Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1970, p. 14

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14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 129 Church St. South | Richmond Hill, Ontario ' (418) 884-8584 Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 308 Banlew Plaza Telephone 889-8275 'Joscelyn, Laughlin,‘ Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-‘5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South Anton, Ontario 889-6662 By : Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour I R. P. (Bob) ROSS ‘ 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Transmission Servite 2468 DUFFERIN ST. Automatic & Standard Transmission Specialists Britnell, Moore & Co. 181-0221 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Toronto Accountants PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY IPublic lacks Information About NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE Schook (athonc Trustees Told Barrow Insurance SerVIces Ltd. Auto TransmIsSIon Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. CARPENJLI SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop '13 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Engineering CUSTOM WORK Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. 884-6663 STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry Insurance 884-7774 363-3959 Ernie Brock & Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Social Stationery, and Adder Sales. Supplies, Typewriter COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Office Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. Corner Agency Limited Landscaping Belgian ART STUDIOS BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT RUMBLE TRANSPORT Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION . W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Coach Lines Ltd. Optometrists Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario aim-Wallpaper Transportation DICK MAIER DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling Langdon's LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Thornhill Insurance ‘ISporting Goods (Continued) 9114 Yonge St. Richvale INTERIORS LTD. FREE DELIVERY 889-1059 By Appointment 889-5344 884-3962 Trucking Ontario, Thursday, May 21, 1970 Class A. C. and H Telephone 833-5351 884-1013 364-2625 Bunny Snow’s Complete Antenna Service ADMIRAL SALES & SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 If Busy Phone 884-6245 In The Mall. 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill c.c,M_ &'Raleigh Bicycles with parents 1n uur may m Repairs to All Makes Grace Parish Hall in Aurora on April 15. A Complete Line of “I , S om“ Goods | t. “as. a very importapt p g meetmg mth the parentsf‘ sald 25 Yonge Street South Mr. O‘Mahony. “They learned a - - _ lot about the board and the Rlchmond H11], 884 1213 administration... Eric’s Cycle ‘ Th PQPO‘I and Sports Shop £53313 WELDING Specializing in Aluminum & General Welding & Fabricating of all metals PERFORMANCE WELDING 5437 Yonge St., Ontario Land Surveyors 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 221-3485 Yates & Yates TV Repairs Surveyors Willowdale Phone 225-6743 A complete list of 1600cc. cars that cost less than $2,000. Volkswagen 1600 sedan Prico bond on suggested maximum retail price F.O.B East and West P.O.E. Provincial taxes and Trustees of York Gaunty Ro- man Catholic School Board agreed at their regular meeting April 21 that they should find some way of communicating with the public on a broader basis than at present. The discussiOn follmved a report from Aurora Trustee John O‘Mahony on a meeting with parents in Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall in Aurora on April 15. In his area. said Mr. O‘Ma- hony the parents were particu- larly interested in board blans for a new school to be built in the vacinity of the Wimpey Subdivision north of the town, and in plans for a senior school. Thornhill Trustee June Mal-l lon observed that the public in‘ general lacks information about the schools and the board. “They think the trustees run the whole show. They want no 'frills'. they want ‘good Catholic teachers’, they want to know who their trustee is and why they do not see him more often." ‘ A questionnaire sent out to ‘a samplimg of parents brought responses from about 38 per- cent of those who received it. and most of those who replied, said Mrs. Mallon. were "pretty badly misinformed”. Loaal meetings. such as the one in Aurora could go a long way towards improving com- munications. observed Chair- man Eugene Jacobs._ Thornhill Trustee Dr. William LaCroix suggested that a book- let might be prepared. “It would be of great assistance in informing parents, also in hir- ing teachers and telling the ratepayers what we have been doing." ~. 7A1, Mrs. Mallory suggested var- ious ways, in addition to public meetings, in which the bpay} uv Since the various area boards were amalgamated in January. 