“‘n‘u“1‘o I wish to extend my sincere SEE our collection of Rhea“- thanks and appreciation to rel- tiful Triple-E travel trailers atives, friends and neighbors from Manitoba. Also Rocket and for cards) gifts, and especially Holiday travel trailers and their prayers while I was in truck campers_ New and used Toronto General and St. John‘s Rentals from $30. per week up. Hospitals- Thanks to Re“ H31}- Book now for your Spring vaca- “1‘?†and Dr- “not for their tion. Pans. accessories. camp- “Sm†. ing equipment. hitches installed. Pearl Warwwk. Repairs. King City Trailers, * l. “W39 King Road. 773-4260. * " 02w39 a"... n... mu..." TIME is short. Call associated tutors for reliable experienced tutors. reasonable rates. 884- 1636, 884-2884. c4w39 ROOM 3; board f'on~“g‘e?t‘1éman. quiet home, 884-1016. c1w39 RETAIL potato chip and snack food route for sale complete with GMC van. Income over $12,000. 222.2126 evenings. TREE SERVICE Removal (Trees and Hedges) Pruning Transplanting Clearing Jobs. We will go any- where. Got a pruning problem? For free estimates call: LINDSAY LANDSCAPING 884-7790 ROOM & BOARD Lake Mnominee. Phone 222; 5143. tfc34 POT (or ééle in Baysville area, 1969 JOHN DEERE 450 craw- ler loader to rent. reasonable. 1% cubic yard bucket. 884-8640, 36 Pemberton Dr. c1w39 Summer Properties Wheel Horse 10 garden tractor‘ with mower â€"- $850L00. ‘ Touch up paint â€" limited quan-E tit)’ for Allis-Chalmer -â€" Case John Deere â€"â€" Oliver Interna- tional. Quart $1.00. Spray can 50c. Rumble Tractor and Equipment Massey Ferguson Dealer. Corner of Don Mllls & Stouffâ€" ville Road. Gonnley $87-$86. Allis-Chalmers Big 10 garden tractor with mower $800.00. Massey \Ferguson 8E garden tractor with mower and blade â€" $750.00. DRESSMAKING and repairs APRIL 2, THURSDAY EVEN- for ladies and children, reason- INC, 7 pm. â€" Antique Auction able price. 884.6147. *lw38lSale of Canadiana from several EXPERIENCED dressmaking, alterations for all the family, fast service. Call 773-4217 day- time, 889-9423 after 6. ALL sewiniéï¬repairs and altera- tions for your family. Pick up and delivery. 884-8859. tfc36 EXPERIENCED dressmaking â€" alterations of all kinds, includ- ing children's clothes. Reason- able. 884-4171 c8w36 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WILSON - NIBLETT MOTORS WE NEED YOU! KITCHEN sun: (4) CAR HOSTESSES (6) APPLY: Requires a man to join his aggressive sales teamâ€" Very attractive remuneration planâ€" Company benefits and car suppliedâ€" Met-ro Fringe Point â€" “Why Fight The Traffic? Call Sales Manager 889-5435 DRESSMAKIN G GARDENING FARM EQUIPMENT TRAILERS WANTED Experience Preferred â€" Day or Night Shifts (Transportation Home Supplied for Night Shifts) Full & Part Time TUITION kW DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT 355 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL (TH E VROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER FEMALE HELP Just North of Richmond Heights Centre RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-8911 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT c1w39 *1w38 T ga rd en .00. garden blade tractor l quan- - Case iterna- iy can ipment lor. Stuart'- 1 c1 W39 craw- Sale of Canadiana from several private collections, at the York Farmers' Market. 7509 Yonge St.. Thornhill. Indian arrow- heads, tools and pipes, military prints, books, papers on Fenian raids, North West Rebellion Act, Victoria Cross and Boer War artifacts, early large Hogarth engravings, old bottle collection. Canadian maps and documents, Cranberry and art glass, pressed glass and china, pair of rare 17th Century Egyptian urns. lamps, lanterns, yokes, bath sets. candle moulds, cigar moulds, clocks. old straw bee- hive. earthernware, wash basins, books, doll posters. decoys, Christmas and advertising cards, trading cards, rockers and furn- iture. No reserve. terms cash. about 220 numbered lots. Lunch bar. Catalogue at sale time. Viewing 5 pm to sale time. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer, RR. 1. >nable. Gormley, Ontario. c2w38 Mrs. D lowdale. Mr. and lare hap ‘gagemel Nancy 1 Ronald Mrs. R. tario. BERG, of Dr: The H Sudde Haroh trude Chery Gann) grandl of Mr million bert a Oh;- IA tfc38 uc37.SALE REGISTERS I would like to take this opportunity to extend a very sincere "Thank you" to all my family. friends and neighbors for all the lovely flowers, gifts, curds. and get well wishes dur. ing my stay in York Cent-val Hospital. A special thank you to all the wonderful nurses and staff on the 2nd floor. CARD 0!“ THANKS CARD 0F THANKS I’d like to take this opportun- ity to thank my family and my many good friends and wonder- ful, wonderful neighbors who helped us make our diamond wedding celebration such a suc- cess. Also thank you to those who sent such beautiful flowers and wonderful cards. Thanks again. Ida and Jack Lees. CARD OF THANKS COOPER â€" Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cooper (nee Evans) of Frazerâ€" ville Ontan’o. are happy to announce ,the birth of their son John Charles, 8 lbs. 3 025. on March 17, 1970. c1\\'39 ARCHIBALD â€" Ken and Shir- ley are pleased to announce the birth of their son Stephen Kenneth, March 21. 1970 at York Central Hospital. Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EM.6-8684. tfcl'l TEACHER. piano and theory, establishing Richm and Hill central. 884-3925. tfc36 PERSONAL Eirthn MUSIC Orland Downey c1w39 9†*1w39 “" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. McKenzie 13" are happy to announce the en- “ gagement of their daughter Ct' Nancy Doris McKenzie to Mr. at Ronald Brooks, son of Mr. and th Mrs. R. Brooks of Foxboro. 0nâ€" tario. c1w39 Property Prime Rates and Terms CALL MR. BARROTT Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada 884-4415 Richmond Hill In our sad and trouble hearts we keep on asking why. ‘The reason is hidden some- where in the pattern God has planned. We must believe. and trust Him, and some day we’ll under- stand. -- Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter Helen, son-in-law George and grandsons Chris and David. c1w39 STUNDEN â€" In loving memory DION I- of a dear mother and grand- mother Olive Victoria. who The Richn passed away April 1. 1959. Midgets may We cannot keep from wondering charges of cor why. no matter how we try..the way in v 3n mrmnriam By one of Toronto‘s most progressive real estate comp- anies for a modern new of- fice in Thornhill. If inexperienced but possess- ing a genuine desire to suc- ceed. we will provide full training and managerial as- sistance that will increase your income. TOP COMMISSION 8: BONUS BERG, Harold Victor (Member of Dryden Masonic Lodge and The Royal Winnipeg Rifles)â€" Suddenly on March 23. 1970, Harold Berg. husband of Gen- trude Gangloff. father of Cheryl (Mrs. Stephen Mc- Gann), Linda and Judith, grandfather of Christina, son of Mrs. Lillian Berg of Ver- million Bay. brother of Al- bert and John L. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 2 pm in Richmond Hill Un- ited Church. Interment Rich- mond Hill cemetery. c1w39 is believed to have twin tail- lights, rectangular in shape. about 10 inches wide and a rounded emblem or crest, silver in color, near the roof line on the driver‘s side near the rear window. Anyone knowing of such a vehicle or anyone witnessing the accident is asked to con- tact the OPP Oak Ridges De- tachment. by phoning 925-7402 or 773â€"5281. King Township Coroner Dr. J. A. Saunders at- tended. Investigation was carried out ' II:.I..-1- I1 A--‘_ SALES ASSOCIATES REQUIRED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Richvale are happy to an- nounce the engagement of their son Howard to Miss Susan Van Winckle, daughter of M12 and “in be picked up and de- livered, if required. Fast and accurate muuysmmmmm Immmw-Em. PHONE I Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chum- ley are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Lynda Susan to Mr. Glenn Henry Beckwith, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Beckwith of Willowdale. Marti-age, June 7, 1970 in Wil- lowdale. clw39 NEED INCOME TAX RETURNS COMPLETED? Contact HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Engagements First Mortgage