Thomhill 2. Whitby 1 Bobby McIntosh was assisted by Norm Ast. Paul De Marco was unassisted. Thomhill 2. Whitby 4 The Thornhill team held their own for the first 19 minutes and 10 seconds and then Whitby took over to win the game. Dave O’Brien had one unassist- ed goal. Bill Law was assisted by Bobby McIntosh. Mrs. Cameron Monture of Ardtea Floral and Gift Shop will demonstrate "flower ar- ranging at home" for Langstafl‘ Home and School Auxiliary members and friends. A form- er resident of Westwood Lane and known as Rita to her friends. she is a graduate of the Toronto School of Floral Design. Auxiliary members who attended the fall dance will remember her delightful small corsages and the two ar- rangements which were the door prizes. Tickets at $1 each may be obtained from any aux- iliary member or your corres- pondent. Church News (March 7) Neighborhood Notes Members of Emmanuel Ang- lican took part in the last ser- vice under the direction of Rev. William Rhodes on Sunday. and at the conclusion of the service all expressed their good wish- es to him for a successful min- istry at the Church of St. Paul, Dunbarton. just east of Scar- boro. Thornhill 2 Chinguacousy 5 Ross Gordon scored on a pass from Bobby Nichols. Alan Cheney was unassisted. BANTAMS (March 7) MIDGETS Coach Jim Grant praised the efforts of the whole team in the tournament: and gives special mention to Brian Anderson, Matt Nichols and Dave Howson for their great effort during the tournament. Thornhill 4, Bowmanville 1 Dave Howson sparked the beam with great saves from the net. BrianvAnderson and Scott Howson each delivered a pair. Matt Nichols provided great protection on the defense. ATOMS PEEWEES (March 7) (February 28) PETERBORO TOURNAMENT Thornhlll 1, Brampton 3 Scott Howson scored the loner from Pat Bertrand. Goalie Dave Howson. defense man Matt Nichols and Captain Brian Anderson were standouts for the team. Thomhill 4, Kingston 3 Brian Anderson scored two goals and set up two others to spark the win. Wayne Grant and Scott Howson picked up the Singles. Again Anderson and Nicholls starred for the team. (March 1) Thornhill 2, Cobourg 3 In the second overtime per- lOd. Scott Howson scored on passes from Brian Anderson. Dave Howson did a superb job of _netminding. Thornhill l, Scarboro Lions 2 Hugh Matheson scored the loner unassisted. Ik It i ‘ JUVENILES (March 5) Thomhill 1 Thornhill Sec. All-Stars 0 Ken McCallum. manager of the Thornhill Juveniles declar- ed it a splendid game. Jimmy Atkinson was good in the net as usual. Bill Law scored as- sisted by Bob McIntosh. De- fenseman John McDermott and Neil Provan played good de- tense. (March 7) Thornhill 1. Brampton 5 Ian Mackay was assisted by Bill Law. THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE (March 7) The new rector for Emman- uel will not arrive until early May, but in the event of an em- ergency. parishioners may call: William Paterson. 889-5888; Ralph Day, 884-6336; the ward- ens of the church. or Richard Edmunds, lay reader, 884-2286. Rev. George Young, former- DI lVlefllCIHlï¬UhI. [y archdeacon of the Diocese of Congratulations to Moosonee, later of Carleton Mrs. Slegfl‘led Langh Place in Ottawa Diocese and Yongehumt Road, wh curth rector of Holy Trim- ebrate their 10th wed Ity Church, Guildwood Village versary on March 18‘ in Scarboro will be the next Birthday greetings incumbent at Emmanuel Ang- Littleford, Kersey Cre lican Church. will be 12 March 17 Eileen Hamilton and several Siegfried Wiedemann helpers from the ACW at Em- March 17. NOVICES Thornhill 0. Newmarket 2 Thornhill 2 N. Etobicoke Rangers 3 // Your money \ EXHIBITION GAME HEME\I / EuEE-T 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 3 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Capitol and Reserve $33,000.000-Deposits over $500,000,000 on term deposits 1â€"2 years Rates for longer term on request Guaranty Trust LANGSTAFF NEWS 44 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL \ 884-1188 earns more Wayne Grant as usual. Bill I picked up the sisted by Bob Anderson and fenseman John for the team. Neil Provan ; (March 8) Thornhill 1, Scarboro Lions 2 The Pres. team wrapped up their semi-final round moving into the playoffs with Holy Trinity next week. Jim Belch scored for the Presbyterians on a pass from John Stevenson. Mike Davidson played a great defensive game. There was out- standing goal tending by Jeff McKnight. Thornhill