Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Apr 1970, p. 10

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in On Cedar Street The green light was flashed' on a proposed apartment. com- mercial and housing complex on. Cedar Avenue Tuesday night ofJ last week when Richmond Hill; Planning Board approved an‘ amendment to its un-Ofllcial. Plan. An amendment to the Official Plan was required to change the designated area from indust- rial to residential. Final stamp of approval now lies in the hands of town council. Developers are Jullian Es- tates which first approached the board in June of 1969. Proposed plans are to erect‘ five apartment buildings plus 26 semiâ€"detached homes on Cedar Avenue. The proposal also calls for three stores. Included in the project. are three 30-suite apartment buildings on the southerly end of Cedar Avenue, a 64-suite one plus two 42-unit dwellings on the east side. The three stores will be located on the ground floor of the 64-unit apartment building. In passing the amendment to the Official Plan, the board not- ed that the present water and sanitary services are adequate for the scale of residential deâ€" velopment envisaged in this area. The proposed residential de- velopment will be served by a new separated storm sewer to be provided by the developers. Children from the area will eventually attend the new school to be built in the town park neighborhood as indicated in the official plan. Due to the excessive length of Cedar Ave. ‘as a cul-de-sac street, Pahner Avenue will be extended from Lennox Avenue cast to intersect with Cedar for a more convenient and orderly traffic flow pattern. In order to lessen the impact of the ONE railway track on adjacent residential develop- ment, special restrictions will be imposed in the form of buf- fer strips such as landscaped slght barriers, double row of trees, increased yard setbacks. The parking will be adjacent to the railway. t q- t t The same developers are also proposing a combined 350-unit apartment - commercial building complex on Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill. The propos- al has been tentatively approv- ed by the board and will come up for closer scrutiny at its next meeting. The project would comprise four acres and be located on the Dr. James Langstai‘f property on the west side of Yonge directly across from the A 8; P Plaza. 'Paul Aimls, president 01’ Jul- lian Estates, told the board last June that the complex would "be one of the most exciting projects north of Eglinton AVe- nue.” with anoflaer lS-storey directly behind it. The towers‘ would be connected by a ground floor shopping mall. The apartment units It would feature a lO-slorey be broken down into tower fronting on Yonge Street bedroom. tower l7 bachelor. ' parking space within the com- plex for Another l32,00(l feet of landâ€" would‘seaping will also he provided. was «En Mme Hm, Ontario. Thursday. April a“. 1970 The re would ' 514 cars. ' Yes Or .No By Darcy McKeough May 6 ' Okay Housing-Apartment Proposal 2241 one‘ 92 two bedroom. and be By HAROI. 'l‘here‘ll be a yes. May 6. The ('hatham head oi oi' Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough. for York County I) BLAINE a no. from Municipal local ,Q'o\.el‘liiiicnl affairs in the Robarts Cabinet April 15 in Newmarket hinted broadly that he is going to end the agony over the regional government question in York County. He indicated he will ment apartments in single ram-I ily dwellings in Richmon has reared it controversi again. Members of the letter of complaint: at Tuesday night meeting of last week regarding a home oc-; cupied by Henry Kooiman of 182 Ruggles Avenue. The letter, signed by Mrsl Eugenia Schwan of 176 Ruggles Avenue, charges Mr. Kooiman with constructing an apartment in the basement of his duplex' home without first applying and receiving a building permit to do so. Mrs. Schwan claims that Ml‘.! Kooiman and his wife moved; into the basement apartment on‘ September 1, 1969, “and are still living there.” The writer also notes that a previous occupant had built the home in 1962 and at that time had applied for a building per- mit to construct an apartment: in the basement but his request‘ was rejected by the local build- ing inspector. , The planning board decided to refer the matter to the by-‘ laws committee and request a. report on the matter from Building Inspector Jack Hollo-. well. It was also decided to have a report made on the earlier, complaint that a similar situa-l lion existed on Elindale Court. At the time of the complaint in late 1969 the owners of the home were given a certain time length to make adjustments. Planning Administrator Barry McKinnon observed that thei time length had expired “quite a while ago" with the apparent change in the situation. It was in late December of last year that the Richmond Hill Planning Board decided to apartments and, it necessary, law 1,000. The spotlight Kristman on Elmdale Court. The area in question is zon- ed for fourâ€"plex â€"â€" or four fam- ily usage â€"- but disallows es- basement apartments. Kristmans at that time already rented one section of the base- . "Johnny" Says SUNNYBROOK IS STOCKED WITH v ample, when t December plight to the Richmond Hill] Committee of Adjustment. ‘ Mr. Plaxton pointed out at the time that enforcement of the bylaw “could effect at least 150 residences in the town." ‘ He said it wasn't practical to would constitute apartment building which would .violate the zoning bylaw. Solicitor Donald Plaxton, also reeve of Richmond Hill. repre- sented Mr. and Mrs. Kristman made a futile bid their hey 17 to take crack down on illegal basement! . prosecute persons breaking By- ' was initially turned on a four-plex residence v owned by Mr. and Mrs. Matheus ‘ ‘tablishment of any additional .‘ The , ' ment apartment illegally and ,' contemplate taking every violat- or to court. "If you do it in one case." he said, “you have to do it in all, and this municipality just hasn't. got the money to take every‘ single violator to a Supreme Court Judge." Mr. Plaxton said there were also social and moral implica-i t-ions stating that “you just can-‘ not turn people out of base-‘ merit apartments in mid-win- ter." He agreed that the town had an obligation to take actionl when a bylaw was broken- but suggested that “in cases such as this a fine should settle the entire matter." His argument was rebutled by Planning Board Member Howard Willans who said the town must “enforce its bylaws or there's no point in having any. Town council and its plan- ning board is responsible for planning in the town. That's why you have zoning bylaws, to assure the municipality will lStewart Burnett was also in at- region around Toronto. Premier Robarls recently told .lhe Legislature the Toronto re- ‘gion plan will be unveiled May" 5 at a meeting in the Quecn‘ Elizabeth Theatre at the Cavia- dian N a t i o n a 1 Exhibition‘ grounds. Invited to the promier's meeting will be 1.300 represen- tatives of nuinicipalities, ric- councils. business. ‘agriculiure and other interested groups. l Mr. Mclv'eough said the arâ€" ‘rangcments for the May 6 meet- ing on the York County region question were not yet complete. The Municipal Affairs Minis- ter said the Toronto region draft plan is the result of two years‘ work by provincial planâ€" ners since the June 1968 publiâ€" cation of the Metropolitan To- ronto and Region Transporta- tion Study. Involved in the Toronto cen- tred region is the area between Hamilton and Oshawa and be- tween Barrie and Lake Ontario. Mr. McKeough was in New-‘ market April 15 for a meetinglnouncemenl for York on May 6‘ sponsored by dent for another year. by York North MLA William llodgson and thanked by Newâ€"r market Mayor Tom Surgeoner. Gordon Cook. warden of: York County and reeve of King Township. was at the head table and welcomed Mr. Mc- Keough to the County. Whitchurch Township Reeve. tendance. Discussion on regional gov- ernment has been active in York County since April 1, 1969, when cooperation of the municipalities in studying struc- tural reform was urged, said Mr. McKeough. He promised there would be be developed properly." . l I FREE Quarters 43¢ lb. ‘ (FROZEN) ESunnybrook BREAD Sunnybrook WI EN ERS had applied for permission to' CHICKEN FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Round or Sirloin Steaks and Roasts ¢ lb. Family Treat Ice Cream H 24 oz. Loaf We Reserve The Right to Limit Quantities â€" No Phone Calls Please f SUNNYBROOKS “Featuring Canada's Finest Red and Blue Brand Beef” CASH HOSTESS YOUR OWN WIG PARTY, PROFESSIONAL DE MONSTRATOR, BREASTS BONE-IN MEAT PIES no dictatorial imposition of re- or WIG LINDA, 225-6744 Quarters 33¢ lb. reveal the government's i decision the day after Premier John Robarts reveals v the provincial blueprint for the Illegal Basement Apartments Subject Of Controversy Again The case of the illegal base-.renl the other half. Three other fourâ€"plex homes d Hilllfaced the same fate on Elmdale al head‘Court and all received notices from the building inspector thal Ricliinondlthey were contravcning the by- Hill Planning Board received alaw and should cease to renuvelopmem theirtheir basement apartments. ' A six-plex residence. for ex-‘ an. n . 