York County Board of Edut while municipal councils are cation believes that the people able to impose such a dwelling who create the need for new unit fee to protect residents schools should pay for them, from increased costs of mun- just‘ as they must pay for oth- icipal services for such new er public services that are adevelopment. there is no such "must." in new developments. protection from costs of addi- A delegation from the board tional educational services re- met on April 1 with representa- quired. tives of the Departments of Education and of Municipal Affairs. Following the meet- ing Board Chairman John Mac- Kay reported the two depart- ments "appear sympathetic" to a dwelling unit fee proposed by the delegation at Queen‘s Park. A unit fee imposed by the school board would be a “bene- fit approach". the brief stated, with those who receive the ad- vantage from the educational service paying their proportion ate share of the initial cost. Rnard Chairman Tnhn “Inn, with Education Director Sam Chapman and Superintendent of Planning and Development Stephen chsalmasi met with Minister of Education William Davis at Queen’s Park. Also present were Williami Hodgson. MLA York North.‘ and Dr. Matthew Dymond, MLA Ontario Riding. part of which is in York County. Two staff members from the: Department of Education and‘ one representative of the De- partment of Municipal Affairs took part in the discussion. I The. LAO-«A .._._..-..__A_L.'. .-_‘_i,‘i The board had previously for- warded a brief to both depart- ments. asking for legislation to permit the levying of a “dwell- ing unit fee" on all new de- velopment in the county. to be used to provide school sites and buildings needed to serve the new development. The brief pointed out that, I'm“llll“lulllllllllllilllllllulllIll!lllll\lllllllllulllllllulllllllllullllfl mmuluumummuum“muluumuumuuumu\mmuuuun VOL. 93, NO Board Wants Lot Fee T 0 Pay Cost Of School Buildings In New Developments This year April showers also bring everything need- ed by the gardener. house cleaner. golfer, fisherman and motorist at the Can- adian Tire Associate Store. 70 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, at big sav- ings. Details of the sale prices. which will be in effect until April 27, or while the quan- tities last. will be found in the eight page third sec- tion of this issue of “The Liberal“. April showers bring May flowers â€" the urge to clean-up and paint-up. mow the. lawn. dig in the garden and get out into the fresh air for a good time. Dress is optional and tickets may be obtained by callmg Mrs. Hugh Walker at 833-5200. Spring Comes Canadian Tlre "3 A unit fee imposed by the Qntario Riding. part of whichIMIV MBCKBY DOintEd out» "N of the Canadian Council For Fair Taxation. "All of Canada will see that we mean of $5,000 will be saved in interest charges by movmg at. school boardnwould a “bene- is in York County. that Pomt- de}'910Dm€m Int Mr. Bulloch took a one-year leave of absence business." he said. “If we step on a few toes the due date of taxes ahead one month,†the mayor EC- fit approach . the brief stated, Two staff members from the30rk Coumy “’111 come ‘0 alfrom his teaching position. and reduced his in the process. that's 100 bad- added, v ‘t-hllth those who receive the ad- Department of Education andideé1d 5WD" _ :involvement in the family business in order “If we don't stop the White Paper right now “Sin I am member of the lice commissioï¬ 10 vantage from the. educational one representative of the De- MLPE‘VE 313093â€? syn" ito devote his time to council activities. though. and maintain an effective opposition C? a . h th. . . f’ by serum paying theirproportion- partment of Municipal Affairs Patheflc t0 the boards pres- ‘ with dozens of speaking engagements in the years ahead. we might as well kiss Can- 1. WOUId llke t’? 9011'â€; GM t at 1S ‘5‘ “Chm 0. ‘1‘ ate Share of the initial cost. took part in the discussion. 9}“3510‘11 and the delega' 1planned in the first two months. as well as ada's future goodbye." Circumstances, the mayor continued. Last year- â€: _Board Chairman John Mac- The board representatives told “on later 12913011“ the“? ;trips to all parts of Canada. Mr. Bulloch has Anyone wishing further information on the after many months of negotiation the commission 1_ hay. Vice-Chairman Arthur the provmcial leaders the need were indications 3150 0‘3} 3a busy time ahead. meeting iS'aSked to contact Chamber Of Com' settled wages of its force at the OPP level, In -to Starr of Whitchurch, Vaughan for_the legislation is urgent as the Department Of Mimic" “I don't feel the commitments I have made merce President Stuart Casement by phoning . 