Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1970, p. 18

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Scoutl Thornhill area Scouts and Canadian yachtsman. Cubs took part in the 10th An- nolly was the skipper of the nual York Summit District Boy yacht “Manitou” in last sum- Scout Hobby and Handicraft mer‘s successful defense of Show held last Saturday at Canada's cup and of “Red Bayview Secondary School in Jacket" when she went the Richmond Hill. The excellent southern ocean racing circuit quality of the over 1,200 en- in 1968. tries, which seem to get better Connolly’s each year, made the judges‘ an excellent colour Ii task of picking winners a most Canada Cup race difficult one. Winners of the George Har. busy with questions on boats man Mnmnrinl Trnnhv were the and sailing in general- who is perhaps the most famousers. Mr. Con- several other members from the 58111 11118 presiueu auu Thornhill area attended. Each member of the auxiliary had been invited to bring as her guest a member of another hos- pital auxiliary in or around To- ronto. Mrs. Yule presented her In addition to Mr. report and reports from the interesting remark. various committees were also lm on the'heard. Guest speaker was Dr. was shown T. L. Brown. a member of the and the boys kept Mr. Connolly hospital staff. Pins were presented to members who had seen three Included among the many in-(maJOX‘ teresting displays was a denion-i"W3.V stration of rope making byland th‘ Seouter Alf Wayne of the 4th Of §b01 Thomhill. Second Richmond Gmdes H111 also had an interesting. Cong demonstration of pie baking in mg 2n‘ outdoor reflector ovens. The have ‘ Scouter Club will be sponsonlbadges ing the annual soap box derby Pet bf in June and they had an ex- kowski hibit of six carts together with and 1\’ instructions for building. 'ma'ker: Winners of the George Har- busy Wit vey Memorial Trophy were the and sailj lst Richmond Hill. second place During was won by the lst Markham Dave Ma with 9th Richmond Hill and were D” 8th Richmond Hill taking thirdiCub awal and fourth places. Doherty. For the first time Girl Guides had been invited to put on a display at the show. and their contribution created a lot of interest. Part of their display was a miniature campsite which had been built by the 4th Thornhill Rangers. The Guides’ display was under the direction of District Commis- sioner Mrs. Marion Currie. Over 100 fathers and sons were present when 6th Thorn- hill Scout troop held a father and son banquet last Friday at the Summit View Gardens Res- taurant, Jefferson. Guest speaker was Perry Connolly, JOE LOUGHRAN The softball season will be on people’s minds during the next two months or so but this time there will be no Joe Loughran to mastermind and direct baseball activities for Thornhill. More than two weeks ago. Joe Loughran and family left to take up residence in Ottawa. In 1964. Joe was the baseball commissioner for Thornhill. He said then. "Baseball is a gentle- man‘s game. It‘s one game where you can act like a gentle- man, and if you want to make a career of it, you can make more money.” Joe Loughran was a sports- man from his youth. His many interests I in sports included boxing. soccer. tennis. badmin- ton and running. He lived about thirteen years of his busy life in Thomhill and he was active- ly engaged in Thornhill base- ball until four years ago. The first three years. he wasland one assist a manager and in later yearsia goal- and t he was commissioner for thelKEVin Smith. Thornhill Baseball Leagueflmebmary 28‘ During that period of time. Joel Thornhill Loughran. aided by assistant-i at commissioner Jim AntonaciJBAN'l-AMS handled junior and senior lea-“February 23) gues plus the Ontario Baseballl Thomhm o_ league with its bantam and MIDGETS peewee teams. During thelurebmary 23) school season they looked after? Thomhm 3 a house league with players from seven schools that operaâ€" ted on a crash program. The last four years of- his Thomhiil residence‘ Joe held office in the Thornhill Hockey Association. He was presidient of the Association from 1956 to 1968. He was past-president from 1968 to 1969. office in the Thornhill HockeyiJUVENILEs Association. He was presidEnt5(February 23) of the Association from 1966 