300 square mile u, it gional government where wasn't wanted. Mr. Mclx’cougn then said he would be calling a meeting May 6 of all York County munici- palilies. This meeting. he said. should be of some interest to citizens of York. Pressed for more inforâ€" mation by the press. Mr. McKeoug-h refused to elabo- rate any further on what the meeting would be about. or what would be on the agenda. All the Municipal district type government was announced. During another at Brantford. it was announced there was no consensus in Peel- Halton on regional government and there was no provincial de- 'l'hc subieci of his Newniarkci speech \\ as the general question ‘of local government reform. Local govcrnmeni in On- lario. he said. is hampered on two counts. first a lack of fin- ancial resources. and secondly. havinz to operate under a sys- tem of organization that was 120 ‘iears old and made for a pre- Confedei'ation socieiy. He said ilie road to reform will be rock). because change inevitably creates some turmoil. But the government belict'es people who want good govern- ment stronger and more mean- ingful, he said. Mr. McKcough said there are four fundamental thrusts to the government's long term pro- gram for municipal reform. He said the first thrust of the reform program was in the area .of provincial iaxalion. Greater amounts of money must be made available to the munici- lpalities and the school boards. He blamed the federal govern- ment's attitude on tax sharing Anal” for the inabilitv ' - " . . . ‘ ., ol the province Minister could be persuaded to‘tl0 move faster in providing me Say 31”“ “‘9 meetmg “'35 thatilocal governments with more he had held two such meetings” ~ ~ _ unds. He also nd 0 ted h »lt recently. During one at Mus-lthe federal 1 I a 9 f0 kOka the SStabHShment Of a "9“ ltaxation indicated Ottawa was White Paper on going the wrong way in this re- gard. Mr. h'lcl-v'eough said the next thrust of reform was in the area of aid to local government. Half the revenue of the munici- praised \‘Ork County for get- ling the monumental job of market \ aluc reâ€"usscssmcm done. If Ilie resi of Ontario's inunicipalilics had done as well. the provincial Q o \ e r n in e ni w ouldn'l have had to lake over responsibility for property sessmcnl. he said. 85‘ The fourth area of local gov- crnment reform. he said. was in the structure of local gmcrn- man This reform was proceed- ing well. Regional governments had been established where broader based local government was requcstcd. as in Ottawa. Niagara. Muskoka and at the Lakehead. In these places a more forceful governmental form has been provided to satisfy local needs. be said. Mr. Mclieough said the pro- vince intends to propose re- gional government only where it is urgently nee-(led. ‘LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884-II05 AMAZINGLY NEW Effective Beauty Aid For The Entire Family “Beauty Masque ” Corrects Blackâ€"Heads and Enlarged Pores through deep cleuiung' action. (‘onibats wrinkles. gives skin a youthful texture and a smooth i'irm appear- ance. Approx. 10 'l‘reatments $3.95 plus 250 postage Send Cheque or Money Order to KING-RIE scrvrcrs MAPLE. ONT. AUTOMATIC DELIVERY OF THE FINEST HEATING Oll 0 Free Annual Furnace Conditioning 0 Ill-Hr. Emergency Service - 7 Days a Week 0 Gulf l’arls Replacement Plan cision, he said. I the Newmarkctywould be the same as one or was the overhaul of local taxa- Progressive Conservative ASSO-.tlie other of these previous an-ltion. it was proven the proâ€" eiation. Ernest CI‘OSSland. for-lnouncements. He wouldn‘t sayipertv tax was an inadequate mer King Township councillorgam: more about the specific sow-ice was elected associatiOrl Pl'eSl-Iquestion of regional government Property taxes in Ontario were _ I I {in York County. The minister was introduced" AMS 9¢ lb. 2 for 5580 YONGE TREET AT FINCH _ ‘ ,palities now came from the pro- Mclxeough said the anâ€" vince. he said. Third in the reform program M -. â€" - ' X our Area Sales Representative ELGIN R. EVANS (:qu Home Comfort Limited 7. _ 362-2881 i of municipal income, the highest in Canada. He jay isilyirer _ Three yummy mounds of Dairy Queen topped with chocolate, strawberry and pineapple. A plump, ripe banana and a clash of whipped cream. It’s mouth- watering, delicious eating. Buy one Dairy Queen Banana Split at the regular price . . . get another one absolutely free this Friday and Saturday only. May Ist and 2nd. Friday and Saturday only May lst and 2nd FRIEND TO A DAIRY QUEEN BANANA SPLIT Buy one Banana Split at the regular price . . . Gel another one tree Redeemable only at Richmond Hill Dairy Queen 183 Yonge Street, North. across the road from Centre Plaza. O Dairu Queen Eatdrink ond be men'y! otthe Richmond Hill Dairy Queen I83 YONGE STREET NORTH Across The Road From Centre Plaza brazier c Reg. U. 8. Par. 01f. Am. D. Q. Corp. 01969 Am. D. Q. Corp.

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