Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1970, p. 5

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i g kinderg 2 County 2 At 5 Roman g policy 1 g Pol 5 child n i ember 5: g on or a g the pol E Poi g kinderg 2 schools g mature 3 board 5 g tendent , ren wh< g and Ma 3? Thi g childrer g class 0: 3 where t 1 is fevi g Ad: 5 ren pre a-mnmmmmnmmnn l â€" No Appointment Necessary gmunumuumumuumlmmmlnummumumulmmmnnummmmm\ummmmmmmnnnmmmnummlummmIa1nnmmiInuumml1mxu1u1mmmmmmmmmummmumnm nuuumummmmmmIlmuI1mm\ummnumnuun\uuummumm f children enrolled in an established kindergarten class on September 15 is fewer than 20 and where the number of children enrolled on October 1 is fewer than 25. ‘ Admissions will be made from a list of child- ren pre-registered in the school by parents or It does not take long, replied Superintendent Joe Hodge. for teacher and parents to determine whether or not the child is ready for kindergarten. The law requires that six-year-olds be admitted to grade 1. but there is no law stating that child- ren must attend kindergarten. ; 'll“llllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllmllllIllIllmllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllll lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllll 80A YONGE ST. S. Mb Dull! Tux Souk. with our 4000 office: in North All-deg Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5 Younger Pupils Go To Roman Catholic Kindergartens -A New Board Policy This will apply only where the number of children enrolled in an established kindergarten class on September 15 is fewer than 20 and where the number of children enrolled on October 1 is fewer than 25. Registration of Kindergarten pupils for enrolment commencing September 8, 1970 will take place at the following schools on the dates and at the times specified for each school. Pointing out that spaces may be available in kindergarten classes in some of the board’s 19 schools in the fall, and some younger children are mature enough to benefit from kindergarten. board staff has recommended that the superin- tendent may authorize a principal to admit child- ren whose fifth birthday falls between January 1 and March 21 of the following year. St. Joseph School Roney Avenue Richmond Hill, Ont. St. Mary Immaculate School Trayborn Drive . Richmond Hill, Ont. Policy approved last April specified that a child must be five years old on or before Dec- ember 31 in order to be enrolled in a kindergarten on or after September 1, adding the proviso that the policy be reconsidered at the end of_a_)"ear. We ofiu‘ amenfonao. quick uni“. touristy. mud accuracy, and in In: and. mm. of mm diam happy! We ml to who you happy he! (an t iodoy. Our Lady Help of Christians School Thursday, 266 Bayview Avenue April 30, 1970, Richmond Hill, 0nt. 9 :30 am. to 12 :00 Noon and 1:30 pm. to 3:30 pm. ’Children must be 5 years of age on or before the 3lst day of December, 1970 in order to be enrolled in Kindergarten for September, 1970. Proof of age will be required. At its meeting on April 7. the York Coun_ty Roman Catholic School Board agreed to revise Its policy on admittance to kindergarten. Four-year-old children will be admitted to kindergartens in some separate schools in York County next fall. .â€" “ONLY 13 DAYS LEFI" HAPPINESS... _ I 21 IS LETTING uocx no YOUR WOMEN'S SHOES & SANDALS (from Italy) & (from Sweden) OUR PRICE SANDALS Reg. $6.9 103 YONGE ST. NORTH - RICHMOND HILL COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFL‘NDED TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON QUALITY IMPORTED MEN'S 8. WOMEN'S SHOES York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board FACTORY OUTLET “The Shoe Shelf 32 vi! m lie penning WE ammo pnpuwh'on of every fox rémm. If no nigh any emu! “we” you any peachy a imiemt, IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOU'S SAVINGS & CLUE) (from Sweden) Regularly $24.95 to $28.95 Kindergarten Registration {DALS Reg. $6.95 to $14.95 Our Price $4.95 to $12.95 A & P Shopping Plaza BER“!