8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple IThe Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitaze Holy Communion The Rector's Easter Message Wednesdéy 10 am. â€" Holy Communion (Prayer Circlé follows every 2nd and 4th week) Maundy Thursday 1.30 pm. â€" A.C.W. Devotional Service - Chapel 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Holy Communion . Good Friday 10.30 am. â€"- Devotional Service 12 - 3 pm. â€" The 3 Hours (Thornhiu United Church) Baby Nursery SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 9.45 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour HOLY TR’N'TY CHURCH 11 am. â€" Morning Worship THORNHILL Speaker: Mr. Jack Scott m'OOke and Jane Stree“ Subject: “Why I Believe In The Rec“? Resurrection" Rev. Canon H. R. Howden, BA. prayer Meeting Thursday, 8 pm, L-Th- ‘96 Keele Street South. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMTuplan to come to this New organ!“ and Choir Director Church where you will hear the SUNDAY- MARCH 29. 1970 Old Fashioned Gospel. EASTER SUNDAY For Further Information 889- 6.30 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 2025. a-jnw 8-30‘ 3m» 10-30 3~m- “We Preach Christ Crucified" Easter Day 8 am â€"â€" Holy Communlon 10.80 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Baby Nursery THE CHURCH OF ST. ANGLICA GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Mackay Drl‘ Bayvlew at Crosby Mr. Robert Richmond Hill SUNDAY. M Rev. David N. Sproule EAST? 884-4238 11 am. â€" Ch: Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbertcglebram, Rev Newton-Smith FRIDAY. MARCH 27, 1970 B Good Friday 10.30 â€" Morning Prayer and‘ MAPLE BAP Ante Communion Lower Au SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 Mam p“ MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: D. S. David‘son 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Nursery Facilities for both Services RESERVED SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAE! lilwl TECHNICOLOR°~PANAWSION°W$W Canada's Ingest Tax l 100K R 1’0, BLOCK! It's on its way '. . . mam mublefne, guaranteed . . . and it didn‘t take mo TEN MINUTES! Saved myself some many on doducï¬ons, too! Why not do your tax Ikeld‘d...TAKElI'TO BLOCK TODAY! Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5 80A YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL ACADEMYAWARD WINNER! BEST ACTRESS! g, BARBRA STREISAND STARTS FRIDAY, MAR. 27 ME TAX O.K. I) ’ ' ' ON MY 1; . mumï¬'wm RAY smx -â€" OPEN TONIGHT - .v/ {grammars w annual"; m We guarantee accurate preparation of every tax reiurn. If we make any 5mm than (as! you any penalty or intern}, we will pay theipenally or interest. SIRE ANGLICAN ALLIANCE Producï¬cn COLUMBIA HCTURESadRASTAB PRODUCTIONS present BARB RA OMAR TELEPHONE 884-4746 No Appointment Necessary tEKHn. SAND keg SHARiF Service with over 4000 ofï¬ce: in North America COMPLETE RETURNS _ Wedneéday 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Study Supervised Nursery at All Sun- day Services. THORNHILL fastor 3842527647 v Bay BAPTIST CHURCH Good Friday Stop 17' Yonge Street 10 am. â€" The Service with (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Holy Communion 7‘30 Rev.Minton Johnston. D.D.Mtn. SI'JNDAYy MARCH 29. 1970 Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving EASTER DAY 8 p SUNDAY' MARCH 29' 1970 9.30 am. -- Sunday Church Pra: 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School. S°h°°1 11:00 am. â€"â€" The Service are With Holy Comrhunion 8_84- Nursery care is provided duringitlon The Service \Evei anEIJT (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street, Thornhill Pastor Tom Cowan MA. BD. 9.50 a.m. :â€" Bible School 1] am. â€" Pastor Cowan 7 pm. â€"â€" Pastor Cowan ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector: Rev. David McGuire Asst. Rev. Fred Jackson MAUNDY THURSDAY 8 pm Holy Communion Good Friday 10.30 Family Service EASTER SUNDAY SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1970 8. 9. 10.30 am and 7 pm Holy Communion SermOns By Rector MAPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Lower Auditorium of Mapié Public Library 7 ‘ Merino Road South of Maple Road, Wést off Keele Street> Wednesday 10 Holy Communion EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Richvnle Mr. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 EASTER DAY 11 am. â€" Choral Eucharist LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH ODEON 884-6221 BAPTIST M Patter-son ads] KIDS'MATINEE,I p.m. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Out. and ST. PAUL’S, 7th Con. Vaughan, Rev. B. F. Andrew Minister Re Miss Loris Adamson, Organist 5 f EASTER SUNDAY 9;; 10 am. â€" St. Andrew‘s Church'u land Sunday School ’ 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul’s Church‘n and Sunday School I “Stop, Look And Laugh" Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill. Ontario Arnold D. Welgel, B.A., B.D., 1 Pastor . Phone 889-0873 ' SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1970 9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church School â€" Grades 3 - 8. 11 am. â€"- Sunday Church School Nursery â€" Grade 2 11 a.m. â€"â€" Sern’ce of Worship Infant Nursery Provided FRIDAY & SUNDAY 1:30 - 4:15 - 7:00 - 9:45 SATURDAY 6:30 - 9:15 MON. - THUR. 7:00 - 9:45 For SUNDAY 9.45 am. "Clown And The Kids" The Service VJEvéryone Welc'ome To Our New Visitors are warme welcomedl‘Church With a New Ministry Bring The Whole Family! ALL SEATS 50c Bayview Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee Pastor 884-5264 Good Friday 10 am. â€" The Service with PRESBYTERIAN Church 884-8038 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church School for All Ages 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome Resurrection". Easter Music Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayér Meeting An Old Fashioned Country Churéh 0n the Edge of the City SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 10 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning service “He Is Not Here For He Has Risen": Easier Music. 7 pm. â€" Z‘That I May Know Him and The Power of His Resurrection". Easter Music ST. Joï¬N's ï¬Kï¬i’sr CHURCH 2ND BIG HIT THE THREE STOOGES RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A FclloWship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) 1Pastor. Rev. A. B. Arnot, D.D. 884-3091 SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 1 Nursery supervisi n 1 EASTER THANKSGI 'ING SERVICES 11 am. â€"â€" Special Thankofferâ€" ing Easter Service 7 pm. â€"- Subject: Talking About the Resurrection Special Music At Both Services Thanksgiving Social Friday. April 3. Commencing with Fam- ily Supper at 6.30 pm. All Welcome WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer, Resurrection, Rapture and Revelation ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer ’or Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 REGULAR PRICES 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. 5; Que.) Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence B.A.. B.D., Pastor ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (The CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN SHOW TIMES: n. -â€" Sunday Church School â€" Our Service to God ‘ Friendly Church) (In Color) 832-2528 MARCH 29. 1970 11 am. â€" Easter Service For The Family Note: Church Schobl is With- drawn. THORNHILL UNITED NOT A DENOMINATION CHURCH A CHURCH OF THE NEW Interim Moderator TESTAMENT ORDER Rev. Arthur Organ BA,,BD. DD. A CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 Concord Road and King High 9:30 â€"- Church School, Drive 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship A. E. Atkinson Nursery Minister. 889-3364 For further Information, call D. Lowery. Sec. 884-4880 889-2131 CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES MAPLE I UN TED CHURCH 5 am. â€" Bible School Keele Street South. Maple 9-4 Minister 11 am. â€"â€"~ Morning Service Rev. Norman H. Booger! 7 p'.m- “' WOrShlp and Com" Director of Music V mumon' Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.C.T. Wedges“, Good Friday 7.30 pm. -â€" Bible Studv 11 am. â€" Joint Service at St. CALVARY CHURCH Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Richmond Hill) 7.30 pm. â€" Special Good Fri-'94 Hunt Avenue. Richmond Hill day Service tTenebrael SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES EASTER SUNDAY 10.30 am. â€"â€" Family Easter 9-1015 a.m. â€" Easter Breakffst Service. “Come As a Family“ 11 -.._ r1 . Wednesdiy 8 pm. â€" Bible Study and Prayer Service "A Warm Welcome Awaits You For Bus Transportation from Preston Lake and Lake Wilcox, Phone 887- 5846 or 887-5303. 11 am. â€"â€" Easter Service and Dedication of Babies 7.30 pm â€" Evening Service GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. H. S. Hallman, Minister‘ " 887-5846 Thursday,‘1.30 and 7 pm. 80th Annual Convention of the Tovmship of Whitchurch S. School Assoc.. Place Lemon- ville United Church. Friday. 