Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1970, p. 19

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Mrs. William Treelmrne, Spruce Avenue, was hostess at a family party on Sunday in honor of her father’s 70th birthday held at his home. Al- bert Cartwright was pleased to have his other daughter, Mrs. Leo Butler and three sons, Maynard of Toronto. A1 of Downsview and Ed of Willow- dale present with their families on this happy occasion. Fif- teen grandchildren and one great-grandchild were also in attendance as were Mr. Cart- wright/s sister. Mrs. Fred Smith of Toronto and a broth- er, Edgar Cartwright 0! Rex- dale. The family enjoyed a buffet luncheon and many rem- iniscences during the afternoon. An entertaining evening was spent by the audience at the fashion show held recently by a group of local girls aged 12 to 14 Who have formed a sew- ing club under the direction of their instructor, Mrs. Leona White of Edgar Avenue. Har- riet Gettinger modelled a. brown wool jump suit and a mauve sleeper outfit with a cap to match: Debra Smith looked lovely in her navy blue jumper, and a skirt and vest which she had made also; Har- riet Suter wore a red and gold striped pant suit of wool. as well as two dresses and Judy Sykes made a silver lame pant suit. blouse and slacks. Her younger sister Joanne modelled a pair of bell-bottoms which .ludy had made for her; Sari Levy made a lovely striped pant suit which she wore. The girls have been busily sewing since last September and each girl has made four complete out- iits. Their teacher. Mrs. White. is to be congratulated for giving her free time so willingly to these girls. At the conclusion of the show, the girls served refreshments to their parents and guests. Church News First Langstaff Scout and Cub Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Joan Richard. Avenue Road. March 18 when plans for the father and son banquet Ap- ril 30 were discussed. At the recent hobbv show Cubs of lst Langstaff placed fifth in the point system and the Scouts placed third out of all entries in York Summit District. Cubs of Keego Pack will enter this year's York Summit District Soap Box Derby to be held in Juhe. Best wishes for a speedy Ie- covery go out to Mary Moore, wife of Alf Moore, an employ- ee of Falcon-bridge Nickel Mines. Her many friends hope she will be bet/(er soon and able to return home. April 6 is ladies night at Richvale Lions Hall, Spruce Avenue. and as their guest they will have Lionel Purcell. de- Pumy district governor of Lions International. Many parents and interested persons attended the open house held last week at Charles Howitt School. when work of the students was displayed in each classroom, enabling the Parents to see what their off- spring are doing. The movie to be shown by the auxiliary April 3 at Charles Howitt School is "The Horse In The Grey Flannel Suit". First showing will be from 6:30 to 8:15 pm. the second commences art 8:30 pm and ends at 10:15 pm. Congratulations to Debbie Spires, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Spires, Avenue