g: No Ship Council. He was tion of a watermain in “We are still nego Garnet Williams, “and Hill again.†Street between Elgin and storm sewer insta department’s conditions a sum believed not in to be received. Richmond Hill was obtain a loop. The first meeting would be favorable sinc \lllllllllllllllllIlIIIIllIIlIllllllllllllllIIIIIIlllllllllllllIIIlIIIIlIIillIIIIIIIl n. “This is one area where our neighbors aren't being too co-operative." stated Councillor Gordon Risk at the March 16 meeting of Vaughan Town- referring to the installaâ€" the Elgin Mills Road and Oxford Street area on Yonge Street. 3 tiating.’ countered Reeve will talk with Richmond Early last spring Iownsnip council authorized the township engineer to proceed with the instal- lation of a watermain on the west side of Yonge Mills Road and Oxford Street so that it would be completed before recon- struction and paving of Highway 11 Department of Highways. by the Due to telephone, gas llation in addition to the . cost of this small section of watermain was finally estimated at $24,000 â€" relevance to the benefits approached to extend the watermain directly across Yonge at both roads to (Vaughan buys water from the town to serve its residents in that area). with the town was held November 12, and it was felt their consideration e the connection at Elgin Mills would loop the town’s main on the east side of Yonge. it was reported at Vaughan's recent council meeting. Unfortunately the town had to extend its watermain on the east side approximâ€" ately 300 feet north to reach Elgin Mills Road and serve the Ford Motor Company located north ‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIIllIlIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIIlIlIIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4’ illlllllllllllIllllllllnlllllllllllllilllllllllilllilllllllllli llIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll'llIllllllll‘illllIlllllIlll‘lllllllllllllllllN‘llllIllllmllllll'llll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllillllllIllllllllilIl‘llililllllllIlllllllllNlllllllllllllllllll -. Agreement Yet By Vaughan Twp. Richmond Hill On Yonge Watermain of that point. The motor to pay for this extension Because of this the matter was deferred until another meeting with the Richmond Hill Council works committee December 8. agreed that Vaughan would extend Yong‘e at was watermain across Oxford Street and install middle of the black with west side. mendation would receive ation within a few days. However. it was reported that no further word was received from the town until March 4. when Richmond Hill's Works Commissioner Otto Whalen wrote the town following conditions: (a) a connection at existing six inch waterm Yonge; (b) a connection at Yonge for connection to the extended main on the east side of Yonge; (c) a six inch tapping.r valve and sleeve with a crossing with a hydra Yonge: ((1) $3,000 from the town as its share of the mond Hill watermain. The township engin reply stating that since the looping of the waterâ€" can be satisfactorily mains (a) and (b) only. the T prepared to install only these items at the townâ€" ship's expense. It was understood that the recomâ€" Ll l I company was requested . by the town. I At that time it the Elgin Mills and a six inch main in the a fire hydrant on the town council consider- llIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIlIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIllllIllllilllllll\lllll\lilliill\lll ship setting forth the Oxford Street to the ain on the east side of Elgin Mills Road across nt on the west side of township to be paid the extension of the Rich- eer was authorized to accomplished by ownship of Vaughan is Elgin Mills And Jefferson News Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Daryl Bolton and Erna Wessels on March 29. No regular meeting was held‘ Tuesday by the Guides. but§ they plan to attend “Disney on Parade" Thursday afternoon. Due to the mid-winter school break the Brownies will not meet until April ‘6. Fifteen Cubs attended the; ramble through the