cres. area. 884- country. 8895. 889-7423. 1968 FIREBIRDWVS. c1w35 power. ._ .._._lDAY CAREâ€"available in my eqlllpped. 884-1455 after 5 P-mwcarpenti'y. 773-5604. c1w35 Contractor. free estimates. Call; anytime 884-3931. c4w33 CONTRACTING caiochtry al- terations â€"« recreation rooms K. M. Nielson. 773-4348. c4w33‘ WIWOWSPandAflOors cleanedd sured. 889-9605. tfc32 SNOWBL‘OWI'NG" ‘ "' Driveways and Sidewalks clear-1 ed. 884-2838. tfc29: NORTHERN PAINTING ‘ Residential, commercial painty ing, interior and exterior. Paper; hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 Recreation Rooms Alterations & Repairs Stone Overlay Walker Construction 889-5292 SPRING CLEANUP! Basements, garages. back yards. By the hour or job. Call 384-' 1509 or 884-8306 anytime. tfc20‘ DRYWALL plaster, acoustic tile ceilings. moveable partitions. Home or office. 884-8391 - 889- 6784. tfc16 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc32 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc48l GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. th3 FLOOR COVERING . All types floor tile. sheet goods.I Expert workmanship at low cost.. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfell‘ PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM ' UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern ftu'nitUI'e.. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfc44 RUBBER STAW Several type faces to choose from -â€"â€" including Script, Block HANS BUTT 889-4106 tfc41 SIGN S“ 1 Truck lettering - Posters l Art work - Gold leaf Experienced - fast service FLAGLER S I G N S 884-3071 . tfc47 CIï¬tï¬iNTER ‘ Additions. alterations, recl-ea-‘ tion rooms, ceiling and floor: tiling and painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. 889-7480 9 l um, i CARPENTRY and remodelling. Kitchens. rec. rooms, etc. ‘ 889-9658 ‘ tfc27: , foils. ,turer has spray painting capa- ‘city available. Will handle only ‘TEMPORARY job wanton ’RELIABLE teenhge girl would; ‘Useable articles for auction sale, Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 C Q EXCAVATING AND SNOW REMOVAL Back hoe and loader rental,- footings. drains, trenches, septicl tanks. 884-2388. tic33 PAPERHANGPER Contract, sub contract. or by hour. Vinyls, flocks, aluminum t t l t tic34i 884-1273 iNSII'RUMENTTdidi_ manufac- small items. Quantitics Imma- terial. 884-8378. tfc35 EMPLOYMENT WANTED l "â€"1 by a‘ Seneca College student. Four years experience with elec- tronics and telephone industry.‘ Phone 884-1969 after 5 pm. nc3\1735 FURNITURE slip covers cut†and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. PleaseI phone anytime 773-4202. tfc29 RESPONSIBLE STUDENT , Industrious and reliable, seeks‘ part-time job after school and, weekends. 884-4794. nc3w33' LOCAL summer employment; wanted by female university‘ student. 884-6303. c1w35 LADIES W Ironing done in my home. ex- perienced. 889-7827. clw35i RELIABLE young man wishesi employment as factory workerfl farm hand, etc. 832-1584, ask for Graham. c1w35l like babysitting job in Beverley‘ Acres area. 884-3423. c1w35 WOMAN to do ironing in your home. Call evenings 884-7772. c1\l.'35 EXPERIENCED cleaning lady wants housework, 9 to 3, $13 ‘Yonge. table March lst. 884-8793. 