You want to know who won the game, who pitched for that team, or who is in first place? Well that is what my job is for the coming summer. My name is Bob Carton, I live at 52 Maralim Road, Richmond Hill, and attend grade 10 at Bay- View Secondary School. , In my column each week you will find scores, commentary, and standings that are as up to date as possible. If the coaches of the squirt and peewee All- Star teams would be good enough to drop any infor- mation about their teams at my above mentioned address or call me at 884â€"2361. I would be more than glad to insert it into my column. Sorry I can’t attend the teams‘ games myself, but undoubtedly there will be conflicting games on the same night. If there is no other game then I will assuredly be at yours. ... .- Ball In '70 Should Be Great Despite the Mets’ unpredictable rise to star- dom. and Dynes’ great drive to the finals against Sault Ste. Marie, the 1970 baseball season promises to be even better. , ,,___ . 1 n ,,A_._,.L L- Aunt]! LU Dc cvcu Menu.“ Naturally the RHMBA doesn’t expect to draw thousands of spectators to each game like the pros do, they’re hoping to do just that. With an in- crease of registered youngsters this year. it‘s not too much to ask for a little support from the parents. , L1_:_ ~:~nï¬â€˜:n LUU llluuu LU aon nu. m “u... ., But the RHMBA is encouraged by this gigantic influx of players, so much in fact, that they hope this will draw out more parents to little league games. BecauSe of this increase, there has been six more house league teams created, and a newly or- ganized Midget All-S‘tar team. ______ _ 2‘:..I‘. “A... nvonnï¬vo san-‘Jsu A'Ll‘dbvv .-._ ~v"- ,, The RHMBA also has a fairly new executive. This year the President is Bill Fox of 313 Axminster Drive, who, as a sideline, coaches the Bantam All- Stars. onus. Recently I interviewed Mr. Fox to find out what he is planning on doing during the coming season. The following is a rundown of the most important questions asked during the interview. Q: There is a definite revival going on this year in baseball. Is it natural or are you influencing it somehow ? A: I don’t think that I influenced abundance of children in the Hill. It’; in a good five or six years. 1 1a-. Q: Is there any truth that East Uwullmoury will be holding a house league tournament this year? A: There will be a house league tournament and we are taking 16 teams on July 11 to East Gwil- limbury. There will be Peewee, Tyke and Squirt, but no girls. “I--- ..-.‘....,I nu" games A: Rained out games will be played pronabiy on Friday nights or weekends. Q: What is the playoff setup this year? A: They start the first week in August and all teams play right through to the end, and then the top two teams will play off at the park. Q: Is there going to be an umpire at every game? A: Our Umpire-in-Chief Danny Smith, has a terrific list of umpires, and all we can do is wait and see if they come out. I think there is enough of them that there should be an umpire at every game. Q: How many innings are going to be played this year? I’lbau .7 ya- . A: There is going to be five innings. Q: When do the games start and end this year? A: Games start at 6:30. We would like to start them by that time, but we will probably have a 7 :00 deadline. Q: Is there going to be a homeplate and pitcher’s board on every diamond at Bradstock this year? A: There will be a homeplate and pitcher’s board for every diamond that the convenor will carry with him. l Q: Is there any ruling on sweaters and caps during league games ? A: Sweaters and caps must be worn when they receive them, and if they show up without them they aren’t playing ball, regardless of the number of players that are there. as -, L- L- :..-L..I'l,ul wvvv..uv.. -v_.__-r.c Richmond Hill took a 1-0 lead in the first inning, but Rogers tied up the score in the top half of the second. In the third inning the hill team exploded for four runs to take a commanding lead. They built up their lead to a humiliating score of 11-3. In the top of the seventh, with a win almost assured, Rog- ers brOke loose for four runs. They were event- ually cooled down, and Rob Clephan was credited with the win. Leading the attack for Richmond Hill was Gord Woolnough who hit .two triples. Originally his sec- ond triple was a bunt which landed five inches in front of the plate, but thanks to several errors Gord stretched it out into a triple. Vance Atkinson turned in