1_ TruStee R055 JOIllffe. together capital debt charges are nowl (Continued on Page 15) are any less than those of thousands of others 884-6741. (Contlnued 011 Page 3) le- Il-l\\l\ll\l\\t\ll\l\lll‘ll’tll\ll“lIll“lll“ll\llllllmllllllllllllillllll\lll“llllllllIll“lllllllll1111“llllllllllllllllllllllllmll\lull“Hilllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllll\llllllllllllllillll\llllllllllllllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllI“MlltlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lull! lllllllllllllllllllIll\lltill“lllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllM“l“lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllml'3 Public Pool Proposed Instead Of Gymnasium At T hornlea Secondary School Chairman George Metcalfe said the parks and recreation committee endorses the skimming pool study report and recommends it to coun- cil. Cost would be an estimated $280,000. The pool would be 75 feet by 45 feet Ishort Olympic size) in a building area 120 feet by 83 feet. Markham Township's public swimming pool should be in- cluded in the Thomlea Secondary School extension being planned by the York County Board of Education. the township council was told last week in a submis- sion from an Iii-member citizens' committee. The special swimming pool study committee was ap- pointed by the ‘ Markham ToWnship Parks and Recrea- tion Committee. It is recommended that a smaller pool should not be BY HAROLD BLAINE Also present were William Hodgson. MLA York North. and Dr. Matthew Dymond, MLA Ontario Riding. part of which is in York County. Stephen Bacsalmasi met with Land and building costs "are Minister of Education William rapidly pushing the total debt Davis at Queen’s Park. to a position where the board A150 present were William simply will not have the cred- Hodgson. MLA York North! it to supply the school facili~ and Dr. Matthew Dymond, MLAIties required by new homes.“ Ontario Riding. part of whicthr. MacKay pointed out. "At is in York county~ that point. development in Two staff members from “whorl; County will come to a Department of Education andidead StOD."_ one representative of the De- Mr- Dams appear“ sym- partment of Municipal Affairs Patheï¬c ‘0 the board‘s Dres- took part in the discussion entatiom and the delega- built because this is the smallest size for the most economical and efficient use. Township council has already agreed in principle to con- struct a public pool. Other members of the committee that conducted the Thomlea school pool development feasibility study are as follows: Township Recreation Chair- man Metcalfe: Les Diack of the Unionville Swimming Club: Andy Day of Bayview Glen: Thornhill Police V11]- age Trustee Eric Cole; Peter Rossi of Grandview-Highland Park; John Sutch,. Ontario Chairman of the swimming pool study committee is Don Reid. He is also chairman of the North Thornhill Recrea- tion Association Swimming Pool Committee. Previously he headed a group respon- sible for two public pools in the Montreal suburb of Point Claire. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1970 Mm alhmml “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" 12 percent of the board’s cur- rent budget and are increasing rapidly. delegate to the Canadian Amateur Swimming Associa- tion. Dennis Ashworth, secre- tary of the Ontario Swimâ€" ming Pool Association; con- sulting engineer Ed Bod- daert. specialist in recreation centre planning and design; Sam Masso'n. president of the North Thornhill Recreation Association: Jim Grant. North Thornhill Community Association delegate; Ted Foster. Thornlea Community Association delegate; Murray Dowdell of Box Grove: Rod Torrance of Cedar Grove, a former high school trustee; Harry Fitzsimmons of Union- Ville. council of churches chairman; Parks Mhnager Allan Sumner; David Houck of Victoria Square and Bill Corcoran of Victoria Square. The idea of the pool at the school is to save the York County School Board the cost of an additional gymnasium $30 Increase Average Home Trustees Council Sets Policy On lOnt. Teachers' Salary Negotiations York County Board’s offers were as good, and in some cases better than offers made by other boards in the province which have settled new salary schedules with teachers, Mr. Sta‘rr reported. He told the trustee that he and Board Chairman John Mac- Kayha‘d attended a meeting of the Ontario School Trustees' Council at the Skyline Hotel on April 11 and concurred with the policy which was approved by the majority of those present. _ When negotiations between Metro secondary school teach- ers. who were asking for a pay increase of 35 percent. smaller classes. and fewer teaching per- iods. were broken off with Metro Board of Education, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers‘ Federation placed the The board negotiating com- mittee has withdravm offers of pay increases previously made to secondary school teachers in the county reported Whitchurch Trusmee Arthur Starr, board vice-chairman, and chairman of the negotiating team, at a meet- ing of York County Board of Education Monday. His committee last, met with! the secondary school teachersi on March 14. 