1969, and the county board formed there have been many changes. observed Dr. LaCro'rx'. Richmond Hill Trusbee John LeClaire agreed. “The role of the trustee on this board dOes not bear any relatiOnship to that of the trustee 0n the small board. nor to the ivory tower of the Metro Board. Dt is related to {time and place.” 178 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HILL/889-7701 W. & P. Motors Limited could keep in touch with the public. She observed that limiâ€" tations of money and staff ruled out any large scale program in this area. but a trustee or trus- tees might work with staff to prepare a report of board acti- vities to date. and newsletters might be distributed through the schools at regular intervals: Mrs. Mallon also suggested that the board consider engag- ing the services of a profes- sional public relations firm [or the purposa of preparing a general information booklet or newsletter. or both. She rejected a suggestion that principals might be in- volved. “We have put a tremen- dous burden on our principals in the last, year and a half. They are being pushed too far too. fast. with too many assignments. m e e tin g s. questionnaires, changes", Woodbridge Trustee Noreen Lee observed that there seemed to be many areas where the board could, with little cost and ‘ effort, make the public l more aware of what is go- ing on in the schools. She drew attention to a staff “report on excursions taken by lvarious classes in the board’s 18 schools over the past year. More than 133 trips were itemized. ranging from a trip to the Martyrs’ Shrine at Midland to the McLaughlin Planetarium at the Royal Ontario Museum and Black Creek Pioneer Vill- uuu age. Several classes had visited» the Centennial Science Centre. Christmas Wonderland. various conservatiOn areas in the vic1- nitv. as well as fire halls. police stations, public libraries ‘and local industries. Many “other excursions" were referred to. but not itemized. 1 The board was oVerlooking an excellent Opportunity for better public relations in not publicizing more of these. Mrs. Lee remarked. Mrs. Mallon has been heading' an ad hoc committee set up to genAu vagrant-$930119? associa- uuaun Vlvun Anv- Hundreds of people in this: area are among the 33,000 uni-1 formed volunteers who work each week in the Scouting movement across Canada and thousands of men and women serve on executive committees. Seldom is their work recognized by the community. Today in every province, as well as the Yukon and North West Territories and the Arctic, over 321.000 Canadian boys are benefitting from .the services these people give. Canada has benefitted and will continue to benefit from their efforts to build good citizens. uawv Several classes had visited the Centennial Science Centre. Christmas Wonderland. various conservatiOn areas in the vici- nity. as well as fire halls, police stations, public libraries ‘and Mrs. Mallon has been heading an ad hoc committee set up to study parent-teacher associa- tions and parental involvement in education in the county. She urged that all trustees give thought to ways of alsa inform- ing and involving the general public. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS These are only a few of the interesting and ta]- ; ented peOple who make up Richmond Hill‘s own symphony orchestra. The time and date again â€" 8.15 pm May 28. The place â€"â€" Richmond Hill Arena. Tickets are $2.50, and for all that music, it’s a bargain! 321,000 Boys Are Participating Each Week In Canadian Scouting ipping charges extra (Continued from Page 2) 30 on Channel 5 participating in one of the programs in the Series “The Suburban Dilemma“. He feels keenly that youngsters should be en- cOuraged to appreciate and enjoy good music. and to prove his sincerity is starting with his own five junior musicians at home! 1..,1 J ...--v â€" we Some members of the orchestra have interests not usually associated with the musical field. Ray Thompson, who plays viola, and whose wife Ilse is a cellist with the RHSO. has been awarded the Canadian medal for outstanding achievement in astronomy. Mr. Thompson. who is a schoolteacher, has his own observatory set up in his home in Maple. Since its beginnings in the early years of this century. Scouting has Served and influ- enced millions of Canadians by helping them -to prepare to be of practical service, not only in the day-to-day life of their com- munity but during times of stress and disaster. The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir will celebrate its 75th AnniverSai-y with an Art and Ceramic Sale and Wine and Cheese Party at St. Lawrence Market on the evening of May 25. The sale will be opened by the noted soprano Lois Marshall. and the evening will include entertainment by the choir, with selec- tions from their repertoire. The Scouting program signed 'to help prepare Canadians for their part On sale will Be paintings by famous artists, pottery, hand-made musical instruments and copper enamel jewellery. The" sale is" from 7 - 11 