a surprising performance by hitting 3 for 4. The win sent Richmond Hill into the “A†div- ision, and Rogers into the consolation group. Wayne Kirchen hurled this game, as the Rich- mond Hill crew battled to get into the tournament finals. Wayne was in trouble for the first three innings, as the bases were constantly loaded. But somehow they survived and only two runs were scored in those three innings. The boys from the Hill were also having trouble scoring. as they seemed to cool off during the two hours rest between games. By the bottom of the sixth things seemed to be looking up for Richmond Hill, but Precious scored two unanswered runs and went on to win the game by a small margin; ‘- . i t JUST NOTES Colin Wood and Bruce Sheaffer joined the midgets in time for the tournament on the Victoria Day Weekend, and we hope they will be with us for the rest of the season. I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill : iWhen are Richmond Hill 3. Precious Blood 4_ out games will be played probably on ‘1. guyJ that East ijl‘limbury BASEBALL ROUNDUP ~ By BOB CARTON you going to play rained out :ed it, it’s just an It’s the best year Ontario, Thursday, May 21, 1970 Iv “my. scores, to date ee All- I infor- ntioned e more myself, bun“. .... Committee . Member Russell Tilt said that “we’re in the pro- cess of considering getting a plan made for the whole park area.2 We feel we would like to makel it a bit more useful for the‘l general public while still pre- serving its natural state.†Mr. Tilt noted that at the pre- sent time it was difficult for park users to reach the north end due to the filling-in opera- Town Parks, Recreation Wants Preserve Natural Beauty Mill Pond It‘s still in the talking stage but plans are afoot to put an extra recreational shine on Richmond Hill's Mill Pond. . vvin uanuuvuu uh..- , Members of the Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Commit- tee held a general discussion regarding future development of the pond area at their last re- gular meeting. ' ‘ r“ 7‘ ..... H tions currently underway The fill there and elsewhere. will be used to landscape and provide picnic space with tables for parents and their young children. Mr. Tilt stressed that there were no concrete plans at the moment and that any designs were dependent on the overall makeup of the park. He said that the committee will propose to town council that it agree to the hiring of professional planners to design the park area. 3‘23;qu also like to provide more walking space along the edges of the pond. There’s not Wimbridge Wins 8-0 From Barrie In Opener Wimbridge Cleaners Ladies Softball Team opened the 1970 league season May 13 with an 8â€"0 win over Barrie. Marion Fox, Richmond Hill's new hur- ler, pitched an outstanding game mm 15 strikeouts to her credit. She allowed only five walks and two hits. Catcher Merrylynn Henry‘ completed the winning battery. For Wimbridge Lynn Olsen and Merrylynn‘ Henry m‘elded ‘the strongest bats with two hits ‘each. Lynn managed to get on base every time at bat drawing a walk and being safe on an error in her other two trips to the plate. Single hits were gar- nered by Cathy Buxton, Sue Dawson, June Peck, Marion Fox and Mary Williamson. Wimxbridge hosted Agincourt May 20 and on May 27 will be at home to the Queensville nine. V I Let the Wall to Wall Experts . . . 2w nun“. ~v V... s““““““““ I 79““‘-‘ Open Mon. to Fri. 9 3.111. -r 9 p.m. â€"- Sat. til 6 p.111. SPECIAL! OZI'I'E .89 YD. SPECIAL! ifdeEZSZI-s Remnants 6313 Yonge St., Willowdale â€" (Across from Sayvette’; STOCK OF STATIONERY PAPER SUPPLIES Sheets * Labels * Pens * Pencils * Staples * Index Cards * Binders * Typewriter Ribbons * File Folders * Hundreds of items pertinent to stationery business. Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. EQUIPMENT: Electra Rex 354 Electric Stenciller 8: Rex Rotary Mimeograph Machines * New & Used Electric 8: Manual Smith Corona, Underwood, Facit, Remington Typewriters * 2, 3, 4, Drawer Filing Cabinets * Banda Dry Photo Copiers. Magic Touch Photo Copiers * Rex Mimeograph Machine "‘ Totalia & Underwood Electric Adding Machines * Showcase * Burroughs Electric Cash Register * Metal Single & Double Pedestal Desks * L- Shaped Metal Desk * Stenographer’s Swivel Chairs * Upholstered Side 8: Executive Chairs * Floor Safe * Adding Machine & Typewriter Parts, etc., etc. Inspection from 8:00 am. to sale time Terms: Cash or Certified Cheque. 