TREE SERVICE Removal (Trees and Hedges) Pruning Transplanting Clearing Jobs. We will go any- where. Gof a pruning problem? For free estimates call: Pruning Transplanting; Clearing Jobs. We will go any- where. Got a pruning problem? For free estimates call: .LINDSAY LANDSCAPING > 884-7790 __H_m _ tress. SPRING CLEAN-,UPS LAWN MAINTENANCE Fertilizing o Spraying 0 Rolling Government Licensed Sprayers DICK MAIER Landscaping â€" Thornhlll Phone: 889-5344 “(:41 GARDENING Fertilizing, roto-tilling. lawn care. English gardener. 889- 1891. clw42 ALL types of landscaping. rock- eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam. peat and mushroom comâ€" 'houehold post by the yard or load. Free -nb:......a-_ 11-4.":4- nan 1 major diesel, 3 point and trail farm implements. power lawn} mowers. 18 bicycles. tent traileri top. washing machine. Chaim saws. car accessories. parts. furniture, antiqueSi electrical appliances. washers.j ranges. refrigerators. heaters†various pieces in pine \valnut.‘ mahogany, tables. chairs. dress- ers. chest. wash stands, rockersg chesterfields. beds. collectorsi items, ornaments. utensils. hard- ware. lawn. garden. farm tools.‘ along with various miscellane- ous articles etc. At Prentice‘s“ Auction Yard on 48 Hwy. 11.2 miles North of Town of Mark-l ham Being consignments: from Private Parties‘ Estates and the Markham Township Police Dept. Sale at 1.00 pm. No Reserve. Terms Cash day of sale. Ken & Clarke Prentice Auctioneers. Markham 640-3686. c1w44 bib! (n4 MAC SPRING CLEAN-UPS LAWN MAINTENANCE Fertilizing O Spraying 0 Rolling Government Licensed Sprayers DICK MAIER Landscaping â€" Thornhill Phone: 889-5344 ALL types of landscaping, rock- eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam. peat and mushroom comâ€"l post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A Hartwick. 889- 6338‘ tfc42 WHY NOT RELAX IN THE SUN â€" HAVE WEEKENDS FREE Grasscutting. lawns rolled. roto- tilling. Fully insured. John 939- 2736. Stan 889-2604. *3w43 LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE Residential and commercial, rotntilling. rolling. fertilization and planting. also soil delivery (free estimates. 884-5439, 884- 1816. tfc43 Gâ€"A RDENING MAINTENANCE Spring clean-up, lawn rolling and fertilizing. pmning. tree and flower planting, also paint- ing. patio and cement work. 889-9385 after 6 pm. tfc43 TENT trailer for rent. sleeps 889-5260. tfc SEE KING' CITY TRAILERS for quality. service and reason- able prices: "Holiday" truck campers. installation kit incl. from $1.595. - Compact "Pen- guin" trailers. toilet and hitch incl. $1.495. - "Rocket" trailers. equalizer hitch incl. from $1.795. Our showroom has an excellent display of camping equipment, pqrts and‘accessories. Hitches installed. repairs. alterations and rentals. King Road. 2 miles west of Yonge St. 773-4260. SILVERLINER hardtop camper trailer. Sleeps 6. new tires. spare wheel, ice box. 888-1148. tfc44 TRAIUER. 14ft. general. pro- pane frig. stove. dual lights. toilet. sleeps six. levelizer hitch. $900.00. 171 Laverock. Rich- mond Hill. phone - 884-6359. OLDER type. 16' house trailer, equipped with hydro, water. fridge. stove. furnace. electric brakes. $750. 884-7382. c1w44 15' HOUSE trailer. 889-3242 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL 2 sleeping bag. free with pur- chase of: Wheel Camper. convertible and Otto hardtop. open daily to 9 pm weekends to 6 pm. Mc- Kenzie Camping Trailers Ltd.. Hwy 7 East at Bayview. tic“ German Riding School HORSE LOVERS Day Camp SHIPPING GARDENING WORLDWIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 JUNE 29 - JULY Beginners and advanced riders FREE PICKUP AND RETURN First Week $36 Each Additional Week $32 MOVING AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Call RICHMOND HILL 884-6975 BY BAIL, LAND, GRASS CUTTING REASONABLE 884-2390 TRAILERS AND ‘4w425 ‘fï¬hi vns . roto- n 939- *3w43 j CE ercial. ization ‘ elivery 884- tfc43 ANCE rolling tree 1 paint- â€" Extensive Auction Sale of choice hnusehold furniture. anâ€" tiques. 