Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1970, p. 16

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, 16 ' Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News l‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, 'l‘hursday. March 26. 1971) i Neighborhood Notes pondent was ill on Monday last '~ Klein burg Klarion Unfortunately corres- .\l by .‘Ulll‘ AII'S. .lohn Shaw sans. "With l and Council- | Vaughan Historical Soriet y 1 Your lleartr“ from "Elinh- \ I'd Fred Constable: Felix Mendelssohn. and Mrs. Pl'bhwli‘m 0f “‘0 hmm'y or and hopes all readers missed Lorne Whetstone played the or- Vaughan rllmm'imp “.1” be me 10” HaFOId .flziyhm“ Ernest “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding People and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgelcy and Kleinburg. seeing the column in Print. [tan accompaniment for the solo “‘51 "Jam" 13:01:?" in 1113:;- .‘lij1331:03713110“00“ Maple please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408: in Edgelcy and Concord. Mrs. Carol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. LuCille Shaw. 893-1432. tEW‘n 111011.211 1 have four feet and the hymns. All People 1)I‘T01‘_lnt‘d ~ d‘l's 1'31 5 _P d . 13- lei t C . , of snow on my front and back That On Earth Do Dwell JINOHWI 500013 “huh “my The rL‘gQ'H'Ch committee in. V law ns. spring weather is cer- "God (‘alls llis People Firm To “1901 111 8 1"“ Hum" 31 in the eludes \ll‘; Everett Kellain m .tain to come. The swallows reâ€" Stand". “God of Grace and God Joseph K GibSOll Pllb‘lc 5011001 “1.; Minn;- B.;km.‘ MB. R0; : ._ turned to San Juan. Capistrano of Glory". “The Day Thou Gav- The group plans to publish Barker: and Mrs. Jessee Brvson EV I ‘mm d3" my” may “\\“35‘ “$1401” 1‘ Ellflt‘d”. The 11101110.:[19 collected research or DIV ,. . ' arrive on March 19. St. Joseph's "'l‘ake Courage” \\as interpreted Elmo”. “Gama” “ho died in .1\\‘3L‘(lslllllll‘ .eom enors of a ‘DHN as being lti‘Jt‘llN‘l‘. courage to Dccjmbm.‘ the “EM bowl... 1m. \\ omens Ilnstllute committee Mel and Lorna Clendenan school \\ill sing "Hallelujah" on one of the date for their rum- .\ll\'. Pat Kanturoff. 833-2609. Wendy Shaw, daughter of believe. to love, to act. and In first meeting” of the society to “film ‘5.“de 1,” “liparmg 1"“ :I'ecently returned from ~a PaeificfEaster Sunday. ()n Palm Sunday page sale. .\pril 11 at 1:30 pm. immediately after the school your correspondent. who was go out in service for our fellow 11181011" 101‘ DllbllC'dUO“ HI'E‘ MIN. We would like to take this op-i portunity to wish Mrs. Annie" Wade of Keele Street North. a very Happy Birthday next Mon- day! t t i: it March 16 was a big day forl birthdays in town, especially among the Presbyterians. Miss} Lindsay Creighton had a dis-' appointing birthday, as she was at home sick. but was able latei" in the week to have a few frends in for lunch. It‘s not much fun to be ill on one‘s.’ birthday. . Gordon Cooper had 11 i eighth birthday on the 16th,l celebrating with a family party. and Rev. B. F. Andrew enjoyed his special day, topping it off with birthday cake shared with those who were out at the Bible study at the home of the Alex Sutherlands. t a ll 9; Last Saturday, family of Maple were busy. playing badminton. and came out very well in the competi- ‘tions. Mrs. Freda Bourke with ’ her partner. John Laughlin won the mixed doubles in the North York competitions at Langstaff Secondary School. against In- grid and Deeda Ringler from Brampton. Freda was also run- ner-up in the ladies‘ doubles consolation games. Digby, entered in the Toronto inter-church Badminton league, at Ryerson Institute earned run- ner-up position in the boys‘ sin- gles for under age 14. In these competitions there were 470 entries of teens under 19. We would .say that the family deserve congratulations! t it xx in After sighting our first robin? last week, we can't help vvon- dering if the poor birds are just a bit confused by the blanket of snow that greeted them last weekend. At least their pres- ence proves that spring‘is here, on the calendar at least. the Bourke V “fi'ifil The Voice 01' Concord Neighborhood Notes . Happy birthday greetings to Pat McCauley and Mrs. Bonnie McCauley who celebrated on March 16 and 19 respectively,' and to Mark McNeilly. