...u v“. - umnnvuuu uuuuuy Church on the Edge of the City THORNBILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17. Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D. Min. Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CEURCHg '75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence 3A., 3.1).. Pastor Church 884-8038 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church School for All Ages 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Nursery Provided ’1 pm. â€" Family Night Convention President, Dr. Stuart Barber. Thursday. April 16. 1970 7.30 pm. â€" Bayview Junior High Orchestra in Concert RICHMOND HILL UNITED’people °‘ me mmmum‘y‘ CHURCH The centre. whdich “ill . be 0 open every Satur ay evening. (Y nu ï¬fmï¬ige Strum is sponsored by the town coun- The Rev, Robert F. smith cil under the supernsion of the 334-1675 parks and recreation commu- Rev. Alien E. Hallett tee!“- 889.9125 Many adults and parents have viewed the drop-in experi- ment with apprehension, with mistrust. and with fear." ob- serves Brian King. a student at Baniew Secondary School and garten_ Live Love11.5-133-r5fchairman of the drop-in com- 11 am. â€" The Worship Service‘mmee Sermon: “An Extramural Faith“ “Curiously. these responses The Sacrament of Baptism :closely resemble those of the ST. min) twical adult View of the typical CHURCH teenager. ‘ 325 Crosby Avenue 884-3606; "Well, in fact the drop-in 15 SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 .“Youthâ€. It isn‘t just a build 11 am. â€" Worship Service iing. but a collection of people conducted 33- L'cw Iwho want to meet each other. (Infant Care) and share happenings and has- Church school sels and views. 9-30 3-m- -â€" Ages 6-14 "The centre allmvs basic so- 11 am. â€"- Ages 3-5 ‘cial theories to be applied to Wednesday. 4 pm. Ages 6-81Richmond Hill's young oeonle. Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.30 am. â€" Nursery. Kinder- Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Coming A Typical Day at Bible Club Camp. An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17. Yonge Street (Convention of Out. 8: Que.) Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D. Min. Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Meets Bathurs: lav. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer. Resurrection. Rapture and Revelation SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 10 am. â€"â€" Bible School 11 a.m.â€"Morning Service “Handwriting On The Wall" 7 pm. â€"- Evening Sen-ice "Wages of Sin“ Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Supervised Nursery at All Sun- day Services. SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 9.45 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Speaker: Mr. Jack Scott Prayer Meeting Thursday. 8 pm. 96 Keele Street South. Plan to come to this New Church where you will hear the Old Fashioned Gospel. For Further Information 889- 2025. I‘We Preach Christ Crucified‘ Lower Auditorium of Maple Publin Library Merino Road (South of Maple Road. West off Keele Street) (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhlll Pastor Tom Cowan MA, BD. 9.50 am. â€"- Bible School 11 am. â€" Pastor Cowan 7 pm. â€" Pastor Cowan EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackny Drive â€" Richvale Mr. Robert Long, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 11 am. â€" Holy Communion ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 leotor: Rev. David McGuire Asst. Rev. Fred Jackson SUNDAY. APRIL 12, 1970 8 Holy Communion 10.30 Morning Prayer, Follow- ed by Coffee Hour Sermon by Rev. Fred Jackson Church School and Nursery 7 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 10 Holy Communion 0 mm. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am. Ornnm Ind Choir Director SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 2nd SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 8 Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: ’I‘he Rector 730 pm Trinity Teens and Twenties 8T. