Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1970, p. 13

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March .5. 1070 it, 8 Students at the ("andee "I‘urn- er Studio of Dance Arts enterâ€" tained patients at St. John's lConvalcscent Hospital last Wed- nesday evening. 1 r it Diana Bubeloff. a student of piano and theory for the past four and a half seasons has been well prepared for the inid-‘ spring examinations of grade it Trinity theory and grade 5 piano by Ruth Garson. ADCM. ' Linda Hare has also been prepared fOr her grade 3 Trin- ity theory and grade 4 Royal Conservatory of Music midâ€" spring examinations by Miss Garson. t 4 . .R. H. Senior Citizens The local Senior Citizens' ll (‘lub is celebrating its 12th an- niversary this year and in honâ€" or of the occasion a special proâ€" gram has been planned for the . next meetino' bein hel ‘ Mrs. Joan Rhind of RrehmondiMqrch 11 .3152 pm g d on‘ will be guest speaker at, Members Spent a V9”. (ml-my: . . . . lable afternoon with the ladies“ ice in Christ Anglican Church. “King”. of Branch 375 Reva] Stou-ffville. March 6 at 7.30 pm. Canadian Legion‘ on qaturdav Participating denominations are “51 taking part in 1 challona'ei (. . l b i Pr 1 ' " ‘ ‘ csxytetian. United, Roman dams match n was a wry. last' otll-{ill The Loves of Cass McGuire at‘the World Day of Prayer scrv-‘ following performance The special guest at Rich- Mrs. B. H. Gibson and daugh-t Entertaining mond Hill United Church last‘ter Carolyn from Montreal(Wednesday's Sunday was Mrs. Douglas Smitbispent the weekend with Mrs. of Montreal. a delegate to theiGibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Curtain Club were Mr. and recent meeting of the General‘Paul Angle of Bedford Park. Mrs. Lcn .loncs who held an Commission on Church Union ’1‘ * * {after theatre party at their in Winnipeg. Weekend visitors at the home‘home on Knollside Drive. She shared the sermon period of Mr. and IT rs. Len Jones.t * * * Catholic and Anglican, _. ~ I. I. . M, with her son. the minister, Rev. Knollside Drive, were their The next meeting of the * k #1 i_'(}tc'13::(log£31:1“Lt:d“;:2fiégeazi Robert Smith. daughter and her husband Car-lEast Central Branch of YCHA Many local residents attended brace Save” ‘on hem” gr “I: * ‘ “ ‘01 and John Asher of Gait. will be held at 8 pm on March the annual Spring Flower and Club thallkgd' the aUQiliaW r0: Visiting at the home of Mr. 'F ' " ‘10 at the home of Mrs. H. C. Garden Show which opened mm: s mfimamhi ‘and ‘kind‘ aind Mrs. E. Zinck. Beavcrton: Entertaining on Wednesday‘Gaier. 194 Driscoll Road. Wednesday at. the O‘Keetchr iiaiiix L i p ‘ Road last week were Mrs.‘last were Mrs. Gordon Bacon‘, The guest speaker \\ill Myccmlv , (>1) .. ' llcane (.‘hapman of Toronto. and Mrs. George FICId who held MX'S- W- Hepburn “ho \\ill} The show. held by the Garden . y‘ . ‘ . Mrs. C. Van Herk, Oak Ridges‘a linen shower for Dorothy speak on “The Various Phases Club of Toronto. will run until MISS “up” "WL (“Tum and Mr. and Mrs. A. Petrovchuk Deadman, whose marriage to of Nursing“. Sunday. ‘OT community services of w'aim.‘ and children. Janise and Sandy. Douglas Clubine takes place in " * t a t r ‘01‘ Road Baptist Cth‘Ch. lOI‘-. Mr. and Mrs. Zinck visited May. Congratulations to Mr, and sylmmm. M Hm mmmum‘y onto. and former professor all Mr. and Mrs. Thor Lovold in The shower. attended by Mrs. Edgar Annng of Rich- is extended to miss Ada 3130,,MCNMSW" D1"ln”." (30119519. “'1” Sharon and on Saturday attend- many neighbors. was held atiinond Street who celebrated,kenzie, Vaughan Road‘ on Hie-be lIlGYEUE’SI speaker at lIlE‘HHll- ed a birthday party for Mr. Mrs. Bacon's home on Centre their 45th wedding anniversary death of hm. brothel.