Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1970, p. 3

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Involved in the planning are the society's executive, compos- ed of President Fred Bovaird, .lst Vice - President William B owe n, 2nd Vice - President George Ledson, 3rd Vice-Presi- dent Albert Leek, Past Presi- dent Arnold Mortson, Treasur- er Bill Jones and Secretary Mrs. Shirley Ryan and more than 100 directors. These men and wo- men come from a wide area, 12an RH spring Fair Datei’Are May 22-23 } Friday and Saturday. May 22 and 23 are the dates for this year‘s Spring Fair and Horse Show, sponsored by the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society for the 122nd consecutive year. This year's program for the two-day event promises to be bigger and better than ever be- fore. you know aboutour VARIED SERVICES here’s the list ORIOLE LUMBER IIMITED I gm Cleaners Everything For Do-It-Yourself People locrale 77 But they are relatel to the pepula‘ YWCA 'l'i'eaaure and Trix" ' I _ . I . . . , i la Sale and “'1” be anion i‘h variety of articles being sold this Sat u‘dav, from .10 am 1 9 ' "" ‘ g '9 Anglican Chm‘Ch‘ , o .. pm in “mon Hall, St. Marys The booths will ill-lude books 'n record: bouti ' ' ' ' I ‘ ‘ . _, que, gaiclen and atio, 'OUI t‘ r - ‘ZCaryelsbpgrsem fiwelfiyumcd chlldrmbs room and the three attractivepgirls L1)icl;l111§e(luzltbhoesle‘ llletifi o rig] usan ars a , onvenor awn Osmond and Ja-k -' ' “ ”’ members ready to serve mu. L y Dedlo“) \\ 111 be among the/many 3 There will of coursi be a snack bar, menin ‘ at '10 30 ' ' v - - ' for lunch and enjoy a caefree shopping spi‘ee. g l I am, “hele mu can heat the fan-my Admissmn W111 be 2: cents for adults, and 10 cents for children unless accompanied by an adult. At first glance me might think the above photograph was taken a! Expo '70 in Osaka. Japan, but on closer sq-utiny the mteresting array of articles on the mat is not related to the 7181 Woodbine Avefjust north of Steeles OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY ’TIL 9 SATURDAY ’TIL 4 Free Delivery - 291-37746, â€"â€" FREE PICK-['1’ AND DELIVERY 8 HOUR SANITONE DRY CLEANING 8 HOUR CUSTOM SHIRT SERVICE (on hangers - no extra charge) DRAPERY CLEANING FUR s.- FUR FABRIC CLEANING FUR & GARMENT STORAGE WEDDING & EVENING GOII‘NS SUEDE & LEATHER CLEANING RI‘G & l’PHOLSTERY CLEANING TABLECLOTHS & SHEETS LAUNDEREI) REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS INVISIBLE MENDING :mond Hill 684-4411 onge St. N. YWCA "Sit In ” Among Treasures in andiround Richmond Hill. and fro} a great variety of oc- cupation. making the annual fair a n1 community project. The plvgram for Friday and Saturdaweatures horses. Jers- eys, rabbi; cavies and poultry. school cmpetitions, domestic science. nedlework, etc. Included in the horses are the hunterand jumper classes, which bl‘in to Richmond Hill Canada's to horses and riders, heaw horSt, quarter horses, western hoses, Arabian and Palomino “(has and ponies. New ,lighthg has been instal- led in the (“H park where the fair is hkld. this year which will tssist materially in viewing thc Show on Friday night. CLEAN Bil.v Thorn Drive Thornhill 389-0391 can be a breeze when Alfred Simons, 41, of 67 Rich- mond Street, Richmond Hill, had 60 stitches at York Central Hospital April 14 after he fell over a barricade while walking at abOUt 10 pm at Elizabeth and Centre Streets. Mr. Simons said the barricade seemed to be there for no apparâ€" ent reason and Was not lighted. It was still there when he last looked five days after the ac- cident, he said. He feels the Fall Nets Pedestrian 60 Stitches In Scalp KmmuumuununuluuuultmtummxuMmm“mmuuuuuumu annmuunuummuImun\mmmmumuuuuuw Seek Vaughan Site For August Peace Festival Rumors that the Karma Productions “Peace Festi‘ val” will be held on a site in Vaughan Township were confirmed by Reeve Garnet Williams this week. Accord- ing to the reeve, negotiaâ€" tions have been going on for some time. Promoters of the “Peace Festival”. with estimated attendance ranging from 200,000 to 500,000 youth from all over North Amer- ica, has already been unsuc- cessfu] in locating the mon- ster threeâ€"day event at the Mosport Race Track. and in the environs of Parkhill (about 30 miles northWest of London). Reeve Williams reported that the first Vaughan site being considered has now become unavailable. but negotiations are underway {or a second site. Both are zoned “open space”, which includes recreational facili- ties and which would per- mit the