16 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin, to Miss Sharon Holland, in Trenton, March 26, The young couple returned to Maple to help Mr. and Mrs. Hall cele- brate their 25th wedding anni- versary, March 30. * at w at The film "High School" that had been planned for April 23 has hadto be changed to the following Tuesday evening Ap- ril 28, at the same time and the Of Concord Ward Hall. 5‘ Station Street. recently attendn ed the “edding of their soni Marion and Ross Bryson and family Betty and Brian spent a nine-day holiday in Florida during the mid-winter break.‘ although flight schedules and exams made it necessary for Marion and Betty to fly down first and for Ross and Brian to follow later. They made the Holiday Inn in Tampa their home while there. and visited Busch Gardens, Cypress Gardâ€" ens. Sarasota and as many other attractions as they could man- age. They enjoyed some shop- ping and Betty was able to do quite a bit of swimming while she and her mother were wait- ing for Dad and Brian. This seemed to be a most relaxing holiday. which the whole fam- ily enjoyed. The film "High School" that had been planned for April 23 has hadlo be changed to the following Tuesday evening Ap- ril 28, at the same time and the Happy birthday to Christo- pher McNeilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lanny McNeilly, King High Drive, who was five years old April 7. Christopher was guest) of honor at a party on Saturday with Kelly Ann Cole. Michael and Sharry Camp, Gor- don Randy, Linda Mintz, Deb- bie Corner, Jimmy Maltucci and Mark McNeilly present. Grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. William McNeilly of Port Dover were also able to be here for the oc- casion. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Lori Cloutier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Cloutier. King High Drive. five on April 11. First Concord Cubs enjoyed """"" an outing recently to the North ‘ ’ York Fire Department, Yonge . 0 Street in Willowdale. Captain Earle Cloutier guided the 27 boys on their tour of the station Which inCIUdEd a demonstration Neighborhood Notes , Registration for kindergarten of the fire truck‘s ladder de- Mrs. Robert Hill, Napierlwil‘l be held at Kleinburg ViCES- The boys “1911 adjourned Street: had the misfortune toUunior School April 27 and 101119 138d 381‘“ f01‘hanlblll‘éml'slslip and fall while out for a‘readers are asked to advise and dl‘mkS compliments 0f Ulelwalk on the hill of Glegmans' their neighbors of this date. management. The three fatherslMin Road. Mrs. Hill suffered] Open house will be held in W110 transported the youngsters lacerations to the scalp and con-[the Junior Public School on deserVe a "0‘9 0f thanks 3150- cussion but is feeling betteriTuesday and Thursday next now. :from 10 to 12 noon and 1:30 to 0N KEELE ST. 1 Mile North of Maple I Elderly, convalescent & chronically ill people D Registered nurse 24 hrs. Semi or Private Accommodation Excellent meals An all-modern-facility home For information Phone Maple Nursing Home “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, I Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News 832-1368 THE LIBERAL Many apartment dwellers insure furniture and personal belong- ings against ï¬re and theft. Other risks are often oxerlookcd. Liability is one. If ï¬re starts in your apartment through negligence and spreads to other areasâ€"0r causes smoke or water damageâ€" you could be held responsible for thousands of dollars. Worth the risk? Of course not. Especially when Economical Insurance has a special Tenant‘s Policy that will fully protect you. Rates are'low. And sen ice is personalized. thanks to )our Economical Insurance Agent. Call today. He will be pleased to help you. Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884â€"1551 “'illowdaie â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 2211-1611 CANADIAN Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April THINK AGAIN flicting dates with other activi- ties involving our teens and parents. A complete article on this film will appear in next week‘s issue. Since the principals of our schools have urged parents to take their children to tour the new Ontario Science Centre in Don Mills, as our schools have been able to send only two classes to date, we decided to take advantage of a free Friday evening to take our family. We found the centre everything it is said to be, with many things to interest everyone in the fam- ily. In fact, after five tiring hours, the children were still determined to miss nothing. We would highly recommend this as a family outing which is fascin- ating. entertaining and educa- tional. same school, because of (-on-l Pat Mrs. Rita Cook, Woodbridge held a campaign tea for her can- vass captains recently to help kick-off the cancer society‘s cur- rent appeals}: funds. Friends oTMrs. Chuck Ellis, Napier Street wish her a speedy recovery from her illness in the hospital. Ladies of the area are cord- ially invited to a coffee party April 15 at 10 am at the ‘home of Mrs. Ken See, the last house on Pennon Road. Plans for future catering projects held in Klein- burg United Church will be dis- cussed. Mrs. R. H. Jennings. IslingtoniEagle Golf Club. Anyom Avenue recently was hostess at1ing to join the bowlers £0 a Tupperware party in her‘ner and dance please (:1 home for friends and neighbors.lJean Donneral at 893-1203 Hud Offico wpea~London-Hamilmn-Toronto-O‘ IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE Kitchener, Ontario ALL THE WAY Pat and Karl Kantai'off, Karlm'eather permitting. at the BP and Karen were among thelservice station from 10 am till many from Maple who enjoyed} pm. April 18. This is a good their holiday recently in Myrtle’opportunity for an inexpensive Beach. North Carolina. lt‘cai‘ “ash, cost $100. and a cup seems that this area is becom-iof coffee while you wait. ing quite‘a “Little Ontario" dur-iMaple United Church ing the winter holidays. Thei This is the weekend to take holiday for the Kantaroff‘s was‘in the rummage and bake sale relaxing and the children en- at Maple United. April 11 from ijoyed looking for 5119115, etc. 1:30 pm. It will give you the 1and visiting with those whom opportunity to stock up on some they knew were staying in the of the excellent baked goods area. available. . . . Lions Club 1 itizens Sen or C , ,i mm m". n: Hm Tinn: (‘Jnh The seniors enjoyed thor- oughly their first afternoon of progressive euchre, under the direction of Barney Bryan. There was an excellent turnout, with nine tables in progress. Mrs. Miriam Lepper and Mrs. Victoria Clendenan were win- ners. We stated last week that al- ternative activity would be planned for those who were not interest_d in the euchre. but it seems that this is not to be nec- essary. as there were only four or five who found other games and quilting to occupy their afternoon. The euchre will continue now, for three more alternative Mon- day afternoons, April 13 and 27 and May 11, with various ac- tivities on the other afternoons. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church “Blythewood 67", Richmond Street. Richmond HillA Mem- bers please notehthe changeh 1m The regular meeting of St. Andrew‘s WA-WMS will meet April 15 at 8 pm in the new apartment of Mrs. Elmo Kefi‘el‘. “Blythewood 67". Richmond Thé Bible class of St. An. drew‘s will hold a car wash Open house will be held in the Junior Public School on Tuesday and Thursday next from 10 to 12 noon and 1:30 to 3:00 pm. Bowling Dollar winners in the K/N Bowling League last week were Marie King with 632 and Walter Bell with 697. ' Team standings are: Pearl Knight 31 points, Jack John» ston 27, Marie King 26, Helen Miles 25, Marjorie Bell 25, Jack Ireland 24, Betty Train 21. Har- ry Burnfield 16, George Knight 15, Garnet Case 15. Lois Sand- erson 14 and Bill Cain 11 points. The bowling banquet is plan- ned for May 22 at the Glen Eagle Golf Club. Anyone car- ing to join the bowlers for din- ner and dance please contact 19 70 Men The new five day timetable burg was begun this week replacing and the 51}; day systemfhe students‘ Wise have had. This W111 mean_that‘ , math. grammar, composition. a†inispel‘ling, French and literature “will have the same number of! 