Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1970, p. 16

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Because of this long \\eek- end. the column will have to be ready by Friday morning so that anyone wishing items in “The Liberal" must call 832â€"2408 be- fore that time. We would like to remind our We were happy this week. on readers of the golf tournament calling the home 0f Lorne and dinner to be held May 22 Wells, Keele Street. South, t0 by the Maple Hockey Associa- have Lorne answer the phone tion. This will be open to all and assure us that he is recov- m_en of the area, and anyone ering nicely following his stay Wishing to take part in this in York Central Hospital. and duffers' day is urged to call Al hopes to be back at work on a Taylor 8324526. restricted basis by the end of Danny Bowes of RR 1, has a very proud family this week. following his tremendous ac- complishments at the recent Lions Music Festival in New- market. Danny. in a class of 13 entries, piano for 8 years and under, won the gold medal award in the form of a trophy on May 6. He was invited to play again in the Festival of Stars on Friday evening, and again came away a winner with a scholarship. Congratulations both to Danny and his sister point of asking us to add a note of thanks and sincere apprec1a- tion for the kindness shown by his many friends during his stay in hospital with visits and cards. We know that Lorne is well liked in the community. and most active as well, and his many friends will be glad to see him around again. * >lr it! it We wonder how many people are aware of the new Maple trees that are being planted around the village again Ithis and teacher, Gloria. it * >r »: Mamie and Fred Reeves flew to Ohio on the afternoon of May 1. to help celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mom and Dad Wesler. who had only recently visited the Reeves‘ for their 30th anniversary. A high- light of the weekend was the private plane that had been ar- ranged for them on the return trip from Lima to Columbus, where they caught an airlines plane home. year. It seems that somewhere around fifty trees. various var- ieties of Maple have been plant- ed again this year, as in the past years. This is a worthwhile project which will pay divi- dends in years to come and is a credit to the busy town trus- tees who are responsible. * )k * a We were glad to hear that Ed Borrett, Netherford Road, is recovering from the bronch- ial virus he has had. It seems that there has been a great deal We would like to remind music and art lovers of the com- ing concert in the Heintzman CUT FIREWOOD AT I'/z" EVERY SECOND Also as effective for pruning orchards and felling trees. Easier than ever two-finger starting. Pull it, prove it at: KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 Mower & Marine 621 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill STOUFFVILLE MONUMENT WORKS It should be the kind of monument you want . . . the kind you and your family will always be proud of. Properly designed, it can tell a truly personal story. Skillfully made, it can have ageless beauty. May we assist you in securing such a memorial? We will appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs with you. R. Tompkinson G. F. Tan- 852-6432 840-227 “The Liberal" is always willing to publish Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY MONUMENT? The seleétion of a family memorial is an Important step because the memonal you choose will remain for centunes. Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News RELIABLE I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 113 Main West STOUFFVILLE 640-3643 884-4464 always willing- to publish items regardinx people cum, we“, w..- ..... , .._- _e,. in York Central Hospital, and Board of Education, whereby hopes to be back at work on a they remain for a three day restricted basis by the end of stay of classes in nature study. this week. He made a special physical geography and related point of asking us to add a note subjects. It was understood of thanks and sincere appreciaâ€" that there would be classes tion for the kindness shown by there during most of the year. his many friends during his stay Donald Barnes. the business in hospital with visits and cards. manager at Cedar Glen gave a We know that Lorne is well short talk on the function 01 liked in the community, and the retreat, and answered ques- most active as well, and his tions, in the upper west