There's :Ng Pla e Like Home {25¢ THE iJBER’KL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 7, 19 10 :PRIVATE â€" Modern six-room } brick. one acre industrial. extra ‘ a p a rt m e n t. double garage. Thornhill area. $50,000. with |$25.000 cash, will take mortgage m 71,202. Apply Box 112 “The “Liberal.†c1w45 AURORA $26,500. Beautiful older style stone and aluminum siding home on tree lined street, Three bedrooms. nice size living room with separate dining room and family size kitchen. Full basement with oil. heating. Paved drive and separate double garage, a lovely home. RETIRING? $30,000. Here is a great brick bungalow for the couple about to retire. The living room is 14’x20’ with fire- place, dining room large enough for any suite; two oversize bedrooms. 4 pc. bath, full basement. Separ- ate one car garage and beaut- ifully landscaped grounds. Don‘t miss this one. GOLF GLEN, AURORA $35,900. Located in one of the finest districts of Aurora. this 3 bedroom backsplit level home with family room, walkout to patio. 2 bath- rooms, double attached gar- age is the best buy in the area. This won’t last long. Call now for appointment to see. W. R. CASE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora Toronto Aurora 889-8654 721-4283 HOW TO AVOID PAYING TOO MUCH FOR A NEW HOUSE REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER It can happen in a number of ways, but it psually occurs when buyers look at too many of the wrong houses for too long. Eventually, despairing of finding the answer to'their wants, they become overanxious to buy when they fmally find a house that comes reasonably close to what they want. Shopping for a house is a tiring procedure under ideal conditions. Under conditions of wasted visits and useless inspections of houses that couldn‘t possibly 0"" {it your needs, it can become exasperating. A buyer may get the feeling that the house he is looking {01' just doesn‘t exist. 4 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow on a 1/2 acre lot all fenced in. Ideal for family with small children. Asking $22,900. For infor- mation call Anne Marie Kraehling, 889-5451 01' 887-5238. NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL $2,500 down, 3 bedroom bungalow with mature trees and fenced lot, handy to schools and shopping. Cyril Cutler, 889-5451. You are in a poor state of mind to buy when you feel this way and you should avoid it. Your inspecuon of houses must be selective. , It is the job of a competent Realtor to be the buyer's guide. He is trained to appraise true values and see hidden pitfalls. He is constantly schooling himself on the offerings of the current market so that he can pick out only those that suit the buyer’s needs. He is a specialist who lives daily with his client’s requirements in mind. He is your best safeguard to‘avoid paying too much for the house you want. See you next week. NEAR N EWMARKET $2,800 down, 3 bedroom bungalow on a large treed lot, handy to a marina, shopping and schools. Lorraine Hughes, 88975451 or 884- 5207. BUILDING LOT $15,000 â€" a 10 acre lot, located in an area of nice homes, treed and scenic. Anne Marie Kraehling, 889-5451 or 887-5238. RICHMOND HILL WEST SIDE $33,500. â€"â€" a sparkling split level home~ sur- rounded by mature trees on a pretty crescent of well kept homes, 20’ living room with open fireplace, 3 good size bedrooms, panelled den, attached garage, close to transportation, shopâ€" ping, etc. Jack Williams, 889â€"5451. _ WEST OF YONGE ST. $32,500 â€" a 2 bedroom stone front bungalow on a treed 1/4; acre lot, a 21’x14’ living room for entertaining, ‘family room. garden house, im- maculate home on a beautiful setting near Richmond Hill. Mrs. (Bert) Sykes, 889-5451 or 889-5885. NEWMARKET A fully serviced building lot just north of Davis Drive, $6,500. 