Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1970, p. 6

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i ‘0"! ’0' -a~ 8 ~. -‘- "a"fF-“ ., I“ or 'i il“"vng .. ...,..4 he .'I“’QV’¢.’~1 4! In... Road. 884-7903. .ir ii H H I} ('5' O H 9' I" " I4 1",13 7" 'VI - all makes. Repairs and parts for 6 THE LIBERAL, Ric word thereafter. words for .90c and .88 COMING EVENT NOTICE 1 BOX NUMBERS an extra CARDS or THANKS. sertion Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and FOR SALE ER SOETENERS~ WAT Fully automatic. Miracle Water Softeners from $235; also power humidifiers, rentals and salt service. Call your local Sovereign Dealer. Gerald Morlock Sales after 4 pm. 884-4016. ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in-l eluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- .able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 SAND and Salt mixed to D.H.O. specifications $12.50 ton or 2 tons $20.00 delivered. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Center, 51 Keefe Street North, Maple. tfc24 WASHER, dryer and stove parts. gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For motors. Math’s TV, 49 Industrial tfc2l ’BABY shoes bronzed. Fliee.pICk-l up and delivery. 221-9188. tfc49 1970 Moto-Ski Snowmobiles are going fast â€"- better reserve yours now! Endean Nurseries 542 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. ' tfcIG CARPETS dyed. shampoocd, re- paired. installed. Indoor-out- door plush pile carpet. $6.77 sq. yd., Ozite with rubber back.‘ $5.95 sq. yd.. runners and door mats, assorted sizes, priced to, clear. Rubber underpad, $1.19. sq. yd. Visit our showroom, Koenig Fine Carpets, 221-9959. tfc18 deep pile indoor-outdoor etc- mats and, runners. No reason-' able offcr refused. Koenig Fine Carpets. 221-9959. tfc18, SEASONED hardwood for fire- places. also kindling. Picked-up: or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave.‘. W. or call 225-2781. tfc19 CASH registers, typewriters. adding machines, etc. 222-2940. tfc20 APARTMENT size Mountâ€"FIFE- tl'ic stove, very reasonable, 832- 1023. after 6.30. c1w36 15 GALLON aquarium witliâ€"trâ€"t; pical fish, pump and hood. $35. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per Minimum charge $1.00. and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- ns at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. iic3ii table. 884-4291. - «v- â€"- '0‘?“ “0 "01L g°°d condjl-i‘mlNetworks. filters and inductors. .CLEARANCE. shag remnants hmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 5, 1070 ESPECIALLY LIBERAL ADVERTIS PHONE 884-11056 ’ HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED cook for Pop's Tavern. 88-1-2752. RELIABLE farmer possibly [semi-retired to work small farm lclose to Maple. Write Box 26 ,The Liberal tfc22 ‘WOMAN to work in kitchen ,5â€"10 pm. 2 or 3 evenings per lweek no cooking. The Villa :Nursing Home. Mrs, Stewart. 889-7904. c2w35 GOOD GIRL â€"- WOMAN Wanted 3â€"â€"4 days, 82 hourly, housekeeping work. Apply Mr. 'Nicholls. 889-7442. c3w35 ARE YOU interested in a career with a large Canadian Finance company. Call Mr. 884-8156. MAPLE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATES One full time assistant. five mornings and three afternoons, 1 part time assistant five morn- ings required for the six week period of July 6 to August 14. Preference given to Maple area residents. Applicants must be ,over 13 years and must apply in writing stating age and quali-l Second per word thereafter. 0c per word; min. charge 51.50 charge per insertion of 50c $1.50 enclose payment or telephone FOR SALE (Continued) YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings 'also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-13191 Maple. tfc28 Campbelh tfc35 Convert to natural gas home heating now and get a ,free power humidifier, completely installed. Call , Carter Bros. Ltd. 889-6431. Humilications to Maple Area Recrea- L . LL ...... L- _. L tion Committee, PO Box 254, DINING room suite. 7 piece. Maplc‘ om, (1w36 . . I 2 . 