Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1970, p. 15

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lllllllill“\llllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllhllluull What’s Cooking? Briefly joining in the celebra- tions before going to bed were Mr. and Mrs. Menton‘s sons. Mark. 10 and Joseph, 7. and grandchildren, Allan (4) and Sharon (3) Cochrane. The “Y” is currently running two interesting courses for children â€" a pottery class, on 'Wednesday evenings from 6.30 to 7.30 pm for 9 to 13 year olds, instructed by A. Bouter and a children’s art class, on Satur- Guests from out of town In- cluded Mr. and Mrs. James Barry (flower girl at their wed- dingi of Ottawa. formerly of Richmond Hill. Don Blake ¢best man) and Mrs. Blake, Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. O’Mahony, Aurora. Miss Norma McLaugh- lin. Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Menton, Ottawa and Stephen Northy. London, Ontario. Scouts and Cubs of the 5th Richmond Hill Group will take part in a church parade to Rich- mond Hill United Church next Sunday when Rev. Robert Smith will present several boys with ‘their life-religion badges. All parents are welcome to attend. day mornings from 11 -‘ 12.15 pm for 11 to 14 year olds. in- slvucted by Mrs. Ruth Walker. They will both run for six weeks and the fees are nomin- al â€"â€" $5 Ipottery) and $6 (ax-1|. Further information may be obtained by calling the “Y” at Mr. and Mrs. John (‘ochrane‘next meeting being held on of 415 Bent Crescent entertain- Monday at 8.15 in the mean-9> “d April 18 at a Surprise 25m‘rear of 25 Yonge Street North. wedding anniversary for her * k ‘ * Parents, M"- “"1 Mrs- JOhn Bayview Secondary is in the Menton. Co-hosts Were Mrsmews again: On May 14 they Cochrane's‘ brother, Brian Men- are presenting "Music". a pm- to“ and “‘5 fiancee: Miss D01“ gram of music by the Bayview 0”” Pam". Band and String Ensemble with Over 40 relatives and friendsvguest soloists Brenda Haddock, attended and the guests of hon-:Gord Adnams and Bruce Brown. Over 40 relatives and friendsEguest soloists Brenda Haddock, attended and the guests of hon-EGord Adnams and Bruce Brown. or received many lovely gifts,‘ Admission 50 cents, family congratulatory cards and good‘ticket $1. wishes for many years of future:[ Don‘t miss this fine evening happiness. gof entertainment. Almost everyone has a special‘acity CI‘OWGS UH‘OUSHOUL 1116 dish which family or friends‘aftern‘oon and evening. enjoy â€"â€" why not share the * * * recipe with our readers, be it Mrs. Arnie Haworth, Lawn- main course. dessert or snack? WOOd Court 811d Mrs- “atom Each week one will be publish- MOnks, Woodlane. returned Fri- ed in this column â€"- how about day from an enjoyable three- yours? week vacation in England. ‘ Shortly after their arrival, MARINE MUS“ nithey were both entertained by ‘ers. Monks’ daughter, Louise, ‘who is currently working in 1L0ndon. but will be returning l “-4” lto Canada in June. 1 to 2 tbsp. butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped YWCA 884-4811 l to 2 tbsp. butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 medium carrot, finely chopped (optional) 1 can (12 ozs.) frozen lobster meat. drained 1 cup tiny cooked shrimps 4_ eggs, beaten Pepper garlic salt 4- slices (or lé cup grated) Mozzarella cheese paprika freshly chopped parsley Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in a fireproof casserole and gently saute the onions and carrots until limp. Remove from heat. Stir in the chopped lobster meat and small shrimps. Mix with the beaten eggs and season with pepper and garlic salt to taste. Cover with the Mozzarella slices or grated pieces and place in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with pap- rika and freshly chopped pars- ley. Serves 4. numm“mnmmmmmuIuumuumummlulumuulummumm Virginia, 3 Registered Nurse, graduate of Toronto Western Hospital is a team leader at Scarboro Centenary Hospital and Bruce, a graduate of Richmond Hill High School and Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Mechanical Engineering is with Link Belt Ltd., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C, Walter Scott, Brantford, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Virginia Christine to Bruce Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson Miller, Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place Saturday, M Alexandra Presbyterian Church, Bramford. BRUCE MILLER Plan May Wedding Liberal Lil z, A group of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moorley drop- ped into their home on Harding Boulevard last Saturday even- ing to surprise them (in the oc- casion of their 20m wedding an- niversary. | J. Wiggins of 331 Osiris Drive 3 was the lucky draw prize win- ;ner of an original oil painting ‘by William Gamon of Toronto at the Art Show held Saturday last at St. Gabriel's Anglican Church. . The