Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1970, p. 20

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20 White Rose Ball Among those from Thornhill who enjoyed the White Rose Ball at the Inn On The Park last Friday evening were Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Pamenter. Dr. and Mrs. Peter Morse. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Robson. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay Belch, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pickthall, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marks, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Moffatt. Dr. Robson and Mrs. Gordon were the happy winners Of door prizes. The ballroom was re- corated with a daisy motif and guests enjoyed a delicious din- ner before dancing the hours away to the music of Frank Bo- gart and his orchesra. Art Show This 'lnriinu n! 7th ’l‘hm'nhill 'pottery in the conservatory and st ana [nlS mu lllClllue dessert Mrs. A. Blackburn of Pioneertand .coffee. Tickets go on sale 'V'illage demonstrated spinning. September 1. with all proceeds I * * * " ‘going to the work of Women of ‘ Don't forget the Lionettes the Church. Display of Young Thornhill Art Then. on November 16. the jwhich will be held tonight at Cross-Canada Caravan will be ithe Heintzman House beginninglat Thornhill United Church. lat 7 Pm. Tickets will be avail-jThe caravan is something very able at the door. [new in bazaars and will feature i a n- »: a ;boutiques to represent each Ted Wilson of Esso Servicelpl‘OVincé of Canada. More de- ‘Station. Yonge Street at Arnoldltails will be available later. but Avenue. has sold the station and‘ in the meantime. d0 mark these is retiring on May 15 after 121,2;dates_ down- years in ’l‘hornhill. He would Lansmg Amalwr Art Show like to thank all his customers! The 22nd Annual Art Show for their kind patronage over'WiU be held by the Lansing the years. Ted Wilson will be Amateur Art Group at Willow- lresiding in the area and thereâ€".dale Pl‘eSbytel‘ian Church. 38 ‘fore hopes to keep in tauchlEllei'slie Avenue, May 22 from [with the many friends he has2 10 10 Pm. Several students ‘made. [from the Thornhill area. both €children and adults will partici- ##Ikfi Dr. RObson 311d Mrs. Gordon‘ is retiring on May 15 after 1212 were the happy Winners Of (1001‘ years in Thornhill. He would prizes. The ballroom was l‘e-‘like to thank all his customers coraled With a daisy motif and for their kind patronage over guests enjoyed a delicious din- the years. Ted Wilson will be 1161' before danCing the llOlll‘S‘l'esiding in the area and thereâ€" away to the music of Frank Bo-,fore hopes to keep in touch garland his orchesra. lwith the many friends he has Art Show imade. The ladies of 7th Thornhilll * * * * ‘Cth Cub and Scout Mothers’ Auxil-I ’l‘wo dates which are well Pate liary are to be congratulated .foriworth marking down in youi-‘Cllld‘ a most successful art show andldiary for next fall â€" October 13 SCU]! sale at the Heintzman House at 8 pm Women of Christ the Spec last Sunday. Among the local King Lutheran Church are trait artists represented were Leo holding a very special fashion StUd Mallet, Ka'y Chute, A1 English, show. The show will be presen- cent Gisela Mital, Shirley Foster and ted by Miss Rosar, fashion co-ifreSI John Joy. Joyce McKay presided ordinator of the St. Regis Roomlladie over a display of her beautifullof Simpsons. Admission will beI‘WA‘ l Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mabel Crawford and her social committee. Plans are now underway for the auxiliary‘s an- nual tea to be held June 9 at (Photo by Stuart 5 Studio) the home of Dr._. Leon Bloom on ‘ ‘ ,, gayvliew Avenue, Thornhill. ‘ ' Ch I y 0 d 771 H O W. ‘ r'i‘ieth’rlllfsn of txgcfiresbwerian Chmwh mnf nn Mm ammmmm r‘II‘iii:i¥‘-i;“ii‘,‘w 5 WE RENT : CONTRACTORS’ ! EQUIPMENT : Richvale “Slc‘anf‘fgldm Rentals: Everyone loves a musical and judging from the final rehearsals of “Gypsy”, the second production of the Thornhill Theatre Of The Performing Arts, the show has all the ingredients for an excellent evening of entertainment. “Gypsy” is based on the story of the early years in the career of the most colorful characters in showbusiness. the great. Gypsy Rose Lee. and seen above from left to right, in a show stopping number, are the three strippers. Susan Samblesen, Gordene Simpson and Nesta Campney, going through their paces. Musical director for the show. being presented this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Ear] Haig Collegiate. is Lou Snider and Lou and his orchestra will provide the music, with Walter Balay as drama director. ‘ lHUKAHllJA 007'IUJ7 ““““““““ Thornhill Youth Art Exhibit Thornhill Lionettes Royal Orchard Blvd. 8; Baythorn Drive THURSDAY, MAY 7th. 7 pm. Refreshments â€"â€" Door Prizes Adults $1.00 Students at the NORTH THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Scaffolding * Extension Ladders "‘ Heaters Pumps 'l‘renchers (2.4” depth) Boom Truck - 16‘ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May THORNHHJ Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking In Thom/rill Are Sponsoring A 9114 YONGE ST Don't forget the Lionettes Display of Young 'l‘homhill Art which will be held tonight at the Heintzman House beginning at 7 pm. Tickets will be avail- able a1. the door. pottery in the conservatory and $1 and this’ will include dessert Mrs. A. Blackburn of Pioneer‘and .coffee. Tickets go on sale Village demonstrated spinning. September 1. with all proceeds “' * "‘ * going to the work of Women of Don't forget the Lionettes‘the Church. Door Prizes Students 25c 889-1059 l‘homhill Ami Then. on November 16, the d tonight ateross-Canada Caravan will be ise beginning§at Thornhill United Church. will be avail-iThe caravan is something very new in bazaars and will feature a- - -boutiques to represent each Essa service province of Canada. More de- get at Arnold tails will be available later. but .e station and in the meantime. do mark these 15 after 121,gldates_ down. “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 A number of students nave already registered with the 'iNorth York CMC and their ap- plications were transferred to ‘ “Operation Placement" for the “opening day on Monday A special guest at the party was Pastor Tom Cowan of Langstaff Baptist Church orf which Mrs. Ellard has been a long rtime member. Several members of the congregation were also present. The delighted guest of honour was presented with a lovely birthday cake by the staff of Willows where she has been a resident for the past month since breaking her hip. ‘ Branson Hospital WA A very special binhday pany was held at the Willows Nursing Home in Aurora on April 22. The party was in the honor of Mrs. Eliza Ellard who was cele- brating her 90th birthday. Mrs. Ellard has been a Thornhill resident for over 50 years and she came to Canada from Bel- vedere, in Kent, England over 75 years ago. in the meantime, do mark these dates down. Lansing Amateur Art Show ‘ The 22nd Annual Art Show} will be held by the LansingE Amateur Art Group at Willow- dale Presbyterian Church. 38E Ellerslie Avenue, May 22 from 2 to 10 pm. Several students from the Thornhill area. both children and adults will partici‘, pate in the show which will in- clude a display of paintings. sculpture and other crafts. A special feature will be live por- trait sketching by some of the students. Admission will be 50 cents (children .25) and re- freshments will be served by ladies of Westminister Group WA of the church. Marks 90th Birhtday A very special birthday party was held at the Willows Nursing Home in Aurora on April 22. The party was in the honor of’ Mrs. Eliza Ellard who was cele- brating her 90th birthday. Mrs. Ellard has been a Thornhill 77 Mrs. A. Thomas. president: of ‘the East Toronto Presbyterial. sang “Wonderful Peace" and the speaker. Mrs. Glen Thomp- son, vice-president of the Pres- byterial, spoke on “Peace For The Whole World In The 70‘s”. Tea was served in the assembly hall where the ladies viewed a crib quilt and knitted articles for the COC (Child of the lChurch) bale. There was also a display of literature and ‘books on hand. Holy Trinity Anglican Celebrations to mark the 140th anniversary of the found- ing of Holy Trinity Church w/ill commence this Sunday with a special Pioneer Service. Don’t forget to come out and wave on Canon and Mrs. Howden, toâ€" gether with other church offic- ials. as they drive to the church in an old-fashioned horse drawn ‘democrat'. They will be dres- sed in clothes appropriate to the 1830's and if you too can dress up it will add to the auth- rgsident 1°? 03" 5.0 years and enticiby of the occasion. The April 28 meeting of the Branson Hospital WA was chaired by president Mrs. Beth Yule, Thornbank Drive and featured a hospital fashion show, which was held in the auditorium. Mr. Jack Gallop, personnel manager spoke about the various job , opportunities in the hospital and the uniforms associated with each position were shown. Mrs. A. Matiko of the nursing office talked about the fashions of the nursing de- partment. The show provided an excellent opportunity for mem- bers of the auxiliary to learn about the hospital and the func- tions of various departments. Known as "Operation Place- 14"" Rum M”! 00m“ . ment”. the centre '5 run by Older Thornhill resrdents students hired and trained by were saddened this week to the North York Canada Man- learn of the death of Miss Ruth Power Centre, and will be open Mary C011in5 at RiVeI‘dale H95- from 9 am to 5 pm, The'De- pital April 30. Miss Collms partment of Education is proâ€" “’85 the daughter 0f the late viding the premises at Seneca Mr. and Mrs. T. R. H. Collins *College. who came to Thornhill from In announcing the opening ofIEngland bEfOI‘e World- War I- the centre, Manpower ManageryMr.’ Collins was at one time part ‘William Kelly said the Canadian owner of the historic old Green- gChamber of Commerce, through bush Inn- ‘co-operation of its local branch-. The deceased was a student es and the Board of Trade oflof the Ontario (3011888 Of Art .Metropolitan Toronto is seekingland was employed by the T. ‘10 Provide the maximum num-lEaton China Department for §ber of employment opportuni-lmany years. ties for students during the, Miss Collins was a gifted i1- summer. ‘lustrator and writer and had Student Job Centre Opens In Willowdale The WMS of the Presbyterian Church met on the afternoon Canada Manpower this week opened a special summer em- ployment centre for students at Seneca Community College‘s Sheppard Avenue East Campus at Yonge Street in Willowdale. “We hope that this joint ef- fort will provide a focal point for students who require em- ployment and for employers who wish to list any job vacan- cies,“ said Mr. Kelly. Orders from employers can be phoned directly to “Opera- tion Placement" at 223-9311 or through the local Canada Man- power Centre at 221-9343. A number of students have MARKHAM PAVING 197 884-1023 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CO. LTD. The procession will leave the rectory at 9.45 am and travel to the church south on Yonge Street to Centre, west on Cent- re to Brooke. arriving at the church at approximately 10.15 am. Following the service a coffee hour will be held feat- uring an historical display. ‘ {Thornhill United The Couples Club of both the United and Presbyterian Chur- ches are holding a square dance on Saturday beginning at»8 pm. :Tickets are available from Vi Johnson, 889-2569. for the mo- *dest price of $1.50 per couple. Christ The King Lutheran of April 21 for their spring Thankoffering. Guests were present from Aurora, Stouff- ville, Newmarket, Markham and Richmond Hill. Mrs. N. T. Nixon opened the meeting with the following verse which set the theme for the afternoon. which was ‘peace'â€"“The peace of God that passes all under- standing shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jes- Registration is now being ac- cepted for Lutheran church summer camps. The camps are Camp Edgewood, Guelph, Camp Lutherlyn 'in Eastern Ontario. and Camp Mush-a-Mush, in Nova Scotia. A11 camps cater to grades 4 to 9 and Lutherlyn and Mush-aâ€"Mush also include family camping facilities. Rates range from $15 to $25 per week and registration forms are av- ailable from 'the church office. All Work Guaranteed Don’t forget the spring bake sale to be held at the church this Saturday between 1 and 3 pm. "Harvey" Tickets are still available for the Footlights' Club presenta- tion of “Harvey” May 20, 21 and 22 at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. The cast will include Judy Hartland, Edith Jones, Robert Priestman. Jane Mac- Laren, Fran Bishop. Philip Trow, Neil Crowe. Ed Moriarity, Joan Iddon. Bert Funnell, Lloyd Saunders. The show will be directed by Betty Priestman, Bernie Hartland is stage man- ager, Diana Iddon and Jane McEaren are in charge of props and advertising is under the wing of Bert Funnel]. Tickets may be obtained by calling Clare Moore 889-3553, or Fran ‘Pi'iestman 889-1810. Late Ruth Mary Collins Older Thornhill residents \vere saddened this week to learn of the death of Miss Ruth Mary Collins at Riverdale Hos- pital April 30. Miss Collins was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. R. H. Collins who came to Thornhill from The deceased was a student of the Ontario College of Art and was employed by the T. Eaton China Depaerent for many years. Miss Collins was a gifted i1- lustrator and writer and had written and illustrated at least three childrens’ book. She also ilustrated the book “150 Years at St. John’s Church, York Mills”. She was an active memâ€" ber of Holy Trinity Church and an enthusiastic participant in the Footlights Club. Funeral ser- vices were held at Holy Trinity last Saturday with interment in Holy Trinity Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Penw. Arnold Avenue. have returned from 10 days at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. where they en- joyed a delightful vacation. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CALL NOW 1; War 1- A note of interest to those of “me Part you who do not enjoy travelling .d Green- too far on a weekend to particiâ€" pate in outdoor activities. Eight 1 student of the conservation areas are e of Art‘open on weekends for fishing, I the T.f\\'ith speckled and brown trout nent for there waiting to be caught. The Inearest one is Bruce's Mill, and gifted i]. at Glen ‘Haffy there are two and had fiShing ponds. Black Creek ‘at leastiPioneer Village at Jane and She alSOISteeles has opened for another 50 Yearsiseason. During May demon- eh, York’strations of sheep shearing, we mem“wool dyeing, rail splitting, urch amdicandle dipping, plowing. har- ant in the‘rowing and seeding will be held. The village is open to "the public daily from 9.30 am to 6 pm and from 10 am to 6 pm eral ser- y Trinity xrmpnt in The pottery was all hand- made by ‘Mrs. Joyce MacKay of Thornhill. A native of Edin-‘l burgh, Scotland. Mrs. MacKay studied art in England as well as in Canada and she took up‘ the art of pottery 'about 10‘ years ago. She had alwaysi been artistically inclined and ati that time her talents were di-x rected towards oil painting, buti Ishe felt she would like to try; something new, and since pot- ‘tery had always interested her }she began taking lessons as a member of Kingcraft, from the. well known potters Jack Her-l man and Ron Roy. Since thatl time, what began as a hobby ‘Eor Joyce MacKay has become a com-pleter absorbing business, ‘ and she has won many awards "for her work, including lst prize at the CNE in 1969. Visitors to Thornhill Public Library in recent months may have noticed the attractive pot- tery on the shelves raroun‘d the library. but I wonder how many: stopped to wonder where it‘ came from and how it came to be there. It is more likely ac-‘ cepted as part of the decor, for‘ it does fit in very well with the warm and attractive atmosphere of the library. Canadian Retarded Children’s Week and envelopes containing flower seeds are'in the mail to each household. 'When you re- ceive yours, plant the seeds in your garden and you will be planting seeds of hope in your community by contributing to the “Flowers of Hope” cam- paign. Neighborhood Notes The period of May 107- 716 is Potter Model: Buildings 01‘ Old T horn/fill By MARGARET LAWRENCE Visitors to Thornhill Public library in recent months may iave noticed the attractive pot- ery on the shelves around the ibrary. but I wonder how many topped to wonder where it :ame from and how it came to )e there. It is more likely ac-l :epted as part of the decor, for‘ t does fit in very well with the varm and attractive atmosphere if the library. The pottery was all hand- made by ‘Mrs. Joyce MacKay of [‘hornhill. A native of Edin-‘ So popular is her work that‘C‘arling outdoor art show, North she finds she is hard pressed‘York Library. and of course the sometimes to keep up with alliCNE. Her next local exhibit the requests she receives. Thiswill be at the Heintzman House is not surprising for in addition on May 3. to her work at the potter’si Mrs. MacKay has taught pot- wheel, Mrs. MacKay has a hus-ytery and though it is hard to band, Vernon, and three smallfimagine hdw she would have daughters to take care of. The the time, she says she would be MacKay‘s, with Laura 9, Lisa 7iinterested in doing so again if and Lucy 3, live on Baymark there was enough interest. Road, and have done so for the"â€" viisirfififil $13313 {5132 gilt‘ymf/Irt: Gord Risk Again Head Of York West Liberals MacKay works in the basement 'of her home which houses a potter's wheel and a large kiln. onA weekends. For further .in- formation call the conservatlon offices at 889-5425. The Lions played host to their offspring on a recent Mon- day evening when fathers and guests alike had an enjoyable time. On Saturday the Maypole Tea will be held at Emmanuel Ang- lican and features gifts for Mother’s Day and candies, home baking, plants. treasures, cot- tage table and tea room. A ticket at 50 cents entitles you to tea and a chance to win the draw prize. u. Church News . r..... The spring bake sale by the women of Christ The King Lutheran Church, Baythom and Royal Orchard will take place in the church hall on Saturday in the church hall from 1 to 3 pm. Richvale News Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 Mrs. Joyce MacKay of Baymark Road, Thornhill with one of prize ' winning pieces. Among the many lovely 31"1 Valighan Township Council-1 ticles she has made are candle 101- Gordon Risk has been re_‘ holders, _vaseS, lamp b81595, casflelected president of the York 591016 (1151195: COM“ setsa and‘West Riding Liberal Association Planters, bUt anyone Who hashast Friday evening. His wife, seen the exquisite model of thelII-ene Risk was elected record- St. Lawrence Centre which was mg secretary_ The Risks live in the library recently With the in the Downsview area of North lovely street scenes, all of'yOrk. which were sculptured in pot-l Former Mayor of Toronto tery and mounted on wood, willphmp Givens, who represents agree that these are her special-ithe riding in the House of Comâ€" ty. They .are quite unique in‘mons, declared “The White Canada smce Mrs. MacKay Paper in its present form will ‘knows of no other person domg never pass Parliament _ no Similar WOI‘k- way. Too many Members of The St. Lawrence Arts Centre‘lParliament, including many model was specially commis-Liberals are opposed to the pre- sioned by one of the executives'sent proposals for the tax re- of the Centre and the streetgform to gain passage." The St. Lawrence Arts