1030 am Good Friday Service in Charge of Youth Fellowship. Friday, 8 pm. Emmanuel Bible College Choir presents Easter Music in Stduffville Secondary School. SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1970 9.50 am. -â€" Bible School Wijh Classes for all Ages SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 9.50 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour Special Speaker; - Miss Edith Blowing 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Special Music and Celebration of the Lord‘s Supper 7 pm. â€" Evening Fellowship Held in basement hall of the Bayview Restaurant.» "Yet A Little While†Tuesday 7.30 pm. â€" Youth Fellowship Wednesday 8 rim. â€"- Midweek Service of PrayerIand Bible Study Evening Activities are in members} homes. Call 884-6136 for further informé-l RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Pastor. Rev. Andrew P. Jones 884-6136 Friday. 8 pm. â€" Sacred Con- cert by Emmanuel Bible Col- lege at Stoufiville High School Saturday. 3:30 pm. â€" Bible Club Ages 5 - 8 8 pm‘ â€" Easter Film 'fDay of Triumph" in color at Bayview Secondary School.{ The Missionary Church PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Miss Joan Weir Organist and Choir Director : SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1970 9.45 am. â€"- Church School. 6 ‘years and up. 11 am. â€"-â€" Juniors, 5 years and junder 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Thursday â€" Junior Choir Prac- tice 6.30 pm, Senior 8 pm. Good Friday. March 2'! 8 a.m. â€" Good Friday Break-’ fast, sponsored by YPS. Tick- ets available, Phone 884-1678. 10 em. â€"â€" Good Friday Service RICHMOND HILL 1 Saturday. April 4 Films on Spain and Portugal by Rev. William Wallacé Nursery Services Provided THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street Thornhill. Ontario Highway No. 7B The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evlns, DJ) > Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 9.30 am. - 11 am. 8: 7 p.m. Services of Worship 889-5391 Continuous Good Friday from 1.30 Continuous Mon. - Fri. from 7 p.m. - Sat. & Towne and Countrye 222-1196 NOW PLAYING Yonge St. North at Steeles Ave. UNITED {HUI PRESENTS :0 :- i I"? 1;. ’92 H cassmv 6ND THE SUN $55 3&5 n DANCE KID CINEMA I - HELD OVER Notmatitmana's. Mumman CINEMA II - HELD OVER BEN HUR CINEMAS PAMAVISIOMo GOlOR BY N 1?. A. Sorensen, R. W. Cruickshank 7 pm. â€" Evening Pastors NOT A DENOMINATION A CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ORDER A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 D. Lowéry. Sec. 884-4880 CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€" Bible School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service and Up SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1970 11 am. â€"- Mr. Alan Burrows 7 pm. â€" Mr. Alan Burrows 24 Oak Avenue, Richvale 9.30 am. â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. -â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Monday Dorcas Club 7 pm. â€" Boys‘ Club, Ages 12 Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Service of Prayer Thursday Ladies Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€"- Young Peoples RICHVALE cusps? CHAPEL (Clarke and Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1970 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Family Service, Mr. Howard Hunt '7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Greetings From Miss Jill Watts, Singapore 7.30 DONCASTER ’BIBEETSI’IAPEL Pastor, F. C. J. PEARSE 222-2200 Saturday 9.30 am. Sabbath School 11. am. Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting 7.30 pm. -â€" Prayer Hour Wednesday Boys and Girls 6-14 Christian Youth Crusades Special Music Freeman Quartet 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Tuesday 7.30 p.m. -â€" Bible Study and 7 am. â€" Sunrise Service 8 am. -â€" Fellowship Breakfast 11 am. â€" Easter Sunday Wor- ship Service 10 am RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Eagle! Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer. B.A.. B.D. 884-6629 Easter Services March 27 - 29 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1970 Half of the factors thnt intel- 11 am. -â€" Worship Service lectually stimulate a child are Rev. Lors Carlson. Communionl‘t‘hose that are introduced in the (Infant Care) first four years. said Miss Call- Church School wood. The normal 'ohild she 9.30 am. â€" Ages 6-14 called "Johnny". ‘ 11 am. -â€"â€" Ages 3-5 In contrast she talked about Wednesday, 4 pm. Ages 6-8“‘Charlie" â€"â€" battered. unloved CARRvï¬mancn‘and scared. Never played with. ‘ Minister [he learned early to shut off Rev. Harold w. Kemp BA. Bnunoise and pain, committing a Organist: Miss Doris Mitchenlfglm‘hf’f fluid“. in Cutting 0“ Choir Director: It 9 GOd 1“ hlm' ‘ Minister Rev. Harold W. Kemp BA. BI). Organist: Miss Doris Mitchell Choir Director: Mrs. Irene BOWes Communion 11 am. â€" The Worship S'ervicé Sermon: "Those Precious Bones" RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Rev. Allen E. Hallett 889-9126 _ Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1970 Sunday Church School with- drawn for this Sunday only. MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.30 pm‘ â€" Re-enactment of the Passover and Holy Com- munion. ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue 884-3606 Other Denominations Iommunion SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1970 80 Elgin Mills Road West RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Wednesday m. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study EASTER DAY Sat. & Sun. 1.30 Service of Holy Worship Service Meditation and Service Iona 11]†a Jucluuvl u; ulw uu.cu..° vv... :RVICEs'mittee which has been working Easter {Or more than a year planning I . Family†for the opening of a family set- cycle on August 28, knowmg 1t » ‘ vices centre. “'35 $01911 August. 14 in Scar- vme A slate of officers and board boro- EVlden?e Involved We of directors “'35 approved by motorcycle accidents “fl-tn 33+8963 thé meeting, and it was an. as driver: In _both meldénts g !nounced that a centre to serve the mathnes disappeared be- ‘the Thomhiuaichmond H111 fore police mvestlgations were iarea. from Steeles Avenue tolcomplem- ' S [Oak Ridges. and from Don Millsl TWO membEI‘S of the Ontario ‘Road to Highway 400. will opeanT3\’ciinci:1 tifggce aha? ES 1 . “L,- _L_.‘An_ a“ u._ _L_I-_ The Crown alleges that Kelly possessed a 1967 BSA motor- 3on a part time basis in April. Golden Rule‘." Miss Callwood was thanked by Rev. Robert Smith of Rich- mond Hill United Church. chairman of the meeting, and a member of the steering com- mittee which has been working {Or more than a year planning for the opening of a family ser- vices centre. In conclusion. Miss Callwood said, “If we knew there were 20 kids at "the bottom of a mine shaft. no oné would say, ‘Are they clean? Are they educat- ed? Do they havé long hair? Do they wear beads?’ We would just get them out. “We have 100.000 kids at thé bot-tomof that mine in the Met- ro area. and we have to get them out.‘ It is called ‘The Golden Rule‘." auuuuuunmmnummmmnmunu“\mum!\umumnmuuum “I thought that we had got away from all that â€" from the idea that to hurt people will im- prove their character. In 1890 an eight-year-old was imprison- ed dn Canada ‘to improve his character . She commented on a report that York County Board of Ed- ucation is considering experi- menting with an "authoritarian" type of school. But today. she said. everyone is scared. "We are all coming apart. Family service is Only the beginning. We have grit to have Ihostels for the homeless kids, more day care centres, more humane school systems â€" at least up to the age of 11. There are a lot of kids who have never known an adult who liked him. who loved him.†Johnny may have‘long hair. even try drugs. but it is utterly insignificant. He tries it to show his daring, “to freak out†his parents, to be. different. Eighty percent of the "John- ny’s" who try drugs do it once or twice, and they never do it again. But Charlie will not be helped. He is broken-hearted. Miss Callwood reminded"the audience of adults that during the depression everyone was hungry and it did not matter, because that was the way it was. During the war everybody knew what was black and what was white. who were the good guys and who were the bad guys. “We know that if we have a house. we have it made, even if we have an unhappy marriage." THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 1 - . ' g . iProbIemsStartAtBlrth Dismisses Fatal Crash Charges Or hhey can go passive. men- tally ill. become drug users and get into trouble too. They are arrested on drug charges. be- come unmarried mothers. They may be shunted from fosterr homé to foster home. and to greater despair. and all along the way they are confronted with people who ask “Why aren‘t you doing better?" (Continued from Page 1) 11 and now. at 16 she is an ‘unmarried mother and a pros- Ititute. The boy she is living 5with beats her, too. i Anyone can become a par- ent. said Miss Callwood. “This girl will take her baby back to the rooming house and -she will batter it. Every year, 100,000 alcoholics take babies home and do sweet things with them. The children are tortur- ed. made perverts. driven in- sane. These are the kids in Digger House. There