'said Mr. Starr. and with the elementary school teachers on April 1. The com- mittee is prepared to resume talks at any time, but has had no communication from either group. John Bulloch. ’a 36-year-old Toronto teacher is the catalyst in a nation-wide movement to oppose the Trudeau Government's White Paper On Taxation. will be in Richmond Hill on April 22 at the invitation of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce. Mr, Bulloch will be the guest speaker at the luncheon to be held at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club. Members and guests have been invited. The first time he read Finance Minister Benson‘s proposals, he says, “I just couldn‘t believe it." White PaperOpponent Here Wednesday Mr. Bulloch’s own career, as an employee in his father‘s Toronto clothing store, as an engin- eer, a salesman, a business manager, a teacher of business and finance, and a husband and father. has taken him into a variety of tax- ation situations. A graduate of the University of Toronto. Mr. Bulloch is married and is the father of two young children. His most recent occupation has been as an. instructor of business management and finance at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. At the same time he has acted as director and vice-presis dent of John Bulloch Limited. with responsi: ‘pilities ’for accounting, financing and opening of new retail outlets. \ fllllllllllllllllllllilll111lll\llllllllll\itllllN1mmilllll“lllllllll\llllllllmllllllllllllllmlilllllllllllllllllml Federal Liberals Herbert Gray and John Roberts defend Benson’s White Paper. See story on Page 10. [ “lull!mull“llltllllllll\ll\lllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllillllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ His first reaction to the White Paper was to write a stinging letter to Finance Minister Benson. A few days later he published an ad in the Globe and Mail, publicly expressing his anger. Within' two days he had received so many calls from businessmen that a nucleus of a national organization was immediately formed. Mr. Bulloch was named secretary and director of the Canadian Council For Fair Taxation. Mr. Bulloch took a one-year leave of absence from his teaching position, and reduced his involvement in the family business in order to devote his time to council activities. With dozens of speaking engagements planned in the first two months. as well as trips to all parts of Canada. Mr. Bulloch'has a busy time ahead. that would otherwise be needed. In return, the school board would house the pool. It is projected that the pool would earn a minimum 0g $20,000 a year that could be used to pay part of the construction costs. With luck. and with the best possible efficiency of operation and use. the pool could earn as much as double this amount. bringing it close to a self- supporting basis, Mr. Reid told council. Mr. Metcalfe said earlier study of the swimming pool proposal indicated it might best'be built in conjunction with Thornlea School. The school board agreed the school might be a suitable pool site. The parks and recreation committee felt a pool was a necessary thing in view of the growth in the township. The study group worked with the school architect, Mr. It was also agreed that any sanction imposed as a means to establish "conditions of work†will be considered unjustified and OSTC and all boards will support any board on which such a sanction is imposed. The OSTC had previously recommended a nine percent increase as the reasonable maxi- mum for any board to offer, but, it was agreed Saturday that any board may take a proposal which breaks the nine percent guideline to a meeting of area boards. and if the proposal is approved by this group and the OSTC salary committee, it may be accepted to effect a set-tie- ment. Metro Board on a "pink list†which was circulated to all federation members in the pro- vince. warning them not. to ac- cept positions with any of the six Metro boards. Continuing and new teachers will be