~ (jam. Dual “Orld D3." OfvPl'aycr. lliis Meade,‘ given by his daughteriStr-cet East. on February ‘18. John Mackenzie in a highway war the “WTWNCF” memmg and son.in_1a“r_ Judy and Ches.t iv a 0! They entertained members of collision February 20‘ r ‘ will be held this Friday .tMarcli ter Zinck in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold lla-ithe immediate family at dinner” A retired employee or b' at 2 pm in St. Johns Bap- the - . * " * worth of Lawnwood Court werc‘includino a friend of many" . . - , . “St Churdl- “ on)?“ “I all b Depdltmem 0f H‘g]‘\“‘~\s hei‘faiths \\ill be particrpating in Til r 'l‘he darts team of the LadieS' hosts to members of the Cur- years. Henry Winger, of Bath- sewed in the am“. in hmh . Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal tain Club for the Green Room nrst Street~ Carrville. twofld wars and \‘Yaq a metthe Semi”? . . (Canadian Legion. played party held following the Satur-1 During the afternoon their member of the Mill-13‘”. 1mm} BRIH'SIlUng sel‘VlCeS “'Ill be against the Richmond Hill SCH-‘day performance of “The Loves,minister. Rev. H. M. Kemp of um, ‘ ‘ ” lpl‘fi'ldé‘d- _ _ ‘ ior Citizens Club last Saturday‘Of Cass McGuire“. Cari-ville United Church‘ called ‘ lhis ecumenical experiencel ‘ _ _ Since his r r» -- l .- . - at the day centre. The seniors Congratulations were exterid- on them completely unaware w, 1. fl 1 fit 10mm“ “WAN” be {Opeali‘d at 3 pm tn . a 5 ago to ias been a car the evening at St. Matthews proved the better team. Re- ed to Director Tony Miller onjtliat it was their anniversary d... . , . . . _ . . V . ‘ fl'eslimenls were Served by the an excellent production and a and on learning of the attspiâ€"‘S;131::\.lm the Chlldmns ‘A‘ld;[“"ted (hurdl‘ for “m” ,‘Vhf’ / auxiliary with President Graceipresontation. on behalf of the (-ious occasion, congratulated ”‘ * * i are unable to attend the alter: Sayers and Mrs. Elsie Bui‘nlclcast. was made by Cass tHel- them and expressed his very The “lemme Branch Orinog" sir‘iwo'k l H. C \I. _ aSSISllan. lene Knightl. ’best wishes for many more . ‘ A " V . , “'95 Speak“~ ’1 .“5 S in.“ ‘ ~. .- s The special pmjofls commit, * t ,u wars of happiness together. 1CllA held lIS monthly meeting “I” be MISS Jane Bailey m [W Photo by Stuarts Studio) tee is planning a euclire to be‘yWCA ‘ '* * 7' held March 12 with Audrle Ap- perley as convenor. Recently initiated into the auxiliary were Mrs. Evelyn Sims and Mrs. Margaret Chur-l ney. ‘ The auxiliary bowling team will be competing at Oakville Are you suffering from .LIVE LOVE â€"â€" FOR ALL the winter blues? .If so. ' The second semester church Why 110i Consider- taking ischool with the theme. “Live one or more of the many iLOVC". is now in progress at interesting courses adver- Richmond Hill United Church. tiscd in the YWCA Sprint: iA very special thanks is ex- Prog‘l‘am lower? ThBSe are tended to the many leaders and now available and may be helpers who are making the February 9 at the home of Hazelironto formerly of “Crossroads . <Olynec. 105 Rockport Crescent. iAfrica“. l 0 I Y N Plans were initiated for a fall: Theme of this year's worldâ€" S protect. and Mrs. Ivy Howc‘mde service 15“Take Courage". showed members the afghan a a in she is knitting for which draw; tickets will shortly be on sale.‘ At the close of the business) meeting. members were enterul tained by slides and movies of‘= Last weekend St. Matthew‘s United (‘hurch presented a Mission Festival with the theme. “Our World Is Your Neighbor". Displays featured the work of the church in Nigei‘ia-Biafra, Japan. Brazil, China, Korea and with the Canadian lndian. Guests at the two-day event were Rev. and Mrs. Walter Beecham. missionaries on fur- lough from Korea. Students of Bayview Sec- ondary School are present- ing their biggest produc- tion to date â€" “Anthology” â€"â€"a collection of excerpts thi‘ Saturday for the regional; ObtainEd by dropping into second program a real live ex- . V .. V v ‘ . , _ - .M- ‘ _ _ I u r H A , .. ‘ ‘ . _ ~ trophy. 