THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, March 5, 1970 South Thornhill and Bayview Glen News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 ‘ ‘ .Willowdale, February 23, the Donna Low Ji " Theatre. 53 Queen btreet East Friends and neighbors (if-toast to the Queen was pro- Jennifer Bdcliziiiali‘ioull‘idi'lyglrhrh in Toronto on March TITIS Tony Hutton. Sp1~uce\\-ood,posed by Non-“a Davis f0“ ,_ , V . . _ _ is a family 0cm and Clll‘lainiDrivc. Val'e Pleased to hcar‘he‘ed by grace by Rev. J.‘D. Siiï¬iiiihhi; Edgiiiilne ‘gflftrogiii’p f i . A . A and 01’! Friday it Will have itsllty H3†curtain time for the have prpblems m planmng fam'it‘mc ‘5 3 pm' “"359 “110 planfls making good progress Miss Davis introduced Fothcringhain, Tina Ward: dan-|Jd’llinsolilirt ZSdbiiaus' mill ' Vl‘ first dance: 330 pm in North,play, “The Night Of The Blgllly outings and entertainment to attend are asked to ca11.5urgei'y' at 'loronto General those seated at the head tableicor, Linda spanj31~,Jean wood. corms 'nden; ’ 01 ca 50m York 'community Hall. 5090 Laugh". is 8.30 pin. . ifor their children. PWP has Audrey Salmms, 920-6317 in Hosp-Hal. 4 t and welcomed the mothers. Mme“ Tma Ward; mmstrel Sung: March 1 the Un-t Yonge Street, Willowdale. with They were also limited to at- arranged for children of mem- advance. i Fl'lellds and neighbors 0f 1â€" The toast to the mothers Tina Ward. leens 5at I Thornhill United disc jockey, bar facilities and The North York Chapter ofitle Michael Shier. Glen Cam- was made by Cathy Smith with Golden hand and wings~ Cm- Church held a games night A o 19‘ Single Parents Plan Parties For Adults, Egg Hunt For Childrenl rk Cha ter Would Like Out of PWP". stend a St. Patrick's ‘Dance ofTP‘aierdlrfg IV‘TVTEEiIduEOPartner: is They were invited by‘ the,sponsored by Cenrtal ~Chapter gradually taking shape. North Metro Chapter of Single PW}J at St. Judes Parish Hall. The chapter. which serves Parents Associated to attend a 3261} Weston Road on Maich 14. North York and York County, drama and dance night Marchl Since parents who are widow- had its third meeting last night,.13 at the North York Commun-,‘ed. separated or divorced often bers to be admitted free to the play. "The Elves And The Shoe- maker" at the Studio LablNeighborhood Notes ‘ . Indian pl‘OJeCi. Donations of white elephants will be greatly appreciated. ilcdge explosion has been so vast that in the last 10 years the knowledge available for study and absorption has doub- led. said Mr. Best. Ninety per- cent of the scientists whoever existed in the history of man are alive now. So today‘s children must be door pï¬zes' PWP is also 'planning a “Geteron Road, are sorry to learn the reply by Mrs- Ruby Spun. Acquainted Night" at 8.30 pm March 18 at the home of Marie Stokes in Willowdale. Those who plan to attend should con- tact Mrs. Stokes at 223-7230 after 6 pm. There are also plans for children of single parents for At its second meeting, which took place February 4. Wally Steele of Willowdale was electr 6d president, with Don Hep- burn vice-president. Rita Hosk- ing secretary and Bettie Onoluk treasurer. The chapter meets the first Wednesday of each month in St. George’s Anglican Church, Yonge Street, opposite North-, town Plaza in Willowdale, and at last night's meeting mem- bers gathered during the coffee hour to discuss "What You Value, Reward Must Go Together Victoria & Grey President Says With Canada's gross national product growth close to a standâ€" still the country's prosperity will not improve until there is a return to the recognition that value and reward must go hand in hand, President Walter E. Harris, QC. of Markdale, told shareholders at the 1970 annual meeting of Victoria and Grey Trust Company. This was the company's 80th annual meeting. During his address. Mr.'Har- ris expressed opinions on infla- tion, taxes. tight money and In the Estate of PERCY C. HILL. Deceased. affairs of the company. He stated it will be hard to All persons having claims ag- duplicate in 1970 last year's ainst the Estate of Percy C. progress and said today‘s rate Hill, late of the TOWn 0‘ Rich' of growth in business is not as mond .Hill. in the County °f fast as it was six months ago. York, Merchant. who died on Commenting on inflation, Mr, or about the 30th day of Jun" Harris said. “As far as our blis- 1969, are hereby notified to mess is concerned the effects send particulars of same to the are being felt now and we don't undersigned on or before the have to wait for them" 27th day of March. 