16103. ‘ apartment with same. 92â€"12bedrooni vaba’rtm‘chts. 884- ed, Realtor. FURNISI’IED‘rJom, Cddkihg facilities, 16 Lorne, Ist house east of Berks Jewellers at tfc51 FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment» tfc15 2,000 sq. ft.. 90c per foot net, immediate possession in Rich- mond Hill. 630-9500. tfcl7 2 VBEDROOMV apzi‘tlnentfavail: ciw33‘ BACHELORWapartmcm. avail- able March 1. 884-8793. c1w33 ATTRACTIVE bed-sitting room, suit busineSS lady, parking. 889- c1w35 LADIES 25-40. share 2 bedroom Close to ’I‘TC and plaza. Richmond Hill.’ Furniture optional, share ex- penses. After 5.30 pm, 884-7764. c2w35 ON Yonge, Richvale, 6 room 1‘2 storey house, double gar- age, full basement. 225-9229 or 223-6263. c2w3sl 2512. c1w35 KESW'I'CR’: 4 beerâ€"Oâ€"in_house, $150 month. 476-3795. c2w35 6â€"1'Oom_b3ngailio\v, availablei April 1, $90 month. Write Box 63. “The Liberal". c1w35 LOVELY apartment. newly decorated. $19 a week, no children. Phonei after 6. 884-3857. c1w35. FURNISHED room, gentlemani preferred. 884-3540. c1w35 LARGE 3 bedroom apartment; central location, adults please; 884-4291. c1w35, 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfur- nished $70. monthly. Child wel-V come. Large lot, steps to Grey} Coach bus. parking. 3 milesl north of Richmond Hill. Call after 8 pm. 773-5066. c1w35 NICE furnished room, cookingik privileges, suit young lady. 884-l 7615. c1w35- FURNISHED room 3T5 \\'eekly.i for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8; Son. WOOdVlIIE,‘ Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. tfc44 BY RICTIVALE LIONS to be held for community bene- fits. 884-1572, 889-3780. c2w34 SCRAP cars wanted. also cop- per. brass, aluminum, lead. etc.. Provincial Smelting, 889-7932. c1w35 .9. $3, WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOMI-hoiusef Richm Hill or Oak Ridges, 773-5733. c2w34 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERIIANGING‘ 1 889-8965.} tfc35. ’l mates. Call anytime. Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 21 Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 hornhil V G. .i. CCRRTE . BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Com- CI“35 ste er in g and bl‘aké‘s- IUUB' mercial and residential. Custom tfc9 RALPH ELMS DECORATINGT * r l COUNTRY home. Furnished or, semi furnished. Responsible adults. No children, phone 486- 7792. c2w34 1 BEDROOM furnished base-, ment apartment or flat in the, area of Maple or Keele and Highway NO. 7 for April 26th Phone after 5 pill. 859-0832. Clw33 t GARAGE to store car. Must be, reasonable. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. TWO or three bedroom house. immediate or Apiil l occupancy: 895-9516. c1w35 and soft water, near Richmond ohasin avent in heav ecui - _ , and carfare. Own trans orta-l entleman only, 834-6531. ment gmaï¬ufacturing dbmplanly)’. 889 4666 c1w35’lettgrsi ouqine Cari? .frlï¬naiu-ie tion. 389-0879. 51w35lg c1w35I . - - . __w._“__.,,._,_. _ â€"â€" as servwe. a e l -- - --~ ‘ -- ~ ,- â€"-â€"â€"-- 7 a some 931169191103 "1 Pumhas’ STATIONWAG , n _ - MATURE lady to baby/Sit even-:7 ROOM bungalow, also 2 bed-, . 