10 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aprfl 16, 1370 His Matter-Of-Conscience Vote Broke Party Ranks‘ Roberts Raps U. Tax Level Arguments l "The Liberal" in n tele- phone interview from his house of Commons office. “I believe the bill sets a bad precedent by restricting the larea of free speech in society. if believe the traditional liberal position over two centuries places an almost absolute priority on freedom of speech," said the young MP. “It is necessary to allow peo- iple to say even horrible. wicked and cruel things. because in the long run in an open society the truth emerges through discusâ€" ‘sion and controversy. "I voted for the Tory amend- iment. because I‘m opposed to ‘the legislation." he said. His ac- tion was a breaking of party ranks on a particular issue, but, not a general break with the .party. i “The amendment, really 'guts' ‘the legislation. takes out all but advocacy of genocide It would. eliminate the hate literaturei _ ‘part of the bill." said MPiU-S- Roberts. The meeting was attended by Iâ€"__â€"________ about 110 York Simcoe constit- uents. Federal Minister Portfolio Herb Gray of Windsor attended the meeting with Mr. Roberts. and fielded some of the more technical questions. He has responsibilities in the lfinance department. Chairman of the meeting was Michael Ronan of 317 Tower Crest Drive. Newmarket. The threeâ€"man guest panel included Leonard Rosenberg. Aurora, chartered accountant; John Kudelka of Newmarket. stockbroker and dairy farm ex- ‘ecutive; and Tom McPherson, ’AUI‘OI‘a lawyer. At one point panelist Kudelka remarked that the meeting was probably not attended by the large mass of people in the low- York Simcoe MP John Rob-‘by the House of Commons inl erts says he doesn‘t expect to the form proposed by the Tru- be penalized in any way by the deau Government. Liberal Party for breaking "It was a straightforward party ranks last week and vot- question of conscience. 0n mg for a Progressive Conserva- such questions members of five amendment to the govem- Parliament are always. free ment's hate propaganda bill. ‘ to vote as their conscience The bill has since been passed. dictates." Mr. Roberts told cent of the population ha property. John Roberts M 18 in Newmarket. He d Canadian situation. He was speaking di controversial federal Whi He was answering a com- plaint. from a mcmbcr of "‘ audience who was arguing against the proposal to shut tilt tax load a little off the backs of the. iower-to-middle income group. The unidentified speak- er from the audience alleged the tax proposals would be heavter on Canadians than on Americans in the professional and higher middle income group. This was what brought, about MP Robeits‘ remark about the distribution of wealth in the a winner every month! YOU CAN BE A WINNER TOO! All you have to do is cash your Family Allowance Cheque at any member store and fill in a coupon for the lucky draw. . For All Occasions ‘ We Deliver to I Toronto 8; Surrounding l Districts Flowers Wired Anywhere Rice's Flowers ‘ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Phone 889-1812 l - All All Hours - 250 YONGE ST. N. at LEVENDALE 4. RICHMOND HILL i 88 1812 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY SALE Drapes Made In 1 Day: From Date Of Order Choose from a Good Selection of Fine Decorator Fabrics out of our Stock, at a Great Saving To You, NOW. FACTORY TO YOU PRICES W. ANTIQUE SATIN SPECIAL 14 Decorator Colours to choose from. Fully Satin lined. 144â€x95†long Richmond Heights Centre Newmarket Shopping Centre PLEIN JOUR SPECIAL 12’x95†Triple Fullness, Scallgiï¬dslAZI’J’EHem 00 Bennett's Home Textiles ltd. â€" IS COMING SUNDAY APRIL I9 TO ALEX NYERGES SHELL SERVICE 96 Bayview Ave., Corner of Markham Rd., Richmond Hill _FEATUR.NG_ DON’T MISS IT! High Quality lst Line Free Entertainment For The Kiddies SPECIAL Johnson First Aid 0 Come and see Elmer the real live elephant 0 Free pony rides for all the kiddies 0 Free Hot Dog Coupon for each $5.00 gas purchase. Honored at Steve‘s Restaurant just across the street l UNIROYAL_‘, At Extremely Low Prices Auto Kit $2.98 TIRES “it‘s A Steal" By HAROI. The rich five percent of the [7.8. owns half of all the property while, the poor 50 per- panel discussion on the proposals contained in the .