Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1970, p. 15

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Lynne Freeman of St. Mary's‘ Anglican Church, who is a stu- dent at Trinity College. Univer- sity of Toronto, has been ac- cepted for the Anglican Work Tour and plans to go to British Honduras this summer. if It! >k Recently returned from a most enjoyable trip to Hono- ulu, Hawaii and other Pacific islands are Mrs. George Kel- lough, Mrs. D. Andrews, Miss Darlene Andrews and MISs Susan Heath. it: a: a The spring meeting of York County Region CWL was held April 13 at St. Patrick's Church in Markham. Archdiocesan President Mrs. C. E. Tipping. Archdiocesan Spiritual Direc- tor Rev. Francis Robinson and various convenors were present. Regional Spiritual Director Rev. that his term as director York County ‘had terminated. Guest speaker was Rev. John Kelly, bursar of St. Augustinel Seminary and chairman of adult education in the archdiocesan committee for the development of peace who gave a most infor- mative talk on the workings on the organiution, Development and Peace, and explained to the ladies how their contributions were being .spent in several countries. Members who had been contributing since Sepâ€" tember to this fund were grati- fled to learn more about the results of their efforts through the talk and available brochures. IIIIIIlIIllIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIImllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIF 166th , Anniversary Richmond Hill United Church will be celebrating the 166th anniversary of the founding of the con- gregation which dates back to 1804, this Sunday. Emphasis is being placed on the service of worship at 11 am and after. Rev. Robert Smith will share the sermon period with Jack Spanner. A display of memorabilia has been arranged to be viewed at a pot luck lunch- eon which will follow the service. The Masons of Richmond Hill will also be present at the service and will meet in the Christian Education Building at 10.30 am to proceed in a body to the church. IIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIIII\lllllllllll\Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ing and so friendly," commentg At a" recent candlelight cere- mony five Air Rangers, Jane Flagler. Laurie Sculthorp. She- lagh Campbell. Gay Peppin. Christine Burnett and their leaders, Captain Mrs. Carmen McCabe and Lieutenant Mrs. June Campbell were enrolled in lst Richmond Hill Air Flight by District Commissioner Mrs. Margaret Ellison. Formed last fall, this group aims to attract girls 14-18 who are past Girl Guide age but wish to remain in the Guide organiza- ation. Members plan their own program with the emphasis on community service and self-im- provement through their own varied interests. One upcoming The Richmond Rose Chapter IIODE held its monthly meeting lat the home of Mrs. B. Smith. Guest speaker was Mrs. Judy lFlow. chairman of the public ii’elations committee of the fam- .'l‘ircd of winter? Spring will arrive April 28 at 8 pm at Bay- vicw Secondary School when Richmond Hill United Church presents “Carnival of Fashions". Patricia Bridal and Dress Salon will present fashions for I Thursday. April 23. at 8.15 Hall. St. Marys 'Dioecsan headquarters show the beautiful embroider- ies from Pakistan. Hill Industrial Softball League. The "Spring Dance" will be held in the Lions Hall. Centre Street East. April ‘25 from 3 pm to i am. Q Q t A 10-week drama course. un-. Ider the Maple Recreation ComU lmittee. is nearing completionl land it has been decided to hold a second session. A few open- ‘ings are available for interested lresidents of Richmond Hill and ;area. the‘ The course is held each Wed- nesday night at 8.30 in the base- ment of Maple Library. chlc Street South. If you are interâ€" csted. you will be welcome to sit in on the final night of the ' Home was decorating theme of the April meeting of‘ 'the Mary and Martha Guild of. the Presbyterian Church last ‘\\’e(liicsday. Mrs. William Knapp: of Aurora of Knapp's Paint Ser- vice. Levcndale Road. was the pm in the west room of \\'ri.