Girls' Hockey Club won the North York Champion- ships for the second consecutive year with 15 wins, two losses and one tie. Thornhill 5, Richmond Hill 2 Janet Mackay chalked up three goals, Debby Orton had two goals and one assist. Lor- raine Sherman had two assists, Terry Tarling, one assist and Alma Howson one assist. Over 200: Mary Redman 208, Shirley Hopper 273, Marg Hag- garty 208, Theo Hegenauer 237, Ruth Brain 232, Billye Maver 209. Thornhlll Mixed League 7 High Triple (flat) Ted Pugh 683. manuel are collecting clothing for the rummage sale planned for April 11. Donations of good used clothing would be apprecâ€" iated and the group hopes to have a section for better artic- les in addition to the usual rummage. Further information may be obtained by calling 889-2989. as usual. Billâ€"Law scored as- sisted by Bob McIntosh. De- ‘fenseman John McDermott and ‘Neil Provan played good de- tense. (March 7) Thornhill 1. Brampton 5 Ian Mackay was assisted by Bill Law. THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE Thomhill Presbyterian 3 St. Edward 2 This was the final of a total two game series. (March 8) Standings: Lions 12, Bob Cats 18, Tigers 10, Panthers 9, Leo- pards 9, Cougars 5. Standings: Keith Jones 19, Ed Palmer 18, Joe Anne Roberts 16, Reg. Edwards 14, Adrian van de Langerijt 9, Harold Hin- gley 8. BOWLING Ladies’ Afternoon Club Neighborhood Notes Belated birthday 1 Corrine Wright, Ma March 9, Kim Good‘ Avenue, March 10 2 bie Dewery, March bie Dewery‘ Your cor] anied by da ed her aum ing and con Scarboro They all at of Luxemb4 anied by daughter Nancy, visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. Doris Hain» ing and cousin John Haining of Scarboro Sunday_ afternoon. They all attended “The Count of Luxembourg†presented by Scarboro Choral Society at Ce- darbrae Collegiate Auditorium, in which John played the role of Mentchikoff. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Langhammer of Yongehurst Road, who will cel- ebrate their 10th wedding anni- versary on March 18. Scarboro Sunday They all attended of Luxembourg†] Scarboro Choral S1 darbrae Collegiate Thomhill 1 Thornhill Sec. All-Stars 0 Ken McCallum. manager of the Thornhill Juveniles declar- ed it a splendid game. Jimmy Atkinson was good in the net Birthday greetings to Jackie Littleford, Kersey Crescent who will be 12 March 1'7 and to NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Hrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue GIRLS' HOCKEY 130 May Avenu: Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) 1 daughter 1* aunt, Mrs. ] cousin John >d birthday greetings to Wright, May Avenue, ‘, Kim Gooderham, May March 10 and to Deb- xery, March 12 (today). correspondent, accomp. also on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark of Bathurst Street had as their guest Saturday evening E. V. (Joseph) 'Joseph 6f India, “756 la-ter sang for his hosts in two‘ Indian dialects, Malayan and‘ Famil. ‘ Over 200: Lil Poole 212. 218. Marg. van Roode 12. Lqrena La Plante 206, Cathy Doust 250, Joe Anne Roberts 246, Mabel Tutt 208, Beryl Iverson 265, 262. Carol Jones 307, 220. Erma Palmer 235, 233, Pam Kelson 251, Mary Redman 256. Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club presented an entertaining and colorful show at their carn- ival held at the new arena March 7 and 8. Participants from Carr-ville were Susan Pur- ves as a guard in "The Chang- ing of the Guard†number and Bonnie Barton, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. who was a maid in the “Maid’s Day Out" and a mod girl in the mod number. STOUFFVILLE: The last re- maining section of church sheds on the property of the Wide- man Mennonite Church, High- way 48, Markham Township, has collapsed under a heavy weight of snow. They once provided protection to horses and rigs during services and dated back more than 75 years. Get well wishes to Tom Kemp who recently underwent surg- ery at York Central Hospital. The audience enjoyed the pairs, Bernard and Mary-Ellen Souche, who skate so well to- gether and their sisters, Mary- Joe and Mary-Elise as the “Sunny Day Maids". These youngsters are the grandchild- ren of Wilfred McNab and nephew and nieces of Eileen McNab. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Susan Purves, March 16, Jeannie Read. March 17, St. Patrick’s Day and to Carrie Wil- liams on March 18. The board of stewards of Can-ville United Church wish to remind everyone of the euchre and social evening at the church hall. March 20 at 8 pm. Over 200: Keith Jones 250,‘ Richva 217, Reg. Edwards 210, 222, 204, first me Gary Cook 213, 209, Tom War- home of ren 207, 212, Ted Pugh 232. Clarerid: 206, 245, Bill Doust 204. Harold intereste Hingley 240, Ken Poole 214, sensibly' 210, Ed Palmer 201, Garth 339-5663 Poole 281, 225, Greg Doust 228, Birthd Adrian van de Langerijt 322. Madden Women: brated 1 High Triple (flat) Carol Jones. brother High Triple (hdcp.) Beryl Iv- home of erson. ' Mrs. Ha High Single (flab) Carol Jones 307, hdcp.) 323. High Triple (hdcp.) Garth Poole 770. High Single (flat) Adrian van de Langerijt 322 (hdcp. 322. CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves 526 Carrville Road Phone 884-2552 W- ‘ "WNW \, . MATTRESS W ; ~ ‘ and BOX SPRING waasr)\_. H’ M > -""‘\ ,» V: I\ 41X“ A note of interest to all pet owners is the rabies clinic being held at Richmond Hill Works Department building, Pugsley Avenue, March 25 from 1 pm to 7 pm. The Federal Department of Agriculture is sponsoring the clinic and no charge will be made for the rabies shots. Re- cently .Canine Control Officer James Ryan warned about the prevalence of rabies and its dangers to animals and humans. This is an excellent opportunity to protect your pets against the disease. The senior citizens of the In last v area will meet in the commun- for the f ity hall March 18 at 1:30 pm was giw and will welcome all interested this date seniors who would like to at- and the tend. available Squadron 778 Air Cadets are looking for recruits and are at present out selling tele- phone book covers for $1 each. The money will help to pay for flying time. Recently the boys went to Canadian Forces Base at Downsview and flew in Cari- bou and Otter aircraft. The training these youngsters re- ceive is beneficial in so many ways, drill sessions take place Thursday evenings at 7:30. Any interested boys may have fur- ther information by calling Flt. Sgt. Frank Jedlicsek at 884-‘ 6903. Winter holidays for school children will commence at the conclusion of school March 20 and will continue through Eas- ter Monday, March 30. Richmond Hill Kinsmen Club will hold regular meetings in the Lions Hall, Spruce Avenue, beginning this month. Rich- vale welcomes this fine organ- ization, and we present a few pertinent facts for your infor- mation: members must be be- tween 21 and 40 and there are 15,000 members in 435 clubs across Canada; their motto is “Serving the Community’s Greatest Needâ€; the club was founded in Hamilton in 1920 by Hal Rogers, son of a Rotarian. Offshoots are Kinettes. K- Et'tes and a youth division Kin- 20 for boys and girls 16 to 20 with headquarters in Toronto. The association of Kinsmen Clubs raises $10 million annual- ly. I 889-3806 _ I Neighborhood Notes Howitt School, Pearson Avenue, Friends and neighbors will the ladies' auxiliary to the 2nd join with us in wishing Norm and 4th Richvale Guides and McLellan. O a k Avenue, a Brownies will present the mov- speedy recovery from surgery ie “Gnomemobileâ€, a fine chil- undergone recently. Richvale TOPS Club held its is at 6:30 Pm» the second at first meeting this week at the 8:30 pm and admissmn is 35 home of Mrs. Shirley Gibson. cents for children and 50 cents Clareridge Drive. It you are for adults- interested in “taking off pounds The ladies‘ auxiliary to the sensibly" please call her at 2nd and 4th Guides and Brown- 389-5663. ies will hold its next meetinz dren‘s film. The first showing‘ Neighborhood Notes raine Sherman, Debbie Orton, Friends and neighbors of Jeff Carol Connor, Terry Tarling, Dempster are pleased to hear Janet MacKay, Carol Webb, that he is continuing to show Susan Ralph, Denise Flanagan, improvement after his recent Terry Coyne. Pam Huckvale. accident. He is a patient in Candy Francies. Brenda Colton Hamilton General Hospital. It and Goalie Maureen Wool- is hoped he will soon be able nough. to return to his home here. The last time Thornhill had Joe Gould, Morgan Avenue, a ladies’ hockey team was from is recuperating at home follow- 1915 to 1920 when they won ev- ing surgery at York Central erything in sight, even to the Hospital, we are happy to re- Ontario Championship. Team port. members included: Hazel Rid- The community is pleased to dell._ Captain Edith Luesby. 