Loans Residential Call Alex Miller or Sean Flood 889-9330 YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR TYPING 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill REAL ESTATE Emma 884-7030 or 884-7491 884-6782 Van'wmckle of wuâ€" c1w39 Kenlie He was driving a 1968 Volks- he 611- \vagen which was northbound. Lighter The vehicle rolled over and 0 Mr. the driver was thrown from r. and the car. then was struck byI o. Onâ€" an unknown vehicle while 1y- c1w391ng in the southbound driving lane. Provincial Police said the road was slippery and snow was falling at the time of the ac- cident. Dead are Joseph Braun. 59, and son Konrad, 22. both of RR 2. Mount Forest. Mrs. Louise Braun. 48, is also in serious con- dition in hospital. Thornhill Woman Badly Hurt Near Orangeville She was in serious condition north of Essna Park Drive. overnight, 3 hospital spokesman Ralph Markham. 39. of 125 told “The Liberal". Laverock Avenue, Richmond Mrs. Bottrlll suffered facial Hill, had $200 damage to the and head injuries. and has a trunk and fender of his 1970 broken wrist. She was alone in Ford. her car. James Bolton, 21, of RR 3. Mrs. Elizabeth Bottrill, 37, of Concession 5, almost a mile 170 Dudley Avenue, Thornhill. south of Highway 7 East. / is in fair condition in Duï¬erin * * * * Area Hospital in Orangeville Two local drivers were in- after a head»on two-car collision volved in a threeâ€"car accident on Highway 9 Sunday. Two at 7:32 pm March 18 on Don men were killed in the crash. Mills Road. about 100 yards Most outstanding player on the Hill team was'ï¬hifty Centre- man Wood who led numerous rushes into the Leamington end. He was aided and abetted by the offensivevdefensive stand- out play of Tony Bellevan‘ce who controlled the puck and lll“\lllllll\l\\lllll\l\\\\\lllll\lllllllll\llllllllulumululllllllllllll\\\\l\\ll charges of common assault after ‘the way in which they 'de-mol- lished Leamington 10-2 in the third game of their best-ofâ€"five OMHA Finals Tuesday night at the local arena. The fourth game of the play- offs was scheduled for Wednes- day (March 25) at the arena at 6.30 pm with the fifth game (if necessary) in Leamington later on in the week. Brian Plumb and Ken Cobby got rthe only pucks past Goalie Dave C‘arnell who spent most of the night doing push-ups while whiling away the time between infrequent Leaminton rushes into The Hill end. Richmond Hill, despite the impressive win, still has its back to the wall needing two straight wins if the team hopes to avoid playoff oblivion. mum“uuumumuuuuuumumuumuuuumumuuuuumuuul Centre-man Colin Wood led the fonay as he fired home four goals and could have quite eas- ily scored a few more with a little more luck. Larry Kellett scored twice. Dick Weber, Greg Binkley and Tony Belle- vance. It was strictly no contest as Richmond Hill ~â€" still smaru’ng from opening game 4-1 and 4-3 losses in Leaminton â€" came up carrying sticks of dynamite in- stead of sticks. New Street Lights For Yonge The vehicle being sought is believed to be a late model. equipped with studded tires. It is believed to have twin tail- lights, rectangular in shape, about 10 inches wide and a rounded emblem or crest, silver in color, near the roof line on the driver's side near the rear window. Legion Midgets Rebound In Finals Blast leamington By 10-2 Score Two fatalities were record- ed by the Oak Ridges Detach- ment of the Provincial Police during the past week. Ernest Charles Moyler 28. of 150 Humewood Drive, Toronto. was the victim in a fatal hit and run accident on Highway 1511185! Charles MOYIe. 28. 