889-5451. Emerald Isle Renl Estate Ltd. WEST OF YONGE ST. PHOTO M.L.S. REALTOR EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. 889-5651 - 884-2377 “3 773-4391 REDUCED TO SELL! $33,000. FULL PRICE Three bedroom ranch bunga- low with family room. Swim- ming pool and trout pond. situated on 1%, acres of land close to Richmond Hill. To view this gem, call Ben Thompson. Members of York County. Ontario & Canadian Assoc- iation of Real Eétate Boards. Looking for a two bedroom home? Right now we have 2 homes to show you. Nice lots, ideal for children, To see these, call Mrs. Jacob- sen. ' BUILDING LOT - BAYVIEW AVE. North of Richmond Hill. 100x184 ft. Only $6,500. full price! For more information call Wally Gustar. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL Four bedroom home with family~sized air - conditioned kitchen. Finished recrea- tion room. door to patio from one bedroom. Situated on spacious lot with several fruit trees. Close to Yonge Street. Call Garth Palmer to see this home. NORTH RICHMOND HILL LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS Harry Sadler, F.R.I. BUNGALOVV. private. 1 1 0 G le n- AURORA lllllllilllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllmflflllilllllllm cameron Rd, Thomhill. c1u45151ale1y 3â€"bedroom red brick in -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"-fthe older treed area of to!\\'n.‘w RICHMOND HILL RANCHERIMust be seen to be appreciated. 0 Modern 3 bedroom solid brick NEWMARKET bungalow with living and new. 3-bedroom with‘ Realtor ing room area. Professionally 2-car garage. rec. room. deml finished rec. room with wet bar sewing room, large lot. an ideal, INVESTMENT BARGAIN and second bathroom in base- prestige location. Only $37,500.‘$23,ooo_ Reduced for fast sale. ment. Good financing can be' RING TWR ‘ eBig aluminum siding home onl arranged. private sale. 884-4782 2 acre building lot at Kingcrossjtreed acre 1ot with separate *lW-‘k5 Estate's- Onl)’ 9512.000- fapartment. Vendor will hold EARL V. STEWART ‘long term mortgage at 8%. 1 R931 Estate Mortgage nament much lower IF OUR SIGN IS ON YOUR LAWN â€" HURRY HOME â€" YOU’RE MOVING! 7724 Yonge St. Thornhill 889-9330 $125.00 monthly plus ut- ilities. Spacious and clean basement apart- ment. Private entrance. Use of large treed lot. Business couple prefer- red. References. Call Mrs. Benoit. THORNHILL AREA Brick and stone ranch bungalow. double garage, ‘7 rooms, finished games room plus rec. room, 3 washrooms, 2 fireplaces, broadloorn, many extras. Full price $51,900. Call Connie Ladkin. ~ RICHMOND HILL $5,000 down, beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow, separate dining room, open fireplace in living room, new broadloom. Must be sold. Mrs. Hawkes. WILLOWDALE A REA $4,000 down. Must be sold, immaculate bunga- low on large lot, vnear schools. Your offer con- sidered. Mrs. Ladkin. THORNHILL GREEN New listing. $41,900. spacious 4 bedroom home, spotless condition. Large “family†kitchen. Convenient l o c a t i o n. 634% mortgage, carries for $176 P.I.T. This home is well priced. Mrs. Benoit. KEELE SOUTH OF 7 $44,900. immaculate 7 room sidesplit on extra large lot. Family room, finished basement, gar- age. Must be sold this month. Domenic, 889- 9330. ANALYZE AND THINK 10 acres, 2 miles east of Claremont, beautiful location with fresh water stream, large pond, fruit trees and some buildings. Low down pay- ment. 8% mortgage. Must be seen to be apprec. iated. Call Chris Creéelius 889-7771 or Res. 294- YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR 3531. 