Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1970, p. 9

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T New Streets, Lots Fo 0' Hamlet Plan For Victoria Square r 56 Homes, R.R. 2, Gormley Forum A showing 01' films and a talk BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF ‘scll Brillingcr and I‘ii‘ii‘lli Alas- ull. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, March 5, 1070 Gormley Neighborhood Notes CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - Neighborhood Notes because of his health. Sympâ€" sympalm ,5 extended m M“ athy of the community is ex- llazel iii the passing of his bro- [ended ‘0 “'5 “ldml and ‘0 ms 9 PHONE 887-5445 weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer Phone 29"-1‘41 ‘ ‘ Hill were dinner guests 'l‘hurs- d3\ of Mrs. Charles Milsted. Lucky draws went in Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Russ Ellas have on the use and abuse of drugs net \l'cldmark and Bill Swain ther-in-law in Germam last 5mm» Mls- 13“ Bad and lamil)’ Spent laSl \ieekend returned from a three~week hol~ Plans providing for new seeable future, as entirer now. would he like Highway '3. will take place in Bi‘m‘n': and fi‘eczcoul winners were week. Mr. Hazel left from To» Keith Hoover has been on a 61 South River. tiday in Florida where they \‘isv treets. 56 new home lots and accesses to and from Don Mills which now functions as a Corners L‘nited Church at 8 hm Ali-55 llaZEI Harris and A ronto International Airport at business trip to London. Eng< Miss Sara Gibson of Ottawa hed the” hhfle and 3‘th- n increase in population of Road and 18th Avenue would be‘ local service road in rela- .March 19 sponsored by the Wood against A. Robinson and Malton Friday to be with his land for Air Canada. lspent the weekend with her A. lar e crowd was resent in 52 people at Victoria Square. required. Farm holdings in thisi tion to the Queen Elizabeth lHappy Timers. Unit 1. L'nited George Foster sister. ‘ Mrs. Ross Brilliuger returned parents Mr and Mrs Ed Gib- the fellgwship hall ofpthe Miss- ere recommended to Markham area extend from the extsting. “83‘, he said. |Church Women. Hestesses for the evening Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dey \\ ho home from St. John‘s Conval-lson. Slusan‘Gibsoii who is at- ionary Church Friday evening ownshlp Counc” by planmng developed pmpemles for a con-i Deputy_reeve Anthony R0m_ Speakers will be Detective were Miss Dell Stephenson. have lived for several years on escent Hospital, Willowdale on‘tending University ‘of Western for the miscellaneous shower otard February 26. The pres- Siderable distance westerly.‘an wanted to know if were had Douglas Tlvjbbling 0f Markham Mrs. Reg ‘Allen. Mrs. James Concession 3 of Whitchurcb Friday last. lOntario at London. also spentlfor Miss Helen Ann Taylor and h population is 181 people mwrth no natural or artiftCial.been any Staff consideration “Township police and Lawyer Rodick. Miss E. French. Mrs. Township. north of the town-l 0 residential units. boundaries within which devel- Harold Taft. Eldon Brillinger has returnedjlast week at her parents' home. The happy cou- . .{a zonin r v‘ ‘ 0 -lHugh Honsberger. formerly RIChal'd Pl‘alet and Mrs. Charles line. moved on Thursday last from a month‘s business tri to Mr. and Mr . R ~ ' ‘ _ This was the first in 3 mon- OPhTEht 0011”. be contame‘h lsib1e will}; (1.55.3..igfmi. lwith the Department of Justice HOOP“, 5'1 to Vancouver. BC. Western Canada. p ‘former residenls oily GEiilngvs'ilpwlT Iecewed many lovely Ems 13’ §érles 0f planning SlUdleS 53‘d the plannmg report‘ Hldaka said the ex‘pected store and now in private practise. The next euchrc. March 13. We welcome Mr. and R’II‘S.