Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1970, p. 4

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Grade 5 Separate Sch. Pupils Clean-Up Parks A pollution clean-up project planned by grade 5 students of Notre Dame Separate School here received enthusiastic sup- port last week. Thirty five students plan to spend an entire school day cleaning up rubbish from area parks and playgrounds and planting flowers. They will then make reports and recommenda- tions on their pollution project to Newmarket and East Gwi1~ limbury Councils. Newinarket Mayor Tom Sur- geoner pledges support of his town. “If every 10-yearvold child in Canada was doing the same thing this country would be a clean place to live within two years" he said. East Gwillimbury Deputy- reeve Ray Twinney promised to drive the garbage truck on the big clean up day. THE “I am surprised that grade 5 students are the ones to open our eyes to the serious pollution problem in the community." he said. Challenge 0F Cancer 3.1lull“1mm““\l“lmmhill!lllllllllllllllllIn“\mmllllllll“Illlllfilullllllllllllll{\llllllmllIllllllllill111l\\Illllll1fl“lfifiliulmllflllfil““lgb EMEBRRESPONDENT £1lll!“mlI“|\ll“\l“ll“\ll“ll\“\\ll“\l\\ll“l\lllll!“}“l\l\l\\\\lll\\lll“\“mlllllW“ll“\\\l1\l“l\\\\l“lll\lll\l\l\ll\l\\\\llm|\\l\l\l\\l\\\\\“\\l\\fi Every adult should have a regular physical checkup to guard against cancer. says the Canadian Cancer Society. “TREES ARE ‘ IMPORTANT" “The Liberal" requires a correspondent for the Lake Wilcox - Oak Ridges area. , If you enjoy serving your community and working with people then phone our Editor (Sam Cook). This is a paid part time position. KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX "The Liberal" ls always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: pendent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mr Daines, 23 Willowbank Avenue. 773-4589, In K 39‘ ‘10! BLUE MERLE PUPPIES MERLAND KENNELS (new) SHETLANDSHEEP DOGS Now is the time to engage our experts in the following services: Tree pruning. cabling, surgery & feeding. Fruit tree pruning & spraying. Spraying for insects & weeds. Spraying lawns for weeds & feeding Government licensed. Specialists at transplanting & supplying large trees. Complete landscaping service. Smaller trees sold in lots of 50 or more at wholesale prices. Richmond Hill Tree Service And Forestry Co. Ltd. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday Visit us for a day at Merland Kennels and see our \‘egistered stock of quality Shetland sheepdogs. “The Liberal” Prof. Arborist â€"- VHarold VanDyka (Miniature Collies) announce the arrival of their famous PHONE 884-1105 D. F. NELIUS 884-7774 The intermediate young people group of St. John's Ang- lican Church are sponsoring a showing of movies this Satur- day evening from 8.30 to 10.30 Church News tonville realtor, was guestI Sunday. April 26. at St. Paul's preacher at St. John‘s last Sun- there will be a youth service at day morning at 11 am. Mr..11 am m'th the electronic band Fai‘quharson spoke on behalf of from St. John's participating. the Gideons. with whom he has A congregational meeting will been associated for the past 10 be held April 27 at 8 pm. This years. The Gideons are an in- meeting is of importance to all temational association which members and adherents of St. places the Bible in hotel. motel Paul's and the new ministry be. and hospital rooms and presents ginning in August. copies of the New Testiment to Friday, May 1, from 7 to 9 elementaiy grade 5 students Pm a rummage sale will be held and' to all graduating nurses. at St. Paul’s, ‘ For pickup of 15:“ Aurora Wins First Prize Safety Council Contest The Safety Council of Aurora,‘ has won first prime in a national safety competition. theCanada Safety Council announced in Ot- tawa last week. ‘ The $250 top award in the competition. open to any or- ganizahion which includes wo- men and sponsors safety pro- jects. went to the Aurora group [or an education program for pre-school children. The Aurora course taught children safe ways to play in water. on tricycles or other ve- hicles and proper ways to use playground facilities. Maurice Farquharson, 3 But it"sfiPEul's Unitâ€"ed Church Oak Ridge: And lalre Wilcox Ne w the Love-In continues with many children taking part each Sunday morning. The women's study group meets each Tuesday morning at 10.30 am and all women in the neighborhood are welcome to join in these sessions. Whilchurch Township Plan- ning Board. April 13, decided to favor in principle a proposed 251-acre 63-lot estate subdiVi- ion between the C'FRB Side- mad and the Toronto Hunt Club property off Yonge Street. Friday, May 1. from 7 to 9 pm a rummage sale will be held at St. Paul's, For pickup of items, please phone Lydia Fin- deison at 773-5578. The Brethren in Christ Church‘reminds all that spring evangelistic services began Whitchurch Planners Favor Proposal For 63-|.ot Estate Type Subdivision The board heard a submission from engineer and residential development consultant Dusan Miklas of 80 Cherry'blossom Lane. Thornhill. on behalf of Matjon Properties Limited. Mr. Miklas is the former engineer of Markham Township. Members agreed to advise the firm to go ahead with plan- ning work so that a subdivision agreement could be recommen- ded to council. In the meantime. the planners are going to work on their study of the township to determine what areas are to be recom- mended to council and the De- partment of Municipal Affairs for estate home development under the new Official Plan. Chairman Michael Cassidy of Oak Ridges said the board will have to take some field trips as soon as the ground is dry enough. The board has a target limit of approvals for about 300 homes a year, Mr. Cassidy said. Reeve Stewart Burnett said the board so far is only up to about 150 units. including the most recent proposal of Matjon Properties Limited. Since con- struction in these developments would take place over a period of three or more years, the board was still a long way from the 300 units per year figure, he said. Deputy-reeve Norman Bar-‘ nard wondered what regional government was going to do to the Official Plan and such things as the 300 unit estate home limit. If people start drawing new municipal lines, this Matjnn property may not be in Whitchurch anymore. It [may be part of Richmond Hill "The Liberal” ls always pleased to publish ltenu of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge. - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Luke Wilcox is Mrs. Carol Daines, 23 Willowbank Avenue, 773-4589. In Klnx City Mary Dawson, 384-1105. 7, April 23, 1970 Guests speaker for the even- ing will be Mrs. Mary Sue Mc- earthy, family life specialist, whose topic will be. “Changing \Attltudes To Love In our So- Yk. University Women Will Meet On April 27 The Canadian Federation of University WOmen, York C0unty Branch. will meet April 27 at Annual reports will be pre- sented and the executive for the coming year will be elected. 8.30 City‘ ciety". Mrs. McCarthy :1 well known TV personality is a resi- dent of King Township. Mem- bers are invited to bring a ‘guest. COURSES FOR ADULTS IN Occupational Training Program pm at Kingcraft, King SENECA conga: The following daytime courses w111 bepflered at Seneéa College’s Sheppard Campus (at Yonge Street): CLERK-TYPIST ' 24 weeks Fee: $72.03 Prerequisite Grade 10 or eqmvalent an knowledge of typing. The cogrse com- menc't‘ {pH 27 and May 18, 1910. nNANa ; iL ASSISEZWCE: You may qualify for a 1 dining allmmncsgkunder thr> “Occupa- nonal Training fof- Adult ' prirgraznisgponsoregi b." the Department of Mafibower arid Immi- gration. See your Canada Manpower Centre for details “ THESE counsrzs ARE MAI" BLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY. FOR FURTHER. INFORMAka CONTACT: the Asspciate Registrar. Occupational Training Program. telephone 223-9661. COMMERC‘ \L-CLERICAL 40 weeks Fee: $120.00 Prerequlsate Grade 8 or equivalent. The COIII‘<e commences May 18 and June 15, President 6F AEPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOL 19 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO Newnhém, r. w. M April 20 and will continue each night at 8 pm until May 1. Neighborhood Notes Thirty-one guests were presâ€" ent at a birthday party at the home of Carol Collins April 11. Honored guests were Brenda Daines and Wilfred LePlante who were celebrating their 16m