\on tural Anglican night Tuesday Church. Mrs. G. C. Rice from Bob Keith. the will dener" whose topic will be new varieties of plants and flowers. Guest sneaker at the horticul- society‘s new members‘ evening will be "Ontario Gar- . x The Ladies‘ Auxiliary to I * t e i l A. chance to r-Uiip the ham Branch 375. Royal Canadian fantastic“ and enjoy an Help Legilon. [Tillflhm‘oigd f . ing with your friends is offered elm-1n? (If 7 I?) t urn- Saturday mgm by Richmond p ace in ie .one .- o ament held at Bolton re- cently. Bolton finished 1 first and second ahead of l Richmond Hill. i This tournament concludâ€" ed the sports program for ’ 1969-70. l Members are reminded I of the general meeting on April 27. « xi: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millard. 75 Dufferin Street. celebrated. their 6011) wedding anniversary“ it at the home of their son in, . Maxwell April 11. The recep- tion was held in the community hall. ‘ The Millards came from Eng-I land in lfl'lll and have been. residents of the Richmond Hill R. Burkhardt announced‘ for. ’0' 3k * Returning from a holiday in the sunny south? Guests from out of town? Cele- brating an anniversary or birthday? News on these and other ’ social activities make inter- esting reading for “Life in l the Hill" columns â€"â€" the i service is free â€" just i phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. Please note change 01' deadline â€" items must be in the office by 10 am Tuesday morning for publiâ€" cation in the current issue. fir * '0: Sunday. April 26. Rev. An- ‘drew Brndjar. district secretary lof the Canadian Bible Society will conduct the morning serv- 'ice at St. Matthew‘s United Church. Rev. Alan Hallett, Richmond Hill United Church. led the congregation in worship last Sunday. The UCW is holding a smor- gasbord dinner tonight {Thurs- day) from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. On Tuesday the UCW pre- sented a panel of people who are working toward rehabili- tation of the mentally retarded of all ages. Tentative date for the induc- tion of Rev. John McTavish into the ministry of the church is May 1. A social hour will fol- low wibh refreshments served by the CGIT. * “Every day was a gem of new experiences," reports Miss Dor- othy Flint ol' Pemberton Cres- cent, who has just returned from a visit to Japan and Hong Kong. x I She and Miss Dorothy Ing-, ram of Walmer Road, found that the ."curtain of mystery” which had surrounded the Land of the Rising Sun for them had been removed as they journey- ed throughout the islands. “The people were so interest- ed Miss Flint. “especially when Ithey heard the word Canada. Even on the streets we were ‘grceted with bows and smiles." it was cold on their arrival ‘but as they made their way ,southward the cherry blossoms ‘in the plantings (grown only for ‘ornamental purposes) between the garden plots and the rice paddles where work was com- mencing were charming pic- tures. “And the strawberries lwere immense and delicious.” Miss Flint exclaimed. Highlights for her, besides North. returned recently from an enjoyable 10-day holiday at the Paradise Beach Hotel in Barbados. The weather was de- lightful, they were entertained every evening and found a taxi tour of the island just before they left, most interesting. ’ lIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlIl 96th Birthday His many friends in Rich- mond Hill join "The Liber- al" in extending birthday congratulations to Edgar Leno. 86 Leisure Lane, who celebrated his 96th last Sunday. Four generations of the Leno family gathered at his home to wish him “Many Happy Returns“. Congrat- ulatory messages were also received from England as well as from neighbors, and friends in this area. . Mr. Leno has been a resi- dent of Richmond Hill for almost half a century. lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World held its monthly meeting April 16 with President Mrs. Harry Bryan in the chair. The annual dinner attended by about 50 ladies and catered by