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillingerwere involved in a car-snori-r The WI met Wednesday after- ounml has Order“! for Mark' Mr. Hidaka said the requirements of the area could Formerly a prosecutor for the at BhltOthhe “all: “'111 be a Vern Clarridge who moved into and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley mobile accident in the north oninoon at the home of Mrs. am TO‘VhShlp hamlets. Next function of Don Mmg Road be accommodated under the ex- crown. Mr. Honsberger has heheflt {01‘ the Society for the house vacated by Mr. and.attended the fiftieth \t'edding‘Sunday. Mrs. Hedges suffered3Charles Milsted with nine mem- amlEt {m Plahhlhg Director will change very much with isuhg zoning and he didn't more recently had considerable CHPPICd Chllhl'eh- FOUOWIHE MFS. Dex. ’anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. two broken legs and Mr. Hedges.bers and four visitors present. umo Hldakats list is Brown‘s the construction of the pro‘ ‘think this matter needed to be‘expeflence in defending those that.‘tliei‘e will be a benefit Richard Hodgson of RR ].'Allan Meyers of Scarboro Sun-lwas also hospitalized. er5. Norman Brown told the ornei-s. posed limited access High_ ‘Considemd except m the un_ accused of “legal passession of itichie for the Sort; central CONDIer passed away afternoon. Mrs. George Duncan of Dun- story of the birthstone. "The Planning Assistant Clifford way 404 to the west of Vic- ilikely event that the question dl‘llgs- ,Blospn'al: Sponsm'm the at El Cajon. California. Feb-' Miss ivadelle Sudeyko. who isldalk. Mrs. David Fanning aiithmethyst". District President aVleS was responsible for the toria square. Don mills lwas raised by some resident. Both speakers have a broad uttoiitille Branch. YLHA, in ruary :24. Mr. and Mrs. Hodg- attending Emmanuel Bible Col-ltwo sons of Scarboro. and Mrsers. George Richardson was ulk of the work on the Vic- oria Square study. I If and when demand for lots ecomes evident in Victoria quare. it is proposed that the. ownship should permit devel-‘ pment in l2-lot stages. When. ine lots in each stage are oc- upied, then a further 12-lot tage would be permitted. There is a note of warning in he report. Information is not n hand regarding the availa- ility of a sufficient; supply of round water to service the w. development and regarding he ability of the soil to accept eptic tanks. Planning Director Hidaka said oil tests would have to be perâ€" ormed to the satisfaction of in Department of Health be- ore permits could be issued. t best). enquiries in the area tould throw some light on the titer supply situation, but in he final analysis, only test rilling can provide the answer, aid the planning report. CORRESPONDENT RR. 2, Gormley Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Mrs. Herb Nelson, Mrs. Fred Walker and Miss Shirley Nelson all on March 6. Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell. .March 9, Jim Barker. March 10 and to Terry MacDonald on March 1]. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Ruth Frisby. who is suffering from the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Knight of King City were visitors at the church service Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. Alice Perkins. Mrs. lRolph Boy'nton and Mrs. Jim Barker called on Mrs. Boynton’s sister. Mrs. Ross Nichols at the ‘Willows Nursing Home. Aurora, VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS background in enforcement of laws pertaining to drugs crs at schools, service clubs. : MRS. W. SANDLE Telephone 887-5421 congregational e v e n t there will be an opportunity . . ‘for the audience to ask es- er. and Mrs. B111 Mu1rhead andltions on drugs as they aqflflect family 0f Altona~ today's society. Congratulations to Mrs. Leslieiwm‘fouow the discussion per; Hart on being crowned Chapter iod. Queen of the Hilltop TOPS, anXNeighborhood Notes' iOI‘Eanlzalion to help D9091? Isabel Hood is on a skiing “Take Off Pounds Senstbly"lholiday in Austria presently. l which meets every Mondayl Last week was a busy one; .evenlng at BeVerlel’ ACl‘esy‘for Grace Rodick. whose mar- Richmond Hill. Mrs. Hart won riage to Ted Early of Londnni [her title by taking Off 43 Phllndsltakes place at Brown's Corners :during1969. 