1 the office at 25 You“ .perience. AS a result of their fishing shown by Mrs. Dlane. from Six famous plays __ me grill; 130$]: vltoiélael niirls‘rohna‘i';\\igrlghsz recalled by trims, posters, (“313121) 5, dances and every Street North. good work, at least 10 new '. . v . ‘ on March 13. 14, 20 and 21 ‘ _ » - ‘ llll'lllllllllIllltIllltlllllllIllllllltlllllllttlllllllllllllllllllltttllllllllllllltl n. you are unable to do Children arrived last Sunday. A Genie Party is planned in. at the school. Sunday was featured wrth a poor mans luncheon at noon. the next meeting to be held March 9 at the home of Mrs. D. Service, 100 Rockport Cres- The plays, most of which 3 are on the course of study T in York County schools. in- ‘ this, just callithe office at 884-4811 and they will be only too happy to turn- bringing the total primary and junior attendance up to about 90. Also. the average attend- In the picture above Virginia Macklin (left) and Leone Marshall (right) in Chinese costumes are shown with a displayr depicting missionary activity in China today. What’s Cooking? AlmOSt everyone has a special extending a very special welâ€"t Tickets at $1.50 may be Skate-A-Thon To , . come to parents to visit them obtained by calling 884- on Sunday, March 22 betweenAl‘d Korean Orphani 4453. 9.30 and 10.45 am. . * " LASAGNA Visit the interest centres â€"â€" Club Double 0-11 of i St. Gabriel's Girls‘ Auxiliary .. HS 1 I H in ‘ H T . y t ‘ r The eggs are creamâ€"filled. see the bakers, musldans-E 03”“ OBLI is homing a icmenamed 0".F"'y 23 aLiTlihiifihiltmai'gelrinwas r)tlhiee setâ€"ifdfsidre'ani 'tjleieseoiforiiglezhgiic‘ 7' lasagna."°°dles Ichocolate coated and decorated craftsmen and the carpentersl Skate-A-Tlion this Saturday ‘the Villa Hospital with a prowling of the annual Yellow Rosclcach parcms of CF (.hildranl 1 Cd" Catelll Spaghetll‘ saucetwith rosettes and tiny flowers. lat work. See what they have in‘ at Ishe Mill Pond, with all gram consisting of srngmgnBall of the Beta Sigma Phi Sonland know on“. too “Ml the des_, 2 “L “Imam beef 0" "93' ‘ Priced at 50 cents, they al‘e.commou_ proceeds being; donated to- jpoetrv and piano solos inter-mm, Delta lambda Chapter para“, new in], monm, for ],e_. ’2 Ib- ‘Ilghtll/ fl‘led‘ sausfilge boxed for mailing 01- easy trans- * 1k t wards the adoption of a mingled with a brief look at tlie‘Ricl'lhmrId Hm‘ The ball “.as' search into [his incmiable and meat and/01‘ COOkEd Cthk'3portation from place to place. A delightful family get-to.‘ Korean orphan. ,past and present and a fashioniheld February '21_ lfata] disease. ; main course, dessert or snack? The Women of St. John‘s Each week one will be publish- Baptist Church are again this ed in this column â€"â€" how aboutiyear making and selling Easter yours? ‘Egg's. with all proceeds going to the work of the church. dish which family or friends ish the information you ance is holding up to 95 per- Gem” i clude Caesar andd (illeg- ‘ 7 d enjoy â€" why not share the require- ,cent. .ittitiiiiuiurliituiiiiuiiuiittiuuiutririiittturttrirritrriiiiuititiiutitriiri Pal-r3, 51- Joanv 3" l ‘ Y R B D L recipe with our readers, be it * * * ' The Live Love people are summer Night’s Dream- 1 e a j t t Quinn 5. TOM PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS [LE-Egg“ ' GLASSES ' CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" iCrowd To Support Two Charities l on hum?