0f Eight-year-old Victoria Mary 150 Hum8W00d Drive. T01'0nt0- Down of RR 2. Pefferlaw, was “’38 the ViCtim in a fatal h“ the other victim. She was and run aCCident on Highway killed when struck by a truck 400, south of the King Slde- as she attempted to cross road, about 1.30 am March _21- Highway 48 at Pefferlaw Road There will be 20 fewer poles along Yonge and the whole area extending from Markham Road to Elgin Mills is scheduled to have the new lights. Once the hydro and sewer work is completed the actual task of rebuilding and widening the street will begin. Another major develop- ment in the reconstruction of Yonge Street began this week as Richmond Hill Hydro took the first steps towards the erection of a new modern street lighting system along the town’s main street at an estimated cost of $140,000. The old wooden poles will be re- moved and brand new spun concrete ones will be stag- gered on both sides of the street with a distance of 150 to 180 feet between each pole. The poles will be 37 feet high and each will display modern merc- ury vapour lamps. The Richmond Hill Legion OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT Man 28, Girl 8, Die In Highway Fatalities be faced "with REPORT James Bolton, 21, of RR 3 King City, had an estimatec $120 damage to the hood anc front lights of his 1967 Volks wagen. The third car had only $15 damage and was driven by Melvin Wilson. 29. of RR 1. Queensviue. Markham Town- ship Police said. Two local drivers were in- volved in a three-car accident at 7:32 pm March 18 on Don Mills Road. about 100 yards north of Essna Park Drive. ‘ The driver tried to elude police by dodging in and out of a parking area at a drive- in. After the accident'hev ran from the car. James Hudema, 17, of 51 Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, faces a charge of theft over $50. Otherwise, the local area was just about free of acci- dents. John Hnatiw of 77 May Av- enue, Richvale, had $300 dam- age to his small car when it upset March 23 at 6:25 am on It was a different story in Leamington as an over-confi- dent Richmond Hill squad had their ears pinned back by a hustling Leamington team to the tune of 4-1. The Legion crew started to come on in the second game but still lost by one goal in over- time action. The car, a 1965 Oldsmobile, élassroon belonged to Olindo Sauro of teadher's 22 Maryvale Crescent, Rich-its come vale. It suffered an estimatedfprojector $150 damage and a sign post and guide wire were smashed. n m Richmond Hill led 3-0 at the end of the first period and 4-1 going into the third. They ad- ded six more goals to Leaming- ton's one to win going away. Prettiest goal of the i night was scored by Belle- vance to make it 10-1 near the end of the game. Bel- levance gathered the puck in behind his own net, cut away from two Leamington players, scooted right down the ice, cut in over the blueline, and fired a high shot into the rigging. No one got near him on his flight to scoredom. Hardest check of the night honors also went to Bellevance who caught Lea-mington’s Ed Dick with his head down com- ing over the blueprint. Re- sult: Dick went down and out for a few seconds. A clean check all the way. An Ontario Provincial Police pursuit of a traffic violator at 11:30 pm on March 21 end- ed up on Observatory Lane with a minor accident. recov- ery of a stolen Thornhill car and car theft charges against one person. Richmond Hill is tentatively slated to play in Leamington Saturday at 6.30 pm. Police Chase Results Arrest Richvale Youth Despite the lopsided score, Leamingvton came out with a rush and controlled play for the first nine minutes helped in part by Richmond Hill penal- ties. The visitors had a few close chances. failed, and were never really in the game from there on in. play every time he was out on the ice. Another defensive standout was Kellett. All three received "star" notices for their night‘s play. Injured were Irene Hall, 23. face and head injuries, Chrisâ€" topher Hall, 2. head injury, El- ane Hall 5. bruises and cuts and Brent Hall, 5, bruises and cuts. All were taken to York Central Hospital for treatment. Investigating officer was Constable Anthony Vincent of Newmarket‘ Four persons were injured in a two-car accident on Highway 7 at Dufferin Street, March 20 at 4:30 pm. One car was driv- en by Glen Love, 18, of RR 2. Holstein and the other by Gary Hall, 30, of 29 Elliott Street, Brampton. ~ at 8:25 am March 19. Driver of the truck was William John Clayton of Concession 9, Thor- ah Township, Beaverton. This accident was investigated by Constable Clair Whetham of Aurora. by Constable Charles Stewart