to. Thomhiu 2, Avenue Road 2 1968. He was past-president Goal getters were Bob Mc- from 1968 to 1969. :Int'osh and Gary Masters. A firm benevel‘ in Sporting Next juvenile games will be programs for the young. Mnltonight lThursdayl at Double- Loughran said. “Boys that playirmk with a Thornhill Secondary in Sports don't Sat into tOO‘school team. and March 7 much trouble. :against a Brampton Juvenile Mr. Loughran is the nationaIFteam. organizer of the Technical En-l * * * * gineers Association. He was at THORNHILL CHURCH one time treasurer and trustee] LEAGUE of St. Luke‘s Separate Schoolimebruary 28) Board and a former chairman: In a twO-game semi-final. the of Thornhill Area Recreation‘Thornhill Presbyterian tyke Committee. [team hammered St. Edwards 2 A firm believer in sporting proaams for the young. Mr. Loughran said. “Boys that play in sports don't get into too much trouble. NOVICE Exhibition (February 22) ‘ Thornllill 5. West Rouge 7 Brian Anderson scored two goals. Singles came from Wen-n9 Grant. Shawn Leon and Scott. Howson. Asists were by Matt Nichols and Shawn Leon. u, u. u. “Wu. H... a..-" a..- W . Among others of more general interest are the follow- ing titles: “In Canadian Skies" by Frank Ellis, "Anvil Of The Gods" (modern airplaines versus violent storms) by Fred ‘TcClement. "Story Of Aircraft And Travel By Air" by Robert Hoare. “Red Ball In The F-ky“ by Charles Blair. We also have an interesting collection for the young would-be flier and those interested in the exciting world of THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Np. Public Library System To Our Aeronautic Minded Readers: Two new books added to our stock for the pleasure and information of our patrons are. “As The Pro Flies“ by J. R. Hoyt. and "Stick and Rudcjer'fl by Langewiesche. a “MA We also have .' wouldâ€"be flier and t air and space craft Hank / sugar 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 2-: THE Family Reading LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Math 5, Socially Speaking In Thorn/fill uuluuu ' resting Congratulations to the fellow. ;ing in ing 2nd Langstaff Guides who Thelhave recently been awarded )onsor. badges: Marnie Buchanan â€"â€" derby pet badge; Ann-Marie Mich- an ex- kowski â€" artist: Sandra Eccles r with and Michelle Clusiau -â€" toy maker: Debbie Tang - toy maker and needlewoman; Sus- , on a an Clark â€" needlewoman; Tanâ€" ! their nis Manahan â€" writer: Leslie lot of Gough, Tami Brown and San- iisnlay.d1'a Harriett â€" housekeeper. Guides During Othe "evening Cubs Dave Maxwell and Paul Wyers were presented _witl}_ filve-star Cub awards by Cub Master Ev. Doherty. These awards are a major achievement in the Cub “Way To The Stars" program and they represent the passing of about 50 separate tests. On March 2 the Guides. to- gether with 2nd and 3rd Langstaff Brownies held a church parade at Christ the King Lutheran Church to com- memorate the Baden-Powell birthday. Branson Hospital The annual meeting of the North York Branson Hospital Women‘s Auxiliary took place on February 25 in the auditor- ium of the hospital. President Reading L. LIBRARY Jlic Library System : Minded Readers: 0 our stock for the pleasure ons are; “As The Pro Flies" Rudder" by G. Langewiesche. eneral interest are the follow- !s" by Frank Ellis, "Anvil Of es versus violent storms) by Aircraft And Travel By Air" [n The F-ky“ by Charles Blair. sting collection for the young rested in the exciting world of 1y charge of 25 cents. Meetings are held weekly with members getting together informally to discuss their par- ticular problems and a weigh- in is conducted each week in order to keep a close check on any losses or gains in weight. For additional information please contact Mrs. Gibson at 889-5663. Helen Smith to Represent Canada Exciting news was received by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith. Cavalier Crescent, recently. Their daughter Helen has been chosen to represent Canada in the Captain Cook Centennial Celebration in Sidney, Austral- ia. Helen, Who is 23 years old, is a CPA stewardess based in Vancouver, and since becoming a stewardess three years ago she has flown regularly to the Orient and to Europe. Helen \fill leave Vancouver on March 18 for Australia and will tour the Fiji islands on her way back to Canada around April 4. The Captain Cook Celebra- tion is an Easter Fair held in Sidney each year and compares (February 24) Thornhill 2. Maple 1 Alan Ralph and Mark Nelson picked up the singles. Dave Howson was outstanding in goal. PEEWEES (February 27) !pa1mel- 13 Thornhill 2, Richmond Hill 3 lgerijt 9. R Danny Fogarty had one goallfimgley 4 and one assist. Dave Brown had'Men; Hig a goal. and one emsist was bypoust 667‘ Kevin Smith. 