1United Church on March 21.. ,LeCuyer. Richmond Hill \vei‘elgUeSl' mi hOhm' at a Show” sad to learn of his death last when friends from the church. nted miscellaneous gifts. The room was attractively deâ€" the occasion by years here at Victoria Squarefils‘E lhaving lived where Mrs. Roy- ‘td f ‘ iGlover now resides. S-ympathylCma e m of the community is extended ‘ . . ‘. I . Mn Hidaka said he thought Wodh65d83’ 0f laSt Week I ito Mrs. LeCuyer and family. :2]: tlllgogllcgeelggf aiflllitedhlg he planning report's Tecom' MISS Mabel sandelson “35 a The Mal'Ch meeting 0f the Wolfe. her sister-'in-law. Mi's.‘ dinner guest on Thursday last of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sander- son of Richmond Hill. A speedy recovery is wished ‘ endations would accommodate ictoria Square's growth re- uiremcnts for some time. It as éhOUt two years Since the f C .1 N. l 1 .h d _ gthe area are invited to attend._Ucw_ ' Ulldlng of the last new 11011599. or t 9“. "‘lc 1‘: SYW‘ko Cu" ta; Theme of the meeting will be‘ On Friday evening th e. {e said the expanston and gglslmili‘gefiiychimngl Hillenlzgt “Northern Affairs”. groom's sister. Mrs. Leonard‘ R S I E R traitors.learn“a: wa. v ' . be or ' - ~ ‘1 w r v inister. of Municipal Affairs. Recent visitors with Misslheld in the community hall 8h a n};st§‘eesane::s :100 See " Prefinished Paneling Prefinished Paneling The Victoria Square plan Mabel Sanderson were ltIrs.and?y .e‘femhg at 3 13”} The Riggs rifle guests Amongl : can be sent to the provincial Ella Ratcliffe of Stouffville ana‘Pubhc lsdmvhe‘i alga ladles are those attending him this‘ 3‘ . , , , _‘ authorities Withoul Waiting Mn and Mrs‘ B°b Mills 0f reques-te to prov} e' area were Miss Mary Rodick, ': 095 Per 4 X8 Pane' per 4 X8 Pane' 3' for completion of other Bloomington. World Day of Prayer Mm Morrison 591131» and Mrs . . hamlet studies. and the Mrs. James Magee of Toronto. planning board recommend- and Mrs. Paul Charlebois of ed this action to council. Weston Spent Friday with Mr. The proposed plan calls for and Mrs. Rolpll Boynton. WI “'1” he held TUESday atgJohn Rodick. and small niece} 1-30 Pm at the home 0f MltsfiAndi-ea Rodick. Refreshments The annual Women‘s WorldiJames Rodick. ‘Day of Prayer service will be held in Victoria Square United [Church Friday afternoon at 2 clear weather for the and I are much in demand as speak- . churches and ' On both nights the bride had ' long ' drive from London. where she ‘ is a staff member at a second- ' late March or early April. The evening is planned as a . and. ‘ Refreshments : The many friends of HarryOn Monday the bride-to-be was} week Harry Spent his younger and the Hagei'man area pre- . members of the Explorer group e Reid Brumwell and all ladies inlwere served by members of the ‘ son hadrgone south lasl fall lege at Kitchener spent thetEldon Gooding of Richmondithe guest speaker. l' rnucrn EXGPTTHE my I. THORNLEA LUMBER £‘Wit11 w'ELuwo'bD wEanooo $6.15 per 4'x7' Panel $6.15 per 4'x7' Panel A xtension of Mortson Road Miss Mabel Sanderson liadjpm. Ladies of Brown’s Corners round to 18th Avenue withidinner Friday evening with Headford Churches will as- ary school. uilding being allowed in stagesland Mrs. Rolph Boynton. sist in the service. All ladies of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper _ long it. The lots are one-half Saturday callers at the William‘the community are invited toti'eturned home recently from a cre or more in size. lMuirhead's were Mr. and Mrs. attend and to stay for the social350utliei‘n vacation. ‘ I TOPAZ PECAN WELDWOOD AZTEC WALNUT Next would come extenSion OfIJim Muirhead, Thornhill a'nd‘hour which will follow. Carolyn CiODP’S bfamill; eimect E L D o ’ictoria Street southerly. and vvmm to have ier ac iome . W ' ‘ I _ ' _ hen back to 18th Avenue in: .. . ‘from