'next periods per week as before. Thei ‘0 to ungi‘aded reading program has proven most successful, and will he continued, with students be- iing placed on levels of reading K/N skills. Science, history, geog- Were raphy, physical education and alter art will receive the same atten- This is the weekend to take in the rummage and bake sale at Maple United. April 11 from 1:30 pm. It will give you the opportunity to stock up on some of the excellent baked goods available. Lions Club "‘Pancake Festival". when over 500 were served pancakes and maple syrup. We understand that Frank Robson was kept busy at the sugar bush as well as with those who were taken ‘out by bus from Maple. The :y its readers in Maple, Concord, Edgeley and Kleinhurg. ‘ole, 889-4379; in, Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw. 893-1432. The men of the Lions Club enjoyed a most successful Sat- urday last week with their available. Lions Club The men of the Lions Club enjoyed a most successful Sat- urday last week with their “Pancake Festival". when over During the recent winter hol-l iday, the Guide company withi Captain Mrs. Gail Constable, went to Toronto to see Disney on Parade, the afternoon of March 25. We understand that 500 were served pancakes and maple syrup. We understand that Frank Robson was kept busy at the sugar bush as well as with those who were taken out by bus from Maple. Lions are particularly grateful to those who gave so freely of their time as well as of mater- ial things to help make the project such a success, and wish to say a big “Thank You†ito everyone. The! the girls thoroughly enjoyed this program. and that all the Guides turned out to go. The girls also gave their time last Saturday to help the Maple Lions with the tables in the 1community hall for the pancake festival. Bowling Ladies‘ League â€" the last ev- ening for the second series was played off last week, with Venus the winners, since Mars Since this event turned out so well, it is hoped that it will become an annual affair. Joseph Gibson School Parents of pre-school child- ren are asked to note that the date for kindergarten registra- tion has been set for April 27, from 9 am till 12 noon and from 1:30 pm till 3:30. Parean are asked to remem- ber to bring along proof of birth, (birthday) in the form of birth certificate or baptismal certificate or similar. George Bailey School The students of the senior school are looking forward to an afternoon of music April 14 with the junior and senior or- chestras from Langstaff Sec- ondary School under the direc- tion of John Lockwood. Birthday greetings to David Purves who will be seven years old today (Thursday). Neighborhood Notes The weather held for the maple sugar excursion to the Read Bush on Saturday. The ladies had hot coffee and pan- cakes ready to go with the fresh maple syrup which the men had boiled down from the sap. A very happy but muddy crowd emerged from the bush late in the afternoon. Jean and Jack Bushell visit- ed Bev and Glen Goodhead in Rexdale on Sunday, had dinâ€" ner and enjoyed an afternoon with their two grandchildren. Friends of Jean DelBi'ccco will join with us in wishing ‘her a speedy recovery from illness which has kept her confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drury. Donnie and Marie visited at the home of Mrs. Carrie Read, Bathurs‘t Street. recently. Mr. and Mrs. A1 hartford and family were guesfs at 1119 Gordon Read home for Sunda; dinner. The family of Stan Wood gathered at the home of Frank Purves Saturday evening to help Mr. Wood celebrate his Purves Saturday evening 10 Th e Y '1: N ‘th Cha ter 118113 Mr. Wood celebrate his 01 01 P i . Barbershoppers is just sever. 75th. birthéay- years old, but it will join this semor Cimens lweek in celebrating the 32nd The Richvale Senior Citizens birthday of the Society For The held an entertaining afternoon Preservation and Encourage- April 1 when instead of their ment of Barber Shop Quartet l‘eglflal' meeting they gathered Singing In America which was at 1 Pm in costume and carry-Wounded in Tulsa, Oklahoma on ing a box lunch had a hai'depi-ii 11. 1938. “me party" 1 The society now has 32.000 Following the luncheon. en- tertainment chairman Reitta Alexander conducted a Chinese auction. a successful project of this club which provides amuse- ment and funds. this club which provides amuse-' At a recent Monte Carlo ment and funds. Night, the local chapter which The grand parade was thenlmeets in St. John‘s Anglican held and prizes were awarded‘Church Hall, Yonge Street at as follows: best period costume, Jefferson, raised money to be men, Peter Karpuse in his'forwarded to the Ontario Dis- authentic Lithuanian outfit; trict Trust Fund of the Insti- women, this decision proved t00.tute Of Logopedics, a speecll much for the judge so all four,and hearing therapy institution finalists shared first prize -â€"ifor