are children in the Metro and surrounding area who have never eaten salad. said Miss Callwood. They will react in one way or another â€" they will be angry and rebeld lious â€" about 80 percent of the people now in jail come from this type of environment. â€" the teacher, the principai the YMCA. “If you are a C-harlie. you are a pants presser at six years old." But nobody likes Charlie. He included Mr. Baker, Reid Field-16d by Vaughan Police. It was is a :‘Blue‘bird‘; sitting on "that ing of Toronto who was drivingiat the Jane Street residence of side" of the classroom, andibehind Mr. Baker. investigating Marvm King. about 1/4 mile manoeuvred into an opportunity Vaughan Township Police Con- from the collision with a motOr cLass. stable David Brooks. and vehicle Sat 8 pm August 28 on “If you are a Charlie. you are Vaughan Township Roads De- §hemfood Ro‘ad east of Jane When Johnny and Charlie start to school. the speaker con- tinued, everyone likes Johnny “This is how people learn. Middle class mothers play gam- es with their babies. For some reason ‘peek‘ is very important. It stimulates the intelligence." "A baby should go home to two people who are glad he was born. He needs to be loved by two people who will give him confidence and motivation." In -a study of the intellectual stimulation of babies, it has been shown that a normal heal- thy baby shows interest at one month. A group of 18 students and four teachers from schools in the Bolton area caught “The Northland†at Richmond Hill CNR station last Saturday night to trav- el to White Whale River on Hudson‘s Bay. The young people will spend their winter break with the Indians and Eski- mos of this northern com- munity and will be arriv- ing back at 6.55 am Easter Sunday after what should prove to be a most inter- esting educational experi- ence. Off To Visit White Whale Mills Two members of the Ontario open Provincial Police auto theft i1. ,squad testified about serial number changes on the stolen “WW machine and the police use of etching chemicals to bring out the original number from the depth of the metal. OPP Corp- oral John Barman remarked MS that the theft squad had con- Jm siderable experience in the last was while “1th stolen motorcycles at and changed serial numbers. HVGL' lair? 'ould ! Kelly pleaded not guilty and ‘was committed for trial by judge and jury. after a prelim- inary hearing before Judge Pearse March 16. Kelly's bail; was doubled to $1.000. Two narcotics Act and one Food and Drug Act charge against Kelly were arjourned. ‘: the Met- get ‘The nkofl Police said Kelly told them the motorcycles he rode in the accidents belonged to _John Wayne Bastelle of 67 Queen Street, WindSor. Constable By- ron Crichton of Windsor testi- fied there was no such address in Windsor and no such person lwas known to the Windsor Post gOfï¬ce. employment ofï¬ce. credit ’bureau or major employers there. Crown Attorney John Kerr said the evidence would lead boro. Evidence involved twoj motorcycle accidents with Kelly! as driver. In both incidénts the machines disappeared be- fore police investigations were‘ Defence Attorney Alfred Stong had witnesses excluded from the court, except during their time of giving testimony. v...“ cc. rug - 'Penn Avenue. Newmarket. was convicted of impaired driving, had his driver's license suspend- ied six months, and was fined $100 with costs of $9.80. Evidence showed he had a breathalyzer reading of 1.8 more than two hours after an 11.42 pm accident on Islington Avenue north of the Boyd Park entrance. He went to sleep and his car demolished that of Les- lie Wilcox of RR 1. Woodbridge. Campbell‘s car was later struck "by another car. They were charged under the Lands and Forests Act with carrying a loaded firearm at night in Vaughan Township in. a game area. The offence took ‘place January 17 at 8.47 pm in the Duï¬erin Street and Lang-l staff area. They were caught, by Vaughan Township Police. ‘ Michele Cola‘brese pleaded| not guilty. Saying he lost a dog in the area a week before andi Ia Liberal paper route. “cm IJ mistake. “You can take liquor home from the store. but you can‘t stop at a friend‘s place on the way and drink some of it," said Judge Pearse. BOYS AND (EELS Make regular docket money on ‘ Estab- lished route may be avoilable in your area. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Circulation. 