“ Orders are now being taken. gather was held on Saturday at Starting at 10 am the show 0i Hllthenuc 005mm“, The gracious old home «now‘ Beta Sigma phi [mm-nationai‘ 34 YONGE ST‘ s‘ 2 hard .bmled eggs Chopnecl by any member 0‘ the groupllhe home 0f Mn and Mrs- young bloods Win Skate from man-V lands‘ ithe Norf’th Thornliill Communityieach vearodonatcs S5 000 to CFi n up with 4 oz. grated MOZ- 01- by calling 384-1620. lGeor-ge Doherty, 260 Mill continually until 7 pm for In the year 1870 it was the Cent‘re, was a perfect settmg‘ _ Richmgna Hm DCL} / ' flal'ellafhcese ‘ * * * Street. donations 0f 10 cents 1’" fashion for a young couple to for the capacity crowd of eleiita Lambda Chapter membersi & Some finely grated Romano If you're an experienced Enjoying the evening spent Circuit lake 3 Strou 0“ a Sunday gantlv gowned ladies and tlteiriare proud that their Yellow "31°03 seamstress or currently taking chuckling over reininisences. Members have been ean- afternoon and Kathryn Smith escmfts and for 200 fresh yel_ Rose Ball contributes to this Open Mon. i0 WM» 9 3m- GPm'ThUFS- ‘51 Fri- 93111-91)!“ xarlic clove a sewing course the Fashion dancing and playing games vassing for sponsors during and Jackie Waugh revived this low roges donated by Bob Dom worthwhile cause 9mm" Review being held this Satur- were Mr. and Mrs, Ken Lang- the past two weeks. so if custom, with Kathryn in a long Edd-S E850 Station Yoncei I ' ban and pepper day by” Mayfair Manufacturing man, Thornhill, Mr. and Mrs. they call, please give gen- white satin gown, carrying a ' 3' erously towards this worth- meh of has“ ifl‘Om 2 - 4 Pm at Walter Scott Richard Day, Scarboro, Mr. and while project. - A white parasol and Jackie in a Sauce. Brown minced meatrpublic School is a must! Mrs. Donald Day. Concord. Mn black suit. Kathryn later ap- St‘ t. d ranged i1 ba‘kets‘ thi‘giighiiit Italic rooms.1 5 incaught In The Net” Hatch's Catering of Rich-i “Tm Chonpw garlic and onion- The models are all customers‘and Mrs Daniel Dav Barrie However if vou have not ' ‘ ' “ 1970‘ ‘ l ‘ . _ , M , . pear ed in the current Ht .,_ . l_ . . i Also salt, V Pepper and basrl. who will be wearing their ow'ner. and Mrs. William Roberts, been contacted and would fashion â€" a mini-skirt and niodrirlggngot 1:10:59;‘lfégfaleis:éitd:;dIFllm Show'ng Satutday. . g . Add 9331191“ 5““"3 Addioutfits from spring and sum-lAurora. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Row- like to sponsor one of the jewelry. (claiming for the remainder of! “ little water if necessary. Let mm. fabric donated by 1\[a‘\'.‘bottom and Mr. and Mrs. Ron boys please call 884-4100. To introduce the various b I To date 360 has been COL The Library (‘luh of Ricli-‘ lected and Club Double 0-" asks for your help in reach- ing its objective. LARGE LAND OWNERS We can remove your dead and ._0 “(NW Linda “are sand and the evening was to the musicl ltflivcd fibabulous Pla'cesubhom‘Of the Ambassadors OI‘ChCS- mond llill High School and the , tra. iFilms For Children Committee D'ri‘12°?i:vtsttlesmp “as to Wales Each lad) recened a .\CI10\\lpreseni their stxth ottet'ing oi simmer gently for 1 hour. . '[ail- Manufacturing and judg-lMcCutcheon. all of Willowdale COOK 1115335113 "00‘1195 “1 170'1- ing from a preview of the SITO\\'.‘Hnd Mr. and Mrs. John Day of? Int-3 salted \"alF‘l'fOl‘ 3139‘” .151he varied and attractive fash- Toronto, . minutes or until Just beginning‘ions modelled. will encour'agcl Also attending and joining in', r l l ‘0 SOHO": Drain “e”- leven those with little or no 1h t'ami v fun were Miss Edna‘ I where Alice Thomas described rose and a lovely 1331161139“ the 1969-1970 59350" .“iith “mi . In large “at pie dish 01. cas_lsewmg ability m We a bash at,meard ofl. Ml” SWCL and Mmrtrtruttiiiirimiitiiriitittittiiiiiriumiutuiuuiuitirutuitiriirurtimttuiher name costume and “(home of Ewan peltume. 