THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1970 flit): liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00: 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190" 'l'he Destructive I left The middle class throughout the free world is under constant harass- ment these days from a militant, vio- lent and dedicated group of left-wing revolutionaries who are bent on the final destruction of our way of life. They want to replace our society, our values, our traditions with a Com- munist, collective type of society where the well-being of the individ- ual is subordinate to the will of the state â€" a state and a government which will not tolerate the ordinary free play of diverse political thought in the community and which will in- stall a Communist dictatorship and complete the farce by calling it a “people’s democracyâ€. _The left-wing, by infiltrating and manipulating the “hippie†element in moiety, is making a determined efâ€" fort to take over our universities and, in the process, destroy academic free- dom. Those responsible for the administration of our universities should stand f i rm against the marches, sit-ins and the noisy threats of thisvocal minority. These young people are not interested in further- ing their education in tax-supported institutions but’instead they look on the universities as a vehicle to Com- munist power. East York Mayor True Davids0n has resigned from the board of direcâ€" tors of the Metro Social Planning Council in protest against its take- over by the New Left. In announc- ing her resignation Miss Davidson said, “once you begin to pit your own judgments before the judgments of society, and put violence and the use of threats before law and order, then democracy is dead". If we allow a breakdown in law and order to take place, if We allow a ruthless, mis- guided minority to destroy our free institutions then we all shall be los- ers. The maintenance of law and order is basic to the creation of a satâ€" isfactory climate in which the parlia- mentary process can grow and devel- op and, in doing So, meet the chang- ing patterns of society. Marches and sit-ins may be “par- ticipatory democracy†but they can- not supplant and can only marginally influence the ordinary, representative democracy of elections and rule by law. The (ultimate logic of direct ac- tion, of bloodshed and the destruction of public and private property is rev- olutiOn. Sooner or later, those who engage in politics have to Confront the truth that politics is concerned not only with ideas and ideals but film with interests and institutions. Even when revolutions succeed, the practice of “new politics†soon beâ€" comes old politics becauso the selfish, private interests of human beings and the hard facts of exercising power through large,'bureaucratic in- stitutions are still at Work. It is an old dream that mankind can escape these limits of the human condition and somehow create a New Jerusa- lem, but it is only a dream. r Yonge Not Throughwuy Markham Township Director of 'Planning Kunio Hidaka has alerted Southern York‘ County to a destruc- tive danger facing communities in the Yonge 'Street corridor. . Planner Hidaka particularly singled out the Town-of~ Richmond Hill as , being threatened with a kind of devel- opment death. ' should surely be noted equally by Thornhill, Langstaff, Riohvale, Oak Ridges and Yonge Street commun- ities to the‘ north. Mr. Hidaka sees a basic conflict of interest between the local commun- ities and what apparently is the policy being promoted by the prov- incial Department of Highways and echoed in a York County planning office report. The issue is clear. Either provincial plans to increase the use of Yonge Street as a high speed and high volume through high- way must’ be stOpped, or Richmond Hill and thee other communities_will be split. Communities and neighborhood ties years in the making are not some- thing which should be sacrificed to slide rule thinking at the Queen’s Park bureaucracy. We agree wholeheartedly with the. York County planning office recom- LET QUEBEC SEPARATE But his warning, and press will soou wither and a1" mendation that the Yonge Street cor- ridor urgently needs attention. We must strive to make it much safer, more beautiful and more useful. Planners in Markham, Vaughan, Whitchurch and King TOWnships, and in Richmond Hill, should be paying increasing attention to the condition of Yonge Street. Indeed, Yonge Street improvements are even now underway in the town and great effort is being exerted by citizens