4 EXCL. LISTINGS: \’ And all are in Richmond Hill. I have a, semi detached, 3 bedroom, and two brick bungalows both with new broadloom and 3 bedrooms, all are on the east side of town. Also a 2 storey brick home on the west side of town, immaculate inside and out. For inspection or further information call Jack Madden 889-7771 or Res. 884-4083. COUNTRY LIVING Lovely four bedroom bungalow in Kleinburg, large living area, beautiful garden backs onto conservation land, extras include stone fireplace, storms and screens, humidifier, TV antenna, drapery track, cold room, panelled laundry room and work room. Please call Valerie Drew 889-7771. RETIREMENT HOME Everything for retirement. 2 bedrooms, living room with open fireplace, separate dining room. Just plain lovely. Close to shopping and trans- portation. Asking $32,500.00. Call Bill Murray 889-7771 or Res. 222-2047. ThomhiIIOffiéo'suzvong. 889-7771 NEW THORNHILL 344.900. white brick 2 storey. 4 bedrooms. main floor family room with fireplace, separate living and dining room, extra large kitchen, located on quiet court. 91,355 first mortgage, 25 years. Bonus buy. Call Mr. Bailey, 889-7771. Serving Willowdale, Thomhill and Richmond Hill (Ii Member: of York County / and mnth futon“ Real [flak BOIP‘ 11. Keith Limitcd. 8242 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Ontario RENTAL 513’; NORTH of METRO 2 acre building lot at Kingcross Estates. Only $12.000. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate ' 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora 727-9413 V 334-5422 339-2951 5: WW\I $28,500. 6 room brick bungalow. finished rec. room. spotlessly clean, 51/2974: mortgage. Excel- lent buy. For information. call Bev. Nielsen. SUMMER COTTAGE - 1.2 Acresf 200 ft. frontage on Lake Tim-1 ’ un- - 6 1mm. iskaming. sand beach, 3 bed-1 COFFEE BEING SERVED rooms. all furnishings, includesI boathouse, cedar skiff and 3.5} N H b 0? outboard. Private road. Nestled 0 in red pine and birch, excellent. . . o SC] hunting and fishing. Call Don! .33 Montgomery, 889-3200, evenings Real Braker ‘I‘ - t 884-6166. $37,900 FRENCH COLONIAL. . . ‘ ' . . * l 4 bediooms, sepalate dining, -m-“Q .ï¬.‘ _â€.;113 a room, walk-out over garage, ‘ g m 2 fireplaces. 2 washrooms. at- 1' toi tached garage. completely fenc-i FlrSt Mortgage 1 ‘ed yard, spotlessly clean, $10,-, N 000. down, For information call; Loans i §Bruce Pridham. I R .d . ,[ LEAVING THE COUNTRY 3 CSI entlal ‘ {Brick backcsplit home, spotless? condition, 3 bedrooms, active; Property r fireplace, rec. room, attachedli . garage. many extras. lst mort-| Prlme Rates : gage carries for 61249? For. I informafion call Al. Baker. and Terms '- . 884-2965 - 889-3200 nArT 1th 11:11“an PROPERTIES PRIDHAM 884-2965 - 889-320 9301 Yonge Street Richmond Hill MUST BE SOLD Owning your own home gives you security. stability, as. growing equity and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today‘s Liberal Real Estate Page. The day you purchase your own home is a day you will never forget. REAL ESTATE $20,900. SCHOMBERG EZESO‘S‘SE‘S‘in'IW“ Pretty brick bungalow, ideal Can GEO'R( starter or retu‘ement home. At- FIRST TIME $37,500. Full Pric builder's h o m e brick back split. open fireplace. 8 carries like rent. choose from. Call (4 mm 11 «Beautiful view. Vendor takes Whack lst mortgage at 9%. * l .ICall us about a nice 3 bedroom §|brick bungalow with a $12,500 mortgage, 6%, carries $100.00 ‘monthly. [ We are pleased to announcelbcaut."- that Wm_ N. Hobson, formerly Call DELMA WOODCOCK ;of H. Keith Ltd.. Thornhill. BRAND NEW inow has his mm office located 4 bedroom fully detached brick . at 6373 Yonge Street WillOWâ€" back split. Ideally located near 5‘ dale and will continue to serve school. shopping and downtown _‘all of York County. bus. Carries $170 monthly. 