paid on existing scales where no agreement is reached. At a meeting of the OSTC on Saturday. the tmstees agreed to defer hiring of teachers to the weekend of May 15, 16. with advertising on May 12. or to the second weekend after the pink list is lifted if this is earlier. “It is hoped that the same face saving formula which maintains essential principles will be found in Metro re "working conditions" and that a salary settlement could be (Continued on Page 15) Metcalfe said. Engineer Boddaert said the study committee was recom- mending a short Olympic competition size pool of 25 yards with six swimming lanes seven feet wide. This was about 30% more pool space than was first suggest- ed by the school architect. It would require a building 20 feet longer. More ade- quate deck space for compe- tition activity. for training and for spectators was re- commended by the group. This was the minimum re- quired for a workable com- petition pool. 7 The school‘ architect had proposed five swimming lanes six feet wide. Reeve Stewart Rumble re- marked it was unusual to have school trustees recom- mending a lower cost facility while the citizens were be- fore council recommending the spending of more money. of tax- niversity 1d is the an as an 1 finance :he same ce-presis responsi= opening \munummmml :1 John Paper- in this country, though. In their own ways, they are working just as hard soliciting sup- port, organizing opposition and preparing briefs,†he said. It is going to take a concerted effort like this to create an effective opposition. Mr. Bulloch said, One of the major tasks that lie ahead will be organizing a national meeting on May 24 in Toronto. "All of Canada will see that we mean business." he said. “If we step on a few toes in the process. that's too bad. “If we don't stop the White Paper right now though. and maintain an effective opposition in the years ahead. we might as well kiss Can- ada's future goodbye.†JOHN BULLOCH FIGHTS OTTAWA HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 mumummmumuuuumumunlumuuuunm1mmuuuuumluu Enlarge Library Add Showers Crosby School l\lll\\“\\lll\\l\\l\\\\\\\l\\llll““u\\\\\1\l\l\\\ll\\l\\1\\l\l\l\l\\\l\l\l\ll\l““l Mr. Boddaert said it was a question of getting the best value for the money spent. There was a difference of $55,000, but .the additional money would provide a first class pool of maximum utility. The township could save $55000. but would end up with a pool of very limited use. Councillor James J ongeneel pointed out the minimum $20,000 profit p r 0 j e c t e d would barely cover interest charges. Deputy-reeve Anthony Ro- man said the council had al- ready approved the pool 1n principle, and it was now a matter of working out the best plans. Mr. Metcalle said the pool operation was going to re- quire a policy, a plan and leadership. The other members of the township parks and recrea- tion committee are Zoly York County Board of Education is seeking De- partment of Education ap- proval for an addition to Crosby Heights School in Richmond Hill. The contemplated changes. estimated at about $50,000.. will not actuallv add to the overall size of the sch 01. It will involve the too ing over of an exis- ting courtyard to allow for extension of the library and resource centre. and for the installation of showers in the change rooms. Crosby School, with an enrolment of about 750. is mainly a senior school. with the majority of students in grades 7 and 8. although there are classes for all grades up to this level. Department regulations require that change rooms for students from grade 7 up be equipped with showers. The. "addition" will also provide for a music room for classes in instrumental music. Plans were already un- derway, and a grant for the alterations approved when the school was under juris- diction of the former Rich- mond Hill School Board which disappeared when the county board was form- ed in January, 1969. out that this year’s town budget has made provision of $42,000 for signal lights on Newkirk Road, $31,000 for park development and $8,500 for youth services â€" day care centre, drop-in centre and youth aid centre. Provision has been made for an increase in the local bus service by extending the route to serve York Central Hospital and Don Head Secondary School, he noted. “We would have had a slight reduction in our share of the tax rate,†he told council and ratepayers present, “if it had not been for the large increase in the police budget over which this council has no control. But we are making an invest- ment in our town. I believe this is a fair budget from which the people of this town will benefit.