Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Apr 1970, p. 3

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l Photo by Stuart's Studio I More than 200 paintings by 20 artists will be on display at St. Gabriel's Anglican ('liiirch. at the corner of Bayview and Crosby Avenues, Richmond Hill East. Saturday from :3 to 8 pm. The framed original paintings come from the gallery of William Gamon. and all will be for sale. Above Mrs. Russell Seltzer and A1 Thomas admire one of the colorful and charming paint- Ing‘s which will be shown. Wine and cheese will be available. Admission to the show is 50c, which also entitles the ticketholder (whether present or not) “to participate in a lucky, draw. 7 ._._ . THE ONLY DRUG STORE 7 Between Sheppard Ave. and North Bay That’s Open to Midnight (MON. - SAT.l LOW. LOW PRICES 0N PRESCRIPTIONS DELIVERY IN WILLOWDALE and THORNIIILL L.&S. Dispensary 225-77I9 6369 Yonge St. (1st S. of Steeles) Willowdale RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB BINGO MONDAY, MAY 4 lIONS “All. 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 RM. Early Birds 7.40 pm. IACKPOT $450 54 Numbers ORIOLE LUMBER LIMITED Everything For Do-It-Yourself People WESTERN RED CEDAR OF TOP QUALITY, ALL STORED INSIDE 1x4 - 7c per ft. 2x4 - 13c 1x6 - 10c per ft. 2x6 - 20c 1x8 - 14c per ft. 2x8 - 28c 4x4 - 28c per ft. 6x6 - 75c We stock a complete line of chain link and swim- ming pool fences. After May 3rd our phone num- ber will be 499-1246. OPEN THURSDAY 8; FRIDAY "Tll. 9 SATURDAY ’TIL 4 per ft. per ft. per ft. per ft. Free Delivery - 291-3746 7181 Woodbine Ave. just north of Steeles a > a I» ‘ "o~.' I». j g We wish to thank our many friends and customers who have made this past year in our new quarters a suc- t‘GSSflll one. Hence our Anniversary Special . . . (JARDENIA IN A BOWL - RICE‘S FLOWERS 884-1812 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 889-1812 (IZIStWâ€"SprIIâ€"lgi Fair May_ 22 - 2 Will Feature The Women's Work I I The 1215i; Richmond Hill Spring Fair and Horse Show. The town park will be the cen- tre of attraction for all age groups on thOst two days. Of special interest. to the lady of the house are the competi-Iarea are interested in pitting police pursuit, 3 layer Ital-ts. cake. apple pie. butter arrangements of fresh fdecoriatcd cake, as well as for ltop point winners in this sec- .tion. i If the good cooks in this i Exhibition. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April fill. 1030 3 Youth Chargedâ€"Poaching, Malicious Damage, Burglary Marijuana Seized A $2.000 Richmond llill clotti- ing store burglary. several [thousand dollars worth of mal- icious damage in Richmond Hill schools. a 82.000 burglary at Pine Grove. break-ins at 'l'liorii- hill. poaching in Whitcliui'ch Township and terrorizing of a 'l'liornliill apartment building .by an armed youth. All these were under investi- gation last week by local police departments. I Five juveniles have been icliarged after an 8 pm Sunday lpolice pursuit at Crosby Heights iSenior School in Richmond Hill. ‘ During the week five town schools were entered by sonic- one running amok. Police said accurate estimation of the dam- age was difficult since much ipainting and repairing would be iinvolved. But damage of at least $3.000 is indicated. . It started April 21 at: the 'l‘hornhaven School for Retard- ed Childrcn at 317 Centre Street East. Between 5 pm and 7.40 pm the school was entered by forcing a door. A paint spray bomb was used to spray along walls and murals. Stolen were machines, tools, pictures ‘ and tape recorder reels. Mal- icious damage was widespread. . ‘ One mural liberally spattered with red paint won a prize last year at the Canadian National it was about community of Richmond Hill, and all the work was done by ’l'hornhavcn students. Then over the weekend schools were hit. four times. Beverley Acres Junior School a 283 Neal Drive was entered .5‘ Malic- l the , at by smashing a window. 