1970 after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 13th day of February, 1970. Gladys G. L. Hill. m NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS business. an important phase of the company’s operations, he re- ported that traditionally it has always tried to operate on a margin of about two percent. With the cost of money at 834% he said the company has had to reduce this spread. _ “Unless interest rates decline substantially in 1970, the bur- den of the smaller spread will Henry D L. Hill be borne by the shareholders “"1 Shirley H. Eakins, alone.†he warned. “There IS Execumrs- evidence there will be more by their solicitors. than a modest decline in rates. Harries. Houser. Brown The effects of action against in- & Mccauum, flation are here now for. Vic- 80 Richmond Street West toria & Grey. we are paying a Toronto 110. Ontario. price for fighting inflation and no appeal is necessary to us BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE GET ONE FREE! Choice of any color I Hair Stylists 29.00 Reg. Price Referring to the mortgage. to use voluntary restraint." Touching on the federal gov- ernment's White Paper on taxation, Mr. Harris stated the} scheme proposals. radical de- partures from the existing sys-' tem. were presented as a pre- liminary to stimulate public dis- cussion. “Taxation is never logical or scientific." he claimed. “It is merely the need of government to finance itself by whatever means are available with the actual. if grumbling, support of the public generally." Mr. Harris recalled that many years ago people were taxed on the number of storeys. number of windows or number of chim- neys in their homes. The sys- tem was effective simply be- cause it taxed wealth where it was and could be easily col- lected. ‘ Discussing the discrepaneies in the proposed capital gains, tax Mr. Harris said if a person is seeking logic there it cannot be found. “I'm afraid I still think the income tax is the fair- est tax of all." he said. “If the government feels it must have a capital gains tax. I hope it adopts something approaching the simplicity of the American system instead of the current proposal. “With a large portfolio of Canadian stocks. it may be nec- essary to dispose of some to pay the tax. This could depress the market and work against the government‘s expressed desire to encourage ownership of Can- adian stock." he asserted. . Concluding his address. Mr. Harris said, “Canada's forward reach will resume only when the-‘e is established a greater parity in return for effort con- tributed than is evident) today. We, in this company, believe in the old-fashioned precept that A Speedy recovery is “.15th value must be given for money Richard James of Weldrick received. It has always been, Road who is recuperating at it will always be. the touchstone home following major surgery of the success of this company. at Sunnybrook Hospital. The financial report. present- Monday was ladies’ night at Ed by Secretary-Treasurer G. E. Richvale Lions Hall. Guest Phelps. Lindsay. disclosed the speaker E. V. Josef from the “Bt PrOfit f01‘ 1969 as $2,157.41â€. CNIB proved to be most inter- uP from 31.829.012 in 1968. esting. Mr. Josef has been Total assets under administra- blind since he was six years tion were $445,426,337 last old and at present is studying year. compared to $385,119.544 for his PhD in Toronto, al- in 1968. though he is originally from lndia. His topic for the even- ing was his native country. Birthday greetings to Carol Maple Leaf Gardens on March 21, .children of members free. ladults $1.25. People to contact in the north area are Norman Dunn, 889-8838 and Alma Rus- sell. 491-0797. Mr. Dunn is also looking af- ter arrangements for an Easter Egg Hunt at Boyd Conservation Area on March 22. On March 28 there will be children's bowling at 1.30 pm at Bowlaway Alleys. 