hospital this week tfol- _ o D Prefmished Paneling Prefmished Paneling . he form of a crescent. Some‘B l A F S S ilowing recent surgery. We ' . , xisting southerly lots on Don tartlwish her a rapid recovery. Shel 9 4: 8: P I r w . per x ane V $6.95 per 4'x8' Panel ills. Road could be providedl land her fiance plan to be mar vith access from the other side. ' ' ° ‘ ried early in May. l I . p ' at... m. hazards. All In Markham Township Subdiwsronm. SW... 1...... Oriental 4’x8’ $10.93 sheet 56 15 er4'x7'iaanel $5 15 er4'x7' pane| ert Street is far too narrow to .Winner 3-? Waln t 4, 7, $ 9 h t . p ' p ' Slit townsmp Standards' and Bramalea Consolidated De- sion to Markham Township in‘ Mrs Hal'Ve-V SWth thOh home u ’ X ' S ee “gm. eventually be ‘closed' also velopments Ltd. hopes to start‘a few weeks. says Mr. Hardist_v.llhP 510 “OUChC‘I‘. The grand ' Oriental educlvllgl traffic pmblems on construction in the spring onl‘ Recently the township planâ€".hrlze for .the “Inner 0f the file i: , , on ‘1 5‘ its 69-lot Viilage-inâ€"the-Valley ning board and council approv-lgame “mt” meme series ROSCWOOd, 4 X8 Sheet ":rhe townsmp Official Plan‘Subdivision in Markham Town-led final terms for the initialls‘)‘)h50""d by. the Butlom'llle .. ndicates for the future that the ship, says Vice_Presidem Mm._l69_10t subdivision The firm is.Womcn‘s Institute at Button- iamlet area under study will be m ~ . . - ~ . . . . lville Hall. y Hardtsty. now waiting for approval fiomi , ‘t . , ~ ‘ . ‘ l _' d 112:5:Sggtefiggltll-ogzj :33: 153,113 The homes will likely bed/lifter .Department of Mummpal.[aghfi‘frifj‘gf‘lnigihlijEllis11:12:35 r - A , .available for sale this summeri airs. . .bo w- . f Emmi‘zNigenli‘nght;f;{{\\§eyrgéuiggland they will be in a similarl Council agreed February 16iffiepfsgisnglfiig‘Migngjscéfi‘ \.he'nevel. possible to reach mislprice range to existing homes in‘lhat 710 59W” 19W Of 3135 P91“BUH. Mrs M, Chadwick Mm biective The Official Plan the Valley Village “Eighbm‘ lot would be requu‘t‘d' and that A Wood Mrs. Harvey Swain: 7 also indicates that the area will hOOd- lBlramalgaacpmg Ray smfioo NtotLloyd Beatty, Bcrt Nichols. Rus- be traversed by an east-west The subdivision is east of “9 unfilme m “cu of "L 1'3" ‘ Harvest Elm 4’x8’ $ 9.98 sheet . Armada 4’x8’ $ 8.45 sheet Chestnut, 4’x7’ $ 7.25 sheet (Over 50,000 Sheets to choose from) Spruce lumber 2x4 - 7 62c 2x2 - 7 35c 2x4 - 8 72c 2x2 - 8 40c land : ~ '* W :“11 ‘l‘ . ‘ . E minor arterial road (18th Air-(Jeremy Drive. Varley Village. 3 ' don"lmn 01 enue) having a rightoflway (wand covers about 16 acresflfor public park purposes. Otherl BROUGHAM _. rj‘lle tom-nor ‘. E 86 feet for which wideningslnomes will likelv be mnsuv township charges to the develo-ipiorerjng Township municipal . . Will he l‘eqhh‘Ed» llhDI‘m’emenl‘threeâ€"bedroom. with possibly per “laud? an $300 1m lee’ m65lbmldmg he]? 15 a mien‘m‘ KILN DRIED 0f the Intersecuon or 18th AV'lsome four bedroom units. All enue “'Illl DOT] Will 8150 are single fan]in zoned. be required." says the planning mg plans are not yet finaL report. “The current Official Plan. provides for a future population‘ for the Victoria Square area of 474 persons. Following a close 0 the 3 en. a havi . . :12ng {o the :xistingdand 1:5 detail plans for its own pro- tential road locations for ex- petty WI“ be ready f0“ SUPhhs‘ tended development. it is recâ€" ' ' ' ‘ ' ’ ommended that the northeast quadrant of the hamlet is most suitable. The Mortson Road allowance is to full township standards and is located at a distance from the main inter- section so that traffic move- ment at the intersection would not likely be affected to any large degree, if at all. “Extension of Mortson Roadi easterly and then southerly to‘ 18th Avenue would be practical. if the area permitted to develop‘ was extended to include the lands up to the hydro property, this being a more logical boun-i dary for the area. in that it