and businessmen to do a good job. Many of the improvements recom- mended in the York County planning report should be implemented. But we agree with the Markham Township planning director th at Yonge Street must not become a throughway. Yonge Street must remain a local highway for traffic with either a local destination or a local point of departure. If through traffic needs more room, the province should get on with another route like Highway 400. The propOSed Highway 404 on the West side of Don Mills Road (Woodbine Avenue) is the place for through traffic. Queen’s Park should leave our local communities in one piece. , that Canada -- as any other die. Dear Mr. Editor: ' If Rene Levesque, the Pub Quebecois and separatists suc- ceed in the April 29 provincial election it may mean the end of French culture in North America. English Canada should co- operate if Quebec leaves. in every nat-iOnal crisis since 1867, the Red River Rebellion 1870, the Northwest Rebellion 1885, World War 1. the depression when constitutional problems disrupted effective action. and World War II, the presence of Quebec in Confederation was a: One of the motives for Irish independence in 1917 was the preservation of Gaelic culture. ‘The Irish government. has made strong efforts, but today Gaelic is a dying tongue, used mainly by a few thousand in the ex- treme west of Ireland. From across the Irish sea, TV, radio. press and business are submerging Gaelic culture. in Dublin, 1 sign was carried “If you are Irish, speak Irish". lit was written in English so people could understand it. I hope Quebec stays in Can- English! In one St. Patrick’s Day Parade. source of weakness, not ads and preserves French culâ€" strength. If Quebec separates. ture, but this is not our fight. _Canada should say “bon voyage“ We, the Anglophone majority, and there should be no army ofy‘ill have our future decided by occupation east of the Ottawa. {Quebec as to whether we stay Ang[0p110ne Canada alreadyun Confederation or join the becoming daily more American-lU-S-A» we can OMS be intt’l‘es- ized. will then inevitably join ted ObSC‘FVN‘S- the U.S,A, Quebec will be a; The present threat of separa- French island of 6.000.000 in anltism has already cost Quebec 8 Anglo Saxon sea of 220,000,000jserious flight of capital. unem- State suPpol‘ted French Tv-‘iploy'nient. and economic loss. radio, literature and hopes of Actual separation will cost Que- bilingualism outside Quebec. bec even more in dollars. but together with the Francophone by separating. Rene Levesque communities beyond the pro- and company Will DI'Obably soon Vince, will probably shortly die destroy the French culture they Quebec as oneâ€"third of alClaim to dEfend' nation of 20.000.000 has a veto JOHN MEDCOF. aver Ottawa which cannot of. Mount Albert- fectively act against the wishes! "‘ ‘ * * of an overwhelming majority in INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE’ Quebec (viz. conscription in two Dear Mr Editor: world warsl. With separatism; this leverage will Isolated Trench island of Que-'Editors†on “Individual Enter-l hec._subjcct to overwhelming prise" was published in the English TV, radio. commerce March ‘26 issue of "The Liber- coun-try â€" can thrive only if in- dividual enterprise is approved, encouraged and practised. I would also agree that society depends upon the moral. spirit- iual and physical fibre of the in- dividual. I would disagree, however. with the crooked thinking that ‘equates individual enterprise nvith personal selfishness as the practical basis for a successful personal life and a harmonious social life. Individual enterprise and strong moral fibre are to be found in many walks of life and in many persons whose living may spring from private busi- lness, from government duties for from employment by huge. impersonal concerns such as General Motors. It is doubtful to me that the search for more .dollars at any cost to other ,people is, especially" conducive to strong moral fibre: and .whilst it certainly is lme that it is a natural desire to make your own way. it is surely quite .as true that it is also a natural desire to help others and oneâ€"l iself at the same time. , As for the quotation from ‘.\\’inston Churchill â€" whoever :wishes. intends or is actually building a "society in which noâ€"l body counts for anything â€" where enterprise gains no re- ward. and thrift no prhileges"? The Liberals? The Conserva- tives? The NDP? l I cannot imagine Pierre Tru- l “'0U1d agree “'th Richardoem. Robert Stanfield or Tom-, end» Th(flLawson. whose "Letters To Themy Douglas taking such a stand, RONALD PERRY. ‘ 298 Palmer \venue. Richmond Hill. Anarchy 0n Th Rambling dream! 