health agencies should also collaborate to avoid over- lapping of services to fam- ilies with multiple problems. The 67 services mentioned were unearthed by an en- tounded the community. it It ill I? Overlapping of services and agencies is a tremend- ous waste of resources, the speaker declared. Often peo- cuscuss together whether there are not more efficient ways of doing the same thing." If the resources in a com- munity are pooled, he said. as their first arm of de- fence. "Relatively unskilled in- dividuals are trained to deal with calls from people who are in acute need, to listen to day care. treatment on an out- patient basis or on a 24-hour round the clock service. In many instances, day treat- ment has been as effective, even for the most seriously "This is the challenge. This is the task." concluded Dr. Rae-Grant. "The people who can address it are in the community. “Sock it to whom? What Branch. thanked the speaker. "He has given us a very good perspective for recognizing the services in our commun- ity and interlocking of serv- ices." d‘llllllii1lliilmlmliilililiiiiill“iillll\iillllllllill“iiillI“iiii\llillllillllllllilllllllililllillllllllliillllililllliillilllllliillllllllllililllililil“illlliii“lulllliillilllllllll“llllllillllllllllllllilllllilllllllllll'lillllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllill\lllliillll“llllllillliiilllllllllllllllllilllllllllilllmill“llllllllllllllllllllllillllii nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllillllllllllllllllillllllllllilllillIlllllllllllllllllllllll“illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllill“lilllllllllllmlllllliiiillllillllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllll~F x+“mum1ml1mml1llmummmuummmuuuI\umu\1nmu“lmmmmmmmumml1m\1munuuuuumuumlummmmumImmumIlmumullnuu\um1u\mumununmmwunnuInumnmmuuuuuwulnnumummuuumummnummnummuuun“u\uuuununmuuummuuwwunnmumu\\\uuuulmunummnuumumnmml1111mmmumm111nmuuunummummnm1nmummuuuumummmmunmuuuumuuuu1\miullmunmmuummiuuuuiu42 (Continued from Page 1) served by service clubs, church groups, etc., that al- ready exist. He cited an example of one relatively small community that had 67 such services. Social service and mental health agencies should also collaborate to avoid over- lapping of services to fam- ilies with multiple problems. Groups with common in- terests should get together to provide for rehabilitation of the 20 percent of the pop- ulation which is responsible for 80 percent of the prob- lems. '_ No Appointment Necessaryl STEREO TAPE CARTRIDGES ' Community Services Must Unite T 0 Serve Mentally Ill Says Speaker 80A YONGE ST. S. Richmond Heights Centre *If your Income tax has go! ygu down, it's easy to put a ‘srnil'e on your face again. Just see flue BLOCK office tan-31': largest Tax Sequ wiflu mm 4000 slim in North ’Albrka‘; Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5 ‘in your neighborhood for fast, accurate service. You’ll smile ol the low cost, too. PRE-RECORDED 8-TRACK INCOME TAX The girls and their leaders are pictured above surveying the variety of collections, crafts and other entries which are being examined by Tester Barbara Mount, (extreme left). Mrs. Mary Ensor, commissioner for Jefferson and Lake Wilcox (rear centre) shows a keen interest in the display, as Guiders Mrs. Carol Daines, (left) and Mrs. Mary Clews, (extreme right) view the entries with pride. Guides and Brownies of lst Lake Wilcox Guide Company and Brownie Pack celebrated fhe DIamond quilee of Guiding with a hobby show recently when many of the girls demonstrated badge Winning SklllS. Don’t Know Whether in LAUGH or CRY We guarantee octurole pveparglVivo; of ev'ery cox mum. If we make any error; “not can you any penalty or inlmn, ygiwil] pay Hie penolly or inlevegi‘ Guides, Brownies Observe 6 0th Anniversary I’HUTU atlas SUPPLIES "ONLY 24 DAYS LEFT" amazun. ON YOUR TELEPHONE 884-4746 GUARANTEE GOMPLETE RETURNS He spent about three months contacting the local pharmacist. drug store, the mayor. police chief. people at the fire house. ambulance services, etc.. and came up with a iist of ready, willing and able volunteers that as- tounded the community. thusiastic anthropologist who volunteered to spend time in the community to find out whether or not community services were available 4res- idents maintained they were notJ. PH 0T0 RICHMOND HILL m4...