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada leotor: Rev. Ramsay Armltage Young Adult Group Wednesday 10 am. â€"- Holy Communion (Prayer Circle follows every 2nd and 4th week) MAPLE BAPTIST CHURCH WELDRICK ROAD 35115! HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHI’LL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector I". Canon H. R. Howden, BA. L.Th. latelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT """ {Di'rection Don Smith Wednesday. April 15 8 pm. â€" Visit of Rev. Haralan of Under- Popov, Director THE CHURCH OF ST. {ground Evangelism in Com- GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL‘munist Countries. who spent 30 BlyVieW 11 Crow! years in a Communist Prison Richmond Hill for his Faith Rev. David N. Spronlo All Welcome 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert sunnféï¬iï¬iâ€˜ï¬ 1970 E N EASTER II 3 8m -â€" HOLY Communion ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer CHURCH Baby Nursefy Bayview Avenue 8.. Church 5011001 Near Centre St. Nursery to Teens Richmond Hill Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 Pm. â€" Evening Service Nursery Facilities for both Services MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH BUHDHH LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST ALLIANCE r SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.45 am. â€" Church School, 6 years and up. lv11 a.m. â€" Juniors. 5 years and lunder V 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 9 Friday â€" Junior Choir Practice 7 p.m.. Senior. 8 pm. " Saturday. April 18, YPS Rum- mage Sale. Nursery Services Provided MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: 11 am. â€" Service of Worship 11 am. â€" Church School SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 lI'lllvll 9:30 â€"- Church School. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship About .5 Guest Preacher: Rev. George ed out S; W. Birtch. BA. BD. 1313- lopening < Nursery ' iDrop-in C For further Information call 51, Mal-3- 889-2131 W'mwhan THORNHI‘LL UNITED CHURCH Interim Moderator Rev. Arthur Organ BA.BD. ST. ANDREW'S April 15 - 19 PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH Wednesday. 8 pm. â€" Rev, Maple, 011:. ' Alf Rees, returned Missionaxy to and India. now Pastor of Banfield, ST. PAUL's, 7th Con, Vaughn, will open the Convention. Don‘t Rev, B, F_ Andrew miss this outstanding speaker Minister with a challenge to Youth. Miss Loris Adamson, Organist "A Wall?“ Welcome Awaits You†SUNDAY. APRIL 12, 1970 10 am. â€"â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"â€" St. Paul's Church and Sunday School THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street Thornhiii. Ontario Highway No. 7B The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans, D.D‘ Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.30 a.m.â€"11a.m.& 7 pm. Services of Worship 889-5391 CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive. Thornhill. Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D., Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church School â€" Grades 3 - 8. 11 am. â€" Sunday Church School Nursery â€" Grade 2 11 am. â€" Service of Worship Infant Nursery Provided (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 SUNDAY. APRIL 12, 1970 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday Church School 11 am. â€"â€" Our Service to God (The Friendly Church) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 8.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 2nd SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 9.30 am. -â€" Sunday Church School. 11:00 a.m. â€" The Service 8 With Holy Communion P Nursery care is provided during 0 The Service Visitors are warmly welcomed PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Miss Joan Weir Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Nursery supervision 11 am. â€" The Communion Ser- vice and Reception of New Members RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor, Rev. A. B. Arnot, D.D. 884-3091 SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH â€" The Preacher: Youth UNITED First Community Drop-In iguangAttracts About 500 Youth 6-14 ‘ “The centre allows basic 50- 3-5 cial theories to be applied to Ages 6_-8 Richmond Hill‘s young people, “Many adults and parents have viewed the drop-in experi- ment, with apprehension. with mistrust. and with fear." ob- serves Brian King. a student at Bayview Secondary School and chairman of the drop-in com- mittee The centre. which will be open every Saturday evening. is sponsored by the town coun- cil under the supervision of the parks and recreation commit- tee. "And baby. it's been a long time coming.†commented a member of the youth commit- tee which has been working for about a year searching for a meeting place for the young people of the community. About 500 young people tum- such as coming together, gly- ed out Saturday night for the ing of oneself to another. and opening of the Richmond Hill the formation of friendships." Drop-in Centre at Wrixon Halllsays Brian. St. Mary‘s Anglican Church,. “The activity \n'thin the drop- St. Mary‘s Anglican Church‘ Vaughan Road at Yonge Street The meeting has been called to consider the national and local budgets of the church in the light of the presént down- ward trend in church finances and in the light. of Canadian and world challenges. This meeting is open to all church people of the commun- ity. / “Contrary to popular opin- ion. the Church is not dead, thank you.