17! Ilium Keno- The Important Role Of The Surveyor ‘ Survey parties doing their field ‘work with theodolite and tape are a common sight during the fine weather. The instrumentman, peering through a transit (theodolite) as it is commonly called, and the chainmen out measuring distances seem just a natural part of the Scenery. _ Without the Surveyor, the Opening up of the North American continent would have been hamp- ered. Always advancing with the pioneer home- steader and builder and often well ahead of them, the surveyor provided that slender but indispensable vanguard without which settlement wbuld have been utterly chaotic and lawles: ' j" , H, Surveying has been defined a thelart onscience of measuring the physiCal featur‘es and boundaries of any portion of the earth’s surface and delineating them clearly on a map or plan. The part of the earth’s surface to be surveyed varies from contin- ents to foundations for cottages. There are many specialties in the field of surveying. Geodetic, surveyors make precise surveys of large areas taking into account the curved surface of the earth. Topographic surveyors delineate the physical features and configurations of land surfacos such as mountains, lakes, rivers; and the location of cities, tunnels and routes of one kind and another. Hydrographic surveyors measure the depth of water in lakes and rivers. Mine surveyors establish the length and direction of mine shafts (vertical) and adits (horizontal). Construction surveyors set out the stakes to guide construction crews and’land sur- veyors make all the surveys pertaining to property boundaries. Land surveyors constitute the largest group. Surveyors may be professionals or technicians. It is a field women may enter, but so far it is pre- dominantly male. Surveyors seldom work alone. The typical sur- vey party consists of three or mere men â€" the chief, who may be a licensed surveyor, plus two or three technicians. g The instrument man sets up and operates such instruments as the theodolite, transit, level, telluro- meter and geodimeter. The chainmen measure dis- tances and the rodmen use a level rod or range pole to assist in measuring elevations, distances and directions. In addition there may be axemen to help clear lines through bush and forest and to perform other simple tasks. Most apprentice surveyors carry out all these tasks at some stage of their career for there is no better preparation for the man who plans to direct work himself. Surveying is one of the most diversified Occu- pations in Canada, in terms of employment, residence and opportunities for advancement. Basically three types of career are open â€" licensed surveyor, survey engineer and survey technician. The licensed surveyor may set himself up in (Continued on Page 14) miflces have been asked to consider uhy a particular course is being taught. why it is being taught in a par- ticular school. whether the present curriculum is saus- factory and, if, not. how it should be changed. Subâ€"committees are atv tempting to find out what major equipment and space facilities will be needed for a specific course, what equip- ment is now on hand to teach With many new vocational courses now operating in York County Board of Edu- cation secondary schools. the board's advisory vocational committee is taking a hard look at equipment. facilities. and the relationship of courses to business and in- dustrial needs. l S e v e 1‘ al sub-committees have been appointed, includâ€" ing laymen who are skilled in various areas of business and industry as W611 as a particular course, and how . trustees. administrators and many pupils a particular L teachers of v o c a t i o n 31 teaching area will accommoâ€" ’ courses. date. Vaughan Trustee )lorley The sub-committees are making recommendations re- garding work experience pro- grams for various courses. and have been asked to con- Kinnec. chairman of the ad- \isory vocational committee, told the board at a meeting 5 on March 23 that the com- March a survey party than to be able to do a stint of the MYSTERY fer Affair". sany Combes had just finish- ed a two-month temporary job as a secretary to her uncle in Bermuda. As a farewell pres- ent, he arranged for her to go on a cruise around the Caribâ€" bean aboard the M. S. “Selinaâ€. It seemed an ideal holiday but â€". Campbell. Karen, “Suddenly [n The Air“. It was understandable that Stewardess Lisa