room 01 many friends will be glad to the chalet. Mrs. William Pricey see him around again. of the staff of Cedar Glen. and Auditorium, 193 Yonge Street, May 25 at 8:15 pm to be given by Roy Robson, principal of Joseph Gibson School along with his talented friend, Gallant Gondos. This is to be a con? On May 4‘ cert of iight classical music andx-itizens took movie themes at the piano and Glen. the T organ in conjunction with a dis-Conference ( play of art. Tickets are avail- iied Church able from Mr. Robson and mayldrove their ( also ium‘ uuuug u. uyu-l-u a credit to the busy town trus- tees who are responsible. * ’k * ‘k We were glad to hear that Ed Barrett, Netherford Road, is recovering from the bronch- ial virus he has had. It seems that there has been a great deal of this in the area, and unfort- unately some have been hit harder than others. Mr. Bor- rett has been among the former, and it will likely be a couple of weeks before he will be around again. We were more than a little surprised to find that there is also a barn. and livestock. Some 20 horses. both riding and draft horses, a goat and a sow. are accommodated, for which some hay is taken off and a crop of oats is grown. Following a tour around the picnic areas and a look in the barns, the folks drove home. During the business portion of the meeting, taken at the Chum». w I M...“ Tn A special meeting will be held May 20 at Maple United Church in connection with the proposed senior citizens’ resiâ€" dence to be built in Maple, sup- ported by the church. The meeting will 'begin at 7 pm, with members of the council, members of the planning board, residents within 400 feet of the site. who have already been sent notiCes, and the president of the senior citizens. By 8:30 numuuumumummummmnmmmmummtmumuuumunw Vaughan Township Coun- cil cut $28,908 from the township library board’s 1970 budget at its meeting May 4. The budget was increased from $92,600 in 1969 to $128,908 in 1970 with the township's allocation in- creased from $85,550 to $114,458. Council's action reduced the library budget to $100,000 for this year. Terry Goodwin of Thorn- hill appeared to protest council’s decision. explain- ing that. township libraries had been introduced in 1967 as at Centennial pro- ject. There are only three librariesâ€"at Maple. Klein- hurg‘ and Richvale. “We now have 6.000 cards out. with a population of 1".- 000 in the township. That's pretty good coverage. but we still have a long way to go." he reported. Mr. Goodwin. a former town- ship public school trustee. is now a member of the township library board. Vaughan Cuts Library Budget T0 $100,000 "We have learned that the use of the libraries de- pends on the hours they are open and starting last Jan- uary our libraries are now open 25% more hours than last year. Th'u and the normal increase in salaries accounts for the large in- crease in salaries (from $37,000 in 1969 to $58,278 in 1970),” Mr. Goodwin said. He also reported that some funds ($15,000) had been included to take care quickly of any need for ex- pansion. "I think we need this money." he concluded. be oblained at the auditor- IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE 832-2408; in Edzcley and Concord the meeting will be opened 10 the public so that anyone inter- estecri inflviewing the proposed plans may do so. Senior Citizens On May 4, 27 or our senior citizens took a trip to Cedar Glen. the Toronto Camp and Conference Centre of the Un- ited Church or Canada. They drove their own cars. to arrive in time for lunch, served in the dining room of the main lodge. The rest of the dining room was filled with youngsters. probably grades 7 and 8 with half a dozen leaders as well as six or eight staff members. The students were there by arrange- ment with the North York Donald Barnes. the business manager at Cedar Glen gave a short talk on the function of the retreat. and answered ques- tions, in the upper west room of the chalet. Mrs‘ William Price. of the staff of Cedar Glen. and "a niece of Mrs. Ethel Kerswill, one of our members, joined the group at this point. The group was told that the property con- sists of 270 acres. a land of hills and valleys. *picnic areas. riding horses, hay rides, sleigh rides, pony rides, hiking trails, a ski slope, a field for snowmobiles, skating areas and more. A new swimming pool had been in- stalled recently as well. There are several openings still available on this tour and seats may be reserved at $2 each by calling Mrs. Louise Cooper at 832-2408. Eight of the group are planning to go along with the Richmond Hill seniors on a trip to Ottawa, May 24. 