There was good nrervrvs, .too. Water rates will be reduced by 25% on StSPQQEiQQJS Reeve Stewart Rumble point- ed out. “We did not increase the parks and recreation or lib- rary board budgets as much as we would like to. nor have we increased the police budget. We are going to have some rise. but. we looked very carefully at everything to prevent unneces- sary increases in taxes." I All contingencies were deâ€" leted from the budget. pointed out Mr. King, in an effort to keep it as low as possible in an- ticipation of reassessment bringing up the tax burden, particularly on residential pro- perties. $138,598 will go to the York County Roman Catholic School Board, the remainder to the York County Board of Educa- tion. This is a 20.25 percent in- crease over last year. THORNHILL, ONT Markham's share of school costs will be $3.698.628 this year compared with $3.075,754 in 1969. Of this increase $138,598 will go to the York mwnsmp 15 estimated at 52.300390 for 1970. It was $2,006,850 in 1969 and $1,800,- 465 in 1968. ...â€"v.. v.. u... "and ulna nuu about 15 percent over last year. added to the tax bill this year. This. however, said Ward 3 major items are 5151-500 {01‘ - Councillor Eldred King chair- general administration, $141,000 Sfxerï¬tai6dÂ¥82iir§§reeg also“: man of the finance committee. for f"? PFOteCtion' $371350 man: I C Rel h [g]; "-119 will be largely offset by a 10 for Ponce- and $976900 for “ ge '. y p 0 a 19' percent increase in assessment mads- The dnjecmrs .have Swght to in memwnsmfl Anticipated revenues include fumi‘ the†fumes f.alt.hfll1.13’: The fatal budget for the 3; 5501900 provincja-I highways despite the many difï¬culties township; is estimated at Snb§ldy and provmdal De! encountered Fhfwgh‘mf' the 52300390 for 1970_ It was capxta grant of $139,000, :year by 1nd1v1dual direrfnr: He also referred to the credit union's establishment of a new Markham Township has not yet struck a mill rate. but bud- get estimates approved by coun- oil the other Week show an in- crease in the total budget of about 15 percent over last year. ELGIAN ART STUDIOS Markham Twp. Budget I Up 15 Percent For I970 J1 Credit Union membership meetlleï¬irEntâ€"fnl anerig} ing at Victoria Square Com- Union. munity Hall. 1 “Was an: nnï¬m John Burton was elected Mr. Bur-ton succeeds last} President May 1 at the 18th an~ year's head. Grant Mowat. nual membership meetingofthe 1p bowing out, Mr. Mowat Richmond Hill Cmmunity termed the past year “as an Credit Union membership meet- eventful eye [or your Credit H... _L 1r:,LA,-, :â€" INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 7 21 SAVE 6001; 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill], Ontario, Thursday, M. On End-of-Line Colors (While It Lasts) The smiles above are the kind you like to have flash at you the Richmond Hill Credit Union. Left to'right above, are the memb Mrs. Elizabeth Burns, Mrs. Mona Robertson, Mrs. Nancy Honeyman Missing from the picture is Mrs. Signe Snary. Occasion was meeting held at the Victoria Square Community Hall. TOP LINE Smile: To Their Crea’it Observing that the township ‘is carrying a burden of about half a million dollars in tax arrears, Deputy-reeve Anthony Roman urged that action be taken to collect this money. The arrears. he said. should not‘ be allowed to grow. ‘Vices. ' 7' I Of the $202,779.87 lent out. The total in 1969 wasg$67,317.50 was for automobile $6,101,454 and in 1958 it wasipurchases, $29,145 for debt conâ€" 35951315. Jsolidation: $11.750 real estate. The municipality's ï¬nancial $30,551.37 miscellaneous. report for 1969 was presented Other highlightSf InCI‘EaSES to the meeting. showing a sur- over last .Vear. Assets 44 percent. plus of $49940 for the year. Loans 40 percent. Shares 23 Observing that the townshipipercent. Deposits were up from is carrying a burden of about $8,186 to $47,039. Income was half a million dollars in tax up 27 percent. Expenses in- arrears, Deputy-reeve Anthony creased 42 percent. nA_“A" . The property owners of Mark- ham Township will be respons- ible for raising a total of $6,535,692 for all purposes, in- cluding schools and county ser- vices. Markham Township's share of the county levy for 1970 is $536,674. a 10.8 percent increase over the 1969 levy of $484,247. The township expects to spend $75,000 for parks and recreation services, $60,000 for library service. $500 for warble fly control and $1,000 for weed control. It has set aside $6.500 to pay costs of the municipal election next fall. Cost of sewer service will be struck off the water bills and added to the tax ‘bill this year. II' I VI l I I V [to provide personal 'cheq‘ureriixrié [services to our membership [and about. 25 percent because of a‘hope that Ver shortly any of surplus in the township‘s waterp'ou will be able to open deposit account. Mam-“nu- -â€" ...L:.I_ ,,, “We are optimistic concern- (With This Advertisement) 9114 YONGE ST. 