Massingham should be a little nervous. The “Juliet Delta" was flying the same route to Panama on which another Astroliner with an identical cargo â€" gold bullion â€" had vanished without a trace six mouths before. WONDERFUL WORLD OF‘ RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY New Spring Arrivals Offer Wide Selections _ years after he has inexplicabl Bell, Josephine, “The Fennis- vanished. y history comes to light after a Davis, Dorothy S, The Dark Streets Go". The story of a New York murder, is also a moving novel of a young priest on trial before himself. Eberhart, Mignon, From Hong Kong“. What did the cryptic message from Heng Kong mean? To Marcia Lowry‘s father-inâ€"law, who has never given up hope, it indicates that his ne’er-do- well son Dino is still alive three “Where “Message By MARY MONKS Baha’i “Happening†Coming To Rochdale College This Month When I was growing up, tWO topics were never brought to the dinner table -â€" politics and religion. Being something of a rebel, I offended on both scores, to the discomfiture of my mother, and the delight of my radical father. It is this separation of belief from living, which still exists in far too many quarters, that is responsible for the more obvious divisions in humanity. Christian and Jew, Protestant and Roman Catholic, black and white, each is bounded by his own dogma and hang-ups, and each believes himself to be of the chosen people and the devil take the rest. I’ve always liked (‘2) the story of a heaven composed of many walled cities, with every sect snug behind its own high wall, ignorant of the fact that the other guys got a place up there as well. Love thy neighbor still means to get on with those socially acceptable in one’s own circle, and young people proclaiming peace, love and brother- hood of man are labelled irresponsible cranks, and we look for the needle marks. As in the old days at the dinner table I’ve taken religion out of its tidy corner, and for a good reason. Many of you will have heard of the Baha’i Commun- ity, but may not understand the full significance of its .aim, and the steps that are being taken to achieve it. For over 100 years, the movement has been spreading the teaching of Baha’u’llah, founder of the community, which is now established in 30,000 centres in oVer 130 nations. The founder predicted a world-wide social change of sweeping proportions, both materially and spirit- ually. It is with the latter that the Baha’i is con- cerned, and since it is the youth of the world who are most sensitive to the change occurring in the structure of society at all levels, it is to youth that the movement has its greatest appeal. These are the people on whom the future depends, and the ideals of Baha’i offer new hope on a pretty murky horizon. - The central message of the Baha’i community is the complete unification of all mankind as the only remedy for the ills which beset us. While this sounds a rather far-flung and nebulous ideal which has been preached before only to be overlaid by the arrogance of man, the ideal being lost and forgotten beneath a welter of form, liturgy and often bigotry, the members of the community are taking practical steps to reclaim those who have dropped out through despair and lack of any constructive alternatives, and one of the first rules of Baha’i is “no drinks, no drugs". Many addicted to both have been reclaimed and given new purpose, including well-known entertain- ers and musicians. There is no evangelism in the community, certainly no tub-thumping or hallelujas, but, to quote one of the members, “These young people are vital, lively and ‘with it’, having a sense ' of direction and ‘high’ on happiness and brother- (Continued on Page 14) sider if 1hev can help in ment in all schools and con- placcmcnl of graduates and sidercd what the curriculm or dropouts fro m the should be to prepare yielding course. students for jobs in industry. Mr. Kinnec‘s coimnniee. Since a number of lay which is also responsible for the evening courses offered in county schools. is study- ing ways in which special facilities for vocational cour- ses could be used for adults. members are neu to the com- mittee this year. Board Chair- man John hlacKay and Edu- cation Director Sam Chap- man were present at the AV Committee meeting in March. A sub-committee chaired by William Neale of Thorn- hill spent three months studying welding courses in York County schools. and its report was submitted to the advisory vocational commit- tee at a meeting in Don Head Secondary School on March