Dr. Arnot and his wife Inez brought their son Arthur with them to Richmond Hill when they came to this country six years ago. Arthur Jr. came to further his education and is now teaching librarian at Unionville Public School. His wife is the former Miss Jane Clifton of Richmond Hill. BY HAROLD BLAINE Dr. Arthur Arnot minister at Richmond Hill Baptist Church for six years. is on his way back to Port Elizabeth. South Africa. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the. provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 1398 passed on the 3rd day of November 1969. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation ‘of the purpose and effect of the By-law is also furnished herewith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED may within Fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by Registered Mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law. to- gether with a statement of the grounds of such objection. ANY PERSON WISHING to support the application for approval of the Byâ€"law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by Registered Mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address ‘to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be con- sidered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which Notice of Hearing is to be sent. ' THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE MAY 8th. 1970. DATED at the Town of Richmond Hill. this 23rd day of App‘d. 1970. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law No. 1000 be and is hereby amended by adding the following sentence to Section 7.2 thereof: the On many occasions the Town of Richmond Hill acquires lands by purchase or expropriation for the widen- ing of streets or for other municipal purposes. By-law No. 1398 provides that in such instances if the effect of the land acquisition results in a breach of By-law No. 1000 in respect to its requirements. neverthe- less. any building or structure on the premises may still be lawfully used. I, R. Lynett. Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill. do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 1398 which was passed on the 3rd day of November, 1969. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Arnot well dinner. Wcu [1.1111ch a At right Church Treasurer Clarke Lawson hands Dr. Arnot a, farewell gift. Mrs. Arnot is a former president of the Baptist Women's Association of South Africa. and and Dr. Arnot is a former president of the Baptist Union of South Africa. After a six-year stay in Richmond Hill, the couple are on their way back home. Y HAROLD BLAINE A farewell gathering was held The Challengers. a younglaccomplishments in Arthur Arnot minister at at the church April 3. with a people's group, presented two There was a members out! Hill Baptist Church church dinner provided by the skits, followed by quartet num- crease of 118% and an 1 :years, is on his way back ladies. bers by members of the junior in offering of 70% 511 + minim/m gnuâ€: Afrir-a. The lower auditorium of the choir . Arnot came, he said. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORA-r TION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL FOR APPROVAL OF A BY-LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 30 OF THE PLAN- NING ACT - THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursd “Provided that if the contravention results from an expropriation or purchase of part of a parcel of land by the Town of Richmond Hill then any existing building or structure on the remaining part of such parcel shall be deemed to conform to the provisions of this by-law." READ a First. Second and Third time and passed on 3rd day of November, 1969. Local Baptist Church Pastor Says Goodbye R. LYNETT, Clerk EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW 1398 Town of Richmond Hill By-Law N0. 1398 A By-law to Amend Bylaw No. 1000 The lower auditorium of the new church was filled. Farewell greetings came from the con- gregation and the local clergy. A generous farewell gift was presemed by the church trea- surer, Clarke Lawson. The dinner was followed by a program in which many mem- bers of the congregation took part. R. Lynett, Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario T. BROADHURST. Mayor R. LYNETT, Clerk are shown at the recent Richmond Hill Baptist Church fare- day, April 30, 1970 Paul Bolton. one of the church young people. has been studying Greek with Dr. Arnot for two yeras. He gave a read- mg. The Ladies Fellowship pre- sented Mrs. Arnot with an al- bum containing pictures of members†families. Treasurer Lawson. an accoun- tant, said he was best able to list Dr. Arnot's Richmond Hill E You are invited to take part in an important a Finished Same Day ‘ Use your CHARGEX Card Richmond Heights Centre RIVIERA SL4 CKS rimM MEYER SOLOMON “Clothier to Gentlemen" Bond Clothes In The Mall YORK COUNTY EDUCATION IN THE 70's OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION Place: North Guest Speaker: Minister of Education, Minister of University Affairs, Province of Ontario Guest speaker and panelist, the Honourable William G. Davis, Q.C., believes that “education is too important to become bogged down in partisan politicsâ€. As Minister of Education he has been, responsible for modernization of curriculum in Ontario at all school levels, for reducing number of school boards from over 5,000 to 150 as of January 1, 1969, and has made Ontario the leading participant in expansiOn of technical and vocational training facilities. Hear what Mr. Davis has