1453 Bathurst Street for childen of North and Central Chapters. Wally Steele. 222-6443. is making the arrangements. and Fred Cleary. 884-2428. Richmond Hill will arrange transportation for those who need it. A box announcement in the March Newsletter of PWP ad- vises. “A friendly ear helps .when you need it. For person- al or family problems telephone 264-3221, Scarboro Distress Centre â€" Free and strictly cou- fidential." The newly elected president of the Central, Chapter. Ruby Dennett of Roseview Avenue. Richmond Hill. has been servâ€" ing as an advisor in setting up the new North York Chapter of PWP. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Neighborhood Notes WILLOWDALE â€" Ron Bar- baro of the Argo Playback Club 51 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill Phone 884-3354 Legion Court NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the, Township of vaughan for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act. ‘ TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to apply. to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provrsmns of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of'By-law 3920 passed on the 16th day of December, 1969. A copy of the by-law is set out below. This is a true copy of the By-law with the exception that for the purposes of identification certain street names have\been added. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-Iaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also set out below. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days afber the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law, together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to-which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be consid- ered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of . hearing is to be sent. The last date for filing objections will be March 13th, 1970. DATED at the Police Village of Maple this 25th day of February. 1970. F. G, Jackman. Clerk. Township of Vaughan, Maple. Ontario. Notice To All Owners of Lands Abutting The Township Such owners are hereby notified as above THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN BY-LAW NUMBER 3920 A By-law to amend By-law Number 2523, as amended. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT By-law Number 2523. as amended. be and is hereby further amended by deleting Schedule “B†and by substituting therefore the Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. READ 3 FIRST and SECOND time this 16th day of December. 1969. G. A. WILLIAMS. Reeve r. 1. JACKMAN Clerk READ a THIRD time and finally passed this 16th day of December, 1969. G. A. WILLIAMS. Reeve F. G. JACKMAN Clerk SUMMARY T0 BY-LAW NUMBER 3920 By-law 2523 provides that for the purpose of com- puting the yard and set back requirements on certain streets. the limit of the street shall be considered as the planned width of the road allowance which is provided in Schedule “B†to the By-law. As a result of planning and traffic studies the Town- ship. by Amendment No. 17 to the Official Plan. revised the planned widths of many of the public highways in the municipality. The purpose of this by-law is to imple- ment the provisions of Amendment No. 17. Schedule “B†designates specific highways as expressways. arterial roads and collector roads. Any highway which is not within one of these categories has a planned width of 66'. Schedule "B" designates expressways with a planned width of 300', arterial roads with a planred width of 120‘ and collector roads with a planned width of 86‘. Hnatiw. May Avenue. March 8 and to Lynne Nash who will be 12 years old on Friday. is president of the Toronto Life Managers’ Association, an in surance group. ‘the Easter