25, and 26. _ Home and School Following the recent meeting of the home and school the fol- lowing officers were installed: President Mrs. Barb Ruttle, Vice-President Mrs. Sylvia Bed- l'ord, Secretary Mrs. Inge Bitt- ner, Treasurer Mrs. Lois How- ieson. Program Convenor Pat Bailey, Membership Secretary Vellore W I Meets To Learn About Banking The May meeting of the Vel- lore Women's Institute at Vel- lor Memorial Hall began with a luncheon. As a response to the roll call. each member intro- duced her guest. Banking services were desâ€" cribed to the women by the guest speaker, Luke O‘Brien, manager of the Maple Branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Mr. O‘Brien was introduced by Mrs. Glenn Docks and began his talk by telling of his impressions of Canada after landing at Halifax from Ireland. Mr. O’Brien then spoke of the banking business, explaining the many services available at the bank, the types of investments and kinds of deposits one could make to receive the best re- turns. In conclusion Mr. O‘Brien ex- pressed his appreciation of the patronage the bank receives and extended an invitation to all to can in to ask advice on any problem pertaining to financial matters. The speaker was thanked by Vellore WI President Mrs. Floyd Diceman. A date to remember â€" the district rally will be held at Vellore Memorial Hall on June 25. Vaughan Township Coun- oil at its May 4 meeting passed a bylaw to ensure that the owners of a dilapi- dated building at 27 Keele Street South. Maple. pro- ceed expeditiously with its demolition. A recent inspection of the property showed that the building was vacant and open to the public, it was reported. A large amount of debris was seattered throughout the dwelling. and in the yard. The health unit has declared it unfit for human habitation and has placarded it. There are no washroom facilities nor heating unit and the hydro has been disconnected. The basement is one-third full of water and vandals have broken plaster and laths throughout. the report con- tinued. Clerk Ted Jackman summed it up by saying, May 14, 1970 Order Demolition 0f Dilapidated Buildings KITCHENS AND ByAumis CREATIVE DECOR (FREE ESTIMATES) Office and Showroom 9212 Yonge St. Richvale, Ont. and events oontributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburz. 1d Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. Camp andi of the Un-t ada. They. s, to arrive 'rved in the main lodge. ining room youngsters, and 8 with i as well as mbers. The by arrange- iorth York a, whereby three day ature study. and related understood be classes )f the Year. A letter “as read from Andy Snider in Fergus. advising that it would be possible to visit the Cattle Breeders June 4. Most 'of those present voted to go on that; date. Costs for bus trans- portation will be given at a later date. It has been sug- gested that, if the tour was able to leave Maple by 9 am the folks would be able to see all they would want of the barns before lunch. and see some picâ€" tures as well. Then a scenic drive back could be enjoyed. The seniors are going to have a busy time during the next few weeks, with the trip to Hamilton next week. May 19 to visit the Botanical Gardens. Keele Street Glen, 3 card of thanks was re- ceived from the patients at the Maple Nursing Home for the effons and money contrib- uted by the seniors to arrange for the shipment of a piano rec- ently to the nursing home. Following the recent meeting of the home and school the fol- lowing officers were installed: President Mrs. Barb Ruttle, Vice-President Mrs. Sylvia Bed- l'ord, Secretary Mrs. Inge Bitt- ner, Treasurer Mrs. Lois How- ieson. Program Convenor Pat Bailey, Membership Secretary Dianne Rotz, Social Convenor Jo Garratt, and Grade Mother Secretary Eleanor Brown. Joseph Gibson School Open House will be held in the junior school. May 20, be- ginning at 7:15, with the rooms open for parents, and with spec- ial events taking place in the gym, including the choirs which have been working particularly hard in preparation. George Bailey School Mrs. Lillian Reid's grade 7 class recently took a trip to the Burlington Outdoor Resources Centre, and all in all the sen- ior school has been a hive of activity. Principal Russell Urq- uhart would like to thank the parents for their assistance in driving