7.. -LL L . ._.. modcm' “alum 884‘ 5511-85 SALESLADY. mature, after- .L _. . LL- -LLW - A .noons. Bayview Variety. Bay- 1 SINGLE bed agdbldl‘esseifto view Plaza. 884-3417. c1w36 ‘ ~ , co e -- "‘3 c" “mm” a e c1w§5 EXPERIENCED person. 2 days; weekly, general housework, own GOING OUT OF BUSINESS transportation preferred, King SALE City area. 884-6508. c1w36 All items reduced. - ~- -â€"~â€"-â€"â€"-- â€"~i--â€" â€" ~- LEGAL secretary required for evening employment. Applicant must; be fully experienced in conveyencing. Write Box 60. “The Liberal". c2w36 [_NEED ladies and men, 10 hours weekly minimum, to de- liver Fuller catalogues and pick Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd. 191 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. tfc36 HALTERS â€" Speedway, strong russet leather, brass plated hardware, $5.25 ea. Maple Feed tfc34 ave Nuts â€" Peeple ERS WHO USE LOW-COST ANYTIME ave Money LIBERAL WANT ADS l HELP WANTED . lContinued) 1 USED CARS g 7 7 W“. ' "H‘OND‘A' fi’CiIE’A‘NING‘ WINDOWS. ‘ AVON CALLING I Shapes the world of wheels . WALLS AND PLOORS , ‘i‘iHO IS AA' v \( :‘IOTORCYCLES Day or night N A‘ O lFrom )lini 'l'rail . . _ to CB. 750’ 884-2433 1fc23 REPRESENTATIVE? - Someone like you who likes- people. has some spare time and‘ likes to earn money. Be an lAV'ON Representative ~â€" Calll York Import Automobiles Ltdfl wig-LA“- ELtfi’rfi-éfc 16 Industrial Road at W . . . - . - (,OIIIIBCIOI, 1199 estimates. Call- longe bt‘ 889'8830’ “fagganytime 884-3931. c4w33' .- ' CONTRACTING carpentry al-l Laurentia now -~- WA5-4255'. *3vv34-1963 _P O N Tl A C . n‘,tei‘ations --â€"- recreation rooms .PRACTICAL nurses for day aiidjfiglgifd; -r T {a 1. SEN-1:: RIiLCIE'jK‘ 31- ileliGn 734338; $32312. {evening shift. and housekeeping $38; 111:0 12514;" 88388310 m3,wmrjO“r5”and “om-s cleafie’d,‘ flielp tor (Ia.V shift. ’I‘ransportaaggmélg' ‘ ' ‘ (.1\\.36;and indoor painting. Fully in-l sured. 889-9605. tl'c32‘. ltion to Yonge St. available. The lyiua Nlirsing Home, 33.1mm19’63AEALCON’4'dr7'se'dun. 6 7 pay cheque by selling real es- tate. Our Richmond Hill office now has openings for sales ‘5‘" Mrs Stewan 8894904 .auto. radio, whitewalls. as is,[ . VSNOWBLQWINGf ‘l ‘ , , - . , - - Driveways and Sidewalks cleaia c3w34ls1her blue and matching Ill-I d 884_2838 “C29 ’ "FRCSTRAifiDi,’ terior. Ideal compact for ec0ii-I"__‘LL_. 'LLML L. WV; ,_ H ' ;omy. $379. Lic. 1453424. 884-' CATERING COSt‘ 9f hung: “5'th faStf‘l‘ thalelR-t or 889-8830. c1w36 Dinner parties catered. casse- yom Income. Write your 0“":i960"FRON-iTENA?;â€"ir’égoa roles delivered. Experiencedl running order, $125. 889.8964 cook. Details. 389-1891. c1w36, after 5 pm, c1w36! SHAMPOOING people due to expansion, Ex.,1961 METEOR V8, standard: SPRING SPECIAL tensive training programs of-Itransmission. Good COlltlltlon.:RllgS and chesterfields. Day or. fered. Age or education no bai'-‘$l75,00. Phone 884-6410 or 884-;night. 884-2433. tt‘c36‘ rier. Call Mr. White or Mr."l703. *l\\36‘fxfifilgfifigm Cuffi 889-6241- 1967 CHEVI Beioii.’ 4 door. saw. Tree cut-ting and pruning NORM BLACK REALTY automatic, 7 news tires, after 4,fruit trees. E. C. Doak, 832- LIMITED :884-4559 or 884-8891. Eiginj8985. to:le "J 7 __wm” _ r tfc28 Auto Service. c1w36" "BAKEEv’SWBTfCKHOE‘ " VARITYPER operator, par1.1968" Deluxe model. good EXCAVATING time. Excellent position for'condition, must sell $1275, 884-,Tlvenchjng' sewer ,5, water lines.. someone experienced in paste-;5657. c.1\\‘36 footings. 889-3604. tfc2 up and layout. Porter Fiiie‘igg"“"’-"~ 7" ‘1" "'“‘7'*' “""""" Printing Ltd. 884-2470. c1w35 0 FARGO 16 fl' Stake’ 2 ms NORTHERN PAINTmG racks and ridge pole‘s- 251 6lResidential. commercial paint-1 C-Vlmder engme'_ gross 16~000‘.ing. interior and exterior. Paper; Best offer. 884-6364. c1w361hangmg 8845697. “C49 iseswv’wfidEluxe. ifi‘d’io, can: fied, must sell, $1220. 