pm and tickets will be $2.50 per person. In The Spotlight is de- young in the Scouting came to Canada shortly after its introduction by Baden-Powell in England in 1907. The Wolf Cub section was added in 1916 and the Rov- er Scout program in 1917. Sea Scouts became a part of the movement in its early days. Lone Cub and Scout pragrams were formed to serve boys liv- ing in areas where it WAS not possible to organize packs or troops because of limited num- bers or long distances. present and future of our coun- try. Each section of the movement has its own promise and law, designed to be understood by each boy of every age group. All programs are designed to help the boys becom’e resource- ful and responsible members of the Community. by providing opportunities for their mental. physical, social and spiritual de- velopment. Basically. each boy is expect- ed to love and serve God, re-‘ spect the human dignity and rights of individuals and recog- nize the obligations of the in- dividual to develop and main- tain his potential to the best of his ability.‘ Wolf Cubs Designed for boys 8-10‘ the‘ Wolf Cub program provides ac- celerated development through crafts, games. singing, play act- ing, stories and camping and special interest activities en-i com-aged by star and badge wbrk schemes. 1Boy Scouts Boy Scout Troops provide bays 11-17 with Opportunities f0r membership in small friend- ship and interest groups known as patrols. The program in- cludes challenging and appeal- ing activities based on the prin- ciple of learning by doing, de- veloping good health and fit- ness habits and appreciation of and experience in the outdoors and community service. Venturers The Venturers offer a new program for_y_opth the 14-17 pLusuuu Lu; Jvuul: .u “he -_ _ , age group, which will help them: adapt to the world of the adult‘ by meeting people, going places and doing things. It draws its specific activities item the members’ in t e r e st 8. makes greater use of youth leadership and of c0mmunity resources and people with specialized skills. Rovers The Rover Crew is a “brother- hood of the open air and serv- ice“ fOr young men 16-23, which allows each member to develop an individual program best suit- ed to his own personal interests. Sponsors Sconts. in all branches, are sponsored by churches of every denomination â€" a total of 3,500 groups: by service clubs and civic groups â€"â€" a total of 890 groups; by Canadian Armed Forces â€" 87 groups on bases in Canada and Germany; and by school and institutional authori- ties. such as schools for the blind. deaf. handicgppe‘d, roen- uuuu. Hum, u..." .._- tally retarded and E51: hdspital- ized boys. Further information concern- ing Scouting in York Summit District may be secured by writ- ing to Executive. Box 15, Rich- mond Hill. MARKHAM PAVING 884-1023 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CO. LTD. (Continued from Page 2) years ago," said Muriel. “David Shortill and I owned neurotic horses and we decided to school‘ them together, Friday nights, at Joker’s Hill. New-’ market. After we finished the schooling our conver; sation centred around the progress of the two horses. Then the talk would eventually get around to the need for a really good horse magazine for the horse people of Canada." . 1 n ,L __.-.r1- “‘61:” Rambling Around pwwc ............ Miss Lennox didn‘t think that people realiz the extent of the horse industry and the high st: - ure of the Canadian horse. There are over 500,0(3 horses in Canada and the industry is growing. It. seemed to Muriel and David that the time was ripe for such a magazine. Along with Co-publisher Esther Peachey and the rest of the staff, they took on the job of informing horse owners everywhere in the world. The result was the glossy, good-looks ing “Corinthian.” They couldn’t have found a better name than “The Corinthian“. It means “the best”. The name is used to describe a class of horses. When an owner talks about his Corinthian horse he is talking about a hunter or a good jumper. the kind of horse that the Master of the Hunt would ride or one which he would offer to a guest. October 1968 found “The Corinthian’s" complete staff in Mexico for the Olympics. gathering news and pictures and experiencing all the pains and aches that go along with a new publishing venture. “We knew absolutely nothing about publishing] when we started.” said the sparkling young promotor of the Corinthian. “We did everything that had to be done ourselves. but we had the help and encour- agement of many peeple who aided in selling adver- tising and subscriptions for us. They also wrote features. contributed news and took pictures. We couldn’t have done it without them.” -1r Police Crime Roundup 3 Richmond Hill Teenagers To Be Summonsed In Stolen Auto Case Summonses for possession of a stolen automobile and goods stolen from Yonge Street ser- vice stations are being issued against three Richmond Hill teenagers. The charges came at 4:50 am‘ May 9 when Markham Township