Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Mar 1970, p. 9

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mmmlmmuuummuumlnun“ulmmmumumnumnmmum Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Lois Gee. March 20, Paul Boynton, nine on March 21. Susan Sanâ€" derson, six years old March 22. Susan Boynton who will be two on Marcli 23 and to Mrs. Annie Story, March 24. Wedding anniversary congrat- ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumwell, married 37 years on March 22 and to Mr. and Mrs‘ Herman Mortson, married 49 years on March 23. A speedy recovery ls wished for Mrs. Richard Frisby. Marg- uerite and Charlotte who have the mumps and to all others in the community who have been afflicted with them. Mrs. Mabel Anderson of Port Hope visited Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton on the weekend. Herb Boynton of Toronto spent a recent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick for dinner Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nigh, David and Mark of Egypt and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sander- son and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mikkelsen had din- ner Friday evening with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Another euchre party will be held in the community hall Saturday evening at 8 pm. Readers will note the change in night and date for this week only. Everyone welcome and ladies' will please provide. WI. The March meeting of the WI was held March 10 at the home of Mrs. Reid BrumWell. Guest speaker was Mrs. Beryl Lunney, president of Union Villa Auxiliary who gave a most interesting talk on the new home being built for senior citizens of this area. Church News Additional infoi'mation on the maple syrup event may be obtained by telephoning the authority’s offices at 889-5425. AllI\umummumunnunmmmmuuuumumumnummumu A service will be held at Vic- ments, good games, good prizes. toria Square United on Good Come all ye players! Friday morning. March 27 at 11..Public Meeting The combined choirs of Head- A public meeting will be held‘ ford and Victoria Square will Wednesday. March 25. concern- lend their able assistance in ing extension of a runway at the ministry of music. Toronto Airways Buttonville 0n Easter Sunday, March 29 field. This should be of inter- at 11230 am. the message and est to all business and proper- music will centre around this ty owners. great event in our Christian Benefit Euchre On Easter Sunday, March 29 at 11:30 am. the message and music will centre around this great event in our Christian story. It’s Maple Syrup Time Victoria Square The Metro Conservation Authority is inviting the public to visit the maple syrup-making operations at its Bruce’s Mill Conserva- tion Area this weekend (March 21â€"22), and the fol- lowing week (March 23 - 29) which is the winter holiday for school children. Mothers may wish to take their vacationing youngs- ters to the area to see the syrup-making demonstrat- ions which are held be- tween 10 am and 4 pm. Bruce’s Mill area is lo- cated two miles east of Don Mills Road on the Gormley-Stouffville Road. Authority staff will be on hand to demonstrate how sap is collected from the maple trees and made into syrupâ€"using both the old- fashioned and modern me- thods. Pancakes and map- le syrup will be available. The demonstrations will carry on until mid-April. THORNHILL 659-IUJV “““““I““‘ A public meeting has been called by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham to inform interested persons of the proposals for rezoning which would permit an extension to the Buttonville airfield. Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie RR. 2 Gormley Telephone 887-5421 Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" takes 18’ boom w E R E N T CONTRACTORS’ EQUIPMENT All interested persons are invited to attend. H. C. T. Crisp, Township Clerk Wednesday, March 25, 1970 8 RM. Women’s Institute Hall BUTTONVILLE Notice Of Public Meeting Township of Markham A Markham Township inquest Kingsley Wijesinha represented jury March 11 deliberated the Crown, and Markham Town- about 20 minutes before rend- ship Deputy Police Chief Rob- ering a verdict blaming negli- ert Hood served as clerk. Mark- gence by general contractors ham Township Police Constable George Wimpey Canada Ltd. Robert MeOausland was the in- for the February 19 death of vestigating officer. sewer workman Vittorio Fred- The jury found the work- erico, 27, of 15 Jesmind Ave- man drowned “due to fail- nue, Toronto. ure