884-3493. INDUSTRIAL supply company requires knowledgeable office supervisor. familiar with all phases of systems and proce- Recreation Rooms Alterations 8; Repairs dgres: "write Box *“rljyheln W “i 7 7‘77"“; clvygfi, Stone overlay Libeial 1w36 L ..L.LL L . I "***W--' ’1967 MUSTANG fastback V8,l Walker Construction _ CARRIER wide ovals. automatic. Al con- 889-5292 tchO “The Liberal" .seeks a respon- dition. $1850 or best ,offer. {SSS-“BRYWXLL plaster, a’c‘bLTSficâ€"m‘e“ slble boy or glrl I.” an eStab' 6090‘ MW” ceilings. moveable partitions. ifle Rape" I‘m“? 1]" 3,59%”??? 1961MCHEV. 1/2 '{o’nTszTflr’boâ€"st Home 01.‘ office. 884-8391 - 889A 0"” “a 0 50““, ‘.°'“‘“. 'loffel‘. 773-5405. c1w36 6784. tfc16, Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Cir-WV L-._L LL LLLLLL. . L. L- ‘ L. LLLLLLL L culatfim‘ 8344105 nc1\.\,-36,1962 RAMBLER. good condi- CARPEN’IRY work, recreation Mill 832-1241. c4w34 REPRIGERATOR. 13111748,} years old, 3100. 884-5761. up orders. $3.71 per hour. Con- tact J. Shearer, 884-2510. I c-tw36' TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST- Must be a qualified typist -â€" general office duties. Apply, stating qualifications. experi-i ence and personal history to] Thomas Kerr. Clerk-Treasurer,‘ Township of Whitchurch, RRI.‘ Gorinley Ontario. c1w36‘ PRODUCTION TECHNOLIGIST Production oriented, electronic technologist to act as technicall liaison between engineering and production departments. Must have 2 years experience in pro- duction electronics field. Re-. sponsibilities to include quality! c1w36.‘ BOX spring, inS'th-Eésfmaplé head board, $25. 889-2892. ' c1w36 MOTOR SKIS, SNOWMOBILE SALE MSâ€"18 32 hp. $995 and Grand Prix 28 hp. $825, Miniâ€"Snow 12 hp. 3475, Zephyr 22 hp. 8395’ 221-9393. clw36. NEW color TV, Console modâ€"cl] call Ray. 226-4725. c2w36l 3 ROOMS of furniture, phone 884-2122. c3w36 CHEQIIE WRITER ‘ Like new. Will sell reasonable. phone 884-1418. c1w36 _ 7. ~ . ...... L L...L . L ._ .LL...__-contr01, final testing procedures SUNBEAM rangette, 2 burners._.and design of test jigs for LC" $25: refrigerator. under counterl'rciephone Mr. T. Holstead. model, freezer conipal‘tnient.l FERRITR \‘l brand new $85. 884-5585 after, .522 Neaikircks RETD' 5:30 pm.. clw36 ' Richmond Hill ‘ 48” MATTRESS, good condi- 630-5791 tion. Call 889-5239. c1w36 c1w36; SIX piece dining room set,lSECRETARY (female) ple time“ Maple, suitable for cottage or for general office duties local. make do, 340. 884-1977. c1w36-association. Apply in writing PEDIGREE baby carriage, grey, ARC Industries, 321 Enford very good condition, $20. 334- Road, Richmond Hill. Attention 7234_ c1w36 Illt'. D. Hinchcliffe. c1w36 1 HOT .water furnace with rads, CLEANING lady, every 2nd oil tank and oil burner. Phone Fridayv 10â€"4v mUSt be reliable- after 6 pm 384-1554, “W36 own transportation necessary, LL _ .. L o _ . ELECTRIC guitar with internal small home’ $1" 889 1303 be ‘ 889-6058. *1w36 WALNUT dinette set, arborite' \voodgrain table top. 4 uphol- stered wooden chairs. almost" new. 889-4017 after 6 pm. c1w36 VIKING deluxe vacuum cleanerl in excellent condition, $35. 832-: 1345. c1w36 FRIDGE, in good condition. I complete new unit, year's guarantee. 884-2612. c1w36 CHESTERFIELD and chair, French Provincial, gold, excel- lent condition, $160. 889-7687. l c1w36; Milliners ~85 Ditessniaker H Supply 884-5894 3rd Anniversaly Sale. March 7. 1:1 off on any purchase. Fill up your sewing basket now. c1w36 GARAGE equimeIil. Coats 1â€" l) -â€"10 tire machine. 180 amp. Arc welder â€"- complete. Graco C31“ wash machine, Coke cooler, electric drills, impact tools. bench grinder. 1 wrecker, snow remover, 1966 1 ton pick up. 773-5978. LARGE chest freezer, hand crocheted double-sized afghan. 2 lamps. 26-volunie Modern Business books. 1 single size bedframe. antique white, all as new 832-2604. c1w36 FULLER Brush products. Order Super Fulbrite Floor new. for April 4th delivery. 884- 2510. head board, other articles. 884- 1034. c1w36 NEVER used 775 white wall tire and 14" run, fit G.\l product. 320 or Offer. 884-7218. c1w36 CHESTERFIELD ‘ ‘ â€"â€" BANKRUPT STOCK of exclusive manufacturer with values from $300. to $800. All suites priced at half or less.- Eifty choice suites, French, Colonial, Spanish, Modern. Con- temporary. and real Mod. DO’NOT DELAY Once in a lifetime opportunity for quality suites at bargain prices. I BRICE'S FURNITURE BARN Don Mills Rd. Quccnxville 478-4173. c'JwLiti ‘condition, $50. 