capacity by members of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton‘, Uh vwe‘mesaay CVEHIHSV 01 community and many out-of-,attended the wedding of her“?St “991‘ Mrs- Georg? hwy town guests. Following theinephew. Willie Ross, on Satur- “35 117919th 38 Presulent 9f service refreshments were ser-‘day at St. John's Roman Cath- Markham Tol‘mlsmp Womehs ved which was the perfect wayiolic Church in Toronto. The leeral A550C13t10n- Members to wind up an enjoyable even-iparents of the groom, Mr. and met at herlhome ‘0 h01d the an- ing. ers‘ Harold Ross of Cochrane nual meeting and all executive The Hi-C and choir members'are remaining as guests in the‘OFF‘E‘ETS were VBtUFh?d l0 their C311 he justifiably proud of Burton home this week. Sevâ€"POS'UOUS- 13156115519115 were their success. . ‘eral other guests came to thelheld 0n various questions of the NBizhborhood Notes [Burton home on Sunday from‘day- The EFOUP 8150 Plans 3 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander-‘Toronto. Uxbridge. Newmarket.imp .10 the R00he$tef area 10 kooy were hosts to about 40‘‘ Brown's Corners United:see “1305 there. later In May- relatives Sunday afternoon. TheIChurch will be celebrating itsiAirport oceasion was a bridal showerilZBth anniversary May 3. No Markham Township Council being given for Mrs. Vander-idoubt there Will be Headfordghas refused to rezone property kooy‘s niece, Lynda Heise of‘residents attending the servtce. south of the preSent Button. ville Airport for extension of So I the north-south runway. _ where will Jonquil and Toronto The Headford Church ChoiruBethesda who will marry John and Hi-C presented the com-‘Willis of Stouffville May 1. munity with an outstanding“ Spring 15 finally here and musical evening on Sunday, along with spring comes base- the theme of which was “Peace,fball. The boys' bantam team is Wonderful Peace". Gordon Lee getting ready to start practices and Paul Wellman presidedzsoon, hoping to be league win- Very ably and Mrs. Stewart'ners again this year. Bumble and the chair were in A ladies' team is forming up top form. Solos by Miss Cathy also. to he coached‘ by Ron Castator and Mervin Pickering Leuschner and if Headford girls added to the enjoyment of the can get a team together the evening. ladies will have someone to The church was filled to play against: The church was filled to capacity by members of the community and many out-of- town guests. Following the service refreshments Were ser- ved which was the perfect way to wind up an enjoyable even-l ing. I WALK OF AGES MAY 23rd UNION VILLA GUARANTY TRUST Sponsorï¬beets on yoursavings Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 Why settle for less? This major Canadian Trust Company, federally incorporated and supervised, pays the highest interest on savings. Your balance grows faster at Guaranty. Pre-registration - Fri., May 22 - 6 - 9 pm. get the most (4 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1188 Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation HEADFORD NEWS Phone: Evening - 297-1722 Daytime - 294-2302 or 297-2822 Capital and Reserve $33,000,000 Volunteers needed for sundry jobs COMPANY OF‘ CANADA OPEN NOW FOR Spring 15 finally here and along with spring comes base- ball. The boys' bantam team is getting ready to start practices soan, hOping to be league win- ners again this year. I HILL mas-Io i The township council before the meeting studied submissions made by the public on the issue. There was almost no debate on the issue during the council meeting. All members of coun- cil." except Reeve Sttwart Rum- ble, made statements explaining their positions. There were 70 petition forms, eight independent letters and three briefs sub- mitted against the rezoning. There were two briefs and only one individual let- ter favoring the rezoning. Councillor Eldred King said he felt it was necessary to think of the effects the rezoning would have. He said the detri- ments of the rezoning outweigh- ed the benefits at that time. “In no way can I 'see anyone in Markham Township getting any ‘benefits frc'im it, other than re- creation. There is no control whatsoever on these lands once this rezoning goes through,†he said. An overflow crowd of citizens at the Markham Township Council Chambers April 20 wit- nessed the unanimous council defeat of a bylaw to extend the Buttonville Airport zoning over an additional 85 acres to the south. CouncillOr James Jongeneel' said insufficient study had been given to the way the zoning would affect the surrounding lands. Around the airport there was a large amount of