of the bulkhead that The workman drowned at had been constructed on about 5 pm on the 400-lot 114â€" the site. We believe that acre Shields-Snow Ltd. and As- the company was negligent sociates subdivision, one-half in not clearing the pipe of mile south of Highway 7 East, personnel before water was between Bayview Avenue and caused to flow against the Yonge Street. bulkhead, and that the l Thousands of gallons of water bulkhead was not adequate washed the man 300 feet down for the purpose for which a sewer pipe when a bulkhead it was being used." broke. The jury recommended that The bulkhead was a single “the Trench Excavators Protec- wall of brick and mortar. Parch- tion Act should clearly define ed on the water side, built in- the requirements for the de- side a 66-inch pipe. Evidence sign and inspection of bulk- at the inquest showed that the heads and be specific with reâ€" bulkhead withstood similar gard to personnel working in pressures previouSly. UP until pipe protected by a bulkhead, two days before the accident. a as to their safety." The workman drowned at about 5 pm on the 400-1ot 114â€" acre Shields-Snow Ltd. and As- sociates subdivision, one-half mile south of Highway 7 East, between Bayview Avenue and Yonge Street. Thousands of gallons of water washed the man 300 feet down a sewer pipe when a bulkhead broke. The bulkhead was a single “the wall of brick and mortar. parch- tion ed on the water side. built in- the side a 66-inch pipe. Evidence sign at the inquest showed that the head bulkhead withstood similar gam pressures previously. U_p until pipe two days before the accident. a break would not have been dangerous, because the connec- tion to the fatal work area was not yet excavated. - . . But the bulkhead happened to break February 19 when water was released from npond. The construction superintend- ent was inside the fatal pipe less than an hour before the water rushed in. The jurors were: George Mustard of 47 Kirk Drive,‘ Thornhill: Kenneth Stiver. 32 Sussex Avenue, Langstaff; Paul Langer. the jury foreman, of 30 Wildrose Crescent, Thorn- hill; Alexander Robertson of 10 Shadylane Crescent. Thornhill. and Joseph Marshall of 49 Wildros‘e Crescent, Thornhill. Dr. Bernard Granton of Rich- mond Hill was the presiding coroner, Assistant Attorney I 11.11. 2, Gormley Felicibations to Miss Grace Rodick and Edward Samuel Early whose marriage takes place at Brown‘s Corners Unit- ed Ohurch on Saturday at 4 pm. Grace is the daughter of Mrs. William Rodick and the late Mr. Rodick. formerly of this area. Rev. Chris Dugan will officiate at Saturday‘s late Mr. this area will off ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig have returned from a February holiday in Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Walton .are. home again after a winter in the sun. Mrs‘ William McGimpsey celebrated a birthday recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Reg. Bousted, Maywood Park, Scarboro. Among visitors that day were long-time friends Mrs. James Rodick, Miss Eliza- beth French and Mrs. Elmore Hill. Dates To Remember: Friday. March 20. at 8.30 pm, the WI will Sponsor a benefit euchre in aid of the cancer society at Buttonville Hall. Good refresh- ments, good games, good prizes. Come all ye players! of YCHA will be held at the? hall. Church News On Thursday (tonight) at Brown’s Corners Church, reâ€" member the film night and pan- el discussion with Detective] Douglas Tribbling, Lawyer Hugh Honsberger and Dr. E. J Pamenter. The subject is drugs and current addictions to them.|3 These are men who have first hand knowledge of drug prob- lems since they work closely with the people involved. The Happy Timers’ Unit of the UCW are sponsoring the event. At the conclusion of a question and discussion period, refreshments will be served by the young people‘s group. Mrs. Olive Miller presented one of her now famous hat shows at St. Patrick’s Church, Markham, Tuesday evening of last week. If you see some exotic creations floating around the neighborhood you may guess their originator. Miss Patty Gough and Mrs. Rose- mary Miller were two attract- ive models. Inquest: On Friday, March 13, the WI BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF Evidence was given at the? trial by the following: Michael Basile of 21 Katherine Road, Downsview, an acquaintance of the dead man since childhood who identified the body; Dr. Ewant Evans, pathologist at the York County Hospital, Newmar- ket; Boyd Maison, RR 3, Han- over, superintendent on the job; Michael