the CNIB was held on this oc- casion. Mrs. Pat Killean reported a retreat for women at Marylake the first weekend in May and Mrs. Shirley Bryan spoke about the Richmond Hill Agricultural Fair, May 22 and 23, encourag- ing members to enter their handiwork in the competitions. Mrs. Bryan congratulated Mrs. Patrick McCari-ille and her helpers for the successful bridge and euchre held recent- ly. Reports were also present- ed by convenors of the success- .ful marathons held in the par- ish during the winter months. A Tupperware party is planned for the May meeting. Colleen Farrell and Ada Basciano. first and second prize- ,winners in the public speaking contest were introduced by Mrs. Bart Doedens and delivered their speeches once more with Ada belatedly receiving her trophy. The outgoing executive and convenors were then thanked by Mrs. Bryan for their assistâ€" ance during the past year. Elections were then held with new officers for 1970-71 as folâ€" lows: President Mrs. Mary Thompson, 1st Vice-President Mrs. Bridle Klilean, 2nd Vice- President Mrs. Mae Doedens, three 'days at Expo ’70, which is.3rd Vice-President Mrs. Dor- as‘marvelous as all reports in-‘othy Murphy. Treasurer Mrs.. dicate, were visits to a crystal‘Teressa Verkoye. Corresponding striking patterns in wallpaper and gave hints in how to turn out a professional looking job of panelling. antiquing and finish- ing kitchen cupboards with lnew products. 3 She .was accompanied .byl ‘John Long. manager of the lo-‘ cal store. who assisted her. I . .Dorothy Francis read the first? chapter of Corinthians duringl the worship service. using the] ()thl OBLI translation of‘ verse four and urging guild's members to take a good ‘look at what they wished to do for the church and community. ;Muriel McAlister led in prayer.' 3 The guild has a busy month‘ thef money on your clothing budget this month is offer- ed at the YWCA Resale Shop, 25 Yonge Street N. There you will find a good selection of spring coats. maternity and baby clothes and evening gowns for your . next big “evening out". The 1 shop is open from 1:30 to l 3:30 pm Mondays to Fridays i and on Saturdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 noon. Please note that the last date to bring clothing in for resale is April 30. iv a t Plans for the art show and sale of framed original oil ‘il‘ service centre. . . . v . ‘_ ‘ -. ,i , . . f 1. me as. 3Mrs. Flow showed a series all. ages, from teens to grand- guest speaker and used a film 3:55:31](beaglgrlliylfih[Jilggilia] :Sd‘g’fi3‘ He (“Cd 0 p . of slides and talked on the pur- mothers. For tickets call Mrs.‘strip to graphically illustrate 135‘, b: Obtained from Ian ‘1“ They haw 1mg? sons 7 pose of the new centre. She.Dorls Schell at 884-4067. ,the creation of attracthe inter- ers‘al 832_1423 ‘ ‘ ‘ Frank; LC“ and pet“. __ Six‘ lwas thanked by Mrs. John‘ * r * liors with paint and wallpaper? * ‘* * ‘nmndchildrm and mm. greaty LeClaire for a very interesting Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin It'll-She also displayed samples of; grandchildren and a [05161. son and informative evening. ‘liamson, 235 Yonge Street the newest development and‘ An Opportunity to save land daughter. Caribbean Theme Set For Police May Dance The Ramblers. a Guyanese; band direct from the Latin‘ Quarter. will play at the Rich-l mond IIiII Police Association‘s. first spring dance at the Lions Ilall. Centre Street East, Fri« day May 8 at 8 pm. This year the spring dance is entitled "Evening in the Carib- bean". Music will include Rhythm - Blues. Contemporary and Traditional pieces. Dress‘ is optional. in contrast to the .planned for May and the firstlpaintmgs from the gallery otwnorc formal annual fall ball. :week in June. May 6 members will cater for a dinner for Pres- bytery which will be meetingi in the local church. May 9; they are sponsoring a film night. which will feature films on the? Goforth Camp in Western On-‘ tario and other films on a‘ Trans-Canada trip. May 131 they will hold their annuall ‘Imorning coffee break party} with bake