“ '.-.‘.....~"A~ a84.&.h.‘o $.42.» KING, ONT. TEL. 889-9556 884-3221 LIMITED went flying at Maple Airport. They were Flt. Sgt. Frank Jed- licsek. LAC John Cameron, LAC Brian Dament, LAC Dan _ Rivart, LAC Paul Harrison. LAC Tim Palmer and LAC Robin Creasy. Lieut. Stan Bendle, who taught the flying scholarship course and helped out in many During the swim meet March 15 at Canadian Forces Base Toronto. Dowmsview, 778 Squa- dron Royal Canadian Air Cadets put up a very fine show. This SucceSS was due to the excellent turnout of the cadets. LAC Jim Flancie and Sgt. Wayne Good. who wrote flying scholarship tests. have received their results. They were quite good and the squadron congra- tulates them on their efforts. Last Sunday, seven cadets Dierdre Whelan of 118 Rug- gles Avenue. Richmond Hill, re- ceived ‘head injuries March 28 when the car she was driving was in collision' with a car driven by Lerritt Robinson of 160 Balmoral Avenue. Toronto. The accident occurred on Yonge Street south of the town at. 6:15 pm. Damage was esti- mated at $2,000 and the inves- tigating officer was Provincial Constable Jim Roy. Gerald Bahen. 27. of King Sideroad. Oak Ridges, who Is a salesman in the Richmond Hill N. S. Smith Real Estate office. is in Toronto General Hospital with serious head injuries and a fractured left arm and leg as the result of an accident at the "There is often much re- duplication of effort, and it is to everybody‘s benefit to check on this periodically and to rearrange assignments and responsibilities and to discuss together whether there are not more efficient ways of doing the same thing." ple in agencies are so busy with their own case load, and are working extremely hard, but do not have the time to continue to check back to make sure their ser- vice is still appropriate to the/needs of the people they serve. Two Local People Among 6 Injured Provincial Highways Last Week 778 Squadron Air Cadets csmau By Flt. Sgt. Frank Jedlicsek REPORT instructional classes. has been transferred to Kingston. Every membef of the sqadron wishes him the best of luck in the future. Telephone book covers are still being sold by the cadets at $1. The squadron is divided into three flights â€" seniors. juniors and recruits, with a different program for each flight. Last Thursday evening. the seniors had a lecture on airmanship under the instruction of Lieut. Bendle. the juniors studied rifles. their parts and purpose and the recruits had a drill [period Gormley Sideroad and Yonge Street March 26 lat 9 pm. Driver of the other car in- volved was Edward Leary of RRl Gormley. The Bahen car struck a hydro pole. Damage was estimated at $2,300 and the accident was in- vestigated by Provincial Con- stable Terry Fox. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) If any lads would like to see how the squadron operates. they are welcomed to drop in any Thursday evening at 7:30 pm at the Legion Hall. Four persons were injured in a two-car collision at the inter- section of Highways 27 and 9 at 2:15 pm March 27. The in- jured included Marilyn Har- wood of 55 Cornwall Road, Brampton and Karen and Susan Jones of 99 Kennedy Road. Brampton. The latter two were passengers in the car driven by Miss Harwood. All received minor injuries. Norma Moore of RRS. Cooks- tmm, driver of the other car also suffered minor injuries. Damage was estimated at $1,200. The accident was inves- tigated by Provincial Constable, Terry Hogan. . services can often be consid- erably extended without hav- ing to add to staff. Agencies can support each other. said the speaker. with service ag- encies and their personnel meeting and co-ordinating their efforts. The over-all purpose is to build up for all age groups a series of interlocking, var- ied and valid