Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1970, p. 9

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CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE. RR. 1. Gormley Neighborhood Notes Our community was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death last week of Mrs. _Bert Moorby. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband and small son and to her sister, Mrs. Jack Leitch (Gertie). Rev. Martin Jenkinson, Mrs. Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols, Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Susan, Bernard Hood and Cherlyn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alla‘n Nichols, following the christen- ing of their daughter, Debora An_ner_Nichols on Sunday. Rumney, three on May 17 and to Paul Tyndall on May 18. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Morison, married 34 years oh Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen also celebra- ting their 34th anniversary May 20 and to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Draper, 31 years on May 20. Mrs. Lillian Knapp and Irene had Sunday evening din- her with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Emprlngham and girls. Visitors at the church service at Victoria Square United Sun- day morning were Miw Marj- orie MeMur'chey, Aurora, and Birthday greetings t6 Mrs. Hilda Hoadley. May 17, Jamie Victoria Square Happenings RICHMOND HILL want a home? geta mortgage loan! A high value first mortgage loan on a residential or improved farm property will cost yen less than you thinkâ€" and you can arrange for convenient payments to write it off. If the property is a good risk (and our experienced mortgage people will be glad to advise you), don’t let money stand in your way. Just ’phone Victoria and Grey. and V1 U1 Ufllil and UflDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. 250 YONGE ST. N. at LEVENDALE Visitors at the church service at Victo‘ria Square United Sun- day morning were Miss Marj- orie McMurchey, Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McMurâ€" chy and family of Aurora. Mrs. Lillian Knapp and Irene had Sunday evening din- net with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mortson, married 34 years on saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen also celebra- ting their 34th anniversary May 20 and to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Draper, 31 years on May 20. RICHMOND HILL 884-1107 It was a special day at Sun- day school when the mothers of the children were present. Mrs. Martin Jenkinson. superinten- dent, welcomed everyone and each class then presented the program. Jean Vanderkooy and Marilyn Ashton led the worship service, the nursery and kindergarten classes took part in a rhythm band and sang “Jesus Loves Me”. The primary class sang “Do Lord, 0 Do Lord, Do Remember Me" and the junior class of girls and boys gave a summary of prominent church men of the past. Following the service, each child presented his moth- er with a red carnation. Circle June 20 on your cal- endar, the date set for Victoria Square Community Day, spon- sored by the Lions Club. There will be a bake sale, an- tique show, baseball touma- ment, chicken barbecue, euch- re and dance and tickets are available from any Lion. Church News At the service at Victoria Square United Sunday morning the following children were dedicated to God: Debora Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols, Kirsten Ane and Mary- Jane, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Verner Mikkelsen. TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisment (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberal") and add P. 0. Box 390, Richmond Hill. Please include in your reply only material that will fit into a regular bilsiness envelope The May meeting of the UCW will be held in the Sunday school May 20 at 8 pm with Mrs. John MeCague, Mrs. Fraser Gee and Mrs. Frank Brumwell in charge and all ladies in the community invited. An important meeting was held in the community hall May 5 by the Lions Club, the theme being “Law and the Community”. A panel discus- sion was presented an the re- lationship of the citizen and the law in this troublesome era. Guest speakers were Provincial Judge William Camblin and Chief Robert P. Robbins of Richmond Hill Police, who told of the drug abuse in this area. Circle June 20 on your cal- Mr. and Mrs. Heber Mc- Cague spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George McCague at Port Elgin. Lions Club Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce were Mr. and Mrs. John Pressel of Fort Myers, Florida, who were on their way to their cottage at Témagami. This emblem' the civic-minded businessm who sponsor Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 THE SIGN or A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE . . . THE SIGN or A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOMI . . Dummy. NW“!!! Telephone 887-5421 Obituary Goodyear Head Dies Former Headford Man The application was made at a township planning board meeting early last year and was held up until York County Board of Education was satis- fied with the alignment of the new