Police happened to stop \and check two vehicles stopped on 17th Avenue, east of Don Mills Road. “We were also fortunate in being able to ride on the crest of a wave of very significant happen- ings in the horse world over the past two years. We reported on the rising stature of the Canadian horse to a very interested public. Canadian horses have won nearly every equestrian event going in the past two years. Good examples are winners like Vice-Regal, Majestic Prince and Nijinski.” Miss Lennox predicts that in the next 10 years, Canada will become one of the leaders in the horse sport. - .4 t 0,, A12“-_L-.1 LA - 011v; L The content of the magazine is directed to a specific audience but that audience is composed of readers in the horse world who go about things differently. It also has western coverage. It has been quite a remarkable undertaking to weld so much disjointed information into one attractice package. The last two years have been exciting for the young co-publishers and their co-workers and the future looks bright. Good luck to them! Charged are Robert Norton. 19. of 332 Osiris Drive: Robert Fraser. 16. of 282 Neal Drive; and Robert Gilpin, 17, of 361 Osiris DriVe. Richmond Hill Police report a 1967 four-door white Ply- mouth car was stolen May 8 from the Shell Service Station at Bayview Avenue and Mark- ha‘m Road. The car belonged to station operator Alex Nyerges of 17 Cherryblossom Lane. ThOmhill. i i Vaughan Township Police also report an auto theft. A 1968 Volkswagen van, dark green in color. was removed from the driveway of a Maple Avenue residence May 8. There were six break-ins re- ported in Vaughan Township over the weekend. The premises of Warden Lumber Company on Costa Road were entered May 10 and the sales counter and offices 1umwnuuuuLImum“mmuumumImummuunuuumumuu mummmmmmmumumnmunmmnnmnmmnmummm The annual Lakeland Re- gion Queen’s Scout Cere- mony and Queen’s Venturer Award Ceremony was held at Bayview Secondary School last Saturday (May 9). York Summit District hosted this important event. An interesting feature of the dual ceremonies was that it was the last Queen's Scouts investiture in this region, since under the new Scout program the Ventur- er Award will be the only one available to Venturer Scouts. Assistant Provincial Com- missioner Ron Sculthorp of Richmond Hill was busy for three months making ar- rangements for this historic event. The Bayview Secondary School Band was in attend- ance and 250 Scouts. rela- tives and friends of Scout- ing attended. Queen’s Scouts And Venturers RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Work Guaranteed CALL NOW Fred‘s Shell Station. Highway 7 and Keele Street, was entered May 10. Papers. were scattered about. Cigarettes and cash were missing. were ransacked. Police arrested and charged two peopleh _ 1 The Dufferin Driving Range |had a break-in again May 11, With clubs and shoas worth $325 stolen from the display rack in .the snack bar. Mai-fablubs and gloves valued at $400 were stolen May 10 in a break-in at the Duffefin Driv- ‘mg Range. In the fourth May 10 break- in one male person was detained in connection with an attempted theft at Gateway Mercury Sales Limited. Thornhill. A wallet containing $48 was removed from a car parked in a driveway May 9 on Scott Drive. Thornhill. A car radio valued at 580 May ‘9 was remcwed .from a car .parked in a driveway on Garden Avenue, Thornhill. A stereo player was taken from a car parked in a drive way on Weller Crescent in Maple May 10. Mailboxes were removed May 10 from homes in the Klein- burg and King City areas. These were later recovered in the Humber River on the King- Vaughan Line. Eleven pairs of sunglasses valued at $27.50 were stolen ‘from a display at the Dufferin ‘ Drive-In Bazaar on May 10. Simmons Esso Station.’ High- way 27, was entered May 11. A soft drink machine was pried open and the contents of the coin box stolen. There were two break-ins re- ported May 11 in‘ Richmond Hill. Nothin'g was missing at Cus- t0m Tire Sales Limited. 59 In- dustrial Road. when someone smashed a garage \findow with a rock and climbed inside. Some articles inside were moved about. An electric typewriter was stolen from Perry-hill Wood In- dustries, 52 Industrial Road. by' someone who managed to find a door that could be opened In an unuSual bit of vanda- lism May 9 on Edgar Avenue, Richvale. an eastbound autOmo- bile was pelted with stones by youths hiding in the bushes. Damage included a broken headlight, cracked windshield, scraped fender say Vaughan Township Police. WILLOWDALE -â€" North York's minor epidemic of head lice has all but ended in borough schools. It was discovered a month ago and at its height affected about 220 pupils in eight Downs- view area schools. Dr. George Sweet, North York Medical Officer of Health said last week that no new case have been reported during the past few days. "The cleared préblem is all but up,” he said. u able to ride

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