Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1970, p. 14

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889-6662 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South / Anton. Ontario By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour 1!. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 14 V THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1970 'Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 81 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 13 Queenston St. St. Catharines. Ont. & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS _ 129 Church St. South '9 Richmond mu. Ontario V (415) 884-65“ Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Toronto Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 806 Bayview le Telephone 884-8651 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Transmission Service 2453 131mm:an sr. Automatic & Standard Transmission Specialists 181-0221 RICHMOND HILL 8844306 free Surgery - Landscaping FREE ESTIMATES Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Britnell, Moore SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS CARPENTRY Auto Transmission Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL FOREST VALLEY TREE EXPERTS Accountants 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhil] 889-1379 Engineering PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . CUSTOM WORK 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry Insurance 884-6663 884-7774 3636959 IOffice Supplies 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery. Typewriter and Adder Sales. Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service A. W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Barrow Insurance SerVIces Ltd. TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Ernie Brock & Son Plumbing and Heating Re- pairs. alterations, new con- struction, sewer convers- ions, complete bathroom remodelling Guaranteed work Licence No. 742 GORDON S. WOOD H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Belgian ART STUDIOS LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE smwxcz Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 34 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Landscaping Eye Glasses Contact Lenses Corner Agency Limited to your eye doctor’s prescription Optometrists Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 aint-Wallpaper 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Rear 47 Yonge St. 5. Aurora, Ontario FREE DELIVERY DICK MAIER INTERIORS LTD. LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Thomhill 889-1059 Opticians Insurance By Appointment Plumbing 889-5344 884-1955 884-3962 (Continued) 633-3232 I TV Repairs RUMBLE TRANSPORT ISporting Goodsl Bunny Snow’s T.V. ADMIRAL SALES 8; SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill mummmmmuummmmmmmmumIuuumuumuuum :ummmmuumulumunnummmlnumm11111mmunmmmum Coaches for all Occasions VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Langdonk Coach Lines Ltd. P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ‘ MONITOR® Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to- read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. Transportation street state Please send me the Monitor for E1 1 year $26 [3 6 mos. $13 I] 3 mos. $6.50 [I Chock or: money order ham: Box 125, Astor Stetign Bos‘on. Massachusetts 02123 Keep up on current affairs the easy way FOR INFORMATION 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Ontario Land Surveyors Yates & Yates 7 enclosed El Bill me 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 221-3485 Surveyors SERVING YORK COUNTY Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 884-4101 Telephone 833-5351 PB 18 Rather than try to interpret Mrs. Northcote‘s letter. I think {"11 just repeat the pertinent parts. She has an engaging style and I think you â€" including husbands â€"- will enjoy it as much as I did. “Dear Mr. Danson: Enclosed some home-made soap â€" the grated bagful is for laundry. We find 14 cup suffi- cient for a load (we have soft water). If you have hard water. add M1 cup of washing soda. (Do not use Calgon â€"- it‘s loaded with phosphate!) Add enough to achieve minimum sudsing. “This particular bagful is a mixture of one-year-old and six months‘ soap. Soap improves with age: ie, hardens. A11 soap should always be removed from its wrapper and exposed to air. The wrappers should be tucked into drawers and linen closets as sachets. ‘C. S. Northeote of Deep River. iontario. who offers a sugges- tion which helps us to deal, in one small way, with both. Mrs. Northcote makes her own soap. which cuts costs and con- :tains no phosphates. It's a bit ‘of fun too and. depending on your degree of diligence. you can make eight pounds of soap for between 33 cents and $1.29. That doesn‘t count the cost of your own labor. but no hus- band could afford that even if his wife settled for half the minimum wage. The green soap is only one month old â€" the separate bar has been “shaped” by my friend for display! Please open it all to the air to age. From the money point of View, one recipe makes eight pounds of soap, Made from leftover fat, the only cost would be for lye - 33c today. To buy lard. the cost would be 960 for four lbs. at 24c. plus 33c : $1.29 for eight lbs. (watching sales can reduce this). To color and perfume. add that which you buy from Gillett Lye Co. by sending in 25c and a label, plus So for a stamp . . . iPINDER BROS. LTD. I keep on identifying my main areas of concern as infla- tion and pollution. To my sur- prise, I had a letter from Mrs. = $1.60. They also send their book