runway in relation be Butâ€" tonville Public School. Seventy petition forms, eight independent letters and three briefs were submitted against the rezoning with additional op- position submissions made while the April 20 meeting was under- way. There were two briefs and only one individual letter favor- ing the rezoning. These had all been considered by council be- fore it reached a decision. A sparsely attended public meeting was held March 25 to give the airport owners an op- portunity to explain plans. Rich-ard Coulton Berkinshaw, 78, former president and chairâ€" man of Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber 00. and a resident on a farm at Headford for many years, died May 4 in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto. He had been vice-president and president of the hospital for more than a quarter of a cen- Mr. Berkinshaw was chair- man of the Wartime Industries Control Board during World War II. This was a regulating body which decided what indus- tries would receive supplies and what they would produce. At the war’s ehd he was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. His community activities in- cluded presidency of the Cana- dian National Exhibition and of the Canadian Council of the International Chamber of Com- merce; and the chairmanship of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. He was chancellor of Trinity College. On April 20 Markham Tawn- ship Council voted unanimously to defeat a bylaw to extend the Buttonville Airport zoning over an additional 35 acres to the south. Toronto Airways Limited, owner of the airport. has the right to appeal council’s deci-‘ sion to the Municipal Board. Mr. Berkinshaw is by his Wife, Ora, of Road, Toronto, and William. ‘ ' - 101: h N Buttonwlle A'rport l Iggdforfiwflnited Church was Richmond Hill Toxm Councilifilled With young £01k last will request Markham Township!week to honor “Christian Fam- Council to let it know the statusfily Sunday"- Debbie Van T01 of the application for extension and. Connie Burton read the of the Buttonville Airport at the Scnptures and Becky Staton present time and to keep the read .3 Story 3nd Prayer‘ The town informed of the progress remainder of_ the children of the application, it was decid_;_fllled the ch01r_. and all-in-all ed at council meeting heldilt was a semce not to be . missed. ADl'll 27' 1 Neighborhood Notes In nun-inn H’m mann hnfm‘o; to extend Buttonville Airport and its possible impact on the residents of Richmond Hill, “We’re in such close proximity." Councillor David Schiller seconded the motion. Richmond Hill Deputy Asks Status Buttonville Airport In placing the motion before c o u n c i l. Deputy-reeve Ivan Mansbridge stated he was deep- ly concerned about the proposal WHY TAKE THE RISK WITH BOATING! Waterways are almost as crowded as the highways today. That’s why it’s best to play safe with an Economical “package” plan that protects you against liability or property damage should an accident occur. It also covers boat, motor, trailer, equipment from fire, theft and collision. You wouldn’t drive a car without insurance. Don’t run the risk when boating. Call your Economical Insurance Agent now and enjoy carefree boating this summer. Branch OHicesâ€"Vancouver, Edmonton,W1nnipeg, Low Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 221-1611 CANADIAN survived Rosedale by son, Head Office The event? Walk of Ages! On the above date somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 young- sters and adults of all ages will stage a walkathon along 20 mil- es of Markham Township side- roads and highways. The pur- pose is to raise money for Union Villa, the home now half completed as a future residence for senior citizens of York County, and sponsored by the Unionville Council of Churches. A large committee has been working for the past few weeks arranging the many details. The walk starts at the commun- ity centre in Unionville, up Kennedy Road to 16th Avenue, west to Concession 5, up to 19th Avenue, through the Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area to High- way 47, east to Concession 6, south to 19th Avenue, east to Concession 7, south to 16th Avenue, east to Highway 48, south to Highway 7, and west to the home base at the Crosby ship! Union Villa Walk 01‘ Ages WWW“!“INI“\‘m‘MMMuM‘WMNMW Jean Leaf In Hospital mmmmmtnmmuu\nmumnmmuI“mumunnnmnmmmm Wednesday. May 6 it was my pleasure to be one of three members representing Rich- mond Hill Figure Skating Club at the third annual Canadian Figure Skating Celebrity Din- ner. Barbara Ann Scott, who was Canadian and World Figure Mrs. Leaf’s weekly But- tonville Column will re- turn once she has regained her health. We join her many friends in wishing her a speedy recovery. “The Liberal’s” long time Buttonville Correspondent Mrs. Jean Leaf is a patient in Scarboro General Hos- pital where she is under- going tests for an undis- closed ailment. The date? May 23! The place? Markham Town- DON'T MISS "The Suburban Dilemma" CHANNEL 5 MAY 29, 30, 3| Headhch 6'1 District News ‘danifiamilmnfiommo, Onawa, Montreal, Monctonl Halnfax CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY â€" Phone 884-3035 Kitchener, Ontario