THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 12. 197 & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 129 Church St. South Richmond Hill, Ontario (416) 884-6564 'Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 81 Yonge Street North ‘ Richmond Hill. Ont. 884â€"4474â€"5 I 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 13 Queenston St. St. Catharines. Ont. LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South ,4/ Aurora. Ontnrlo Life Time Guarantee / Automatic Specialists 889-6662 Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 808 Baniew Plan Telephone 884-8651 ' Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Transmission Ltd. 17 7 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Transmission Service 2468 DUFFERIN ST. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist 'Automatic & Standard Transmission Specialists 181-0221 Toronto RICHMOND HILL 884-4306 Tree Surgery - Landscaping FREE ESTIMATES Britnell, Moore By Competent Tradesman Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Auto Transmission CARPENTRY SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Accountants PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Rambling Around NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . (Continued from Page 2) Lenok Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Engineering FOREST VALLEY TREE EXPERTS CUSTOM WORK 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-13 79 STEAMFITTING WELDING BENJAMIN Forestry I. MOORE PAINT 884-6663 Insurance Mister 884-7774 363-3959 Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Mofor Vehicle Finance Service 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. Barrow Insurance SerVIces Ltd. Ernie Brock & Son TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge St. 8. Aurora. Ontario A. W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill GORDON S. WOOD Office Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 ART STUDIOS 34 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Corner Agency Limited Fire. Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhiil - 889-0242 Sporting Goods C'CM. & Raleigh Bicycles years met! last weex wnen aim- coe County Council decided Repairs to All .Make’ that the annuél warden‘s pic- A Complete Line 0‘ nic would not be held in future. Sporting Goods County councillors decided - that the tradition was too ex- za Yonge Street souu‘ pensive and voted unanimously RiChmond Hill, 384'1213 to cancel the traditional event. Eye Glasses Contact Lenses Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop to your eye doctor’s prescription Optometrists aim-Wallpaper LTD. Kirby Brock Maple. Ont. 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Ontario Land Surveyors Yates & Yates INTERIORS LTD. FREE DELIVERY Insurance | Tile Contractor (Continued) Opticians 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 221-3485 889-1059 By Appointment Surveyors 884-1955 884-3962 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Bunny Snow’s T.V. ADMIRAL SALES & SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 In The Mall. 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill Coaches for all Occasions Coach Lines Ltd. P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL lINTELS I BEAMS Transportation BRADFORD: A Simone Coun- ty tradition for more than 35 years died last week when Sim- coe County Council decided that the annual warden‘s pic- inic would not be held in future. Langdon's FOR INFORMATION Completely Renovated Walls & Floors Reasonable Prices Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to- read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. Keep up on current affairs the easy way CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Â¥ MONITOR® Please send me the Monitor for I] 1 year $26 [I 6 mos. $13 I] 3 mos. $650 [:1 Che_ck on; money order name. state. STEEL FABRICATING sex 125. Astor Static}: Boston. Massachusetts 02123 BATHROOMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service TV Repairs To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 _ enclosed D Bill me Trucking 532-2534 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 PB 18 enlightening experience. During the last Christmas season, the parkette was converted into a small Christmas spectacular. A huge Christmas tree dominated the centre, and it sparkled with myriads of colored lighting effects. This certainly helped to enhance the festive season, and furthermore, Lion Eric Kraemer, a landscape artist has already planted a tree in the parkette and it will be a permanent Christmas tree. It should provide interest for those who like to watch things grow. For many years. Oakbank