Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1970, p. 13

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Plans were made for catering to the members of Presbytery, who will be meeting in Rich- mond Hill May 5. Students from Knox College will be lic- ensed in 'the evening. Plans were also made for the showing of slides on “Portugal and Spain“ by Rev. William" Wallace April 4. ‘ Suggestions for crafts Were presented by Win Gray and Sandy Russell and each mem- ber of the group expressed a preference on which to work during the year. Lois Graham was hostess for the Mary and Martha Guild of the Presbyterian Church March 18 at her home on Millpond Court. The scripture was read by Marion French and Claudine Wallace led in prayer, Win Gray read an Easter message and Mae Hepburn explained why Easter is on a different date each year. p"'i‘i i ‘ I j Former Cub Dale Strang af- ter his investiture is no“: a member of the lst Beverley Acres Scouts. At the March 17 meeting of the lst Beverley Acres Cubs the following boys were invested â€" Robbie Steel, Ken Barber, Ker- ry Bjarnason, Layne Bjarnason, Jeff Strang and Drew Ryland. Director-Producer Ron Solloway who adapted the play. is the wriwr-co-ordin- ator of CBC Radio's After- noon Show and is currently working on two CBC speci- nls. High Spirits was adapted from Noel Coward's peren- nial favorite. Blithe Spirit. and Mary. with her deep, throaty. seductive voice brought to the role of the ghost wife. Elvira. an elus- ive quality reminiscent of the original Elvira. Kay Hammond. Although local audiences have seen her many times at the Curtain Club (her last role as Agnes in The Delicate Balance) yet anâ€" other side of Mary Monks‘ versatility was heard in High Spirits, broadcast on Sunday last over CBL on CBC Showcase. Show Biz PHONE 884-8191-2 I 85 Yonge Street Richmond Hill I ““““““““\‘ sea CORNER Discover the Wonderful Worlds of the F Jr-S‘ ‘ Afigfihg/ WEST INDIES I ’ 0V 5 FQEB/ $1.13 {mm 'SH'O'P‘EXRLY‘I'CL'OSED“GUGD‘FRIDAY" Tel. 884-6741 Closed Mondays GLOBE 30A Yonge South Richmond Hill This Summer on One of the Many COLORFUL CRUISES “Fish is our business â€" not a sideline” and CARIBBEAN NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH “IN THE MALL" RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-7733 . Entertaining recently were "catering Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Miller of "fishy’CS’Fy, Yonge Street North who held a m R‘Ch' buffet dinner for their son and .Stpdeflts his wife, Peter and Celeste Mil- SHRIMPS Also joining in the get- together were Peter‘s brother, Bruce, who acted as best man at the wedding and sisters, Marnie and Catherine, who were bridesmaids. Peter is the chief accountant ' la! the Royal Bank of Canada in jRidgeway and his wife, a regis- ‘tered nurse, is on 'he staff at I-|F‘ofl Colborne General Hospital. Attending “ere Celeste‘s par- ‘ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chap- iman, her brother. Ken Chap- ayman, all of Toronto, Maid of ’ Honor Virginia Scott, Scarboro and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeves 9 1 ? ?‘(Bridesmaid) of Mississauga. ler of 'Ridgeway, who spending the weekend them, Counties District Council. Can- cer Society. at her Mill Street home last Wednesday. Among those present were President Mrs. Larry Rubin, Aurora; Mrs. Helen Cummins. chairman of service to patients, Mississauga: Mrs. Jack Follows. South Pali- ser Crescent, chairman of edu- cation; Mrs. Mona Robertson, Centre Street West, editor of the “Go” Territorial newsletter; Munroe Ashkanase, campaign chairman for the district was in attendance at an Ontario Di- vision meeting that day but for- warded the news .that “Every- thing appears to be well organ- ized for the best campaign we have ever had". Following dinner, guests enâ€" "557m" ’3‘” ' " ' "'; ' ‘ joyed seeing photographs and cal ehotslgilfalillpportmg 30m 10' slides of the young couple's T- k ' . . wedding. which took piace Sep- be [ghetzsmzh $3, acacfiflfle £33 tember 6 at Ashbury and Westlwflker at 33335200 g 5‘ iUnited Church. ' a: ’ * t J. Allan, Port Credit, com- memoration fund chairman and Mrs. W. A. Smith, district secre- tary, Wood‘bridge. Central Counties District has a quota of $236,300 for this year‘s April campaign. Rich- mond Hill unit's quota is $19.