Becky Staton who celebrateshearn of the death of' Mrs. on Monday and Dierdl‘e Staten Leek‘s mother, Mrs. Lottie Ream whose birthday falls on Thurs- man of Langstaff Sideroad, May} day of this week. 1. The funeral service was; The annual CGIT Mother held in the Cober Brethren ml and Daughter Banquet was held Christ Church Monday afterâ€" at the Summit View Gardenslnoon with interment in the ad- % NOW OPEN ('ITV nl: f_'| ACC § Residents of this area who at- tended the annual banquet of the Richmond Hill Agricultur- al Society April 30 in Richmond Hill Lions Hall included: Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Clark, Jean Clark. Charlie Barker and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark. Reeve Stewart Rumble and Mrs. Rumble were also among the guests. It is reported that It was a very pleasant evening which inâ€" cluded dinner and cocktails and ended with a euchre party. day of this week. 1. The funeral service was The annual CGIT Mother held in the Cober Brethren in and Daughter Banquet was held Christ Church Monday after- at the Summit View Gardenslnoon with interment in the ad- Birthday wishes this week go to Mark Terry who will be 17 years old and to Sherri Van- derkooy who was seven on Sunday. Best wishes also to Becky Staton who celebrates on Monday and Dierdre Staten whose birthday falls on Thurs- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pele Vander- kooy attended the wedding of Lynda Heise and John Willis May 1 in Stouffville United Church. Next Sunday. May 10, is Family Day at Headford United Church. The children are invi- ted to take part in the 10 am service and there will be no Sunday School. All are wel- come. N elghborhood Notes 10 _ HAIR FASHION SALON YONGE ST., OAK RIDGES SHOPPING PLAZA OAK RIDGES - 773-4071 for Mothers Day ‘70 Give Her Something Special ‘ (0016 WE 3541/7 3537 House of Wayne Outstanding Upright Handmade Burled Walnut Grand Piano (this beauty won lst prize in the Chicago World’s Fair) Made In Ontario By Ennis 00., Hamilton. Antique Handcarved Sec. Desk; 9 Pc. Hepplewhite Dining Set; Set of 8 Antique Oak Chairs; Gate-Leg Table: Antique Georgian & Victorian Styled Chairs; Mali. Breakfront; Antique Mar- ble Top Server; Antique Mall.‘& Cherry Chest; Marble Pedestal 8; Bust; Pine Corner Cupboard; Pine Desk: Pine Side- board; Georgian Style Tilt-Top Table; Cherry Sideboard: French Style Min- iature. Curio Cabinet, Etc. Tiffany Glass: Stueben Glass; Cranberry. Mary Gregory, Satin Glass, Milli Fiori; Baccarrat Paper Weights Iincluding Kennerb’) Durand Glass: Plated Am- berina: Peach Blow: Porcelain Vases; Wash Sets; Sterling Silver Tea Set; Ster- ling Flatware; Brass Coach Lamps; Brass & Copper Jugs‘ Pots. Jelly Pans, Coal and Log Boxes, Stick Stands, Fire- screens, Etc. Magnificent Bronze Chandelier: 8 Overlay Baccarrat Style Chandeliers; Hand Carved Wooden Chandeliers, Plus 2 Iron Chandeliers. Outstanding Auction Sale Hecflford 6': District News An Exciting New Hair-Do THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 7, 1970 ROB'I'. C. SIMPER 61 CO. Member of: Antique Appraisers & Authentication Association Of Canada Canadian Antique Appraisers & Authentication Association. Admission By Catalogue: $1.00 See Our Boutique Selection CORRESI‘ONDENT: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY â€" Phone 884-3035 Note: Tavern April 28. Members joining cemetery. y. May 10, is from Headford who attended Mrs. Stewart Headford United were Mrs. Jean Lee and Gloria,!Thornhill and her :hildren are invi- Mrs. Audrey‘ Homer and JoyceEWes Middleton rt in the 10 am and Mn. Marie Dunleavy Hill, both forme iere will be no and Julie. Other guests at the ford, left Monda) .. All are wel- banquet included Rev. and Mrs.|week tour of En Mai-tin Jenkinson, Mrs. Rose they arrive they 5. Pete Vander- Brodie and the guest speaker ing Mrs. Middleto the wedding oflwas Mrs. Mary Leek. lives in San Fran TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1970 YORK FARMERS’ MARKET 7509 Yonge St.,‘ Thornhill - 7:30 p.111. PREVIEW: 2:00 - 7:00 PM. SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT AUCTIONING - APPRAISING - LIQUIDATIONS 223 -0839 The banquet marks the! close of the CGIT season and†Cora Brodie and Shirley Van T011 were thanked for the very great effort they put forth this year on the girls’ behalf. Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek were very ad to learn of the death of: Mrs. Leek’s mother, Mrs. Lottie Rea- man of Langstaff Sideroad, May‘ A Flattering Only 01' mars/tall guneral flame 126 Yong: Street North, Richmond Hill Tiffany Glass: Stueben Glass; Cranberry. Mary Gregory. Satin Glass, Milli Flori; Baccarrat Paper Weights (including Kennedy) Durand Glass; Plated Am- berina: Peach Blow: Porcelain Vases; Wash Sets; Sterling Silver Tea Set; Ster- ling Flatware; Brass Coach Lamps; Brass 8; Copper Jugs. Pots. Jelly Pans, Coal and Log Boxes, Stick Stands, Fire- screens, Etc. Serving the Community under the Wright 5; Taylor'and Pipher Chapel: since 1876 g _ Larry Burton is {'eportpd do-’ They tell me it was an in_ 9 ")5 Well after havmg hls ton‘jteresting evening at Buttonville ’ 5115 1_'emoved at York_ Central Han last Friday when Barney ? H°SP1t31Monday m0mm3- Danson discussed the White 7 chhael Dunleavy caused an Paper on Taxation with consti_ ? n 4 . ? uproar m his famfly at 4 tuents. Mr. Danson is the fed- ' 001°“: sunday mommg When eral member for York North, ’ he was rushed to thé hospital and was speaking at [the Mark ’ I" i G M enchanqu annanflhï¬h’c w i t h suspected appendicitis. But it was a false alarm and all is well. John Rumble’s pupils at Sutton High School did a double-take Friday evening. It was the first time one of their teachers and his wifehad ar- rived at a formal dance on a motorcycle! To top if off, that mode of travel is. rather chilly, so John and Marilyn were wear- ing ski-doc suits! joining cemetery. Mrs. Stewart Rumble of ,Thornhill and her mother, Mrs. 'Wes Middleton of Richmond Hill, both formerly of Head- ford, left Monday for a three- week tour of England. When they arrive they will be meet- ‘ing Mrs. Middleton‘s sister who lives in San Francisco. It will be the first time the two sis- ters have been‘together in sev- eral years. Sherri Vanderkooy has had a busy week. Besides celebrating her birthday on Sunday, she also picked up the measles. Get well fast, Sherri. LIMITED 884-1062 Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 We've no red carpet to roll out: no brass band to sere- nade you. But we can help you with names and loca- tions ofschools, lists of com- munity facilities, shopping information and alltheother things you’ll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome Wagon hostess willvisitatyourconvenienco to provide all this and gifts as well. It's all yoursâ€"froe-fora telephone call to Welcomo Wagon at JUST ARRIVED? 7am 1 Mrs. Paul Charlebois,‘ Weston 1 and Mrs. James Magee, Toronto } spent Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steck- ley and Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQueen, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Croxford and Donald 'all of'Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Jim Ward and family of Osh- awa. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart enter- tained at a family miscellaneous shower in honor of their neph- ew, Jim Harrington and his bride-to-be, Miss Gail MacDon- ald, whose marriage will take place May 30. ‘ The final euchre for the sea- son was held in the community hall May 1 with 19 tables of playerd in attendance. Prize ‘ winners were: ladies, Mrs. Wil- {liam Orr, Mrs. Jesse Dewsbury, Mrs. Dorothy Rumble and Mrs. ME. Barry (tied): men, George Foster, A. Wood, Lbn Embury and Fred Gibson (tied). Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Jim Weir. Watch this :column in the fall for the open- ling of the fall euchres. 1 WI 1! Sunday, May 3, was a day to remember at Brown’s Corners United Church when the con- gregaï¬on celebrated its 128th anniversary. Mrs. Hilda Hoadley welcomed her first granddaughter recently when a\baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Louzon (Ellen Hoadley) at RR 8, Wat- ford. Mrs. Mary Buchanan, Mr. and Toastmistress was Margaret Mrs. Cecil Nichols, Mrs. Faye Empringham and the toast to Wills and Vincent were dinner the church was proposed by guests April 28 of Mr. and Mrs. Gloria Lee and replied to by Nelson Buchanan and family at Rev. Martin Jenkinson. The Willowdale, the occasion beingltoast to the mothers was pro- in honor of Valerie Buchanan’s posed by Jean Vanderkooy and second birthday. replied to by Mrs. Marie Dun- Mrs. Hilda Hoadley welcomed Ieavy. ’ The May meeting of the WI will be held May 12 at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Robert Britnell with Mrs. Carl Walker as convenor. Roll call: Bring something for the Tweedsmuir Scrap Book (photographs of the area). Hostesses will be Mrs. Norman Bell, Mrs. Harold Hill and Mrs. Earl Empringham. All ladies in the community are in- vited to attend. Church News Sunday. May 10 at 11:30 am Birthday wishes to Gordon Hardie, May 10, Scott Hardie, 11 on May 11, Kathryn Rumney, nine on May 11, Larry Ashton, three also May 11, Patricia Otta- way, May 12 and to Susanne Hibbard on May 13. Special birthday greetings to Mrs. Ross Nichols, now at The Willows Best Home Lodge, Aurora, who will observe her 86th birthday May 12. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mortson, celebrat- ing their first wedding anni- versary May 10. I and was speaking at the Mark- 011 May 24, following the ham Township Liberal Asisocia- morning service the young peoâ€" tion annual meeting Following ple's group will hold a smorga- elections the meeting was open sbord ‘luncheon. This will be a to the general public for dis- fund raising event 10 provide a cussion. Members were happy day’s outing June 6 for under- that Donald Deacon. MLA for privileged children from the York Centre was also present. downtown area. On that day the Church NeWS young people plan a trip for A Day To Remember themxto visit Huronia Village. Sunday, May 3, was a day to The Jenny Bouck Singers remember at Brown's Corners will be at Brown’s Corners Neighborhood Notes Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly were special guests last week when the Richmond Hill Agri- cultural Fa-ir Board held its an- nual banquet. Din Kelly has been honorary veterinarian for many yeai-s. There are new telephone 1n the eve numbers in this area south ofvchoil- sang “' Highway 7. as of last Sunday. with solo by M The 297 designation has been $010 “One Ch changed to 499 and individualione Lord" by numbers are also new. Accord- the junior cm ing to information received this at the end of 1 new exchange has crossbar combined chc switching, and this, among other veaper “Now t things, permits such optional Flowers at1 services as Touch-Tone calling. memory of D( That charcoal broiled drive- in slated for the corner of Perth Avenue and Don Mills Road south of Highway 7, which was so hotly disputed by area resi- dents is now under construction. A good place for a drive-in on this busy highway, but not very good to live with. Added noise and traffic are the chief bones of contention, with litter an- other question. There v‘as a flurry 01" BXCiteJ~ flowers filled the church â€"â€" ment at Knob Hill Farms on friends came from far and near Saturday. when a cashier re- to join in the two fine services; turned to her cash desk and there was special music by the found the drawer open. It was mo choirs and Rev. Bradley thought there had been a theft, Gruxton was an inspiring but when police arrived they speaker. found nothing missing â€" just 3 Rev, Chris Dugan conducted case of a faulty spring and the the services and Mm. Don drawer slid open, they believed. Reesoi', director of music, pre- Neighborhood Notes CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF RR. 2, Gormlcy Phone VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS HOSTESS YOUR OWN WIG PARTY, PROFESSIONAL DEMONTRATOR, LINDA. 225-67 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gomley â€" Telephone 887-5421 BUTTONVILLE NEWS FREE WIG CASH or WILLOWDALE: North York Controller M e 1 v i n Lastman wants the borough to have a farm zoo in one of its parks. Lastman said a small zoo would be popular with child- ren of public school age, serve an educational purpose andhot compete with Metro’s proposed zoo in the Rouge Valley. Each girl was presented with a ballpoint pen. Margaret Emp- ringham won the award for per- fect attendance and lanyards were presented to Gloria Lee and Margaret Empringham. CGIT Leaders Mrs. Shirley VanTol and Miss Cora Brodie were also present. Activities of the group are now concluded until the fall. Guest speaker was Mrs. E1- mer Leek, who gave a very in-. spiring message for both the girls and their mothers. will be Christian Family Sunday and the Sacrament of Baptism will be administered at that time. Family Day will be observed in the Sunday School also on Sunday at lolam and all the mothers have been invited to be present when the children will be presenting a special pro- gram. Mother and Daughter Banquet ‘ The annual CGIT mother and daughter banquet was held Tuesday evening of last week at Summit View Gardens Rest- aurant. The Jenny Bouck Singers will be at Brown’s Corners Church the evening of May 19, for a sing-along concert -â€" a date to remember. In the evening there was a social hour follom'ng the ser- vice, when refreshments were served by members of the Happy Timers. Unit 1 of UCW. This Sunday, May 10. is an- other special day at Brown's Corners. Rev. Chris Dugan has planned a service of infant baptism to coincide with Mother’s Day. One Lord" by Brian Reynolds, the junior choir anthem “Now at the end of the Day.†and the combined choirs singing the vesper “Now the Day is Over.†Flowers at the altar were in memory of Douglas Hood, and Master Brett Webster, placed there by their respective- family members. In the evening the senior choir sang “Holy Art Thou“ with solo by Mrs. Jones, a tenor $010 “One Church, One Faith, Special music included the morning introit “O Come Let Us Worship" with soprano so- loist Mrs. C. Jones, the anthem “Seek Ye the Lord†with soloist Jack Cough, and ‘ is God†sung by the choir. Rev. Chris Dugan conducted the services and Mrs. Don Reesor, director of music, pre- sided at the organ, assisted by Miss Sharon Buchanan who ac- companied the junior choir in their anthems. The day was warm ah! sunny ~ flowers filled the church â€" friends came from far and near to join in the two fine services; RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 9 Inc». MSW“ :u. Have conï¬dence in us! You‘re sure of a fair price . . . when you use our Fuel Oil. So phone right now! or ’IG SSIONAL A. 225-6744 $331 Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill Phone 297-1741 tenor ‘There junior 7i resto n e U PE RMARK ET TIRE BARGAINS STORES 884-440]