†This is the message that will be brought to a special meeting of the United Church's York Presbytery at 8 pm Sunday in Richmond Hill United Church. At the request of the National Stewardship Office, Rev. George Morrison. formerly comptroller with IBM and now at Ryerson United Church, Vancouver, will be the speaker. For Bus Transportation from Preston Lake and Lake Wilcox, Phone 887- 5846 or 887-5303. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Mr. James Sleeth will speak on Drug Addiction Annual Missionary Convention GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. H. S. Hallman, Minister 887-5846 FridaY. 8 pm. â€" Youth Fellow- ship. Social Evening a-t home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yoke Saturday, 8 pm. â€" Youth Re- gional Rally at O'Connor Hills Church. Budget Crisis In United Churches Challenges York Presbytery Sun. SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1970 9.50 am. â€" Bible School With Classes for all Ages auu DlUlC otuu Evening Activities _ are in members‘ homes. Call;RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 884-6136 for further informa- 24 011! Avenue, Richvale tion. 9.30 am. â€"- The Lord‘s Supper Everyone Welcome To Our New 11 am. -- Family Bible Hour Church With a New Ministry 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service . Monday GORMLEY Dorcas Club _ MI§_SI(_)N_§1§_Y CHI_J§C_E 7 pm. â€" Boys‘ Club. Ages 12 Cancelled in favor of guest speaker at Richmond Hill Bap- tist Church. Rev. H. Popov, do- ing underground evangelism in Russia. 7.30 Wednesday 8 pm. â€"- Midweek Service of Prayer and Bible Study SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 9.50 am. â€" Family Bible Hour There is a Class for Everyone 11 am. â€" Morning Worship The Pastor Speaks 7 pm. â€" Evening Fellowship Held in basement hall of the Bayview Restaurant. Friday 8 pm. - Adventurers Ages 9-12 Saturday. 3.30 pm. â€" Bible Club Ages 5 - 8 The Missionary Church (Beverley Acres School) Pastor, Rev. Andrew P. Jone: 884-6136 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister VIIICI UCIIUIIIIIICIIUII) Rev. Harold w. Kemp BA. BB. RICHMOND BILL Organist: Miss Doris Mitchell;FREE METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1970 10 am. â€" Worship Service RICHMOND HILL Choir Director: Mrs. Irene Bowes Tuesday â€" Youth Fellowship 1 RE". GEORGE MORRISON The committee-issuevs-a “tam-l A Spring 031' Tally is Ming « ing. however: “Lubes, get rid'organized by Neal Harvey. This of the hooch! It‘s a real hassle great afternoon 0f 081‘ jOCREY- and we don‘t want any busts," ing will be held April 19. with And they mean it, too, [the cars and drivers meeting at For five weeks last fall. theft}!e Dominion Store Parking 10t same group operated an expel-1-;south of Richmond Hill. More mental drop-in centre at ouriinformation may be obtained Lady Queen Of The World Ro-lfl‘om Neal Hal'VeY 01' Daryl man Catholic Church.-and didiRiCE. their mm policing. 1 Th: Doruble 0.2 Buggython is According to adult observers, those who threatened to inter- fere with the rights of others, or to create problems for the group. were quietly but effec- tively cautioned. and if neces- sary. removed from the hall. sary. removed from the hall. I The The committee has assured‘OMNI its sponsors that it m’ll not hesi-;ing is tate to call the police if a:the Fa situation arises which warrantsil’s G such action. and a "It is hoped that the parents of Richmond Hill‘s youth will encourage them to keep coming to the drop-in. and that the school board. and other groups in the Hill will support the ef- forts of the town in providing a service to it's young people." “The activity \dthin the drop- in is (within the limits of the law) unrestricted. with only the supervision of a group of young persons who take care of the hall for the others. NOT A DENOMINATION A CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ORDER A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 D. Lowery. Sec.. 884-4880 CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€" Bible School ‘ 11 am. â€"7 Morning Service 7 p.m. -â€" Worship and Comm munion. l Wednesday 7.30 p.m. -â€" Bible Study and Up Tuesday 8 pm. -- Service of Prayer Thursday Ladies Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples SUNDAY, Minn, 12. 1970 11 am. â€" Mr. Sidney Hoffman 7 pm. â€" Mr. Sidney Hoffman (Clarke and Willowdale Sta.) SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Family Service. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phinnemore 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phinnemore Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Wednesday 7.30 pm. ~â€" Prayer Meeting DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL Pastor, F. C. J. FEARS]! 222-2200 Saturday 9.30 mm. Sabbath School 11. am. Divine Worship Corner of Elmwood and Rutgch l Pastor in". David A. Dyer, B.A.. 3.1). l 884-6629 SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship Service. Guest Speaker, Mr. Ivan Symonds 7 pm. â€" Sunday Evening Service. Speaker: Mr. Stan Campbell Special Music: Soloist Doreen Stavenow Tuesday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Midweek Prayer and Bible Study Hour Hear Pastor Dyer on CFGM, 9 - 9.30 pm. Sunday - “Faith at Work" Other Denominations 80 Elgin Mills Rnad West RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH I The spring bug has also hit OMNI OBLI and a spring out- ;ing is planned for April 26 to Ethe Forks of the Credit or Dev- ‘il‘s Glen. Bus arrangements and area to be hiked will be The Double 0.2 Buggython is still in the organization stage and it looks as though the date will have to be set for early May to insure a successful ven- ture for the Family Counselling Service. A weekend trip to Cedar, 1 share the wealth -â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate Glen for clean-up duties and fun is planned for early May? Highlights of the weekend will} , - _ be a midnight showmg of the; Earl) birds 7.30 pm. â€"- Stay laters movie thriller. “The Horror of Dracula". All gals and ghouls are urged to book this trip early, A spring car rally is beinE organized by Neal Harvey. This great afternoon of car jockey- ing will be held April 19. with the cars and drivers meeting at the Dominion Store parking lot south of Richmond Hill More inl‘nâ€"mâ€"olnâ€" vn-u- LA nk‘n:â€"AA i DOOOOOOO RiCHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 09.99.99 Sunday, April 12. a new pro- gram in the form of a coffee house will be started under the guidance of OMNIer Bob Slat- er. A folk-type singer has been hired for the evening and cof- fee and light goodies will be available at the tables. OMNI member-sin good standing will be admitted free. while the rest of the world will pay 50 cents for the privilege of visiting the Coffee Clique. Richmond Hill's only coffee house for teenagers. Instruction and educational are human beings, many need services together account for assistance from master teachers ‘66.97 percent of the budget. a and others more qualified. total of $23,282.363. The larg- “We are as aware of the est portion of this. 83.56 per- problems as you are. and we cent. is for day school salaries. cannot do all we would like to Together with gains made last do." year, the estimated increase to This. Mrs. Buck described as] teacher’s salaries this year addf’A nice piece of footwork. It almost $2 million to the 1970 isn‘t our problem, it is yours. One night a week the OMNI citizens are 'training the handi- capped young people from ARC Industries, Daybreak and Thornhaven School. in prepara- tion for the Retarded Olympics which take place in June. Floor hockey. ball throwing. running and jumping are all events on the Olympic program and an OMNI citizen is coach of each of the retarded contestants. This makes for a lot of noise and fun as 30 coaches urge their proteges through their paces. OMNI OBLI Members Coach As Retarded Prepare For Olympics With the welcome signs of Glen Sharp’s responsibility. spring cropping up all around This outing is strictly for OMNI us OMNI OBLI has been ac- citizens. A trip to the wilds of cepting committments as fast as the Credit Forks is scheduled the crocuses pop and the rob- for Double 0-2 members April ins appear. 19: Transportation is required One night a week the OMNI for this OUting- ‘ citizens are training the handiâ€" Lastlyv 13‘“ Certaan “0t 193-51" canned vnung Deonle from ARC 1y. a committee was set UP this A large part of the $34,821.- 496 budget approved by the board on March 30 is for fixed ‘expenses which are beyond con- trol of the trustees. pointed out Chairman John MacKay. Another reason for the in- crease. he declared. was the assessment equalization factor introduced by the province, which. he pointed out, affects municipal as well as education- al levies. VSee Education Tax Raise As School Budget Up l6°/o Mayor Alma Walker of the Town of Markham charged that children go to school by bus, then take physical educa- tion to keep fit, that they can- not use school libraries after school hours because they have to catch a bus. Deputy-ream: Alberf Ruther- ford, on the other hand, point- ed oufc that, “A good many young people in York County today would not have a secon- dary education if it were not for the buses.