884-7298. c1w36, Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd. | Polish 1 clw 36. CHEST of drawers.’ vanity and and external amplifiers, $120 fine 3.91“.' L .L LLCIV‘BS. 884-3721. cur-361' LADY FRIDAY $100 ' A'QBARIUMiis'ggL allâ€"gags»:,Willowdale Oi'ganiiation re- wood canopy, includes piston‘quuesl.“]omarl “1,”? bo-Od.typlng pump. healer, underground filmin-d boomieegnjg' cal,“ ter. 4 way air-valve bank. and 11155 1 “ms 922-3123' Pm: Isonell World. c1w36 thermometer. $22. 884-4961. L - -- . -l c1“-33 LEGAL o f f i c e stenogrnpher,‘ cribfi’feés'e'nafiiew 884; shorthand and typing csseiitial.l jiggiEGL. LIL. E t “Wis 884-1115. mac line, a on 018- "A . '7 w 7. â€"fi 7 â€" 7* jectic, Mark 1. like new. Ask- DIRIYER Yum mutelfor dry in 4â€". 4_ I , ceanlng p ant. We “"11 supply 5 5’ 9 33 1.64.0 “‘36 additional route. 889-8555. 21’ CONSOLE TV, in excellent 02w36 7 c1w36 MOTHER'S helper, Chinook elw36l _ . . . L _ . L. L L L. L _jyrs. and Six months. live in, own 1967 SKI-D00 and Stereo _l_a_Pe room aiid TV. Duties include“ deck, real bargains. 884-0309. light houskeeping and baby-1 01\\36,sitting. Phone after 6 pm. 889-1 WVRINGER washing machinei0959- Cl\\'36. 80°C! COlldillUn 535- 13 hp elec'llnIVE-LN 7 sitter, Coiwh roum,‘ “To mom“ 510- Child‘s saddle small wage. Ideal for unwed 520- Adl'll's 565 30‘“ “E‘sl-el‘n-‘mother. Call collect. Stouffvillel tables to Slide 0““. b9d5- 54 640-4245 after 6 pm. c1w36i ‘l ea-li. 88"-.'442 It ‘ 6 _ ‘t'? ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 a 9‘ pm, . S'IENOGRAPHER. must be ex- 11w36 . . _ perienced for small, DI‘OEI‘PSSIVB '. SALE m ‘t d d land Hwy. .7 Telephone 889-0434 i . 1ems re uce . 'for interview. tfc36 MEET THE HIGâ€"H_COST 0F LIVING!!! 191 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. l l884-8283. :benefits. “tent 0“ Clerin de‘iail- [V8, radio, uncertified. best offer ALthflNUM “of”: We are looking for mature,334_3012_ c1w36 IMPROVEMENTS ,women with some office cxperi-l 7A“~#â€"-â€"â€"v_ ~1A1can _ Siding. Eavestmughs. ,Willing to assume responsibility. ‘ GOING OUT OF? BUSINESS“ Office in the vicinity of Keele‘.889-8791_ " v ":“" -- â€"-- gtion. less than 4.000 miles onil'ooms. additions, renovations.‘ WELDER required. sheet n7eta1,factO]W. rebum motor and “.ans_,me floors and ceilings. Free only need a_DDl.\'. Steady enlplOY-imission cpl-tificate, $295. 775_'estimates. T. Price. 889â€"3653. ment 889-6033. c1w36‘6290 ‘ c1w36! “C32 . _L. . ,_ WOMAN wanted for restaui‘anl 3967* FEE 'Digkupf'flggfiside, . ""C'HIMNEYS' "7 I work. evenings. D0n_Ml_lls and’33'000 miles. heavy duty V3,‘Chimneys and fireplaces built N0. 7 Hlflhwaf- 7 DI‘IVE-m ReS' radio‘ em First owner, pleawand repaired. Free estimates. taurant, 889-5190 or 297-1280: ‘ sure vehicle I01. cottage, $1450_:Expert workmanship, 20 years CZW3D 8894209 “W36 experience. Phone 889-5292. RECEPTIONIST htypist requirâ€" ’1'9’6'gâ€"M "MP 7 . ,_ i â€"_5 WALKER CONSTRUCTION ed by manufacturing company. 2 G C '2 ton plek up” $330 tfc48 '3 v o . v ' Location Woodbine Ave. and Lameme AW' RIChgggg GENERAL contracting, :iltera- No. 7 Highway. 297-2002. -' - - - - , tions and additions. homes, of- c1w36 1%)663 SEFDEBQKER ff Sta/“£1: fices, factories. Custom carpen- SWITCHBOARD Operaton par“ £73530“ ac : Si- 0 el-c1w36 try of a11_ descriptions. Les time. evenings and midnight _' __T_â€".â€"â€" Webb 889'2346' tfcza’ shifts available. Phone 884-1126. 1969 MORRIP W) Statlonwagon- FLOOR COVERING c1w36 beautlf‘fl condmon» only 12:000 All types floor tile. sheet goods. miles by one lady owner. Price $675. Phone 832-1244 anytime. I '3 c1w36 ~ -; -- - ~â€"- -- c “---s L LL _ l1956 BUICK. 4 door. hardtop, Accounts payable. purchase re-Egood condmon’ 8344607 _ ask. cords clerk. female. typing tax-3’01. Dave. 6133.35 perience dcsuable, usual tiinge1 THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS ‘1963 Pontiac Parisienne. Lic. No. 349689. 3395. l1964 Buick Electra 225. Lic. No. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM ’ UPHOLSTERING ‘ ‘Antique and modern furniture.[ All work guaranteed, Up date selection of material and, styles. 884-6885. tfc44 LADIES‘fdr straight sewing in new, small plant. Please phone Apply II. D. Sanderson DOMINION “’ELDING ; RUBBER STAMPS l ENGINEERING CO. LTD. 39482,? $895 . . Keele Street N. Maple 11 . ' ' , , . .,Se\-'ei'a1 type faces to choose' 832-2233 889-48815N1662513’5‘5°“t§89§61‘6de’e' Llc‘lfrom â€" including Script. Block! c2w36 1966 Rove}. 2006 Lic- No letters. Outline and signature Typist : to maintain our pro- 9837. $1295. motion files and to supply 1964 Rambler classic, standard necessary clerical information shift. Lic. No. 410384 8395. lâ€" fast service. Call “The Lib-: 'eral” 884-1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM as required. Must be a fast and PINECREST MOTORS CARPENTRY meats. gagafges 9t: andsgf; iiilg’room, patio, school, buses. 889-l accurate typist. Highway 7. next to Speedway Custom built homes, renova- movmg' “n D” 'up' é2_v3él9113. clw36i W311th Catalogue Services Clerk â€"- to 8894655 tions, additions, and repairs. ' _ OFFICES tore g on e: - ’ process orders, maintain reports c1w36 Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris LADY experienced in all types Street d0\‘.:{0\\.: Au’rora, 1min} Immedlately Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45: and type im’oiceS- Must be com' 1962 MERCURY Montcrey, auto ence who can accept responsi- 1 i'l‘HESE CARS TO BE SOLD Doors and \Vindows him-V . TO THE PUBLIC AT'WHOLE- For free estimates ("all WU" Call for appomtment. 889- . 1 ocal Contractor ‘ . . ~ . .1 SALE PRICES ‘ 0330. Scholastic Publicatiops y HANS BUTT 889-4106 Lid-123M‘Vk1rk1‘d C1“”,‘311989 FORD Galaxie 500 x1. ‘Ifc’clv CARPENTE '. Additions. alterations, recrea-j tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. I tfc27l, 889-7480 CARPENTRY and remodelling.l Kitchens, rec. rooms, etc. 889-9658 1 tfc2Tl COOK \i'ahtedAforligalinursrnglSportsroof in lime green with home. 884-7646. c1w36iblack vinyl roof, equipped with EXPERIENCEâ€"D cleanelgâ€"YfitfiH’B automatic. power steering, time. 3342330. yew-36 power brakes. radio, white BABYSITTER. live-in, 2 school- Efiiis'pll‘iéfeézggf’ Llc' “8033‘ age children, 1â€"2 yr. old, no housework, free room and 1969 DATSUN 1 ton pickup in board plus $10 weekly, Sat. and turquoise, a one owner 16.000 Sun. off. Must be steady. Phone mile truck Lic. 37117B. Full after 6 pm. 884-4602. c2w36‘price $16.99. = l lies-8 FORD Galaxie 500 EXPERIENCEDâ€"womEnâ€"os sew- ing machine operators for a new; 9 ‘t ‘ t" l' arecn \"8 Rb’N MOth 51"” 51°° “1 "n" D ' IPAINTING - PAPERHANGING‘ company located on Newkirklt t-, , ., Qwer- Rd- nOI‘UI 0f CI‘OSbN Ave. in‘bfgreu' $35131 Swill“: 12”“, 1Interior - Exterior. Free esti- Richmond Hill Phone 884-1240:| 5‘ - ‘ '- . ‘. "-mates Call anytime 889-8965.‘ ’ “ wheel discs. Llc. 1.66801. Pull ’ - any day after 5 pm. for full dc-‘price $2199. tfc35v ‘3”5: , . ._C.“‘:3,5 , EXCAVATING - TRENCHING CLEANING woman needed 1 1968 "AL'XHALL Sedan 1“ FOO'I‘INGS - HAULAGE day week v. ith own transporta- (10"91' “'hll‘v‘» a real “'0nmn.\' 03" 884-1638 “on Leslie and Stecies area. with radio Lic. L66791. Full J_ L. EXCAVATIXG c1w36)”ice $899- c4w‘35. SECRETARY TO PURCHAS- 1957 FORD Econoiine Window! INSTRUMENT dial .iiianufacv, ING AGENT Van in turquoise, Lic. 50086B.'turer has spray _pamtmg capaâ€"i This is a challenging position Full price $1299, city available. W111 handle only} which provides an opportunity small items. Quantities Imma- flcas‘Earn extra money \vorkingto meet the public. Academic I967 FAIRLANE 500 2 dl‘. litp- terial. 884-8378. tfc35l Part time in the evenings and‘qualifications include efficient “1 Silver grey With blaCR VinyllPlasterIng Thornhill weekends by advertising our typing and some accounting r°0fr V8 aummatlc’ Power Steer'l R. CLARK products. Car essential. Exten- _ __ sive training program Offered lLOS’I‘ black female dog fromfor the right men. Call Mr. Har- Keele Street, King city. medium.vey 884â€"4489 after 2 pm. Size. big white crow on chest.: c1w36 “3'1" Sm“ w"? kno‘” he}. SHIRT pressers wanted for'di'y- “.hel'eabm"; 31L”: 0': dead" cleaning plant in 'l‘hornliill, with lReward. Phone 121-8408. 