the students concerned to Don Head Secondary School recently, to participate in the art display there. St. Martin’s in-the-field support from Maple this year. The second group. the Maple Minors, include girls from 91 years of age, and these are div-1 ided into two groups. the older and the younger, These young- sters will be playing, and at- tempting to improve their skill to be able to play in the juv- enile league, and at the same time develop their sportsman- ship and interest in fair play. Mrs. Agnes Foster and Bill Garthwaite have offered their assistance, and we feel sure that anyone else interested in our youngsters will be wel- comed if they offer their help. There are nearly fifty girls in this miner group and this is a real handful for so few. The girls are at present playing at George Bailey School. as the diamond at the community hall park is still not safe in its pres- ent condition for the kids who are so eager to participate. Fireworks Display The recreation committee is again sponsoring the fireworks display at the community park. May 18 at dusk. Tickets will be on sale this week from the Guides and Scouts at $2.00 per family, and anyone not ap- Open House will be held in the junior school. May 20, be- ginning at 7:15, with the rooms open for parents, and with spec- ial events taking place in the gym, including the choirs which have been working particularly hard in preparation. George Bailey School A rummage sale will be held May 15 at 7:30 pm in the par- ish hall, in aid of Camp Arte- ban at Bolton, All Anglicans of Maple and Richmond Hill are urged to support this wor- thy cause as it is an Anglican camp for girls and boys of all ages. St. Stephen‘s Anglican On May 17 at the 11 o'clock service, the veterans of the 01d Third Battalion, (Toronto Regi- ment), together with represent- atives of the Royal Regiment of Canada and allied units, will hold their spring Church Par- ade. Veterans of Navy, Army and Air Force are invited. St. Andrew's Presbyterian On Mother‘s Day, which was also Christian Family Sunday, the young people of the junior Bible class participated in the service and sang a modern hymn to the tune “Blowing in the Wind”. There was no Sun- day school, as the children were to share in the service with their parents. During the ser- “The building is beyond repair.” The report also stated that the township building inspector had met with the owners, Potenza Invest- ment Limited. April 30 a phone call to the township building department indi- cated the owners contem- plated demolition. The township's May 4 by- law was passed under the authorization of the Ontario Planning Act which pro- vides that bylaxvs may be passed by councils of muni- cipalities “for authorizing the pulling down or repair- ing or renewing at the ex- pense of the owner. any building. fence. scaffolding or erection, that by reason of its ruinous or dilapidated state. faulty construction or otherwise, is in an unsafe condition as regards danger from fire or risk of acci- dent." George Neil Bus. 889-2462 Res. 773-4696 vice. Sandra Sutherland pie-i sented a cheque for $100 from the junior Bible class to Mrs. Louise Cooper toward the pur-t chase'of a desperately needed‘ piano for the Sunday school. The young people had raised most of the money in their rec- ent car wash at the E? Service Station. In times when there is ‘such criticism of our young ipeople, it is heart warming to ‘realize that these teenagers are a typical example of our Youth. and we should be proud of them. St. Andrew's WA-WMS will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Magee. Richmond Street, May 20 at 8 pm. Girls’ Baseball I‘m afraid that last week's; item on the upcoming baseballi season must have been confusâ€" ing since we neglected to make clear the fact that there are two groups of girls playing baseball. The York Central Juvenile Girls' League, is the one beginning their regular schedule May 25 with girls up to 16 years of age participat- ing. Don Tarling of Concord is the coach again this year of the “Maple Sugars”. There are ten teams in this league, and we hope that the girls will receive support from Maple this year. The recreation committee is again sponsoring the fireworks display at the community park, May 18 at dusk. Tickets will be on sale this week from the Guides and Scouts at $2.00 per family, and anyone not ap- proached by either of these groups could contact Jan Myers, 832-1423 for their ticket. The concession