table and May 20 will be the date of the regular lmonthly meeting. The guild will cater for a wedding reception June 6. and if dates do not conflict. for a hockey banquet, in late May or early June. Articles for the bale layette should be turned in at the May ‘20 meeting. it was announced. An impromptu musical pro- gram was enjoyed, while re- freshments were served. prov vided by two guests of the guild who played the piano recently presented to the Sunday school in memory of the late George Francis. who was the school superintendent when he lost his life in the crash of an Air Canada jet in Quebec. IIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII What’s Cooking? Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course. dessert or snack? ;Each week one will be publish- ied in this column -â€"- how about Ivours? lThis Week's Recipe â€"â€"- For The lCalorie Counter HADDOCK PIQUANTE 1 box (1 lb.) frozen haddock fillets 2 tblsp. butter 2 tsp. minced onion 1.2 tsp. salt Sprinkle of pepper 1 tblsp. chopped parsley. Thaw fillets as directed on package. Place in greased shal- low baking dish. Combine melt- William Gamon are nearingl completion. The show and sale; will be held at St. Gabriel‘s‘ Anglican Church. at the cornerI of Bayview and Crosby Avenue} Richmond Hill East. May 25 I from 3 to 5 pm. ‘ On display will be the work of 20 artists and 200 paintingsl will be on view. Wine and: cheese will be available. The admission price of 50c‘ entitles the ticket holder to par- ticipate in a lucky draw (even if not present). Further information may be! secured from Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Seltzer at 884-6786 or Mr.‘ and Mrs. Al Thomas at 884-lat 2 pm and 8 pm. says Con-u 4350. ‘. says entertainment committee‘ chairman Constable Kennethl Paton. I Proceeds are in aid of cone; munity affairs and minor sports. Tickets at $4 per person are v " ' ‘ ' ' " " ' i 7' ” “ Many Volunteers Lend)“““““““ " ! Discover the Wonderful Worlds of the WEST INDIES available from the Richmond Hill Police. and include buffet. There will be prizes, favors and refreshments. ‘ Tickets will soon be available for the Saturday June 27 pro- gram for children at the Rich: mond Hill arena. ' Called “Wonderful World of‘ Fantasy". this program features; international magician Philip; Morris and a colorful stage pre-f sentation. There will be shows stable Paton. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, ’I‘hursdz‘ty. April 233. 1070 1 Hill Couple Cruised The Caribbean The white sand and turquoise water of the island of Aruba, with a temperature of 85 degrees. and the lovely city of Caracas, Venezuela, were highlights of a recent 14-day cruise to the Caribbean enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy of 105 Talmag‘e Avenue. Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have high praise for the service and excepâ€" tionally fine cuisine of the North German Lloyd line‘s luxury flagship (HIV Bremen". their cruise ship. They particularly enjoyed being.r able to sun themselves in the deck chairs. but found a full program of shipboard amusements available, including shuffleboard and two swimming pools lindoor and outdoor). Included in their itinerary were stops at St. Thomas. Virgin Islands: San Juan. Puerto Rico; Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad and Haiti, as well as Caracas and Aruba. The Richmond Hill couple boarded the “Bremen” in New York and the above photo was taken aboard the ship just before sailing for the Caribbean playground. Support Cancer Drive _ FIGHT i CANCER wivH A: 'r" CHE-O‘K'OJIP A_N‘DA.A:._ c‘H‘Eng'. sol-roar vnl l ovum“; I caucus . Comm 1 Mrs. Thomas Mihorean Sufferedg - : Double Loss 0n Easter Weekend Mrs. Tom Mihorean of 252 Markham‘Road. Richmond Hill, was bereaved twice during the Easter Weekend. Her brother, William Couchie. died suddenly March 26 in a North Bay hos- pital and her niece's husband. Jeremey James DiBartolomeo died Easter Monday suddenly at his residence in North Bay. William Couchie Father W. J. Burns offered the funeral mass at the Pro- Cathedral of the Assumption for William Couchie of Couch- ie’s Point on Easter Monday. Mr. Couchie was a veteran of. both World Wars. I He was born August 17. 