'ious damage included .throwing of ink and glue bot- _tlcs.. smashing of glass. throw- iing around coffee and oranges. ‘and crayoning on walls. Dam- age was thought to be close to, .5500. An almost exact repetition of. . tthe Beverley Acres situation was discovered Sunday mornâ€". ‘ing at Crosby Junior School. ‘305 Crosby A\enue. Here the amount of damage was similar. Then at the Crosby Senior School. in the same building! more malicious damage was found. i . . . _ . I, Entiy was gained through a which will be held May 22 andifruit for dining room table, fourwindow and the rooms were} : 23 has something for everybodylw'ays of serving cheese and airansacked' about $800 this time. Then about came the fifth incident and the. tions in domestic science andtheirbakingskills against otliersJeys at the nearby ball park needlecraft which offer gener- ious cash prizes. i Mrs. Arnold Morison. RR2 Gorinley 1884-3063. is chairman science classes the domestic new arena. The entries will be judged by Mrs. William Caug- lierty, Streetsville. Entries will ;be received between 2 and 9 ‘pm May 21 at the arena. All :exhibitors must be members of ttlie society and the membership lfee is $1. There are fi\e claSses in Ibread and buns. nine in cookies 75c in each class. 1 There are also several special lprizes offered â€"â€" for checolate I hllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllltlIlllIlllllllltllllllllllllltlllllllllllllll March For Millions Saturday Hundreds ‘ of Canadians of all I will be out in force Satur- 1 day to participate in the l of thousands ages third annual “March For Millions" which profides funds to several organiza- tions which assist under- privileged people in under- privileged countries. Richmond Hill Councillor David Schiller announced he will be participating for the third time, under the sponsorship of several local businessmen. R i c h m on d Hill will also be represent- , ed by many young people 1 who have also been dili- ‘ gently seeking sponsors to ; indicate their concern for ‘ the less fortunate. $1.79 ers. Morison will be happy to supply full details of all comâ€" petitions and rules. There are 80 classes for com- Of the committee in charge of petition in the needlecraft divi-j sion which will also be dis- is chaired by Carol Waller, iwhose phone number is 884â€"ll ‘2500. Mrs. Waller will also be. ‘happy to supply cOmplete de- ‘tails to those interested in com-' ‘peting. Cash prizes of $1.50,} ISLZS and $1 are offered in each ‘class. with two special prizes. A Bennett's Home Textiles Offer a skirt length for the best made land cakes and four in piCSJskirt and the Spinning Wheel [Prizes offered 31'6 $150. $1 andtWool Centre is donating a prize‘ ifor the best knitted tam and scarf set. I There are 18 classes under iliousehold linens. 10 under. TCIIIICII‘EII‘S wear. 17 under wo- ,men's wear. live under men‘s wear and nine for honiecraf't. Crafts included in the compe- titions are sewing. crocheting. embroidery. quilt- ling. rug hooking and braiding, Ion embroidery. For there are six competitive classes and for the seniors 15 classes in rollâ€"on embroidery. BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on ,a Liberal paper route. Estab- ilished routes may be available ,in your area. Phone Glen Pratt. :Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. ‘ 1 DMINO VENT. AIILLWOOD Recreation Ltd Open swimming at Slater’s In door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van ‘dorf. Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to f ltz30 p.m. tfch _‘ at >s ):< A: ‘ ISATL'RDAY, MAY 2. 1970. â€" 0:00 â€" 8 pm Art Show and Sale ISt. Gabriel's Anglican Church. :Bayview' and Crosby Avenue Richmond Hill, AdmiSsion - 50c. i clw-I'J $.gi SL’NDAY May 3. 2-10 pm â€" Art Exhibit and Sale. ‘Blvd. and Baytliorii Dl‘.. Thorn- hill. Admission 50c. Sponsored by the 7th Thornhill Cubs and Scouts. c1w44 l it s v s y MAY 3. Sunday 10-6. â€" Anti-‘ que show and sale. Lions' Hall. 106 Centre Street East. Rich- mond Hill. Furniture china. glass. SIIVC‘I‘. jewellery. brass. pictures. Bargains galore. Sale held first Sunday ever) month. Donation to Leukemia Fund. clw-H MAY .‘i'l‘ll. 