holiday time, includ-I ing a Walt Disney Parade at' ‘M r 5. J o h n Fotheringham3 thanked the ladies of the church for catering and Mrs. Joan MacLelland thanked the mothers of the auxiliary. Presentations to retiring of- ficers were made by Stephanie Spurr to Mrs. Audrey Lennox. by Barbara Jonak to Mrs. Ev- elyn Lauer. by Nancy Batholo- mew to Legh Rootham. by Janet Ferguson to Mardi Peth-l erick and by Gail Thompson to Mrs. Betty Slinn. Mrs. R. Cox introduced Guid-i that he is in North York Gen- eral Hospital. All hope he will soon be well again. ‘ Friends and neighbors ofi Joe Gould. Morgan Avenue, {are sorry to Iiear he is in‘ ‘York Central Hospital for sur-l gery. We hope to see .him home again in the near future. Thornhill Girls‘ Hockey Team 5has made the league finals and defeated Richmond Hill onl Sunday in the playoffs. The, ,rcturn game was scheduled for. Tuesday. Players on this team ,from South Thornhill include: ) Dickson. .wcnt -et McCrimmon, ‘Wendy Dobson. Carol Connor. ,Maurcen Wouliiough, Candy Francis. Alma Howson. Terry Coyne. Carol Webb and Janet MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Agnew. Delair Crescent. have returned ‘from a two-week Caribbean cruise. They visited many of ,the islands including Tobago and Trinidad. The community was saddened ,to hear of the death of Mrs. Helen Morgan Birch, Clarke Avenue. February 17. Scouts & Cubs - Cubs of lst Thornhill C Pack lwhich meet at: Thornhill United Church, who have recently earned proficiency badges in- clude: Harold Tschipper. inter- preter (German): Raymond Her- .bert. house orderly; Marty .Chinnery. handyman: David Skinner and David Davies, ar- ltist. For the children. “Horse Without A Head". plus car- ,toons. will be shown at Royal Orchard School this coming Saturday. This film showing lis sponsored by 7th Thornhill ,QLadies’ Scout Auxiliary. Guides and Brownies The 9th Thornhill Brownies, lvho meet in Woodland School, who passed their skaters’ bad- lges February 24, were Candy Carter. Cheryl Gallant, Ann iRozyski and Elizabeth Craib. Enrolled in this new pack are also: Tracy Clark, Patty Jones, Janette Lauer, Marilyn Holu- bec, Lecia Gregorish. ,Diane Trobak, Kathleen Rae, Lynn Kelly, Gillian Glen and Wendy Livingstone. Badges earned to date are: interest badges (transfers), An- drea Tong; dancer, toymaker. minstrel, Karen Clark. Joan Wood. Luanne Burda, Janette Laucr. Golden bars: Karen Clark. Joan Wood. Luanne Burda, Jan- ette Lauer. At the annual mother and daughter banquet for 1st and 4th Guide Companies and 3rd. 6th and 9th Brownies at St. Patrick's Anglican Ch u r c h, Christine Cowan, Lynn Dawson,- iers Mrs. Alice Sproule, district ,commissioner: M r s. M a r y Chambers, division commission-, ger; Mrs. Betty Slinn. division lsecretary: Mrs. Pat Cage. div- ision camp adviser. Awards for the past year, read at the banquet. were: (Fourth Thornhill Guides: en- rolled, Cynthis Cowan, Valerie Briggs, Sharon Holubec. Karen Todd. Belinda Moeller; second lclass. Darlene Beardwood, Ka~ thy Farrant. Karen Forgie. Joy Maldon. Patty Todd, Peggy :Walker: g a r d e n e r. toyinakei‘, Kim Arnott; seamstress, home- .maker-cook, Darlene Beard- wood: keep fit. Kathy Fari'antz- writers, Kanen Forgic: collch itor. Jane Goodyear; gymnast. ‘Cathy Landry; child care. writ- .ers. Rosemary Spurr: (transfer): athlete, collectors, Susan Lint- on. I First Thornhill Guides: en- rolled. Cathy 'l‘robak. Linda Gallant. Vivian Forss. Jane ‘Bridgeman, Linda Bredin, Deb- .bie Bates. Andrea Johnston. Janet McCrimmon. Anne Sav- age. Kim Rogers; second class. Kathy Lash, Cathy Cowan, Cat- riona Richmond: stalker, child care, Judith McDonald. Janet Ferguson: stalker. hostess. Viv- ian Markovich: stalker. writer, gymynast, Cathy Cowan: swim- mer. Kathy Lash: stalker, Christine Job. Catrina Rich- mond. Anne Smith; child care. writer, Rosemary Spurr; child care. Cathy Richmond. Third Thornhill Brownies: housekeeper. Lorraine B u tt, Linda Spanjer. Hedy McDer- mid, Nora V Ferguson. Donna Low, Jane Wofford. Kim Lam- ont, Andrea