10 piece dining suite. electrical a p pl i a n c e 5, home freezer. dis h e s. ornaments. glassware. workshop power tools and equipment. blacksmiths supplies. New model 444 Case utility riding garden lawn trac- tor with attachments. Large quantity of garden. lawn. farm tools etc. At Lot 15 Con. 3 Vaughan Twp. on Dufferin St.‘ at Carrville Rd.. 2% miles North of No. 7 Hwy. Being the property of the late Sa-muel Winger Estate. Sale at 1 pm. No reserves. Terms cash on day of sale. See poster for full listing and par- ticulars. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice Auctioneers. Markham 640-3686. c2w43 Llc‘t'! : __!Margaret. to Mr. Gerard Andrew1CARD 0F THANKS Pro-xMcharty, son of Mr. Andrew A Sincere thank you ’m my “$1115. McCroarty and the; late Mrs. dear friends. relatives. and my hltCh‘ MCCI‘OETW 0f TOTOMO. C1W44‘own dear family for so many RiCh'l * "‘ "‘ * beautiful get well cards. flowers 159- "The engagememisannouncw 0f and pastoral calls and ladies C1‘V44TAnn-M3TgiL only daughter “from our WMS and the many :42. |Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bischoff. prayers even so far away as my “W44 Hillerod. Denmark to Mr. Rich-dear friends in Assam. India. lard Melanski, only son of Mr. How little we know the power and Mrs. Michael Melanski. of prayer_ Again I say many Proctor ï¬ve†'l'hornhill. c1w44‘thank5 and God bless you all. Miler, water. ‘nnfn’n tf042 SATURDAY. May 2ND. 1970 â€"â€" Auction Sale of 2 Ford tractors. SALE REES’TERS SATURDAY. MAY 16TH. 1970 Mary Joanne to Mr. Charles Murray Hawman. formerly of Woodbridge. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Hawman, wed- ding to take place at St. Mary Immaculate Church, on May 9 at 11.30 am. chi-44 1! t t I Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cronk are happy to announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Donna Margaret. to Mr. Gerard Andrew McCroarty, son of Mr. Andrew McCroarty and the, late Mrs. McCroarty of Toronto. clw44 ‘uou Luv. nu.“ ulnv .u... ber of these incidents reduced 'by recent rains. it it It xi guAAU, We sincerely wish to thank alli our close friends from Toronto and Richmond Hill, who helped us celebrate our silver wed- Vaughan Fire Chief James ‘ding anniversary~ A very sDeCIaIiDavidson will attend the On- ‘thanks to Mrs. Peter Hambrook,!tario Fire Chiefs Conference and Mr. Danny Lake for the‘May 3-6 at Stratford. lovely toasts they Save US- ‘ He plans to seek support for Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gallant an amendment to the Highway 01W“ Traffic Act to assure firemen won't get speeding tickets while LCARD 0F THANKS going from home to a fire in his A sincere thank .VOU *0 ml’lon'n car. A ‘Vaughan fireman dear friends. relatives. and ml'irecently received a ticket while *iklkt ‘own dear family for so manythe was being paid 12 cent a Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hitchin- son of Richmond Hill are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Gail Margaret to Mr. Noel Anthony Caven. son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Caven. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Patrick Doris of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Mary Joanne to Mr. Charles Murray Hawman. formerly of Woodbridge. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Hawman, wed- ding to take place at St. Mary Immaculate Church, on May 9 at 11.30 am. c1w44 Engagrmvnta HAWKINS. Doris Lillian â€"l After a lengthy illness, on Saturday. April 25. 1970. Doris Kerridge. beloved wife: of Harold. 16 Harding Blvd,‘ Richmond Hill. Dear mother} of Linda and Allen, dear sis-i ter. of Ernest, Ethel (Mrs. A. Legge). Walter, Fred. George and Violet, (Mrs. L. Hawkinsl. Rested at the Marshall Funâ€" eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday in Sf. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Interment York Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the Can- cer Society would be greatly appreciated. c1w44 BROOM â€" In loving memory of my dear husband Fred. who passed away May 1, 1960. Till memory fades and life do- parts You live forever in my heart â€" Lovineg remembered by wife Jean. c1w44 3111 mrmnriam WALKER â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear husband Robert. who passed away suddenly May 3rd 1968. A silent thought a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear. Time_ _takes away the edge of Keeps his memory ever dear. . Guaranty Trust Co. Tlme takes away the edge of grief. i of Canada BulteaTemory turns back every‘884_4415 Richmond Hill â€"Sadly missed by wife Julia. ‘ ‘u-u.o.u.o-¢.o-0-o.(-od \thé Mover lid. MOVING ? 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse Let us help you solve All your Moving problems E23111: efore you move! Cyril Patrick LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE reserves. The marriage of Ruth Mar- sale_ semgaret McConkey to Robert Ed-} and pal--‘lward Bizgin took place on April Prentice123rd 1970 in Richmond Hill 640.3536.|Presbyterinn Church. Mr. and, c3w44 ha‘DPNWIr. and-Stanley Rule. formerly ent oonf Oak Ridges. are holding an ll‘et tO‘At Home for their friends and 1, son‘neighbors on Saturday. May 2. en. from 2â€"5 pm. at the home of 01W“ their daughter Daisy. 50 Main Street North. Newmarket to ’atl‘iCk‘celebrate their 50th wedding an- U are niversary. *1w44 BISHOP â€" Don and Dianne (nee Durand) are proud to announce the arrival of their son Keith Patrick born April 25 1970 6 lbs. 3 oz. A baby brother for Laurie Anne. Many thanks to Dr. Socol and nursing staff at York Central Hospital. c1w44 MACDOUGALL â€" Walter and Elaine (nee Howarth) are happy to announce the birth of their son Walter Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Ross Blackburn wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Elizabeth May to Mr. Peter Harry Baxter son of Mr. Harry Baxter and the late Mrs. Ruth Baxter. The wedding will be solemnlzed at Thornhill Presby- terian Church. July 4, 1970 at 1:00 pm. c1w44 Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Biggin will reside on Mil] Pond Court in Richmond Hill. CARD 0F THANKS I Wish to thank all my rela- tives. friends and neighbours for the many cards. gifts. telephone calls. visits and help since I've arrived home from York Central Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Golah, Dr. Saba. and all the nurses on the 3nd floor. Mrs. Muriel Rose CARD OF THANKS Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisment leg. Box 50 “The Liberal") and add P. O. Box 390, Richmond Hill. Please include in your reply only material that will fit into a regular business envelope iï¬nrthrnming marriage OWARD â€" To Mike and Joanne (nee Miltenburg) a boy. Graeme Erik, 8 lbs. 6 025. at St. Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener, April 21, 1970. a brother for Quinn. c1w44 on March 31. 1970. at Guelph General Hospital. Mother and baby both well. clw44 CALL MR. BARROTT First Mortgage Loans Residential marriage TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Property Prime Rates and Terms Tï¬irfllfl AT HOME 889-49II-Z=3 Mrs. Anna Snider c1w44 Géï¬tle as 3 Lamb clw44 w { He plans to seek support for Fallant‘an amendment to the Highway C1W44 Traffic Act to assure firemen won't get speeding tickets while going from home to a fire in his 111." own car. A 'Vaughan fireman 1d mb'irecently received a ticket while many he was being paid 12 cent a lowers mile for using his car. He was ladies being called to a fire while off many.duty. UPS AND DOWNS ON THE BRUCE TRAIL By Lynda Woodhouse The trip was running very smoothly and kind of quiet at the beginning. The excitement started when one of the girls asked: “What would happen it someone fell down the hill and broke his leg?" Just then she slipped and went tumbling down the hill. What a rough trip down. Teachers Donald Cowden and Barry Bethune ran down to the bruised girl and brought her up to the top of the hill again. On went the teachers and students through mini- forests and over rugged hills until down. down to the bottom of the cliff rolled the body of Lynn Leaman. Mr. Bethune fell on the way down to rescue Lynn. He bang- ed his head. scraped his