1M1: Hobson's many friends and can JOHN CRYER lbusiness associates are cord-F SUMMER COTTAGE {ially invited to drop in to an{345 feet_front§nge on Mayo Lake ‘ V'IEAI,IA>.I_ -l 1With 1,500 sq. feet of building, water, hydro. Potential for many purposes. $15,800 with $5,000 or more down. Com- ‘mercial zone near Aurora. Big aluminum Siding home on“ 3 YONGE STREET SOUTH treed acre lot with separate \ R apartment. Vendor will hold; ICHMOND HILL long term mortgage at 8%: BEAT THE BAILIFF Mortgage pannent much lower'32,000. do‘wn: detached 3 bed- than rental income. 15 minutes room bungalow plus 3 room from Richmond Hill. apartment. Reduced to $15,900. $20,900. SCHOMBERG Large treed homesite. Immed. . . ‘iate possession. Pretty brick bungalow, ideal starter or retirement home. At-I can GEORGE JACKSON ‘ FIRST TIME OFFERED E‘FIE?E,_§“{:3%E: f‘ilrifliie’f‘fl‘il$37,500. Full Price. 2 year old 535-1193 l Call: 884-5269 Mary Jo KosteckiL Art Plasschaert ‘; uml\u\u\mum\uuummuumumuummmnumuuuuuuumum "HOBSON'S CHOICE" Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada 884-4415 Richmond Hill CALL MR. BARROTT 773-4585 Dorothy Riseboro 600 sq. ft. prime office space to rent in Richmond Hill Hydro Building, 4 Yonge Street South. Safe electric heating, air conditioning, parking. Gibson Willoughby Ltd., Realtors announce that Mr. George Reid is with our Willowdale Office in th Plaza. George has many. many years of experience in the Willowdale, Richmond Hill, Thomhill and Aurora areas. George lives in Richmond Hill and has for many years, consequently he has both _‘-1 Open House a personal : estate needs. If George can be of any assistance in buying or selling please call Bus. 221-5515 or Res. 884-6415. GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED, REALTORS MAY 8th - MAY 9th from TO RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE. LOT 66x330 For furthef information phone Brydon Ellis, 884-4466 3841 Yonge Street. Willowdale llldll‘y can D, vulnuv‘lâ€-__ V 7., and business interest in your real “gm-DDQ-“m brick back split. 4 bedrooms. open fireplace. 834% mortgage carries like rent. Many more to choose from. Call MEL ATKINS ( Call JOYCE CLELAND 1 HANDYMAN'S DREAM .Only $17,700. Exceptional 3 3bedroom bungalow on large treed lot. Features many extras. lnew oil furnace and more. Bar- ‘gain hunters hurry for this Ibeauty. $4,000. DOWN 3 bedroom solid built bungalow on beautiful tread 90x241 ft. homesite. Only steps to Yonge St., near schools, shopping and TTC bus. Features safe oil heat. storms and screens and garage. km 75‘ foot homesite. See and 1buy this unusual bargain. 9 Call LARRY SANDERS I $20,900. FULL PRICE Sparkling 3 bedroom ranch style fully detached bungalow on 65 foot homesite just north of Richmond Hill. VClose tp schools, shopping and buses. Bargain hunters . . . Call FINN SAMUELSEN l MAPLE I 6 room solid brick fully detach- vLed bungalow on large well ;‘landscaped homesite with swim- !ming pool, extras include safe ‘oil heat. storms and screens |land much more. Carries like 'rent. " Call MRS. \C. CRAWFORD $24,500. FULL PRICE‘ 7 room solid brick bungalow on lovely treed lot close to schools and plazas. Home in excellent condition with many extras in- cluded. Your down payment considered. Call JOHN CRYER SUMMER COTTAGE 345 feet frontage on Mayo Lake in the beautiful Highlands 0! Haliburton. $5.000 down buys 6 room cottage. boat house with guest room and three docks. Call DOUG BENNETT $2.500. DOWN Sparkling 3 bedroom solid built bungalow, tastefully decorateq WANTED â€"â€"- in Richmond Hill by private party â€"_ 2 bedroom bungalow with garage. must be in good repair. Write Box 109 “The Liberal" clw44 884-4446 Realtors, are pleased to 3 Reid is now associated ice in the Newtonbrook REAL ESTATE WANTED “Honesty and 59m“ is our Motto" - - .1».._n-J-o.uc Cau BRUCE RAINEY Immaculate 389-8108