01. “ilhom expN-ience‘ 389%353 *lw36 clw36 BLACK minalure poodle, with, POSITIONS AVAILABLE .red collar. February 281l1. PERMAXENT ,Child‘s pet. 884-8159. c1w36 WALLET in 'I‘hornhill, ’ tan * in'Pl'xcH, :COIOI‘. black change purse. no Identification. Reward. 889-3824. "‘ DICTA-TYPIST c1w36 ' COMPUTOR OPERATOR I (HONEYWELL) Summer Properties LOT for sale in Baysville area, Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- 5143. tfc34 GET THE DROP 0N SPRING, lst Come â€" Best Choices ‘ Over 800 cottage lots on 21I glakcs to choose from. For free ihrochurcs and information. call “ MALE ACCOUNTANT CALL: III-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL S to 751-5718. cziw 88, Tknowledge. Personal qualifica- ing- Power brakes, radioi “'hitemlain and ltions call for a maturity in deal- “V3115. discs- not Certifie‘i Lic'l Repairs 3 Speciality ‘ing with people. L68278- Fun Prlce 31°88- Free Estimates i fl‘ifidgoofnsaflary wish. excellentl1960 PONTIAC. Comemble m' 488-7521 889-31851f203 ‘7 C L ‘° 3“ a“ Oppol‘lblue not certified Lic. 320063. _7 I, C tunity for growth within the orâ€"iFuu price (99 C " FEES}; i WANTED 7 TO RENT . ‘TIVOP responsibleflbusinessâ€" \\0-‘ men require 2 or 3 bedrooml house by June 1. Tiiorn‘nillâ€" Richmond Hill area, excellent, references. Call 884-7936 after NEW owner Betty Forsyth. Dog 5230 Pm. c2\v35.groomlng â€" poodles a special- WAA-TED _ farm to rent “Ely. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. possible with option to buy.l “cm 489-5600. c1w363PL'PPIES for sale. Playful, en-lFirst C13 ~â€"Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"- ~ - '959 lA SMALL country house. all ergeucv 53 eaCh- 884‘3‘ ' . - - l {conveniences I‘ESDOI’LSIble Single , _7 ionization are Offered. Applv to ‘ . . ‘ ' BUILDING CONTRACTOR Folks Game A long Way To Deal At carpentry. 773-5604. If('9 Te]. 889.6733 of concrete work. .\li'. Reid. York Central llo-piâ€" . .. ' --- - ~ Alterations and additions. Com- 4’111 ' .1 ' . ‘ V _ la]. 88 1' log 3“ (“‘36 fl mercial and i'PSidentlal. Custom .. , E. w. PAYNE 1 Lecation Only â€" Richmond Hill Drains 59pm. tanks. All types L“.36 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Painting. paper-hanging, inter-i ior and exterior. Free estimates.- Work guaranteed. 887-5610 I tfc46,‘ DECORATING OF DISTINCTION ss painting and general' _lrepairs. paper hanging special- hlwgolties â€" vinyls â€"â€" flocks â€" alu- 30 years experi- ‘1441. ‘Seneca College student. MISCELLANEOUSIMISCELLANEOUS (Continued) â€" PLUMBING a: HEATING 884-1650 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned C Stunden Phone 884-1245 I l l tfc2 g DAY CARE RELIABLE ‘ day-“oére‘R-ailable in my home, Oak Ridges. 773- 5596. tfc32 I WILL do child careflin my. home. 320 weekly. 884-2196. 55. Richmond St. Richmond Hill. c2w35 iDAY availableflin my home, Rockport Cres. area. 884- 6090. C2w35 DAV CARE availableâ€"i‘n‘iTy home North Taylor Mills. aged 3 and up 884-5177 c2w36 RELIXBITE'day care available‘in my home. 884-7471. c1w36 home, Essex Ave. 884-7171. c1w36 DAY CARE wanted ior-'5'yéar old in my home. 11 to 5, must have own transportation. 884- DAY CARE available in my home for Markham Road and Sussex Ave. 884-3483. *1w36 RELIABLE. hot iuncires‘fbig yard, own children to play with! c1w36 Concord 889-5533. EMPLOYMENT WANTED years experience with tronics and telephone industry. Phone 884-1969 after 5 pm.- nc3w35, FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone anytime 773-4202. RESPONSIBLE STUDENT Industrious and reliable. seeks part-time job after school and weekends. 884-4794. LADIES Ironing done in my home. exâ€" perienced. 889-7827. ' c4w35 WOMAN to do ironing in your. LLL . ‘home. Call evenings 884-7772.}SELF contained chi-35, apartment, adults only 889-5233. BLED inanA Awiâ€"shes time work. day or Chauffeurs licence. 884-8095. c1\\36 TTC and plaza. Richmond Hill. YOUN speaking. requires job in main- tenance or engineering. 