agricul tural land not zoned in any specific way, he said. The municipality should first make sure the lands were prOperly zoned for three or four miles in all directions so no one \vouldl suffer undue adverse effects. t Unanimous Defeat For Extension Of Buttonville Air Landing Zone The application was for land recently purchased by Jonquil Limited for use by Toronto Air- ways Limited, owner of the air- port. The firm has not yet decided whether or not to appeal the council decision to the Munici- pal Board. according to an of- fical questioned following the meeting. The firm's legal ad- visors are being consulted. Mr. Jongeneel said he felt there was a definite danger of jet aircraft landing at the air- port, since the owners refused to enter into a restrictive co- venant that would have kept out jet aircraft for at least 10 years. has refused to rezone propertyiick. Mrs. James Grant and Mrs. south of the present Button- William Rodick were on deck to ville Airport for extension of serve the bridal party. and other the north-south runway. So members made sandwiches for where will Jonquil and Toronto the occasion. Airways make their next sub- On May 16 when Bob Wilkins JJICCLILIE LU uxacuaa LII: yaupuacu On Wednesday evening of‘; . ezonmg of lands to allow ex- last; week Mrs. George Kelly.r . , . vtenswn of the runway. Ron aziazaecrswnagamesMccabe. . manager of Liberal Association. Membersith.e alrport said that If the con. a ther home to hold the am trol tower gives a plane clear- m '3 ‘ance. the ground crew cannot nual meeting and all executive h . . , . ‘ old it even though they may ofï¬cers were returned to theirflmsider conditions unsafe. posmons' Dlscussmns werelSurely there is closer liaison re- held on various questions of theiquired here_ day. The group also plans 3.01m“ News trip to the Rochester area to ’ _ see lilacs there. later in May. dagcfx “geï¬gggfncgatiiretisagg Airport [Valley Village area. Mrs. Markham Township Council‘Douglas Hood, Miss Mary Rod- Council Chambers Filled Deputy-reeve Anthony Roman said he felt Buttonville would become a major airport site if the rezoning was approved. just Barney Danson MP (Liberal) for the federal riding of York North will be guest speaker at Buttonville .Hall .on .Friday evening to discuss Benson's White Paper on Taxation. Markham Township Liberal As- sociation will host the gathering and at 8 pm the annual meeting will be held With Mr. Danson speaking at 8.30 pm. Neighborhood Notes Spring at last! May Day to morrow! Buttonville Community Happening: [JohnYaremko CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. F. H. LEAF â€"_ PHONE 297-1741 3 The final euchre party of the season will be held in the community hall Friday evening at 8 pm. Everyone is invited and ladies will please provide. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton 1welcomed two more grandsons Lrecently when twin sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. David ‘Boynton. Church News Visitors at the church service Sunday morning were Mr. and VMrs. Donald Broun and famin of Richmond Hill and Lorrie Mackness. a former resident of our community but now of Agâ€" incourt, accompanied by a friend. The application was made at a township planning bOard meeting early last year and was held up until the York County Board of Education was satis- fied with the alignment of a new runway in relation to the Buttonville School. A miscellaneous shower will be held in the community hall »on Monday evening in honor 'of Miss Dawn Tatton an d Carman Henderson who will be married May 16. Please accept this as your invitation tn attend. It was horticulture and ladies' night at the Lions Club Tuesday evening of last week. A delic- ious buffet dinner preceded the meeting and guest speaker wa 5 Arthur Creighton of Creighton and Price Travel Ag- 'ency, Thornhill, who gave a ‘very interesting talk illustrated “.with colored slides. A public hearing was held March 25 in the Buttonville Hall to give the airport owners an opportunity to explain their plans. The meeting had only a small attendance. as Malton Airport grew into a major problem for local resiâ€" dents withOut anyone suspect- ing. “I think that allowing a major airport would be wrong," he said. Mr. Roman said there had always been pride in Markham Township‘s leadership as an above average residential com- munity. “With expansion of the airport, this would all go down the drain. We would be doing a complete flip flop,"*he said. Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie RR. 2 Gormley Telephone 887-5421 Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Defoe who have been married 32 years today, April 30. ‘Birthday greetings to Mark Petty 11. on May 3. The local branch of the Berachah Music Academy will hold its recital in Victoria Square United Church May 8 at 7:30 pm. The laying of the corner- stone for Union Villa will be held on Saturday at 2 pm with John Yaremko. minister of Social and Family Services, of- ficiating. Councillor William Masters said he agreed with the state- ment made by Councillor Jon- geneel. Reeve Rumble. as chair- man of council meetings. does not usually express any opinion on issues being considered by council. He votes only to break a tie vote of the other council members. T0wnship Clerk Harry Crisp said there were SMe additional oppOSition submissions made while the meeting was under- way. but these were not com- piled with the rest that were considered by council before the public meeting began. mission? To the Municipal Board or the federal Depart- ment of Transport? Buttonville is unique -â€" an advance guard for extensive private flying. It would seem that before any extension of service at this air- port is granted. there should be a thorough check on flight control for all private aircraft across Canada. There is a Department of Transport Control Tower at the field and. at a recent public meeting to discuss the proposed rezoning of lands to allow ex- tension of the runway. Ron McCabe. 1 general manager of the airport said that if the con- trol t0wer gives a plane clear- ance. the ground crew cannot hold it ei/en though they may consider conditions unsafe. Surely there is closer liaison re- quired here. Church News The flswers in the church on Sumiay morning were in lovmg memory of Mrs. David Fuller and were placed there by her daughters. NEWMARKET: Hopes foranew library here faded when town council’s budget ï¬gure was only increased by 10 percent to $28,000. Library Board Chair- man John Croivther noted in- tentions of constructing a new library which would have en- tailed a 1970 budget totalling $53,000. Victoria Square Carolyn Copp was guest of honor at a bridal shower at Brown's Corners United on Monday evening of last week when members of the UCW were hostesses. Mrs. Dorothy Reesor and Mrs. Joy Crawford assisted the bride with a host of beautiful gifts and Mrs. Nancy Wolfe fashioned the traditional bannet. Earlier Mrs. Cal Par- tOn and Mrs. Eleanor Webster entertained at a shower for Car- olyn at Mrs. Parton‘s home when the guests were friends from the Arnleigh Heights Sub- division. summer. Director of Music: "This amount is the first Dart Mrs. Donald Reesor plans spe-“Of the DI‘OVinCE'S tOtal grant of cial music and senior'and jun- $765,000. to assist the construc- ior choirs will sing. In theltion and furnishing of the evening there will be a social home." said Mr. Yaremko in a hour following the service‘Fpl‘eSS release. Total estimated where friends may meet and cost is 531.934.766, chat. The Unionville Society came and 'Jo Anne McGee will be mar- ried at Brown‘s Corners United the reception will be held in the church parlors and groups one and three will cater. On Sunday the 128th anniver- sary services at Brown's Corn- ers United will be held and the congregation invites friends. neighbors and former members to come and enjoy the day with them. Rev. Bradley Cruxton will preach at both services. 11 am and 7.30 pm and Rev. Chris Dugan will be assisted by Rev. W. S. Butt in leading the wor- ship. Mr. Cruxton who was formerly a minister at Pem- broke is now teaching second- ary school at Pickering. He as- sisted at Brown's Corners last summer. Director of Music Mrs. Donald Reesor plans spe- cial music and senior'and jun- ior choirs will sing. In the Carolyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert COpp of Hughson Drive. Her marriage to Jim Hans Puersten takes place May 9 at Brown's Corners United with Rev. Chris Dugan ofï¬ciating. Recipient of the distinguished Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship from RCMT in 1967-68 and 1968-69 Royal ConservatOry of Music of Toronto Alumni Association (Markham Twp. Chapter) is presenting Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 p.111. St. Andrew’s United Church Proceeds for Union Villa, the new seniOr citizens’ home in Unionville Tickets $2.00 (Limited Number Available) For further information call 294-0634 MISS BURNETTA DAY, SOPRANO A dollar may buy u lol less ’rhese days-but it doesn’t buy less Volkswagen. We still stamp the famous beetle shape out of a heavier gauge melal than eVen most big cars use. And oqucint [ob is still the envy of the industry. 