children. Elene Karpuse in Lithuanianl The York North Chapter costume, Mrs. Alice Duckworth now has about 40 members in European dress, Edith Marin- and is looking for more. 1‘ off as a Japanese lady and meets at 8 pm each Wednesâ€" ‘Reitta Alexander in an 1800’s day. costume. ‘ For additional information. Winnie Tonks took the lad- ies‘ prize for most original dress in a “Don't Strike Me Out" outfit and the prize for the funniest costume went to “Gramma†Bailey as a train en- gineer ,whose get-up was the highlight of the afternoon. Men’s funniest costume prize was awarded to Iris Jordan, who took the honors from the gentlemen. Ina Lain's’ circus clown costume also won a prize for her. To help Stan Wood cele- brate his 75th birthday ghere was a large cake \n'th ice cream and in line with April Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves â€" Phone 884-2552 526 Cirrville Road ' CARRVILLE NEWS ents Pioner League â€" these scores student at Hamilton ’l‘eachers' that‘are for the first evening of College in a primary specialist ,ion, playoff bowling, to be added to course. The groom is the son ture next week’s scores for final of Mrs. Herbert Becker and the r of winners, who will take the Milt late Mr. Becker of Oakville and The Palmer trophy. is employed at Ferro Enamels hast Ed Borrett’s team took first (Canada) Ltd. as a chemist. will’place with 2814 total pins, Jack Given in marriage by her be- Gooderham‘s team came secondifathel-v the bride wore a floor- 3mg With 2780 MRS, Pew Craib’s length gown of white velvet eogâ€" team followed closely with 2716 fashioned on the empire line, and and Orne Downey’s were not far It had long bell shape sleeves vten' baCk With 2595 tOtal- tand a train attached with vel- the William Walker, chairman of ddy the planning and development USh committee of York Presbytery will be guest speaker at the mac service at Carrville United ling Church Sunday at 10 am. Fol- .‘om lowing the service the congre- hcr gamion is asked to remain [or ‘a short meeting with Mr. ui'y.£Walke1'. tion, while the grades 7 and 8 will have one period of library science. 1 of music. health and guidance, 2 of drama. 1 each of creative writing and a study period. With no recess period, George Bailey school is the only school with a one hour lunch period. and it is hoped that with the advent of better weather, more students will be able to ‘get home for their lunch. Guides and Brownies Ladies‘ League â€" the last ev-T ening for the second series was played off last week, with Venus the winners, since Mars had won the first; series, and could not: be allowed to win both. Mars had 30 points, Ven- us 28, Earth 22, Pluto 21. Sat- ‘urn 20, Jupiter 16, and Moon ‘12. for the series. For the ev- ‘ening, Moon took 5 points from ‘Venus, leaving them with 2. ‘Earth took 5 from Sun. leaving ithem with 2, Mars took 5 from; iPluto leaving them with 2, and; ‘Jupiter took 4 leaving Saturn: iwith 3. ‘ ht F V! C High single went to Audrey Foulds with 256 and Det Pal- mer took high three with 657. Det also still holds the high average of 211. The next two weeks will be taken up in playoffs, and then the two top teams will bowl off, April 20 for the MRA Tro- phy‘ Men‘s league scores were not readily available this week. 1, someone slipped some trick candles in with the traditional ones, requiring a great deal of blowing from Stan and his friends. When the pictures taken on this occasion are processed they will be made available to the seniors at their meeting. Church News Remember when doing your spring cleaning to donate good used clothing and other items to the rummage sale to be held in co-ordination with the plant sale May 23 at Carrville dnit- ed. Local Barbershoppers Seeking More Singers The society now has 32000 harmonizers throughout Can- ada and the United States who will be joining in the cel- ebration of Harmony Week. The York North Chapter now has about 40 members and is looking for more. It meets at 8 pm each Wednes- day. For additional information? contact President Elgin Toole! at 895-9580 or one of the {01- A lowing numbers; Richmond Hill; 884-3229, Aurora 727-4016 or; R Oak Ridges 773-4016. , SU'I'I‘ON A fire has claim- ed one life and is threatening another. Five-year-old Joey Al- lison, severely burned in a fire over a week ago. is still fighting for his life in Toronto Sick Children‘s Hospital. His