show. which included 200 paintings by 20 artists, was most successful. attracting cap- acity crowds throughout the afternoon and evening. Members interested in a car' All families interested in rally being held this Saturday camping are cordially invited to by the CoupICS' Club Of RiCh- a special program being spon- mond Hill' United Church are. sored by the Mary and Martha asked to call Valerie or Bob‘Guild this Saturday at 7.30 pm McKittrick at 884-4270. ‘at the church. * * "‘ ‘ An illustrated talk will be * * "‘ V An illustrated talk will be .Welcomed at the 10:30 am given by Mr. and Mrs. Keith service at St. Mary's AnglicanlDraffin of Scarboro, regarding Church last Sunday “'35 theiheii' experiences at Camp Go- Ven. Harold Johnson. Arch-forth in Southwestern Ontario. deacon of the Diocese. as the‘and slides will be shown of third in the series of special their recent Cross-Canada trip. stewardship preachers. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Wes Middleton and her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Rumble. left Monday for a three week tour of England. Vince McCullough has recent- ly returned to his home on Fernleigh Circle following a three month holiday in Vic- toria, Australia. It was a very memorable 0c- casion as he stayed with his sister, Mrs. Maudline Heyburn. whom he had not seen since 1924, when they met in Ireland. Vicining {hem over there will he Mrs. Middleton's sister from San Francisco. Members are reminded of the next meeting being held on Monday at 8.15 in the theatre, rear of 25 Yonge Street ‘North. A small but fun meeting of the Curtain Club was held April 27, with entertainment provid- ed by slides of previous produc- (ions. Several of the guests were dressed in appropriate costume â€" bride. groom and flower girl â€" adding to the evening’s cele- brations. Julie Jarvis, a second season pupil of Miss Ruth Garson ADCM in voice, was auditioned and accepted for the Trinity Senior Recital. held on Satur- day evening at the Metropoli- tan Music Library on Avenue Road. She sang Au Claire Fontaine and a fairy lullaby by Quilter and received many congratula- tory comments from members of the audience for her enuncia- tion (especially in French) ex- pressive deliVeiy and stage presence. VIRGINIA SCOTT mmmmmmmmml1mmumuummmnmmwmummmm Recent weekend guests of Margaret and Neville Cross. Wenlock Street. were Miss Bar- bara Reynolds and George Bul- ger. both of Boston. and Sue and Tom Bankman of North- ampton. Mass. lummmumuuummmmmmuummummmmmummn During their previous Visits, this delightful American con- tingent has made many friends in the Hill who were delighted to meet them again at a party given by the Crosses on Satur- day evening. On Sunday morning they vis- ited antique stores and in the afternoon were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas- Crampton at their country home in Maple. Under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Horticultur- al Society, a record meeting,r was held April 28. in the lions honor Prefi- dent Gladys McLatchy for her long term of office, serving as secretary for 25 yea rs. On behalf of the mem- bers. R. D. Little present- ed her with a handsome hand-crafted silver pendant and matching bracelet. of beautiful design, centred with interlocking trilliums and ornamental green and black malachite, a copper mineral which was used by the Czais of Russia for em- bellishment of their ornate cathedrals. been told Are often worth their weight in gold. Alas, we have no gold to fling, But silver is the next best thing. And so we hope this silver gift Will give your valiant heart a lift, And in the lifting, bring to mind That horticulturists are kind. And decent sort of people, so Tonight we thought we‘d let you know, Flow we appreciate your years Of service â€" it should call for cheers And then mayhap there is a chance This gift could lead to some romance; That little fellow, sly young cupid. Isn't always just that stupid. Now, as our president we know You’ll carry on the Jolly show; We wish you sunny skies above. And end this ditty with our love. Another surprise for the “Past Secretary" was when Mayor William Lazenby presented her with the citi- zen‘s award, the Town Crest. in the form of a brooch, on behalf of the Town of Richmond Hill. our Gladys; For five and twenty years 01! making this presenta- tion. Mr. Little read a po- em he had composed es- pecially for the occasion: This is the night we toast charge. But for the OHA at large. Some secretaries we‘ve she’s had us Admiring her merit. tact, She’s been a dandy, that's a fact, Not only for Society Honors Glady McLatchy Doug Boyd described In detail, the propagation and care of chrysanthemums from the time of separation of the sprouts to the first frost, when a paper bag should be placed over each plant. A lively question and an- swer period followed this demonstration. New members were