‘ Without D BLAIN E population s only five percent. of the P. York Simcoe said April idn't have figures on the Ii'ing a public forum and to Paper on Tax Reform. ‘ Pr half of the These were the people who, lwould benefit from the taxi proposals. but. they weren't beâ€"I ing heard from. “How can we. get a consensus when they‘rel not. here?" he asked. i This resulted in a lady from Simcoe being the first member of the audience to speak up lduring the question period. She said she hadn't planned to say anything, but. after Mr.‘ Kudclka's remark she felt she must. The lady said she came to, Canada from another country where the government didn‘t' care about the. fate of the low income people, where the streets weren‘t paved, where it wasn‘t safe to go out at night. and where there wasn't freedom to speak out about taxes. She said she was mighty glad 1to have the freedom and oppor- ltunity to publicly discuss taxan ‘tion with a member of the gov- ,ernment and to speak out about’ her feelings. She said her husband earns 1$83 a week. But a loaf of ‘bread cost 27 cents, just the ‘same as the richer people who were complaining about paying ;a little more taxes. Beef steak cost them $1.30 a pound, just the same as it cost Ithe high income professional people who were complaining. But we like to eat steak once in a while too. she said. This lady said she and her husband would be mighty glad to get an additional income tax exemption. and she didn't think it was going to hurt somebody with an income of $15,000 or $20,000 a year 110 pay something like an added $300 taxes. She said she couldn't under- stand it when she heard people making $20,000 a year com- plaining they will have to pay $300 more. In many lower in- come families the women have to go out to work to keep going, she said. Remarking on the complaints about estate taxes, she said. “If I have an estate over $50,000 my children will be glad to have it to pay tax on." Mr. Rosenberg said Ben- son's White Paper and the public dialogue idea were really a pretence, a farce and a public hoax. .Send- ing a parliamentary com- mittee around the country was a waste of travel funds amounting to many thous- ands of dollars. Minister Without Portfolio Gray answered that the com- plaints were usually on the other side, with most people complaining there isn‘t enough direct contact and dialogue be- tween the public and the cabin- et. It was unusual to hear a complaint the Ministers were travelling too much. he said. Mr. Gray said the old tradi- tional way of introducing tax changes was by way of policy papers attached to the budget. The changes were fixed and un- ch-angable in advance when in- troduced in that way. The public dialogue on the. tax changes this time was not? just for fun. It was hard work on top of regular duties for government members. He was in Vancouver Monday, in To- ronto and Newmarket Wednes- day, scheduled for London Fri- day, and had a meeting back at. home in Windsor Monday. Mr. Gray said he wouldn't: be doing this if there wasn't a serious effort being made to listen to the public. “This is a new departure in forming tax policy in Canada. It's so new that informed people still have a certain degree of skepticism. The proof will be the results of this dialogue pro- cess and the final legislation," said the Windsor Minister. Mr. Roberts said. “We've tried to do something new with this White Paper.†The idea was to involve the public and not just present them with an accomplished fact. income scale. I The members of the House of Commons Finance Commit- tee have cancelled their vacaâ€" ltion plans, because they want to ihear what the public has to say, Iber of this committee. I “If a government really want- ed to push these proposals; through without regard for ob-: jections. then the last thing theyI ‘out series of hearings. This would be an extraordinarily stu-l pid thing to do unless they wanted to hear the public." he said. adding that for good or ill he had supported the idea of public dialogue on tax reform before the legislation was draft- ed. "I also don‘t like wasting my time. I wouldn't spend July and August travelling the coun- try for public hearings If it were merely a masquerade.