l2 The committee had ev- amlned facilities and equipâ€" Speaking of the aims and objectives of the county board Mr. Chapman referred to five areas of concern: edu- cational service. financial ob- jectives. relationship of edu- cational enterprise to the county. the place of the board in relationship to other educational institutions such as community colleges. and hummusunmhhnummumnnmumum Murder Of The Countryside (St. Thomas Times-Journal) Dozens of gravel pit opera- tions acr055 Canada are rapidly chewing up thousands of acres of beautiful countryside and causing misery to hundreds of families. They disrupt the life of longâ€" established and once quiet rural communities with the almost- round-the-cleck roar .of heavy gravel truck trafï¬c. For those living close to pit operations, noise and dust are constant vexations. Properties are de- valued. This should be stopped. Pits should be cleaned up, and they should not be permitted to con- tinue operations on the door- is part of a serious novelist’s job Step reSldemlal QWTunmes‘ to tell important lies and with More lmpfn'tant' “10mm†must luck and Skin create a greater be established â€"- peace and “um. comfort must take precedénco Butler, William, “The House 0V0“ PM†and gal"- At Ak.iya--_ Municipalities are almost This haunting novel set in powerless to regulate the gravel modern Japan tells the story of indusu'y' and m°5t pmVinceS a man possessed‘ Butler is a have made only weak efforts to muster of psychological nan-a- regulate the operators. Ontario. tive for which his economical for example. is considering re- but poetic prose is particularly commendatith of a legislative fitting. committee that would require Drabble, operators to my security de< Waterfml". posits of up to $100,000 to the The Waterfall is a strong government to inSuré the rec modern expression of the con. liabilitation of lands 81301186 by cent of body and soul â€" an 'ex- the industry. ploration of the physicality that The recommendations, which engulfs human life. give nothing more than politi- Harris, MacDonald. “Trepleffâ€. cal lip service to the growing The narrator of this sad, fun- protest against the operators. 95’. completely engrossing book are not good enough. They is a successtl psychiatrist with are only a patronizing gesture a luver wife and family and all to those who have suffered over the toys that middle affluence the years at the hands of the C iii! FICTION Becker. Stephen, “When The War Is Overâ€. Sometimes a little piece of long time, and falls into the hands of an artist. He proceeds to tell lies about it â€" for it Margaret, "The can buy. I operators. Renault, Mary, “Fire From It is time the industry co- Heaven- ' operated with municipal and The, Story Of Alexander the provincial governments to try Greats life from childhood to to find a way that will make the age of_ twenty when he suc- gravel pit mining acceptable to ceeded his murdered father, 10cm communities. King Phiupxkoi “faiedon- If this cannot be done, then it is time to ban gravel pits NONFICTION from inhabited areas. Collard, Elizabeth, “Nineteenth Century Pottery And Porcelain Trustees set Policy For Members In Canada". Attending Conventions The results of 20 years‘ re- search this study. the first of its kind, is a survey of the cer- amic wares used by Canadians in the nineteenth century. Cruso, Thalassa, “Making Faced with long lists of con- ferences and conventions con- cerning various aspects of edu- cation, York County Roman Catholic School Board recently agreed it should have a policy Things Growâ€. Here at last, for everyone to serve as a guide to trustees and administrators. who has ever wanted to grow beautiful ho‘uSeplants is a book At its regular meeting on April 7, the board approved that dispels forever the tire- some myth of the green thumb and shows you exactly what to do â€" winter, summer, spring and fall â€"â€" to make your 'potted plants, window boxes and hang- ing plants flourish and give de- light, policy recommendations presen- Dominis, John, “The cats 0f ted by Superintendent Joe Africaâ€. Hodge. The policy will allow each trustee a budget of $300 for the year; expense statements must be submitted following each convention attended. The policy requires that, if travelling by air, the trustee must buy an economy class ticket, but if travelling by train may travel first class. The board will pay ten cents One's first encounter with a pride of lions is an unforget- table experience. Suddenly someone says: “Lionsâ€. It is as simple as that. There they