Pond has been a little oasis for the neighborhood. In the summer it was a wild life sanctuary and in winter a skating para- dise for youngsters. The civic betterment committee is planning to improve this locality still more. The first phase of this project is already in evidence. There is now an attractive shelter for the skaters. Twenty-seven Lions were involved in the various stages of its construction. -The project is to improve the recreational opportunities offered by Oakbank Pond. The first objective is to retain and enhance the natural condi- tions. It won't be a play or picnic ground. It's main value as a bird sanctuary will be increased by additional deciduous and evergreen trees and berry bushes. A small island may be filled in the centre to offer fowl a refuge away from the shore. Another phase will be to instal a fountain jet which will do much to reduce the effects of stagnant water and algae growth. The other objective is to provide enjoyable family skating in wintertime. The shelter which has already proven its worth as a shelter for skaters can be used as a vantage point for bird watchers in the summer. A solid foundation and a finished roof will be completed by then. This project which is planned and co-ordinated by the civic betterment committee has been endorsed by the village trustees and the Metro Conservation Authority has approved the overall concept and has offered to co-operate in the individual phases where- ever possible. The first opportunity for a gathering of Thorn- hill residents to appreciate the shelter was at the Lions Winter Carnival early in February. The annual Easter Seal Campaign in aid of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children will run this year from February 26 to March 29 and Thornhill District Lions will once again be Sending mailings to all homes in Thornhill. Last year over 7,000 letters were sent out and these included a supply of Easter seals and a blank donation cheque which raised $2,262. This year the objective is $3,750. If you do not receive a mailing and wish to donate to this worthy cause, donations may be sent to the Bank of Nova Scotia, Thornhill, c/o Thornhill and District Lions Club. Chairman of Easter Seals campaign is Byron Ellis, and committee members are .Tab Mac- Donald, Frank Engel and Don Cockburnu‘ The weekly bingos at the Farmers’ Market on Wednesday evenings are the main source of funds which pay for many of the services and improve- ments in this area. Bingo Chairman is Frank Clarke, Co-Chairman Harry Lak, Committee Members are George Fisher, Charley Clifford, Reg. Smith, Art Cook, Bob Adams and A'ce Clarke. The Thornhill Lions Club will be holding their annual auction sale on June 6. This year, the club has warehouse facilities, so pickup or deliveries can be made at any time. Call 889â€"1169 or 889-6016. Members of the auction Sale committee are: Chair- man Carl Parker, Co~Chairman Tom Gibson, Lindy Brett, Herb Whyard, Eric Kraemer, Ron Briden, Reg. Smith, Tom Jackson, Doug MacMillan and John Marchiori. And here’s a personal word of thanks from the lordly Lions to their faithful hardworking Lion- ettes who have done so much to help make their activities rewarding and successful. Take a bow, lady Lions! Publicity Chairman Ace Clarke wants the last word and here it is: “It is never too soon to do a kindness, you never know how soon it will be too late.†(Continued from Page 2) background music was composed and played on guitars by Ron NigriniA and Don‘Heayd. wic wi e ri1,2, an a e i SC 00. . . . o w! Wilson-Hilde" Moiors llmliecl LIBERAL CIâ€"-A55'F'EDS-GetResu'ts“3344"’5i355 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL PHONES: 889-5435 â€" PA. 7-9453 Though the basic idea and original script of the program was put forward by Tony some time ago, the final program was the result of several months of re-writing in collaboratiOn with META producer Jerry Pollock. The program was made at the Ryerâ€" son Polytechnical Institute with the services of Ryer- son technicians. A footnote to the Hiscoke activities. Just to prove that Tony is not the only creative one in the household, Pussy Galore, the feline member, and her own’ “production†on the same day as the telecast, when “Winkumâ€, “Blinkum†and “Nod†made their debut. (Two tabbies and a grey). Mr. Clifton has offered me the opportunity to observe the play in rehearsal in the near future, so hope to be able to comment further on the progress of the production before the performance dates, which will be April 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the high school. In The Spotlight IT TAKES MONEY TO HELP OTHERS THE LATEST PROJECT and Faced last week with another stream