peace festival to be held. Last year owners of sev. eral beautiful gardens in the Richmond Hill-Thom- Hill area received recogni. tion for their contributions to the beauty of the district in the York County and District Real Estate Board's first home garden contest, If you are proud of your garden why not enter the second annual home garden contest. sponsored by this same group? First prize, as last year. will be an oil painting by Langley Donges, OIP of Richmond Hill. Suitably engraved stainless steel garden spades will be awarded to the next three prize winners. Contestants must be resi- dents of York County north of Steeles Avenue. Free entry forms may be picked up at your local realtor‘s office. garden cen- tre or from the local hor- ticultural society. Although judging will not be done until Septem- ber, entries must be post- marked not later than June 30 “If it's coming, and we have no means of stopping it, council decided to con- trol the operation as strict- Further information on the contest may be obtained by phoning Association Secretary Mrs. Gloria Cruse at 884-2813. York Realtors Garden Contest lllll\\\\l\l\\\\\li He hit his head on the pave~ ment and had close to one-third of his scalp laid open. He was crossing the intersection due to the fact the sidewalk didn’t continue along the side of the street he was walking on. barricade may have been moved there by children. 1y as possible,” the reeve reported. Karma Productions have promised to provide 1,000 OPP officers, for policing duties on the periphery of the festival area, with in- ternal policing being car- ried out by themselves. The promoters will also provide sanitary facilities approved by the Ontario Department of Health. a “ater supply and a 400-bed hospital. on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Also "CASHABLE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certificates up to 8‘/2°/o. For further information contact your financial adviser or write or telephone collect: Date of the festival has been changed from July 1-4 weekend to a mid-August weekend. A11 parking will be outside the township â€" it has been suggested that the CNE grounds wi11\be used and ticketholders will be bussed into the site. A substantial gift has been offered to the town- 'ship if it hosts the festival, the exact nature of which has not yet been decided. At Parkhill (a town of 1,000) the offered gift was $50,000 towards an arena (although the festival site would have been in the ad- joining Township of Mc- Gillivray). INVEST NOW (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Barrow Insurance Services 15 YONGE ST. NORTH. RICHMOND HILL 881-1551 (Lowrie Bldg.) 884-1219 889-9556 Fred G. Hare Insurance RR. 3, KING CITY A FEDERALLY CHARTERED COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT PNSURANCE CORPORAT Your Local Standard Trust Agent STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Sweet. Tovomo 1 avea code 416 363- 5477 They were taking part in a rally to raise funds for the school’s Korean Adoption Plan which sponsors seven Korean orphans. Both boys were taken to the hospital in Orangeville. Hugo was dead on arrival and Paul is still in hospital with a severely fractured leg and fac- lial lacerations. Hugo Schenk, 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schenk, 395 South Taylor Mills Drive in Richmond Hill, graduated from Bayview Secondary School last June. He had applied for a schol- arship in computer science, and had been accepted by Marlboro College in Vermont, but he wanted some practical experience first, so he took a job with I. P. Sharp Associ- ates in Toronto-Dominion Cen- tre working with computers. He planned to go to Vermont in September. He was interested in mathe- matics and stamp collecting and cars, and last Sunday Hugo intended to participate in two car rallies. But on Sunday morning Hugo was killed in a head-on collision on Concession 3 in A1- bion Township near Caledon. He was navigator in a car driv- en by Paul Fountain. also 18, a student at Bayview Secondaly School. Car Rally Collision Hill Youth, Hugo S'chenk, Dies On Sunday The two had just passed a checkpoint and were travelling over the brow of a hill on a narrow road where the shoul- ders were soft and muddy. At the crest of the hill the (-ar collided with another rally car which had missed the checkpoint. Driver Stephanie Blissett. 17. suffered a broken arm and minor injuries. Nav- igator Douglas Meyers. 