215 Sherbourne St. Toronto BANKRUPTCY HMRSMUXHBV (FREE estimates in your home MARKHAM OFFICE EQUIP. LTD. OFFICE EQUIP. & STATIONERY to be sold by Public Auction Sale at 114 MAIN STREET MARKHAM. ONT. SALE CONDUCTED BY M. WILSON 8: C0 with FREE UNDERLAY TUESDAY, MAY 26th, 10:30 E estimates in your home without obligation) 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . Harding * Celanese * Kraus B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow V And All Kodel Carpets too much room at the present time due to properties which in some places almost run right to the pond's edge." ..,,; u“, v..- _ - 7 Portions of the natural land- scaped area of the park will also likely be fenced in order to preserve the trees, shrubs. and flowers from being trampled or defaced by hikers. Méï¬ï¬iers of the local Rotary Club have built a picnic shelter in the same area to be used by “We realize we can’t preserve all the natural state of the park, it has to be used for the benefit of people. but we'd like to keep some of it the way it is to pro- vide the proper atmosphere,†said Mr. Tilt. ‘ The committee also plans to operate a day camp for youngâ€" sters from six years to 10 on the west side of the pond. mnmuumummwumum“ummnmuumn\\\\\m\\\\l\\m\\\\\\u the day camp The 1970 Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Association season opens this Saturday at Bayview Secondary School at 7 pm. Squirt and atom groups, age 6 to 10 years. will be playing every Wednesday during the summer up to mid-September. Twelve teams will be par- ticipating in the house lea- gue and seven teams in the Newmarket and District League. The house league will be broken into a squirt divi- sion (six teams ages 8 to 8) and an atom division (six teams ages 8 to 9). The other groups play against squads from Aurora, New- market. Keswick, Camp Borden and Markham. Opening nights for the other groups are: Mosquito, ages 11 and 12. May 25; Peewee. ages 13 and 14, May 26: Bantam, ages 15 and 16. May 28; Junior “Bâ€. ages 17 and 18, May 28. Coaches are required for one mosquito and one pee- wee team. Anyone inf/crested in coaching or helping out in any other way is asked to phone Robert Kernohan at 884-2788, Les Trotman at 884-6317. or John Penny- father at 884-5008. Minor Soccer Opens May 23 A.M. 226-0941 Tel. 363-4921 Columnar (Continued from Page 11) DYNES PLAY TONY’S It’s been a long time coming (like all winter) but the softball season is right on top of us. By the time this effort hits the cold light of day The Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers will have played their opening game in the Oshawa City and District Fastball League. Opposition will have been Oshawa Gales in Oshawa Tuesday night. But the big home opener will be the Jewellers verSus the Oshawa Tony’s May 28 in the town park beginning at‘ 8:?0 pm. 7 AAA-LL LL- A..-â€" Thereill be some h( ing game ceremonies “ and Drum Band and th« to start the season off u In any vvu“ rm-.. There’ll be some h00pla involved with the open- ing game ceremonies with the Markham Girls Pipe and Drum Band and their colorful costumes on hand to start the season off on a musical note. Mayor William Lazenby and Councillor Lois Hancey will be participating in the “throwing the first ball†ceremony and Ken Foss of CFGM will introduce the players from both *teams. , , , Sport $015 .w . . Also some soccer news he] the 1970 Richmond Hill Soccer will be May 30. The Rangers against Aurora United in Au Gametime is 6 pm. Vulllv mun. ‘v v Home games for the Rangers will be at Lang- staff Secondary School this season and the club’s executive are slightly unhappy over what they con- sider the short shrift they’ve received from Rich- mond Hill which has no place for them to play. But more on this later. JAAVLV vu v.A.~ w-v-. 0h, P.S.:‘Winner of the soccer pre-season ticket sale was Maeve Watton of Ovyen Sound. CHANNEL 5 MAY 29, 30, 31 1‘ DAI‘ n, onx‘u 1 uunwu n .-.- ..__ _ -, v \. AT ALL TIMES , §\ 41 YONGE ST. N. :0 Also boating -â€" excelllent tfishing â€" live bait RICHMOND HILL Ԥ boat aunc ing ‘ i Phone 773-5286 a 384-676] : this to your _ I car dealer when he Ines : to sell you his ownbrand I I I _ l oi‘ruslproolmg: l DON'T MISS “The Suburban Dilemma" ' â€"â€"A7UTO-TRUCK RUSTPROOFING .- 59 NEWKIRK RD. TELEPHONE 884-6474 - 889-0260 773-4022 Think of rust as a disease. Think of us as the cure. I III!!!!