- 200. This includes Thornhill and Victoria Square branches. Convenors for the event are Mrs. D. Cowden and J. Sey- mour. Mrs. William Lennox hosted the March meeting of Central There will be plenty of good used clothing as well as the ever popular white elephant table. Plans have been completed for the spring rummage sale being held April 11 from 10-12 noon at St. Gabriel‘s Anglican Church. squares. A pot luck luncheon is pl The March meeting of the[ While ‘spring cleaning this Swing your partners, dos - a - Pleasantville BranCh 0f YCHA year please remember the dos! Learn the fascinating art was held on Wednesday last atiUnitarian Service Committee of of square dancing from expert the home of Mrs. D. H. Feather- Canada who desperately need instruction being given on Sat- stonhaugh on Arnold Crescent. ovarm clothing for a special urday next by Jack Hayes at Members worked on hospital‘shipment to Korea. Royal Canadian Legion Court. Memfiers worked on hospital‘ gift shop articles and quilt nod for TRAVEL SERVICE I CARIBBEAN QUEEN the May meeting weekend with { we“? I why ‘shows and commercials. ‘ Members of the local Rotary 1 Last summer he shot animaliClub and their wires held 3 movies while holidaying in Afâ€"‘most successful progressive din- rica, since used on CBC TV',Inor party on Saturday evening. took still photographs andl The hosts for each course â€"- “Tote articles on animals for a soup, main and dessert â€" had [Toronto daily and gave a num-Lno idea who their guests would :ber of lectures using slides andfbe and at the end of the meal 'films of wild animals. leach couple was handed an en- ; Currently he is working on alvelope giving them the address [book “Animals of Africa“, thatJfor the next course â€" in this is, of course, apart from direct-way the possibility of the same ling “Boeing Boeing". acting andlguests meeting again for the lldoing commercials â€" a verylnext lap of the meal was care- Currently he is working on a book “Animals of Africa". that Ijs, of course, apart from direct- }ing “Boeing Boeing", acting and I‘doing commercials â€" a very ‘lbusy man! Royal Canadian Legion Court. This will be followed by an shipment to Korea. On the priority list are men's. women's and children’s warm old tyme dance â€"â€" and all for clothing (with at least six $1.50 per person. >I~ >5‘ 1 months' wear in them) warm‘ blankets and quilts. ‘ The next meeting of the Rich- § A pickup can be easily ar- mond Hill Jaycettes will be 1ranged by calling Mrs. Norman held March 31 at the home of {Brown at 884-2149. {Jane Philip, Osiris Drive. 1 :u * w: On April 15 they are holding Friends of John B. Parkin Sr., 3 Tupperware party at St- (3311' lMarkham Road, will be sorry ’to“1‘i'31'S Angllcan Church- 333" hear he is currently a patient View Avenue. The”? “I111 be a in York Central Hospital, live demonstration usmg jell an. n....u.:.. :. _ A:..,.,.n... A: and Serve molds. Ask anyone who attended the ball last year whether they en- joyed it â€" and the answer will be an enthusiastic “yes” â€" so why not forget thewea‘ther. pol- lution and rising costs and en- joy a night on the town, at the same time supporting your 10- cal hospital? Tickets at $25 a couple may Rex Sevenoaks is the director of the Curtain Club‘s next pro- duction “Boeing Boeing”, one of the most hilarious comedies presented by the Curtain Club. This will be the 20th play Rex has directed for the club, the first being “The Passing of the Third Floor Back” in 1955. Rex, who h_as directed for Theatre Toronto, is a most talented and invenfive director â€" and a very busy man! The White Rose Ball â€" even the name conjures up thoughts of spring â€" and the locale, The Inn On The Park, is elegance personified â€" in fact the com. bination is unbeatable. This popular annual event being held May 1 by the York Central HOSpital Auxiliary, is being convened by Mrs. Helen Todd with Mrs. Sheila Griffin as co-convenor. Also aSSiSUng in various facets are Mrs. Sheila Sharp, Mrs. Joy Pickthall. Mrs. Joan Paton, Mrs. Doris Walker, Mrs. Kay Burgess, Mrs. Mary June Warner and Mrs. Phil Simmons. Mr. Parkin is a director of Parkin Associates Ltd., Toronto, who designed Toronto Interna- tional Airport and during No- velist Arthur Hailey’s visit to Toronto last week. he attributed his idea for the novel, Airport, to an invitation by