18, also suffered minor injuries. Both were treated in hospital and released. There were ‘25 cars in the rally and KAP Chairman Bar- ry McKillop reports that peoâ€" ple from the checkpoint rushed to the scene and did everything possible to assist the victims of the accident, called police and MILLWOOD Recreation Ltd. Open swimming at Slater’s In- door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van- dorf, Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. tfcls APRIL 23, THURSDAY. 8 FAME Langstaff Secondary S choc];â€" Drama Club presents “The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitchfl by James L. Rosenberg, with a, musical program by the school orchestra. Tickets available at door. c2w42 l Rummage Sale at North York York Community Hall, Spon- sored by UCW of Forest Grove United Church. c1w43 APRIL 25 SATURDAY - 1 pm APRIL 25, SATURDAY, 2-5 pm. â€"- Open House at The Mark- hams, 125 Laverock Avenue in honor of the 50th Wedding An- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Markham, Sr. c1w43 APRIL 25 SATURDAY â€" Spring Dance sponsored by Richmond Hill Industrial Softball League, at Lions Hall, Centre St. East, 8 pm â€" 1 am. Admission $3. per couple. Everyone welcome. APRIL 28. TUESDAY, 8 pm. - New Members Night. Horticul- tural Society. Lions Hall. See “Life in the Hill” column. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1970. â€" 3:00 â€" 8 pm. Art Show and Sale St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, Bayview and Crosby Avenue Richmond Hill, Admission - 50c. clw43 mama lunar: c1w43 c1w43 ambulance and took every ac- tion possible. “Hugo was really lookingiWhitby. Mr. Pardon was an forward to the rally,” said his employee of the Schwenger sister. PM, a grade 13 student Construction Company. He liv- at Bayview. “He went because ed only two days after the ac- he wanted to.” cident. 29 Yonge We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities lucas 8. Arthurs No. I RINDLESS SIDE n‘u‘un-“Iu““‘V CLARK’S FANCY T6MATO JUICE 7 77777 8 oz. tin SHORT RIB COLGATE'S BACON King Size 5 lb. box FAB DETERGENT Mitchell's KLEENEX BOUTIQUE â€"- All Colors - 2 Ply Bihroom TISSUE A V 1|. LEY’S FO0IJLAN NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT Florida [findian River Whitgy or Pink HUGO SCHENK §ican Firm Red Slicing L A D E (Blade Bone Removed) 15 oz. ’péckage 2-Roll packages The famin asked that, in lieu of floral tributes. friends make . donations to the school‘s KAP . Fund. Mrs. Schenk was Vacationing in Switzerland at the time of ; the accident, but immediately flew back to Richmond Hill. APPLE SAUCE Lb. Her older son. Bruno, was given compassionate leavé from Royal Roads Military College in Victoria. B.C., and flew home for the service at Marsh- all Funeral Chapel on Wednes- day. And because his friends at B‘ayview know that Hugo would want it that way, they are go- ing ahead with plans for the KAP dance at the school on Fri- day night and the Walkathon to Toronto City Hall on Sun- MARKHAM: Robert Charles Pardon suffered fatal head in~ juries when he fell from a par- apet at the sewage treatment plant being constructed in Whitby. Mr. Pardon was an ay $1.00 $1.59 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursd BONELESS POT ROAS'I'S . KENNEL CLUB PLANTER'S AYLMER CALIFORNIA FIRM GREEN NO. 1 Large Size 24’s â€" HEAD ‘ PEANUT BUTTER LET'I'UCE 2 hea6x49¢ if C Open Daily 10 am. - 9 pm. - K Free Parking To Come Where The Action Is! FABRIC and DRAPERY 45 The finest fabric of them all. We were fortunate enough to find a European mill clear-out. Reg. $10.00 yd. JACKPOT $425. Between Sheppard Ave. and North Bay That's Open to Midnight (MON - SAT) LOW. LOW PRICES 0N PRI‘ISCRIP'I‘IONS DELIVERY IN “'ILLOWDALE and ‘- 'I‘HORNHILL Just 3 More Reasons Mill Outlet 6369 Yong'e 51. «1’s: 5. or sieelcs) Willowdale :20 different designs. ideal for ‘Dol‘tswear. Machine 5 y washable. Reg. $21.69 .vd. PURE SILK PRINTS Now 2 Warehouse Locations' (‘orner N0. 7 Hwy. 8; Woodbine and 2160 N0. 7 Hwy. at, Keele St. lIONS HALL Large 26 oz. tins 16 oz. plastic ctns. |..&S. Dispensary 225-7719 THE ONLY DRUG STORE RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB ,, PRINTED DUCK 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€"- 8 PM. Early Birds 7.10 pm. MONDAY, APRIL 27 Jnusual and beautiful crochet‘ style in yellow. navy. pink‘ and beige. Reg. $10.95 yd. I9 oz CRIMPOLENE and BEANS >z. tins i ‘ay OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sat. 9 am. - 6 pm April 53 Numbers 1970 .98 .09 Only Only .95 Only Y (I

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