'l‘Ll-LSDAY. r - Lions Hall. Daffodil Sin». liclimond Hill Horticultural Society Clint-l « .. SA'ILRDAY. MAY 9 10.30 to 4 pm, â€" Auction sale. basement auditorium St. Georges Angli- ;can Church Willowdale toppo- lsite Northowii plaza‘. Refresh- iiiients available. clanâ€"H . a <>‘\' e >WEDNESDAY JUNE ‘24 7* 'l‘esâ€" ton L'iiiled Church Strawbn‘iw' iFestival. Details later. cl v44 knitting. . leathercraft. petitpoint and roll-I the under 16-year-olds' Heintzman . _ House. corner of Royal Orchard ‘ - ‘helped police collar one youth? :w'ho scaled a seven-fbot fence 'after getting out of the schooly ahead of police. t Richmond Heights Centre. 1 Burglars entered the store through a rear door and stole a. made-tO-measure for local resi-j dents. were also taken. I e * >R it Markham Township Police were called to an apartment building at 235 Baythorn Drive, Thorn- ‘I‘llll. An armed youth was re-i ported marching up and down in front of the building, shout- ing and hollering. . ' Daniel Tiiikler. 17. of 8133 Yonge Street. was charged Mon- day in Richmond Hill Provincial‘ Court with possession of dam; Lgerous weapons, a .22 calibre lair gun and a butcher knife. y In Wliitchurch Township Ap-' ril 27 at 12.28 pm Jack Beard of 7 Freeman Street. Scarboro. was charged with trespassing on the Boylen railway propertyl at Concession 5 and the Vivian Sideroad. Whitchurch Police‘ lalso summonsed Beard to New-, market Provincial Court to face a charge of theft of speckled itrout valued at less than $50. In another Whitchurch Town- sliio poaching case. two men . 1‘ EDWARD JURZCAK. DDS New Dentist In Hill .f Edward Jurczak. DDS. of To: i‘onto is opening a general prac- ' tice of dentistry at 122 Yonee Street North. Richmond Hill. this week. A name of Toronto and a 1970 graduate of the bonersin ._ of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. ; Dr. .llll"Cill{ intends to take tip residence Ill {ichinond soon as D0<SlblC. ent he will in l‘oronto. A Mother. Dr. Walter cak. been practicing dent- has istrv in Maple for several years ' and is an actiie member of Maple Lions. so the Hills new ;. dentist is quite familiar come involved in life. He ports is particularly interested in and participates in I‘Oll \Llllllllf‘f and 2‘» inter IP( 1 ea- .,,; tonal piiistiits. the r ' It has ' Ibeen hanging in the hall. Something T O Brighten Your Home I The extent of dam-l ' age was getting worse, possiblyi 8 pm Sunday Some bystand- . Town police. at last report. _'_‘ were still investigating the Ap- V which will be on display in the played in the arena and whichril 16 $2,000 burglary at Kent; " Clothes, 16 Levendale Roadd number of suits, including some V’ Other items of apparel ' Sunday, April 26. at 11 pin.‘ Hill as _ For the pi‘cs- ' continue to reside .lurz- V with I this distiict and intends to be- community were arrested at the Ila/.letor. property. Concession 5 ant (iornilcy Sidci'oad. April 26 at 6 am. They were .Illt‘k Huger. insn Of Still Markham Road. Apni'tiiicnt 707, Scarboi'o. and Edward Ducrton of 45 Grenoble Diivc. Don Mills. Police laid tresspassin: charges and the game warden laid charges involving poaching with crabs in baskets. \Vhitchurch Township Police are still looking for a 14â€"foot plywood boat and trailcr worth $900 and reported stolen April 25 from the home of Charles Tuppcr. 8 Park Crescent. Lake. Wilcox. The white boat has green trim and a mahogany deck. The homeâ€"made trailer is red with black fenders. The boat is equipped with a 40 horsepower electricâ€"start motor. ksksk‘ Of three 'l‘liornliill break-ins last week. only one hasn't been cleared by laying charges. The unsolved breakâ€"in was at 'l‘hornhill Fish and Chips, 120 Clark Avenue. April ‘31. Some-‘ one slipped the back door IOCk.‘| Now 2 Wareh 2160 No. PRINTED “WET 4_5." 60 This season's stripes. To Come “here The Action Is! FABRIC and DRAPERY Mill Outlet (‘orner No. 7 Hwy 7 Hwy. at Keele St. niiiisiiRETcH TERRY 0“ In a multitude of colors and$ .98 Machine washable. but nothing was taken. There were two brciik~iiis at Thornch Restaurant. 7723 Yonge Street. 