Thornhjll 4, Lakefleld 2 Carol Webb scored twice as- sisted on one by Alma Howson and set up by Janet Mackay on the other. Lorraine Sherman scored on a pass from Wendy Dobson and Terry Tarling was CONSOLATION SERIES CHAMPS Thornhill 4. St. Clare Shores. Michigan 0 Alma Howson scored twice as- sisted on one by Pam Huckvale and on the other by Janet Mac- kay. Wendy Dobson's single was unassisted. was assisted by Terly Tarling and Lorraine Sherman. Thornhill 3. Maple 0 In the third game. Maureen Woolnough won her second shutout. Goals were scored by Debby Orton. Alma Howson and Janet Mackay. Assists were by Lorraine Sherman and Terry Tarling. Janet Mackay¢ Bob Cats 39. Panthers 35. 1'1;- ers 33, Lions 31. Leopards 30, Cougars 29. Over 200: Betty Richardson 222. Marion Duncan 243. Fran ‘Clark 202. Mady Lou Murphy 208. Marg Haggart 229. Mary Redman 231. The Hegenauer 234, Edna Huchinson 203, Joy ‘Picthall 272. North Thomhill Bowling Club Standings: Chipmunks 39, Pussy Cats 36. Teddy Bears 34. Beavers 31. High Average: 176. High Triple (flat) Betty Cross 621 (hdcp) 672. High Single tflat) Betty Cross Betty Cross GIRLS‘ HOCKEY Dominion Ladies Hockey Tournament The plucky and formidable Thornhill Girls tangled Satur- day with Mississauga to the the tune of 2-2. Mississauga was given the win on penalty shots in overtime. Alma Howson drove one in the net assisted by Janet Mac- kay. Pam Huckvale scored as- sisted by Lorraine Sherman. WWQQ|QWWWW CAMP RICHILDACA (Founded - 1957) m Wuwmmw HEME / m" 5 ML SPORTS SCENE 3 oBedding Plants - Shrubs - Perennials - Potted Plants Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week's supply of fruits, veg- etables. meats, eggS. flowers, etc. at real savings â€" Fresh from the farm to you. Snack Bar Open Every Saturday at 7:00 am. (Founded - 1957) DAY CAMP FOR CHILDREN (4 to 14 YEARS) SWIMMING AND CANOEING INSTRUCTION ARCHERY - CAMPCRAFT - HIKING OUTDOOR LIVING AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION Optional Extras: Riding, Riflery. Sailing, Fishing Trips, Overnights. CHARTERED BUS TRANSPORTATION 2 WEEK PERIODS, JULY 6 -TO AUG. 28 PHONE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Country Fresh It’s growing time . . . we have: For Photographic Folder Accredited Member of The Ontario Camping Assoc. YONGE AND ELGIN STS., THORNHILL 884-2844 MEATS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. assisted by Debby Orton and Lorraine Sherman. The game was played Sunday. _. y 5" “High Single (flat) Betty Cross 237. Doris Davidson 2377. V High Single (hdcp) Doris Dav- The cast includes: Judy Harb‘ idson 237. land. Edith Jones. Robert Over 200:‘ Betty Cross 237, Priestman. Jane MacLaren,‘ 214. Doris Davidson 237. Annette Fran Bishop. Philip Trow. Neil‘ Davis 203. Eileen Heramchuk Crowe, Ed Moriarity. Joan Id-' 214, Linda Daurio 204. Jeamdon, Bert Funnel]. Lloyd Saun! Lower 227, Joanne Kelly 230. lders, with Bernie Hartland asl With this win. Thomhill Girls’ Hockey Club wins the “C†Consolation Series Champion- ship. Captain Wendy Dobson accepted the trophy donated by the Canadettes Hockey Club. This is the fourth championship of the season for the victorious club plus two individual awards. Ladies’ Afternoon Bowling Club Bob Cats 39. Panthers 33. Tig- ers 33, Lions 31. Leopards 30, Cougars 29. _.. 1.. v-..c- Over 200: Betty Richardson 222. Marion Duncan 243. Fran Clark 202. Mady Lou Murphy 208. Mar; Haggart 229. Mary Redman 231. The Hegenauer 234, Edna Huchinson 203, Joy Ample Free Parking at real savmgs! Neighborhood Notes Miss Dorothy Flint, Pember- hon Cresoent. and Mrs. Ted Ing- ram. Walmer Read, have re- turned from an interesting trip to Japan and Hong Kong. Mr. and Mrs. John Hnatiw of May Avenue have relatives from Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pidskalny. visiting them. Get wéll wishes, are extended to Jill Underhill who has a broken nose. Dean Wainwright of Pember- ton Road returned from Grey Rocks Inn in the Laurentians following the winter season when he is a ski instructor there. Be sure to get your tickets to see "Harvey" by Mary Chase. the original "Hare". being pre- sented. by the Footlights Club of Thomhill. Call Clare Moore at 889-3553 or Fran Priestman at 889-1810. The hilarious comedy will be presented at Holy Trin- ity Church May 20. 21 and 22. It is directed by Betty Priest- man. and children Nevin John and daughter Adrienne. Clarke Ave-EBB Are C Johnny Neil of Richmond Hill. me. have just returned from a congraml Mr. Westerhoek is weu126-day ml? to V1511: the former'sihiu Girls’ . known in the area as he haslpareï¬ts 1" hem, * England wound up 1 been in charge of maintenance Adrienne “’35 Chr15t9n9d_wmle‘lning the “C at Henderson Avenue and there. Son Cameron dld inohin the Dam; Woodland Schools since thega?