Ward, Jill Fother- ingham. Carol Frost, Jennifer Buchanan, Vicky Doig, Joan Wood, Tina Ward, Linda Pow- ell. Sheila McClellan, Karen Dickson. Patricia Lancaster, Cathy Trobak. Sharon Holubec, Cynthis Cowan: collector, Lor- raine Butt. Cynthia Cowan, Ann Murphy: toymaker, Vicky Doig; book lover, Joan Wood, Tina Ward. Cynthia Cowan: ar- tist, Tina Ward: skater. Lor- raine Butt, Darlene Chaffee, Linda Spanjer. Nora Ferguson. IJill Galer, Keri Aichison. Bar- 'Crimmon. Cheryl Barton. Hea- this Cowan. Anne Savage. Shar- on Holubec. Cathy Trobak. Golden bar: Darlene Chaffee.i Virginia Arnott, Linda Spanjer.1 Donna Low. Jane woffom‘ KimiSawchuck. a volunteer i-epresen-. tative of "Street Haven“. an in-{soon become adept at operating Lamont. Jill Fothcringham. De- borah Lauer. Jennifer Buchan- an. Barbara Troback. Tina Ward, Sheila McClellan, Karen Sixth Thornhill Brownies: up to Guides. Debbie Bates, Andrea Johnston, Jan-i Karen Todd,- Keri Aichison. Belinda Moeller. Golden bar: Cheryl Barton, Jane Dedrick. Laura Fari‘ant, Joanne Fox, Jill Galer. Barbara Jonak. Susan Redden. Glenys Roberts, Heather Robertson. Laurie Smith. Elizabeth Wright. Enrolled: Gail Agnew. Cathy lthe UCW will meet at 1:30 pm: :‘School. who placed first in area Addison. Colleen Coville. Joan Gannage, Beth Killham, Sally LePage, Sylvia Shewalter. Bar- bara Sorrel]. Lorraine Sheedy. Collector. Heather Robertson. bara Jonak. Glenys Roberts; writer Keri Aichison. Jant Mc- ther Robertson, Glenys Roberts;. minstrel. Karen Clark, Glenys Roberts: toyinaker. L a u r i e Smith: housekeeper, Jill Galer, Heather Robertson. Mrs. Margot Agnew addressedl the mothers on behalf of the local association, urging sup- port by their attendance at future meetings. Four girls and two leaders of 2nd Thornhill Ranger Company attended the Quebec City Win- ter Carnival from February 6 to 10. Those in the party were: Cathy Smith, Kathleen Gorssline. Sylvia Sproule, Jan- ice Marchiori, Mrs. William Gage and Mrs. D. F. Thompson. They travelled by train and stayed at the YWCA. They raised the necessary funds by showing two movies and by selling Girl Guide cookies. In Quebec they enjoyed the night parade. Bon‘homme Carni- vale‘s ice palace, some magnif- icent ice sculpture and many other interesting events. The girls also enjoyed a bus trip to view Montmorency Falls and the famous shrine at St. Anne de Beaupre. ‘ All hope to return to Quebec City in the future to get to know this historic spot better. Any girls 14 or over interest- ed in joining the Rangers are asked to call Mrs. D. F. Thomp- son at 889â€"4643. Church News Don’t forget the white ele- phant auction sale March 12 at 7 pm .in the upper Christian education rooms. This is spon- sored by the UCW social action committee, with all proceeds earmarked for the Canadian This is a true copy of the Schedule “B†attached to By-law 3920 with the exception that certain 1 street names have been added for the purposes of identification. g nun-I-I‘. mom-Av so TOININ TOVILIN IF OF KIN. ; I ; on : I : LANCBTAFF ROAD. Tuesday. March 10, Unit 2 of exposed to all methods of ac- quiring this knowledge, both in and out of school. not simp- ly to books alone. He added in the church parlor. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Margaret dependent refuge for girls and1 young women in Toronto. All ladies are inVited to come out and learn more about this pri- vate, non-sectarian day centre for female offenders. Congratulations the machines and in the casual atmosphere of a learning re- source centre thcy are able to interest at their own speech. either alone or in small groups. . I ‘ Mr. Best is in charge of Congratulations to Marieâ€"Jose.»learning materials for the cur- 'Souclie, Langstaff Publicriculum division and he ac- companied his talk with slides. overhead projections and films. thus putting his own theories of education into practice. (Question Park Site three finals of public speaking held at Charles Howitt School February 23. Kim Wilmont ol‘ Woodland Senior School was second. third was