of young people guilty- of such things as crimes in- volving drugs, drinking driving, Provincial Judge Russell Pearse handed out some stiff jail sentences. car theft and- associate with each other for the duration of the probation. Since the three were drink- ing during the offence. and had broken into a refrigerator to get some beer. they were told that for a year they must stay large fines and tough probatiomout of places where liquor is terms. Several times the judge had occasion to remark upon the great number of teenage of- fenders and the necessity for the court to provide a deterrent to protect embattled property owners. dispensed ‘drinking. One youth was taking a crim- inology course and had his career plans wiped out by the conviction. and refrain from **t* tharf 'Pntnrc 112 n! on I‘d“ A Richmond Hill Police in- vestigation of a series of 20 car thefts yielded one successful charge, trial and conviction March 2. Court Gets Tough Stream Of Teenage Crime Continues Alan Newton. 17. a student at Thornlea Secondary School and resident of 104 Spruce Avenue, Richvale, was convicted of car theft after a trial. He pleaded not guilty. He was remanded Thursday. March 5 threeidrive confiscated for three young Richmond Hill men months. pleaded guilfty to breaking into " " " * a building at the Maple Downs John Donnelly. 22. of 358 Golf and Country Club last Elm Road, Toronto pleaded August 21. guilty to a breathalyzer charge They were Lawrence Hayes. which involved a personal in- 19, of 126 Oxford Street; Greig jury accident February 10 at Whitaker, 19, of 407 Allencourt 8-15 pm in Richmond Hill at Road; and James Emanuel, 20, Elgin Mills and Newkirk Roads. Trial testimony was that the youth had stolen a 1964 model car owned by Kevin Simpson between 8 and 11 pm December 27 in Richmond Hill. They were Lawrence Hayes. 19. of 126 Oxford Street; Greig Whitaker, 19, of 407 Allencourt Road: and James Emanuel, 20, of 170 Bayview Avenue. March 23 In passing sentence Judge Pearse remarked on the in- creased incidence of crime by persons under 21. He said the public was under pressure due to the great number of break- ins Itaking place. and that he didn‘t want it to be necessary for citizens to arm themselves to protect their property. The police were unable to cope with the number of break- ins and this fact was becoming well known among the y0ung. The court must provide a de- terrent to aid the police, he said. And sentences such as jail. stiff fines and severe peri- ods of surveillance must be con- sidered. He sentenced the three youths to $100 fines. or the al- ternative of six month jail Sen-‘ tences. He put the three on probation for a year to keep the peace. required them to keep off the golf club property during the year, and made cer- tain $40 damage was paid for. He told the whree they must make suitable efforts to be em- iployed, and that they must not $1.000 bail for sentence max 0; (ICELLENCE msou nding reasons why you should buya new Chevrolet instead of a new something else: 2 Deep down value._1=1ush.z L High resak value. Year after year, Chevrolet ofl‘ers high resale value tideâ€"in time. It’s a Chevy tradition. keep Chevfolet looking good longer. 3 Smooth, smooth rlde. Because of Chevrolet’s computer selected springs, Full Coil suspension and advanced body mounting system. 4 Impressive styling. want to make an impression. a Massive interiors. Plenty of inside room, and 18 cubic feet of usa space. SLretch out or sit tau, and pack what you need for the roomicst nip you’ve 6 Side-guard beams. Chcvrolet puts Smel beams him into every door. l A finish that lasts. It’s unfortunate other manufacturers don’t have a Magic; Mirror ï¬nish because it sure keeps its shine. 8 Exceptlonal engines. Chevrolet’s standard 350-cubic-inch V8 runs on reg- ular fuel. Plus there are ï¬ve more enginesâ€"it’s your choice. a Tremendous selection. or colors. Of accessories. 0f engines. Of transmis- sions. Of fabrics. And of models. There are 14 big Chevrolets alone. 10 Canada's favorite. U Canada's favorite. Something else a new “something clse†can’t claim}: Biz Chevrolet is Canada’s most popular car. i Robert Peters. 