Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1970, p. 18

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Muslc Night On May 13 York 111 School Area held a music night at Thornhill Secondary School. The event was most successful and over 800 children from kin- dergarten to grade 8 took part. Those schools from the area participating included Thornhill Publiic. Charles Howitt. Bayt thorn. Joseph Gibson. Langstafl Secondary. Langstaff Public Woodbridge, Sand School, Hen- derson Avenue. Roselawn, Royal Orchard and Woodland. Chair- man John MacKay of the board of trustees of York County Board of Education opened the evening and brought greetings from the board of trustees. world of fashion currently finds itself. Penny‘s Party House will top off the [show with a dis- play and demonstration of beau- tiful wigs. Refreshments will be served and tickets which will be $1 each. may be obtained in Sep- tember from any member of the Thornhill Branch. Ladies’ Bowling League . The season was brought to a close last Wednesday with a luncheon and playoff game at the Pepper Pot Lodge at Pres- ton Lake in Whitchurch. Final results were Betty Richardson - high average 198, Mary Redman - high three flat 718, Doreen Marks - high triple and handiâ€" The program included singing by the kindergarten grades of Baythorn and Charles Hewitt as well as Langstaff Public and Joseph Gibson inner grades. with pupils from Roselawn pre- senting a selection from "Hair". The Sand School Choir was piped onto the stage with bag- pipes before presenting a de- lightful selection of Scottish songs. The 'I‘hornhill Public School Grade. I Rhythm Band played a selection and the Langstaff Senior String En- semble also delighted the audi- ence with their musical pro- gram. During intermission the Langstaff Senior School Band provided excellent entertain- ment. 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 21, 1970 As a finale to the evening a choir of over 700 children un- der the direction of Hugh Mar- tin sang a selection of beautiful songs appropriate to Canada. Their selection was entitled "Emblems Of Canada". and it brought to a close a most suc- cessful and impressive evening. The music committee who had arranged the event are to be congratulated. Members of this committee \were Glenn Guyatt, principal of Baythorn. Hugh Martin. Mrs. Beverley Stewart and Mrs. Irla Stewart. YCHA Thornhill Branch of the YCHA held its spring meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Jemp- son, on May 13. at which time the fall calendar of events was programmed. On September 23 a membership coffee party will take place at the home of Mrs. Carl Stever. 144 Royal Orchard Boulevard, both in the morning and the afternoon to assist members in renewing their membership for the coming year. On October 21. Thornhill' Branch will hold a wardrobe' planning and accessories show and a wig demonstration in the auditorium of Holy Trinityl‘ Church. Mrs. Barbara Buck-i worth. who is women‘s activities co-ordinator of the T. Eaton Company will. with the aid of models and accessories. show how the women of the commun- ity can adjust more easily to the new fall styles and the mini- maxi situation in which the This year the congregation of Holy Trinity Anglican'Church, Thornhill, will be celebrat- ing 140 years of history in a series of events. First of these took place May 10, when a “Pioneer Service” was held, the order of service closely resembling that used in the early days of the church. A feature of the festivities was a ride from the rectory on Yonge Street by Canon Reginald Howden, Mrs. Howden and ot/her church officials, dressed in costumes of 1830, to the church, arriving in time for the service of morning prayer. Several members of the congregation also attended the service in pioneer dress. Holy Trinity, now located on Brooke Street, is the oldest charch in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. ‘ iéiyi't’ékhfirch in the horse-drawn democrat are Canon Howden (waving a greet- ing), Mrs. Howden, Driver Fred Hendry, Joanne Shaw, John Shaw and Tom Cough. Thornhill and District News And 50 To Church Went They Refreshments will be served and tickets which will be $1 each. may be obtained in Sep- tember from any member of the Thornhill Branch. Ladies’ Bowling League The season was brought to a close last Wednesday with a luncheon and playoff game at the Pepper Pot Lodge at Pres- ton Lake in Whitchurch. Final results were Betty Richardson - 1high average 198, Mary Redman - high three flat 718, Doreen Marks - high triple and handiâ€" cap 831. Bonnie Manzi - high single 314, and Shirley Hop- ‘per high single and handicap l345. Playoff winners were the ‘Panthers of the Isl division and 1Lions of the 2nd division. The season will open again on September 14 at the Newton- brook Bowlerama, in the New- tonbrook Plaza. Spring Prom At the Thornhill Secondary Went"- , School Spring Prom "Maria", 