Passmore‘ property and encountered plen- ty of snow in spite of the thaw- lng spell of the past week. Also on the walk were Rev. Earl Gerber. Robert Sayers andi Akela Peter Hughey. Miss Adele Costoff. Yonge Street. has returned home fol- lowing an enjoyable three CORRESPONDENT: LEONAR weeks spent in Vancouver and a further two weeks 'divided between California and Mexico. While in Vancouver. Miss Cos- toff. who flew both ways. visited Beverly and Linda Locke. for- merly of this area. Tickets for the Caribbean Dance. sponsored by the com- munity club are now on sale with Mrs. Bonnie Thompson in charge. ‘The event will take place April 3 at Richmond Hill Lions Hall and admission is $6 per couple. Jefferson School Grade ‘6 students accompanâ€" ied by five grade 5 pupils spent a most interesting day March- 18 at the Ontario Science Cen- tre. The party split up into five groups under Mrs. Verna Seel, Branch 375. Royal Canadian, Legion By Bill Hughes HOCKEY. HOCKEY. HOC-ldows. paint the woodwork. rake KEY â€" that's the password this week in town. May we extend‘ a warm welcome to all the vis-i iting players and their coaches; management. and last but cer- tainly not least, to the inspira- tion behind all of these boys â€" their parents. Please do enjoy yourselves, and come back again. Saturday. March 14. Branch 375 hosted the district darts tournament because the local team was winner of last year's tournament. They repeated the [eat this year. so will again be. hosts next year. Fellow Legâ€"' ionnaires congratulate the mem- bers of the team. V Among the comrades who made it such a successful day? were Gord Mills. Art Spence: "Augie" Ogden. and Mel Col- her, ‘but there were many oth- ers who lent a helping hand. The St. Patrick‘s dance in the evening. another successful event, rounded out the day. it * t * Future events include the. following â€" pub night â€" this very popular event. featuring. Wally and Mac from Aurora; will be held tonight (Thursdayl. Now that is the night a lot or you will get “The Liberal" -â€"-l the leaves. mow the lawn. shovel snow. wash the car. learn to cook, scrub the floors. repair the sink. build a boat. get a job. help the minister. priest. or rabbi. Visit the sick. help the poor. study your lessons. And when you're through and not too tired read a good book! The world does not owe you a living â€"â€"you owe the world something. You owe it your time, and energy and your talents so that no one will be at war or in poverty or sick or lonely again. In plain, simple words, grow up!†See you next week. so drop everything and come on over to the hall. The ladies' aux- iliary host this evening. and for those of you who have been in attendance before, we look for~ ward to seeing you out again.i and bring a friend. An old time dance will be‘ held this Saturday. repeat of a successful evening some weeks ago. Square and round dancing. and if you get in early enough can be had prior to the danc- ing (square dance instructions. man. that‘s what I am talking about). The district convention will be held April 4 and 5. Hope- fully we will all be recovered from the heckey tournament before this convention hits us! Briefly. the program for dele- gates is outlined in the bulletin on the board in the club room. Entertainment for our guests will commence on Friday even- ing. April 3 with the free and easy dance. Then on Saturday. we are holding the district con- Tllis is a vention dance in the banqueti Please refer to the above , hall. mentioned bulletin for times. etc. A hard times dance will be held April 11 â€" featuring Roy Grant and orchestra. This is one event we can all attend without worrying about “Will I Wear a Suit. or jacket and slacks. or what," Just come in your work or knockabout clothes and enjoy yourselves. t t it * When your favourite young- ster plaintiver bleats “What ..