884-1105. u...u.vu.u5 uu-uo u OMNI OB†Snends A Busv Wool! of 235 Baythorn Drive, Apart- ment 404. Thomhill. The Crown attempted to add theft to the charge. but postponed this move when it appeared it Would cause a delay in holding the preliminary hearing. This new case involves a‘ charge of stolen motorcycle pos- session against a former Rich- mond Hill youth. Wayne Kelly Another Vaughan Police court case last week revealed details of a November 24 police raid on the Concession 6 farm resi- dence of Frank King. Five stolen motorcycles. 150 pounds of dynamite and two homemade bombs were found in a chicken coop. Recently a bomb possession charge against a jail inmate was dropped when witnesses could not be produced by the Crown. Campbell was arrested by Vaughan Township Police Con- stable William Hill. who testi- fied as to Campbell‘s impaired condition. Accident victim Wil- cox. a driver since 1923, said Campbell‘s condition was “that bad he didn't know what side of the road‘he was on", after the accident. Richmond Hill Police Con- stable Douglas Strong, a breath- alyzer expert, said Campbell's blood alcohol c‘ontent was the equivalent of 14 ounces of ii- quor or 10 pints of beer. Charles Campbell. 23. of 370 'Penn Avenue, Newmarket. was convicted of impaired driving, had his driver's license suspend- ed six months, and was fined $100 with costs of $9.80. Another Vaughan Township accident. this one February 6. resulted in a trial March 19 in Richmond Hill Provincial Court. partment Foreman Frederick Street Shaw who gave evidence about W'he the times Bathurst Street was make sanded November 30. mottm Judge Pearse said the court heard a reasonable explanation for the accident. and that he thought Mr. Pratt's explanation should be followed. Mr. Pratt told the court he was travelling at 25 to 30 mph in snow that covered, both the centre line and edge of the pavement. The right front tire of his car went over the edge of the pavement and became caught there. When he did get the wheel to jerk onto the pave- ment. he had pulled too hard and the cal. swung over andiand last known to be owned by Murray Robertson of 59 Carr- went out of control. He ended up sliding crosswise into the Baker car on the other side of the road. Other witnesses at the trial included Mr. Baker, Reid Field- ing of Toronto who was drivinl‘z 'was Stolen and Mrs. Agnes-Gil: Iespie of the motor vehicle Lic- ense bureau. ‘ The bogus serial number on the stolen motorcycle was the same as that on a machine once oWned by a Mr. Henderson. sold to a James Waring of Scarboro, then sold to a Carl Bridges of Yongeview Avenue. Langstaff ville Road, Richvale, the court was told. After Kelly's second accident the maehine he rode was locat- ed by Vaughan Police. It was at the Jam;- Street rpeirlnmsn n: In the accident Mr. Pratt and a girl companion were injured, as well as Mr. Baker and anoth- er Baker child. The charges grew out of thei Testifying at the hearing fatal 4.35 pm November 30 ac- were Richmond Hill Police Conâ€" cident at Bathui‘st Street north’sta'ble Douglas Strong. Vaugh- of Mill Street in Vaughan‘an Township Police Detectives Township. In that accident 23-1Robe1‘t Smallbone, Arnold Lead- monuh-old Betty Baker died. er and John Sunonis. Windsor She was a daughter of Mr. and Police Constable Crichton. OPP Mrs. Paul Baker of RR 2, Detective‘Sergeant Ronald Ro- Maple‘ ‘ Ilosoil. OPP Corporal Bannan, In the accident Mr. Pratt and owner of the stolen motorcycle 3 girl companion were injured, Paul Panza of Scarboro, his as well as Mr. Baker and anoth- brotherâ€"in-law Larry Sum!“ 50 stated Provincial Judge Russell Pearse March 19 in Richmond Hill court as he dis- missed charges of dangerous driving and careless driving against James Pratt of 60 Lave- rock Avenue. a grade 11 stu- dent at Richmond Hill High School. “I know it's a tragedy to see a family lose a child. But somé- thing happened to cause Lhis driver to lose control. This could happen to anybody." 2 Bombs, Stolen Motorcycles, Drugs | All this week OMNI OBLI ‘ls operating a drop-in centre at 1 Centre Street East for all lvisiting ‘hockey players and lo- ?cal teens, a major undertaking. Cokes and donuts are availaole ‘at all times. This program is being steered by Kathy Wynne. John O’Rourke and Rhoda Snary. Saturday. April 11 OMNI OBLI and Club Double 0-2 will attempt to bring together buggy teams from all the youth groups in the Hill for a buggy race. The proceeds will go to the newly announced family coun- selling service. Teams interâ€" ested in entering this four-hour endurance test can obtain more information frOm Double 0-2 members Joe Fleming or aro- lyn Andrews. Dance 'r OMNI Hall. This is just anoth- er of thé twice monthly hap- penings planned and executed by OMNI OBLI and Club Double 0-2. Club Double 02 