and Corporal Bruce McCallum of Newmarket. of RR 3. estimated hood and Close 1:0 $1,000 was seized by Markham Township Police Sun- day and two teenagers were charged in Richmond Hill Pro- vincial Court Monday after a theft from a cash box at the Ringwood Gas Bar on Highway 48. at the W-hitchurch - Mark- ham Townline Saturday In Richvale March 21 at Yonge Street and Carrville Road, Vaughan Township Police caught a couple breaking win- dows. On March 22 at Westwood Lane in Richvale there was damage to two automobiles‘ when rear view mirrors were Su5picious Fires Remain ‘EMystery To Area Chiefs Peter Cox of RR 1, Stouff- ville, and William Trayanoff of 64 Main Street, Unionville, were remanded until March 31 on a charge of stealing more than $50. They had bail set at $500. In Richmond Hill there were twa breakdns at schools last week. At Beverley Acres Public School, Neal Drive, March 22 there was $75 malicious damage to a plastic dome on the roof. At Walter Scott School on Markham Road someone slip- ped the lock. on a portable classroom, ’tipped over the teacher’s desk and scattered its contents. A $50 overhead Police said the theft took place between 3.30 pm and 6.30 pm Saturday. Vaughan Township Firemen at 9 pm March 17 were called to a car fire 1% miles south of the King Township line on Dufferin Street. Fire Chief Davidson estimated damage was about $1,000 to a 1965 Dodge car that] burned. The owner was Robert Porter of Toronto. An unidentified smoking horseman galloped for help March 17 at Pleasure Park. Highway 7 West near Highway 400, A match or cigarette he dropped started a grass fire at 1:30 pm. This was the first grass fire this year that Vaughan Firemen had to put out. The town‘s only other fire of the week was also on March 19, shortly after the Taggart call. . The engine was between the seats in the truck cab. and Fire Chief Stong estimated damage to engine wiring and truck seats at $150. The truck was Bernie Hawkes of Avenue, Richmond Mr. Taggart suffered hand burns. The fire started in a deep fryer in the kitchen. It filled the house with smoke and set the kitchen cupboards on fire. At 3:15 pm a carburetor backfire was blamed for a fire in a truck behind Quality Ut- ilities Ltd., 157 Crosby Avenâ€" ue. The worst fire of the week South caused an estimated $2.590 smoke damage to the Richmond H111 depafl home of Allan Taggart. 3112218 Rockport Crescent, on March Fire 19 at 12:12 pm. this i, Fire Chief Davidson said The cause of two other grass there has been no report from fires in North Thornhill last the Fire Marshal in connec- week is still unknown. Both tion with investigations reques- were on the CN right-ofâ€"way ted since the first of the year and could have been caused by in Vaughan Township. sparks or hot metal from the For the first time in several brakes of passing trains. One weeks there were no major was March 18 at 1:07 pm at fires in the area last week. 'the rear of 45 Romfield Circuit But the grass fire season has and the other was at 2 pm started. March 20 at the rear of 33 And there was a fire bomb Romfield Circuit). And there was a fire bomb threat at a plant in the Vaughan Township industrial area â€"â€" but no bombs. Markham Twp. Police Jail Youths Following $l,000 Gas Bar Theft There have been no arrests yet in the recent series of vacant home and barn fires in Markham and Vaughan Townships, report Richmond Hill Fire Chief Alfred Stong and Vaughan Township Fire Chief James Davidson. Also one person was being sought for question- ing in connection with a fire threat believed to have been made. This involves a barn full of riding horses that burned east of Bayview Avenue, adjacent to Richmond Hill. Fire Chief Stong said this week the Ontario Fire Marshal’s office reported that persons unknown may have set fires in a vacant home on Don Mills Road north of Victoria Square. SHIPPING WORLD WIDE SH I P P I N G 889-6269 MOVING AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Cali BY RAIL, LAND, was smashed AND owned by 36 Sussex Hill On March 20 at Viceroy Con- struction Company Limited. 