= can we do." the following may - help â€"~ tell them â€" "Look ~- around. hang the storm instructionsl I I l i D LOMAS -â€" Phone 884-3000 Mrs. Betty Vent, Mrs. Bonnie Thompson. Mrs. Helen Snider and Mrs. Joyce Watson. Parents of those grade 6 children going to Jamaica met at the school Wednesday to learn of possible date changes for the Jamaican visit. It was decided to send Principal Don- ald Hansen to Jamaica on Mon- day to discuss the situation with the authorities and make reser- vations for accommodation. Merit. Awards were distrib- uted during last week to a num- behavior". last week parents had inter- cuss their children‘s progress and to receive the report cards. Church News Holy Week and Easter Serv- ices at St. John's Anglican will be a celebration of Holy Comâ€" ‘munion to mark the institution ,of the Lord‘s Supper Thursday ltonight) at 8 pm. On Good, Friday Imorning prayer will be held at'll am and on Easter‘ Sunday celebrations of Holy Communion will be at 9 am (said! and at 11 am. Commencing next Sunday there will be a 9 am celebration [of Holy Communion on the ‘first. third and fifth (when ap- plicable) Sundays of every month. The main service at 11 am will be Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sun- days of every month, with the Litany on the first, morning prayer on the third and a fam~ ily service on the fifth Sundays. The summer hour change to .10 am for the main service will commence with the first Sunday in May â€" May 3. Palm Sunday was observed ber of pupils for "outstandinglmbbl. On Tuesday and Thursday of‘rector. Rev. Earl Gerber attend- views with the teachers to dis-v with a family service and ser- vice of dedication for the new pews and other furnishings. INave pews were dedicated in memory of Edith Maude Capell ‘Inee Leggel. Russel Reeves Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Giles. J. D. Kerswill. their son James G. Kerswill and of William Giles Kerswill; the hymn boards and credence table in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Giles. J. D. Kers- will and James G. Kerswill: choir stalls in memory of Ethel Annie Laurine Phillips (nee Dedication was made by the ed by Wardens Peter Hughey (rector‘s) the families and friends of those in whose memory the gifts were donated were present at the service, making a total congre- gation of 160. Special thanks were also recorded to other persons who have made gener- ous donations towards the pur- chase of the pews. Palm crosses were distribuâ€" ted to the congregation. given as a memorial to the late God- frey Kenney of Bradenton. Florida by his widow. The second lesson. the par- able of The Good Samaritan was operating .by the province. Now all are} ‘hoard. although the local asso- York County Board In September York County Board of Education will bcl five schools for re-‘ tarded children. It now has three â€"â€" Thornhavcn in Rich- mond Hill. Fall‘nlead in New- mai‘kct and Elm Grove in lhel Sutton area. l'ntil the county board was. forlned in January. 106.0. schools for the retarded \lcl'e :ovcrned. by local authorities subsidized under jurisdiction of the count)†ciations continue to function. to aid the schools. and have I‘C‘PI‘P- se'ntativcs on the board‘s speClal advison' committee. As the numbcr of retarded children in the county con- tinues to grow in proportion to be general increaSe in popula- ion. and the board was faced vith the alternative of adding to existing schools. or making use of other facilities. At a meeting on March 9. trustees agreed that in Septem- er. the two-room MeIVillc chool in the former SS No. l3 ’larkham Township area. eopen to accomodate children mm the Village of Stouffville. the Town of Markham. and hose in Markham Township ast of the middle of Concession In a staff repoi‘. it was point- d out that more than 20 childâ€" len from this area have to traâ€" vel daily to Thornhaven. that Thomhavcn now has an enrol- ment of 69 pupils and antici- pates an enrolment of 76 in September. although it can only suitably accomodate 50. will‘ pleted before January, 1971. Ai'milage School in King Township near Yonge Street v\'lII also be re-opcned to ac- commodate two classes from Fail‘mead School for Retarded ‘C‘hildren. The school was built .o accommodate about 40 stu- dents. It now has an enrolment of 61. and an antiCipated enâ€" rolment for September of 63. To provide new accommodaâ€" .ion at the Newmarkct school would cost about $180000 and ihe addition could not be com- pleted before September 1971. In both instances. the staff ‘lOlOd. the fol‘ccasts have not been approved by the Municipal Lhe board would approve the costs estimated. “The matter of transportation was considered. and it is noted that the establishment of thel Melville School as a school for. retarded children will reducc‘ the distance for most of the students in the area to be Iserved." states the staff report.