'l‘liornliill. In the first one Silt) was tak- eiid between 8 and 11.55 pm. The second time. April 22 at 9.50 pm. nothing was taken and the Markham Township Police laid a charge In Vaughan Township there was a breakâ€"in .\pl'll 24 at a Haylioe Avcnuc home in Pine Grmc. ’l‘wo television sets. a camera and a cash hnx were s‘kfi missing. The loss was cstiniab ed at $1.980. Also April ‘24 there was an estimated $200 lOss and (liiiiizigc in a break-in at a home on Con- cession '7. south of Maple Road. A gold watch was taken. A summer cottac‘c was ciiicr- cd April 26 on Concession 7. but nothing was reported mis~ sing. Vaughan 'I'owiisliip Police were investigating their share of \andzilism last week. A Volkswagen car windshield was smashed by someone April .-;, r,- 5 THE PUBLIC ouse Locations '. 8: Woodbine and OK' JERSEY Only $ .29 favorite fabric. Reg. $2.98 yd. Only Yd. Reg. $3.98 .Vd. POLYESTER AND 4" from. F 100's of designs to choose I Open Daily 10 am. - pm. ree Prking 29 Yonge St. S. COTTON VOILE ONLY 5 .I9 Sat. 9 a..- 6 pm. Reg. $2.00 yd. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities ~34 on Roofimvon Dmpg (‘ontiiiucil from Page 1‘ The next day a buck “n.0,,” Detective Green is Detective I‘l-On] me roadway on Oak _\\L._ llu_\'s police partner and took nuc. Thornhill. hit a car in u Ill“ “WWW “UNI “PM HIS driveway and paused an 9:”. mldcncc was similar to that of muted 375 damagc. Detective lliiy. Ile added A150 Apr” 35 someone (1mm. ilizit fotir gelatin capsules 3 ml. mm the drivmm‘. and with unknown contents were across the lawn Of a Garden found I“ NONE “Ili‘lill‘mlt Avenue home. Thc lawn and Th?“ con-“um” BC'lI‘m‘m “Mm. pipes “01.9 damagei .lciikins of the RCMP Toronto An automobile owned by Drug Squad took the stand to .leiis Jacobson of Gorniley Sidc- 31"9 UPC” Cl'IdCHCC- II? road was stolen April 24 from spent SIN months as an undcrâ€" the parking lot of the Laiiflstat'f ('9‘1‘1' flgt‘lll H1 '101'01110 5 Mult- Secondary School. The car w as “1119‘ “'Ul'klng on the drug traf- iatm- found on Royal Orchard fic problem. he Sllltl. Blvd” ThomhiiL Constable Jenkins said (li'u: traffickers usually have their illllllllilltlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll own scales. while (Il‘llfl, llSOi‘s - don‘t. .-\ii ounce of marijuana Deadllne would st‘II for $215 to Silt)~ or more if there was it \L'Illt'll). Studded Tires He said the Iiiurijiiiiiiii-Iikc Thousands of motorists material turned over to him by are calling local police the Richmond llili Police on January [R was analyzed .‘lllfl was found to bc cannabis untri- juanii. Witnesses (alluded from the court when they wcre [not actually gum; evidence. .This was at the request of De- stations to find out when they must remove studded snow tires from their ve- hicles. says Constable Frank Clark of the OPP Oak Ridges Detachment. Constable Clark says the \\'t‘1'(‘ provincial deadline for 1fence Attot'nc‘)’ Minu- removing studded tires is 'â€"*vâ€"**'" * V N "am- today (Thursday). After TURN SPARE ROOM that date motorists using INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBER AI. CLASSIFIEDS studded tires are subject to a penalty. LNLGHTLY- "Round: Table 'Room COME AND SEE THE “MAGNETIC FOUR” WITH DANCING TOPLESS A GO-GO w‘i‘i'Joiii yoi‘ir frie to an ‘evening‘of . 5rela tion‘ ., [dancing this, V A ' ' “autiful ne' ' . “I’INN-HOTEL Amige'iSt.‘ I ; Richmond Hi“ i ‘ it'lfil‘vFllllyiLicensed” . RICHMOND HILL .. ANNIVERSARY BEEF SALE Ontario ’s Finest Round Steak Slices or Roast 89¢ Lb. * Rump Roast . 89¢ Lb. " LADE (Blade Bone Removed) SHORT RIB 59¢ 69¢ Lb. BANQUET BRAND Choice QuaI I9 oz. ti PANTRY SHELF ., Pure Apple or Orange JUICE All? ’ i Z 48 oz. tins DEL MONTE I8 oz. bottle PANTRY SHELF SUNKIST NAVEL Eating or Juice ’ BONELESS POT ity PEAS ns 69¢ 33¢ Orange & Grapefruit Sections or Orange Sections LEAN MINCED BEEF g 55¢ Lb. a . CHRISTIE’S WHITE SLICED HEINZ â€" Reg. 6/93c Strained BABY FOODS 43/4 oz. jars FIESTA “'AXED TREATED PAPER GARBAGE BAGS Package of I55 2 2 I9 oz. tins Lge. ¢ Size II3's Doz. Ontario NO.I Hothouse LONG GREEN Cucumbers 19¢ Each Ontario NO.I SNOW ITEuroms , , 9¢Ib.

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