0!! June 3, 3 “193911-111 held last Thursday night at the the environmental cr1515 in Four Winds, two prom queens held at the Chur0h- Prof“ were chosen â€" one senior and leaders in the academlc one junior. Senior queen is government community Pam Phelan and Junior queen Pal‘tidpate- 1is Linda Harris. The judging Christ The King Lutheran ‘committee included Joey See. Tickets are still availabl former program director of the second anniversary d CKFH. Dianne Bailey. who 35- dance to be held at the l sociated with the CBC program Thornhill Community C "Action Set" and Walter Mich- (H ael of CHUMoFM. Gerry Reidt T11 and the orchestra provided mus- re‘ ic for dancing on a packed by floor. th Education Dinner Ti On May 22. the York County‘ Board of Education will enter- tain the principals of all schools in York III Area to dinner at Thornhill Country Club. Those members of the board who are expected to be present together ‘with their wives include Direc- tor of Education Sam Chapman. Assistant Director Gordon Mc- Intyre. as well as the six trus- tees for the area. John MacKay. John Honsberger, Mrs. Louise Aimone, Warren Bailie, Ross Jolliffe and Morley Kinnee. ‘ Shouldice Hospital On May 30. at 2 pm Ontario Health Minister Thomas Wells will cut the ribbon and officially declare the new Shouldice Hos- pital open. The hospital. which is situated just north of John Street on the “est side of Bay- view Avenue. will hold open house from 10.30 am until 4.30 ;pm in order that guests may ‘tour the new facilities. irion Trinity Socially Speaking In Thom/rill -.v.‘. - . u.-.” There is still an opportunity; From Japan they sailed to F r for you to see "Harvey". The Hong Kong and enjoyed somefI ° ' show will be presented tonight of the fabulous shopping avail-J t iThursdayl and tomorrow andiable there. After Hong Kong“ e o a S I a.-. v_r...._..., ._ -y-. tickets may be obtained at the'they were off again. this time to; 9114 YONGE ST. door. Don‘t miss this threeâ€"act Australia. New Zealand and ' I comedy, which provides gooleonga. from where they". THORNHILL 1 ‘family entertainment. circled back to Hawaii andl ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ any - ~--- - -ia"_ On June 3, a “teach-in" on the the environmental crisis will be 313115 held at the church. Prominent and leaders in the academic and l js‘govemment community will “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 On June 3 at 1.30 to 4.30 pm a strawberry “Happening” will take place at Thornhill United. Sponsored by the UCW, the event will feature displays of arts and crafts by local artists and home baking. Tickets are $1 and may be obtained from all UCW Unit leaders. Tickets will include delicious straw- berry shortcake and tea. Baby- sitting services will be provided. United Church Unit I UCW met at the home‘ of Muriel Robinson on Thorn- ridge Drive May 14 for a musi-i cal afternoon. The meeting was primarily to form the basis of a UCW Choir. The ladies sang selections of new hymns to- gether and they were accom- panied by Mary Davidson at the organ. Mrs. A. C. McAlister. the minister's wife, brought along some interesting records by the Medical Mission Sisters and two recitations were given during the afternoon. Bertha Roach recited “The Organist" and Vera Morton recited “My Get Up and Go Got Up And Went". Tickets are still available for the second anniversary dinner dance to be held at the North Thornhill Community Centre (Heintzman House) May 29. The evening will begin with a reception at 6.30 pm followed by dinner at 7.30 and dancing to the music of Leonard Brooker. Tickets are $8 per couple and may be obtained from any mem- ber‘ of Women Of The Church or by calling Wallace Koegler, 889-9871, Bruce Macpherson, 889-7430 or Norman Mabley, 889-2645. Lions Auction Mrs. Phyllis McMillan. con- venor of the handicraft booth at the Lions Dominion Day Carni- val in Thornhill Park would still like to hear from anyone with handicraft skills or an in- teresting hobby or collection ‘which could be shmm in the 6&3th ~can her at 889-3536 if you can help. Ocean Cruise Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Tremaine. Thornridge Drive. have recently returned from an exciting two month cruise aboard the S. S. "Canberra". Sailing {mm Van- couver they travelled first to Los Angeles and San Francisco. then across the Pacific to Hawaii and Japan where they spent several days visiting Expo (Photo by Bernard A. Lawrence) home again via Vancouver. Of all the many places they visited the Tremaines especially enjoy- ed Honolulu. Hawaii. August Wedding Wedding plans have now been finalized for Shirley Patricia Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis of Arnold Avenue, and Charles Davis. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis of Gorm- ley, whose engagement was an- nounced early this year. Shir- ley and Charles will be married August 29, at Richmond Hill United Church. A reception will be held at the home of the bride‘s parents and the couple ‘will live in Toronto. Congratulations to David Startup, Vintage Lane, who has been made a vice-president of his company, Charles A. Kench and Associates. Mr. and Mrs. Startup and ’their two young daughters will be going to Van- couver later this summer where ‘they will take up residence. Paula Startup is well known to many Thornhill residents. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Elgin Street will be moving in late August to London. England, where Mr. Walker has been transferred. The Walkers will be in England for approximate- ly two years, and Mrs. Walker has recently returned from a trip to London where she spent ‘time house and-school hunting. \Guides and Brownies g WE RENT : CONTRACTORS’ q EQUIPMENT Congratulations to the follow BUILDING MATERIALS SAND & GRAVEL Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 Open ’Til Noon Saturdays â€" Cash and Carry Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24" depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton - WE DELIVER â€" Gordon Clow is still a patient at Toronto General Hospital. His many friends in the com- munity hope that he will soon be well again. Girl Guides District Commis- sioner Mrs. Alice Sproule. Steeles Avenue is recuperating at home after being a patient in North York General Hospital. Guides, Guiders and friends in the ladies’ auxiliary wish her a speedy recovery. Her leadership has been greatly missed. A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Aldridge and family‘ who are staying with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryan, Henderson Ave- nue. ‘ Friend and neighbors are sorry to hear that Mrs. Beatrice Earle. who is Visiting her son on Pheasant Valley Court. is now hospitalized in North York General Hospital? We are happy to report she is now showing improvement following surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friesen of Ottawa were weekend guests at the home of the latter‘s par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hawke, 83 Babcombe Drive. Sincere sympathy is extended to the Wyers family. Fred Wyers has just returned from England after attending the fun- eral of his father there. Explorers Guilty Of Bank Fraud Woman Sentenced Jail The Explorer expedition of- Thomhill United Church came to a successful conclusion May 5 when the girls invited their parents to the “Star Ceremony”. Rev. Alfred McAlister intro- duced himself and spoke briefly to the girls and a sing-song was enjoyed. whirls receiving the first red star were: Ellen Zabo. and Nelgh borhood Notes Miriam O'Neill. who admitted defrauding the Royal Bank of Canada of $10,169 late in 1967 and early in 1968, May 13 was sentenced rto nine months inde- finite in reformatory by Judge W. F. B. Rogers in Toronto. He placed Mrs. O'Neill, 44, of Boyle Drive, Langstaff, on pro bation for two years, and re- commended that she receive psychiatric treatment. Original- ly she was charged with ‘72 counts of uttering and 72 of forgery. but the Crown did not proceed on these charges. “There is no doubt that you have experienced difficulty in your life. but your behavior has been self-destructive,” Judge Rogers told Mrs. O’Neill. ing lst Thornhill Brownies who have recently been awarded their pet keep badges: Pamela Snider, Marcella Kimel, Karen Parker, Laura Langman, Paul- ine Turko, Lorissa Fedak, Hea- ther Reid, Frances Walker and Nancy Challoner. Ballet Grads The following students from Joan Barrett's School of Bal- let recently successfully passed their Royal Academy of Dane- ing Children‘s Examinations grade 2: Lynda Addy - Pass Catherine Nishijama - Pass Plus, Laura Barrett - Pass Plus, Abigail Sellen - Pass Plus, Su- san Rodger - commended. Grade 3: Melanie Dugan - Pass Plus, Debra Smith â€" Pass Plus. There were no failures. TELL your neighbour, tell your friends, we are selling 12.463 empty frames â€"â€" most sizes. styles, finishes for 50c, $1, $2. $3. $4, $5. $6. $7. $8, $9. $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we'll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10,000 Picture Frames, 102 Doncasber Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues, Wed., Thurs, Fri, Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. “BE AN ANGEL” South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOU'R -â€" PHONE 889-5205 Second red star: Diane Carter Sheila Graham. Lynn Graham Judy Harrison. Leanne James: Patti Ward‘, Kelly Wilson. ‘ First blue star: Brenda Fair-iBarker. Tami Brmm. Barbie brother. Barby, Cathy and Darlâ€" Bryce and Donna Clarke. ene Trobak. Graduating certificate: Cindi Second blue star: Susan. Carâ€" Lowe, Brenda Fairbrother. Les- olyn and Judy Barrett, Loris lie Patterson and Susan Barrett Clarke, Nancy Cossford. Peggy Refreshments were servec Davidson, Donna Lowe, Lori which included a graduatior Martin, Leslie Patterson. Susan cake, after which