'gelly of Tin ial Church. provide for Hong Kong the UCW. available. Unit 5 of ‘ ing its ax bridge party still availab} erts at 889- information. Tickets 1 Choir in co versity can 1 Richvale TOPS Club held its ‘5 at first meeting this week at the 3130 home of Mrs. Shirley Gibson. cents Clareridge Drive. It you are for 4 interested in “taking off pounds Th1 sensibly" please call her at and a interested in “taking off pounds sensibly" please call her at 389-5663. Birthday greetings to Mary Madden (nee Nelson) who cele- brated her birthday and her brother Mark’s (age 11) at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, Roosevelt Drive. The senior citizens of the area will meet in the commun- ity hall March 18 at 1:30 pm and will welcome all interested seniors who would like to at- fond The ladies’ auxiliary to the 2nd and 4th Guides and Brown- ies will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Stan Sand- backa, 36 Maryvale Crescent on April 1. First Langstaff Scout and Cub Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Joan Richard, Av- enue Road. March 18 at 8 pm. In last week‘s column the date for the father and son banquet was given as March 19, but this date has had to be changed and the new one is not yet A-rn;‘n“‘n Hospital, we are happy to re- port. The community is pleased to hear that Wilson MacLeod of Henderson. Avenue is making progress at North York General Hospital. We trust he will soon be home again. Girls Are Champs Congratulations to the Thorn- hill Girls’ Hockey Team. who won the North York Champion- ship at Doublerink Arenas March 8. They defeated the Richmond Hill girls 5-2. Ontario Championship. Team Tickets for the Adelphian members included: Hazel Rid- Choir in concert at York Uni- dell. Captain Edith Luesby. versity can be ordered from the Gladys MacIntosh._ Winifred United Church office any week Simpson. Mamie Scott, Marg- day morning. The concert will uerite Boyle. Lillian Francis. be held April 24 and 25 in Bur- Minnie FinlaY. Rhea Miller and ton Hall at 8:15 pm. If you can Cora Robinson. billet one or more of these Church News young singers. please call Alan Holy Trlmty ACW are n0w Maston for details, 889-1040. taking orders for . hand-made Scouts and Cubs icream-filled chocolate dipped ' The lst Thornhill "C" Pack Easter eggs. Orders may be Wolf Cubs of the United placed With Mrs. Myrtle Lang. Church, who earned badges last 889-3860 or Mrs. Ka Louch - anonawn 'T‘hnu man a): “heâ€: lies}; “If-r e' Jami)“. Bum‘lt’ Friends will be pleased to learn that John Bailey of Birch Avenue is feeling much better and was well enough to attend the Lions Club’s ladies’ nigh-t held recently. The popular maple sugar fes- tival held annually at Elmira is slated for April 4 this year. On Friday evening at Charles Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White, 24 Rooaevelt Driv- 889-3806 RICHVALE NEWS clubséniu‘II‘I““‘i-iig ESTEVE’S BEAUTY SALON E I . &BARBER SHOP a Beginning this weekend at Bruce‘s Mill Conservation Area, the maple trees will be tapped and the process of sap to syrup will continue from March 21 to 30. The park will be open for this from 10 am to 4 pm and admission of $1 per car is char- ged. The next in the series of Len- ten services will be held Sun- day evening at 7 at Thornhiu Presbyterian, with Rev. H. R. Howden conducting the service and Rev. James MeGivern, SJ, preaching the sermon. Follow- ing the service, the host )con- gregation will provide tea and coffee during an hour of‘ fel- lowship. Church News The new incumbent for Emmanuel Anglican will be Rev. George Young, who with his wife and three members of his family will arrive May 1. Mr. Young has been associated with Guildwood Village, Scar- boro, and Carleton Place near Ottawa. For any emergency relating to the church, or any services, please contact Lay Reader Richard Edmunds at 884-2286 or Wardens William Paterson, 839-5888 and Ralph Day at 884-6336. BEAUTY SALON I 40% Off On All | Permanents ‘ BARBER SHOP I Free Hair Styling I ‘ KEELE ST. & NO. 7 HIGHWAY Open Daily 9 am. For appointment, call 889-2015 OP E N NOW Qpening Specials This is the second year of league play for the girls and the second time the Thornhill team has won the championship. President Rich Howson of the Thornhill Hockey Association presented the trophy to Captain Wendy Dobson. Unfortunately Carth Connor, Highland Park Boulevard, suf- fered a broken bone in her 'leg just above the ankle during the first period. HOWever, she in- sisted on remaining on the bench for