Road. who won first prize. a $25 scholarship, at the Canadian Accordian Teachers’ Associa- tion contest held March 20, 21 and 22 at the King Edward Ho- tel. Toronto. The mothers' auxiliary to the 2nd and 41th Brownies and Guides will meet April 1 at the ‘home of Mrs. Stanley Sandbacka. Maryvale Crescent. Their annual mother, and daughter banquet will be held in May at Holy Trinity Church. Thorn'hill. Neighborhood Notes and articles may be made by Birthday greetings to Bradley calling 889-1440 or 889-5434. Hogg, Roosevelt Drive. who was Attention all friends of Em- Lhree on Monday. manuel Church, lt's rum- The Good Friday service to be held in Christ The King Lutheran Church is at 11 am. The ecumenical Good Friday service will be held from 12 noon to 3 pm in Thornhill Un- ited Church and the lesson will be read by youth from the various congregations. The next monthly meeting of the ACW of Emmanuel Angli- can will be held April 7. Emmanuel's ACW send the following message out in verse form asking for assistant- ance with their rummage sale to be held in the Lions Hall. Spruce Avenue, April 4 from 11 am to 3 pm. Convenor Mrs. Stanley Hamilton states that pick-up of saleable clothing â€",dry rot has attacked the wooden beams and joists so that the floor sags and plaster is falling off the walls. The foundation and exterior walls are reported to be sound. Temâ€" porary support is needed im- mediately. but Building Inspec- tor Bill France feels cost of a permanent repair would be too high to be practical. The build- ing was erected before 1840, and was used as a watch re- pair shop by John Armstrong. an early settler. THE MARKHAM: Town police are treading on uncertain ground Challenge OF ' ancer Every adult should have a regular physical checkup to guard against cancer. says the Canadian Cancer Society RICHVALE DISTRICT NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE. 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE â€" 889-3808 land articles may be made by] mage sale time, so we askl iâ€"brac. DOLE PINEAPPLE fil‘rlb‘s'bbTTgN swABs‘jf~ " 613 REGULAR OR MINT FAMILY SIZE TUBE CREST TOOTHPASTE 91‘ sort, FIRM on EXTRTFIM {0 oz. TIN LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY 57¢ SLICES (X CHUNKS BRIGHT‘S ORCHARDKING CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL 19 oz. TIN 55¢ ms NARI“ ULTRA BRITE TOOTHPASTE 31.09 sv’s’cM’ ” ’ 180'.in O-TIPS COTTON SWABS GOLDEN AREAS PEACH HALVES 3 [5. BOX ABC DETERGENT HEAVY DUTY 'L'n'dw D DETERGENT 10cOFF BREEZE DETERGENT GIANT nox 89¢ REG, DRY on onLY HALO SHAMPOO FAMILY an. 68‘ only. M FANG? APPLESAUQEAuOZJNHWf SLICED PINEAPPLE AEE'bETERGENT 4%La,aox3l.49 EEAFLG'éANULEs "émaox 82¢ ac .OFF LEE zzsuces 23’6zinr'q 39:9“ RflYAL “0qu We will mhintainfiour low Miracle Discouanrires ovary day and adiusl prices only whnn costs thongs. POTATOES BANANAS NEW BRUNSWICK No.1 GRADE PRJCE PROTECTION POLICY CHIQUITA OR CABANA LB. BAG l0 1103b? For your added shopping convenience, the following Miracle Food Marts open Friday 64 OZ. BTL 15 OZ.TIN 25c 45‘ KING SIZE TUBE 19 OZ.TIN 5m97‘ 69‘ mage sale time, so we ask you to search Odd kitchen ' utensils, old silver or brass, lamps, bric- (SECH'AR'D KINGWAL'IA’N' ALLEN'S CHIVERS Wmmv, ummv STEINBERG FROZEN aééfcnicx’érk? MEAT PIES TURKEY 802-F SWING ORANGE CRYSTALS REALEMON SPAGHETTI 0R MACARONI FRQZENWDINNERS fi'szSk‘éi 55‘ lYNN VALLEY STANDARD PEAS ORCHARD KING FANCY TOMATO JUICE ’PUiéEAPPLE JUICE 480mm 57< new. 5. . m”... _... . “0m. ........ DEL MONTEDRI NK'SW ‘ 48 om 59¢ LEMON JUICE STRAINED BABY FOOD FRENCH'S PEEEXRED MUSTARD 1602.1“ 28: EUREJAMS" ME: 7 902.»: 56° STEINBERG lANCIA SCOTIAN Gow’ififi NIB_LETS CORNV l9¢ :3annger starfcmum on TURKEY __ ERGTA’RD'K’IN’G” ' 12 oz. TIN FANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS PLUM TOMATOES GERaER & HEINZ (mock excepted) 4% OZ. JAR SALAD DRESSING DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE BICK’S BABY DILLS TIDE DETERGENT ALLEN’S FRUIT DRiNK's' "362m 3I< J-CLOTHS WHOLE CARROTS ASST'D PINEAPPLE-DIANE! OI mum: ~GIAPEFIUIT ASST'D COLOURS BRAVO PTAW APPLE JUICE 25¢ OFF SNYDER SMALL SPAGHETTI SAUCE ASST'D ours. ounce oi mimicufiim} BLUE o'fifix FANCY WHOLE KERNEL ROSEBUD BEETS 43 oz. JAli AYLMER CHOICE 3% OZ. ENVELOPE aim: Buys mfiifitiéfihpmfié gammy mm ww-saw Manama twpammfimm ~ ‘ ROYAL ORCHARD MARKET PLACE PKG.OFI2 5 POI 98c SKILL 6Foa79‘ a-brac, china, crystal or glass. The clothes you've outwom and the clothes you've out- grown, are taking up far 25 oz. an. 42‘ 32 02‘ we [69‘ 2mm; ,-7 19 OZ. TIN 140114572“ '33}.â€" PKG. 24‘ 28 oz. TIN 52‘ 28 OZ.TIN 48° 48 OZ.T|N 29‘ KING SIZE BOX 2 ROLL PKG 48 OZ. TIN 14 OZ. TIN 27‘ 41.9 9:5c GREEN GIANT FROZEN WHOLE NESCAF E COFFEE CHI P COOKIES ORANGE JUICE n. ~vu... -w‘ v“ .r‘--- EHXSE & SANBORN no oz.mfl.h9 RED ROSE COFFEE CHEEZ WHIZ PURE ORANGE JUICE 622m: fifiG’rkozsN PURE n - “xv...” Watfié kERNEL ébiifi‘z u. no 59¢ 'sb'iaeéb’A'LE CHOICE ’FROZEN STRAWBERRiES STEINBERG FRESH BAKED HOT CROSS BUNS sows BUY fiETNBERG FRESH SCONE ROLLS BAG'OF 12 MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER 75201.9«3. 2 m GROUND CORN F LAKES FRENCH FRI ES CHEESE SLICES CHEESE SLICES 42¢ ORCHARD KING FROZEN WEBVEGETABLEE" us. no 59¢ McLEAN FROZEN WHOlE OR SLICED MIRACLE FOOD MART‘ WHITE, SLICE WHOLE on 24 oz BREAD 'CRACKEDWHEAT Lo“ APPLE PIE stNb’Etic’iR’éST-f INSTANT COFFEE INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE DARE PEANUT, CHOCOLAYE KELLOGG'S KELLOGG'S SPECIAL K Run cifiwum’riofiis’ KRAFT KIXF’T’FWHKD’EFHIT fiémficifiiéflinififémcson BLUEBERRY MUFFINSPKG. mam. sI INSTANT COFFEE RICE KRISPI ES SOMERDALE CHOICE FROZEN KELLOGG'S A picture, a footstool. Some curtains, a rug. some too much space in your home. Your cellar and attic so often will hold a number of things quite forgotten and old. OR FUDGE “DING.” 10¢ OFF £232.1«N 2 «259‘ "fififiTfiEE 10 01m: 24¢ OFF LABEL IO OZJAR PKG. OF 8 15 oz. sex 58‘ 1701.30): 49‘ 16 01.1»: 75¢ nouox 29° .ISOZJ'UB 44‘ PONY TA". WRAP 3‘ 01 via. 37‘ 2 lB.PKG 2 “JAG 25¢ ILHA649‘ 24¢ OFF [ABEL 12V: cum 69‘ 1 [BA BAG “59‘ sIla-9 .5l.59 sl.55 MARY MILES WIENERS