birthdays. » Sunday. May 3. at the Lake Wilcox Community Hall.lelec- tions will be held for the execu- tive and committee members of the Elmwood Beach Association. All residents of the area are asked to be there at 1 pm Nominations must be in writ- ing and must be accompanied with the nominee's consent. _ “A happy let birthday is wished for Kim Good. Hill's} VOak Ridges Scouts La- dies’ Auxiliary will hold a euchre and cribbage night May 6 at 8:30 pm or something, said the deputy- Chairman Cassidy remarked he was recently surprised to hear that the present contro- versy in some high circles was supposed to be whether or not Oak Ridges should be in Rich- mond Hill or Aurora. re-ev G In presenting the Mabjon de- velopment plan, Mr. Miklas said the firm was interested in developing the property for some years. but this was a de- finite proposal. Previously a preliminary plan for 119 lots was submitted. It was an area of rolling land with several hills and valleys. some parts having a view up to 20 miles. Particularly on the west side the property is dense- ly wooded. It drains into the Rouge River. he said. ....,_.5. These factors, plus the land being of only marginal use for farming. made the area an ideal location for estate development. Developers in Whitchurch Township pay a municipal fee of $500 per lot when plans of ‘ subdivision are finalized and ap« proved by the Minister of Muni- cipal affairs. In addition there is a township fee for pre-enâ€" gineering services of $10 for each of the first 10 lots. and $2.50 for each additional lot. There is no application fee. The Matjon proposal is for each lot to have its own drilled well and septic tank. Existing wells and a test well have each had an adequate flow of water for several houses. One well supplies a family home and the requirements of more than 60 horses, the planning board was told. The land includes a riding stable which is planned to con- tinue in operation along half the Yonge Street frontage. The proposal is for part of Lots 71 and ’72 on Concession 1. The stable is rented to Well known horseman Dick Day, the plan- ning board was bold. Bridle paths are proposed within the subdivision and between two properties owned by the To- ronto Hunt Club. [iAURORAâ€"The newly-formed Aurora Business Association now numbers 20 members with more than 50 membérs expected to be signed before the next meeting. The Organization aims at improving consumerâ€"business trelations as well as improving the looks of stores in Aurora. Homes are to have a mini- mum of 2,000 square feet floor space, An area of 5.3 acres set aside for a school if this is re- quired by either county board. Otherwise this land would make two building lots of similar size to many in the proposed subdi- vision r. w. Minx“. Chairman M the B I" d-\m“\\“mll“Rm\\I“l1‘\l\\\“1Rl\\lll\\\\\lll“\\l1\11\\\“l\\\\I‘m“\\\m“\ll\\l\“I!\l“\1“l“\11lm\lllll\\\\lllll\l“11‘\\m\ll\lm“l\\\\\“ll\\l\\11\\\l\l\l1“ll\“\\l\\\lllll\\\\1ll\\\11‘11“\1\\\1\“1“l\“1\\1\1\l\\\lm\\l\11\llll\\l“ll\\\lm“1111“mumllll\\\ll\l\l\\\lll“l111\\\l\l“\l“11\lll\llull“1mmull“lllll\l\llllllll\lll11111“l“111llllll“mullllull“lll“l[lulll\l\ll\\\\\lll\ll“~13 Action After Hot Debate On Dump At Stouffville Debate was hot and heavy at a recent meeting as Whit- church Township Council reached a sort of ragged con- sensus on taking the maxi- mum possible action against dumping of Ontario‘s indus- trial fluid wastes near Stouff- ville. Church News The Afternoon Unit of the UCW met at the home of Mrs. Harry Hutchinson, Bond Ave-l nue, on April 16. Unit Leader Mrs. Gordon Hampton was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Wilfred James led in devotions with the theme “A Sense Of Belonging". Mrs. Ray Jennings prepared the program consist- ing of readings, and a contest won by Mrs. Wilfred James. Our members have been busy with a quilting project, and have made and sold seven ‘quilts. l Neighborhood Notes He said he expected 1,000 people out to a public meet- ing called by the citizens' Preserve Our Water (POW) Committee at the, Stouffville District Secondary School about. Councillor Ratcliff bristled at that. “I challenge that cri- ticism. I will meet with whomever I want, whenever I want," he