0N el al 884 1100. . mg necessalih MUSt_llave 0WD OF THE WEEK ‘ ._..._ “LL . --__-- _..- mos 334-2635 c1w35'room apartment 638-3145- | transportation. Location Hwy. '7 _ _ . HARRISONS CUSTOM _ ...L---i .._ . C1w35j 8: Woodbine Ave. Phone 297-4997 Fa}rlane Stallon‘vagmL’ CARPENTRY lSRD CLASS stationaiy engineei',_#,,__,,_.v..g , 1 L... 32002. c1w35 Em: :§:::?Zedp‘:i‘::;"g3:iy Q/QB’iCustom built homes, renova- would like part 1Aims-3 \v;iԤ,*SU131LE’1‘ hem-30:1 t0\:r;ll'gi’:tti:§.‘i fiâ€"H“â€"’ ï¬jif" "if "W's -- , - :‘ tions, additions, and re ail-sievenlngs or wee'en s. 7 - new 3’ (8001?? ~ ‘ ~; EDECUTIVE seueian7 $0. “365000 mlleS- A V912" Clean car-K141 is It IVE-1.55087. c1w35 Available immediately 889-9113.: plcsldent Of an lrlteln"tionttlliCertified and GW. warrantv.‘ IL .5115 1‘ Spe la y‘ l i ‘ c1w35l constrUCtion equipment manu-fLiC‘ x150357 389.8330. 334-1H31'F180n- 384'2838- r-.. - .-_- _---~â€"--â€"--â€"--: facturer. Applicants must be‘3134. c1w35} ALUMINUMIHOME .1 BEDROOM baselnent7apart-‘ efficient shorthand stenogra- , â€"-- 7- ~ -- r- - lMPRoVEMENTs ment In RIChVale 889‘1‘37‘ . â€" - - . l1969 PLYMOUTH Road Runner . . LL" WWW". ass - "u 4-, L c1w35 1311911 23-50 3931‘s Of 386‘- â€"‘\3383 4 m d askm $9450 lAlcan -â€" siding", Eavestroughs DE“) . “i ldf - 1 . ' 7“, r m, . ,.A_ . _‘ knowledge of French and/or, ‘ , :33“ j _ - g ‘j‘ , :1 Doors and Windows . ‘_ °' “ P“ ,am an'ma s 7PARTMENT AVAILABLE German Pl‘efel‘rf-‘d- and be free Cayuga-13:7 i391 3' .. ï¬lm?) For free estimates call yourgwke? “p “me12 For duelliz bedroom suite, rent $165 in- to travel if required. Own 1966 CHEVELLE, 327, 2 door‘ Local Contractor “me “in mm“ DlStance and 351‘ eludes fridge, stove, hydro. heat 1 Heights Centre. Adults only. Call Mrs. Mack. 884-8776. clw35 1 BEDROOM suite, 8145 in-, cludes fridge. stove. hydro, heat and soft water, near Richmond Heights Centre, adults only. Call Mrs. Mack. 884-8776. c1w35 2 BEDROOM apartment. 884-. 1875. c1w35i‘ FURVNISI‘IEDYTOOHI for young ilady, homey atmosphere, park-‘WAS 754,222 il‘ig. 884-8343. c2t'35‘ HOUSE, 6 bright rooms. 26‘ Crestwood Rd. Steelcs a n (l HUB-2578. c1w35 ROOMâ€"101cm."su’itï¬cnucEXni g No cooking. 884-1629. tfc35i ‘ l COUNTRY home, unfurnished flat. no appliances, separate en-‘ trance. Non-smokers, business_ couple only. 832-2458. c1w35 l l SN OWMOBILES ‘ ’ sRiROL'LE ’ sxow MACHINE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Full Warranty - 277cc - - $690. 14 HP - (WV-35419 HP. -- Electric M 293cc -. 13760. :24 HP. - ,26 HP. â€"- 439cc â€"â€" 392.3. - 335% ~â€" $790. i Trailers and Sleighs furnished bachelor - EQUIPMENT lCOckShutt 30 Tractor â€" $250.00 Allis Chalmers B Tractor $350.00 with snow blade. Ford 9N Tractor â€"â€"$ 450.00. Snow blades reg. $550.00. Sale $350 00. Ski Whiz Snowmobiles trade up now terms to stilt. Rumble Tractor and Equipment Massey-Ferguson Dealer Corner of Don Mills and Stand- ville Road. Gormley 887-5886 .._. clw3 ROOM & BOARD ROOM‘RRd board' for gentle man. 773-5770. tfc3. ROOM availableâ€"(board op- tionalt. Parking. 889-3270. c1w35 ntlemaii 7 77 77777 7 “77 c1w35 OFFICE girl requires room and board in Richmond Hill â€"- Thornhill area. 889-4330. c1w35 DRESSMAKIN G ROOM and board for ge only. 884-5994. ALL sewing repairs aTid altera- tions for your family. 