condi- tion is critical. Also. an inquest into the death of Terry Quilty, 9, of Sutton in the same blazing fish hut on Lake Simcoe has been set for April 27. Rev, D12 Ramsay Armitage heard Brenda Joan Howell and Falk Becker exchange wedding vows in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Maple. December 27. A charming setting for the cer- emony was provided by two bouquets of red gladioli on the altar and small red gladioli tied with white ribbons marking the guest pews. Organist Barry Watson played “Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven" as the wedding march. IIt; had long bell shape sleeves: and a train attached with vel- vet roses. Narrow lace trimmed the‘edges of the sleeves and of the (tram. Her elbow-length tulle veil fell from a cluster of three white velvet roses with a ‘peal‘l centre. Her cascade bou- ‘quet was three white orchids surrounded by stephanomis in- }terspersed with red holly ber- ries and leaves. Her only orna- ment was the groom‘s gift, a single strand pearl necklace. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell of Vaughan Township and is a student at Hamilton Teachers' College in a primary specialist course. The groom is the son‘ of Mrs. Herbert Becker and the“ At the reception held at the Q Summit Golf and Country Club. O Jefferson. Mrs. Howell received Q !the guests in a pale gold broâ€"‘ ,cade ensemble ,with a green orchid corsage. She was assistJ ed by the groom's mother who" wore a silver blue coat and dress ensemble with matching hat and white orchid corsage. The threeâ€"tiered wedding cake :‘was topped with fresh whitel 996399.. R The attendants were Linda Dale as maid of honor and Mrs. Robert Howell tthe bride‘s sisterâ€"in-law) and Tanys Howell (the bride’s sister) as brides- maids. Dirk Becker was his brother’s best man and Robert Howell (the bride’s brother) and Frank Becker (the groom’s brother) were the ushers. The bride’s attendants were gowned alike in floor-length royal blue velvet fashioned on the empire line with a round neckline and a waistline gather- ed at the sides and back, highâ€" lighted \\'ith narrow blue flow- ered trim at the sleeves' edge and waistline. Their headpieces were composed of [our small {royal blue velvet roses. pendent suspension, 4 doors, radial tires, 7V2 cubic feet of foam in the large bucket seats, 40 miles to a regular gallon, 85 MPH. top speed, a sealed Hone ymooned 0n Eleuthera Island A Renault 10 can piease most of the people all of the time. MR. AND MRS. FALK BECKER sweetheart roses and its decora- tions included a silver leaf from the bride's grandparents' wed- ding cake more than 60 years ago. For the wedding trip, the bride donned a red wool dress with matching coat, black vel- vet hat and black accessories. Following a honeymoon in1 Eleuthera Island in the Baha- mas, Mr. and IVIrs.‘Falk Becker have taken up residence in Hamilton. INCOME TAX PREPARATION JOHN‘S TAX SERVICE 416-225-1608 Reasonable Rates Personable Service Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. - Friday 8:30 am. to SEE I‘S FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS 5th Year CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS (0 1t's the only small car bunt m Canada to fit Canadian condi- tions; so there are lots of dealers and no parts problems. Let a Renault 10 please you today. ble Announcement wishes to advise his patients that as of May 9, 1970 he will retire from the active practice of family medicine. _ _ L r N V KEELE ST., MAPLE North of Maple Sideroad on Kecle St. : - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. ~ Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm. A.“ A, Complete with top quality 18 stainless steel sink . . . swivel . arborite top . . . choice ‘0 colors Kitchen Sink Cabinets Dr. Gabriel Sabo .r'r â€" $90.00 and up of Maple, Ontario OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE OF CUSTOM-MIXED COLORS AND WHITE . . sfvivel taps chotce of any J a Gailon 75c A QUART KINGS KEELE ST. 5.. MAPLE 832-1115 OFFICIALLY â€" we KNOW ITS‘ some: ,euw HOW us may . epgeze CAN STING.’ CANADIAN CAN BER SUC|ETY RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 A calendar c2 cold. But 1'01 keep warm . . Fuel Oil . . . weather comes. fNGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 WARREN PARK MOTORS x20" Ontario‘s Newest Dealer ‘n't feel J can. . with ( ‘till wax