†Representatives of the coun- ty's fourteen municipalities first critized cutbacks in ser- vices, ~t1hen demanded that all buses be removed. Trustees and officials of although the average provincial York County Board of Educa- grants for education through- tion were under vigorous and out the province amount to 51 vehement attack as they pat- percent. the contribution to iently tried to explain the rea- York County is less than the sons for the 16 percent increase average â€" about 43 percent of in the 1970 education budget the total â€" because the provin- over the budget presented last cial equalization factor. which year. bases assessment on the market Representatives of the coun- value of property, has been in- ty's fourteen municipalities creased here more than in most first critized cutbacks in ser- counties. The storm that raged through the county last Thursday night was a gentle breeze compared to the storm that was taking place in the York County Council Chambers in Newmar- ket. gamation of the area boards The board of arbitration rec- Newmarket Reeve Clare Sal- are getting a cushion of ommended however that these iSbUPY urged the board, "Get provincial assistance. be spread over a period of two rid 0f the frills. Take Off "I get it now," commented or three years in order to avoiditl‘ansportation." Richmond Hill Trustee Robert'drastic fluctuations in taxes} AUI‘Ol‘a Mayor DiCk Illinz- Ross. “Richmond Hill is stillifrom one year to the nex’t,and1""m‘l}'l commentEd. "It is 100 paying through the nose andlall school boards in the prov-‘bad We COUldn't see the blldgel Markham Township isn't." |ince were advised by the Deâ€" bEfOI‘e you Past it." It was pointed out that'partment of Education not to He would like to SE9 figures some municipalities had estab- consider the adjustments oflcomparing Present county board lished artifically low education deficits and surpluses when'non-teaching Staff to the num- taxes. selling property and preparing their budgets for her in equivalent positions using the capital to keep down 1970. with the former 21 area fully undertaxed" in 1968 in anticipation of the amal- gamation of the area boards are getting a cushion of provincial assistance. “I get it now.“ commented Richmond Hill Trustee Robert Ross. “Richmond Hill is still paying through the nose and Markham Township isn't." (Continued from Page 1) ltheir operating budgets. fIlftYoudhaves Lakelnbi‘t guthof our ' ' ' 1 . b-;they were now charged t e u l‘han s. c 00 oar s ave o Egeelggigentsagypsecrlfggf; s:nd'cost of operating their schools.!stop being sedate and start nothing for secondary schools.1taxes would eh'rocket. . Thefscreaming. . . we. are tired of Whitchurch Township will getFvaincial supSIdy is deSIgned domg it for you. i 6.7 percent for elementary andlto Prevent this “pin happenlng.l Warden Gordon Cook pomt- 12_4 for secondary_ and Kings The muniCipality. of Aurora ed out that, the school trustees Tovmship 11.8 percent for ole- has protested that it was over-‘are elected.by the public and mentary for 21 for secondaryltaxed in 196? by the former are responsugle to the taxpay- The subsidy_ said Mr_ Aurora Public School Board. ers for the Job they Chapman, is a form of and has asked that awards of “They are responSIb.e for "welfare". Those munici- surpluses and deficits recom-gthe budget .they_have present- palities that were “care- mended by the board's Board‘ed heretonight. Just as we are fully undertaxed" in 1963 of Arbitration be applied to thelresponsmle for the budget we in anticipation of the amal- 1970 tax blll- presented m February. 1‘ | A voice from behind the Iron Curtain will be heard in Rich- lmond Hill Baptist Church, Wright Street. April 15 at 8 pm. Speaking will be Haralan Popov. who was imprisoned and ltortured by the communists for 13 years. because he was a prominent Christian leader. His itopic will be “13 Years In Com- munist Prisons". The name Haralan Popov is deeply revered by thousands of Christians behind the Iron Cur- School Budget - Trustees Come Under Fire At County Council ’citizens to complete plans for the OMNI booth at this year‘s spring fair. Many ideas were presented by the citizens as to how they could contribute to the fair and make the three-day affair a livelier bash. Mr. MacKay pointed out that. although the average provincial grants for education through- out the province amount to 51 percent. the contribution to York County is less than the average â€" about 43 percent of “We are as aware of the problems as you are. and we cannot do all we would like to do“! kaée’k 361%in an}; Bdusie 6.5! NEWMARKET 7 Mayor_Bert OMNI OBLI and Double 0-2 are outreach programs of Rich- mond Hill United Church. Aurora Reeve Evelyn Buck said the board could be com- mended for its elementary schools, “But the secOndary schools are for the birds." Guidance services as they exist she described as a waste of money. Millions of dollars are spent on the illusion that young people will be fit to earn a living when they gradu- ate. "But they are not. They only have a piece of paper.