Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips are pleased to announce the forthcoming wedding of their daughter Carol Arm (to Mr. Bruce Robert Pridha-m, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Prid- ham Sr. of 360 Bayview Ave- nue. Wedding to take place March 21, 1970, 4 o'clock at tm Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. AMBROSE: Mr. and Mrs. Doug CHI’I‘I‘ENDEN: Chuck and “‘“““‘ """" '" ""' “ Elizabeth (nee Haley) on Interment, Aurora Cemetlerg".7 March 1. 1970, a baby boy. c w g lbs. 81025. at York Central . ospita . A brother for m Elizabeth Anne, Brian and Catherine. Thanks to Dr. SMITH and YOUNG â€" at 4 Wesley. c1w37 pm on Saturday, March 7, 1970 at Aurora Baptist Church, ~ Frances Marie, daughter of Mr. g and Mrs. Frank Young to Wil- , liam Stanley Smith, son of Mr. m............‘ and Mrs. Robert Smith. SQUIRRELS SAVE NUTS PEOPLE SAVE MONEY i I BEDROOM â€" $145 :3BEDROOMâ€"$205 iï¬nrthmming marriage las Ambrose (nee De Baere- maeker) happily announce the birth of their daughter Kimberly Diane, 7 lb. 51/5 oz. on March 10, 1970. Special thanks to Dr. Bate and nurse: of York Central Hos- pital. c1w37 LAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WANTED Energetic, responsible, second year univers- ity student (male) desires summer employment. Available April 20. Several Hours Daily â€" 5 Days a Week Interesting Telephone Work for Well Known Local Department Store . No Selling â€"â€" Good Remuneration for ' Conscientious Workers ' WE ARE WILLING TO TRAIN Apply stating Name - Address - Age - Telephone Number - Business Experience if any - Education, â€"ST|LL A FEW LEFTâ€"i I and 3 Bedroom Suites Only I LOCAL 0R LONG DISTANCE MOVING Contact Baythorn Place Telephone Interviewers Box Number 65, “The Liberal†Includes: Heat, Hydro. Colored Appliances, Fabric Drapes No Last Month‘s Rent in Advance Required Sponsored By â€" RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB TUESDAY, MARCH 3lst, 4 to 10 pm. at the LIONS HALL â€" CENTRE STREET E. Eirflm Part Time TO WORK IN OWN HOME ACADEMY Please Write Box 66, “The Liberal†889-9073 TRANSPORTATION, SCHOOLS, SHOPPING CLOSE BY IABETIC ETECTION ISCOVERY 235 Baythorn Dr. Thornhill Green c1w37 OPEN HOUSE Ida and Jack Lees, 61 Leven- dale Road,. Richmond Hill, will be at home to their friends, relatives and neigh- bors, Sunday. March 15. be- tween the hours of two and five in the afternoon, in honor of their 60th wedding anniver- sary. 'clw37 MacKENZIE, James Alastair: At York Central Hospital on Thursday. March 5, 1970, James. beloved husband of Alice Gibson, 248 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. Dear father of Ruth (Mrs. D. Bowers) and Guy MacKenzie. Funeral ser- vice was held at the Marshall Funeral Home on Saturday. Interment, Aurora Cemetery. CLINIC Emil]: AT HOME c1w37 MARCH 25, WEDNESDAY â€"- Clearing farm auction of 50 Holsteins (20 fresh or springers), 3 tractors, SP combine, 12’ swather conditioner like new, new forage harvester, Dion SU forage wagon. power drill, PTO spreader. new PTO forage blower, 4 fr. and 3 fr. TB 3 pt. plows, new 10' mounted disc, snow blower, baler with throw- er, cultipacker, 2 tractor culti- vators, also 4 Surge milkers, new pump, 33 can bulk cooler, sput- nick, 650 lb. milk quota, slab, silo 16x40 cpt., silo unloader,‘ stable cleaner, large quantities of grain, hay, straw, 1925 an- tique car (good). etc. The prop- erty of the late Jas. W. McKean, selling at the farm located at Lot 29-30. Con. 10 Markham Twp. being (2 miles south of Stouffville) or (2 miles east of Markham on Hwy. 7 and 4 miles north) or (30 miles NE. of To- ronto). Note: This is an out- standing farm auction with an extra good herd of Holsteins and new or nearly new impleâ€" ments. Refreshments available, I wish to extend my Sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends in our recent bereavement of my father, Mr. L. Webb. Also a special lthanks to Rev. Willi-am Wallace, Mar- shall Funeral Home, and staff of York Manor. MARCH 14, SATURDAY â€" Clearing farm auction of new tractors and modern farm ma- chinery consisting of 4 tractors (2 new), 1969 S.P. combine, 15’ heavy duty mounted disc, 141/? heavy duty cultivator (one way), 2 Turnco grain wagons, John Deere 2 row corn planter (new), 3 fur. T.B. plow, side rake, forage blower, silo distributor, 2 RT. wagons. PTO sprayer, 2 ;e1evators, etc. Note: farm soldx This is one of the finest lots of‘ new tractors and modern farm machinery to be sold this spring. Make this sale a must if you need any farm machinery this spring. The property of Gordon ' Cox. Located at Lot 18-13. Con- cession 9, Markham Twp., being 2 miles north-east of Markham or 4 miles south of Stouffville or 30 miles north-east of Toronto. Refreshments available. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Atkinson and Wilson, Stouffville - Ux- bridge, Sale Mgrs. and Auction- eers. c2w36 YOUNG â€"- In loving memory of Harold (Huck) Young, who passed away suddenly on March 18, 1966. Dad, sisters and brothers. c1w37 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Eleanor LeCuyer and‘ family wish to express sincere thanks to Dr. Smith, Dr. Lang- staff, The United Church Wo- men, lthe Marshall Funeral Home, with special thanks to Rev. “Bob†Smith, also friends and relatives, for many kindâ€" nesses shown us during our recent sad bereavement. I wish rto thank my neighe bors, friends and relatives for cards, flowers and visits during my recent stay in hospital. Thanks to the nurses on the 4th floor for their wonderful care and also Dr. Langstaff, Dr. Arai and Dr. Blake-1y. WREN â€"â€" In loving'memory of a dear husband and father, James H. Wren, who passed away March 9, 1969. Loved and missed by wife Sally, daughters Pat and Diane and son Jim. c1w37 CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards, messages of sym- pathy and floral 'tributes sent during the recent bereavement of a dear husband and father, Grant Schuyler. Special thanks to the Rest Haven Nursing Home. Aurora. Dr. Bigford and the Marshall Funeral Home. The Schuyler Family. 3n ï¬lmm‘iam CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS LIBERAL WANT ADS [Investigate Cause SALE REGISTERS 2 auction rings operating at the same time. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 noon. Atkinson and Wilson. Stouffville and Ux- bridge, Sales Mgrs. and Auc- tioneers. c2w37 PHONE 884-1105-6 ANYTIME SHIPPING WORLD WIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 MOVING OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Call BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA AND Cai‘ol French. c1w37 Jean Hook. c1w37 Months of work renovating in the walls. and this material in the nick of time to save a a Victoria Square farmhouse kept smouldering. barn full of sheep at the farm went up in smoke in the morn- Richmond Hill had two pum- of John Wright at Nashville. ing darkness March 7. leaving per trucks and 21 men at the Lot 19, Concession 10, south of a very sad and disappointed fire, aided by a Stouffville Maple Road and 10 miles west Toronto family. pumper with six men and a of Maple. Machinist Frank Starecki of Unionville tanker truck with Three pumper trucks and a 16 Lauder Avenue had been three men. water tank truck roared up to working since last October on They saved a garage located'the farm in quick succession, the five-bedroom frame house about 4077fee7t away from thelone from Kleinburg, one from on Don Mills Road, three-quar- ters of a mile north of the Markham Township hamlet. Richmond Hill Fire Chief A1â€" fred Stong estimated the house was worth $18,000 and suffered $10,000 damage. The Ontario Fire Marshall's office has been asked to inves- tigate the 3:50 am fire, which apparently burned independent- ly in two different parts of the house, said Fire Chief Stong. Fire began at the foot of the cellar stairs and burned the stairs. Fire also began in an attached section of the building and entered the house itself at the roof. he said. $10,000 House Fire Ends Months Of Labor, Hope The Starecki family postpon- ed moving into the house last summer because of the mar- riage of their elder daughter and were waiting until this summer to move in, so their younger daughter could finish her year in public school. There was insurance on the house. The fire report was radioed from a passing taxi, telephoned to Markham Township Police, and relayed to the Richmond Hill Town Fire Department. Thirty firemen from Rich- mond Hill, Stouffville and Un- ionville fought the fire for three hours. Three vacant houses and four barns have burned since Janu- ary 1 in Markham and Vaughan Townships. Nothing conclusive has been turned up in investi- gations so far. Stu Foster. in- vestigator with the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office‘ was working on the latest fire this week and hadn’t requested the assistance of Markham Town- ship Police at last report. Several fires in houses and barns in Markham and Vaughan Townships during the past few months have been referred to the Ontario Fire Marshall for investigation. The Starecki family purchas- ed their property iq Markham Township about 3% years ago. Mr. Starecki was-last in the house three days before the fire. Painters and paper hang- ers had (recently been working in the building. Mrs. Starecki 'said her hus- band was terribly upset about the fire because he had been working on the building during all his spare time, day and night, all winter. They didn’t think the house could be fixed now. Firemen had to stay on the scene for a long time because the housé was insulated with what appeared to be sawdust REAL ESTATE SALES ASSOCIATES REQUIRED By one of Toronto‘s most progressive real estate comp- anies for a modern new of- fice in Thornhill. If inexperienced but possess- ing a genuine desire to suc- ceed, we will provide full training and managerial as- sistance that will increase your income. TOP COMMISSION 8: BONUS Call Alex Miller or Sean Flood 889-9330 YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR Unionville tanker truck with Three pumper trucks and a three men. Iwater tank truck roared up to They saved a garage locatedithe farm in quick succession, about 