28 pounds worth. 4 coats. 1 out of every 8 VW employees is WARREN MOULD, PIANIST Registrar of RCMT IN CONCER 1' Markham Construction is now well un- der Way. and the moiety hopes to be moving the first residents "m some time in July. , l Chairman of the bbard of Provincial Minister To Officiate Ceremony At Union Villa Saturday With the support of the de- partment, they formed a chari- table organization and Acquired 13 acres of land west of the village on Highway 7 and made plans for the 153 bed home. Unionville Home Societylboard of directors is Dr. Keith Board of Directors announcedlKennedy of Unjom'ille. and a last week that Minister of 25-member advisory board is Social and Family Services Johnlassisting in fund raising. Many Yaremko will officiate at the community groups and a very laying of the cornerstone cere- active auxiliary have also been monies at Union Villa at. 2 pm \vorking towards equipping the on Saturday. home and planning for opening Anfl nn Anril 24. hhe bmvin- of the Villa. And on April 24. the provin- cial government antiounced that the Unionville Home Sodety has received a cheque for $254.- 898 toward construction of the $2 million residence for senior citizens. The Unionville Society came into being in 1966 when the Unionville Council of Churchns unanimously resolved to sup- port construction of a home for senior citizens as the com- munity’s Canadian Centennial project. The site was approved by Mr. Yaremko in 1967, and plans for accommodation for 121 active residents and 32 bed care resi- dengs were approved in August, 196. . Adollar still goes a long way. 178 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HILL/889-7701 an inspec’ror. Théy inspecf every part of may Volkswagen 3 times. And then give the finished bug a going over cars cost- ing twice as much don'tgef. How much do you'have *0 pay $0 a“ this? - W. 8: P. Motors Limited Only $1979? And rightaway you can start saving Under the Charitable Institu- tions Act. the prevince offers a 35.000 per-bed capital grant to- ,wards the construction of ap- proved homes from the aged. The remainder must come from the community. Arrange for home delivery today. Just call Circulation at 384-1105. ’ The ceremonies Saturday will be followed by a tear of the building and a model room. now completed. will be open. Coffee will be served by members of the auxiliary. Been meaning to have “THE LIBERAL“ delivered? Service will begin at once. OUR PRICE WOMEN'S SHOES 8. SANDALS (from Italy) & (from Sweden) SANDALS Reg. $6.95 to $14.95 Our Price $4.95 to $12.95 103 YON GE ST. NORTH - RICHMOND HILL COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED TREMENDOUS SAVINGS 0N QUALITY IMPORTED MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES FACTORY , / OUTLET ’ “The Shoe Shelf†& CLUB) (from Sweden) Regularly $24.95 to $28.95 IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS .THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday; 'Aprn so. 1970 A & P Shopping Plaza $12.95 TO $16.95 ‘5ugges1ed maximum rotail price £0.17. East Port of Entry. Provincial taxes and shipping charges“!!- DISCOVER THESE VALUES AT Courses For Adults In Occupational Training Program money. Because a Volkswagen will never cost you mere for upkeep than you can keep up wllh. Which is only rlghf. After all, if you're buying a small car lo flghl’ inflollon, we think " you should buy one that won't '- fightback. SENECA COLLEGE ACADEMIC UPGRADING, LEVELS 1 to 4! Grades 9 through 12 equivalent SUBJECTS: Mathematics Englis“ Science Drafting or Typing LENGTH OF COURSE: 16 weeks at each level FEES: $48.00 each level ~ PREREQUISITE: Successful completion at prev- ious level or grade , FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: You may qualify for a training allowance under the “Occupational Training for Adults" program spansored by the Department of Manpower and Immigration. See your Canada Manpower Centre for details. THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The AssOciate Registrar. Occupational Training Pro- gram, telephone 223-9661. W. T. Newnham President The follom'ng daytime courses will be offered at Seneca College‘s Sheppard Campus (at Yonge Street) commencing May 25, 1970: or APPLIED ARTS AND'TE’C’HROTOGY $10.95 Two Pair for $19.95 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO MEN'S SHOES Regularly $19.95 to 7540.90 TWO COMPLETE RACKS MEN’S SHOES $8.00 to $28.95 Complete Size Ranges (from England) F. W. Minkler Chairman of the Board Red - White Blue women S CLOGS