†Mrs. Buck declared. In more moderate tones. Mayor Thomas Surgeoner of Newman-ket said he would like to know how many young peo- ple actually are prepared to enter the labor market when they leave the public school system, how many go on to higher education, and how many drop out at grade 8. Mr. MacKay replied. teachers are human beings, many need assistance from master teachers and others more qualified. “This,†said Mr. MacKay, "has the effect of increasing our assessment per pupil and decreasing our grant percent- age." Increased enrolment of about six percent, for a total of about 44.000 pupils in 110 schools has added $1.3 million $0 the budg- et. budget APRIL 14 â€" 20 Regular Games $20 1 share the wealth â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) Kent says he will appeal an OMB decision which approved a Iii-storey IOU-suite senior citizens apartment at Fairy Lake. He doesn't know to whom his appeal should be addressed. but believes it is the provincial cabinet. It is reported there are already more than sufficient applications to fill the building. .. ‘- ..v.u.uunua\. LUUA- Education Director Sam In Toronto this week. Mr. Chapman submitted a chart to POPOV. said persecution of show the scale of subsidies that Christians had subsided acme- will be available to some mun- what during the Khruschev re- .iCiDaUtieS Where the equalizedgime but is increasing with the assessment factor has resulted rehabilitation of Stalin. in tax increases greater _than He reported he underwent one half an “equalized†mlll- starvation. deprivation of sleep He also pointed Out that and standing for days facing a municipal tax write-offs em“ blank wall. Finally. his will tually COme bad‘ to the board! broken, he "confessed" to es- and the board 105es ,the educa‘ pionage for the United States “on Share 0f unpald taxes‘ and England and 1qug emu“... It is a little late for anyone to scream. said Warden Cook. Legislation was passed last De- cember which makes it possâ€" ible for a municipality to ap- peal its equalization factor, but the warden declared, appeals must be filed within 30 days of the publication of the fac- tors in the Ontario Gazette where they appear in Novem- ber of each year. Such appeals are heard by the Municipal Board. / Mr. MacKay told the counâ€" cil «hat. if any particular coun- cil wished more detailed ex- planations of the budget. trustees representing that mun- icipality are willing to appear at a council meeting, with staff. to go into it. “Equalization affects your taxes too" pointed out Mark- ham Township Trustee Louise Aimone. “You had better start screaming too." Plant operation and mainten- ance will cost $3,921.054 this year, 1126 percent of the bud- get. and includes salaries of caretakers for 110 schools and 26-mn maintenance staff which takes care of emergency and minor repairs. The 29 percent increase In plant operating costs, explained Business Superintendent George Ford. is due largely to the opening of major additions to Huron Heights, Sutton and Markham District High School, together with four new schools, Don Head Secondary, Whit- c'hurch Highlands, Mark II and Nobleton Senior Schools“ The assembled mayors. reeves and deputy-reeves were shown a chart indicating the change in each municipalitity’s provin- cial equalization factor from last year to this. and it was pointed out how this had affec- ted the education grants. to be made for the first time this year on new schools which opened last year. ‘ Capital debt charges total 54.324300. about 12.4 percent of the current budget and $700.