'VTITPFIIOw'lllg at the mm “caught Int unstghuy El," Trees at a “role place first a layer oflthis practical hobbv. land Mrs Tom. DempseV of: lf it's riot one play its anâ€"lcimd a poem called “Eastertmcn. at the end of the e\cnâ€" the wet _ [he Etonâ€"iconcerns. . . sauce. then noodles. then sausâ€" Comrdinating m'e fashion re_lech\.ale ' ‘ other â€" and on Sunday morn- Bunmdandu_ The next country, mg, “'91'9 U‘C‘atEd 1" “‘69 C‘S'tthf‘ \\QOI’k or Peter betlel’ 0" reasonable price during March. we moat and/v01. chopped chick View will be Mrs. Kay Mam, . ‘r t 1' mg at, the Curtain Club, follo“._ Jamaica an island in the Sun. ai‘s. Spot dance and door ppm-[fisheries research in .Devon . , . on. egg and mozzarella clieese.|Gregor and Mrs. Lorraine Cal-.1 Hal.” G. Lumsden of Aurora ing the final performance of was 1.91905“,th by Valerie Fir- 95 “'91'9 PI‘OVlded through the‘which 15 being d1sorganized by. FT ee Estimates. Keep repeating process With 00"wardine and the commentaryweseam'h scientist and uni; the highly successful production man who then joined Linda andicourlesy 0f many local and Clty a mysterious new method of; casional dash of grated Romano will be done by Linda Men cheese till everything is used earthy of McCall’s patteml finishing with layer of sauce Company_ l and Romano Cheese- The patterns were donatedi 000k in preheated “"9" 35.0iby McCall‘s and local merchants" degrees for about 1 hour. If it are assimng with the other supervisor of the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple, was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. held re- cently in the Lions Hall. of The Loves of Cass McGuire stage crew were busy dismantl- ing the set. to enable director and cast of the final play of the season. Boeing Boeing, to re- hearse in the theatre. the program â€" an Easter bun- ny hand puppet show. The taudience was then transported to China and Japan with Caterina Gold modelling a the Delta Lamba Chapter. the‘Susan and Simon. on holiday Yellow Rose Ball is a much an-ifrom London, sets to work to ticipated event each year and.'t‘atliom the mystery. Susan and .from its beginning in 1966 toiSimon hit upon the vital clue r l RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY CO. LIMITED 334-7774 interference on the WAâ€" â€" r _. u- , their uncle The play. an hilarious com- edy. is being directed by Rex Chinese costume and Beth‘this year- it has Changed fromth Towner speaking on Expo ’70. “Wears 1° be drying 0“ top: facets of the show - hairstyl-I President Gladys McLatchy - businessmen. lsalmon poachino His voung ‘1 - b r in . _ _.~- .. Bah for the next num e To the 15 girls who COmDTISGWI‘OEIlCI‘ Bob with the help of I t . installs at cover mm {on after half hour. mg. accessories‘ flowers. publiciwelmmcd members and friends a small local dance to an im-,televiSion set and Simon recog-l portant fund-raising event at- nizes car Tina MCCal‘lan. announcement system arid and called the meeting to order. Sevenoaksr and in the C351 3"? Palestine was the next coun- . . i . ‘ . Willowdale. music. i Arrangements were made for Kaye Griff“, Lyn“ Griffin, ti-v visited with Judith Thornas‘tended not .(ml? lbsv Richnl‘ond. screen.“ 3‘ mine “he.” were 15 7 fl Viv-.3 bus trip this week to the an- Yvette Steel, Carol Bannon' rémeseming a young girl from‘HlII. and ’lhotnirll 1-C>l(€nl§in0 logical‘reason lot it. V nual Spring Flower and Garden‘Derek Miner and KingsleyNazareuL She sang .iAu in thebut by couples from Brampton.‘ The children catch the two . , . . . . _ . ., . " ' .N 'n'rk-l - -. ' " - ' Show at me Okecle Centre Ov‘en. “\pm Evemng A Buttoniille \urora ew id poachers but the ring leader 0 O Do“g Boyd introduced MI...’ Heading the production “PM The” on to Mexico. mp1.e_‘et.'1'\’_ing. Guelph. )1l55lS;atlga.tI0€Sn‘l give up easily and leadst [ 'Lumsdcn, wlio captivated liisilS Chris Steel With Trevor‘sented by Jackie Waugh. and to ()ak‘llle' Agmwu” and own-fl, F'?Ii]§1]cll9lls dim“; 31001? we 'audience with an illustratediSI’anle-V 35 5‘” (“Signer- IChile in South America. w‘ltere}w‘ "1‘91 an‘ am “101151 N . . . . i F r the second consecutive woods. When he is eventuall' talk on the many varieties of T * ' the audience met Linda Hare 0 5 ' .t . . . . -_ Member: of Beta 51 m phi. ' I, ._,. year, proceeds from the balltcauglit in a dramatic climax. “‘Id “ale‘ [0“! “huh aboundi ‘ g a \\hO plalé‘d “‘9 Impossmle are gorng to ARC Industrieshis identity amazes the audi- lin the Canadian north countrqu"lta Lambda Chapler me‘ ‘ " rm the Man of La . . , . . , . , particularly in the muskegs ofEFebruai'y 3 at the home of Maryfgilaelfgfig f o i‘I‘T‘Clm‘TO‘nd.mH and C-‘Sdt.lcdf1bt‘r?'le:nkfii‘as "Bud? 35.1” (109331)]? _ . Hudson.s Bay. Man). face“ Obflarris. After regular business, Commentator was Leader sis research. Atten trig C‘CIll ten, tieii unc e and eter Green monkeys. danctngyear of teaching. the me Span of these birdsimembers used their talents in‘urs Madelaine “are, who “.01.e:(1111nel' dance .weie Mr. and hetley. . U ‘ bears' Clowns' trapeze arm‘s! Guest Skaters “I” be RObert.were shown includinv a study'llnaklng decorations for the tho'native costume of the Can-'Mrs‘ Fred Mum" and Mr' anal Thc serial The Fllounlg Jab“ ' ° ‘ “ wi aso e er5. Kenneth Breakwell. Minlobites" (part 6) ‘Martin is manager of the Tor- shown. In addition there will be dMrfi’dzgcfiriiegofrgma51g]?onto-Dominion bank at Thorn-one reel of “The Dog And The e s ' and all the wonderful people ofiRubens who is this Year's jun-l0n the nesting of the CanadaIYellow Rose Ball. under the‘ad-Ian Indian in the west_ the crreus will be featured lnllOl‘ men s chainpron of CanadacflJose and the herding of 4.000 gurdance 01‘ Joyce Devlin. the first part of the Richmond‘Mr. Rubens is 17 years old.‘at a time for observation and‘ A further meeting was held Hill Skating Club Carnival slat- Also featured in a guest spotj ‘ 6_ Th \- un Gosling February 17 at the home of ' 195nm“ and treasurerpf the CSSUC DlamondS’. The 11m? 15 2 Pm ed for March 7 and 8. The earn-twill be Arlene Hall. 15. junior“}):sr;dlt;='eir “"3311: feimtérs an; Lola Buokles. Following a li'ailrliidc.h “Secroetlahgmugfifi' engediFibi-osrs Foundation. Torontonhrs Saturday at the high rval in the new arena will start:ladies‘ Canadian champion for are Highness. Mam. breeds my short business session, Joyce by evervone ' Chapter and MF- Brfakwell 15130110014 a at 8 pm~ on saturday and at 2 1970‘ - “5 fa“ soum as sacramento Val'Linderman intl'Oduced GueSt ~The evening closed with the '8'}- I ‘ " S pm on Sunday I AS 1" “‘9 paSt 3“ cosmmes lev and others winter in the Speakers ROY R0150“ and Ga" sci-vino 0f refreshments and '. . . , .Hie second half of the pl'o-‘lhave been made by volunteer Césman Sea lant Condos. an artist and musiâ€" ‘hch s miem “as Given an :1 Richmond Heights Centre 884-3221 gram will take as its thenie.‘motlters of the skaters. the The chief danger to this Canâ€" cian. who take musical selec- F‘amm. pbaskm 0r mimics by :-' r L . 