“ he said. , Mr. Roberts said in his { opinion one of the things I I tax reform must do is re- duce the burden on low in- ‘ some groups. The burden on the low income group I has been steadily growing , over the years. he said. i He said the finance commit‘ }tee was gomg to have to look at‘ lthe way capital gains and es- “ate taxes work together. Es- pec1ally in the case of farmers. “That's what pa rtic1patory democracy is all about," he said. Esaid MP Roberts. who is a mem-I : t d9 S .01 HERBERT GRAY Defends White Paper the White Paper didn't deal suf- ficiently in depth with the farm; situation. He had just met with the On- tario Federation of Agriculture delegation. Its members gen- erally supported the White Paper. but had some Very valid criticism on certain points. he said. He is also hoping to meet soon with York and Simcoe County farm group representa- tives. Mr. McPherson was concern- ] I lll‘hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘tililtllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' . Lucky Shoppers Canadian Tire The biggest bargains in many a moon were picked up by seven area residents at. the Canadian Tire Assoc- iate Store. located at 70 Yonge Street North. Rich- mond Hill. over the past. two weeks. The big bargains were part of the celebration of the local store's 30th an- niversary. Jack Corbett, 237 Alsace Road. Richmond Hill. was able to purchase a CGE Electric Lawn Mower for 30¢ when the number on ed about the threat to personal come tax i come tax inspector has powersi . He can call in a citizen summar- " 11y. 3 gate him. Now: The Brand New . . . Colorpack ||l freedom contained in the in- act. He said the in- no other person in somety lias.‘ refuse to let him bring along his lawyer. and interro- This enforcement system b)- passes the normal system ofl justice. It costs $1,000 to get‘ simply to the first court of ap- peal. Even then the citizen is‘ assumed guilty beforehand and, must pay the taxes levied event though the levy is being ap-‘ pealed. If he wins. he only gets three percent interest. on the: money held in the meantime by the government, he said. Mr. Roberts agreed this kind of thing was undesirable and must be looked at. Polaroid Camera Featuring: Takes black (1.- white and color. ONLY Built-in development PH 0T0 atlas timer and built-in auto- SUPPLIES Richmond Heights Centre 884-3221 lLIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-G .A. i etR emits-884410 the third section of the April 2 edition of “The. Liberal" matched one of the numbers posted in the store. Ray Kerr. 219 Rosemar Gardens, Richmond Hill. got two glass-belted polyes- ter tires for 60¢ when his number proved to be a lucky one. R. Todd, 152 May Aven- ue. Richvale, acquired a Cougar bicycle for 30c when his number matched a posted one. Buying CGE electric kettles for 30c each were Joseph Gratton. 223 Ash- lar Road. Richmond Hill; Arthur Holding. King City: Wayne Long. 40 Starlight Crescent. Richmond Hill and Harvey Wyatt. Anglin Drive, Markham Township. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll “I know Cancer can be beaten†‘would do is hold a long. drawn‘ , Mrs. William Dennison Toronto, Ont. Cancer can be beaten.Your dollars are needed now to continue the battle. Give hope a boost. When a vol- unteer calls, be generous. METRO TORO DISTRICT OETHE CANADIAN CANCER I SOCIETY canvassâ€"April l to 30 IT’S OPEN HOUSE at SENECA COLLEGE WELCOME to Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology and to Seneca’s Open House for 1970. Friday, April 17, during the after- noon and evening, and Saturday, April 18. all day. Don’t miss the colleges of applied arts and tech- nology in Ontario. Everyone we]- come! Friday, April 17 â€" _ 3:00 pm. - 10:00 pm. Saturday, April 18 â€" interesting exhibits, demonstra- tions and displays especially pre- 10300 a-m- ' 5500 DJ“- pared for this annual event. There’ll be more than 50 of them. OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY 43 Sheppard Avenue East - at Yonge 1750 Finch Avenue East - at Woodbine See what's happening in the ex- panding community college field . . at Seneca, your community college, one of the most progressive I ' GA 5 .09 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED oming up Savings! Named avourites . . . a rich and t gardens ablaze Everything is c varieties, old 1’ rug ed colle<itiog to ï¬e h bUSh Pm‘ ( 't vivids en or. ac ‘rose H 2 iieqctivelv pafkaged, each With a minimum “0"!†AND of three sturdy canes. Bursting to bloom. READY 1'0 6R0“ Extra! CASH uniCARBY BONUS COUPONS .VIHnHDl 1.; k/M/fln’l/i A ' r' 70 Yon 8844196