The amendment provides a tax reduction consisting of a standard sum of $30, plus 10% of the average residential tax paid by householders in 1969. Existing provisions in the Res. ldential Property Act state that no taxpayers will receive a tax reduction exceeding 50 percent of his taxes on any property. There's a'small dash of sweet- ness coming for Southern York County homeowners and tenants who have recently been swal- lowing two bitter tax pills. Still. a lot’of taxpayers have- n't looked at their tax bills yet. and haven't had their pills. The dash of sweetness has come in a rather complicated new provincial formula which promises to give most home- owners a tax reduction of up to 515 this year and maybe a few dollars more next year. The Department of Municipal Affairs calls its dash of sweet- ness “an amendment to improve the method of calculating this year‘s residential property tax reductions for homeowners and tenants." “The amendment to the Resi- dential Property Tax Reduction Act, will ensure more equitable assistance to all eligible home- owners and tenants. particularly to' residents of municipalities where the average tax burden is highest." said Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough. He said guidelines will go to all municipalities as soon as possible so that they can make their tax reduction calcula- tions." This means that the majority of taxpayers will receive a greater benefit in 1970 than in 1969. However, there will be some taxpayers who received a greater degree of assistance than others in 1969. and whose tax reduction will consequently be less in 1970. In order to avoid undue re- duction in the amount of pay- ment. the amendment insures that no taxpayer will lose more than $5 in the rebate, as com- pared go }969: -4. ,An Similarly. there is a $15 ceil- ing on the amount of the in- crease in tax reduction payable to any taxpayer. Proportionate adjustments will be made for householders and tenants who do not occupy their premises for all 12 months of 1970. York Taxpayers Finding Btter Pill In Maiiboxes The first bitter pill was mar- ket value reassessment which has swung a lot of the tax bur- den from some homes to others. and from industry to the shoulders of the homeowner. The second bitter pill was in- creased tax levies by the York County Board of Education and mo‘st municipalities. The property tax rebates must be passed on to eligible homeowners and tenants by December 31. 1970. Help From Queen's Park? To be eligible for a tax re- duction. a tenant or homeowner must occupy a separately ass- essed dwelling. I 9‘... “Undér'wtiiï¬inended Act. total payments will increase by 9% over 1969 to an estimated $136,- 000,000 in 1970. vuvyvvv .. So even with the recent dash of tax sweetener. the phrase "market value reassessment" has come to mean more taxes. This is a feeling the Robarts government is trying hard to overcome. Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough made two major moms in the Legislature prior to the Easier recess to ease the burden of tax reform under reassessment. Mr. McKeough's department took over the job January 1 this year of reaSSessing all proper- ties in Ontario. a five-year pro- gram designed in eliminate an- omalies of the past and set up a more equitable level of rates between residential and com- mercial properties. 1\ “0.... But York Caunty has already gone over to market value ass- essment. as it had completed re- assessment ahead of time. Sudden changes in individual tax bills are being felt and many voters are suddenly real- izing they‘re going to have to pay heavily. On the other hand. commercial property has not been hit. if the lack of com- plaints is any indication. 1.. ‘1- In his ‘latest move. Mr. Mc- Keough announced that mun- icipal taxes based on market value will not be applied to any more homeowners before 1975. But this\ isn't going to help hard-hit taxpayers in York County. Fnr our homeowners who have already been assessed at burdensome high rates. Mr. Mc- Keough announced short-term measures to spread their tax in- creases over several years. The government told a recent provincial - municipal meeting that only one municipal reass- essment will be completed in Southern Ontario witth the next three years. “We have learned some les- sons for the reassessment that has zone on. and that is “We have learned some les- sons for the reassessment that has gone on. and that is why we won't undertake any large reassessments. In fact. the only reassessment in Southern Ontario for the next three years will probably be Brampton." said Mr. McKeough. Vaughan Township R e e v e Garnet Williams said he was having a hard time trying to explain how an industry in the municipality. under provincial reassessment. had its taxes re- duced by $50,000 this year to 3100.000. In 1969 it paid taxes of $150000. he said. Mr. McKeough ar‘ 1 it will take two or thre s to figure out what all . prob- lems are in Vaughan Township. Also at the meeting the gav- ernment promised to take the strings off its grants to munici- palities, so local councils can de- termine their own spending pro- grams. 'out. Just exactly what will be done And in the same in the way of making the grants government made it unconditional was not spelled‘will be no dramatic 30 MKS > Koratron "SL‘NCOATS" . . . in all weather. completely Koratron finished coat . . . Permanent Press . . . wrinkle free . . . stain & water repellant. More than half the time you wear your raincoat E . . . it's not raining. So here's J Ann at only $19.99. It looks like KORATRON "All Weather 'provincial assistance to munici~ breath the\palities. This was blamed on clear there the federal government's tax increase in.sharing policies. TO SUIT YOU BEST FOR LESS ~ TOPCOATSW n raincoat . . . but when the sun comes out . . so do all the wet wrinkles. Select reg- uiar. short or tall in sizes 36 to 48. The results of these moves by the government haven‘t yet started to arrive in the homeâ€" owner‘s mailboxes. And the tax bills have. The results Of these moves byiwithin the next year. Ycall one in 1971. This is particâ€"‘assessors. not the experts he is the government haven‘t yet‘l But the voters in the 170 mu- ularly likely if the economyitraining this year for the prov- started to arrive in the homeâ€"thicipalities Ilike those in York continues to stagnate under in- ince-wide job. His own team of owner‘s mailboxes. And the tax‘County lmay already be put flationary pressures. assessors won‘t start evaluating bills have- ‘in the position where they arei Mr. McKeough justifies his properties until next year. Many must be thinking thatgsure to be stirred up. The gov- moves by reminding everyone But here in York County the Mt. MCKeough's latest concemiernment may face at least althat it was inevitable that re- damage has been done. Every about reassessment birth pains 170 municipality hornets’ nestlaSSessment would lead to sub day the mailman delivers some can also be attributed to theof trouble at the polls. "stantial increases in some cases._more tax bills. then some more government's reluctance to un- Premier Robarts has ruled‘: He says these inconsistencies voters get their medicine. duly disturb voters who may‘out an election for this year, but‘in the 170 municipalities are the And the pills are bitter. even have to elect a governmentichances are good that he will‘result of rates set by municipal with a $15 dash of sweetener. NEW I970 FABRICS AND STYLES DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR THIS SALE All brand new Single and Double Breasted. 2 Button Styles. Side or Cent-re Vent. Wide or Narrow Lapels. Your choice of All Wool. Tery- lene & Wool, Hopsack and many, many more fine fabrics. Checks, plains and stripes. Sizes 36 to 46. DRESS SOCKS Nationally Advertised RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE All Sizes and colours available. OPEN THURSDAY 8. FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April 30, 1970 for Regular $1.50 Pr But here in York County the damage has been done. Every day the mailman delivers some more tax bills. then some more voters get their medicine. And the pills are bitter. even ‘with a $15 dash of sweetener. STUPENDOUS SAVINGS & SELECTION Wool Blends! Plains. some checks. Venetian finishes. Hopsack finishes. Low-rise and reg- ular waist. Grays, Olive, Green, Blue, Bronze. SALE DRESS SLACKS ELKS Men’s & Young Men’s BRAND NAME Price PRs for 1890 NEWMARKET: A 15-year-old Srigley Street boy. Edward Brown. was killed April 19 when the borrowed bike he was riding was struck by a car driv- en by Kent Doner, 22. of New- market. The bicycle was bought by a friend who lived in the ‘same home as he only two how‘s before the accident.