the entire game to cheer her team mates on to vic- tory. before going to the hos- pital to have the broken bone set and a cast applied. The girls played 18 games this year, winning 15, tying one and losing two. Coach Ed Windsor pays high tribute to his girls and to Sid Woolnough, Bob Sherman and Jack MacKay for their help dur- ing the season. He also comp- liments the loyal parents and fans who have supported the team. They are entered in three tournamentsâ€"at Preston March 22, at Beeton March 29, and in the Canadettes Tournament in April. Team members are: Alma Howson. Wendy Dobson, or Lor- Scat/1 Thorn/1i†and Ba yview Glen Ne w: 0 THORNCLIFFE PARK 0 DIXIE PLAZA SAYVETTE HALL o ~__v ___°VV ... 889-3860 or Mrs. Kay Louch week, were: Jacob Brunet 889-7370. They may be picked bronze swimmer’s and artist up at the church hall, near the David Davies, artist. South Parking lot. March 20 Congratulations to the Cubs from 7-9 pm or March 21 from in “C†pack who won prizes 31 10:30 to 1:30 pm. thp 10th annual Vnrl: gummn CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR -- PHONE 889-5205 10:30 to 1:30 pm. Don‘t forget the UCW sacri. ficial luncheon March 18 at 1:15 pm at the United Church. Hot cross buns and coffee will be served. Guest speaker and solo- ist: will be Mrs. Joanne Pen- BREW/4:4; Vim†YOU GET THOSE PRETTY HANDS OUT or THAT DISHWATEszlGHT NOWYou Hear? RCA TOP RATED SEEVSDDISHWASHERS Ask About Our FREE Home Trial 4 AUTOMATIC CYCLES PORCELAIN TUB 2 DETERGENT DISPENSERS 2 SPRAY ARMS SELF CLEANING FILTER NO PRE-RINSING FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME BY FACTORY TECHNICIAN Suggested List Price $319.95 OUR PRICE $269.95 8159 Yonge St. - Thorgfl THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thur: THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL I I VI “H I LII SPEED IIIJI I II HJI I We Have 6 Different Models On Display SAYVETTE DEP’T. STORES 421-0500 0 YONGE at STEELES 274-3401 0 EGLINTON E. SHAME! gelly of Timothy Eaton Memor- Jim Gibson. nature collection: ial Church. Your money will Andy Smith, plastic models and provide for the upkeep of two baking; Marty Chinnery, bird- Hong Kong children adopted by house. the UCW. Baby sitting will be Wining second prizes were: available. lMartv Chinnerv. bakinz: Dave the UCW. Baby sitting will be] Wining second prizes were: available. [Marty Chinnery, baking; Dave Unit 5 of the UCW is sponsor-Smith. woodwork; David Skin- ing its annual euchre and net. plastic model. bridge party. A few tickets are Third prizes were won by Si- still available. Call Alice Rob- mon Wojna. birdhouse; Kevin erts at 889-3861 for tickets or Canavan. plastic model; and information. Jacob Brunott, plastic model. Tickets for the Adelphian Choir in concert at York Uni- versity can be ordered from the day morning. The concert willlPaul McMahon, baking. be held April 24 and 25 in Bur- At 6th Thornhill Scouts in ton Hall at 8:15 pm. If you can Bayvlew Glen, the boys concen- billet one or more of these trated on making three Klon- young singers. please call Alan dike sleds to exhibit in the Maston for details, 889-1040. hobby show. Two patrols won Scouts and Cubs first prizes for their sleds and The lst Thornhill "C" Pack the third won a second prize. ' The lst Thornhill "C" Pack Wolf Cubs of the United Church, who earned badges last Wolf Cubs of the United Sunday the sleds were used Church, who earned badges last for a Klondike derby. The week, were: Jacob Bnmm, “Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers" bronze swimmer’s and artist; patrol won the event. The 20 David Davies, artist. boys then enjoyed refreshments Congratulations to the Cubs at the home of Doug Hamm. in “C†pack who won prizes at February 27. 6th Thornhill the 10th annual York Summit held its annual father and son District Boy Scout Hobby and banquet at the Summit View Handicraft Show February 28 Gardens Restaurant at Jeffer- at Bayview Secondary School, son attended‘by 110 boys and Richmond Hill. their fathers. Guest speaker Winning first prizes were: was Terry Conlin who spoke on Congratulations to the Cubs in “C†pack who won prizes at the 10th annual York Summit Winning first prizes were Harold Tschipper, art work SAYVETTE DEP’T. STORES SAVE $50.00 sday, March 12, 1970 Good effort awards went to: Eddie Brunott, baking; David Skinner. baking and coins; Dave Smith, David Davies and Sailing." 222-3361 266-7771 889-2624 19