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lannie McNeillyJ King High Drive who will be two years old March 28. Forty Guides and Brownies attended "Disney on Parade" at: Maple Leaf Gardens March 21 accompanied by leaders Mrs. Molly Kerr-'l‘aylor. Mrs. Cor-I inne Anderson and Mrs. Devinat Pryde. Appreciation is extend- ed to all the mothers who as-‘ sisted the leaders. Shade Tree Conference W..D. Truman (Davel, Jane Street, superintendent of Beech- wood Cemetery was appointed seeretai‘y-treasurer of the Inter- national Shade Tree Conference' f Canada at a recent conven- tion held at Holiday Inn, King- ston. ISTC Inc. started in 1924 celebrate this event with the iii-1 tci'national convention in Mon-“V91.v Jigs and 1'9915 “11°” “Wia most treat this summer. Mr. Trumanerel and hands begin to tap and able was also appointed secretary-1 treasurer of the Ontario Shade llee Council for the Seyonthlwllll Singing and since the ll'lSlItnan“ home economist from thewvin the game. ’numbers were not too popular. Central Region. Ontario Hydra: successive year at a conven- tion held recently in St. Catli- arincs. He is a charter member 1 of this council. is a firm be- liever in its motto and purposes . . . “To support and assist the efforts of all groups concerned with the propagation and pres- ervation of shade trees.” Peggy Truman also attended and was a head table guest at the anual banquet with Mr. Truman. \our correspondent extends to all readers wishes for a Happy and Holy Easter. Please call if you have news of guests.1 entertaining or vacation trips as well as items concerning groups land Caribbean Cruise aboai‘dhhe congregation was given at the "Oriana". Sailing from‘ Vancouver to San Francisco. Los Angeles. and Acapulco. through the Panama Canal, in port at Cristobal. Curacao, Trinâ€" idad, and Barbados. They dis- embarked at St. Thomas. the Virgin Islands for three lovely days at the Hilton Hotel beforct flying home via New York. The Panama Canal was one of the feature attractions of the trip, particularly with Mel‘s interest in engineering, and the holiday as a whole was one which will be long remembered with happy memories. :or 4- * t- Members and friends of theMasonic Lodge enjoyed a bowl-i ing and cards night last week. with bowling first, when June} Wilson took the hiin single women's and Jack Sheppard earned the men's high single. May Roberts took the ladies‘! high triple. and just to keep it in the family, Ken Roberts took the men's. A lucky draw for the even- ing. a hair dryer. was won by the master‘s wife, Mrs. Alice. Darlington. 1 Two chickens, cases of laun- dry soap. a cup and saucer and three flashlights as well as a quaint himself with engineeringdhe Estonian Gymnastics ses- start the planning, “on; holiday seven years old March 19 cele- men. , \ f l _ I . Dirk \ermeei‘ and Miss Merle special treat when the children On April 4. the men and la-‘Bowlinz hl'alt‘d \\1111 H party Sunday at xhehv-ihe . Kleinburg (“(11'1‘. '5.” “NWT” 0 ‘1‘}.erf‘le‘3131lcl-Iambley of lx'leinhul‘fli 311‘s. of the Sunday school sang "Hos-‘dies of the Lions Club are hold- Men's league »â€" Scores \verehe!‘ home Attending were her and mm. loud.le and Many “‘,“‘Cd 1“ he {"‘f “17‘ ‘\ :1 James 'HWIHSO“ 01' Elders 31111: annah", Also at the Palm Sun- '11:: foith at the community hall not available, bill we'll be able‘llitlle- friends. Wendy Bcevor hm: Guidm and Brmnnos mp_,\\ill ratify 1119 fixing (0151 “ Mrs. llai'ry Jackson of Maple day service. Adolf and Dorothy with a pancake festival begin-{to give a full report next vvcek.tDeiiiiis Clef-oox, \ickie Ilerter. rmomcd HHS arm at me Youth tution. lliere \\ill a emad 1;: and MW Charles Amie“. or vonSccfried and son Philip of ning at 10 am and continuing} Ladies‘ league ~ On Mul‘t‘lllS'USle‘l ‘lllllotl. Joan Bliii‘i'ay'..