on uses for lye. (Bulk perfume oil obtainable at. drugstores). You will find complete re- jection of the idea of making soap. One reason given is the danger of lye. This is true but headache tablets, furniture polish. etc., are all in the same “use and store with caution” category. (One makes soap while the children sleep). Home-made soap is 50% glycerine and 50% sodium stea- rate. Commercial soap has had the glycerine reduced â€" or the soap is specialized as super- fatted or glycerine soap, at ex- tra cost. We find husbands intrigued with soap-making. We are also excited to find our whites are whiter! Our Denna-press white shirts are coming back: We too have been guilty of believing the commercials! The other objection is “all that work”. There‘s no work â€" just time and patience as one waits for the fat to be 100° and the lye 85°! (Cools faster in a glass pitcher.) Persons with mysterious. un- accountable rashes often cure these by using this soap. It is excellent for babies and red- heads. You will find I have written in the book. The recipe is the original one - before plastic and pyrex and corningware‘. I put the 100° fat into a plastic pail â€" I’ve dissolved the lye in a plastic pitcher. I find a candy thermometer gives me confi- dence. (The recipe is On the in- side of every Gillett Lye label.) This is not my recipe - it is the Gillett Lye Co's. I am not alone in making soap and it is nothing new. However. plastic has made it possible to make in every home. By BARNETT .l. DANSON, MP The best way we have found to get “converts” is to invite friends over for coffee and / cr bridge and make it. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS Ladies, Here Is How To Make Your Own Soap Free 0f Phosphates STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service @TTAWA EPEDEDW YORK NORTH we have found Recipe: I small can Gillett's Lye (91/6 oz.), 2% pints of cold water. 4 lbs. of clean lard (9 liquid cups), 1/4 oz} perfume oil (optional). Utensils: rubber gloves. 1 plas- tic or glass pitcher. 1 plastic or glass pail. 1 wooden spoon or stick. candy thermometer (not essential, but nice). plastic or glass dishes for moulds. Method: Pour lye crystals into cold water in pitcher. Stir to dissolve. wearing gloves. Set aside to cool to 80”-85°F. Melt fat in pan. When cooled to 100°F pour into plastic pail. When these temperatures are reached. pour the lye solution slowly and steadily into the fat which you are stirring slowly. Stir slowly for 10-20 minutes until texture of liquid honey. Add perfume oil at end of stir- ring (if using). Pour into moulds. Cover with cardboard. Wnap in blanket or big towel. Twenty-four hours later. cut into bars and remove to paper bag or box. Place in draft-free location (closet) open to the air. (Date the container.) Two weeks later it is soap. Soap inproves with age. Yield - eight lbs. For laundry use, grate or put through mincer. For shampoo, add water and cook to liquefy. To clean fat: Place fat in large pan. Place equal or more quan- tity of water with fat. Bring to the boil - turn off bumer as soon as fat is liquefied. Allow to settle - skim off fat or wait until solidified and remove. Repeat. We were so pleased to see an MP make a leadership mave â€"â€" to make the citizen aware he has the personal power to control inflation - that, it is not a “they” thing. Good luck - and thank you. June Marie Northcote (Mrs. C. S.)" SOAP (NEVER USE ALUMINUM) Attached is an up-dated ver- sion of the soap recipe. Feel free to publicize it. I hope you’ll try it. It is fun. Our cause was to fight pollu- tion first. inflation second. I can’t guarantee this as Mrs. Danson has yet to succumb to my persuasion - actually I don’t seem to be home enough to be very persuasive. In addition, every time I mention using fats. she talks about putting me on a diet. C'est la vie! A dollar may buy a lot less These daysâ€"bufideesn'tbuylessVolkswagen. We still stamp the famous beetle shape out of a heavier gauge metal than even most big cars use. 77 And oquoinf iob is still the envy of the industry. 28 pounds worth. 4 coofs. 1 out of every 8 VW employees is l When Chris was just a school boy in England, ‘ he first thought of being a geologist. He always ; wanted to do something that involved being out-of- doors. He also had a grandfather who told him stories about Canada. Accordingly, Canada was ’ chosen as his land of opportunity. And His Camera Look at Toronto". This stunning collection of photography by one of the world’s greatest press photog- raphers is an invitation to see as never before, Boris Spremo's uniquely alive. uniquely stirring portrait of Toronto. Stern. Philip. “The Oppen- heimer Case". In 1953 an obscure ex-ofi‘ic'lal wrote the FBI that Robert Op- penheimer was a Soviet agent. The charge was credible. for Oppenheimer was "father of the atomic 'bomb” and one of the nation‘s most respected scien- tists. Yet suddenly. powerful persons throughout the govern- ment were rushing to bring him down. The result was a notor- ious "trial". The Wonderful World Of Books (Continued from Page 2) private practice, either alone or with a private survey firm. He may be also employed in an industrial con- cern but the most extensive surveys are carried out by surveyors employed by municipal, previncial and federal governments. There are approximately 1,800 licensed land surveyors in Canada. SURVEYING IS A WAY OF LIFE Ontario has 565 land surveyors, a little over one half of them in private practice. More than a. Ehird of Ontario's surveyors live in Metropolitan Toronto Twenty-seven-year-old Chris Sexton of Thorn- hill is