1' 1‘ v. 5w ‘. ‘ . “Merry England Of The Past And Of The Mod Generation." props ha\e been constructed by adian heritage are the wolves. lions and by applying imagina- (‘aterina and Elaine Gold and ' For inl'orniation leading to the. recovery of two the fathers. lighting for the perâ€" formances has been devised and will be operated by fathers. and tion and feeling. invoked by the words and music. create paint» ines that completely depict the v. ho den-up near the nesting grounds. and the pesticides DDT and Deildren. especially to the G. A. Among were Dr. Gerald Gold and Mrs. ‘ girls. the pairs of skis tone pair white with step-in harness, 1 pair red) stolen from side entrance at 412’, North E\ery’ one of the 310 child- . i A :uests attending ren who receive skating instruc- tion from the three club prot'es- mothers \\ill be busy bC‘hl'ld the culls and loons as the cflfl- mind" 0"? “510m 0” "an‘as‘ Gold \lrs Lois Jackson and Tavm‘ XIIIIS between February ‘23 and ‘26. sionals \\ill be participating. the scenes applying makeup. shells are affected by the lack The results ate riots of color “N 'V’anm; Ia“; ‘ The junior skaters \\ill appear All-in-all this is a real family M Calcium and the young die and form the \ery real to the ’7, H ‘ ' I .. - â€" Phone Eric George SS-I-IZTI in at least one number and sen- effort and it' past shows. me in the shell or shortly after ethereal. to the abstract. to the ._.â€"_._â€"â€"# -â€"â€"â€"â€" ior skaters in front one to four. sented by the 13-year-old club. hatching deep and soul stirring. Eacli CONVENIENT Groups. pairs and solos \\ ill beare any indication the audience 3h; Lumsden {ears that the painting bears the stamp of the LOCAT|ONS AT included- lat the 1970 Cal‘nll'al is in {01‘ Icon population will collapse. artist. the feeling of his mood . _. . This 1931‘ 59"?” members a real “‘eat- las have other species before and the melody of the music. u competed in the central section, Although there is much more championship tests, with onesoating available in the new pair going on to compete in the‘ai'ena than in the old one. spec- Canadian Championships at Ed-‘tators would still be well ad- I | them and is disturbed that hu- They played their two records‘ ,mans will also be affected. as,and showed many paintings, ex-‘ 1 Stop’n Shop Discount Mart they are at the top of the “food .plaining their methods to the chain". members. (Richmond Hill) I I I I I Allencourt Drugs (Richmond Hill) : I I I I I I u I :/ “1-. r -_ ‘ I ‘ r ‘: INCOME TSERVICE ‘! monton. Both pairs and theyised to be in their seats well Miss Edna Imrd thanked the, It was an extremely interest- 51 three girls will present the skat-‘in advance of the opening hour. speaker and presented him. iniing and informative evening. :Anzscmp‘no" 5mm: - mg routines they used in the A few seats are available in appl‘eClallon. with a hand- The Yellow Rose Ball held‘ central competition. the Treated portion of the arena wrought silver spoon. February 21 at North Thorn'nill‘ ', $ The professionals. who chor- and. although they do not offer We; Ankenman supplied Community Centre was a 2mm ‘ . (mgr-aphed the show. are Brenda the best \ie\\ of the >Il0\‘.. are many nlant: as door prires to success Tickets vere com- -. > I 4L1 \\‘QRK (‘L’APAVTFFD t'v ~‘:I;t"(l. \illeen lladlcy and ideal for those \\‘l'i (‘l‘lIll'lllS (‘l' we lucky winners. .\t the con-pleter sold out {or ths annual RICHMOND HILL (I Th Trailer) Ricbmond Heicrhtg ('entre ‘ I I A x i j A ‘ Rick Stephens Mr Stephens other ailments llIllril do not tinscn of the meeting retresli- event. which stai‘if‘d “l1” ‘lm' Richmond Heights Centre n '9 _ kni . . PARTS AT (‘OST FAST SER\ ICE ‘ v » Inst )r‘ai's Canadian Champ» take kindly in "re (‘IlliI of the noun were seried and a new followed hv dancin: to The ‘230 Yonee St. \'. 884â€"6381 'l'avsavers â€" h m” Personal 13‘ 59”“? ‘ ion In DRH‘ 311d lhl‘ IF hi< liI'St main $031111: auras friendiy inierwa] enioyed. .Ambassadors Orchestra. i 7 7 W i I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ r r I ‘ I

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