VAC PAC MARY MILES BOLOGNA BY mgfl POLY WRAPPED PA§| FIC HALJBUT BY THE PIECE CAMPBELL‘S SOUP PINK SALMON GOLDEN CHURN CANADA FRST GRADE G'ENéfifiMus CHEERIOS HUNTER SAUSAGE POST SUGAR CR1$PS QUAKER MUFFETS TOMATO POPULAR BRANDS CTN. OF 200 KING SIZE 3456 CIGARETTES VANCOUVER 15 01. sex CAPTAIN's‘FATmYEIGm MEAT VALIANT BEEF OR IRISH STEW éfifiéffir's POTATO CHIPS 67¢ WHITE 0R RAINBOW 'P'our WRAPPED SIENA PEPPERONI SCHNEIDER'S SIENA BUTTER POST ALPHABITS 15% 02'. sex FLAKED TUNA fiEAsrLE Asfi'rfAVo’UR's’wOMIN SOFT DRINKS CASEOF2A-Sl.67 ll OZ. BAG GUEST NAPKINS THURINGER SAUSAGE 13 oz. 30x STEINBERG FOIL WRAP SIENA PROSCUITELLA GENOA SALAMI PURITAN ASST'D VARIETIES DEI 12" X25' ROll books you have tired of, an old pewter mug. Just contact our pick-up crew, ask them to call, you‘ll find them most willing â€" no trouble at all. We'll turn all your rummage to much needed cash we- 're trying all previous rec- Available at mouMiracle Food Mon More: GVBFVCIBVIIOW‘ED a“ 3025‘ PKGOF 250 59¢ 14 oz. PKG. 49‘ L, 99 99 24 oz. TIN 47c 6 OZ. TIN :6. 99‘ IO Ol.TIN ‘ Put aliyour. » savings in one basket. ‘lll REG. SIZE MIR/lfllE F000 MART 78‘ ords to smash. So. won‘t you start search- .ing â€" begin right away, remember Emmanuel‘s sale everyday. you get behind us. We'll surely not stop. until we ‘have put this sale over the top! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 26, 1970 FRESH GROUND BEEF éROUND CHUCK unsomons 13.75‘ GRADE 'A' FRESH CHICKENS 2.3 13. SIZE 1.3.38 ’G’RTb’E’W VFROZEN ROASTING CHICKENS BUTTERBALL TURKEYS STORE PACKED WIENERS SWIFT‘S FROZEN YOUNG DUCKLINGS ’ FREEZER READY’ VAC PAC BEEF ROASTS PARTLY SKINNED SMOKED READY TO EAT FROZEN SHORT RIB ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST RUMP ROAST 3-5 LB. SIZE 4-6 LB. SIZE IONEIN TENDER g OVEN ROAST ¢ ROUND OR POT ROAST svh - 70h RIBS ‘ SQUARE END [B “1 5-6 LB.SIZE LB. FULL HALF HAMS SHANK HALF 76c LB. BUTT HALF 86c LB GRADE '5 STEAKS 372-4 13, SIZE 6.9 L9. SIZE CHICKENS GRADE 'A' FROZEN FRYING 0R ROASTING VAC PAC NATURALLYAGED RED a. BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF RED 5 BLUE BRAND JACK SPRATT VAC PAC SLICED SDE BACON SIRLOIN m------- . .o-n. --.--‘““-‘ COOKED HAMS v---v.< - inn-0.4 -1-0.«.«v-u.n.o.n.<--.0.' “The Liberal" seeks a responsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the Crest- wood Road area of South Thornhill. Phone Glen Pratt. Carrier Circulation, 884-1105 SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION STObLB. < 570613. c SiZE SIZE l3. l5. UTILITY GRADE 8 TO ‘01.! SIZE u. 58‘ why TURKEYS CARRIER IMPORTE‘ITWHOL'EBTIW'HHF TASTY, TENDER IMPORTED LAMB CHOPS SHOULDER a BLADE LIA-9‘ 10 A.M.106 P.M. BEEF RIB STEAKS SHOULDER PORK ROAST? LEGS 0F LAMB FRESH TOP QUALITY 3-5Tisi BUTT PORK ROASTS SUCED SIDE BACON FRESH TOP QUALITY 3-5 LBS MIRACLE FOOD MART RED a. BLUE BRAND TENDER FRY OR BROIL 2-3 LI. SIZE DELICIOUS SUGAR CURED TENDER FAMILY STEAK OPEN FRIDAY MARCH 27 COUNTRY PRIDE GRADE ’A’ ILLPRU “99‘ 1.29 3:6}!!32543. 58¢ 1 ll PKG. 89‘

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