But it needs $209,400. to com- plete the two phase develop- ment program which will serve the emotionally disturbed chil- ren of York County. Mr. MacDonald this week an-‘Johnson, viceâ€"presment or non- nounced the board has decided son Products Canada. and a re- to launch a public campaign to sident of King, pays tribute to raise the $209,400. needed. Total the financial help given in the cost of the project is $546,200 past two years by the York and provincial grants take care County Branch, Canadian Men- of $336,800 of this amount. tal Health Association and Lions Recovering from its "disap- Clubs of the county. BY MARGARET LADE ’ Blue Hills Academy. a resi- dential treatment centre for emotionally disturbed children. has a building almost completed on CFRB Sideroad north of Oak Ridges. It has staff. and the first young residents are mov- ing in this month. County Councif for capital aid spread over a three year period. Their request was rejected. The Department of Family and Social Services has agreed to assume operational costs. and in February the academy direc- tors. led by Chairman Russell MacDonald. appealed to York Recovering from its "disap- pointment and disillusionment" following the county council decision. says Mr. MacDonald. the board set. up a campaign c’abinet with Robert Sillcox of King Township as general chair- , COTTAGE RESIDENCE FOR EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED 3m1n\lununmummum“mumnummulmummun“\uumuuumumuummmuuuum\Imum“nuuluumnummmuummuumummumuumumum“mmuuuuummuuumuuumummuuu .1: ll“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April “The campaign cabinet arefassistance the board _has reâ€" conï¬dent that the Private BHdlceived from other sources, "1 corporate residents of Yorkmannot help but admire our County will respond." declares‘sometimes maligned young peo- Mr. Sillcox. “The people of this ple when I remember the do- county can certainly afford 'LO natibn we received last Decem- PUt'UD the $209,000." ‘ vber from the students of King Commenting on the needs of City Secondary School as part the emotionally disturbed ChiI-fof the proceeds of their Walka- dren, Mr. Sillcox continuethhon, I can tell you that ($1.000 “Let me put it 'another way. Thefcame at a very needed time." I “Let me put it another way. The people of York County cannot afford to deny this service to the children of our county. “No such service exists at this time, yet we see so much evid- ence every day of what is hapâ€" pening to our teenagerï¬. We must_ do something to solve these problems for our children at an early agewhen they can be more effectively helped." Secretary-Treasure A r t h u r Johnson. vice-president of Ron- son Products Canada. and a re- sident of Kingâ€, pays tribute to “The finding of such money‘pal‘tlnent 01 the county SCHOOL to finance the early stages, of boards and hospital psychiatric research and planning of a new departments. community services is always The first phase includes a most difficult and yet essen- residence and a building for ad- tial." ‘ ministrative facilities which will He also commented on the later be converted to a second En in the The project now under way ;he York will accomodate 12 children and u‘an Men- staff. and the children will be and Lions refel're to the a c a d e m y through the special service de- 5h money partment of the county school stages of boards and hospital psychiatric of a new departments. In addition. some members of the board have made personal contributions. and some have signed personal notes at the bank against the Academy's overdraft. “n... .V. lllUll. came at a very needed time." . In addition. some members of the board have made personal‘ contributions. and some have signed personal notes at the bank against the Academy's overdraft. “It is such demonstrations of concern and commitment that have given the board the strength and,determination to make Blue Hills Academy a reality, regardless of any road- blocks that may appear on our 1 Lou u,†Juu path." Mr. Johnson pointed out that in comparing this figure to pri- vate home large enough to house 12 children. it is impor- tant to understand that a build- ing designed to provide public accommodation. particularly for children. must meet specifica- tions set by fire marshal] regu- lations, adding square foot cost to construction. extra stairs, more exits. larger doors inside and out, special materials and very different electrical instal- lations from those found in the ordinary home. 23, 1970 cottage residence The six-acre site will later accommodate a third cottage unit and an administration building. which the board hopes to have completed by the spring of 1972. A typical home that will pro- vide accommodation for 12 youngsters will cost $75,600.» Since there are no municipal we have a _s__ystem At Firestone to save you more money on tires. Riding System Service makes your tires last longer. There’s a lot of miles built into every Firestone tire. And we want you to enjoy every one of them. That’s why we offer this specialized care of your. entire riding system. †Here’s how it works. Bring in your car for a free Riding System Analysis. We’ll check the wheel alignment and balancing. The shock absorbers. The brakes. And other riding system components that affect tire wear. We may ï¬nd that a few dollars spent on a wheel alignment or balance can save your tires from wearing out too soon. And that’s a mighty good investment. Riding System Service available at RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “I admire them for what they have accomplished and the dif- lï¬culties they had to overcome in the process. I believe that all of us should get behind this. campaign to make Blue Hills Academy a real service this Mr. Sillcox is confident the community will rally to the cause and provide the money needed. services available. said Mrflchildren who need it." Johnson. a well had to be dug. Others serving on the cam- and a large pressure tank \n‘thlpaign cabinet are Mrs. Carrol piping for an independent water.Davis. a child psychologist with supply installed. Extensive se-'the Institute of Child Studies in wet beds also had to be pie-Metro; Mrs. James Langstaff of pared and laid. {Richmond Hill; Mrs. Phillip “The kind of civic leadership given to this project over the last two or three years by a few private reSIdents of this county is the kind of civic lea- dership that makes good things happen in any community,“ he declared. spring for those unfortunate Sherwood of King: Mrs. Robert Sillcox; Miss Verna Smyth. As- sociate Director of York-Osh- awa Distict Health Nurses: Dr. Douglas Murdoch. Chief of staff of York County Hospital. Newmarket: Glen Ferguson of Lambton Lumber Company. a resident of King: Stouffviue Teacher John McMurray; Dr. James McPliee. Chief of Staff of York Central Hospital. Rich- mo'nd Hill; Nels Gage of Thorn~ hill. Newmarket Psychiatrist Dr. Paul Perry. York County Board of Education‘s Superin- tendent of Special Services Maynard Hallman: as well as Mr. MacDonald and Mr. John- son. _ There can be other savings too. The com- ponents of your riding system all work to- gether. If one is out of kilter, it can lead to trouble in others. So you can save a lot by spending a little. So far we’ve been talking about saving money. That’s important, of course. There is also safety. And comfort. Nothing means so much to your safety and comfort as your riding system. That’s What holds your car on the road. Stops you in time. Cushions the \bumps. So, quite apart from long tire life, there are good reasons to see us for Firestone Riding System Service. But money isn’t everything. RICHMOND HILL Anonymous $25,000 Gift Swells Blue Hills Fund The campaign cabinet of Blue Hills Academy for Emotionally Disturbed Children got a real shot in the arm last week â€" an anonymous donation of $25,000. toward the $209,400 it is at- temping to raise by public sub- scription. The academy's board of di- rectors had appeal in February to York County Council for capital for held in completing their two phase development on CFRB Sideroad. but their ap- peal was rejected by the county. In reporting on the progress of the campaign. Robert Sillcox. a resident of King Township and general chairman of the campaign. commented on the tremendous impact this gener- ous gift has had on the acad- emy's board and campaign cabi- net after their recent disap- pointment with county council. “What this $25,000 cash gift tells us loud and clear -is that there are people in this county who are concerned about our How about tires? What if 21 Riding System Analysis shows that you need new tires? You are under no obligation to buy ours, just because you’ve had a free Riding System Analysis. But our people can show you that you’re ahead with Firestone. Ahead for mileage. Ahead for safety. Ahead for comfort. Ahead for value. And when you get your new Firestone tires, please come back from time to time for Riding System Service. That way, jou‘will always get everything out of our tires that we put into them. And that’s saying a lot. VA - young people and believe in what Blue Hill Academy is try- ing to do to meet the needs of emotionally disturbed children." said Mr. Sillcox. young people and believe in to do a broad grassroots can- what Blue Hill Academy is try- vasses of the county. We have ing to do to meet the needs Oflbeen advised that this would be emotionally disturbed children."1too expensive. However. if any- said Mr. Sillcox. 1one would like to have more Asked about the gift. Russeu information as to what we MacDonald. Superintendent for would be doing with their dona- Area 4 for York County Board tion, they have only to write the of Education and president of Blue Hill Academy (RR 2 Au- the Blue Hills Academy Board roral. or call 773-4323, and we of Directors. said he did not would be happy to have some- know who the donor was. that one call on them personally. In they wished to remain anony- the meantime. we shall try to mous. reach as many as we can." Mr. However. said Mr. Mac-{MacDonald declared. However. said Mr. Mac-i Donald. he believed the money came from a member of an oldNewmarket family, and hoped that. through the press. they would be made aware of how much their gift was appreciated. “Of course we are hoping ing themselves. , that others will come forward In addition. said Mr. Mac- with whatever support they can Donald. a group of leading give us," said Mr. MacDonald. businessmen are presently be- “We need the smaller gifts as ing organized to carry out a well if we are to complete our canvass of the corporate citi- project. zens of the 14 municipalities chuu. _â€"____‘r_ Unfortunately we can't affordlEtâ€"lgg mVikevlerp iél‘k-bounty. 884-4401 He added that leadership and support are already forthcom- ing from among the doctors and educators of York County. and that the dentists and lawyers were in the process of organiz- ing themselves. , In addition. said Mr. Mac-