Connelly of Broadview Avenue, Toronto. foreman on ‘the job; James Walsh of 106 Poyntz Avenue, Willowdale, owner of W and D Contracting who found the body. Other witnesses called in- cluded: Salvatore Suma of 1 Verdun Avenue, Toronto. who was working in the tunnel with the deceased; Patrick Carroll of 891 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, the backâ€"hoe operator who opened the trench to let in the sponsored a benefit euchre a’i Buttonville Hall for the Society of Crippled Children. More than 23 tables of playâ€"‘ ers attended, and prizes were won by Mrs. William Larkin, Mrs. Harvey Swain, Mrs. Jack Gough, Mrs. Jessie Grainger, Ernest Fisher, Jack Manning, Louie Schiff and Harry Barber, Freezeout winners were Bill Swain and Frank Mason against A1 Klinck and Cecil Latcham. Lucky draws went to Mrs. William Patton. Mrs. Bernice Tooley, David Mizen and Mrs. William Larkin. This Friday night the WI will sponsor a benefit euchre for the cancer society. And on April 10, a benefit euchre spon- sored by the Buttonville Branch of YCHA will be held at the hall. Church News On Thursday (tonight) at Brown’s Corners Church, re- member the film night and panâ€" el discussion with Detective Douglas Tribbling, Lawyer For a meaningful Easter sea- son, plan to attend church at Brown’s Corners. ‘If you are new in the area you may just find you want to make it your church home. Any member of the congregation will tell you Rev. Chris Dugan is an inspira- tion, a friend, and an excep- tional speaker. The choirs are doing very good work under the direction or Mrs. Donald Reesor and Mrs. Clayton Jones and youth organizations are flourishing. There will be a special serv- ice on Palm Sunday. and on March 27 at 11 am a Good Fri- day service of worship will be held. On Easter Sunday there will be a cantata with Mr. Dugan and the two choirs par- ticipating. On April 5, the session of the church are hosting a special evening with guest peaker, Rev. Andrew Bridger. There will be a social hour following, with refreshments served. All members and friends are cor- dially invited. I’ve got more time now! Ever since I started renting the right equipment. RENT-ALL 41 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Over 1,000 items to rent Richmond Hill 884-676] Phone 297-1741 3h that )tec- ,vfine de- mlk- reâ€" ; in lead, the shael Load, e of hood Dr. : the mar- Han- job; view 1 on 106 dale, Evidence showed that the. brick bulkhead was of the usual type used during sewer con- struction, but that this type of barrier was more often used to partly block a pipe to catch debris. Such a bulkhead was not so often used to completely close a sewer pipe and hold back a pressure of water. The provincial and town- ship inspectors said they knew of no regulations which were broken in con- nection with the accident. However, the provincial officials felt that in future such a bulkhead should be built according to a design prepared by a professional engineer. ’ No one knew why the bulk- head had given way and there was no clue to the reason after the accident. Neighborhood Notes water; Salvatore Salvaggio ‘of Congratulations to Mr. and Main .Street, .Corbetton, On- tario, who was working above Mrs. Deb Baker on the birth of the bulkhead that broke; 05- their new grandson. a second wald Peel of 45 Marlowe Ave- son for Mr. and Mrs. John nue. Toronto, consulting engin- Honsberger 0f Orillia. Mr. and eer for the subdividers; Douglas Mrs; Baker spent several days Anderson, inspector of caissons with the Honsbergers recently. for the Department of Labor; - Katharine Monteith. Albert Hull, construction safety “2/3: Noble's fiancee was officer for the Department of Guest of honor at a miscellan- Labor; Vietor Tousbek Of a us shower Friday evening at .~ - eo ‘Knome Street Mllhken’ “web the home of Miss Janet Johnson inspector for Markham Town-. ship, and Peter Harris of Stoufi- 1“ Markham- ville, a photographer who took MISS Reatha Steckley has. re- pictures at the scene of the turned from a two-week holiday accident. in Nassau with her Sister, M1§ Mr. Suma. who was the only other man in the pipe when the water rushed in, said there normally was a warning irom the foreman when water was being released against a bulk- head. But this time there was no warning. It was just after quitting time and they were gathering u-p tools. The water washed Mr. Suma to the manhole exit. He broke his hand but managed to catch hold and scramble out, with the help of men above. But Mr. Frederico was on the downgrade side of the manhole and the water washed him away from the only exit. TENDERS FOR VEHICLES Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Township Clerk no later than 12 ofclock, Monday, April 6th, for the supplying of: Two - 3/4; Ton Pick-ups with trade-in (1965 GMC 3/4 Ton ,Pick-up and 1964 Dodge 1/é Ton Pick-up). One - Van-type truck with trade-in (1965 GMC Van). One - Passenger car with trade-in (1967 Chev. Biscayne). Tender forms and7 specifications may be obtaine at the Township Garage, Buttonvi‘lle. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accep- ted. H. C. T. Crisp, Township Clerk, RR. 2, Gormley, Ont. Township of Markham Miss Katharine Monteith, Victor Noble's fiancee was guest of honor at a miscellan- eous shower Friday evening at the home of Miss Janet Johnson in Markham. 6211:6lwéwéteckley who teaches school there. Frank Thompson suffered ai severe heart attack last week‘ and is at present in North-wes- tern General Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Roy Brillinger and Mrs. Peter Stickley spent the week- end with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Le-ham of Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania. WMrrs. Lewis Heise has been a patient) in York Central Hospi- tal. Richmond Hill. RoyI Brillinger had Sunday dinner with Peter Stickley and in the afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner at Green Gables Manor. ahd Mrs. Barry Benfield and Shauna have returned from a holiday in Florida. Sympathy is expressed to Professor Ernest Smith and his daughter, Mrs. Peter Eisenstzadt in the sudden paming of Mrs. Smith on Monday evening. Pro- fessor and Mrs. Smith lived at Gormley for many years beflore retiring to Aurora. Funeral ser- vice was held Thursday after- noon at the Thompson Funeral Home in Aurora. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taplin in the passing of his mother, Mrs. Ed- ward Taplin at Greenacres, Newmarket. The funeral was held March 2 from Reynolds Funeral Home in Bracebridge. The family was again bereaved when the 84-year-old sister of D. Mukherjee, P. Eng, Township Engineer, RR. 2, Gormley, Ont. SAM COOK, Chairman 56 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission Gormley WI will meet March 25 at 2 pm at the home of Miss Alma Heise when the roll call will be, “A New Shrub I Would Like". Mrs. Fred Munroe will present the Gazette. Mrs. Deb Baker the story of the aqua- marine and the program will be conducted by Mrs. Jack Gamble. Church News Heise Hi1! Women’s Mission- ary Prayer Circle will 'meet Getting together with a Commerce Manager just earned David C. Ramsay $388.02 Here are some examples of me high ingarost Commqu Term Deposits can earn you over cenaln periods: Commerce Term Deposits A better way to make money $1,000 Amount 10,000 2,500 5,000 Want to get together? 1 month $5.42 13.54 29.73 59.45 Canadian Conference of the Brethren in Christ Churches will convene Saturday at 9 am at the Falls View Brethren in Christ Church. The WMS devotional meeting of the Missionary Church will meet Thursday (tonight) at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Murray Bennett. The 80th annual convention of 1 the Township of Whitc'nurchw Sunday School Association will‘! convene March 26 at 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm at Lemonville Uni- ' ted Church. Everyone is cor- ‘ dially invited to attend. 6 months $32.50 1 76.44 352.88 81.25 lets you wash, rinse and spin-dry clothes . . . all automatically! Take time now to see the many new models on display at your appliance dealer’s. Start enjoying wash days! an automatic electrlc washer LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY $70.00 175.00 350.00 700.00 1 year :ou {Juli ' L}e Uni-; (Licensed Under The Nursing Home Act) ‘5 °°r'iK“m-“‘-I“““‘£ 1 3552.12 $155.21 388.02 776.05 1,937.50 3,875,001 $387.50 5 years 968.75 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 889-2054 * 889'4021 * KING CITY AN EXCLUSIVE REST HOME IN A QUIET COUNTRY SETTING Semi-Private and Private Rooms For Information Call: AL HORWOOD, Superintendent ‘QP Commerce Term Deposits are just one of the high interest, no risk ways we can putyour money to work. They’re cashable anytime at your Commerce branch. The Commerce pays 73/4 % on Term Deposits when the amount is $1000 or more and it is for a fixed period of time greater than two years.Your manager has other investment opportunities too. Drop in and see him. your hydro 884-4466 833-5037

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