1746. (February 28) High Sim Thornhill 0. Richmond Hill 4 MIDGETS (February 28) Thornhill 3. Burlington 6 Bill Law was assisted by Bob McIntosh. Dave O‘Brien had two goals assisted on both by Bob Hedge. In a two-game semi-final. the Thornhill Presbyterian tyke team hammered St. Edwards 2 â€"â€"-0. Goalie Jeff McKnight came up with a brilliant shutout. John Stevenson scored the first goal assisted by Bill Gregg and Mike Davidson. Jim Belch fired in another on a play from Robbie Spittle and John Kerr. Coach Bill Coville says it was a team {effort all the way to win the Hirst game. The second game Thornhill 0. Markham 0 most famous Mrs. Beth Yule presided and n. Mr. Con- several other members from the pper of the Thornhill area attended. Each n last sum- member of the auxiliary had defense of been invited to bring as her >wn had'Men: High triple (flat) Bill was by Doust 667, ‘hdcp) Reg. Edwards 746. - High Single (flat) Bill Doust 1m 0 264. (hdcp) John van Roode 282. sOver 200 â€" Keith Jones 213,. |Reg. Edwards 240. 237, Tom “in 4 'Warren 222. Ted Pugh 241, 224. Bill Doust 222, 264, Ken Poole 203. John van Roode 231. Ed on 5 Palmer 240. 216. Garth Poole by 30131235, Adrian van de Langerijt en had1308- ' both by! Women: High triple (flat) Joe Anne Robertson 687, (hdcp‘ Ellie Poole 773. gHigh Single tflatl Mary Redman ‘262. thdcp! 296. luncu LU cuuuuuc Lu: “accuua. Church News On Sunday evening last most of the families of Emmanuel Anglican gathered for an even- ing service in the church and then moved downstairs. for a pot luck supper. Every avail- able seat was taken and there was much jovial conversation as all enjoyed the luck of the pots. The occasion was an expression of the congregations thanks to Rev. William Rhodes. his wife Kathleen and daughter Ann ‘for leading and encouraging “them for the past two years. A suitable gift was given them following a short address by President Les Walters of the “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the international or- ganization founded to help ov- erweight ladies reach their most desirable weight. is form- ing a Thornhill Branch. The first meeting will take place on March 10 at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Shirley Gibson. 29 Clar- idge Drive. Teenagers will be welcome and if enough teens are interested in joining the group a separate teenage branch will be formed. .Init- iation into the organization is $6 and a charge of 50 cents per week is made. Teenagers pay $3 initiation with a week- ,ly charge of 25 cents. Pins were presented to members who had seen three years service with the auxil- iary. A delicious luncheon was served to the ladies courtesy of the hospital. TOPS takes place Saturday at 11 am. “Let’s see all the parents out," said Bill Coville. GIRLS HOCKEY (March 1) Standings: Bob Cats 11. Lions 12, Tigers 10, Leopards 2, Cougars O. Panters 7. Over 200 â€"â€" Helen Large 206, Mary Redman 240. Pat Thomp- son 275. Joy Pickthall 250. Ruth Colborne 211. .Bille Maver 214‘ Elsie Hunter 210, Betty Richard- son 264. Dorothy Hunt 202. Thornhill Mixed Club Standings: Keith Jones 16. Joe Anne Roberts 14. Eddie Palmer 13, Adrian van de Lan- gerijt 9. Reg. Ed\\'ards 7. Harold Over 200 â€" Eva Hingley 235.! Lil Poole 232. Marg van Roode 248. Jane Gamett 203. Kathy. Doust 229. Joe Anne Roberts“ 205. 240. 