- $12.95 TO $16.95 F. J. Hodge, Superintendent of Schools York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board 75 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ontario. ‘ ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 884-4746 DISCOVER THESE VALUES AT GUACANTEE iniqresi. $10.95 Two Pair for $19.95 Regularly $19.95 to 540.00 MEN'S SHOES TWO COMPLETE RACKS MEN‘S SHOES $8.00 to $28.95 Complete Size Ranges Wednesday, April 22, 1970, 9:00 am. to 12:00 Noon Thursday, April 23, 1970, 9:00 am. to 12:00 Noon (from England) Aftermath of a very success- ful hockey tournament â€" the following are only two ex'amples of letters which have been re- ceived by either Tournaments Inc. or the Legion direct â€" they speak for themselves: Dear,Doug: At”! my request a motion of council March 31, congratulated Frank Murphy. president of Tournaments Incorporated. and £99 FLOWERS “FLORAL DESIGNS WITH YOU IN MIND” your “9"” WW Children mature at different Ievels. said Woodbridge Trustee Noreen Lee. “We have to recognize that chronological age and maturity do not always go hand in hand.” It was pointed out that the board does not intend to provide a babysitting service for four- year~olds, and that it can have a traumatic affect on a child if he “fails kindergarten". There is a clause in the new policy specifying "that the pupils so enrolled can profit from instruction.” guardians, with the admissions to be made on the basis of age, starting with the eldest on the list. , This will not apply, however. if there is firm indication that the vacant pupil spaces will be needed for new residents in the area before the end of the school year, for example areas where new subdivisions are being completed and new families moving in. Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wire Orders Accepted 3213 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL LAURELEA FLOWERS 884-52" Red - White Blue women S CLOGS $11.95 Branch personal congratulations in put- ting on the 3rd annual Legion International Midget Hockey Tournament, may we extend our congratualtions for a very big job well done. It was 3 won- derful production. You pro- ivided an eventful week for over ‘650 young hockey players and ‘their supporters, and we are sure they will remember their stay "On the Hill" in 1970. .l Would you please express my The squadron extends con- gratulations to Jim Francie and Rob Purves who have been pro- moted from LAC to corporal and Ed Hewitt. promoted from Iflight sergeant to warrant offi- cer second class. 3 Thornhlll: As one of the thousands of hockey enthusiasts who took in the games we also enjoyed vis- iting you. and want to take this opportunity to wish Branch 375 of the Royal Canadian Legion continued success in their work with the youth of the commun- ity. Squadron 778 Royal Canadian Air Cadets .is divided into seniors. juniors and recruits. Thursday April 2 the seniors and juniors enjoyed a very in- teresting class on radio and the recruits learned of the squad- ron's activities. LAC Cooper received his first year badge. - Afterwards. the entire squad- ron saw a film on the air force, “Ramrod to Emden”. Pictures were taken for idenâ€" tification cards. Those cadets that haven’t had their pictures taken are asked to contact Frank Jedlicsek. Eight members of the squa- dron went flying at Maple Air- port Sunday. Participating were LAC Lyons. W02 Hewitt. LAC Ascott. LAC Allan. LAC Celsie, LAC Parke and LAC Wade. the Royal Canadian Legion. Richmond Hill, Branch 375, sponsors. for the goodwill and good public relations which the midget: hockey tournament cre- ated for our municipality. Coun- cil was impressed by the at- tendance and income figures. I officially presented the Drum» mondville Plaque at this meet- ing and this I am sure. emphas- ized the bonds which hockey is capable of producing between communities. Telephone book covers are being sold by cadets at $1. Hey lads! Would you like to see how the squadron operates? Just grep by any Thursday evening at 7:30. may be sent to the following In Memoriam Secretaries: Richmond Hill: Mrs. W. B. Niddrie 121 Trayborn Drive 884-7478 Gormley 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Bill Hughes By Flt. Sgt. Frank Jedlicsek Canadian Cancer Society “IN MEMORIAM" GIFTS 778 Squadron Air Cadets Mrs. H. C. Montgomery 46 Silver Aspen Dr. 889-1408 Mrs. F. Donnelly 3.3.2 Gormley 887-5203 Yours sincerely, LLOYD GAIR. Neighborhood Notes Buttonville representing Gid- ; The next community club eons International. ‘meeting is scheduled for April The married couples meeting ,28. and will be followed by a on Friday evening will com- jbrief meeting of grade 6 par-‘mence at 815 sharp. 