architect John C. Parkin. an associate of the firm. to visit the terminal. Mr. Hailey commented “We were standing on the roof watching a Vanguard take off, when I experienced a strong emotional surge. I'm a former RAF pilot, so it was perhaps natural when I decided on my way back to the city, to write a book on air travel." Friends of John B. Parkin 512, Markham Road. will be sorry to hear he is currently a patient in York Central Hospital. He is chairman of English‘ and Communicating Media at Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, and is presently working in close col- laboration with Architects All- ward and Gouinlock planning a new lecture theatre. which in- cludes a scene shop, dressirg rooms and television and film studios. expected to be complet- ed in 1971â€"2. As a professional actor he has also appeared in many films. plays, television shows and commercials. “Boeing Boeing", which April 10. 11, 15 - 18, 22 is already sold out for nights. Tickets phoning 7065 â€" A Man On The Run! call soon! REX SEVENOAKS ‘! fully avoided. The program, ; Boeing", which runs very strategically organized by 11, 15 - 18, 22 - 2510ne of Rotary's genii, worked y sold out for two without ahitch. After a prolonged but excel- may be obtained by lent dinner. everyone met at Yvette Steel 3t 884â€"‘the home of Don and Gwen Hal- don't be disappointed liday on Tyneview Lane. wind- oon! |ing up a delightful evening. Last Sunday, as guests of the UCW of St. Matthew’s Unit ed Church, members attenfled the morning service and after- lwards joined them for lunch. 1 quart buttermilk 5 cups all purpose flour 1,2 tsp. salt 5 tsp. baking soda ' 4 cups shredded wheat cereal Combine the 2 cups of 100% whole wheat bran cereal with boiling water. Let cool. Cream sfiortening and butter together, a d white sugar and cream well. Beat in eggs and buttermilk gradually. Add to cooled bran and water mixture. Sift to- gether flour, salt and soda. Combine with shredded wheat cereal. Add liquid to dry in- gredients and mix quickly but well. Put in glass containers, cover and store in the refriger- iator. When you wish to bake lsome muffins, grease tins gener- ‘ously or use paper liners and fill 33 full. Bake at 400 de- grees for 15 to 20 minutes â€" depending on size of your muf- fin. until brown and c00ked. This recipe makes approximate- ‘ly 5 dozen and will keep a »month in the refrigerator if it "15 tightly covered. The cast is comprised of Elizabeth Bone, Jodie Loftus, Jane deArnot, Dave Smith, Adrian Truss, Mary Walker, Mi- chael Wilson, Tom Grieve, Lorie Naylor and Brian Brooker. The play is directed by N. Roy Clif- ton. The Importance of Being Ear- nest will be the 13th production by the Drama Club of Rich- mond Hill High School. The play, being presented April 1. 2, 3 and 4 in the school auditorium, is a difficult one to perform but the players are looking forward to "the chalâ€" lenge of bringing Oscar Wilde’s classic to Richmond Hill play- goers. R. H. Senior Citizens A number of members attend- ed the box social held on Thurs- day last by Bert Pattenden. The amount of money raised by auc- tioning the lunches was return- ed to members as prizes for games. J. Tinkler entertained on his accordion and the even- ing closed with members play- ing euchre and cribbage. Thc'annual rummage sale is being held April 4 and members are asked to take their contri- butions to the day centre. Tickets at $1 for students and $1.50 for adults are available from students or at the door. Curtain time is 8.30 pm. ‘ ) ' ‘) * at at What 8 COOklng' Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck of Almost everyone has a special Bearerton Road were recent dish which family or fl‘iends‘dinnel' guests of Mr. and Mrs. enjoy ._ why not share the Chester Zinck. Newmarket. recipe with our readers, be it On March 15, Mrs. Zinck act- main course, dessert or snack? ed as mistress of ceremonies at Each week one will be publish. a bridal shower in honor of ed in this column â€" how about Miss Michelle Gilewicz, the fu- yours? ture bride of Garry Kotack of Royal Canadian Legion Court. This will be followed by an old tyme dance â€"- and all for $1.50 per person. The party starts at 8 pm â€" new and prospective members most welcome. munuuuummuuummummmmmmulumummuumuuuum 4Tlxese are great for school lunches and snacks. In