1242. Becky Edwards} 224. Mabel Tutt 228. Carol Jones 227. Pam Kelson 238. Carol Brodie 200. Ellie Poole 248, 222. Mary Redman 262. North Thomhill Ladies High Average: Betty Cross 174. High triple (flat) Wendy Collard 613. ‘High triple (hdcp) Jean Lower ‘664. \High Single (flat) Wendy Col-A lard 237 ham 252‘ Standings: Pusy Cats 11, t i? at. * * Teddy Bears 10. Beavers 11 NEWMAKET â€" The Norma Chipmunks 10. Jackson Singers. well-known Over 200 â€" Ruby Hawley throughout the district, won 215. Heather Durham 221. first prize in the class for Louise Cascone 203. Donna Car- choirs of not more than 24 r01 247. Jean Lower 208, Wendy voices at the recent Kiwanis Collard 237. lMusic Festival in Toronto. Over 200 â€" Ruby Hawley 215. Heather D u r h a m 221. Louise Cascone 203. Donna Car- rol 247, Jean Lower 208. Wendy Collard 237. (hdcp) Heather Dur-' 1970 United Church Women will hold a sacrificial luncheon on March 18 at 1.15 pm in the auditorium. The emphasis will be on food for the spirit in- stead of {or the body and hot cross buns with tea or coffee will be served. Guest‘singer and speaker will be Jean Pen- gelly. who is a soloist at Tim- othy Eaton Church. Miss Pen- gelley's topic _will be “Women At The Foot Of The Cross“. Ladies in the community who would like to attend are cor- dially invited. For more in- formation contact Mrs. Vi John- son 889-2569. On Thursday. Friday and Saturday Thornhill Secondary School drama club presented al play by Richardson and Berney entitled “Dark Of The Moon", [The club reports that the pres- ‘entation was very successful with a near capacity audience each night. Watch for future presentations by the drama group. to Toronto’s CNE This year the fair is cele- brating its Centennial. and it is therefore a special honor for Helen to be chosen as a rep- resentative of Canada and of CPA. This will be an exciting year for Helen since wedding bells will be ringing for her in September. Thornhill United On March 12, UCW will con- duct an auction at 7 pm in the north education room on the lst floor of the church. If you have any small pieces of furni- ture, household items or white elephants you would like to donate please call Mrs. Vi John- son (889-2569) who will arrange for pick up. On Monday. March 3 UCW took their turn in providing luncheon for residents of the Fred Victor Mission in downâ€" town Toronto. The ladies pre- pared a variety of nutritious sandwiches which were then de- livered by Betty McBride and Jeannie Bryce to the Mission. Women's groups in many congregations in and around Toronto take turns in providing this lunch which sometimes comprises a whole day's food for some of the men. A parents day will be held by the Scottish Country Dance School at Th-ornhill United on March 14 at 10 am. This will be the last class of the season and will provide a good oppor- tunity for parents and others who may be interested to see how the young dancers have progressed. Thornhill Secondary School Fern Russell won the auction and Verna Ablett and Evelyn Amodeo served a delicious lunch to conclude the meeting. Church News On Sunday evening last most of the families of Emmanuel Anglican gathered for an even- ing service in the church and then moved downstairs. for a pot luck supper. Every avail- able seat was taken and there of the congregations thanks to Rev. William Rhodes, his wife Kathleen and daughter Ann for leading and encouraging them for the past two years. A suitable gift was given them following a short address by President Les Walters of the following a short address by President Les Walters of the men‘s association. Before sup- per was served. three small children. Rachel Walker. Karen Walters and Michael Reeves presented corsages to Mrs. Rhodes and Ann and a bouton- nier to Mr. Rhodes UXBRIDGE TWP â€" A three- day open season on deer has been approved for this townâ€" ship. The dates are November 2. 3 and 4. Only shotguns can be used and no dogs allowed. The hunt was cancelled in 1969, but according to members of township council as many deer were killed by poachers. CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS The annual father and son banquet for the lst Langstaff‘ Scouts and Cubs will be held March 19 at 7 pm in the com- munity hall. Spruce Avenue and will be catered by the mothers' auxiliary of lst Lang- staff. The York Summit District lHobby Show held Saturday at iBayview Secondary School was Imost successful and was attend- ed by many parents and inter- ested nersons. Norm Perry and William Harper. as well as other organizers deserve con- gratulations and the judges should be commended for con- tributing their time and effort. First Langstaff packs were well represented