18. of 38 Fair-‘0“?! ‘view Avenue, Langstaff. Marchkreat I2 faced four charges. but hadihave three of them dropped when hemght pleaded guilty to driving while what having a breathalyzer reading seek in excess of .08. |...... . One youth was taking a crim- inology course and had his career ‘plans wiped out by the Judge Pearse warned the youth that this offence carried a penalty of at least $50. and as much as $1,000 or six months in jail. Peters was arrested Decem- ber 13 at 12.03 am at the Richmond Heights Centre when a citizen complained of his er- ratic driving. the court was told. He was fined $125 and auto- matically had 'his license to drive confiscated for three months. He was fined $125 and costs and lost his driving rights for six months because of the in- jury accident. He had a breath- alyzer reading of 1.10 the court was told. Driver Murray Stevenson, 39. of 9372 Yonge Street, had a breathalyser reading of 2.00 after he was" stopped by police at 1 am February 28. He was arrested ’on Church Street just after leaving the Richmond Inn parking lot, the court was told. He pleaded gullty’ March 2 and was fined $125 and costs, his license being automatically confiscated by the court for three months. Edmund Aylward, 32, of Lot‘ 6. South Road, Lake Wilcox, pleaded guilty to refusing to take a breath test and was fined $150 and costs, with the alternative of serving 20 days in jail. His license was also automatically confiscated for three months. Drug use $0 the extent the accused had large bruises from John Donnelly. 22. of 358IRichmond Hill Court ‘55 YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER' The impression is that it’s an expensive car, if you and~dry rocker panels and an extra. set of fenders Putting you ï¬rst, keeps us first. Liberal Murray Gaunt urged needle marks inside both arms.ilast week that the provincial was involved in the case of government implementaspecinl JOhn Flannigan. 25- 0f 10 tax on throw-away soft drink Yonge Street North 011 MBFCh 2- bottles to discourage their use. Break-in and theft chargesl Gaunt) (Lâ€"Huron Bruce) cost him a two year jail blamed the throw-away home sentence. with a second one- for ruining automobile tires. year sentence to run concur-cutting swimmers' feet and lit- remly. tering the countryside. His Judge Pearse said 1he prob- comments were part of his re- lems of most alcoholics andlply to the Throne Speech in the drug addicts were self-inflicted. Legislature. “These are things people do He suggested a tax of five'or themselves and to themselves."isix cents ner bottle be imnosed I The story of a traffic-stop- ‘ping 4 pm March 1 ï¬ght in ‘front of the Stouffville Police Station on Main Street West was unfolded last week in the Stouffville Police didn‘t think the traffic should be held up that way with 25 cars stopped on a Sunday afternoon. Judge Pearse decreed a separation for the two men. anyway, even though he couldn't deal with the marital problem. And when addicted they go out and steal. They could take treatment and don‘t. They have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and know what they are doing. but don’t seek the help they need. They are not necessarily violent. the judge said. but do disturb hom- es and businesses. Society had to be protected. Defence lawyer Alfred Stong said Flannigan was taking drugs at the time and a psychological report had been obtained. He admitted to Flannigan‘s previ- ous record. The object of contention was the wife of one of the two men involved. The other man claimed the wife was seeking a separation. Both men were fined $50 and costs and warned to stay away from each other for a year. under pain of being given $500 fines. six months‘ jail. or both. The "other" man was warn- ed to stay away from the wife, until and unless the marital sit- uation was settled in court. Thomas Mullen. 37. was giv- en three years in penitentiary for obtaining goods and money from Metro A and P stores by false ‘pretences. Six more monmhs was added for jumping bail. Judge Pearse said the Tor- onto man was in custody for one offence or another most of the time since 1950. He said the impression the court gets in such a case is that the offender is a recidivist. SOCiety must be protected from subh people. he said, before passing sentence. more between you and the outside. Impala Custom Coupe usable trunk L’vc cvcr had. Liberal Urges Tax 0n Throw-Away Bottles Gaunt said the glass industry should be working toward dec velopment of a bottle that would disintegrate when a pur- chaser is through with it. leav- ing no broken glass whatever. He suggested a tax of five'or six cents per bottle be imposed on the run-deposit. no-reburn type of bottle to encourage con- sumers to buy the returnable type instead. Last week. the British Colunh bia Legistlation introduced leg- isladzion that would ban the sale of beer or soft drink in the so-cnlled “one-way" bottles. Richmond Hill - 884-4690 This emblem' identiï¬es the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor WWWE» THE SIGN OF A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE . . . THE SIGN OF A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOUR . . For iMormaï¬cm call Mrs. Owen Trunk hï¬aeeomuuny. @[cbmï¬i/g’qglp