fact. use them anytime you have a hot oven and 20 minutes to spare. It’s that easy!) “mummumnumummmumum“um1\\mmu\munuumuuul REFRIGERATOR BRAN MUFFINS cups boiling water cups 100% whole wheat bran cereal cup shortening cup butter cups granulated sugar eggs Liberal Lil knowon in this area having liv- annual rummage sale April 4 in ed for many years on Richmond the main hall of the church Street during which time Mr.;from 9-12 noon (entrance Tinker was very active in local through door in parking lotl. politics. serving a term as dep- Articles for the sale can be tuty-reeve on town council. lpicked up by calling Joyce 'Wells at 884-5959 or delivered to the church April 3 between the hours of 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 pm. l The Tinker family is well; The auxiliary is holding its | i fllllllllllllllllllllull“Ill“Illllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllmll l A ___-A.’__1.-J 1..-; ..... )liSs Ellen Basham of Saul: Ste. Marie is spending the Easter holidays with her friend. Leslie Bunting, on Lucas Street. Lucas Street. Ellen is the daughter of Dr. Jack Basham and Mrs. Basham. who lived for many years in Richmond Hill prior to moving to the Sault. Plan to attend the rummage| sale being held April 3 and 4 by the mothers‘ auxiliary of the] 11th Brownie Pack and 7th‘ Guide Company in the d0\\'n-‘ stairs room at, Bayview Plazai Restaurant. ‘ all, will start at 10 am both! The 5th Richmond Hill Scout days_ ’Ladies‘ Auxiliiary met on Tues- * * * iday at Richmond Hill United Mrs. Stan Tinker of Annapo- Church. lis Valley, Nova Scotia. spent! Following the meeting a Tup- last week with her son andlperware party was held with family. Dr. David Tinker and:Cub Mother Irene Miller dem- Mrs. Tinker, at their home inlonstrating their many conveni- Gormley. dent and time saving uses. The Tinker family is welh The auxiliary is holding its The sale. with bargains for all, will start at 10 am both days. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Sugar Maple Lane accom- panied by MacDonald Smith atâ€" tended a special convocation of the Law Society of Upper Can- ada on Thursday last on the occasion of their son. Alexander (Sandy) Smith BA, LLB, being called to the bar having com- pleted the bar admission course. After a reception in the lounge of the O'Keefe Centre, the afternoon was enjoyably terminated with a dinner party at the Faculty Club, University of Toronto. On March 15, Mrs. Zinck act- ed as mistress of ceremonies at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Michelle Gilewicz, the fu- ture bride of Garry Kotack of Toronto. Following the opening of many lovely gifts. the brideâ€" elect and guests were entertain- ed at dinner. Accompanying Mrs. Zinck was Mr. and Mrs. A. Petrovchuk. Appointed Intern House Of Commons muuumuumumlInmuuum\\\\“mumnu\mmmumxm1111mm Mr. and Mrs. Zinck also visitâ€" ed Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Hex-k in Oak Ridges. The interns will start September 1, beginning with an intense. one-month orientation course and then be assigned to different members in the House of Commons. They will be used for research. meeting delegations and gathering material for speeches. The program is to give the stu- dents practical experiences in politics. All but one have acade- mic degrees. The one who is still an undergraduate is to receive a degree this spring. Brian Lennox. a second year law student at the University of Toronto, is one of 10 university stu- dents appointed from all across Canada, to intern in Parliament. feeling the sys- tem’s pulse zind learning what makes it tick. This first-ever group of parliamentary interns will work as assistants to mem- bers of Parliament. Brian, a graduate of Richmond Hill High and York University, lives with his wife. Susan, on Major Street. Toronto. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lennox, Mill Street. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Egg # ' GLASSES ° CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9 pm gm 8. A NEW RAYWAL KH’CHE 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL n 884-1955 5&5? liii'a'xi Mrs. V. Wallace arrived last week from holidaying in Florida to spend several weeks with her daughtei; Mrs. John Beresford Anderson on Centre Street West. The ladies‘ auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion. presented their current show “375 Golden Nugget" to the North York Veterans Club, Willowdale, Saturday last, and received a standing ovation for their performance. The Show committee has started work on the show sched- uled for November and to date the costumes have been design- ed by Lucy Rickard and the out- line of the show prepared by Gloria Sanford. The show will be called “375th Avenue Speak Easy” and the theme is the 1920‘s. Richmond Hill Town Council agreed last week to h‘ane _Works Commissioner Otto Whalen or Clerk Russell Lynett prepare a site plan agreement incorporat- ing all municipal requirements to‘ permit the establishment of an auto body repair shop in an existing building on Centre Street East. Planning board has consider- ed an application from the North End Auto Body to amend Zoning Bylaw 1000 to permit an auto body repair shop in an in- dustrial zone. The board re- commended to council that con- sideration be given to amending the bylaw to permit this use of the building subject to the ex- ecution of a site plan agree- ment. North End Auto Body On Centre St. East STOUFFVILLE: The possibility, of turning the downtown busi- ness section of Stouffville into ' one large shopping mall hasI been suggested by members of, Stouffville Planning Board. The ' recommendation was made byr Reg MacKay March 12 during a lengthy discussion of amend? ments to the village Oificial Holidaying‘ during the Easter holidays? Enter- taining guests from out of town? These and other news items make “Life in the Hill" columns interest- ing‘ reading for you. your friends and neighbors. The service is free, but items must be in the office by 10 am Tuesday for pub- lication in the current is- sue. Please note change of time. You may submit your news items in writing or by phoning the Social Edi- tor Margot Crack at 884- 1105-6. Judge James Butler spoke on “The Question of the Ages" at the last of the Sunday even- ing Lenten services held in the Presbyterian Church. The question on which he based his sermon was “What Manner of Man Is This?" Assisting in the service were John Taylor of London as guest organist and Jack HoldSWorth of Toronto as soloist. He sang “The Holy City” and “The Stranger of Galilee." I JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL F F Please Phone Ahead for Prompt Take-Out Service 0 884-8911 ' A“‘l““‘“““““““““ FAS! CCURATE PRiSCRIPTION SERVICE Wm“ RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-688] Rev. John Moffat heard Celeste Alice Chapman and Peter Dickson Miller exchange marriage vows in Ashbury and West United Church, Toronto. September 6. The bride is the daughter of Mr Toronto and the groom is the son of Mr Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller are now living in Ridgeway where Mr. Miller is chief accountant with the Royal Bank of Canada branch. HI -.I a .“1 M1 “INHEWW‘ . M, n“ I I “M ii Winn] . '- ‘1m?,arrm1111uznzmumnmmltum THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hifl, Ontario, Thursday, March r; A8W Drive - In Restaurant the good food is Are living In Ridgeway gunman: m mums MR. AND MRS. PETER MILLER RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YONGE ST. " APRIL 11, 1970 - 7.30 P.M. Guest of Honor â€" William Bunker é 20 years as Leader of Cubs & Scouts MWV VMW\ WA.AJVVW~\M,\.A « NOWâ€" you can buy direct from the largest and best-known manufacturer 0 Highest QUALITY 0 All cabinets and vanities READY TO INSTALL 0 Completely FINISHED 0 Your choice of countertop COLOURS 0 All SIZES Visit our large showroom right at our factory. bringing with you the wall length measurements, including the locations for sink, windows and doors. Then let us share our 15 years of experience in planning your new kitchen with vou. will” KITCHENS 58 GREEN LANE. THORNHILL. ONT. A AND BATHROOM VANITIES “The Taming ofThe Shrew April 3, 4, 10 & 11 NOWâ€"y Bayview Secondary School A saucy, rollicking, MODERN version of Shakespeare’s hilarious comedy Father and Son BANQUET FISH&CH|PS Easter Special Good Friday-March 27 Includes: 2 pieces of fish, golden French fries, cole slaw and lemon wedge. ¢ Reg. 85c From our new ADMISSION 75c and Mrs and Mrs presents Harold Chapman of S. Dickson Miller of RETAIL DIVISION 8 - 9 pm. “yr/“66.

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