with their entries. Belated birthday wishes to Mark Nelson. Roosevelt Drive who celebrated his 11th birth- day on Sunday. A new TOPS Club for this area will be inaugurated March 10 at the home of Mrs. Shirley Gibson, 29 Claridge Drive. Some members of the Rich- mond Hill club, living in Rich- vale decided to form a club to meet the needs in this com- munity. and they are extending an invitation to prospective members. particularly teenagers interested in battling a weight problem. For further informa- tion call Shirley at 889-5663. Friends and neighbors of Warren Bailie, Denham Drive will be pleased to learn that he is recuperating satisfactorily following knee surgery. Mr. Bailie. a trustee on the York County Board of Education has been undergoing therapy and hopes to be back to normal by the end of the month. Dave Rhind of Colby Lane is; recovering following eye surgq cry and his many friends hepe’ he will enjoy a speedy recovery. Children at Emmanuel Angli-‘ can Church. where Dave is Sunday school superintendent‘ are looking forward to the Sun- day when he will return. Richmond Hill and District YWCA will hold its Treasure and Trivia Sale April 25. Any- one wishing to donate toys or games for this event may call Honor Founders, 60 Years Of Guiding The annual mother and daughter banquet of let Thornhill Guides and 3rd Thornhill Brownies on February 20 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church served a dual purpose. Not only did it celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Guiding movement but it honored “Thinking Day", the joint birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the founders. Leaders of all Guides and Brownie units in the area were invited to enjoy coffee and cake with the celebrating groups. ' In the picture above Area commissioner Mrs. Marion Currie (left) of Richmond Hill and Divisional Commissioner Mrs. Mary Chambers share the pleasant task of cake cutting. CORRESPONDENT Riel-vale , District News : MRS. ANNE WHITE - PHONE 889-3806 Mrs. Mary Watts at 889-5787. Lions Club The Lions will hold their auction sale this Saturday at 1 pm at the community hall. Spruce Avenue. This annual event provides an opportunity to pick up furnishings for the house or cottage. Lion Bob Wilson will serve as auctioneer and if you have any donations you may call Bob at 884-1572. Monday was ladies‘ night for the Lions Club and their spec- ial guest was Lion E. V. Joseph of Trivandrum. State of Kerala. India, who spent some time in Sunnybrook Hospital recently. but has now recovered. A short note of interest about the Lions Clubâ€"Lions Interna- tional. the world‘s and Canada‘s largest service club was found- ed in 1917 in Chicago. with the‘ first Canadian Club starting in Windsor in 1920. Today there are 915,000 members of 23,850 clubs in 145 countries. Canada has 38,000 members in 1,046 clubs and their motto is “We Serve". Canadian clubs raise approximately $20 million annu- ally for community service and} charity. Leo Clubs for boys 15 to 21 are beginning to start up: here. with headquarters at Chicago. When our local Lions. task for your assistance. do try to help them since their work benefits the community. spring rummage sale in April and ask that you save any good, used clothing or household ar- ticles for them. Sunday's Community Lenten Service will be held at St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church with Rev. Arthur Organ of Thornhill United conducting and Rev. Marney Patterson preaching. The service will begin at 7 pm. followed by a fellowship hour at which the host congregation will provide refreshments. â€"â€" We are currently reading a great deal about the hazards of snowmobiling and it seems the effects of these machines are reaching our area also â€" while young children are tobogganing and sleigh-riding at Langstaff Secondary School, many snow- mobilers have been roaring up and down the hills. causing a hazard to the youngsters. ‘ Another 1n the series of films for children “Caught In The Net“ and the sixth installment of “The Young Jacobites" will be presented Saturday at 2 pm at Richmond Hill High School. Adults accompanying their chil- dren are admitted free of charge and children‘s admission is just 30 cents. Church