CentrelPai-liament, including many model was specially commis-Liberals are opposed to the pre- sioned by one of the executives'sent proposals for the tax re- of the Centre and the street‘form to gain passage." scenes are eagerly sought by Mr. Givens said he expected architects. A few years ago changes in the unrealized capi- Mrs. MacKay was asked total gains provision and a com- make a model of the buildingsqpromise on the proposal to end at Pioneer Village and this was the present maximum of 21% one of her first attempts at this itax on the first $35,000 PI‘OfitS type of pottery. She was so on small businesses. delighted with the result and‘ He also warned that the received so many compliments‘American invasion of Cambodia that this has become one of her‘may Well wreck the Canadian specialties, Owners of oldiGovernment's anti â€" inflation homes about to be torn doun‘campaign. have often asked for a copy of‘ the house in pottery so that “BE AN ANGEL” they may have something to re- . 7 member it bY- FEELLEXLBL Iffigll‘iguilngill Mrs. MacKay is currently working on models of some of the old buildings in and around Thornhill, and she has received much inspiration from 'the paintings of Michael French, talented local young artist. Among other models she is creating are two old churches, both of which are called St. John's incidentally. One is the oldest church in British North America, built in the Maritimes in 1753‘ and the other is St. John’s in Willowdaie at Hogg‘s Hollow, which was built in 1816. The sculptures of Henry Moore are also providing some inspiration for Mrs. MacKay in the creation of a series of planters, vases. candle holders and lamp bases. It is interesting to see a piece{ of pottery created from start to: finish. First of all the clay is, formed into the body of the‘ article and then left to dry for as long as one or two weeks? after which it is fired in the‘ kiln at a temperature of 1742‘ degrees. 1 After cooling, which can take about 12 to 18 hours, the item is glazed and then returned to the kiln at an even higher tem- perature â€". 2300 degrees, for about eight hours. Finally the kiln is opened and the finished article removed and cooled. It can be a very tense moment when the kiln is opened finally, for the slightest error in tem- perature control could have caused the pottery to crack â€" a heartbreak after so many hours of work. Mrs. MacKay’s work has been exhibited in many places, in- luding the O’Keefe Centre dur- ing the annual Spring Garden and Flower Show. the outdoor an. exhibit at City Hall, the (Photo by Bernard A. Lawrence) Mrs. MacKay has taught pot- tery and though it is hard to imagine hdw she would have the time, she says she would be interested in doing so again if there was enough interest. Mr. Givens said he expected changes in the unrealized capi- tal gains provision and a com- promise on the proposal to end the present maximum of 21% tax on the first $35,000 profits on small businesses. TELL your neighbour; tell your friends, we are selling 12,463 empty frames â€" most sizes, styles, finishes for 500, $1, $2. $3, $4, $5. $6. $7. $8, $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide’ about nonâ€"glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€"â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we’ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10.000 ‘Picture Frames, 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues.. Wed., Thurs, Fri, Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first» traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. Wilson’s (5550) Service John and I want to thank our many friends and customers who have given us such great sup- port during the past twelve years, and hope you will continue to support the new management. [ “Great Films" â€" fifty golden years of motion pictures, Bravo Stravinsky. Karsh Portfolio. Taming Of The Can- adian West. The Canadian Indian. Age Of Expansion, Birds Of The Eastern Forest. Canada, Year Of The Land and Early Furniture In French Canada by Andrew Wyeth, fiWWVWWWWMWM Edi’i‘iuuéfi‘i‘n‘nu“ra :ANNUAL Here is a list of a few of our luxury books which provide good reading and fine illustrations to feast the eyes. Tuesday, May 12th at 8 pm. : Henderson Public School I HENDERSON AVE. â€"â€" ‘ 'i‘HORNHILLI ““““““‘I“.‘ Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week's supply of fruits, veg- etables, meats, eggs, flowers, etc. at real savings â€" Fresh from the farm to ydu. We haVe a good selection of fresh flowers and plants â€"- the perfect Mother’s Day Gift. Thornhill Hockey Association Open Every Saturday at 7:00 Snack Bar Ring Funeral Home Country Fresh YONGE AND ELGIN STS., THORNHILL Markham Twp. Public Library Sysuem Family Reading MEATS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. THORN HILL LIBRARY Ted Wilson m VVWW 19 a1 Home Ample Free Parking

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