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 Ulléfdl . lrnmo Dy by 1 hke to have flash at you if and when you borrow from right above, are the members of the credit committee: ;0n, Mrs. Nancy Hor_1eyman and Bruce Pyle. “Growth is our need, growth our desire. and growth is essen- Manager ï¬elph said his copgern was to the future The credit committee report that the loan demand during 1969 was met without delay. Loans granted totalled $202.- 779.87 and consisted of 303 lloans at an average of $669.18 per loan, In 1969 it was 210 loans at an average of $683.92 I per loan. Tam/ml! LIMITED 884-1062 Six loans were rejected. com- pared with 70 rejections the previous year. “The directors have sought to fulfil- their duties faithfully; despite the many difficulties encountered throughout the <year by individual directors such as increases in families, moving from the area. employ- ment responsibilities preventing attendance." you will be able to opén deï¬osit accounts on which you can write cheques if you desire. fling the growth of the credit union in the current fiscal year." he said. "Due to the tight money situation. there will be no shortage of loan applications. but We appeal to you. the mem- bers. to help us in any way you can to increase the members’ investment in their Credit Union. through shares and de- posits." Mr. Mowaf noted that “we have made applications to the appropriate provincial govern- ment department for permission Cash Sales No Returns 1% 889-1059 'ay 21, 1970 report during delay. $202.- main the 18th annilal membership Riding System Service available at RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE to make sure your tires do too. At Firestone we go a long, long way Directors for 1970 are: Grant Mowat, Jacob Bourbonniere. President Burton. Secretarylj Isobel Langlois. Vice-PresidentSw John Vrysen, Stewart Sciberasfï¬ and A] Clayton. Manager Relphl | 1 4 was appointed treasurer of the t t . . ( crecht unlon. - "In addition to savings. loans and insurance, “'e have recently added personal chequing ac- counts for you at a lower cost than other financial institutions. "As a credit union member you are entitled to join the study club that sponsors very low cost charter flights to many parts of the world. Save now â€"‘ fly later, or fly now pay later. The choice is yours â€"â€" through! your Credit Union." | “We are building up to a ‘one stop shopping centre’ â€" for Your financial business. to come. we need all members to use their Credit Union to the fullest extent. tial for all concerned. If your Credit Union is to grow and prosper in the seventies; if your Credit Union is to be of even more service to you in the years How does Riding System Service save you money? A minor problem can lead to bigger problems. For instance, if your wheels are out of align- ment, the tread will be scuffed 05 your tires. And chances are your ball joints and steering rods will suffer, too. < ’ é Roses Our Specialty â€" Soil For All Different Plants % “memwvwmwm‘ % And that’s why we specialize in Riding System Service. We put a lot into our tires to make sure they go along, long way. A lot of research in tire engineering labs. A lot of quality control in the plant. But even Firestone tires can’t go all the way if the Riding System is out of kilter. NOW OPEN CITY OF GLASS GARDEN CENTRE 114 CROSBY AVE YOUR ONE STOP GARDEN CENTRE OPEN SUNDAY BOX PLANTS EVERGREENS TREES. ETC. Phone 834-3933 RIDING SYSTEM SERVICE Ourtl'res goevenfartherwid‘l gtv‘FI'restone RICHMOND HILL STORES- 884-4401 That’s What Riding System Service is all about. On top of that, because we specialize in the Riding System, you beneï¬t from our mass purchasing of replacement parts. That saves you money, too. And, of course, your tires will go a long, long way to save you even more money. The Riding System Analysis is free. It’s the best bargain in town. What if you need service? Our prices are more than competitive. Hundreds of Firestone Stores and Dealers specialize in Riding System Service. They know what to look for. And they know how to fix it fast. That saves you money. So you can save a lot of money by spending a. few buckson a Wheel alignment. The big thing is to catch it in time. With 3. Riding System Analysis. Hdw much? kg 1.9 (Founded - 1957) DAY CAMP FOR CHILDREN (4 to 14 YEARS) SWIMMING AND CANOEING INSTRUCT] ARCHERY - CAMPCRAFT - HIKING OUTDOOR LIVING AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION For Photographic Folder Accredited Member of The Ontario Camping Assoc CAMP RICHILDAC Optional Extras: Riding CHARTERED BUS TRANSPORTATION 2 WEEK PERIODS, JULY 6 TO AUG. 28 PHONE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2844 Riding. Riflery. Sailing, Fishing Trips Overnights.