-Bedding Plants -Shrubs oPerennials - Potted Plants DES'I'ROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, that in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960, Ontario, Sections 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 19, unless weeds growing on their lands within the Township of Markham are cut or destroyed by MONDAY, JUNE 1st, 1970 and throughout the season, the Weed Inspector of the Township of Markham may enter upon said lands and have the weeds cut, charging the cost against the lands, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all concerned is earnestly re- quested. Please note that dandelion and golden- rod are not considered to be noxious weeds under the terms of the Weed Act. Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week’s supply of fruits, veg- etables, meats, eggs, flowers, etc. at real savings â€" Fresh from the farm to you. It’s growing time . . . we have: Open Every Saturday at 7:00 am. YONGE AND ELGIN STS., THORNHILL Snack Bar â€"- Ample Free Parking Country Fresh EEEEECKW? Vim' 9724 Yonge St. South Phone : Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†MEATS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. NOTICE TO G. M. Clayton, Weed Inspector, Township of Markham. After six years of inactivity, the Footlights Club of Thomhill has been re-activated and is of- fering “Harveyâ€, a three-act comedy by Mary Chase, at Holy Trinity A n g l i c a 11 Church. Brooke Street, Thomhill, May 20, 21 and 22 at 8:15 pm. The director is Betty Priest- man and the cast includes Judy Heartland, Edith Jones. Robert Priestman, Jane MacLaren, Fran Bishop. Philip Trow, Neil Crowe. Ed Moriarity, Joan Id- don, Bert Funnell and Lloyd Saunders. Bernie Harland is the stage manager and props are in the care of Diane Iddon and Jane MacLaren. Clare Moore. 889-3553 and Fran Priestman at 889-1810 are in charge of ticket sales. Tickets may also be ob- tained at the church office. Church News At Holy Trinity, the hockey banquet April 30 was a terrific success. Congratulations to the Trinity hockey champs who won four trophies last season. The southern group of the Anglican Church Women have taken a new name, “Mary Martha". The Bayview group also has a new name, “Miriamâ€. This group is located in the Bayview-Elmridge Acres area and has a beautiful ‘ï¬vishing well†for rent for bridal or baby showers. The “Spring Ingathering Ser- vice" takes place May 24. This is an apportunity for all to say “thank you" to the Anglican Church Women and sUpport them in their future work in the parish, the dioeese and the world. Congratulations and a Wel- come are extended to the new- est member of the Nash family‘ Bryan and Lynda Nash now have a beautiful 8 1b. 11 ounce daughter born in Toronto Wes- tern Hospital May 4. CUT EIREwopD AT I'/: ~ EVERY SECOND Also as effective for pruning orchards and felling trees. Easier than ever twoâ€"ï¬nger starting. Pull it, prove it at: BAYTHORN POWER EQUIPMENT South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News 7571 Yonge St. Thornhill 889-1538 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOU'R â€" PHONE 889-5205 Bryan has been student assis- tant at Holy Trinity for the past two years and will now be leav- ig‘n for other duties. He gradu- ates from Trinity College, Uni- Versity of Toronto, this month and will be ordained May 24. At Thornhill United Church plans are underway to hold a “teach-in†on the environmental crisis June 3. Leaders in the academic and gOVernment community will participate. May 31 a busload of youth. known as “The Church on Wheels", 'from St. David’s, Woodstock, will be guests at the United Church morning service and for a luncheon afterwards. Unit 2 of the UCW met at the home of Mrs. L. M. Wilkinson. 40 Lincombe Drive May 12. A silent auction was held. The Uniteens met in the church parlor May 10. Special guests were Mrs. R. Elston and Malcolm Elston, who discussed whether ESP is possible and other interesting topics. Mark June 3 (1:30 to 4:30 pm) on your calendar for an extra delicious strawberry “happen- ingâ€, sponsored by the UCW. Featured will be displays of arts and crafts by local artists, home baking and strawberry Shortcake with a cup of tea. Baby sitting will be available. The CGIT mother and daugh- ber banquet is coming up at 6130 May 20 at Thomhill United The annual Cub Rally for York Summit District will be held May 30 this year, and the Soap Box Derby will be held June 6. First Langstaff Scouts are desperately in need of a leader and some assistants and anyone interested in helping out in the fall is requested to contact Herb McGuffin at 889-3637. Neighborhood Notes The monthly meeting of the Scout and Cub Ladies’ Auxiliary will be held May 20 at 8 pm at the home of Marion Mitchell, 23, Orlon Crescent. Friends will be sorry to learn that John Gauley of Claridge Drive has undergone major sur- gery at the Northwest General Hospital and will join with your correspondent in wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr. Gauley is the father of June Qua, presi- dent of the Scout and Cub la- dies’ auxiliary. Alf Moore, Gil Hodgin‘s and son Brian and Paul White, all e m -p l o y e e s of Falconbridge Nickel Mines spent an enjoyable fishing weekend at Ali’s cottage on Six Mile Lake. In reference to the pros and cons of men’s fishing weekends, I might add, yes, they did take their fishing rods and gear and yes, fuhey did bring home some lovely big fish. The Footlights Club is pre- senting “Harveyâ€, a three act comedy at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Brooke Street, Thornhill on May 20, 21 and 22 and tickets may be obtained by calling 889- 1810. The new provincial govern- ment regional plan decrees that Richvale will become part of Richmond Hill January 1, 1971. Many changes will be enacted although not all will be effec- tive immediately. Grade 7 students at Rosel-alwn Senior Public School have been Quality Bedding Plants NOW READY 88 MAY. AVE. Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act, Province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the Borough of North York that, unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such subdivided lands of the municipality are destroyed by MONDAY, JUNE lst, 1970, the WEEDS ON VACANT LOTS ARE NOT ONLY UNSIGHTLY, BUT ARE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. DO YOUR PART TO ERADICATE THIS NUISANCE. Council of the Borough of North York has directed D. R. MANNING, Weed Inspector for the said Borough, to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such manner as he may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the dis- charge of his duties shall be placed on the Col- lector’s Roll of the Municipality against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. Dated at Willowdale Titshall’s Greenhouse this 7th day of May, 1970. NOTICE TO OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OF LAND Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 Borough of North York RICHVALE NEWS Church. Four girls will be gra- I 84 Garden Avenw duating: Bettyann Hawke. Joan Knowlton, Elaine Hall and Neighborhood Notes Linda HUtton- Langstaff Home and School Thirtyâ€"one menibers 0f the Auxiliary held its last general CGIT are having a camping meeting May 4 in the auditori- weekend May_1§-18 at Camp um of the school. Reports Knowlton. Elaine Linda Hutton. Thirty-one members of the CGIT are having a camping weekend May 15-18 at Camp Artaban. near Bolton. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered at Thornhili United Church May 10 to: Sheri-Anne Lisa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abernethy. 40 Oakbank Place; Jennifer Jane and Kimberly Jane, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redford, 63 Northwood Drive and Al- lison Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, 7 0r- lon Crescent. Neighborhood Notes The new executive at Sand Memorial School for the parent- .teacher group are: President ‘Howard Hunt, 1st Vice-Presi- dent Glen Ray. 2nd Vice-Presi- dent M. J. DeLa'at, Secretary Mrs. Susan Rae, Treasurer Mrs. C. Rozychi and Grade Mother Convenor Mrs. R. Butt. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bensley, Clarke Avenue, who celebrated their 39th wed- ding anniversary May 12. Daughter Jo-Ann surprised them with a party May _ Hall and . Neighborhood Notes Langstaff Home and School Auxiliary held 'its last general meeting May 4 in the auditori-!well attended. um of the school. were presented by convenors and all parents who helped with projects were thanked in- dividually or collectively. Ron Reports :Gordon. George Lang and Art Dunnett were given special ap- preciation for maintaining the rink during the winter. Dr. Bert Black presided over the elec- tions which resulted in the following slate: President John Robertson, Vice-President Gor- don Riddy, Past President Alex Steele, Secretary Isobel Buck- ler. Treasurer Cora Billings. Projects Caroline Cook, Public- ity Myrtle Lang, room moth- ers, Mrs. Bert Sykes. Social Convenors Christine Pitts and Margaret Schell, School Repre- sentative Principal Richard Col- vin. Following the meeting, parents were entertained by a choir of students from grades 4, 5 and 6 who had been train- ed by their leader, Mrs. Jan Reeves, grade 4 teacher. The audience then toured the grade 5 classroom and viewed the exâ€" _ hibits in the auditorium. leurch News The Maypole Tea at Emman- uel Anglican on Saturday was Entertainment was! provided by Melanie Lev- er, Judy Nishyama, Stephanie Groves, Cathy Collett, Jane Cook and Elizabeth Cook who did a spring dance on the par- ish hall stage. Door prize of a pap-up toaster was won by Isabel Newis and the geranium was won by Betty McCarthy. Convenor Joan Edwards and her helpers appreciated the support receiVed from the par- ishioners and the community. WILLOWDALE -â€" North York Council last week gave permis- sion to Rogers Cable Television to televise council meetings. They will be video-taped and re broadcast on Sunday afternoons on Channel 10, Philip Lind, the company's director of public affairs, said. “BE AN ANGEL†TELL your neighbour, tell your friends, We are selling 12,463 empty frames â€" most sizes, styles, finishes for 500. $1, $2, $3. $4. $5. $6. $7. $8. $9 $10 Sure we install vnnr Thirty-one members of the CGIT are having a camping weekend May 15-18 at Camp Arta'ban, near Bolton. The new executive at Sand‘ Memorial School for the parent-1 teacher group are: President Howard Hunt, 1st Vice-Presi- dent Glen Ray. 2nd Vice-Presi- dent M. J. DeLa'at, Secretary Mrs. Susan Rae. Treasurer Mrs. C. Rozychi and Grade Mother Convenor Mrs. R. Butt. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bensley. Clarke Avenue, who celebrated their 39th wed- ding anniversary May 12. Daughter Jo-Ann surprised them with a party May 9. WANTED â€"- Assistant Scout Leaders for 1-st Thornhill Scouts. This troop is sponsored by 'the United Church. It you can help in any way please call Rahph MacEachern at 889-1623. out in full force drumming up sponsors for their 13-mi1e walk to be held shortly. The money collected will be used to help pay for a trip to be taken in June with their teacher. Church News Rev. George Young, new in-' cumbenlt for Emmanuel Angli- can and his wife and family have taken up residence in the rectory on MacKay Drive and he hopes to begin visiting the parishioners very soon. Mr. Young, former archdeacon of the Diocese of Moosonee, who served in Carleton Place near Ottawa comes to Emmanuel from the Church of the Holy Trinity in Guildwood Village. The community welcomes Mr. Young and his family to Rich- vale and extends best wishes in his new undertaking. Anyone wishing to call him may do so by calling 889-6789. The Maypole Tea and Bazaar held Saturday afternoon by the ACW of Em-manUel Anglican was most successful. Convener Mrs. Joan EdWards and mem- bers wish to thank all who. supported this event. Winner of the pop-up toaster was Isabel Newis of MacKay Drive; win- ners of the plants were William Terharmsel of Roosevelt Drive, Mrs. Joseph McCarthy, Richtvale and Diane Coons of Aurora. The women‘s group of Christ The Kin-g Lutheran Church wish to report their bake sale was a complete success and thank all those who supported it. On Sunday Holy Trinity Angli- can held a pioneer service to commemorate the 140t‘1 anni- versary of the founding of the church. The original building, erected in Thornhill was moved to its present site on Brooke Street board for board and beam for beam and reassem- bled BASIL H. HALL, Mayor. D. R. MANNING, Weed Inspector, Borough of North York. 884-4983 Belated birthday wishes to Tracy Logan, Weldrick Road, who was five years old May 9 and to Markes Westfield who celebrated on that date also. Neighborhood Notes Get well wishes to Alois 0n- derka, May Avenue, who has been absent from school be- cause of bronchitis. Friends and neighbors are sorry to learn that Mrs. Steve (Flo) Atbon, May AVenue, is a patient in the Cobblestone Nursing Home in Aurora. Mrs. Emma Masters, Weldrick Road, is entertaining guests from Devon, England, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Featherstone. Mr. and Mrs. David Suther- land ‘and family of Collingwood were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Masters, Weldrick Road. Best wishes are extended to MT. and Mrs. J. Dawson, Yonge- hurst Road, who have recently left the area to live in Willow- dale. Sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Doreen Fersty ‘(nee Sim) who is out west attending her mother’s funeral. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (EVenings) The newen, most exciting up-to-ihe-minufe slimming program ever! Vic Tanny’s â€" the most experienced Hoalth Club people - have designed a basic 12-day plan to help you lose poundsflrim off inch- es and generally firm and tone your figureAnd your Vic Tanny pro- gram director will personally tailor the basic program to fit your per- sonal needs and goals! Don't put it offâ€" time is running out. GET READY FOR BIKINI DAYS AHEAD! FREE ; SPRING SLIMMING PROGRAMS START DAILY. VIC TAN NY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 SLIM INTO SPRING T H O R N H I L L I ‘ IO ROYAL ORCHARD BLVD. (mm 889-8494 INCLUDES ' LANGSTAFF NEWS WILLOWDALE â€"â€" North York Council last week gave permis- sion to Rogers Cable Television to televise council meetings. They will be video-taped and re- broadcast on Sunday afternoons on Channel 10, Philip Lind, the company's director of public affairs, said. TELL your neighbour, tell your friends. we are selling 12,463 empty frames â€"â€" most sizes, styles, finishes for 50¢. $1. $2, $3. $4, $5. $6. $7. $8, $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut -- most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we’ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10,000 Picture Frames, 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues., Wed. Thurs, Fri, Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. A specially designed nutritious 12 Day dietary plan. An illustrated set of supplemen- tary exercises and progress chart. An introductory package of deli- cious Vic Tanny Diet Plan by Bor- den. 10 other convenient Metro locations THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 14, 1970 u-““ WE RENT CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT i RichvalenScaffglgr Rentals 11,4 VnNTâ€"A THORNHILL 007'IUJ7 “-“““‘!_‘““ MARKHAM PAVING BUILDING MATERIALS SAND 8: GRAVEL Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€". THORNHILL 889-4137 -â€" 889-4176 Open ’Til N001! Saturdays â€"- Cash and Carry FINEST HEATING OIL Scaffolding * Extension Ladder: * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€"- Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton Free Annual Furnace Conditioning 24-Hr. Emergency Service - 7 Days a Week Gulf Parts Replacement Plan AUTOMATIC DELIVERY OF THE Gulf Home Comfort Limited 362-2881 9114 YONGE s'r. THORNHILL 81 Your Area Sales Representative ELGIN R. EVANS A WHOLE NEW CONCEPT OF VIC TAN!" MEMBERSHIP 884-1023 FOR FREE ESTIMATES WE DELIVER â€" CO. LTD. ms n ma mm mm cm ON A COURSE “SIS mmvmum mam _ m YOU! A RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL All Work Guaranteed CALL NOW 889-1059 VVVVVVV nil $20 initmiu far ‘PER WEEK