the parent: Templeton, Denise Ward. joined the girls in singing The Richvale Lionettes will have their monthly euchre at the Lions’ Community Hall on Spruce Avenue at 8 pm on May 26 with prizes for the game winners and refreshments for all. Tickets will be available at the door for $1, and everyone is welcome. Community News Na‘ncy Arnica at the door for $1, and everyone As a finale. all the choirs in. IS WEICome- volved were grouped on stage Many young people from 10- i0 sing “The Emblem of Can- cal schools took part in the ada" directed by Music Super- York County Board of Educa- Visor Hugh Martin and accom- tion's Area 3 music night at panied by the Langstaff Band. Thornhill Secondary School on The applause W35 50 great that May 13. they ‘sang it again for an encore. It was presented to give the This large Eltoup ‘Yasucalled the students a chance to perform "York 111 5mg Rlng and ap. before a large audience, to give 99311311 tP have a great deal 0f the narents an idea of the musi- fun 1“ Slngmg- It was presented to give the students a chance to perform before a large audience, to give the parents an idea of the musi- cal abilities of the children,‘and to give the musicians the fun of making music together. The Langstaff Secondary School Senior Band and string ensemble played the prelude and intermission music, show- ing that they are a very capable group. They were directed by Teacher John Lockwood, who also played in the string en- semble. The choir from grades 4, 5 and 6 of Langstaff School sang “Shenandoah” and “Raindrops Falling On My Head” very Membership certificates: Mar- Of interest to members will be the second match in the Inter-County League which takes place on May 26. We will be hosts to our old rivals from Richmond Hill. Come and watch and‘give the team a bit of encourage- ment. Anyone interested in trying out for either the "A" or “B” team should be at the courts Sunday mornings for a team practice. HEALTH CLUB THORNHILI. 10 Royal Orchard Blvd. (PLAZA) 889-8494 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 34 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 FREE INCLUDES VIG TANNY’S NEW 12 DAY SLIMMING PROGRAM LANGSTAFF NEWS Thornhill Tennis Club 0 Aspecially designed nutritious 12 day dietary plan. 0 An illustrated set of supplementary exercises and progress chart. 0An introductory package of delicious Vic Tanny Diet Plan by Borden. Second gold star. graduating certificate and pin: Jean Barker. Tami Brmm. Barbie Bryce and Donna Clarke. Graduating certificate: Cindy Refreshments were served which included a graduation cake, after which the parents joined the girls in singing “Taps”. lene Quinn and Nancy Wérnica First gold star: Frances Els‘ ton. Cindy Lowe. beautifully under direction of Mrs. Jan Reeves. Roselawn Senior School grad- es 7 and 8 sang “Who Will Buy'3", a comic version of “Good Morning Starshine" di- rected by Teacher Douglas Black. All the musicians involved and their leaders gave their time voluntarily, practicing dur- ing spare time and lunch hours. TOWN OF MARKIâ€"IAM: Stu- dents of St. Patrick’s Separate School have completed 11 acci- dent free years under the pro- vincial government sponsored “Elmer” safety program. In recognition of this record the school was recently presented with the Consumer's Gas Com- pany Trophy by York North MP Barney Danson. Mrs. June Finch Phone 889-7091 VIC TANNY’S 10 other convenient Metro locations P - --0----~-----------1 Laos“.- -l -- ..m....... w For Expert Personal InsUrance Service anywhere in Markham and Vaughan Townships call A.I.I.C. General Insurance Home - Automobile - Business 7699 YONGE STREET. THORNHILL 889-6204, 889-4131 Where Knowledge and Experience Are On Your Side . . . PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS % ' GLASSES ' CONTACT LENSES “FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION” Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am- 9 pm Centre S.E. Corner Royal Orchard: & Baythom Discussion â€" 8 RM. - Refreshments SPEAKERS FRED YOUNG MPP | JOHN FISHER TRANSPORTATION Golden S. fizan NDP Member for Yorkview Vic Tanny’s, Canada’s largest and finest chain of Health Clubs, announces a great new pro- gram . . . a program designed to help men and women get in shape and feel better fast. In as little as 12 days you can slim off extra pounds and trim off inches. You’ll look better, feel beffer and have renewed vilalily, more energy for the busy fun months ahead. PUBLIC FORUM SPONSORED BY THE YORK CENTRE N.D.P. RIDING ASSOCIATION . . . North Thornhill Community WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th AUTOMOBILE 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 NOW ENROLLINP PHASE 1 "35%.:sz $(I50 R. B. SHELSTON, and the Tfllfi [8 THE TOTAL AVERAGE COST ON A COURSE BANS L Indlvldgallydfflgmd l JOHN FISHER of “Stop the Spadina Expressway” 76} ion: PER WEEK VT5-70-2

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