°°mpan-V them #5 1‘? V‘S‘ted Tournament family arrived in Canada from his grandparents m Rent last enas April: Holland 18 years ago. Weir; _ E This is t'l The spring fair held at Ross Doan Public School on Satur- day was most successful with first prize in the draw won by Mrs. E. Cristinzo of May Av- enue and the second by Mrs M. Reid), of Toronto. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Westex‘hoek. Clarke Avenue. who will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary May 2. Present to enjoy a family din- ner will be son Jack and his wife Ann and children. Johnny. Roy. Andrew and Terrance of Thornhill. daughter. Jammie and husband Peter with child- ren Johnny, Sidney and Sharon of Limestone: daughter Nettie and son-in-law Neil Raelfsema Mrs. Louis Wainwright held a tea on Friday for the cancer society canvassers in her area. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CARTER BRO .HEWG 29 CEDAR AVE†THORNHILL - 889-6431 CONSUMERS GAS C0. Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Get quiet, clean-burning, dependable Natural Gas for more efficient home heating. 1. Free rental of Natural Gas conversren burner for one whole year! 2. Free installation of Natural Gas rental cenversron burner! 3. Ne advanced payment 85 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL â€" CORRESPONDENT South ‘Thornhill A'nd Bayview Glen News for fuel costs! CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 Novelty numbers and songs by the award winning "Metroâ€" gals" Barbershop Quartet will provide a change 0t! pace in the evening‘s entertainment. Nort-hlandia has thrilled audi- ences both in Canada and in Europe with their music and hopefully are anticipating an invitation to perform at. Edin- burgh next year. As usual the show. which is their major concert of year. will be held at Earl Haig Audi- torium. Willowdale May 1 at 8:00 pm. Tickets available through band members. at the door or by phoning 221-3107. "Evening Of Music" At Earl Haig School, May] NEWMARKET: East Gwillim- bury Reeve 'Gladys Rolling was one of‘four municipal leaders from across the province chosen to give papers on issues facing municipal governments at the recent Ontario Provincial-Muni- cipal Conference held in Toron- to. Mrs. Rolling delivered a paper on “Citizen Participation†before the 400 municipal rep- resentatives and the many On- tario Government ofï¬cials. leg- islators and cabinet ministers at the meeting. stage manager. Diana Iddon and Jane McEaren in charge of props and Bert Funnell in charge of advertising. luv," m... “e... A an..-†n. . “an... v . u u u . A on. LllC uncu- . . . . . . . Neighborhood Notes School of Christ The ng charge of advemsmg. ‘uon of IV’IISS' Gaill kaxser. ' The father and son banquet‘Lutheran Church scheduled to Mary and Doug D°b5°n Of The “611mg 5 Sponsored .b" for the Ist Langstaff boys Will‘begin in September to accom- Highland Park BOUIGVBM have mghome. and sch?“ 3559matl°n begin at 6:30 pm and not. at 7 modate children of pre-school just returned froma three \vveekuvhlch ‘w111 also mstal Its new:as quoted earlier. in the Lions‘age will hold its registration visit with her mother 1n York-‘executlve: 13am. Spruce Avenue_ Iday at the church Saturday Shn‘e; England- . I A. mew.“ 0f .the Local ASst It-s soccer time again andmommg from 10 am to 12 noon. Fmends and nelghbors of‘lcietlon. Glrl.GUlvd&S of Cena_da1man voun lads took the op_ On May 9 the women of the Gordon Glow are sorry to hear w111 be held 1n Woodland Semor “Knit lagst year to play on a church will hold their spring that he is m Toronto General School on May 13 at 8 pm andig’o yMore youngsters arena,“ sale at the church from Hospital for surgery and wxsh allinterested adults and parentssniing-ed for the teams this vear 1 to 3 pm “‘32,: szstiygmm Zir§§§§°igk3£°iiniifefld “a†u A poem .wrmen 1». a mem- daughter Adrienne. Clark‘enyejams Are Champs I please call 834-2788. 884-50 8 her of Qhrnst _T11_e Klng Luth- .. 63,4 201-! 'L :- kn..-) A- o, A L-.._ _'.._L “AL, ,,A Mary and Doug Dobson of Highland Park Boulevard have just returned from a three week visit with her mother in York- shire, England. The Petronella Club of Scot- tish Dancing. held every Friday evening at Henderson Avenue School. is holding a dance May At Henderson Avenue School May 6 at 7.30 in the auditorium an‘activity night will be held. This will consist of a gymnastic demonstration by the junior school, musical numbers by the junior choir under the direction Excellent music and interest- ing staging will be used by Northlandia Concert Band‘s di- rector David Clothier in the forthcoming “Evening of. Music" to be presented by the band. 889-4811 ship trOphy won by the girls; Lions Clubs of