3104. WOMANWe'xperienced in general‘ office work, waitressing maintenance, grade 10, children. 884-3104. loves GENTLEMAN will clean base- of offiCe procedures, excellent Liberal". GRADE 171>stude'i'lt wafnts after school and weekends. Ask for Brian. 884-3383. tfc36 YOUNG Viwomanv ‘wants Wgood. lRoger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€"yor 889-6075. tt’c24,"’" <D.AY_CA-REAa\'_ailabIe in 8.1. c1v/36; small children. 260 iTEMPORARY .lOb “Timed by {room apartment 638-3145. Four; elec-'â€""* tchQI nc3w33, p574 ,L , evening. LAD G marifEngliShiSpanish‘ 884-’_L.L. . L chi-33 LAVEROCK APARTMENTS and‘ c1\i~35iTHORNHILL sublet spacious; “corner 3 bedroom town house,l . . . . . 1 ', - d a'king. ‘ ‘ \Vltl‘l figures. wants posrtion‘f 001 pascment .31},- 1? I - __ . LOme-V Benefits ,. . ,, 48150. includes seliiccs. 121 .. . ,lhornhlll area. lemporai‘y or'g‘m3 “W36 . 0 Day W eek ipermanent. Write Box 67 "’I‘he'_v ' c‘lw36 3 , _ Sire-bbus stop. for ladies. 884-3408. 'crcation room & powder room» __. PERSONAL TO RENT l - _ OFFICE Space [0“ 1‘8m- Yonsé Diowymiâ€"have a drinking prob: St. S. Richmond Hill. 889-9880 lem. If so AA can help. Write “€31 Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call 'THORNIIILL’ GREENâ€"H Eff-SEW- “017 _TOWNHOUSES Mr. Brian Henry Bailey of Conveniently located on east RR3 King Ontario is not the Side of \onge St. Opposile‘samc Brian Bailey of South Rd. lliornlull Golf .8: Country Clllb.lLake Wilcox in Whitchurch Each Slute equipped with 4 ap- 'l‘w'p. We have no other rela- pliances. drapes, finished re- lives in this area. Mrs. E. Bailey Reg. N. Call 889-7913 or 481-4233. Mam. c1w36 agement by A. E. LePage Limit-l .ed. Realtor. ticso‘ FU RNISHED I‘OOln:*EOOkingl FARM facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house ‘ ' east of Bork's Jewellers )opge. 7h tfc51rl‘UNE up for Spring FURNISHED room. cooking Malf’l', Tune“?- and parking facilities. Please‘Gas “actor ~ $4300 Diesel Tractor -â€" $63.00 Minor Tune-up. Gas Tractor â€"â€" $17.00 Diesel 'l‘ractor â€" $35.00. Labor only â€"- Parts Extra Phone for appointment. Come to our Snowmobile Ser- phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15' 27.000 sq. ft:,_9001per foot net,. immediate possession in Rich- mondr Hill. 630-9500. tfcl7: 2 BEDROOM apartmenifavaill able March lst. 884-8793. 1 Vice School -- Victoria Square 57 7_7 7 A_ W c1w33.C0mmunity Hall March 10, BACHELOR apartment," avail; 3 13-m- Rumble Tractor and Equipment Massey-Ferguson Dealer Corner of Don Mills & Stouff- ville. Gormley, 887-5886. c1w36 able March 1. 884-8793. V_) _ r m _r clw33 ATTRACTIVE bed-sitting room,l suit business lady, parking. 889â€". 6103. 7 " clw35‘ 2 l-bedroom apaâ€"rtinerntsf 884-i ‘2512. clw35 KVESWICI{-Â¥ 4 bedroom house. $150 month. 476-3795. RENT a trailer or truck-camper for your winter vacation at low rates. Visit our new showroom for parts and accessories. Some used trailers for sale. Repairs, c2w35 L‘A'RGE 3 bedroom apaiilinEii. central location. adults please. 334.4291~ “W35 gttei‘ations and hitches. King A .‘____ LL__ ,__ lv"-' . ". , NICE furnished room. cooking4260 [allels’ hmg Road‘9773' ‘privileges. suit young lady. 884- -â€" ' _L L ______ _ C-“B-S '7615. clw35 7 ROOM bungalow.711§ov [bed-l , SEASON ED FIREWOOD i APiARTMENTAA\i'XIIoâ€"ABLE‘ i2 bedroom suite. rent $165 in- ‘ ‘cludes fridge, st0ve. hydro. heal 1‘ ROM and soft wate‘. ear R' -1 nd» [Heights Centl'e.n Adult: md'fily.‘ HOLLAND PARK .Call Mrs. Mack. 884-8776. GARDEN CENTRE 51 Keele St. N., Maple Phone I clw'35 :3 BEDROOM 'hiiuseTnoEthâ€"or {Steeles 889-2134. c1w36. 12 BEDROOM apartment, 87.! 332-2455 ‘Yonge, private entrance, ampleI parking. 773-5767. c1w36 781-3812 NEED INCOME TAX RETURNS ' COMPLETED ? Contact Ill-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-6782 LICENSED MECHANIC ll BEDROOM apartment. I8793. I1 BEDROOM apartment to rent. l884-7701. c1w36l oâ€"LL bedroom 1 tic-'36 Y 25:4OTslial'e 2 bedroom apartment with same. Close to Furniture optional. share exâ€" penses. Alter 5.30 pm, 884-7764. c1w36 l and 2 bedroom apartments, writh appliances, hydro and free parking. 