services, and establishing emergency ser- vices available on call â€"- such as suicide prevention â€"- as their first arm of de- fence. FLOWERS “FLORAL DESIGNS WITH YOU IN MIND" Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wire Orders Accepted LAURELEA FLOWERS 328 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL e instruction the juniors air parts and 884L521] classes. ha ) Kingston 1e sqadron t of luck has 5 been Every wishes in the what their requests are, to provide an immediate band- aid. if possible. and to steer them to definitive sources of aid. These may be followed by day care treatment on an out- patient basis or on a 24-hour round the clock service. In many instances. day treat- ment has been as effective. even for the most seriously “The second line are ag- encies that receive acute cases and provide relatively brief crisis-oriented treat- ment. These are a combina- tion of out-patient services and also the back-up to op- erating agencies from more specialized organizations." 3119-: SATISFACTIO Nit; UAR WHITE comm 3m88¢wmra 88¢ [INT Hem? DDILIES ‘ conou RUNNERS mm REFILL PKG. 7 TERRY FACE CLOTHS CUPS K. SAUCERS SCOTCH MASKING TAPE PKG. 40 WHITE PACK I? [mom 4'““‘-33¢ comm sun or .......... DRESS BAG PACK III-10¢v CHOCOLATE BARS LETIER DADDY 4 PC. MIXING BOWL SET ELGIN MlLLS - JEFFERSON ‘onsm: APRIL 14-34 § CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 FOR 88¢ 88¢ Â¥n§$ DRAINER I TRAY PA“ I? 2 comm PENCIlS 3 PC. ASH TRAY SETS PAINT-BY- NUMBER SETS SCREWDRIVER ALUMINUM BAKEWARE BAG 40 i IIIII KIICHEN BAGS (We will not knowingly be undersold) ill. as full-time treatment, and for one-third to one- sixth the cost. He suggested group homes and foster homes for the aged as alternatives to nurs- ing homes and residences which often cut the elderly off from their families and their community. The resources are usually available in the community. but they must be found. co- ordinated and linked to- gether. , .. . mm, .................. _ “mm y . ‘ . . 2"“.83¢ continuum: 3mm}¢ amusing 2"“83‘t fléi‘niihéi‘“ 2m88¢ :ggfmugfggsss 88¢ ï¬rs“ I â€" I II "KSBB‘? ï¬'lfllsrqmip 3m83¢ §°¥&L3§£S“ m88¢ Emma" 2“Gs 88¢ MADDIE MOD DOLLS 33¢ A 8 8 ¢ 88¢ .TERRY' †' IRONING BOARD BIG ovzu um: "L PAD 2. com PLASTIC Sliflf. BAG BONE CHINA CUPS 8. SAUCERS 10 OZ. BONDFAST GLUE 88c EXSEE‘R‘J‘JE? 2‘"R 88c P c 88¢ cisflfiï¬ps Mes-88¢ ram I have suggested is that the answer is not sock it to them out there. over there, else- where in the metropolitan area. in the government. in the university, in the central city. “Not sock it to them, but sock it to you â€"â€" and you ~â€" and you! And good luck in this major but very grab- ifying endeavor!" Geoffrey Pierpoint. chair- man of the education com- mittee for the York County Branch. thanked the speaker. “He has given us a very good perspective for recognizing the services in our commun- ity and interlocking of serv- ices." RANTEI FRISBEE SAUCER comm HALF mans 14 OZ. “FOAM OVEN CLEANER THE_LIBIERAL.» Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April EDâ€: OH 2m 88¢ a 88¢ PACK 4 SHAEFfER FELT PENS ' ROLLER KIT LEI. SNOW BAN BULBS PLASTIC 2 TIER TURNTABLE 7 54" X 72†WLEGDVERING PLASTIC WASTE BASKETS JUMBO Packaged FOR YOUR NEXT offering: 0 over 200 capacity 0 ample parking 0 complete dining facilities for BEST PRICE and BEST SERVICE CALL TODAY FOR RESERVATIONS Aurora Centre Restaurant AURORA SHOPPING CENTRE _ 727-8212 Centre Banquet Room Make Arrangements at the Beautiful new 4mss¢ PRIVATE PARTY CLUB BANQUET WEDDING RECEPTION OR DINNER MEETING 88‘? mars/tall guneral flame MIX 8: STORE SET 19"xao~"‘"“ SCATTER MAT CARD 4 "A" BATTERIES PLASTIC V, PLAYING CARDS MOSTESS SERVING BOWLS RUBBER UTILITY MAT 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels . #91!!!pr .o #1! dim/Iii ï¬ï¬. . .. . I'vwï¬wlmflw‘ FOR LIMITED since 1876 884-1062 88¢ 2 LB. m ucomc: Ausoms 88¢ 88¢ :Jï¬ngADS 88¢ connunov' mow covm ROCKINEHAM WFFEE MUGS' GLAMUUR BROOM PLASTIC - LAUNDRY BASKETS DISH CLOTHS PAKZ “nun-"3mg SEE "mu 7 CARRY PAN 1970 2 mus 4éonas¢ 88¢. 88¢ 88¢ 88°