‘\\~m.ld Day of Prayer service Un flood 00111301 Dispel» A. ‘Somh Vaughan The msmute is King City. recently fromhill 6 pin. Bus tours to the sugar 16 Mars took 7 points from Iseith Shaw. Janet Watson andqwld at A“ Saims~ Anglicandhe _.\Ieti'0 Lonselyatwn - U- custodian of vhmedsnmir His_ Guelph, were received as inem- bush have been organiied. i‘unâ€"‘Moon. Saturn took 5 leaving Sun‘sisters Judy and Yvonne ancllchurcn Friday evening when‘lhm‘ml' ‘lOl‘X b00k “'hiCh “35 11300 0x- ‘) hers of Zion Lutheran Church as well as James and Nancy Ar- bucklc and their son Michael who were transferred from Emt manuel Church in Scarboro. iii- ning every half hour with a‘with Earth took 5 leaving‘ nominal charge for the bus. aiicl;.lupifci' with 2 and Venus took a charge of '75c per person for.7 from Pluto. the pancakes and syrup. Syrup. will be available for sale as well are now excellent turnout for tlieieroodhridge with ticket No. .spring Thankoffering ineetingl4305. third winner Eric Adcock points. leaving last Sunday evening when Dr. No. 3454. 4th place winner Don with 2. Mclnncs of Maple ticket No. John Ross was guest speaker. Dr. Ross is Dean of St. An- 2936, and fifth prize winner A. on top with 77 points, Craibe‘sIWidowed. drew's Hall at the University of‘Bordignon of Wodbridge \\‘ith‘following with 63. British Columbia. Dr. Ross has ticket No. 3664. close behind with 61. and Dow-i0 just spent this last winter in the MARC ney‘s with 52. Maple Area Recreation Com-' engineering department of the University of Since tonight (Thursdayl Toronto to ac-mitlee has decided to extend the last evening of mystery box were awarded as prizes. for the euchre games‘ which followed. i Mrs. Edith Luesky, Mrs. Cora Magee. Gertrude Ireland. Mae Kcrsey and Mrs. M. L. Bui‘nlee were winners at euehre. Since this event was so welh attended and turned out to be such a success, hoped that it can become an annual affair: Senior Citizens On March 16, the seniors en. joyed another program of par- ticipation on a St. Patrick‘s Day‘I theme. with the program begin- ning with community singing. Mrs. Ella chfer and her husâ€" band, Roly presented a bit of a puzzle first, with six water glasses in a row. having the ones on each end and the one in the middle filled with water. the object being to remove only one glass and have the three water-filled glasses all together. Everyone was puzzled until Mrs. Keffer picked up a glass from‘ the one end and poured the water into the glass second from the other end. Mrs. Ella Keffer then read a story about St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Gladys Maginn present-t. ed a most interesting contest in-1 volving streets of the city of Toronto. which was fascinating. More singing followed. Mrs; Mary Errington gave a most in-‘3 teresting reading on "My HomeI Town" which was well received' since so many are from the old country as well. Ward Hall gave a medley ofl Iriin songs on his harmonica' which everyone seemed to en-. joy. Mrs. Annie Palmer pre-' sented a contest involving the name “Pat” which was a lot of fun. Mrs. Mildred Noble gave a lovely medley of Irish music on the piano as well as provid- ing the accompaniment for the singing. Mrs. Margaret Jackson gave a cute poem called “How Paddy Stole The Rope". fol- t . _ ‘10“‘3‘1 b-"_ an encore by wal'dfl‘he meeting closed with a soc 311d flow In its 45th year wiullall again on the llal‘annlCii.‘ial hour, The folk seem to enjoy these! clap in time. The program came to an end .a few Scottish songs were in- cluded since President Paul Snider inserted the bit of hum- or that an Irishman is "a trans- planted Scot anyway". and the Scottish songs are really loved. another games afternoon. St. Stephen‘s Anglican Church Services for Good Friday will be held at 11 am. with the Eas- Iter Sunday SCI'QCCS at both 8 ‘am and 11. Zion Lutheran Church A special communion service will be held on Friday at 11 am, and organizations in the com- munity. 6‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllltllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllltllllllllllltlllllllitlllillllllllllllllllllll '3 3 Woodbridge Area Plans Considered For more than a year. Vaughan Township Council and Planning Board have been hearing presentations from developers with hold- ings on the periphery of Woodbridge. On February :1 council passed the following resolution: "Be it resolved that the council of the Township of Vaughan instruct the plan- ning board to immediately prepare secondary plans for the periphery of the Village of Woodbridge, including Blocks 44, 45 and 51." At its March 16 meeting council outlined its reasons for the resolution after hav- ing had an opportunity to study cost-benefit figures on four development plans for the area. The Woodbridge Council has expressed the wish that development on the village's periphery be Village -u and again on Easter Sunday at 11 am. Children of the Sunday planned for the area north of Highway 7. This excludes the Pilgrim Plan which lies south of that highway and since the cost-benefit analy- sis showed a negative result for this plan. council agreed with Woodbridge. The West Woodbridge t.\lilani\ Plan is close to the break~even point in munici- pal finances and it is be- lieved arrangements can be made when the plan is be- ing processed to add further industrial assessment so the plan will produce a financial return to the township. The Beaton Plan shows a negative position in munici- pal financing which is offset by a large initial benefit to both the village and the township. This is a 8300.000 extension to the lslington Avenue trunk sewer which would make the entire Pine (Drove community sewcrable. An added advantage would is. ‘over lvice, with members of both‘ churches taking part in the order of service. at the Pres- The 5.911105 had an aftel'noo.“ Township Hydro was on hand to.two goals for Superior witht 0? b0‘lllng Plannéd v for. “"5 help Miss Candy Weese with‘D avid Nimino week, and next wer W111 130 the drawing of four tickets for‘other one assisted by Ron Ryzek students and their attitudesnsions at the junior school fot" He is leaving this week to fur-.another five weeks. There \villlthe second and [her his studies in England. to1be no session during the weeklteams. The men will have twol better equip himself for dealing of the winter break. bill they with young adults and their prob- will begin again right after the lems. Dr. Ross was particularlytholiday. Should anyone wish to enjoyed as a speaker since he join the group for these last; is well known in our area. com- five weeks, get in touch with‘ ing from Woodbridge where he was minister for several years. For many who attended. it was an excellent opportunity to visit coffee with friends and neighbors not seen during the long winter. Maple United Church The congregation of Maple United will join St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian congregation at 11‘ am for their Good Friday ser-‘ howling banquet will April 16 in the United Church Hall. l l l l l byterian Church. i The evening service. which t‘ we described last week. will be along the lines of the Tenebi‘ae.1 fit with the communion table and * lectern draped in black. and1 with the service conducted as much as possible in darkness, to convey the feeling of desola- tion and the loss of hope exper- ienced by the disciples at the time of the crucifixion. 'OMHA BANTAM: Surf Marine 4 Toronto Panthers Surf 4, DH & A 6 , Bill Edmanson and Paul Hoo- David Clendcnan was the big on sunday mommg- an Eas‘ genboom led the way to victory boom for the winners with a; (er. Sunday bre‘f‘km“ will be.with two goals apiece. Hoogen- three goal splurge followed by enJo-Ved from 9 “11 10 am- Theiboom also picked two assists. Denis Riley with two and Peter; Ricky Brookei‘. PEEWEES r) H 10, at' 2 pin with President Mrs. Pearl Jarrett in the chair and 15 members present. The pro- gram had an Easter theme with readings and recorded music. A film strip of the experiencesi Humbel‘ Valet 1, Arctic 9 Brown Huston 2, Fred Shell 1 Another three_g031 effort by Brown & Huston just pulled vJohn Mariciah With Bob Fenton through in this first game