1896, at Couchie’s Point. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jean Baptiste Couchie. With the exception. of the periods of his war serv- ice. he resided at Couchie's Point all his life and attended the Mission Church of the Holy Spirit. He was predeceased by .his wife, the former Mary Jane Laronde. .cloisonne factory and a pearl activity will be a visit 10 Butâ€"Harm. where women divers wereland Recording Secretary Mrs. tonville Airport. and a flight infal work in the cultured pearllSue Anderson. an aircraft. In addition the girls will participate in the Cookie Day Blitz April 29. CONVENIENT [DC A" O N 5 RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre :50 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 JUNE 29 - JULY 31 Beginners and advanced riders FREE PICKUP AND RETURN First Week :53 Each Additional Week $32 German Riding School RICHMOND HILL 884-6975 ‘industry. and a visit to the Peace Park at Hiroshima. Hong Kong was also visited ‘_ for four days, with the visitors sed gratitude for constantly aware of the proxim- ity of Communist China. They thanked the outgoing executive only 131 Calories eaCh~ particularly enjoyed dining in a floating restaurant. Trip/e Winner Bonus Draw for March RR 1. Maple. of Richmond Heights . ‘ H , . d .t .~ ‘ ' ' . . . ,Secretary Mrs. l\elhe Turgeon :aubgtngl’pleegggfi Juggfirofifgr Interment was at Couch1e s‘ lf-l . . - . ' , 1 _‘Point Cemetery with the pall-‘ is]. Bake in hot oven 400 de :bearers being Ted, Fred, Father Francis Robinson pre- sented Mrs. Bryan with her pastâ€"president's pin and expres~ her efforts during her term of office. then for their support of the presi- dent. Winner Centre Baby was Mrs. Lorna Gray of She received a cheque for $18. triple the $6 amount of her baby bonus cheque. which she cashed in a store on the centre. . In the picture above left as she accepted the Mrs. Gray is seen on the cheque from Jack Brown, manager of the S. S. Kresge Co. Store, who repre- sented the merchants of Richmond Heights. ucky draw. all Mrs. Gray had to do was cash her cheque in a member store I To qualify for the 1 I at the centre. I All you have to do to qualify for the April draw is to cash your baby bonus cheque in a member store. This month you may be the lucky one to receive triple the amount of the cheque you cash from Richmond Heights Centre Merchants. greesl 25 minutes or until fish I , ~ - . _ can be flaked by a fork easily. Gemge’ Jlm' Wilhed and. Eph raim Couchie. Sprinkle mm male)" serve ‘ Mr. Couchie is survived by; am“ I ‘b'th' E' t F' k‘ Makes four servings, with om 1° 815’ mes’ 13“ "I John and Joseph. all of North? Bay and two sisters, Mrs. Mi-‘ SAUERKRAUT SALAD horean (Madeleine) and Mrs. 1 cup hot sauerkraut juice David Faubert (Catherine) of‘ 1,2 cup cold sauerkraut juice North Bay- 1 cup cabbage, finely cut I 13 cup pimiento. finely cut Jeremey " 1'4 cup celery, finely cut ' 2 tblsp. lemon juice DlBartOZOmeo l 1 envelope unflavorcd gelatin. A contractor. Jeremey James Soften gelatin in cold sauer- (Jerry! DiBartolomeo died sud-‘ ikraut juice. Add hot saueifldenly at his residence. 558 1\lc-. kraut juice and stir till dis-‘Laren Street. shortly after his solved. Add lemon juice and uncles funeral. He was 54. cool. \ i The funeral mass was offer“ When mixture begins to stif-ed Thursday at 11 am at St. fen, add cut. vegetables. mix}Rita‘s Roman Catholic Church 1thoroughly and pour into mould and interment was made in St. :that has been rinsed in coldilvlary‘s Cemetery. ‘water. When firmly set serve Mr. DiBartolomeo was born .on lettuce leaf. in North Bay, March 16. 