884-8859. tfc34 LIVESTOCK P I N T O mare, rider. 640-1189. experienced c1w35 Are You Interested In A Better Job? We have one or two openings for first class TOOL 85 DIE MEN Capable of building automo- tive tooling with a minimum of supervision. We Offer excellent wages and outstanding opportunity for advancement. Call Klaus Bytzek or Herman Gentemann NEW. 19705 70 Chrysler 2-door hardtop, ful- ly equipped including power windows. Lic. N73407. WAS $5,032 NOW $4,378 70 Dodge Monaco, fully equip- ped. 2-dr. hardtop. Lic. N73532. WAS $4,561 NOW $3,987 70 Charger RT. Power disc brakes. console, tinted glass all round. Lic. N85679. WAS $5,053 NOW $4.369 ‘70 Challenger, 2-door hardtop. "Big 6â€, auto. Lic. N73472. WAS $3,997 NOW $3,462 70 Dart Swinger, 2-door, hard- top, “Big 6â€, auto. Lic. L59542. WAS $3,798 NOW $3,106 70 Coronet “440", 2-door hard- top. V'8. auto., radio. Llc. N7333l. NOW $3,629 â€"ARE YOUâ€" Working? 21 years old? ond Yonge area. large lot, $170NWilling to make payments? New in the country? CALL NOW 889-3764 FOR CREDIT APPROVAL EVEN IF YOU: 0 Were turned down elsewhere 0 Are new on Your job 0 Are a new resident All full prices shown ï¬ TOMKINS 7 395 YONGE ST. N. ---â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _ _ ' 7 , . . 7. i 1964 Elgin boat with 25 hp. TRAILERS er ShOD- 334-3035 after 5 W“; 5090' C2“'3°i ‘Painting. paper-hanging. inter-1331513110031. “0W9 reas‘ï¬lï¬k- Vï¬zunl‘n'j‘lf eittollf'ggggslgfs RICHMOND HILL Eviiu‘ude .outboard motor and RE“ a trailer or tmckfamper Cl“'3° ior and exterior. Free estimatesflchmnond Hlu or oak 711 3;? 8884166 trailer‘ 884‘1344' *1‘1'35 fm-Lyour winter vacation at low i_â€"_â€"____ Work guaranteed. 887-5610. '7‘3'4472- C “ 9 ch33 WOODS freezer. 17 611- flu CheSt rates. Visit our new showroom Transportation ITEACIIEB- 1313110 and “19°53 tf0461'1‘W0 responsible business wo-!]â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"969 MOTOâ€"WQâ€"BPâ€"best, Boys AND GIRLS type. $100. 884-7186. c1w35 for parts and accessories. Some}- ASSOCIATED TUTORS __ Re. establishing Richmond Hill. ELECTRICIAN {mm require 2 m. 3 bed‘rpomlofrer .87478980 , - .CHM Make regular pocket money on WRlNâ€"GER washer, automatfc used trailers for sale. RepairsNRIDE wanted from Maple to‘liable experienced tutors cangcfml‘al- __.i??:“:'i3f Additions 8; alterations Ihouse by June 1, Tliornnlllâ€"‘77;â€37: †"'_ if, 7L _h1_ a Liberal paper route. 7Estab- pump and timer. Excellent con- alterations and hitches. KingEWeston Road and Wilson or help your child. ReasonableECLARIXET group organizmg.‘ Big jobs â€" small jobs [Richmond Hill area._ excellenl4§\0 7BL7G 9:31;? 2:117:23711 D- lisherl route gthay 13271813331337?- dition. $25u 884-3374 aflel‘ 5 Cit." Tl'ailel‘S, Kl'ng Road. TT3-V‘Ja'ne and Wilson. 833-1243 atteIQrates Call without obligation Instruments 62 monthly \lltni 834-4121 7 references. (all 8844.036 ~21110017 ..0 Mark S- . 8 - .1 717 7‘7 \om 2.1702 ] Vane. 818211.05†pm. “Wit-514260. c2\\35.5.30 pill, Ci\\35;RR4-1636, 884-288 . ï¬xiS-t‘lessons. 839-8212. £41341 tfrinroflifl pm. (MW-30 ‘â€" . arrlt’r “CU-31°". --