of scoring l‘Vice- Ray MOHdOIa the playdowns thanks to thet and Chris Wood. scored once two-goa1 efforts of John Mac. - v - t . from Bruce Shields Dave Plun-‘Kar assisted b, Gal. B. of the disci le‘ immediatel v' ’ 3 3 ‘3’ 100m. following thep ci‘ucifixion \vai‘gkeu' scan Lawson‘ Ra}, MOHâ€" PEte Mabley and Jlm Moore-1 Shown "’ idola. Rick Bass and Chris Woodlhcag Lone goal for She“ was i\\'llh 1W0 assists, Lone goal for Scored by Randy Afloore assistedi ‘111umber was scored unassisted‘hy Ted Graham and Gary Leon-: The ladies of the UCW held by Fall] ladlouo' ard' t successful and enjoyâ€" Parke” 4' (‘reStw‘md 1 ' . '7. Hydro Sim“. in the“. A two goal effort by \\’altcr‘.ALt\‘llRA: An Almira father of church hall last Wednesdav 9‘; Wells combined with singles by1three is reported still uncons-l enmgl with Mrs. Marion Shveehfiruce West and Brian Wells to cious four weeks after the cat" Assists went to he was driving was involved ink. Allan Rotz. Scot McIntyre. Jeff‘a fatal motor accident at the in-‘ giving a most interesting and Sandford. Bruce West and Brian.tersection of Concession 7, hunwmus demonstration of SeV_‘Wells. two. Colin MummeryiMarkham and the Gormley- 31.31 recipes in the C00kb00ksvscored Crestwood's lone goaIIIStouffville Road. Alex Nicol that were provided for eaeh'from Ed Wilmot. I‘equil‘ed maJ'OI‘ bl'ain Surgeâ€"“I'M member of the audience. Hayâ€" Superior 3. Contractors 2 TWO Other Persons died, one 111' don Higginson of the Vaughan Randy Stewart knocked homelsmntly: brother Jeffrey. Jack Gooderham‘s men took Snerst is an international organ- Ed Box-reu‘slizafion dedicated to the single parent whether This leaves Gooderham's teamlsinglc. divorced. Borrett's‘laetivities for both adults Each chapter plans its own ag-i islenda with the aid of its electedl regular representatives. bowling, the only changes thaHIIOI‘llIWCSt Metro and surroundâ€" might take place would be in ing area interested in joining is third placeasked to call 630-5047. weeks of playoffs and then theiin Canada the Local Association he the of Guides and final feature for the year onjlx’leinburg Guiders played host March 5 to six Nobleton Guid- ters at a pot luck supper at the , home of District Commissioner Mrs. guests were Deputy Area Com- missioner Mrs. Millicent Knight. King City and Division Com-y missioner Mrs. Nora Broad. Oak‘ Ridges. to Brown Owl Mrs. Nancy Arnw old of lst Kleinburg Brownie fPaek. lvited to attend. coming up shortly support your local movement. School News ticipate in the Newmarket Lionsl schools will resume March 31. l prayer for 42 women on a rec- participated. Many couples from the Wood- C} ‘bridge‘ Kleinburg and NaSthllotthe musical group with the sing- Tlie teams. with these sem'es.‘~areas ’ standing with Mars ianrth and \egetablc Growers" attended the Toronto er lie or she separated or There are is andldi hildren and for adults alone."tel Anyone in the To celebrate Diamond Jubilee Brownies and OOOOOOOOOOO 9 Joan Goulding. Special 9...... A gift was presented The Local Assocation of Guides and Brownies will meet O March 31 at 8 pm in Kleinburg United Church and you are in- Cookie Day is please Mackenzie Senior .000... Public School is holding a gymnastics 6 display, French play and fash-‘ ion show to be presented the ev- ening of April 7. Some of the: grade 6 recorder class will par-t Music Festival. Classes in bothl .< .9”. Kleinburg Junior P u bl i c Q School will be the scene where} drivers may take a defensive. ‘Re Bowling Cain, 13 points. lived for May 22 at the Glen socht-‘V Eagle Golf Club and if anyonePYOJCCt' varioustwould care to join the group l’or’ kW WWWWWWW In addition 1" DUbliShmg D'i' lensivelv by Dr. Reaman in his Rcainan‘s history. the societylmsearch' ‘ hopes to promote and stimulatel interest in the history and peo-iâ€"r lple of Vaughan and to supportl \. ’l‘om llarpur spoke. Teresa eroux played her guitar in S. to the membership of Zionfas maple sugar. Come out and first place with 20 points. Venus‘ASSOCialiOn annual Sprint: dallt't‘? 0011.”