ALL THE WA Y The important thing now, is that sponsors for the walkers are needed. When the public is approached by a potential walk- er it is hoped that financial co- operation may be forthcoming. Sponsor the walker of your choice for whatever you please for each mile he or she walks, 10 cents a mile, a dollar a mile or whatever you wish. And you can sponsor as many walk- ers as you like. At the Walk of Ages staged two years ago, 702 men, women and children started walking â€" plus a horse, a donkey and eight dogs. A lot of old timers said they had never seen such a sight in Unionvilie before. Five hundred and seventy-nine people finished that walk, the entire 20 miles of it. The win- ner was a 19-year-old, Bruce T-heakst'on from MDHS, who walked the distance in two hours and 20 minutes. Young- est to finish were two eight year olds. Oldest to complete the walk was Grandad (Arthur) Kelnnedy of Kennedy ChiroT practic Clinic in Unionville. At 80 years of age at that time, he started walking at 8 am and finished the route at 4.30 in the afternoon. About $22,000 was taken in two years ago. This year it is hoped this will be topped. Un- der the chairmanShip of Peter Scott and his ife, Diane, plans are being In de for a record walk. or 297-2822 Community Centre Many check points are being set up where walkers can get refreshments and a number of washrooms will be available. Anyone wishing information may phone 294-2302, 297-1722 Skating Champion in the 1950 era was narrator of a skating exhibition which featured the current Canadian champions in all ciassifications of figure skating. current Canadian champions in all classifications of figure skating. The dinner was attended by many people of interest includ- ing past figure skating champ- ions, one of whom was Rick Stephens, who is now a pro- fessional with the Richmond Hill club. The guest speaker was Hon. Thomas L. Wells, Minister of Health for the Pro- vince of Ontario. Proceeds from the dinner are for a bursary fund which fin- ancially assists skaters who wish to maintain their amateur standing. In this way they are Margaret and Jim Huitson of Little Britain are the proud parents of William James, who was born May 1 and weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. The new mother is the former Margaret Brodie of Headford and the baby is the first grandchild for Mrs. Rose Brodie. The Douglas Calder family. former residents of Headford, and Mrs. Loren Guild, who wrote this column for many years, dropped in to see the Burton family on Sunday. They had been visiting Ann Calder at York Central Hospital where she is recovering from surgery. ras taken in [15 year it is topped. Un- fip of Peter Diane, plans or a record Friends and neighbors of Ron Leuschner gathered at his home on Saturday evening and surprised him with a birthday party. Georgie Burton’s guitair and singing, charades and sev- eral other games, dancing and Kentucky fried chicken. all combined to make it a swing- ing event. Some of the guests were Anne and George Clark, Georg- ie and Harry Burton, Shirley and Blaine MacKay, Leona and Pete Vanderkooy, Tom and Marie Dunleavy, all from Head- ford. Two former residents of this comumnity also were pres- ent: Bruce Cook and his wife, Joyce who now live in Dunbar- ton and Jim Curtis and Elaine who make their home in Aur- ora. And speaking of surprises, when a new, blue bicycle arriv- ed at the Dunleavy home for Mothér’s Day it was no less ap- preciated for béing a rathEr odd gift! able to go on to represent Can- ada at world and Olympic corm- petitions. Find a buyer through a clas- sified ad in “The Liberal" on sale every Thursday. It’s easy to place yom‘ ad. Jast call 884- 1105 or 884â€"1106 FOR FAST Another patient at York Cen- tral Hospital, who is known in Headford, is Michael Young. Michael suffered an eye injury playing floor hockey but he is now reported doing well. results SELLING YOUR BOAT? CRAB 6'to8' $4.95 Smooth Finish No.1 Grade â€" 18" x 18" OVER 90 KINDS AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM PINK â€" SALMON â€" RED 51 KEELE ST. NORTH GIANT 6" - POTTED GERANIUMS PINK CASCADE FLOWERING mums 3b:::s$1-oo HOLIDAY SPECIALS... POtted ROSES S Holland Park Garden Centre & GREENHOUSES LARGE BAG 0F PEAT MOSS With Every Order Over $20.00 Open 7 Days a Week 9 am. to 9 pm. â€" Sun. 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. FREE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 134, 1970 FREE USE OF SPREADER IN LEAF AND BUD Walkers In “Walk 0f Ages" MAY 23-FOR UNION VILLA The Trip-Kit supply is giving out! â€" but you can still walk, even if you don’t have a kit by May 23. They will be available at Unionville Arena. P.S.: Children must have parents' written conSent. For all information phone: Evenings - 297-1722 Daytime - 294-2302 or 297-2822 Pre-Registration â€" Fri., May 22 - 6 to 9 p.m. ATTENTION! Garden Centre 8: Greenhouses MAPLE MAPLE Reg. $4.99 and $5.99 or Sat., May 23 from 7 am. EVERGREENS YEWS - HETZI - SABINA With the purchase of the fol- lowing fertilizers: Vizoro - So-Green & C.I.L. LANDSCAPE SIZE 3 for 83.88 $3.99 PHONE 832-2455 39% box .99 Ea.

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