†“Besides, the treasurer tells us that a minimum , of $5,000 will be saved in interest charges by moving ‘ the due date of taxes ahead one month,†the mayor added. Council Advanced Due Date A Month To May] Richmond Hill's mill rate for 1970 has been set at 28.187 mills for residential public school support- ers, 31.226 mills for industrial and commercial public school, supporters, 29.111 mills for residential sep- arate school supporters and 32.252 mills for industrial and commercial separate school supporters. These levies arEI made up of 3.057 mills for county purposes which will raise $380,403.83; 8.560 mills on residential property for town purposes. which will raise $812,607.43 and 9.758 mills on industrial: and commercial property. which will raise $287.â€" 921.51: 7.204 mills on residential and 8.004 mills on industrial and commercial property for high school purposes, which will raise $683,881.30 and $236,167.63 respectively; 9.366 for residential and 10.407 mills for industrial and commercial for public schools, which will raise $797,085.64 and $301,981.18 respec- tively; and 10.290 mills on residential and 11.433 mills on commercial and industrial for separate school purposes, which will raise $101,115.78 and $5,590.98. The increase on an average home will be about $30. In all Richmond Hill ratepayers will pay a total of $3,606,755.28-this year. “I believe this to be quite a good budget,†stated Finance Chief Deputy-reeve Ivan Mansbridge at Monday night's meeting of council, when the exact mill rate became known. Mr. Mans‘bridge is this year's chairman of council‘s finance committee, under whose aegis the budget was struck April 6. “This is an overall increase of 1.827‘mills. only .55 mills of which is due to town expenditures (including the police department whose budget went up 25%). Educational costs were up 1.16 mills and the county rate went up .117 mills.†Mr. Mansbridge pointed out that in his opinion parks and recreation came out on top. “We have owned the Mill Pond Park area for two years and have carried out no development yet. This year’s budget will permit some development work in that area. I didn’t believe this was the time for major capital works in view of what may happen at the end of the year (regional‘government)? Although the increase in the county levy was a minor one. Mayor William Lazenby pointed out that this year the county was relieved of an expenditure of $401,060 for the assessment department which has been taken over by the province. He also pointed out that this year’s town budget has made provision of $42,000 for signal lights on Newkirk Road. A residential public school supporter. assessed at $20,000 this year (based on the 1967 market value), will pay taxes of $563.74 less the basic shelter grant. the exact amount of which is not yet known, but will be at least the amount received last year and may be slightly higher. ' A residential separate school supporter on the same assessment will pay taxes of $582.22 less the basic shelter grant in 1970. “Swimming has gained re- cognition as the most bene- ficial of all forms of exercise. Physical educators agree that there is no physical activity that can contribute as much as swimming to a person's physical well-being. “During the past two de- cades. there has been a fast growing appreciation of the value of swimming expertise in both the protection of life and in physical education. Berta of Victoria Square. Mrs. Kay Greenwood of North Thornhill. George Greer of Grandview. George Churchill of North Thomhill, Deputy-reeve Roman and Councillor Eldred King. The pool study committee submits the £0110wing on the human benefit of swimming facilities: "During World War II, nearly all belligerent nations included swimming as a part of the training of servicemen. After the war, the advance- ments that had been made in swimming instruction were consolidated and furthered by national organizations, such as the Council for Na- tional Co-operation in Aqua- tics. Canadian A m a t e u 1' Swimming Association, Cana‘ dian Olympic Association. Royal Life Saving Institute and the Red Cross. “More and more people feel the need to be able to swim. Due to the increased popularity of such activities as sailing, boating, skin div- ing, scuba diving, water ski- ing and surfboarding, move people are taking to the open water as a form of recreation. “The Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides are a beneficial part of today’s way of life, and these organizations have definite and purposeful swimming and lifesaving pro- grams. Continued on Page 129 PER COPY 10¢