884-2475. c1w36; LLLLLL LL __L LLLLL .L.._ ‘ lnewly decorated, drapes, rec.,l Apply 'l‘wiN HILLS MERCURY Mr. Wilkinson 884-4441 If [SH ED bat rooms. at c1w36 BEDISITTING room, close in Tonge. 884-6885. c1w36 ‘2 7 BEDROOM apartment ravail- cleaning ,iob. Own transporta- - -__-LL.___ tion. 293-7884. ciw-so'able April 1:1. Apply \Irs. G. LIKE ,Miller. Richmond Towers. 55 â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"ITi-aybom Dr. Richmond 1701.? ROOM & BOARD 884-1418- L. Lens. N ' - . SINGLE room with kitchen. ROOMFand board for gentle- facilmes_ Suit 1 person. 884_l man. 773-5770. tho3 7254. c1w36. ROOM avaliable' (board 01" HOUSE to rent. Yonge St. andl S nonal" Parkmg‘ Bag-3270‘ - South Rd, Oak Ridges. $160l70 Chrysler 2-door hardtop, fill- â€"â€"_â€" -____.c.1“'33-monthly. 884-7254. clw36!ly equipped including power ‘ windows. Lic. N73407. ,ROOM. board optional. female preferred. Central. 884-2427. R0 Suit young lady or gentleman. 889-2918. c2w36 pool. Suit lady c1w36 ham. 884-2111. BO.\RDERSâ€"ti-amedfciilfeai- 5316. WANTED ' lDEAD or crippled farm animals ‘picked up promptly. For direct Decorative Plastering. line call Long Distance and askl for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. --- 8; Son. WoodvilleflEXPER Ed Peconi Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. tfc44 WOCLD like to buy one rollâ€" away bed \‘llll mattress. in good condition. Call after 5 pm. 884â€" l737. c1w36 NYLON mesh play pen 40" x 40". stroller with large wheels: 884â€" 5723. TUITION liable experienced tutors can help your child. Reasonable rates. Call without obligation, 884-1636, 884-2884. MUSIC CLARINET group organizing. Instruments S2 monthly with TOURS cruises. rail and bus‘ lessons. 889-8212. c4w34 I rc1w'36 4893 OM and board in 'l‘hornhill. FURNISHED bachelor ‘ apart, BOO-VI and hoardâ€"517ml meals. Couple or lady only please. 832-. Swimming gentleman. Bayview and Mark- APARTMENT 4 rooms‘ $140,, OI‘ 1492. Chas AT’I‘RNCTIVE_flli'ni811ed house-, I - able. 884-4171 lALl. sewing repairs and altera- clv36‘ i -_ ,, ,. . I; -~- . â€"~~~- - " :1j‘ ' 699 . RALPH ELMs DECORATING iASSOCIATED TUTORS â€" lieâ€"“9’0 51‘ D00 " 0mm)“ l "2\v36l1965 OMC Snowcruiser, phone 1 BEDROOM}.p’ditméhrf‘odnliél available April lst. 884-lWAS 55’032 Now $437" Cl“35:70 Dodge Monaco, fully equip- ped. 2-(lr. hardtop. Lic. N73532. “'AS $4.56]. No“, 53.987 70 (‘hargcr R ’1‘. Power disc brakes, console. tinted glass all round. Lic. N85679. WAS $5,053 NOW $4,369 ‘70 Challenger, 2-door hardtop, “Big 6”. auto. LIC. N73472. . , WAS $3.997 NOW $3,462 keeping bedsitting room, main: floor. Business gentleman. 884-270 Dart Swinger, 2â€"door. hard- 1215. c1w'36‘t0p, “Big 6", auto. Lie. L59542. 1only. stove and monthly. kitchen. $90 with supplied. incnt fridge cl \‘.'36 includes services, 727-9488. c1w36 WAS $3.798 NOW $3,106 70 Coronet “440”, 2â€"door hard- Itop, V8. auto., radio. Lic. IENCED dressmaking â€"IN73331. alterations of all kinds. includ- WAS $4,222 NOW $3,629 ing children’s clothes. Reason- _ARE YOUâ€" c3\\36 Working? 21 years old‘.’ Willing to make payments? New in the country? CALL NOW 889-3764 FOR CREDIT APPROVAL EVEN IF YOU: 0 Were turned down elsewhere 0 Are new on your job 0 Are a new resident All full prices shown [ions for your family. Pick up and delivery. 884-8859. lthIG DRESSMAKING and repairs for ladies and children. 884-6147. c2w36 SNOWMOBILES ? ' l ) fi TOMKINS 24 hp. 8700. -only 7 hours use, call after 6 pm. 884-2703. c1w36 884-3865. TRAVEL c1w36 tickets. reservations and individ-1 {adulL 15â€"20 miles north of PL‘REBRED black 81 andal‘d‘minium foils. LL LL L ,LL V ' ‘ ' She p pa rd --- Yonge. Phone poodle puppies. four weeks old. ence. Guaranteed workmanship TEACHER. piano and tlienry..iial travel. call A. H Creighton 395 \‘ONGE ST. N. after 6.30 pm, 727-4143. reasonable. Call 773-90l6. . George's Decorating 884-1273 ‘eslahlishing Rich m and Hill Travel Agency. 889â€"5643. RICHHOND H1”, ciwllb" clv 36. “(‘36 central. 384-3923. [it'llfi bfc47 em

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