40 feet away from the one from Kleinburg, one from house. The barn was safe be- Pine Grove and two from Sher- cause the wind was blowing the wood. And all of the equip- flames and sparks in another ment would have been needed direction. in a few more minutes. Fire "' * * * {Chief James Davidson said. Richmond Hill firemen had two other calls last week. One was at 9.37 pm March 6 to the Nipigon Stock Farm at Bay- view and 19th Avenues when a neighbor mistook the glow in the sky from a large barbecue fire for a building five. At 8:45 pm March 4 town firemen were called to the home of George Carmichael at 245 Rosemar Gardens. Mr. Carmichael arrived home from a business rtrip to find his wife and child unknowingly oc- cupying a home which might almost have been described as a potential bomb. Mrs. Carmichael was out in her car three days before and had the gas tank filled. The gas line was split by a bump or something, nearly all of the gasoline leaked out and mixed with spring thaw water on the floor of the garage attached to the 'house. Mrs. Carmichael noticed the fumes and aired the house each day, but didn’t realize what was going on. Firemen turned off the oil furnace, aired out the basement and 'hosed the gaso- line out of the garage. This was the second incident of this kind in two weeks in town. Mrs. Carmichael said she thought there are probably a lot of people, especially women, who wouldn’t realize the dang- er of such a situation, and that the fright she had should be a warning to other residents to be on their guard. Vaughan Township Firemen March 9 at 10 o‘clock arrived Working? 21 years old? Willing to make payments? New in the country? FOR CREDIT APPROVAL EVEN IF YOU: 0 Were turned down elsewhere 0 Are new on your job 0 Are a new resident Get your bills I CAN HELP YOU! 889-3764 All full prices shown 395 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL CALL NOW :22 NOW $3.629 ARE YOUâ€" Mr. Wright smelled smoke in the barn, which is of frame construction with a metal roof. He called the firemen and the flames had just started when they arrived. There was little damage. Chiaef Davidson said the fire started in a light bulb used to provide heat in the barn. Vaughan Township Firemen had three other calls during the past week. Démage was negligible March 4 at 6:30 am at the home of Tony Bodeau, 37 Highway '7 INCOME TAX? HAVING PROBLEMS MAKING OUT YOUR 75 YONGE ST. NORTH - RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 889-9792 or 773-4072 TAX CONSULTANT FULL TIME FEMALE KITCHEN STAFF FOR NIGHT SHIFT 6 pm. to 12 Midnight Experience Preferred Transportation Provided Home APPLY: A & W DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT York County Roman Catholic SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Requires Teacher For Grade 4 St. Joseph’s School - Aurora Duties to begin April 1, 1970 Apply to the Superintendent Just North of Richmond Heights Centre RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-8911 See The Richmond Heights Easter Shopping Guide, Coming Soon What is . . . CALL East, Markham 'I‘ovmship. when hydro wires fell on the roof and started a fire. In the third recent incident of apparent vandalism by child- ren at National Signs Ltd.. 9218 Yonge Street, Richvale, a third former honeymoon cot- tage burned at 7:37 pm March 6. Last week plate glass wind- ows were smashed and before that two old cabins burned. Also March 6 damage was confined to an estimated $2.500 at the Dufferin Street machin- ery repair shop next to the Dufferin Drive-In. Cause of the 10:44 pm fire was not known. 889-6449 R. L. SAUTMAN P.0. Box 3 A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal". 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884-1105. In Memoriam Verses THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thumday, March 12, 1970 ““““““““‘ l 1" Pre Spring . . . ' ma mam clealance , Hope 1' ~ kha-m Township, when was fell on the roof. 4 BOOKKEEPING Thornhill ' Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. - 9 p.m. -â€" Sat. til 6 [mm I (-““““““““‘ doneit uguin.. 6313 Yonge St., Willowdale â€" (Across from Sayvette’s) - Richmond Hill Store- 1600 ROLLS PRE-PASTED WALLPAPER, REG. 1.75 TO 2.95 WALLPAPER, REG. 9.95 200 ROLLS FLOCKED WALLPAPERS SPECIAL PER ROLL â€"Aurora Store- 700 ROLLS PRE-PASTED VINYL, REG. 3.98 PER ROLL . . . . . TO 5.25 PER ROLL, SPECIAL 1000 ROLLS WALDEC I700 ROLLS TRIMZ NYLON * KODEL “ ACRYLAN ‘ PROPYLON †WOOL Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. 20 LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL 884‘2819 Paint 8. Wallpaper WASHABLE VINYL COATED, REG. BY THE WALL TO WALL EXPERTS (FREE estimates in your home without obligation) 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . Harding * Celanese * Kraus B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless '7‘ Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow And All Kodel Carpets BENJAMIN MOORE REGAL WALL SATIN REG. 10.90 GAL. ONLY 8. Gal. .95 .... 4.00 18 YONGE ST. N. AURORA 727-4953 ..... 1.99 paints ...I.I9 Sq. Y1 1.98 .89}! 226-0941 4.69 2.25 GAL.