----l----‘ Markham Rd. 1. Mr. Deaier: All rust is caused by the reaction of air and moisture on metal. And the most dangerous rust begins in the hidden hollow areas of a car and eats its way from the inside out. 2. Mr. Dealer: Only Ziebart Rustprooï¬ng coats every hidden seam, crevice and holiow area with a specie! patented compound that prevents this inside rusting. How does your process “rustproof†my car? 3. Mr. Dealer: Ziebart has special patented tools that force the compound through tiny holes that they drill in strategic but inconspicuous places around my car. How do you get to these critical areas? 4. Mr. Dealer: Undercoat'mg doesn’t prevent rust because cars rust all over, not only on the bottom. Are you sure that your “rustproofing†isn’t fust a glorified under- coating? 5. Mr. Dealer: The men who win Ztebart my car are highly trained rustprooï¬ng special- ists. Are the men who do your "rustprooï¬ng†the same guys that change my .tires and adjust my brakes? 6. Mr. Dealer: When my car is Ziebarted, I can be sure that vital mechanical parts like the braking system won’t fail because of rust. Can your“rustproofing†make the same safety claim? 7. Mr. Dealer: If I have my car Ziebarted when it’s new, it will be worth more in resale value at trade in time. Will your “rustproofing†job pay for itself as well? 8. Mr. Dealer: Ziebart will guarantee in writing that my car won’trust for 10 years, no matter how many miles I put on it, if I have itZiebarted before it’s driven 3,000 miles. Do you guarantee your job in writing? " 9. Mr. Dealer: lf'everything I've said is true, rate job? Why don’t you send me to Ziebart that car I just bought from you? SOCCER occer news here. Opening game of Ind Hill Soccer Association schedule The Rangers will be squaring off United in Aurora at Fleury Park. Crosby Ave. - ‘ Centre St. I _é| m ITfl.TDI IP11 Pl IRTPRmFING Ba) VK‘W Elgin Mills Rd ing I've said is true, why are you trying to sefl me a second send me to Ziebart and show that you care what happens to lPlan Mystery Hike This Sunday Glen Haffy Conservation Area An outdoor hike through the members of the family. and woods with all the elements also provides an excellent op- of a mystery tour is being held portunity to observe the area in for the public this Sunday by its springtime colors. the Metro Conservation Authâ€" The authority is also holding ..... lune A Hikers can start out any time‘ between 10:30 am and 3 pm and should gather in the south parking lot. Each partic- ipant will be provided with a list of directions that will take him from point to point along the five-mile route. A simple compass may be useful to bring along to help find your way. orlt y Known as 3 “Find Your Way Hike", it is being held at the Glen Haffy Conservation Area, and is designed to test one's powers of obsemation. The Glen Haffy Area is located near Mono Mills and Highway No. 9. uuu AIUIIA yuun, u; pun... “Av-1° V...“ the five-mile route. A simple‘ On Sunday they will be held compass may be useful to bring at: Albion‘ Hills and Bruces along to help find your way. Mill at 2 pm and 3 pm. Green- Hikers are also advised to wood Area, four miles north of bring their lunch and beverage Pickering on the Greenwood and wear suitable clothing and Road, at 2 pm and at Clare- footwear for some rugged hik- mont Area in Pickering Town- ing. The event offers both en- ship. 1% miles north of High- tertainment and interest to all way 7 at 4 pm. u... .r. ".0 V, The authority is also holding its regular series of weekend conducted hikes through some of its conservation areas. On Saturday they will be held at: Albion Hills, ï¬ve miles north of Bolton. on Highway No. 50, at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. Bruce’s Mill, two miles east of Don Mills Road on the Gorm- ‘ley-Stouffville Road. at 2 pm [and 3:30 pm. lBoyd Area. just north of Wood- ‘bridge on the Woodbrldge- lKleinburg Road, at 2 pm and £3.30 pm. Sunday 'Beaches Major Season Play Began This Week I. Alflg 7â€"Up Shopsy's and Knob Hill Ushers opened the Beaches Major Fastball League at Kew Beach yesterday (Wednesday). Toronto Plating and Ray's Gulf Oil of Newmarket are the other teams in the league. Pete Glen is president of the league for this season. Jimmy J ames, Earl Dengate, Joe Oster, Ron Chapman, Doug Nadeau and Bill Stone are vice-presi- dents. John Lipsett is the sec- retary treasurer. Games will be played at Kew Gardens each week at 8 pm on Monday. Wednesday and Friday and in Newmarket on Thursday.