said. servation Authority. and have I-IVCA observers on the site during the drilling. Mr. Baker‘s motion passed unanimously, with all mem- bers of council present. council would have to look into it. Mr. Lewis said that since there was no definite state- ment from either the muni- cipality or the province. the .ach platform guest is mm- ;ed to speak for five minutes on the dump question. A question and answer period is to follow. Mr. Lewis is to act as chairman. :i‘ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlillIIillllllll’tlill“llllillllill“llllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll“\lllllllllll'tlllllllli\llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll“lilllllllllllillllill“ill!““ill\lllllllllllillll“llllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllIllllllllIllllllllllIllll“llll“lllllll“llllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll'3 There were two rounds to the debate, about an hour apart. The action came after some hot words between Deputy-reeve Norman Bar- nard and Councillor Gordon Ratcliff and between Reeve Stewart Burnett and former Bloomington Councillor Robert Lewis. Mrs. Harry Hutchinson spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto, and visited other rela- tives in Port Perry on April 12. Twenty-two members of the Beynon clan had a happy time on April 12 when they had a family reunion at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Coult-hard of Weston. Mr. Lewis started it, all by leaving his place at the press table and asking permission to speak to council. He was backed up by two neighbors of the Bremner Limited dump on Highway 48, Keith Hutchinson and E d w a r d Brathwaite of RR 2, Stan!!- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Phillips visited friends in Shelbourne during the week. “I expect the dump will be closed within a month. if for no other reason than by the sheer will of the people." Mr. Lewis ended up saying. §PUBLIC MEETINGS Pun-” I .. i Township of King Official Plan Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells To enable the Plannjng B93131 to'outline‘ and explain the A,..A..-I 1U cuauLc Ian, 4-»- . -ew proposed Official Plan, of beuelopment to the general public, and to receive the comments and suggestions of all interested persons, a number of Public Meetings have been arranged in the Township of King. Wednesday. April 22, 1970 â€"- King City Secondary School Wednesday. April 29, 1970 â€"â€" Schomberg Agricultural Hall Wednesday. May 6th, 1970 â€" Christian Reformed Church, Ansnorveldt Wednesday, May 13th, 1970 â€" Nobleton 51'. Public School Wednesday, May 20th. 1970 â€"â€" Oak Ridges Public School All meetings to commence at 8:00 pm. Copies of the draft Official Plan may be acquired for study at King Township Public Library in King City ~â€" or â€"â€" copies of the Official Plan may be obtained for a nominal fee at King Township Municipal Offices. KING TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD R. Sillc0x, Chairman D. C. McCallum, Secretary PRESERVE OUR WATER Liquid industrial waste is being dumped in Whit- church Township. Is your water supply in DANGER of POLLUTION? We think it i5. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Please clip, sign and mail this ad' vertisement to Mr. GeOrge Kerr at Queen’s Park. at Stouffville District Secondary School Tuesday, April 28 - 8 pm. EVERYBODY WELCOME Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jenning: Phone 173-5892 MEETING NOTICE OF um---~r.<>.o.<-n Tuesday April 28 at 8 pm Mr. Braghwajte said the tank trucks full of fluid wastes were going past his place to the dump at a rate about three times as great as before. "I live right beside it and figure 50,000 gallons of this waste was dumped on Friday," he said. visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison of Shanty Bay on Sat- urday. and on Sunday had all the members of their family home for the day. Mr. Hutchinson said he has been counting the trucks and figuring their carrying capacity. At the rate the stuff was going in. the area was going to be all conta- minated. “People are getting to the point now where they’re sort of fed up. Offi- cials of the municipality feel like dirty faced little bnys going to court with provin- cial support." he said. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings, Gerald Jennings, Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rick- ward. Oak Ridges attended the annual divine service of Mason- ic District 7. Toronto,_ held in the Church of Atonement (Ang- lican) on April 12, Guest speaker was Rabbi Stuart Ros- enberg of Beth Tzedec Congre- gation, Toronto. Several in our community are not feeling too well at present, and we send best wishes to Mrs. Ray Jennings. Mrs. James Gill- ham. and Mrs. Maurice Beynon and to any who are not up to par. ' Many friends in our commun- i¢y extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. W. M. (Moff) Cockburn, Newmarket, and her family in the sudden passing of a loving husband and father on April 15. For many years Mr. Cockburn was provincial agricultural rep- resentative for the County of York. "Not very much. What are you doing? Council efforts are laughable,” said Mr. Lewis. The reeve asked Mr. Lewis. “What did you do when you were on council?” Deputy-reeves B a r n a r d charged Councillors Ratcliff and Marlyn Baker were hold- ing meetings the rest of the council didn’t know anything about. Then matters started to get sorted out a bit. Councillor Baker fiaid he'd done a lot of research on the dumping and admitted he probably didn't know very much about all the techni- calities yet. But he had a motion to propose. either for immediate passage or for consideration at the next council meeting. “We all want something done. The question is . . . how?" said Reeve Burnett. Mr. Baker's resolution was seconded by Mr. Ratcliff. He said its purpose was to com- pletely ascertain the danger of pollution. get more exten- sive drilling tests done around the dump. and in- volve the Holland Valley Conservation Authority. Since the meeting with Ontario Director of Waste Management John Heaman. it was evident the fluid wastes being dumped were toxic. said Councillor Baker. He proposed council request provincial authorities to drill under the dump. .consult with the Holland Valley Con- servation Authority, and have HVCA observers on the site during the drilling. Mr. Ratcliff then proposed a motion. this one seconded by Councillor Betty van Nos- trand. The motion requested the township solicitor to request the co-nperation of the On- tario Water Resources Com- mission senior solicitor in taking legal action against industrial waste dumping in Whitchurch under the On- tario Water Resources Act and Whitchurch Township bylaws. Councillor Ratcliff said he was advised there were reguâ€" lations which should cover the dumping problem if they were enforced. After some discussion of the. existing laws. this motion was also passed unanimously. In addressing council. Mr. Lewis said he was represent- ing a number of people liv- ing around the Bremnor Lid. dump. He said he was dele- gated to ask the council if the municipality could stop the dumping of industrial fluid wastes at the Highway 48 site. Reeve Burnett said he couldn't answer that, the council would have to look into it. citizens had decided to call a public meeting for all resi- dents of Stoufiville. Mark- ham Township, Markham Town and Whitchurch Town- ship. He said among those esâ€" pecially invited were Minis- ter of Energy and Resources Management George Kerr. Ontario Liberal Opposition Leader Robert Nixon, On- tario New Democratic Party Leader Donald MacDonald. York North MLA William Hodgson. York Centre MLA Donald Deacon. York Simcoe MP John Roberts, York Countv Warden Gordon Cook.Stouffville Reeve Ken- neth Laushway. Reeve Bur- nett md Councillor Baker. At the April 28 meeting :ach platform guest is invi- aed to speak for five minutes on the dump question. A question and answer period is to follow. Mr. Lewis is to act, as chairman. “'l‘lis problem is the con- cernof everyone." says Mr. Lews. “Many people don't undorstand just how tragic it vould be if Stoufiville's artvsian well water supply berame polluted from waste pmetration at this site." ‘Testing means nothing.“ h: said. “What if the test p'oves positive. Then it's 00 late."

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