Richmond this year. They also won two‘Hi'll, Richvale and Thomhlll individual trophies. They play-Plave combined to raise the ed 27 games. winning 23. tyinginecewary funds for a little boy two and losing two, with 95lof seven to be flown with his goals for and only 25 goals‘mother to a Philadelphia hospi- against and 10 shutouts. ‘ tal for a vei’y delicate opera- Coach Ed Windsor and Mrs. tion. Little Philip Jensen and Edith Windsor had just return- Mrs. Jensen qf Walmer Road. ed from a;17aday holiday at Richmond Hill, are now at the The evening is sponsored by the home and school association which will also instal its new executive. Congratulations to the Thom- hill Girls’ Hockey Team which wound up the season by win- ning the “C†consolation series in the Dominion Ladies‘ Hockey This is the fourth champion- ship trOphy won by the girls this year. They also won two individual trophies. They play- ed 27 games. winning 23, tying two and losing two, with 95 goals for and only 25 goals against and 10 shutouts. ‘ Plans will also be made for the annual pot luck luncheon in June in the lovely garden at the home of Mrs. Harry Mizen. Sprucewood Drive. Church New: of John Wilson. skits by the drama club and a play by the French Club under the direc- tion of Miss Gail Kaiser. enas April 25 and 26 Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. Flori- da. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chapman of Willowdale. Ladies’ Club All Doncaster students at- tending secondary school are eligible. ' Doncaster Community Ladies’ Club will meet May 1 at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. May Barbour. 136 Henderson Avenue. This will be the final meeting of the season. Arrangements will be made for the annual students‘ awards night in October. Monday, May 4. will be lad- ies' night at Thornhiu United Church Men‘s Club. All men of the congregation are cordially invited to attend the last meet- ing of the season with their wives. Phone Ron Elston for dinner reservations at 889-7830. Saturday, May 9. at 8 pm thee will be a United-Presbyter- ian scluare dance, sponsored by the couples’ club of both churches. Everyone is cordial- ly invited to attend. Phone Vi John50n at 889-2569 for tickets. The weather was beautiful and in spite of the heavy blan- ket of snow in the Collingwood area, it was quite warm hiking. One hundred and twenty-nine Scouts and 23 leaders from York Summit participated in “Operation Blisters" last week- end. All but one boy, who be- came ill. finished the 20-mile hike from Devil‘s Glen Provin- cial Park to the cave at Colling- wood. They were driven to the Bruce Trail Friday evening and hiked Saturday and Sun- day. The ‘next meeting of the ACW} :of Emmanuel Anglican will be [held May 5 in the parish hall {at 8 pm when final arrange- ‘ments will be made for the may- pole tea May 9 from 2 to 4 pm. The tea is an annual affair and will display tables of baking. cottage items and plants. Tic- kets may be purchased from any member or at the door and will include a chance on the draw prize. At the last meeting of the committee of stewards of Thomhill United Church, fol» lowing a discussion of badly needed interior decorating. it was decided to have a "paint- ing bee†May 2 and May 9. Volunteers are heeded. If you can help. please ‘call Ron Elston at 889-7830. Miles for Millions ls being held May 2. Uniteens will be joining in the 33 mile walk to support overSeas development through such agencies as Prim- ate World Relief and Develop- ment , Oxfam, UNICEF, Foster Parents Plan and Can \Save. There are millions of people who need our help and when the young people ask for your sponsorship. please give them your support and encourage- ment. Scouts and Cubs “C†Pack Cubs, who meet at Thornhill United Church, visit- ed the North York Fire Station April 22 and enjoyed an hour and a half of viewing the fire- ï¬ghting equipment. Each boy carried food and equipment on his back and pre- pared his own meals. A hun- dred and ten pounds of steak was consumed. For 40 of the boys this was their second year, so they now have credit for 40 miles towards their explorer’s badges. The other boys earned credits for the 20-mi1es hiked and most of them enjoyed it so much that they have promised to be back again next year for "Operation Blisters Number 3". The 2nd Thornhill Scouts who meet at Henderson Avenue School are now starting a study of canoeing. The men's association had a successful card party last Friday and they wish to thank all who contributed in any way. Church News Rev. George Young, new in- cumbent of Emmanuel Anglican and his family will move into the rectory this Week and he will conduct the service on Sun- dayv CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS at Doublerink A1; Richvale Lions are planning a stag to be held in Richmond lHill Lions Hall on May 23. ,Proceeds will help a yOung lad in Maple paralyzed after a hockey accident go on with his education and later to be self- supporting. Any gentlemen of lthe area wishing to assist may obtain tickets by calling Lion lIan Coxworthy at 884-7009. many young lads took the op-i 01‘! May 9 the women of the portunity last year to play on alchurch Will h01d theh‘ Spring team. More youngsters arelbake sale at the church from needed for the teams this year 1 t0 3 P111. and if your son is interested A poem written ‘by a mem- please call 884-2788, 884-5088 ber of Christ The King Lum. or 884-6317. It is hoped to eran and a student in grade h8Ve_ flPRTOXimately 300 boys 8. Werner Brodbeck. was so Pamcipatlng- well compOsed it bears repeat- -Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. ins here: Frank Millard. 75 Dufferin The water splashed furiously Street, Richmond Hill. formerly against the tiny came. of Richvale on their 60th wed- Swaying. tipping on the edge ding anniversary. 0f disaster. U.S. hospital, but results of the surgery are not yet known. This is just one example of the wonderful work that Lions are doing so willingly. a All models! 2-doors and 4-doors! Sixes and V85! Lion Bill Hemmmgs has re- turned from a vacation spent in the sunny south. Maybury-Markoff Wedding A wedding of interest took place recently at St. James The Apostle Church. Brampton. when Susan Markoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Markoff was wed to Brian Maybury, son of Mr. and Mrs. William May- bury of Peterboro, former res- idents of Oak Avenue. Brian attended Charles Hewitt Public ‘School. Clothing contributed to the drive held by Christ The King Lutheran Church will be taken to the Kitchener depot for dis- tribution Overseas through Lu- theran World Relief. Maid of honor was the bride’s sister, Janet. and Barry May- bury was best man. Ushers were Ken Rumble and Larry Armstrong. The bride wearing a gown of white organza lace and shoulder length veil was given in marriage by her father. A dinner attended by 60 peo- ple, including four grandmoth- ers wearing corsages of sweet- heart roses and two grandfathâ€" ers was held at the Place de Royaie Restaurant in Bramp- ton. A reception followed at the home of. the bride's par- ents. Proud grandparents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patterson of Edgar Aven- ue. Church News 9612 YONGE STREET The Green Lea Nursery ‘CA I IAN PR ICE NOW $185 lESS. Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK I.'I'D. RICHVALE NEWS The maypole team sponsored by ACW of Emmanuel Anglican will present gifts for mother’s day at reasonable prices. Plants and roots of flowers will also be available in addition to the home baking. c‘andy and treas- ure tables. Entertainment and tea will be included in the ticket. The water splashed furiously against the tiny cance. Swaying. tipping on the edge of disaster. The one-manned Titanic forces its way Through man sized moun- tains of water. Waves splashing rocks as if defying their very pres- ence. Battling furiously against boulders created and pro- tected by God Himself. Fighting a hopeless battle against Mother Nature. water, in its full glory and All these models will be equipped with the conventional inside marview mirror. The day/night fury; at nemesis fBr n3an. Yet his sole source of life. This is the news that buyers of smaller cars have been waiting for. Now you can order both the coupe and four-door sedan models, equipped with either a six or V8, at a $185.09“ price redpqtioq.‘ _ See your heal authorized Acadiaa-Pontiac-Buick dwler THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 30. 1970 Acadian able sports How to Books on garden. BUILDING MATERIALS SAND 8. GRAVEL MARKHAM PAVING Op'en 'Til Noon Saturdays Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€". THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 How Information on outdoor living on all levels is avail- to THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System Family Reading So don’t wait. There’s néve: been a better time to see your Acadjan-Pontiac dealer. 12mm which mrwmsdx Ta}: :Pricg {minding ‘17:}ng gnygmgfadww’aw mirror, bias-belted tires, cigarette lighter and seat belt retractors, which were standard equipment, are now available as extra cost options. the time to get your books on gardening. camp. swim. water ski. ride and other outdoor landscape your pool. how to build houses for the birds in your 884-1023 FOR FREE ESTIMATES â€" WE DELIVER -â€" Outdoor Living C0. lTD. All Work Guaranteed RICHMOND HILL, ONT. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CALL NOW Cash and Carry M760