takes on the task of providing the labor to hold the April 11 dance at Tuesday night “The Sheâ€. a great local group who have made it big in music circles to the south held forth at the hockey dance. Car Rally Time Neal Harvey has prepared another of those weird wonder- ful afternoons in the country trying to find your way back to OMNI Hall. This rally is slat- ed for April 5 and is open to all car jockeys in the Hill area. Buggython Judge Pearsé March 19 con- fiscated a doublé-barrelled shot- gun. fined two Toronto men 550 éach. a d warned them their car could also be confis- cated. When policé went back to make a further check on the motorcyclé. King told them it had been taken away by per- isons whose full name and add- ress he did not know, the court was told. who had the machiï¬Ã© wrh'eEG‘iE was Stolen and Mrs. Agnes Gil- lespie of the motor vehicle Lic- ense bureau. OMNI OBLI Spends A Busy Week Plans Future Community Service one to believe that the Windsor identity given police was ficti- tious and that the ï¬cticious man's license plates were used on both the machines ridden by Kelly. Kelly was convicted on three charges after the first accident. even though nothing but one small - piece of his machine could be found after the 10.30 o‘clock May 3 accident opposite 87 Viaughan Rohd, the court was told. JACKPOT $500 IN BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL No admission - Freewill offering will be taken Sponsored by Beverley Acres Missionary Church Earlybirds 7.30 MARCH 24th â€" 20 Regular Games 320 1 share the wealth â€" l rainbow â€" 1 pie plate ‘ by 20th Céntury Fox in Living Color SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1970 at 8:00 pm. DAY OF TRIUMPH EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) SEE THE EASTER FILM Lal‘l'y Siurgis t 28 on The charge involved a $75 of Janecheque passed at Victoria And lGrey Trust Company. Restitu- back toltion was made. the court was on the mend Hill court Mardh 19. them itltold. nfis- One ran afoul of the law be- cause he unknowingly made a ' thé mistake. “You can take liquor with home from the store. but you 1 at can‘t stop at a frie'nd‘s place on p inethe way and drink somé Of it," tookisaid Judge Pearse. add-" Young men drinking in cars :ourt have been getting caught fre- quently by Vaughan Township ‘Police in recent weeks. The local spring fair held in May will be a bit livelier this year with OMNI OBLI manning one of the displays. Prepara- tion for this weekend of fun and service will be presented April 5 at the OMNI meeting, at 8 pm in OMNI Hall. Spring Fair Time Seven of them paid nearly $200 in costs and fines in Rich- Most of them were also drink- ing under age. Judge Pelai‘se added on 'to his sentence stiff terms of pro- bation for a year. saying this should provide some d'ctei‘rént for others thinking about, this kind of crime. Knox can't drink for a year and must keep the peace. If he fails to do so. he can be brought back to court and fined up to $500 or jailed up to six months. Rocco Buono also pleaded guilty. but Judge Pearse dismis- sed the gun charge when he found out this man neither deâ€" ed the car nor the gun. Paul Knox, 27. of 131 Elgin Mills Road West. Richmond Hlll. March 19 was given a day in jail and a $200 finé for cheque fraud. An additional charge was dropped. was looking for it when stop- ped by police. He said his gun was loaded by another person and left that way without his knowledge. It was wrapped in a blanket behind Colabrese on the rear seat of the car when discovered by police. Car owner Donata Dorazio pleaded guilty. Judge Pearse said the court has been getting too many people from Toronto carrying guns and saying they have per- mission from a farmer to hunt in York County. He pointed out hunters must have a license. as well as a farmer‘s permis- sion to ‘hunt on his land. It was also pointed out that between l2-hour before sunset and 12- hour before sunrise. any gun must be encased as well as un- loaded. It carries another prom- ise too â€" one more and more people are becoming aware of â€" to many ,the daffodil promises “Cancer Can Be Beatenâ€. April is Cancer Cam- paign Month. When you give â€" give generously -â€" you'll be giving hope to thousands. The 1970 quota for Rich- mond Hill Unit, which in- cludes hranrhes in Thorn- hill and Victoria Square is 319.200. To all the bright yellow daffodil bespeaks the prom- ise of spring; the birth of another summer: the re- turn of warmth and the end of winter's gloom. 55 NUMBERS FIGHT CANCER IUD'Dk‘I’ TNI C‘NADIAH CANCII “Cl-TV 26, 1970 a y-laters