back. ibruised himself and scratched {his wrist. What a way to return ‘to school next day. If you want- ted to see one form of torture. you should have been walking or swimming with us through a flooded area. It was awful. I think you 'would say we were water-logged from our feet up to our waists. The trip went on, however. These are just a few of the Ups and Downs of the ‘Bruce Trail! DON HEAD’S FIRST DANCE Don Head Secondary held their first school dance on April 10. It consisted of 150 students and a small musical group. The evening was very pleasant. Don Head will hold‘ its next dance ‘on April 24. TRIP TO THE RESTAURANT SHOW By Don Morden On April 15. ten students in- volved in the art of cooking and baking went down to the CNE 1to see a restaurant show. Stu‘ ‘dents from George Brown and ‘Humber Valley Colleges were ‘also there along with a few ,more schools. Butchers and bakers showed us a brief ex- ample of their trade. We alsc ,saw equipment used in restau- rants and bakeries. The com- ,pany sent down their own sales .men to explain how their equip- ment performed, costs and St on. Manufacturers of food sent representatives making and giv‘ ing samples of the food Chicken, hamburgers, pudding A11 h.,_..- _._.l -- A- .‘n all Richard Duncan of 50 Pearl- dale Avenue. Weston. burnt the palm of his right hand in a car fire at 92 Henderson Avenue, Thornhill. last week. Right Hand Burned As Backfire Ignites Car A carburetor backfired at about 17 minutes past midnight April 24 was blamed for the fire. He was taken to Branson Hospital by a relative for treat- ment. There was a motorcycle fire April 26 at 1.25 pm at Lang- staff Road near Dufferin Street. Vaughan Township firemen es- timate the damage at $200 and blame a flooded carburetor for the incident. Owner of the machine is Bradley Price of 41 Kinghigh Drive, Concord. Smoke from new galvanized metal. in a furnace plenum was blamed for a false alarm at 7.03 pm april 25 at.t'he Thorn- hill home of Jeffrey Fal‘ber, 18 Alcaine Court. Richmond Hill Firemen had two grass fire calls Sunday, and one on each of April 23 and 22. Vaughan firemen had eight grass fire calls, with the num- ber of these incidents reduced by recent rains. Police officers can‘t be givâ€" en tickets in this circumstance. and the same should be true for firemen, says the chief. 600 sq. ft. prime office space to rent in Richmond Hill Hydro Building, 4 Yonge Street South. Safe electric heating, air conditioning, parking. BRIDGE & EUCHRE NIGHT Don Head Secondary School DON HEADLINES KOREAN ADOPTION PLAN TO RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE To handle complete set of Accounting Records up to trial balance stage. Must be able to type, and have own transportation. Location: No. 7 Highway & Woodbine Ave. BO'OKKEEPER BY MANUFACTURING CO. PRIZES AND REFRESHMENTS Valuable Prizes such as Mixmaster, Lawn Chairs: Corning Ware Transistor Radio Bayview Secondary School PRICE: $1.00 Advance Tickets or at the door Time: 8:00 For further information phone Brydon Ellis, 884-4466 K.A.P. Tuesday, May 5, 1970 at 297 - 2002 Required for Don Head Secondary held their first school dance on April 10. It consisted of 150 students and a small musical group. The evening was very pleasant. Don Head will hold‘ its next dance on April 24. TRIP TO THE RESTAURANT SHOW i By Don Morden On April 15. ten students ln-‘ volved in the art of cooking and baking went down to the CNE to see a restaurant show. Stu- dents from George Brown and Humber Valley Colleges were also there along with a few more schools. Butchers and bakers showed us a brief ex- ample of their trade. We also saw equipment used in restau- rants and bakeries. The com- ‘pany sent down their own salesâ€" lmen to explain how their equip- lment. performed, costs and so on. Manufacturers of food sent representatives making and giv- ing samples of the food. Chicken, hamburgers, pudding. ice cream and so on. All in all. it was a very interesting day. I urge you next year when it comes around, to go and see it for yourself â€"â€" it's worthwhile. 