- 000 more than a year ago. The increase is due to the fact that debenture debt payments have Unionization of caretakinz staff in 1969 resulted in sub- stantial wage increases. He would like to see figuressand SI comparing present county board Union non-teaching staff to the num- ber in equivalent positions with the former 21 area boards that the county board replaced in January, 1969. questioning an allocation of $270,000 for master teacher. “It is my aim to get rid of the county board," Mr. Illing- werth declared. His spiritu be si harsh Af’ce becam groum being under becam ed here tonight. just as we are The name Haralan Popov is responsible for the budget we deeply revered by thousands of presented in February" Christians behind the Iron Cur- Newmarket Reeve Clare Sal-gtain today. He has become a isbury urged the board, "Getlsymbol of Christian courage to rid of the frills. Take off many thousands whose faith is transportation.†under attack in the communist Aurora Mayor Dick Illinz- world. He is one of the spirit- worth commented. “It is too ual leaders of the people of bad we couldn't see the budget Bulgaria, a land noted for its before you past it." harsh treatment of Christians He would like to see figul'esiand subservience to the Soviet THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 9 was he permitted to rejoin his Make regular pocket money on family in Sweden. a Liberal paper route. Estab- Communist governments are lished routes may be available determined to wipe out religion. in your area. Phone Glen Pratt, Mr. Popov reports. “They wantICarrier Circulation, 884-1105. Only the knowledge that his wife. son and daughter had es- caped from Bulgaria to Sweden. helped Mr. Popov survive his imprisonmlant. he said. At one prison camp seven or eight per- sons were crammed into a cell of six square yards. At another 8000 of 12.000 prisoners died of starvation. cold and heavy work. His very prominence as a spiritual leader caused him to be singled out for specially harsh treatment. "Faith was my only support," he stated. “I never thought I would live. I spent my time in the cell with God." He was re- leased in September 1961, but not until New Year's Day. 1963. was he permitted to rejoin his family in Sweden. He reported he underwent starvation. deprivation of sleep and standing for days facing a blank wall. Finally, his will broken, he "confessed" to es- pionage for the United States and England and was sentenc- ed to imprisonment. After 13 years in prison. he became a leader of the under~ ground church, which came into being as the ofï¬cial church fell under communist control and became a communist tool. "‘Marooned’isdazzlingl Avivid experience,just plainthrillingIAcliff- hanger in space!†i; THE LAUGHTER’S IN THE LEGION AS THE "CARRY ON" GANG FIND new DESERTS TO conouza! // 4 THE RANK ORGANIZATION presents a PETER ROGERS production ‘MaROONED' IS UP WITH; Adult Entertainment Towne and Countrye 222-1196 E E JANE Fflllflll - :4» m ’1!“ "(I ‘ § m cowun DRSTRIBUTED BY COLUMBIA PICTURES in“ Fntprfalnmnnt Yonge St. North at Steeles Ave. New York Film C7156! Iron Curtain Christian -ch.mn Champh’n, Los Angeles Timu CINEMA I - HELD OVER 4TH WEEK STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 10 SPECIAL TREAT FOR THE KIDS “Marooned†ALONG WITH “Sword of Sherwood Forest†at 1:00 SATURDAY MATINEE Week Days On: Complete Show 7:15 :-‘==: f: s Mg m. ._BUTCH CGSSIDY AND THE SUNDGNCE KID Sunday Continuous from 2:00 1e people of noted for its of Christians to the Soviet PANAVISIOK. COLOR BY DELUXE Notthatitmamrs. Mmostofltistrue. CINEMAS ’mmow-cstmxmu > GREGORY mu . :RICHARDCRENI ~ nAvmmnssmnn ~ JAMES mmmscus - GENE HACKMAN M, PM!"th ." um LII m-WIBVIDK'W / Stvnenwybyllvosww hwwnua-elavlu ‘ , Mmmw J ilmfmcw L‘wwu 9113-! $1qu ,, AND 0 j SAME PR1 Continuous Sat. 1 p.m.. Sun. 1.30 Mon. to Fri. at 7 & 9 CINEMA II - (mum at um-mxnvmrnm‘mm Later, at the urging of the people of the underground church, who had no Bibles and no tools to work with. he made his way to the free world to tell their story. Today. he is direct- ing the smuggling of thousands of pockebsize Bibles to com- munist lands and providing emergency relief help to fami- lies of imprisoned Christians. Two h u n d r e d underground Christian workers are also as- sisted. Last year 200.000 Bibles were distributed. A cordial invitation is issued to every interested person to hear this most interesting speaker to prevent young people from ever hearing about the Gospel of God. The old people will die, the young people will not know and in two or three gen- erations there will be no re- ligion." But he feels the persecution is failing to achieve its end. “Persecution has always in- creased the number of Christ- ians. Persecution establishes new churches and makes new Christians." ' GREGORY PECK RICHARD BRENNAâ€" DAVID JANSSEN Mam JAMES FRANCISCUS GENE HACKMAN MAROONEQ BOYS AND GIRLS AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM HARALAN ODEON 884-6221 Pinning†- Enumucolor Commencing Friday ,ummmwou , 1970 POPOV IIIMM