. “mm.” I“. \m. ,1 19 WNW." “10"“lli‘ms 10 ‘nal‘k.JA.Cl‘50N S pOINl: '1“_° 1”“ Lutheran. ‘fill up on delicious paneakesin second place with 19. Sun the C01. Streight Legiondwsre (Jean Don‘nc ii] Rf”: 186'. important landmarks and docu-teniles. aged and. 9. have been St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian 3and maple syrup, and enjoy this.Earth 15. Pluto l4. Jupiter 12.1.Bloor Street. Toronto on March and we I-em \. \nlt‘l ' inents. fhi‘l‘ged 115, Juvemlc (idlqufmls Church treat which is available for such‘Saturn 12 and Moon 5, Ann‘21. ‘ \ " ‘ “ ' Honorary prosidem is James in connection with nine fires. The congregation of .\laple~.a short time in the spring. \liing took both the hiin single Klt’iHbUI‘Li 811d District Limn him“. 5““"‘”}“‘ 1". (“‘19 3”“ McDonald, administrator 311(11’1““‘d”‘g some m ' e‘p‘ms‘w .United will loin that of St. Ali-i The shamrock draw was held;and the high triple with 287.|1(‘1d a hliU Canvass for the PM” [ngm' 38 mm” Holy“ industrial COlllmiSSiOHCI' Of 1119 “mm” homes hole‘ “woe drew's for Good Friday serviceslreccntly on Lions Night with and 710. Del Palmer still holds Woodbl‘idge Branch of the Redfmvs '3“ 'Jiu'k John”an jgz' township~ 'I‘OI'Olllo-Ohm‘d COUages “'01? at 11 am with members of both‘tickets drawn by District Go\- the high average with 210. ‘CI'OSS Society in Kleinburg/LawIlll‘tlf‘lld Mum“ bin: .26, Prwâ€"Idem ig (-901.36 \‘l‘ider of (“mama 10. the “mm ,Of (‘OHSI‘CSRUOHS Hiking Part in tho‘ernor Gordon Orr. The first. Pioneer league â€"â€" Last 'l‘hurs- March 19 and wish to thank illitfftu . “"1” “,0: “Mfume BC” V“ Ln .k.t “gnarlâ€"v (3f \hPlc 550000 one “mm recently- “‘9 service: {prizewinneiu Mrs. B. Frahm‘day. Pete Craihe's team took Siwho gave support to this worthy ~"~~ (100199, bill-‘11“ 10; 1131'13"\1E~\:‘.'dc".§ desc‘end.“it‘0[ a' NOLlllgSlCl‘S. “1‘”? al‘l’osu‘d the In spite of the stormy \vea-tw'ith ticket No. 1239, second‘points from Orne Dovvney‘s Ol‘flflnilaliml. ‘Bulfm‘jd 1‘1; ham.“ U11“ 1.“ ‘.l' ‘n} my]: lad! [1‘1 T‘mehip‘next morning. charged and re- thei‘. the \VA-W’MS enjoyed an‘place winner Bob Julian of‘team. leaving them with 2. and PWP IParcnts Without Part-lLOIS 5“”(10’501‘ lb! and Bl“ pwm‘e' “Lb” ‘ ‘ Ileased. Ihe same evening pol- Hamil-V mm. '3 "1°1an °r_ th‘c‘ice caught the two back in the penns-Vh’ama G91 “‘3” FO‘HOIefilOOflOO summer home winch The howling banquet is plan-t . . . . “'h‘Ch minath the‘had failed to burn the night be- fore. The juveniles were taken Other officers include Viceâ€".10 Juvenile Hall, Toronto, nner and dance. please eon-lPresidenf Jesse Bryson; Secre-lwliere they will receive psychi- ct Jean Donneral at 893-1203. tary Charles Miller: Treasurer’atric treatment. O... 0......-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOO0...... 0? 1lieu. , PITTSBURGH PAlNlS 75c A QUART orr SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE or CUSTOM-MIXED COLORS AND WHITE This offer good until April 15th, 1970 PLAIN WHITE CEILING TILE 4‘x8’ V-Groove 12"x12” in 5 Latest Colors . P A N E (Reg. 91%) 5 ¢ While They Last 9 7 . While I 0 ¢ EACH I 5 0 They Last While They Last SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS PIKE-FINISHED l l 9"x9" t Nashville Presbyterian Church was a scene of worship and cut Friday afternoon as they ob- served the day in this area. Mrs. William Agar addressed the} women giving her ideas on peace in the future, showing where each of us on this earth may contribute in part towards this goal. WMS President Mrs. Roy Cain conducted the service and women of all denominations KINGSllALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 scoring the} lucky prizes, presented with the‘and Ken Jellison. Robert Can- ‘courtesy of Vaughan Hydro. Mrsldoni scored twice for Contrac- Marion Bowes, Mrs. Ina Yake, tors assisted by Harold Simp- 'Mrs. W. Williamson were luckytson. lwinncrs.’ along with a lovelyl Del Bi‘occo 3. Maple Lions 0 flady. whose name no one seems Another game and another to know. We would be happylsliutout for Art Ella who played ‘to have a call from anyone \vho‘tan excellent game. Jim Lessii lean help us here. lscored twice with Bob Salna I The ladies of the United getting the other one. He was |Church wish to remind every-lassisted by Jim Welkoff and MAPLE be development of a further plans acceptable in prin- water supply to the advant- ciple and intends to join age of both municipalities. with planning board in reâ€" This would be based on a commending these plans to well located in the Boyd the Minister of Municipal Affairs what matters of deâ€" sign and other details are resolved. Councillor Gordon Risk in- formed council he had been informed that Metro Works Department is giving fa\or- Conservation Area. The Vroom Plan repre- sents a partial infilling of residential property which is logical and desirable. Vaugh- an Council feels. and should be implemented as soon as an offsetting industrial asâ€" 31319 QOIJSidOI'aUOn ‘10 the sesshmm is provided m cove,- hOwllsillp 5 request for ad. the an’ative financial return 1110331 59\\€‘l'}3g€‘ Winch." the plan shows in the cost. and us staff is proceeding ( I d ) benefit anah-Sis’ to check out what is avail- al ay _ ' ,. . able. _ “‘35 ‘aughan 1°“??5h‘135 Councillor David Fraser Do come along for a consultation and have a wish that the proceSsing 0f commented that “the real cup of coffee these three plans t\ room. purpose of this exercise is V h .r C'Olor .ust for “you” Beaton and West Wood- to let these people know a new 31 J . bridget continue with the de- velopment of secondary plans while negotiations for additional seweran capacity where we stand. so they can go ahead and develop their plans. if is only fair to say there is nothing wrong with are continued with officials the. dmvclopmcm of these Of 3191”) plans when they have passed Council finds the three planning board," ‘ .54 NORY &P‘V|CTOR 0 La Riviera Coiffure MAPLE PLAZA extend an invitation to an Open House for a FREE HAIR COLORING or CONSULTATION by L’ORlEAL OF PARIS We will be delighted to create FOR APPOINTMENT Tel. 832- 259 Sunday 5017001 “in ,be “'it11'jl0tliei‘ assists went to Donnie‘Harrison with the final ciie.‘.dl‘i\'ing COUYSG. a nation‘WMC O tdl‘a‘m 1° 311°“ the Chum?“ and'Pridham. Brian Coxworthy. JefftDavid Kelton picked up two‘Pl'Ogl‘alll DI'Q‘duced bi'ntlle _Can- O R D C leathers 1° take 1’3“ m “‘9 Shaw played a fine game. lassists. with singles going to flda Safety CounCll» “115 15 an O . family service, which will be.L ' .j > P 1 Denis Rileys Lee Hartley, Clem-eight hour classroom course H H_ , ‘ v . in contrast to the Friday night Hogifa‘:§f‘:fiLE dehan and pat Hudema. stressing techniques that will: PHONE 832-2211 V [\EELE Si) MAPLE service, symbolic of the joy exâ€" “(ORE Reid Warner- did his best intprevent accidents. Dates are . North Of Maple Sidel‘oad 0111\0016 5L Pel‘ienCEd {0110\Ving the NEWS 01‘ - ‘ K a losin cause with three o'oals TlleSdai'S. Apl'il 7 and 14. and Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 p.m. - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm. 1 . . Kinsmen 1 IGA 1 g b - . . “"8 “eSL1".“e““°“- “11" banks of. This \\‘as the first game of a With Steve Borneman gettiltgtThursdayS‘ AP?” 9, am} 15 from onWwoWomot Easter 111165‘10 aid to the beauty‘m0 game total goals final. lone. Assists “em to Gary 8 to 10 pm. Fee 15 So. payablei 0f the Mason _ Dave Twidale scored for 1G A‘Gath with three and Ron Line'the first evening and to enroll“ The Dorcas Unit of the UCW and Greg Munshaw for the‘with one_ ~ ‘Simply call'893-1566. met in the church parlor, MarchKinsmen ° BANTAMS World Day of Prayer Compare your home's present value with the price you paid for it. Chances are that steadily rising costs have turned it into a very profitable investment. How well are you protecting that investment? Your Economical Insurance Agent will be happy to help you estimate replacement C0515 against present insurance coverage. if you're adequately protected. fine. If not. he‘ll show you how Eeonomieal‘s low rates and fair dealingv plus his personal attention~will provide positive protection. 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