7320 Yonge Street, Thorn‘hill, there was a‘break-in and theft: A portable television and two electric razors were stolen. They were valued at $289. This was at a cottage showroom which was ransacked, Vaughan Township Police said. removed and stolen Vaughan Township Fire Chief Davidson was to be guest speak- er for the Peeleâ€"Dufferin Mut- ual Aid Association meeting to.1 day (March 25) at 8 pm at the‘ Streetsville Fire Hall. His top- ic is "Transportation of Haz- ardous Chemicalsâ€, which has become a problem in Vaughan. It has been found there is no information available and suit- able for firefighters in regard to a substantial number of chemicals being transported by; trucks and trains, and being used by local industry. A plugged air filter on a clothes dryer caused a small fire but no damage at 1:09 pm March 19 at the home of Fred Tocheri of 10 Vamvood Cres- cent, Thornhil‘l. The - bomb threat was at Crown Cork and Seal Co. Ltd., 7900 Keele Street at 2:59 pm March 20. Five fire bombs were supposed to have been planted, according to a tele- phone call, but firemen search- ed and found nothing. An overheated fluorescent light transformer at 10:32 pm March 20 brought firemen to Sidney Jacobs’ Thornhill Smoke Shop at 7721 Yonge Street. Fire Chief Davidson said this incident should serve as a warning to everyone that ashes should not be put anywhere but in a special metal contain- er. There was little damage to the home of Adrian Tucciarone. South Thornhill, resulted in a smoke filled house and a fire department call March 17 at 12:18 pm. Hot ashes dumped in with the garbage in an attached garage at 138 Clarke Avenue. R. L. SAUTMAN Cm. 889-6449 INCOME TAX? WILLOWDALE STOP! LOOK! READ! Bookkeeping Tax Consultant P.0. BOX 3 TH ORNHILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, March 26, 1970 Iron Workers Welder Fitter Survey Worker Strip Floor Layer Service Station Attendant Office Manager Stationary Engineer, 4th Class Junior Draftsman Manager Trainee Heliarc Welder Presser Stock Clerks Cook MALE RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL N. WILLOWDALE AND S. E. WILLOWDALE FOR: For further information please contact your local Male and Female Employment Opportunities in: Dept. of Manpower & Immigration CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE ' Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. - 9 p.111. -- Sat. til 8 p.111. I “““““‘-““' 127 BIRCH AVE., THORNHILL a good educational and employment record, be the owner of a good car, free to travel. Those who qualify will receive two weeks of proven, effective training â€" expenses paid â€" then four weeks of successful field development in their area, calling on established business, professional accounts and developing new cus- tomers. Would you like to earn an executive income to start and have the opportunity of advancing into management within two years 1’ You can achieve your objective if you qualify for this career opportunity. To qualify you need to have an interest in sports, a great need to achieve more in life than ever before, be enthusiastic and forceful, have You will be selected and trained for success as a salesman â€" and for advancement mto man- agement. Write giving a brief resume and phone number to Box 76, “The Liberal" . FORMERLY OF UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY COMPANY AND PATRICK C. HENGEN, B.A., LL.B. BARRISTER a: SOLICITOR WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE FORMATION OF A PARTNERSHIP TO CARRY ON THE PRACTICE OF LAW UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF MOVING ? LOCAL 0R LONG DISTANCE Let us help you solve All your > Moving problems Before you move! Gentxeas 1 Lamb \ihe Mover lid. Modern Storage Warehouse ACHIEVE YOUR OBJECTIVE FRASER & HENGEN 4985 YONGE ST. DAVID K. FRASER. BA. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1970 AT 8116A YONGE STREET THORN HILL FEMALE Cashiers Stenographers Receptionist Waitresses Sewing Machine Operators Shirt Presser Clerks General Clerk Typist Proof Reader Kitchen Helper Factory Workers (shift) Sales Clerks TELEPHONE 889-8342 282-7091 889-4911-2-3 291-9343