30'x22“ broadloom. drapes. colored appliances. fireplace, queen size Murphy wall bed. large balcony, underground parking. By one of Toronto‘s most progressive real estatewo'mpâ€" anies for a modern new of- fice in Thornhill. If inexperienced but possess- ing a genuine desire to suc- ceed. we will provide full training and managerial as- sistance that will increase your income. TOP COMMISSION & BONUS Call Bil! Dry or Sean Flood 889-9330 YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR SALES ASSOCIATES REQUIRED _§§cheloir Penthouse CENTRAL RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE 884-3341 IDestroy Birds Nests In The Mill Pond Area Fewer wild fowl will be seen on the Mill Pond in Richmond Hill this year because of the depredations. recently. of the youngster or youngsters. The assistance of Canine Con- trol Ofï¬cer James Ryan was sought to attempt the capture of a Canada Goose. which had a 16-inch red arrow protruding from the back of its neck. The attempt was unsuccessful. but during the bird‘s struggles to evade capture the arrow was broken off at about four inches and it appeared the goese was able to dislodge the remainder. ;Whether the bird will survive \the wound is still doubtful. The young depredators also raided the wild bird nests, used the eggs which numbered about two dozen at least. as missiles to pelt the wild fowl and com- pletely destroyed the nests. râ€"vw .v , This happened April 18. On April 20 the elderly Muscovy Duck was still wearing evidence of the attack in yellow egg REYNOLDS EXTRUSION LORED CONSTRUCTION Ltd. “CASCADE 40 KNOCKS OUT ALL OTHER WATER HEATERS†Everyone Is Cheering For CASCADE 40! Cascade 40 has knocked out more than 2,700 tired, worn- out. unreliable water heaters in Waterloo! Quite 3 rec- ord. Cascade 40 is an efficient, dependable CLEAN fighter . . . never gets dirty in the ring. It's a fact that Cascade 40 has never been Knocked COLD! Other water heaters throw in the towel after a few rounds, but Cas- cade 40 keeps on fighting! Put Cascade 40 in your corner for only $1.50 monthly. This low charge includes normal installation and any subsequent replacement. You may buy Cascade 40 at any time after one year and receive full credit paid during the first 12 months. URGENTLY REQUIRES FEMALE ASSEMBLERS Applicants may apply at the plant office or contact personnel manager FOR LIGHT METAL ASSEMBLING Skilled or Unskilled SQ. FT. INDUSTRIAL SPACE NEWKIRK ROAD Featï¬res: o DOCK LEVEL LOADING 0 16’6†CLEAR 0 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 500 EDWARD AVENUE Off Elgin Mills Road Richmond Hill FOR LEASE 3,000â€"18,000 RICHMOND HILL HYDRO 884=4466 ' 4 YONGE STREET SOUTH 884 - 9161 COMPANY LIMITED 90¢ 630-9500 NET yolk and bits of egg shell. in spite of frequent immersions in the pond and the rainfall._ __ _ To prevent a repetition of this sort of thing. adults and the young people of the neighbor- hood of the Mill Pond, who value wild bird life there are asked to keep a close watch over the area and immediately report anyone abusing the wild life in any way to Richmond Hill Police or Canine Control. “The Liberal†has an opening for an energetic young;r man to learn the printing trade. Apply Sam Cook, APPRENTICE‘ “THE LIBERAL", PHONE 884-1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 30, 1979 problem solution UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEEDS JOB 884-1105-6 May 'til September 884-4491 TOW TRUCK DRIVER MAINTENANCE MAN Run a classified ad in "The Liberal" . . . Richmond Hill and districts leading Classified medium. Its first in advertising because it's first in results. Call and ask for classified ad taker Responsible worker, ‘21 years, references - HOURLY RATE â€"â€" 5 DAY WEEK - COMPANY BENEFITS Want to sell real estate? Do you have a car for sale? Are you looking for efficient help? Interested in getting a good tenant? Would you like to sell some furniture? Do you need a business partner Want to recover something yoU've lost? Interesting position for self starter Apply Service Manager WANTED! TWIN HILLS MERCURY PLEASE PHONE 384-6831 889-7703