'IRvo Ients concerned with the Jamai-ltravelogues, one of Scotland. ‘ca visit. which is now scheduled the other of England will be for May 17 to 23, with the re- shown in addition 10 "Breaking tum visit of Jamaican children ‘ lset for June 14 to 20. AAURQRJ“ 1.33.“ 393’“ .H°“5*." immmmnmnmmmummummmm A special meeting of Elgin Mills-Jefferson branch of YCHA will be held in the upper room of St. John's Anglican Church April 21 at 3 pm to discuss the continuation of the auxiliary for this area. All persons inter- ested in this very important community project are urged to be present. Shurch News Birthday greetings are ex- ten_ded to_Crindy Davis, April 22 Neighborhood Notes The services at St. John‘s \nglican on Sunday will be a ‘elebration of Holy Communion t 9 am and morning prayer at 1 am when the preacher will we Murray Farquaharson, of SATISFACTION GUARA Elgin Mills - Jefferson News ‘ RAINBOW CHECK WAFFLE WEAVE DISH ClOTHS Correspondent Leonard Lomas gunera/ flame LIMITED (We will not knowingly be undersold) PKG. OF 4 Reg. Kresge Price 73,: Pkg SPECIAL NEWMARKET: Recently resi- dents of Eagle Street. Park Avenue and Avenue Road were a bit surprised to see a deer wandering along the road. It came into town from the south end and disappeared into the bushland at the rear of Avenue Road. AURORA: Dana Boyd Hough, 19. of Keswick, died when his car veered out of control re.- cently on the Don Mills Road. No other vehicle was involved and road conditions were re: ported as good. Linda Brooker, ‘ 18. of Mimico. his passengem suffered a broken collar bonel and is a patient in York Countyl Hospital, Newmarket. | THURS. FRI. SAT. CARDIGANS Kresge Price 2.99 Sleeveless. Acrylic style with front v closing. Mauve, Green, Gold, Red. Sizes 34, 36, 38. 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright 3; Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 LADIES: mar S/lall Phone 884-3000 at the conference held at St. John's on Saturday. About 50 attended under the chairman- ship of David Rhind of Emman- uel. Richvale and the rural dean. Rev. Canon Reginald Howden, Thornhill. Twelve of the 15 parishes of the deanery were represented Point" and "Through Gates of Splendor“. 884-1062 V-NECK' CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Reg. Kresge Price 2.99 SPECIAL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 197 PERSONAL FILING CABINET 12%" x 5%" X 10" THURS. FRI. SAT. M---»“-fi.n.fl.‘ I----v--n.fl-----.1--.o.<_>-o.o.o‘z Township of King Official Plan To enable the Planning Board to outline and explain the proposed Official Plan of Development to the general public, and to receive the comments and suggestions of all interested persons. a number of Public Meetings have been arranged in the Township of King. Wednesday, April 22. 1970 â€"- King City Secondary School Wednesday, April 29. I970 â€" Schomberg Agricultural Hall Wednesday. May 6th. 1970 â€" Christian Reformed (thumb. Wednesday. May 13th. 1970 â€" Nobleton Sr. Public School Wednesday, May 20th. 1970 â€" Oak Ridges Public School All meetings to commence at 8:00 pm. Copies of the draft Official Plan may he acquired for study at King Township Public Library in King City â€"â€" or â€"â€" copies of the Official Plan may be obtained for a nominal fee at King Township Municipal Offices. PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR YOUR NEXT--- offering: 0 over 200 capacity 0 ample parking 0 complete dining facilities for BEST PRICE and BEST SERVICE CALL TODAY FOR RESERVATIONS Aurora Centre Restaurant AURORA SHOPPING CENTRE -â€" 727-8212 Centre Banquet Room KING TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD . Sillcox, Chairman D. C. McCallum, Secretary Make Arrangements at the Beautiful new TOY PLASTIC WHEELBARROW FROM RELIABLE Reg. Kresge Price 1.57 SPECIAL I.I7 _ay. April 22. 1970 â€" King City Secondary School nay. April 29. 1970 â€" Schomberg Agricultural Hall nay. May 6th. 1970 â€" Christian Reformed Church. Ansnoweldt PRIVATE PARTY CLUB BANQUET WEDDING RECEPTION OR DINNER MEETING THURS. FRI. SAT. >I‘.u.0.u.n-4v-0.O.o.o.0.0.o.l NOTICE OF

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