stand, as we mentioned last week. will be run by the junior Bible class of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church with proceeds going to Evangel Hall in Toronto for their wonderful work with children. fl\\\\\l\\\\\l\ll|llllllllulu“[llmlllltlllmlll\l\\l\l\lll\\l\\ll\l\\MIN“! Reach Compromise 8-L0t Subdivision The last obstacle in the way of a small subdivision in Maple was removed May 4 when Vaughan Township Council passed the neces- sary bylaws. The eight lot. single family detached dwelling, development is located at the corner of Richmond and Simcoe Streets. On August 18, 1969, council authorized a subdi- vision agreement with John Sanelli Building & Invest- ments Ltd. of Maple and on October 7 passed a bylaw to change the zoning from M2 and C1 to RS to permit the development. However an objection was received from the abut- ting property owner to the. west who claimed to own lands included in the pro- posed plan. At the hearing before the Municipal Board, the owner and the objector arranged a compromise. it was reported to concil. The objection was withdrawn on the condition that a small triangular portion of Lot 8 on the proposed plan be conveyed to “the objec- ter" so that he would have access to his rear yard. 0MB adjourned the hear- ing to permit passage of an amended bylaw. The new bylaw will in- clude the triangular piece of land in the rezoning but excepts it from Lot 8. This new bylaw (Number 3973) will be approved by the OMB without a further hearing. it was reported. Maple United Church Wednesday May 20, 8:30 to 10pm. IN THE CHURCH HALL MAPLE RESIDENTS A PUBLIC SHOWING of Plans for a Senior Citizens’ APARTMENT BUILDING are invited to attend Sponsored by The Guides and Brownies en- joyed a hike and campfire at Boyd Conservation Area on Saturday “uh their Guiders.‘ The mother and daughter banâ€" quet will be held May 25 at 6:30 pm at, Kleinburg Junior Public School and tickets may be ob- tained by calling 893-1804 or 893-1437. Neighborlde Notes On Mother‘s Day your cor- respondent planted the “Flow- ers of Hope" seeds and sent a contribution to the fund of York Central Association for the. Mentally Retarded. 321 En- ford Road, Richmond Hill. May I remind readers to do the same for this worthy organization? School and tickets may be ob-ly The finale was like something .ained by calling 893-1804 or from the CNE with 12 girls 393-1437. ldressed as birds with colored On Mother's Day your cor-'lfeathers flying with music con- respondent planted the “Flow-[trasted by flashing lighting. ers of Hope" seeds and sent a'Personally, I liked that best. contribution to the fund of: On the occasion of her retire- York Central Association for mcnt from many years of teach- lhe Mentally Retarded. 321 En- ing a reception will be held to ford Road. Richmond Hill. Mayhonor Mrs. Hortense Wither- I remind readers to do the same spoon, in the library of Macâ€" for this worthy organization"? kcnzie Senior Public School on Dick Vermeer of Nashville June 4 from 8 to 10 pm. ller sponsored his family on a 14â€" ' mile walkathon from chdale to Pine Grove and back. Mrs. Ver- meer and 10-year-old daughter' Marlene finished the walk, butt 12-year-old Cornelia and her. brother Gary. eight, progressed seven miles before blisters got‘ Send your Clothes the better of them. Proceeds; are to aid the Dutch-Canadian to committee. 1945-1970 who are‘ presenting a concert organ to. the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on May 5. an expression of gratitude from the Dutch ad- ‘ults and children for the Can- I ( ladians’ presence during World lWar II. Bolton Rotary Club held its} annual amateur show at Pal- grave School May 6. Cathy} Jeanes, sister of your corres- pondent, sang a solo, “Spinning Wheel" and wishing she'd had. more than a week to rehearsal forgot the words. However, the} lenient judges permitted her to} sing it again and this time,‘ iwithout any trouble. she cap-i, tured third prize. Your cor-l respondent's daughter, Judy with three friends. Aysun Bas- aran, Debbie Agar and Vivian Peel taught themselves a song and dance routine which they performed in the under 14 class and won third prize. Eight- yearâ€"old Scott Hilliard present~ ed a superb drum solo and was awarded first prize. School News A recent variety night at Mac- kenzie Senior School featured Kirk Garriock au piano as grade 7 students sang “c'est L’aviron" avec un garcon John Kaszab, trois filles Judy Hos- sack. Elizabeth