represents not only a change in. ownership. but is a fixed de-* fined property which will re-Ir main into the foreseeable futurel "It has been assumed that. new lot sizes for the hamleti area should be larger than the‘ one-third acre now permitted." btit smaller than the one-acre" lots required as a minimum in f the rural areas. Therefore. for the ptu‘pose of arriving at a suitable development pattern ' and calculation of future popu- ' lation. a lot size of l2â€"acrc or slightly larger has been adopt: ed. ’. “Future additional extension of residential uses in the hamlet area beyond the northeast quad- rant would appear to be most ~- suitabie in the southeast quad- rant. Again. the hydro propâ€"_ erty would be a more logical easterly limit. Access to leth‘ Avenue is available for a new road pattern and extension of{ Victoria Street southerly. east-_ erly. then northerly to 18th Avâ€"l enue. Development on this: type of road pattern would pro-1 duce some lots reversing onto‘ Don Mills Road and could at t some future date facilitate clos- .. ing of Albert Street as access ‘ to Don Mills Road. i "Additional development int ‘ the west of Don Mills Road tinsel" not seem advisable for the tortui .- Bramalea owns more land in the area and has submitted its ideas for a master plan of de- velopment for its own and ad- jacent properties. The firm’s We have appre you, very much, as a This letter is to with Datsun. Ontario and gave it i We have a new surprise for you. until selection. We would like ships. YORK AUTO CUSTOMERS _ However. this does not mean that we cannot completely servrce your Datsun as we were one of the first to bring Datsun into . If at any time you may encounter any problems with your Datsun, import. or domestic car. we would be only too happy to help you. economical car. we are sure that you will be very pleased with our new made many during our association with Datsun. more With our new product and will look forward to renewing old friend- Please come in and see us soon. quired water meter fee. and agl‘ee- hazard according to Building merits for streets. paving. cui‘bs,.lnspect0r Cecil Hollinger. The .trees. sidewalks. water mainsfi'mnt verandali roof could cave isewer easements. etc. 3 ‘i' in and the bricks in the fire 1 Mr. Hardisty says Bramaleafivall could collapse. he warned. -. plans to build most ‘ of the Cost of repairs are estimated at homes itself on the Village-in- $20,000. The township library ~‘ the‘Valley 69 10125. A few at the board is interested in the build- 3' lots were already committed to i'ng, so council will consider re-. ;individuals by the .owner of the land. however. iraze it. Phone 889-8830 or 884-8134 IMPORT AUTOMOBILES to INDUSTRIAL RD. at Yonge St. Richmond Hill ciated your business in the past and have valued customer. inform you that we have terminated our aSSOciation t‘s first breath. car from Japan. but we would like to keep it as a your next visit. Should you still be thinking of an to think of our customers as friends and we have We will make many Your friends at YORK IMPORT AUTOMOBILES LTD. David of York (King of the Compact) previous novations. The alternative is to: 1x2 clearâ€" 10c ft. 1x8 1x10 1x12 Spruce Strapping lidâ€"$2.50 per 100 ft. 1x3â€"$3.50 per 100 ft. SPECIAL While It Lasts! Seeing Is Believing! Vinyl Coated Paneling 4 Colors To Choose From Oak, Teak, Pecan and Butternut $5.19 per 4'x8' Panel $4.75 per 4'x7' Panel 2.000 sheets in stock â€"20c ft. â€"23c ft. -._ 27c ft. - good quality - 1X4 â€"10c ft. 1x6 â€"l4c ft. LARGE SELECTION CEILING TIE-E BP from $8.32 per carton of 64 All designs to choose from PINGâ€"PONG TABLES Painted $35.50 COMPLETE WITH BASE Unpainted 795 COMPLETE WITH BASE B 15* TR I To match most Pneling Observatory Lane RICHMOND HILL - PHONE - 884-1833 889-1436 "WHERE YOUR DOM/TR GOES FURTHER" _-7;~;>.=..7...~...... , . “2.341.. 1 ..- . 9 t .lltii

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