ln< {reduced and each present- ed with a carnation bouton- niere. A huge birthday cake de- vised and designed in the kitchens of )lesdames Elsie )lachy and Evie Boyd. beautifully decorated and illuminated with 25 candles and complemented by vases of pink rosebuds. centred the special tea-table con- vened by Mrs. W. E. Le- Claire. our local Mrs. Lund also took this op- portunity to thank the mem- bers of the committee and the parish, who are working so hard to make this event a success. Mrs. Mary Grabarczyk and Mrs. Addie Lund held a com-I mittee meeting on Manda)" evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Lund on Gamble’ Road. where plans were finaliz- ed t‘or the CWL Spring Flower Card Party to be held this Fri-4 (lay at 8 pm at St. Mary lm- maculate Church, Yonge and Dufferin. Mrs. Lund also took this op- portunity to thank the mem- bers of the committee and the parish, who are working so hard to make this event a success. ;correspondence school Dr. Walter James Harvey, 98, Toronto optometrist, hassed away April 28. Until two days before his death he operated a in opâ€" tometry for people in underde- veloped countries Educated in the United Stat- es. he opened an optometry of- fice on Queen Street West be- fore 1910 and later moved to Spadina Avenue, where he ad- ded a clinic. the Royal College of Science, and trained dozens of optometrists before closing the clinic in the 1920’s. Guest Speaker Mm Elizabeth Flood of the physiotherapy de- partment of York Central Hos- pital showed an interesting and informative movie on the trea‘tf ment of arthritis. This was followed by a ques tion and answer period. ‘The next meeting will be held May 11 at 344 Markham Road, the home of” Karina Sta- dius. Fashion Frocks will dis- play apparei for the coming season. The Allenbrae Branch of YCHA held its monthly meeting April 13 at the home of Shirley Bruce. 403 Allencoui‘t. Richmond Masonic Lodge No. 23, AF 8; AM enjoyed its annual visitation with Strongsville Ma- sonic Lodge No. 728, Ohio~ last weekend. Worshipful Master Mark Stewart, his wife, Joan, members and their wives were on hand to welcome Worshipful Master Richard Sailor, his wife. Ruth. District Deputy Grand Master John Molnar and wife Ethel. and 74 members and wives who arrived in the Hill at noon on Saturday, having trav- elled from Ohio by two charter- ed buses. Staying in the Emerald Isle Motel, Yonge Street, they were entertained in a hospitality room at the motel in the after- noon, and 'in the evening at dinner at the Summit View Gardens Restaurant in Jeffer- son. Following dinner the men ad- journed to the lodge and their wives remained to hear an in- teresting and informative talk by Mrs. Eleanor Brown, an inâ€" terior designer from Simpson's, afterwards joining their hus- bands at the lodge for a gala party with dancing and refresh- merits. ! During the morning session, 11!. Elston, administrator of Bow- manville Memorial Hospital. ad- dressed the members present, with dbvious warm appreciation of auxiliary members in general and of his auxiliary in particu- liar. III-Anqu no u... “n.5y -v- .. 0...â€" party with dancing and refresh-1 The York Choraliers will be ments. lsinging several numbers and On Sunday morning they all the blending of their fine voicâ€" met for brunch at the Summit‘65 with the accomplished plaY- View Gardens Restaurant be-ling of the orchestra, is an un- fore the visitors left for Ohio, beatable combination. ' with members of the local lodge This Thursday at 8 pm the and their wives giving them a,orchestra is presenting a con- royal sendoff. [cert at Pickering College â€"â€" this ,,,,LI.- A _...1 ..y..‘ll Three delegates from York Central Hospital Auxiliary â€" Area Chairman Mrs. Robert Sillcox, Mrs. C. Hall, represent- ing the gift shop and Mrs. H. Burgess, the newsletter (Coral Earl â€" attended the Spring Conference of District No. 7 Ontario Hospital. Auxiliaries As- sociation held April 22 in Bow- manville. Mr. Elston suggested that the future held much greater re- sponsibilities for the auxiliaries, as the hosoitals widen their horizons, and health and wel- fare, from the cradle to the grave, becomes the established pattern for all citizens, and underscored his comments with a quotation taken from a speech of the late John F. Kennedy “ask not why that which is, is â€" but rather why thatwhich is not, is not” and commended it to the audience for their ‘ meditation. Mrs. A. G. Edmunds, presiM dent of the Ontario Auxiliaries’ Association. addressed the audi- ence of more than 200 delegates on volunteer services in small hospitals. From an assessment of her remarks. it would appear, in consideration. th at the YCHA is nicely in the position of being part of a small to med- ium hospital that “thinks big" and is ready to roll up its cor- porate sleeves and move on to ‘greater service when expansion time arrives. After a family style luncheon ,the afternoon session began with a question and answer per- }iod moderated in an outgoing, {friendly and informative way iby Miss Winnifred Shorter, co- ordinator of auxiliary volunteer services. At 3 pm. members were en- tertained at a tea and tour of Bowmann’lle Memorial Hospitâ€" a1. Congratulations to Elaine Rice, 14., who completed the 32.7 mile walk in the Miles for Millions in Toronto on Saturday. Elaine, who attends St. Joseph’s Morrow Park. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, Leisure Lane. Senior Citizens Members are reminded of the meeting being held May 13 in Richmond Hill United Church. The guest speaker will be Mrs. D. Pcnfold, who will talk on pensions. ‘ ‘ Tickets will be on sale for the u outings in June â€" the right change would be appreciated. € Mr. and M] of Yonge Str very pleasant boro visiting and his Carter. ‘ 1m;luded in the program at :the benefit concert being given ;May 28 by the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra will be excerpts from the Sound of I‘Music, Beethoven’s First Sym- jphony, Masquerade Waltz and Dance of the Rose Maidens by Khachaturian and Orpheus of the Underworld by Offenbach. Another niece. Miss Hilda Harris of SlaHordshiz'e. Engâ€" land. was just concluding ‘a three-month stay with her un- cle and the Williamsons, who were former neighbors of her parents in England, enjoyed seeing her and hearing new of their hometown. ‘ This Thursday at 8 pm the ,orchestra is presenting a con- cert at Pickering College â€"â€" this Iis open to the public and well worth attending. :Sympathy is extended to his wife, Mary. of 215 Church Street South, and son, James. The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, held its monthly gener- al meeting with President Joan Dickson in the chair. A11 com- mittees reported work'complet- ed for the month. Proceeds from the concert, being held in the Richmond Hill Arena, will go towards the completion of the Centennial Pool, a project the orchestra has undertaken along with sev- eral other organizations in the Hill. \.u Lu. .............. Auxiliary members were hon-l Next Sunday Will be Chris-'sponse. and thanks are extender ored guests at the honors andltian Family Day at Richmond to all who responded so prompt awards dinner held last Saturâ€" Hill United Church. ‘ly. day when a surprise presenta- The Sacrament 01' Baptism * ‘ ’ tion of a meritorious servicewill be administered and par-Show Biz! / certificate was made by Branch‘ents “‘iShillg to have ChildrenJ Playing the role of June 11 President Doug Hopson to P'l‘es-ibaptiled are asked to attendithe musical “Gypsy” being pre ident Dickson, who on behalf ofithe Pal‘ents’ Class this Thlll‘S-tsented this Thursday, Frida: the auxiliary, thanked the day at 7 pm and contact theiand Saturday by the Thornhil branch for the honor bestowed Chln‘Ch secretary at 884-1301. lTheatre of the Performing Art on them. i _ Scouts and Cubs will attendlis Jennifer Morton, well know ,,,1:A_A__ r-“ LA“ n-“ Twelve members of the 4th Richmond Hill Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary met at the home of Shirley Reisenweber. 234 Alta- mira on April 21 and wrote in- vitations for the annual bridge marathon wind-up party being held May 27 at St. Mary's Ang- lican Church. The auxiliary expresses sin- cere thanks to all those who have supported the twice monthly bridge games held throughout the winter. Anyone interested in participating next fall in a regular bridge night (50 cents a night) is asked to phone Shirley Fifield at 884- 2993 right away and register. Scouts of the district who have qualified for the equiva- lent of Queen’s Scout status will be honored at a ceremony to be held May 9 at Bayview Secondary School. Refresh- ments will be provided by the local ladies‘ auxiliaries. Congratulations to those Scouts and Ventui'ers of the 4th who successfully completed the 20 mile hike on April 24 from Devil's Glen Provincial Park on the Bruce Trail, laden with 25 lb. packs. Circle your calendars for May 20,when the wind-up meeting will be held at the Fontaine- bleau Restaurant in Willowdale. Meet your new slate of officers and have a night out on the town. David and Royden Rabin- owitch of London, Ontario. twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch. Kerry- brook Drive. were amonz the 228 persons awarded Canada Council grants. These go to artists in early stages of their profes- sional careers and are in- tended to finance a year of work or study. Both talented younr sculptors. David has just completed a showing of his works at the Carmen Lam- anna Gallery in Toronto. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yongc St. N. 8844588] Mrs. Street niece 5. Ben W set North weekend Edward ] the United Stat- m optometry of- Street West be- later moved to )lrs Williamson Harvey, 98, t, passed Ll two days operated a in Peter- Humpage Warden spent of her enjoyed news of held May 13 from 6 - 9 pm at St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church. Arrangements are well under- way for the Flower Fair to be Along with the sale of box plants and bulbs, there will be a bake table, hot dog stand and fish pond for the children. A ‘special display of Indian and Eskimo curios will be an added feature. At the April meeting of the 151', Beverley Acres Scouts and Cubs the new group committee was elected with Chris Steel as chairman, Ruby Bjarnasson, secretary and Fred Wetton, treasurer. ‘ The group is currently sellingli boxes of Spring plants â€"â€" petun- < ias, marig‘olds and alyssum â€" 2 for 55 cents a box, with all proâ€" 4 ceeds towards Scouting activi- : ties. Orders may be placed by . calling 884â€"7065. 1 i n On April 25, a combined 4 group of 46 Scouts and Cubs, t with six leaders had a most in- : formative and interesting tour gr of the Toronto Telegram buildvgé mg John D'Allessandro and Bob McDonald, cast mem- bers of The Taming Of The Shrew. Bayview Secondary School’s entry in the Simp- son’s Collegiate Drama Fes- tival, have been invited. at the personal invitation of Dennis Sweeting, to take part in a drama workshop next Saturday morning at the University of Waterloo, where the province-wide finals will start on Friday. Bob won the best actor award for his role as Grumio in the Bayview pro- duction and the play came in 4th place. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS â€"~ 'GLASSES ‘ ‘ _ ’- % ' CONTACT LENSES "HTTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION" Open Weight Watchers (9 will show you how to lose weight and keep it off The evening is just beginning and anticipation of the White Rose Ball at the Inn On The Park adds an infectious gaiet_\r to the guests attending the pre-dance party held’ on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hannah on Driscoll Road. Caught by the photographer enjoying a “quickie” from the punch bowl before leaving are, above (left to right) Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paton and Mr. and Mrs. 4U”: vv “Lu. The ball, an annual event, sponsored by the York Central Hospital Auxiliary, attracted over 440 guests, who, after wining and dining in the elegant Centennial Room, enjoyed dancing to the popular Frank Bogart and his Orchestra. Draw prizes were won by Mrs. R. Davis of 131 Oak Avenue, Richvale, Mrs. Michael Birse, 194 Baythorn Drive, Thornhill and the Blue Hills Academy. Tom Ward OUR THORNHILL LOCATION Opening Tues.. May 19 and every Tues. 7:30 - 9:30 pm. NORTH THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Royal Orchard 8.: Baythorn Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9 pm 34 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL fl 884-1955 @P WEIGHT® WATCHERS OF ONTARIO L|MITED JOIN ANYTIME RAHON â€" REGISTRATION $3, WEEKLY $1 A group of Gilbert and Sul- livan enthusiasts met on Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Vermeulen. Centre Street East and with Dennis Stainer at‘the piano, enjoyed an evening of singing pieces from their favorite light operas. A recent request in this col- umn for the loan of copies of any Gilbert and Sullivan ,oper- as, brought a very good re- sponse. and thanks are extended 5M S’m â€" PHOTOGRAPHY â€" In the role of Tulsa. the young dancer who elopes with June, is Brian Toogood, also of Richmond Hill, who has studied at the National Ballet School and appeared many times with the National Ballet. He is now a professional actor and dancer and will be playing the leading singing and dancing role in “Happy Valley” shortly to be seen at the St. Lawrence Centre, His younger brother and sister are also in the cast of “Gypsy” as newsboys. Just A little For Me! O PASSPORTS O PORTRAITS O WEDDINGS 0 COMMERCIAL For ‘Prompt Service Tel. 884-6741 Closed Mondays 30A Yonge South Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill GIVEW..OUR BEST We Have A Beautiful Selection Of FLOWERS LAURELEA FLOWERS (1) Subject to Subsection 2 ' No person shall burn or permit to be burned any material in an open fire that may con- tribute to air pollution, except with the per- mission and under the direction of a Proâ€" vincial Officer. 32B Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Spring Bouquets 10%OFF NOTICE FIRE REGULATIONS Department of Energy and Resources Management Air Management Branch Pollution Control - Bonfires Excerpts from Ontario Regulations 133/70 STUDENT SPECIAL A person may burn or permit to be burned material in an open fire where the fire is for recreational purposes, provided that the fire does not contribute to air pollution. A. STONG _ FIRE CHIEF Ontario, Thursday Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wire Orders Accepted 884-5211 Flowering Plants Floral Arrangements Section 11 on all Prom CORSAGE ORDERS Picked Up (Photo by Stuart's Studio) May 7. 1

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