‘ “The additional transporta- tion from Fairmead to Armitage is not. considered to be a major‘ problem. and for some children, .in Aurora and in King Township' the distance to be travelled will; be reduced." Recalling that. until last Sep tember. the children at. Elm. Grove had had their classes in {a church in Sutton. the staff report points out. “The experi- ence of the pupils and staff at; the Elm Grove School support the board child term at THE LIBERAL. Richmond Renovate Unused Schools To Accommodate Retarded I 3120.000 and could not be com»! \rmilage Schools." ‘ board prepare a feasibility study re- garding any further addition to ‘:he Thornhavcn School ‘Ilas been recommended by the advisory committee for schools for ti‘amable retarded children. The trustees also approved a committee recommendation that recommend Department of Education that a school full day at the beginning of the which he reaches his Meanwhile. in a _v tenth birthday. at children Board. and that u is unlikely school for only one half day. the view that a good programl can be provided for children in: An addition to Thomhaven accommodations similar to that“ proposed earlier would cost'available at the Melville and‘ This would require a change in provincial legislation. which pennus under present enter I-II-FI staff will which to the for a Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 26. 1.070 our LOW PRICE $2.29 TEST YOUR TUBES FREE atlas PHOTO SUPPLIES 884-322 rcl arded ‘7‘ to attend. I .RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE and Leonard Lomas lpeople's) and Clifford Rumble e n I (deputy). A large number of‘ acted as it was read by boys of the senior Sunday school. A new updated version was then read and acted in the same manner. The choir sang the “Jubilate†as an anthem and also ren- dered the anthem “Seek Ye The Lordâ€. with Brenda Ash as .soloist. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS We have a most delightful variety of Easter Flowers . for your selection. - 0 POTTED PLANTS 0 SPRING BOUQUETS 0 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS LAURELEA i FLOWERS i -â€" Local & Metro Wide Delivery _ I 4 32B YONGE ST. 5.. win- _ 7 ~ Wire Orders Accepted I 884-5211 RICHMOND HILL MEN’S ' PERMANENT PRESS : scour SHIRTS Kresge Price Short sleeves. Popular patterns. S~M-L-XL .: ., W .- v . j 3mm NOVELTIES Kresge Prices .f 59¢ to 2.44 Lowney’s Assorted CHOCOLATES - 2% lbs. WOMEN’S SHORTY GOTTOII IIITEGOWIIS MANY COLORS AND SIZES Reg. Kresge Price 2.98 SPECIAL ’ I I ,n‘ MON. Tues. WED. ....... ....... A cuocoure ' = HOLLOW moms ASSORTED FIGURES Kresge Prices «01.931 MADE-UP " DSUNNY BUNNY .‘ ~i HIGHLY DECORATED ; EGG MULTl-PURPOSE ' MYDN GEDRGETTE IIIIVEIII SCAIII . WITH IIIIIE ' . Reg. Kresge Price 1.29 SPECIAL 97‘ LADIES’ TROUSSEAU BRIEFS ELASTIC DR BAND KG: Reg. Kresge Price 59c Pr. SPECIAL 2583 THURS. SAT. ASST. BLISTER PKGS. MON. TUES WED. RIB KNIT SHORTS MEN'S Reg. 1.91 SPECIAL 1.47 BOYS' Reg. 1.17 SPECIAL 1.27 7-14 GIRLS' NYION SlIMS Reg. Kresge Price 3.47 SPECIAL THURS. SAT. (We ill not knowingly be undone“) Sâ€"M-L. LIMITED 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 884-1062 Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 Open Wedneday 8. Thursday 'til 9 pm. â€"- Saturday 'til 6 pm. I MARCH 27 9 mm. MISSES' AGRILIG GARDIGAIIS Kresge Price Made in Canada! Fancy knits with Juneral £01713 ‘ 6 pom.â€" lang sleeves! White, Pink. Blue. ; ".'I'J.‘.')r.--'r.u;.'-/; /_ .. _. . lIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105