are, 15 of them. a couple of fine males, half a dozen females and an assortment of cubs â€" all ly- ing in a stupor, scattered over the ground like tawny bolsters, drunk with sleep, sun and food. Hellman, Lillian, “An Un- a mile for trustees travelling by finished Woman". car, or the amount of economy An Unfinished Woman speaks class airâ€"fareâ€"whichever is the for Lillian Hellman’s life in the lesser, and if two or more D80- w‘orld outside the theatre. It is ple are attending the same con- in no sense a predictable theat- vention the policy recommends rica-l memoir. Instead she of- they share transportation when- fers a detailed, unsparing self- ever possible. scrutiny and a passionate. some- Registration fee and an al- times comic, always candid ac- 1owance of up to $35 a day will Count Of her experience Wheth- be for out of to\vn conven- er in New York, New Orleans tiong_ and H91lyW00d. in 5931" during For lecal conventions and the ClVll warv 01' 1“ MOSCOW conferences trustees will be re- and Leningrad during World ~ bur ed for ex ens“ lus War II and twenty years later. gleagse. p p Massingham, Betty, “Flower Trustees will be given dis- Arrangmg In 001Ԡ' cretion in selecting conventions, A complete A to Z guide to . . . conferences or uorkshops they the tricky bUt Worthwmle art 0f wish to attend, choosing from a flower arranging, all types of - flower arrangement are clearly ï¬ssdgteo be Prepared by M!“ described from small arrange- - - - There [S no obligation for a ments for the house’ to larger trustee to attend a convention Sggigï¬igleaï¬g paflgllres ‘veddlngs’ in any year, but the preamble to Masson, Georgina “Queen “he. poncy States: , Christinaâ€. In order for board members to keep properly informed about educational developments and practices, and to become more thoroughly conversant with their role as trustees, and to ex- change ideas with trustees and senior officials from other Of all the women of history, none has been more enigmatic paradoxical -â€" not even Eng- land's Elizabeth I than Christina of Sweden. She was a woman who would have pre- ferred to be a man and went to scandalous lengths to behave jurisdictions, the board believes like one. Shirer. William. lapse Of the Third Republic". In six lonely weeks in the spring and summer of 1940 ,single battle brought down i total military defeat one of the world's great powers â€"â€" its secâ€" .ond largest empire. an old and highly civilized demot-racy which said was “Every man's second country’ The world watched Hitler’s de- Thomas Jefferson feat of the French Army. Spremo, Boris. “Boris Spremo (Continued on Page 14) “The Col- that its members should, from time to time, attend conventions, conferences or workshops." It is also recommended that aim companionship and discus- n sion purposes, at least two trus- ‘tees attend a convention. ____â€"___’____â€"â€"â€"â€" AURORA: Scanlon Bakeries, which recently shut down And put more than 100 people out of work, is hair in operation, under a new name, Granny’s. The firm will continue to turn Out the well-known Granny’s butter tarts. r suunumummuuunumum“mummmlImmuummummum\unluluminimummumlmuunimummmmuuuuuuuum“uumuuummmmnm\muumm uumuuumummumuuummuumuummuumumnumuuu.uuuuuuuuuuuuumumuumuuumuuuuuunumumumiummmmumualuminum:mumunumunnmmmmmumma County Board Committee Updates Vocational Education the technology. bu i i din g construction technology, ar- chitectural drafting, wood- working. sheet metal, heating and air conditioning, electri- cal technology, electricity, electronics. mechanical tech- lhe board‘s role as an em- player, The purpose of bath sub- committee. said Mr. Chap< man. is to create better edu- calonal experiences in order lhal students will become , better people. nology. I m a c h_1 n 9 shop. ~ mechanical drafting, welding, In P351 rePOTtS t0 the special education special vo- board, the committee has cational occupations, sect-e- stressed the importance of updating teachers. that tea- chers be thoroughly familiar vith the good points of pre- sent day business and indus- try. It has also suggested that the board crrnsrder having leachers go into business or Industry for a }oar. then re- turn 10 the classroom. tarial. accounting, marketing and data processing. Various technical, oedrno- Iogical. business and com- mercial courses are offered at nearly all secondary schools in the county, and the committee has reoOm- mended that capable students bc encouraged to consider management in business and industly. Sub-committees are work- lT'lZ in im- ai-pas nf automo-