to say about how Ontario‘s changing education system will affect you and your children in the 70‘s. PANEL MODERATOR: JAMES TIMMINS. Q.C. GUEST PANELISTS: JOHN J. MacKAY. B.A.. Chairman, York County Board of Education; EUGENE JACOBS, Chairman, York County Roman Catholic School Board. DO NOT MISS THIS IMPORTANT DISCUSSION VOICE YOUR OPINIONS! ASK QUESTIONS! PARTICIPATE! YORK COUNTY EDUCATION IN THE 70’s Second of the Perspective For Progress Open Forum Discussions THE YORK CENTRE PROVINCIAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ': HON. WILLIAM G. DAVIS, Q.C. When he arrived in Richmond Hill the church was a small community worshipping in the basement. The present attrac- tive church has since been com- pleted and is attended by a groWing congregation that more than doubled during Dr. Arnot’s stay here. Its finances have greatly improved, and Dr. Arnot said he was glad to be leaving accomplishments in figures. There was a membership in- crease of 118% and an increase in offering of 70% since Dr. Arnot came, he said. He added that many members of the congregation were not aware Dr. and Mrs. Arnot had given the church a lovely organ. It was also noted that 15 young people were baptized at the most recent Sunday morning service. Dr. Arnot is the son of the famous Missionary Explorer Fred Stanley Arnot. who fol- lowed up and completed the explorations in Africa of the even more well known David Livingstone. Dr. Arnot said he was being called back to serve in a sphere where he and Mrs. Arnot lab- ored over 30 years ago in a very fruitful ministry. conducted by the work in a very healthy con- dition. "Newby organized at the church and a most important part of the development of the work since we came are the Pioneer Girls and the Christa‘m Service Brigade for Boys. We very much appreciated the use of the high school for this pur- pose," said Dr. Arnot, in a fare- well interView with “The Libâ€" eral". He has been contributing poe- try to this newspaper for some :time. During the last war he Wrote a number of poems that ‘were published in booklet form here by Robert Barr. former; ;n‘mister at Knox Presbyterian; Church. Toronto. ’5 He Says Canadians who con-1 demn South Africa out-of-hand for racism don‘t understand the real facts of the situation there, and the. social problems being faced. He sees the work of the churches in South Africa as the real solution to the present Dr. Arnot served 40 years in the Baptist, Union_ of South Africa. which reaches from Cape Horn.I to the Congo. He was presidént of the union and his wife was president of the Baptist Women's Association of South Africa. He was born in Bristol. Eng- land. and served an an armed forces chaplain during World War II in Libya and Egypt. For twa years he was mayor’s chap- lain for the city of East London, South Africa. situation in his country FAREWELL T0 RICHMOND HILL Life is full of many things that make our history But nothing ever quite contains the wealth of memory. Memory will follow us; wherever we may go, For memory the harvest is of all the things we sow. Some memories willdcry “For shame you failed V your duty there,†Some memories remind us still of burdens we did bear. And memory will tell its tale of bitterness and spite, v But over all will come again, the wrongs we sought to right. And fortunately we’ll forget the things that made us sad, For memory will carry still the days when we were glad. _ The sins that could befoul the soul, we cannot now deny, But God Himself at Calvary, forgivesy and so must I. But time and tide will ne’er remove the kindness I have known 0f friendship, love and fellowship you gave me for my oWn. I’ll carry these and treasure them, as long as life shall be Indeed through all eternity, these are my memory. l Memory local Automobile Dealer Wins Province - Wide A ward Mr. Gordon B. Wilson, President, on the right, and Mr. Gordon Inglis, Service Manager, are shown accepting a Permanent Plaque at Wilson-Niblett Chev-Olds, from Mr. Ab Cox, District Service Manager for General Motors of Qfanada. The award, one of only five given in the Prov. ince, is for outstanding achievement in the ield of CUSTOMER RELATIONS & OWNER SATIS- FACTION. The award symbolizes official recognition of the company policies at the dealership ARTHUR ARNOT Unless $464 including towing and storage is paid within 21 days of above date, 1965 Ren- ault 4 Door, White &,Beige, Quebec license 1969, 8M2247 owned by Mr. Chain Melamed will be sold for monies owing. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE ESSO 400 SERVICE PLANT A LITTLE SPRING . . . OVER 90 KINDS AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Pansiies JUNIPER SPREADERS Potted ROSES 51-99 SECONDS =â€" WHILE THEY LAST â€" ANY COLOR â€" 24â€x24†51 KEELE ST. NORTH ' MAPLE PHONE 832-2455 2930 DUFFERIN ST. 3 Blocks South of Lawrence PHONE 781-3812 Open 7 Days a Week 9 am. to 9 pm. â€" Sun. 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Holland Park Garden Centre APRIL 23, 1970 Blue Danube - Hetzi - Andora Sabina PATIfl SLABS Maple. Ont‘ With Every Order Over $20.00 Large Landscape Size FREE USE OF SPREADER 8. GREENHOUSES IN LEAF AND BUD Richmond Heights Centre each I’HUTU atlas SUPPLIES COPYMATE . Garden Centre 8. Greenhouse: MAPLE Potted Evergreens $1 .99 each With the purchase of the fol. lowing fertilizers: Vigoro - So-Green & C.I.L. ' 12 Varieties to Choose From 3 for $5.00 boxes 0R 39c BOX PH 0T0 (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) $1.00 See Copymah in action today at . . 884-3221 Reg. 654: each