a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor. He and his wife Marilyn have lived on Woodward Avenue for five years. They have a baby son named Paul. It was a “Careers Day” at Downsview which turned Chris Sexton to surveying. Accordingly, he became an apprentice to an Ontario Land Surveyor and eventually went into business for himself. He admits the life of surveying is not easy, and sometimes his own hours are long. “It’s enjoyable if you‘re the type that likes wading through swamps. There is also something to be said for being in a different place every day and seeing many different. parts of the country.” he said. Chris hasbeen around a good mafifi’dcahbfiél’ri the past 10 years. He has surveyed in Central America and all through Northern and Southern Ontario. Not all of his work is done out-ofâ€"doors. He spends a considerable portion of his time in his own and other offices as well as in field work. Because he is on his own, he can vary his routine from day to day, even from hour to hour. He likes to operate on his own because he is an intense individualist. In his employ are two survey crews and a draftsman. So the student. whé attendevd Dulwich College in London. came to Canada when he was 16. He com- pleted high school in Downsview and Northview Col- legiates. Surveying may not be for everybody, but it certainly provides a satisfying life for Chris Sex- ton and those who work for him. Rambling Arofihd Adollar still goes a long way. (Continued from Page 2) 178 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HlLL/889-7701 an inspector. They inspecf every part of eVery Volkswagen 3 times. And then give the finished bug a going over cars cost- ing twice as much don‘t get. ' v How much do you have fo pay for a“ this? Only $1979? And right away you can start saving W. & P. Motors Limited Sullivan, George, "Touch- down!" This is a book about the stu- dent revolution â€" how it start- ed, what it means, and where it is going. The story of the American Factball League and how it at- tained its present eminence is one of the most colorful and explosive in sports annals. Touchdown! traces this rousing story from the bleak early days when the league was being formed to the glittering success it is today. Tayor. Harold, "Students Without Teachers”. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS ‘Suggested maximum retail price £0.13. East Port of Entry. Provincial toward shipping chm-gas m. (Continued from Page 2) hood instead of drugs and alcohol. One of those very much involved in the move- ment is actress, interviewer and writer Paisley Max- well Glen of Thornhill, vice-chairman of the Mark- ham Township Baha‘i Assembly. Mrs. Glen tells me that the mixed media “Happening” which has been trai’elling across the country as a vehicle for the message of Baha’u’llah, will be coming to Roch- dale College, (Bloor Street and St. George Street, Toronto), April 25, 26. 27 and 28, with two shows nightly at 7.30 pm and 9.30 pm. h _ 4 The “Happening” includes a slide presentation, tape recordings of the words from Baha‘u’llah’s writ- ings, songs and music live with guitar, films, mod- ern art and module displays, with special lighting effects in keeping with the presentation. There will possibly be a guest appearance by Seals and Crofts, who were recently seen at the Riverboat in Yorkville; and on CBC’s “That’s Show Biz". Informal cone- versation between guests and performers will accompany refreshments served between the various sections of the show. and there is no admission charge. All funds gathered by Baha’is must come from among themselves. “The Happening" has been prepared by a num- ber of people eminently suited to their work. Art. direction is by Don Rogers. a well-known Western Canadian painter and associate professor of Fine Arts at the University of Saskatchewan. Alex Frame, formerly with CBC Television, is in charge of sound and film, the environmental design is by Philip Cunliffe. an industrial designer who worked on the creation of the theme pavilions for Expo ’67, and Jim Milne an environmental designer with the CNR's Architectural Department. Glen Eyford, who is in charge of communica- tion. is currently completing a doctoral dissertation at the University of Toronto, on the theme “The Artist As Educator". The group's manager, Dick Stanton, has travelled in many parts of the world. including the Canadian Arctic and the countries of the Far East. “The Happeningwwas first presented at the National Art Centre at Ottawa. January 12, and is visiting 25 cities. Seven young people from the Saskatchewan area have taken three months’ leave of absence from their studies to act as hosts on the tour. The Baha‘i “Happening” has received an enthusiastic reception wherever it has been set up, and it is hoped that in a city as large as Toronto it; will again 'be well received. appealing as it does to youth by using the excitement of sound, light and visual effects and communicating in the language of youth. Potato Salad, Coleslaw, European Variety of meats and cheeses, pickles, buns, bread & butter ‘â€" coffee, plates & cups. BAR SERVICE IF REQUIRED In The Spotlight Buffet Style Catering to Clubs & Parties COMPLETE MEAL money. Because a Volkswagen will never cost you more for upkeep than you can keep up with. Which is only righf. After all, if you're buying a small car to fight inflation, we think ; you should buy one that won’t " ' fightback. " I‘OI' .ll'llOI'I'l'Ilaahlgglel EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN MAPLE PLAZA, MAPLE For Information Phone $1.45 per Plate

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