Marie-Ellen Souche of Roselawn Senior School and fourth was Kathy Hall. Royal Orchard School. Open House Students of grades 9 to 13 are invited to attend the Ad» diction Research Foundation of Ontario open house during the winter holidays. March 23 to March 26. The new office is at 55 Doncaster Avenue and is headed by Alfred Fowlie. who has been with the foundation, in Metro for a number ofi years. He is an associate min- ister with the Willowdale Uni. tarian Fellowship. The staff includes two social workers. a part-time medical expert. Dr. Harry Doney. and a full-time secretary to serve the area between Highway 401 and Newmarket. . . The open house is designed to give the students a chance to drop in and air their views about “our chemical world and youâ€. There will be a film and refreshments and a chance for open, honest discussion, with no prea’ching or horror stories. Time will be from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. For further information or for interviews with profession- al staff call 889-0441. Henderson H&S ‘Schools of the future may have one teacher for every 100 students â€"- this was the guess of Norman Best at the recent meeting of the Henderson Av- enue Home and School Associa- tion. Mr. Best. assistant sup- erintendent in the curriculum division of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education. said that each teacher might have sev- eral assistants. or para-profes- sionals, to help distribute and collect equipment. But much of the teacher’s assistance would come from “learning materials" â€" televis- ion. tape recorders, overhead Concern has arisen in Mark- Club Subdivision is not going to be for use as a public park. ance north of Buttonville. of adjustment. The township planning board was informed. take the matter up with the developers. The ownership of the land re- dividers. Committee 'of adjust- ment was told by a Person no parkland is intended to re- main in the Cachet Subdivi- sion. “Recalling plans that were shown in the past and discus- sions with the late Richard clear that certain lands shown mon to all property owners in the development. , “If this is not so and division of the 17.2 acres is permitted, the township will end up with another area without public open space, along with the re- sulting hue and cry. complete with charges of poor planning†said Parks Manager Allan Sum- ner in a letter. ‘ vision of lands owned in the Cachet Subdivision. and has indicated it has similar future .01th property. BOYS AND GTiTthâ€˜ï¬ and slide projectors, film strips and films â€" many of which al- ready are being widely used in Ontario a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished route may be available in your area. Phone Glen Pratt, schools. The know- Carrier Circulation. 884-1105. E “annulus-w, PLANNED WIDTH OF ROAD ALLOWANCES SCHEDULE "8" ‘TO BY LAW 2523. AS AMENDED THE MINIMUM YARD nus SET BACK nzoumemems OF SCHEDOLE "A" SHALL as COMPUTED FROM THE tum o= me PLANNED WIDTH or ROAD ALLow- A~css SET our in nus SCHEDULE LEGEND :1 I.'M s ’MBOL CL Ass N'DT‘T'IM :A°R:.:WAV 300’ â€" AR‘ER AL 120' â€"_ co -...:ca 85' ALL ROADS OTHER THAN ’HE ELI-SEES DESIGNATED ABOVE HAVE A PLANNED WIDTH 0F EGFEET hm, enoxeu Luis: waters GENERAL Locum or paoeoszo RJAD ALLOWANCES As SHOWN on azueoute'a“ T0 AMEiiJME-ar N317 to THE OFFICE-2L am; or THE VAUGHAN PLANNING LREA mar 00 nor FORM PART or THIS ,BY-LAW. SEAL! II FEET 2000 2000 .0†ha†W 0 «on .000 iv- the even very young students' pursue subjects of their own 3 The subdivision is located off 7 - Don Mills Road. a short dist-h . The situation became appar-' 1’ ant and caused alarm at a re- 1 cent meeting of the committee « Planning board is going to" mains in the handsof the sub- .' iPerson. it was definitely made’ were to remain open space com- - Person Realty Ltd.. Is seeking to proceed with further subdiv plans for the Buttonwood Golf; Make regular pocket money on: Cachet Country Club “ ham Township that 17.2 acres - of land in the Cachet Country’ Realty I/td.,representative that i -.n-