Moore. Francine Williams and Peter Stehouwer, Cornelia Vermeer, Judy Shaw,[ Donna Snider, Dennis LeBlanc‘ and Ronnie Dwinnell participat- ing in a French play. .9994 1 v | -._° __ Actors and actresses in the grade 6 play. “Mme. Leduc est Malade” were William Perry, Ralph Hanke, Stewart Adam- son, Mark Ehricht, Venicia Col- ton, Sandra Mun'ay and Jenni- fer Vieceli.' The boys’ gym display was; fast, furious and hilarious at‘. times, showing outstanding abil- ity after many hours of prac- tice. Taking" part were Steve Adamson. Glenn Adgey, Ronnie Barker, Peter and Tony Bent- ley, Bob Bonner, Ray Flear, Russel Fox. Gary Howard. Rich-l ard Hysteck, Mark Kaiser, Lar-l “9.9... ry Knight, Paul Kolenda, John Locke, Chris Salt, Pat Samuel, Bayne Stanley, Tim Wheeldon . and Martin Chefero. . Participants in the girls’ gym V display on the mats with rhy- thm exercises to music \vere:‘ Michelle Mallen, Cheryl Don- neral, Linda Carman, Vickie} Milne, Jennifer Vieceli. Anne‘. Murray, Cathy Benson and Ginâ€"1. dy Watson. Performing on the‘. high bar were Ingrid Bauer.‘ Kathy Miles, Marion Williams O and Sherry Train. On the box 0 horse and bar box Kathy Miles, 0 Francine Williams, Theresa . Cleroux, Sherry Train, Lindsay Knight. Rachel Kolenda, Laurel : Hill, Karen Whetstone showed O great form. Janice Fifield and. Leslie Milne showed the audi- . lence what a pommel horse. l’could do to aid a girl in style: [and balance. WAnd speaking of balance, I wonder how I would do on the balance beam! Interpretations Neighborhood Notes ..-_,__V , Best wishes to Miss Vondalee Gail Edgar, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Edgar of King High Drive, who recently became engaged to Paul Alexander Craine, son of Mrs. Eileen Craine of Richmond Hill. umn The Voice Of Concord ,of what they like to do on it ; en- were shown by Venicia Colton, e at‘Diane Hall. Cynthia Mallen. on Sandra Murray and Cindy Wat- del‘s.’ son. Duets on the bar box were banâ€"1Juanita Golding and Gail Stev- 6230‘ens, Ingrid Bauer and Lynda ubliclJones. Klein burg Klarion ’9 OOQOOOOO' w LUXURIOUS KITCHEN CABINET 61 WALL CUPBOARDS /2 PRICE Pick-Up and Delivery For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage In six standard sizes. Beautifully prefinished inside, fully covered with washable vinyl in white color, Burma-Teak woodgrain in furniture finish, magnetic catches and black colonial-style knobs, postformed countertops in Arborite Beige Scrim. North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm PHONE 832-2 LUXURIOUS NO. I CEDAR $1.19 FENCING L Ft. 884-87 41 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Other Designs On Display Open 7 am. every morning many friends and former pupils of Kleinburg and Maple area are invited to attend. Readers are asked to make a note of this and pass the message along to anyone who would be interested in going or sending a card. The combined grade 6 record- er class of Mackenzie Senior Under the provisions of the Weed (‘onlrol Act province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to all Owners and Occupants of lands within the Township of Vaughan that, unless the nox- ious weeds or weed seeds on any such lands of the Municipality are destroyed by the Council of the Township of Vaughan has directed J. MADILL and R. DOUGLAS, Weed Inspectors for the said Township, to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such manner as they may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspec- tors in discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector’s Roll of the Municipality against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THEIR LANDS FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. IT IS LESS EXPENSIVE FOR YOU TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN PROPERTY THAN HAVING THE TOWNSHIP DO IT. Dated at MAPLE this 14th day of MAY, 1970. G. A. WILLIAMS J. MADILL, R. DOUGLAS, Township of Vaughan NOTICE TO OWNERS AND ()CCUPANTS OF LANDS Reeve. MONDAY. JUNE lsl, 1970 WEEDS ALL CEDAR PICNIC TABLE§ l Complete with Benches (Knock-Down Type) Township of Vaughan. Weed Inspectors, 32-2281, 889-9211. Public School participated in the Newmarket Lions Music Festival May 4. This group is under the leadership of Miss Schalich. They must have put a lot of time and effort into their practising as they tri- iumphed over three other group lentries to receive first prize. KEELE ST., MAPLE

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