1916, ' Makes six servings with 23 son of the late Mr. and Mrs. calories in each. .Mariano DiBartolomeo. He re-l ceived his education at St. Mary's Separate School and the.l North Bay Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. now known as Algonquin Composite School. His marriage to the former Mollie Faubert took place at the Pro-Cathedral of the As- sumption in 1938. A resident of North Bay all his life, he! attended St. Rita’s Church and was a member of the Canadiani Racing Pigeon Association. He is survived by his wife,‘ three sons. Gerald, Bryan andl Glen; two daughters. Barbara! Aim and Debra Joan: one grandchild: a brother Frank of: Corbeil and four sisters: Mrs. Pat Adduono (Phyllist, Mrs. Os? sie Hill (Adeline), Mrs. Francis Guscott (Cecilial and Mrs. Bar- ham (Laural. all of North Bay. SCARBORO â€"â€" Scarboro homeowners face a tax increase of between $40 and $50, Con- troller Gus Harris, borough bud-‘ get chief. forecast last week. Council approved a municipal services budget of 531.474.515‘ which will increase the tax levy by 2.15 mills. or about $10 on‘ the average home assessed at $5.000. The average tax bill last‘ year was about $500. Harris said the total increase won't be known until later this month when the Metro School Board. Scarboro School Board and Metro general levies are set. smskfissmw CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY VARGRAY The lens that l changes colour Test the amazing VARIGRAY sun-sensitive lenses -â€" they darken automatically in sunlight to relieve sun-strain. clear rapidly for normal use indoors and night time. Make a point of seeing Val/gray Phalachromic Lenses today at Gordon S. Wood Prescription Opticians 34 YONGE ST. S. R1CHMOND HILL 834-1955 ‘current ’when a canvasser calls or are - Richmond Hill Branch of thel cancer society offers various services to patients in the‘ area; Mrs. Dorothy Murphy supplies: dressings and medication onl request and will refer patients to the transportation convenor. An initial VON visit will be made and homemaker assist- ance supplied for those in need of such care. Mrs. Jessica Phillips began driving patients in 1957 for the local unit and served as secre- tary for five years. Mrs. Phil- lips suggested the tours of' Princess Margaret Hospitalas a means of learning more of the treatment available. These tours are conducted every other Wednesday for as; sistant and student nurses. While living in Toronto. Mrsi Lois Niddrie became involved2 in cancer work and since mov-i ing to Richmond Hill has can- vassed for the society but is now in charge of gifts donated in remembrance which may be designated to particular areas such as specific research. During the current campaign for funds. if you should be out? missed. contact Mrs. Ruth Mac-‘ Lean at 884-2897 and she will, be pleased to arrange a call for‘ you. Siam/ac 521022) â€"â€" PHOTOGRAPHY â€"-â€" 0 PASSPORTS O PORTRAITS O WEDDINGS 0 COMMERCIAL For Prompt Service Tel. 884-6741 Closed Mondays §¥\'&§&X§N&&W 30A Yonge South Richmond Hill _. onus sroaés STARTS Th urs., A pril 16th to ll 1 x: l‘ an d CARIBBEAN This Summer on One of the Many :COLORFUL CRUISES NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH I : G B E TRAVEL SERVICE I PHONE 884-8191-2 85 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill Sat, April 25th Ilencourtlarmacy Ltd. Allencourt Shopping Centre - Richmond Hill Wm. (f. Lazenby 884-4444 PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING RICHMOND HILL APRIL 26th Whereas the Town Council. by resolution has authorized me to issue a proclamation re- questing the citizens to observe a period of Day- light Saving for the current year. commencing at 8 o'clock am. on Sunday, April 26. To carry out this request of the Town Council it will be necessary that all clocks and watches be advanced one hour at 2 o’clock am. on Sunday, April 26 The Town Council most respectfully asks the hearty co~operation of all citizens in makingfla success of this movement for the public benefit. Proclaimed pursuant to the instructions of the Town Council. Russell Lynett, Clerk ‘William C. Lazenby, Mayor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 2 for the price of 1 a penny! Alec (3. Clarke Free Delivery Hugh A. Wight thB. 884-4461 y .3

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