News fiéiipot luck supperit manuel Anglican Church Hall was well attended with every seat filled. A bountiful table laden with hot and cold dishes supplied by the parishioners was the focal point as they gathered to pay tribute to Rev. William Rhodes, his Wife Kath- leen and their daughter Arm. who will be leaving this month to take up new duties in Dun- barton. This family will be greatly missed at Emmanuel since their hard work. ambi- tion and guidance has been an inspiration to all during their stay. The community wishes them well in their new home. ACW members will hold their spring rummage sale in April and ask that you save any good, used clothing or household ar- ticles for them. (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) YOUR CARRIER DOES HI§ BEST! Whenever winter weather strikes with cold, snow, sleet and wind, your reliable carrier makes an extra effort to provide the service you wish; prompt arrival of a protected newspaper. Seldom are you disappointed, no matter how severe the weather. Bringing “The Liberal" to your door “ every Thursday â€" storm or shine â€"â€" is almost routine for your carrier. He has learned the importance of providing a valuable service just like many of our leading citizens learned on newspaper routes in their school days. If your son has a chance to take a newspaper routeâ€"even in the winter- time â€" encourage him to accept it. No better opportunity emsts for a boy to learn business values and earn money while being a student. “Home Paper of the District Since 187 \‘7'? A iMacedonian wedding ceremony Hras performed by Canon Regi- jnald Howden and the Very Rev. Simson Dimitroff in Holy Tri- Jnity Anglican Church. Thorn- hill. February 7 at 7 pm. The Iwedding vows of Elizabeth Ann Donkersley and George Evans were heard in a setting formed by large standards of yellow and white mums, stephanotjs and candles with a white runner down the aisle and dimmed lights. Mrs. Estelle Markham played Mendelssohn‘s Proces- sional. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donkersley of 49 John Street. Thornhill and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Evans of 68 Belve- ldere Boulevard. Toronto. combined Anglican and: to as b< James ton. B2 hero. P4 Kemp : The gold vei a bouq minatui hanotis royal b quets i] The guests Thornh After speeche swingin music 1 band. The have b L”! -: Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of silver white heavy peau de soie fashioned on the empire line with pearl trim on the bodice and gathered sheer sleeves. Her veil fell from a headpiece of matching pearls and she carried a bouquet of talisman roses with white miniature iris. Anglican-Macedonian Ceremeny For Evans-Donkersley Wedding Her attendants were Mrs. Marin Bruton as matron of honor. Carol Keffer. Suc Heath. Nancy Brown, Mrs. Julie Dom- kersley and Mrs. Pat Corkill as bridesmaids. The groom was at~ tended by Erich Both of Toron- Wm Libel-u" gm Cleners 198 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-4411 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY â€" Following a honeymoon trip to Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans have taken up residence at 170 Dudley Ave< lnue, Thornhill. The reception for the 150 guests was held in the North Thornhill Community Centre. After the receiving line, speeches and cake cutting, a swinging time was enjoyed to music provided by a five-piece band. to as best man and John Evans. James Kirproff. Robert Fuller- ton. Barry Grant. Steve Glit- hero. Paul Donkersley and Peter Kemp as ushers. The maid of honor more a gold velvet pant suit and carried a bouquet of gold and blue minature carnations and step- hanotis. The bridesmaid were in royal blue pant suits with bou- quets in light blue and gold. The bride and her parents have been residents of Thorn- hill since 1949. Both young people are graduates of the University of Western Ontario. STOUFFVILLE-Leslie Kin- ton. 19. a piano student at the Royal Conservatory of Music, won the president‘s scholarship of $200 in the 1970 Kiwanis Music Festival. A resident of the. village. Leslie has been teaching piano here since he was 13. 271 Bay Thorn Drive Thornhill 889-0391

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